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Challenges When Converting Coal Fired Boilers To Natural Gas PDF

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Te c hn ic al Pu b lic ation

Challenges when Converting Coal-Fired

Boilers to Natural Gas


Stephen Black
Senior Engineer
Fuel Equipment Design
Riley Power Inc.
a Babcock Power Inc. company

Dave Bielunis
Senior Engineer
Boiler Performance Design
Riley Power Inc.
a Babcock Power Inc. company

Presented at
Council of Industrial Boilers (CIBO)
Industrial Emissions Control Technology
Conference & Natural Gas Conversion Workshop
August 2013
Portland, Maine


© Riley Power Inc., 2013

Challenges when Converting Coal-Fired Boilers
to Natural Gas


Stephen Black
Senior Engineer, Fuel Equipment Design
RILEY POWER INC., a Babcock Power Inc. company

Dave Bielunis
Senior Engineer, Boiler Performance Design
RILEY POWER INC., a Babcock Power Inc. company


Owners of existing coal-fired power plants today have a very compelling case to consider: the addition
of, or conversion to, natural gas firing. Lower natural gas prices and more stringent air emissions
regulations, in combination with the ability to burn natural gas with its inherently lower emissions
have created an atmosphere that warrants analysis. The owner must consider several factors including
gas pipeline availability, cost, permitting, timeline, fuel cost and volatility, fuel equipment, and boiler
equipment modifications. This paper will focus specifically on several aspects of the boiler that require
analysis when considering a gas conversion, including the boiler thermal performance and required
combustion system modifications.

This paper describes the required analysis and potential modifications to the boiler combustion system
and pressure parts, as well as the resultant change in boiler performance. The analysis will cover the
design aspects from the natural gas supply header through the boiler outlet. Topics include FEGT,
radiant superheater absorption, spray attemperation, back pass absorption, and potential pressure
part modifications. Wall-fired and T-fired PC boilers as well as stoker fired boiler gas conversions are
discussed. Several projects (studies and actual retrofits) from the experience of Riley Power Inc., a
Babcock Power Inc. company, are used to illustrate the range of modifications and the steps to a proper
up-front evaluation required for fuel conversion planning and analysis.

© Riley Power Inc., 2013


When evaluating the prospect of converting a coal-fired boiler to natural gas, there are a number
of factors that need to be independently evaluated. The combustion system modifications and
boiler performance impacts are several important aspects to be considered. The combustion system
modifications include the firing configuration, emission requirements, fuel supply, and controls. The
key boiler performance impacts include furnace exit gas temperature, radiant superheater absorption,
air and flue gas flow rates, heat transfer through sections, boiler efficiency, attemperator flow, and
tube metal temperatures. This paper will address these considerations and draw on examples for


Analysis of conversion of the combustion system starts at the current and desired firing configuration.
Is the unit wall fired, T-Fired, Turbo fired, or Stoker fired? When settled into a firing configuration,
more detailed considerations on the burner design and arrangement must be considered including
heat input and number of burners, flame length, system and individual burner turndown, valving
arrangement, and emissions requirements. This analysis must then be coupled with the boiler
performance impacts discussed later in this paper.

Firing Configuration

Natural gas is a very flexible and consistent fuel that allows for industrial and utility burners to
be designed for a wide range of heat inputs, from 25 to 250 MBtu/hr or more. At first glance, it is
economically appealing to consider using fewer burners with higher heat input to reduce the unit
conversion cost. This approach must be cautious, however, because the burner firing arrangement
must be mated with the furnace geometry and boiler design. When considering the number of burners
and firing arrangement, the furnace heat flux distribution and burner flame length should be evaluated
and optimized

Riley Power Inc. (RPI) was contacted to correct the boiler thermal performance issues of a stoker
fired unit that had been retrofitted with burners firing vertically up from the surface of the stoker.
In that installation the superheat temperature was significantly higher than the original design. To
resolve the issue, the client removed forty percent (40%) of the superheater surface to bring the final
steam temperature in line with the original design. This point is brought up to emphasize the need
to properly size the burner. In this case, the flame length was not fully considered, and resulted in
flames extending into the superheater. The optimum heat flux profile for the boiler considers keeping
the flames within the furnace and thus having higher furnace gas temperatures and lower furnace
exit gas temperatures.

In addition to flame length, side to side heat flux should also be evaluated. With too few burners across
the width of a unit, temperatures can potentially result in localized overheating of the superheater,
uneven temperatures across the unit, and in severe cases can cause uneven steam drum water
levels. This can be evaluated through knowledge of the burner design, as well as boiler thermal
hydraulic modeling. In addition, Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) modeling can be a powerful
tool to evaluate furnace thermal conditions.1 Figure 1 shows an example of the CFD modeling results
feasibility study that RPI performed on several wall fired boilers located in the Midwestern region of
the U.S., each rated at 1,000 kpph main steam flow. CFD modeling was used to analyze the furnace
temperature distribution and its impact on boiler thermal performance when switching the fuel from
bituminous coal to natural gas. In this case, the predicted furnace exit gas temperature between the
boiler thermal hydraulic model and the CFD model closely matched, giving greater confidence in the
accuracy of the model and boiler thermal predictions.

Figure 1 – Calculated Temperature Distributions through Horizontal and Vertical Burner Planes Firing Natural Gas

Emissions Requirements

In today’s regulatory environment, emissions play a significant role in boiler owners’ decision making,
and can be a key driver to convert to natural gas. Not only has natural gas had an attractive price in
recent years relative to other fuels, but it also offers the potential for lower stack emissions. Natural
gas combustion produces negligible mercury emissions, and has the potential to significantly reduce
NOx as well. Since commercial natural gas contains no sulfur except in the form of mercaptan (the
chemical that is added to odorize the gas) there are only trace amounts of SO2 emissions. Similarly,
since natural gas contains no Particulate Matter (PM), the PM emissions are virtually zero other than
“background” PM present in the combustion airflow or that which is swept from the boiler.

Regarding NOx, natural gas contains low fuel-bound nitrogen content and requires lower excess air for
combustion than coal. These mechanisms can contribute to low total NOx emissions that are primarily
formed from the thermal reaction between oxygen and nitrogen present in the air at high combustion
temperatures. A properly designed combustion system for good NOx control reduces the peak flame
temperature of the primary combustion zone thereby reducing the thermal NOx formation. State-of-
the-art low NOx gas burners, such as RPI’s low NOx STS® gas burner pictured in Figure 2, utilize fuel
and air staging to limit the thermal NOx formation present in highly turbulent and hot gas flames.2

Figure 2 – RPI STS® Low NOx Gas Burner

If low NOx burners alone are not sufficient to bring the unit into compliance, other combustion system
modifications can be made. Additional typical modifications to the combustion system include the
addition of OverFire Air (OFA) and Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR).

• Overfire air (OFA)

– Overfire air ports divert some of the combustion air away from the burners
(primary combustion zone) to lower the combustion temperatures and therefore
NOx emissions.
– Overfire air ports are typically located above the top row of burners.
– This technology can be used with other NOx control techniques such as
Low NOx burners and Flue Gas Recirculation.
– Modifications include the addition of ductwork, air registers, airflow
measurement, and boiler wall openings.
– The furnace performance and geometry must be evaluated to determine if
there is sufficient residence time in the furnace for CO burnout with the
installation of OFA.
• Flue gas recirculation (FGR)
– Flue gas from the outlet of the boiler is mixed with the combustion air to the
– FGR reduces the combustion temperature and lowers the localized O2
concentration in the primary combustion zone to achieve a reduction in NOx.
– Increasing the flue gas flow through the convective pass of the boiler increases
heat transfer.
– Retrofitting the boiler with this system involves new fans, ductwork and
dampers, control system, flow measurement and a mixing device.
– Increase in plant operating cost as a result of the FGR fan motor power

Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) modeling is a valuable tool that can be used to assess the
emissions performance and impact of the various combustion system modifications described above,
including airflow distribution, furnace temperatures, and CO and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)
distribution. Figures 3 and 4 depict a single burner CFD Model of the STS® Burner and a furnace
CFD model of the STS® burner coupled with OFA on a 258,000 lb/hr boiler with a down pass furnace
design at a West coast paper mill. The single burner model was used to determine the burner settings
required for the optimum burner near field flow patterns and the furnace model was used to evaluate
the effect of OFA on the furnace VOC, which was particularly important for this application because
the furnace combusted several waste fuel gases along with natural gas.

Figure 3 - CFD Model of the RPI STS® Low NOx Gas Burner

Figure 4 -CFD Furnace Model of RPI STS® Gas Burners & OFA Analyzing VOC Distribution

Beyond combustion system modifications, the use of chemical reagents including Selective Non-
Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) or Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) can further lower NOx emissions.
The SCR can be designed either as a stand-alone reactor vessel or, for natural gas, part of the ductwork
(in-duct SCR). For many industrial applications, combustion system modifications will be generally
less expensive in terms of both capital and operating costs, and can be designed to provide sufficient
levels of NOx reduction while firing natural gas such that SCR and SNCR become uneconomical and
are not required.

Fuel Supply

An obvious and major component in the evaluation of switching fuels is the supply of natural gas.
Without existing gas pipeline access, a plant can face significant costs for gas supply. After the gas
supply to the plant has been secured, the plant will need to install the proper piping and valving to
allow safe and reliable operation that meets the firing flexibilities required by the boiler. Although
valving and burner systems can be designed for lower pressures, it is ideal for the combustion system
to have a plant inlet supply of 25 psig or higher. Valve train piping and instrumentation requirements
for safe boiler operation are outlined in the latest edition of the National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA) boiler and combustion systems hazards code.3

In addition to the NFPA code, an understanding of the desired unit operation needs to be considered
when designing the natural gas supply system. Do the burners need to be operated independently,
or can they be fired as one? Does the burner have multiple gas manifolds, and do they need to be
controlled independently? Is a total unit gas flow control adequate, or is heat input biasing necessary?
The system designer should investigate these questions, as there are inherent tradeoffs between
flexibility and system cost.

Riley Power recently participated in field testing on a wall fired boiler rated at 1,779,000 lb/hr of
main steam flow. The boiler is an opposed fired design with two (2) levels of burners on both the front
and rear walls. The natural gas supply system to the boiler utilized a single flow control valve for all
the burners. The plant operation wanted the ability to bias heat input in between different levels of
burners, but the single control did not allow it. Furthermore, when bringing individual burners in
and out of service, the single control valve set up could cause pressure fluctuations among the other
burners in service, and required close monitoring by operations. This same drawback of having a

single flow control valve has been observed on other boilers.4 As a result of the operations feedback, the
plant is undertaking an effort to install a flow control valve at each level of burners to allow for heat
input biasing as well as limit the fluctuations when taking burners in and out of service. Thus requires
the need to consider the desired boiler operation when designing the gas supply system.

Controls Modifications

A fuel conversion will require an update to the plant’s Burner Management System (BMS), which
is the control system that is dedicated to the safe and proper operation of the combustion system.
Many of the considerations necessary to design a safe and proper BMS for a variety of boiler types
are outlined in the latest edition of the NFPA boiler and combustion systems hazards code.3 Burner
Management Systems are generally implemented in two types of platforms. The most common for
utilities is in a plant wide Distributive Control System (DCS). In industrial boilers, there is a mix of
DCS as well as Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) based systems. When switching from coal to gas,
BMS logic must be developed for implementation into the DCS or PLC hardware.

Typically, new scanners or a scanner upgrade will be required when converting from coal to gas.
Natural gas flames emit a higher intensity of radiation in the ultraviolet (UV) zone than coal flames
and are therefore typically monitored with UV scanners, while coal flames are typically monitored
with infrared (IR) scanners. The different flame spectrum wavelength between the two fuels is also
attributable to differences in flame emissivity and boiler radiant heat pickup, which is discussed in the
boiler performance section below.


One of the first questions that may come to mind when considering converting a coal-fired boiler to
natural gas is, “What happens to the boiler performance when firing natural gas, and does this require
any equipment modifications?” This section of the paper discusses various parameters that must be
analyzed, and provides performance comparisons for five (5) different industrial boilers that were
selected from past coal to gas conversion projects. Table 1 identifies the original performance and
general description of each of the five (5) boilers discussed throughout the remaining sections of the

Table 1 – Original Performance of Natural Gas Conversion Boiler Case Studies

Parameter Boiler 1 Boiler 2 Boiler 3 Boiler 4 Boiler 5

Steam Flow (lb/hr) 150,000 150,000 170,000 325,000 275,000
Steam Temp. (°F) 735 550 760 905 750
Steam Press. (psia) 630 190 490 890 655
Feedwater Temp. (°F) 350 214 360 350 335
Drum Press. (psia) 650 206 - 967 674
Superheat Attemperation No No Yes Added Later Yes
Original Fuel Bituminous Bituminous Coal Bituminous Bituminous
Coal Coal Coal Coal
Firing Arrangement PC / Wall- PC / Wall- Traveling PC / Wall- PC / Wall-
Fired Fired Grate Spreader Fired Fired
Superheat Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Air Heater Type Ljungstrom Tubular Tubular Ljungstrom Ljungstrom

Furnace Exit Gas Temperature (FEGT)

Furnace Exit Gas Temperature (FEGT) is the temperature of flue gas leaving the furnace and entering
the convective backpass of the boiler. This is an important factor to determine, as it affects many aspects
of boiler performance.

It is typical when converting to natural gas from coal firing for the FEGT to increase. The reason this
occurs is because the emissivity of the flame from natural gas firing is lower than that for coal. Therefore
furnace water wall absorption is typically lower with natural gas firing. The heat from combustion that
is not absorbed by the furnace water walls produces a higher FEGT entering the backpass.

The FEGT for Boilers 1-5, for coal and natural gas firing is displayed in Figure 5. The results demonstrate
that there is a trend for the FEGT to increase when switching from coal firing to natural gas. Note that
in the case of Boiler 2, there was a slight decrease in the FEGT when firing natural gas. The FEGT
for coal firing represents the original predicted performance. Recent coal-fired FEGT data didn’t exist
because the plant has been firing natural gas for a number of years. The noted decrease in FEGT is due
to the fact that the original coal can be classified as a high fouling coal. A high fouling coal will tend to
have a high FEGT. The fouling of the furnace walls insulates them reducing the amount of heat that
can be absorbed. The FEGT resulting from firing a high fouling coal often exceeds the FEGT that would
be produced firing natural gas. However, in general, FEGT is more likely to increase with natural gas
firing when switching from low and medium fouling coals.

As previously stated it is a very important to understand how FEGT changes when switching from
coal to natural gas firing. An increase in FEGT will affect final steam temperatures, requiring greater

Data for each boiler is at 100% MCR load.

Furnace Exit Gas Temperature (°F)





Boiler 1 Boiler 2 Boiler 3 Boiler 4 Boiler 5

Coal Natural Gas Coal vs. Natural Gas Firing

Figure 5 – FEGT for Coal vs. Natural Gas Firing

attemperator flowrates, or other means of steam temperature control. If an increase in steam
temperature is acceptable from a performance standpoint, it would also warrant a review of the tube
metal temperatures to ensure allowable stress values and material temperature limits are not exceeded.
In some cases, pressure part modifications may be required.

Radiant Superheater Absorption

Radiant superheater absorption is another important parameter that should be addressed. Although
most industrial boilers don’t utilize a radiant superheater section, (Boilers 1-5 don’t have a radiant
superheater) it is still important to understand how this section may be affected.

Radiant superheater absorption typically decreases when switching from coal to natural gas firing. The
reasoning for such is due to the same principals resulting in changes to FEGT. The flame emissivity
for natural gas is less than that of coal. Since the primary mode of heat transfer for all surfaces within
the furnace is by radiation, the radiant superheater therefore is unable to absorb as much heat when
firing natural gas.

A reduction in radiant superheater absorption will mean that final steam temperature may not be
achievable. However, this is often offset by greater heat transfer in the convective pass sections caused
by the increase in FEGT.

Combustion Air and Flue Gas Flowrates

Differences in combustion air and flue gas flowrates should be evaluated when switching from coal to
natural gas firing. Table 2 provides a summary of the fuel, air, and flue gas flowrates, as well as fuel
Higher Heating Value (HHV), dry air requirements, and excess air for the five (5) boiler case studies.

It should be observed that natural gas as a fuel has a much higher BTU content than coal when
compared on a weight basis. This means less fuel is required. However it also means that there is a
greater dry air requirement per pound of fuel for stoichiometric conditions.

Typical coal fired applications operate with approximately 20% excess air. When firing natural gas,
excess air of 7-12% is a good range for proper combustion and low emissions.

(Note: Changes in boiler efficiency due to fuel switching will also have impact on fuel flow, and therefore
the combustion air and flue gas flowrates. Boiler efficiency shall be discussed later in this paper.)

Table 2 – Fuel, Air, and Flue Gas Data for Natural Gas Conversion Boiler Case Studies
Boiler 1 Boiler 2 Boiler 3
Parameter Units
Coal Natural Gas Coal NG Coal NG
HHV Btu/lb 12,003 23,135 12,300 21,457 11,617 22,250
Fuel Flow lb/hr 15,517 8,512 15,512 9,300 17,493 9,682
Dry Air Req'd Per Lb Fuel lb/lb 10.5 18.0 10.7 17.0 12.6 17.4
Combustion Air Flow lb/hr 164,495 155,262 168,675 160,493 222,950 170,485
Excess Air % 16.4 10.0 22.0 10.0 47.1 10.0
Flue Gas Flow lb/hr 178,224 163,774 182,227 169,793 239,162 180,167
Boiler 4 Boiler 5
Parameter Units
Coal NG Coal NG
HHV Btu/lb 11,700 23,144 12,195 23,175
Fuel Flow lb/hr 35,484 18,714 31,833 17,730
Dry Air Req'd Per Lb Fuel lb/lb 10.9 20.5 10.7 18.7
Combustion Air Flow lb/hr 390,382 388,875 344,521 335,184
Excess Air % 25.0 10.0 18.6 11.7
Flue Gas Flow lb/hr 420,372 360,698 372,801 352,914

Figure 6 is a bar graph showing combustion air and flue gas flowrates side by side for the five (5)
boiler case studies. In general when switching from coal to natural gas firing, combustion air and flue
gas flowrates decrease slightly. Note however the change in air flowrate is not always proportional
to the change in flue gas flowrate. In some instances the change in flue gas flowrate can be much
greater than the change in air flowrate. This is a result of how the differences in dry air requirements,
excess air, and change in boiler efficiency affect the combustion requirements. For example, compare
Boilers 3 and 4. There was a very large decrease in combustion air when switching from coal to
natural gas for Boiler 3, but only a very small reduction for Boiler 4. In this case the large decrease
in excess air for Boiler 3 was the governing factor causing the large reduction in combustion airflow.

A decrease in combustion air and flue gas flowrate is good from the perspective of fan performance, as
the duty requirements will decrease slightly.

A decrease in the flue gas flowrate however will have an offset effect to the total amount of heat
available to the convective backpass. As discussed earlier, the increase in FEGT that is typical with
a coal to natural gas conversion adds heat to the backpass circuit. Decreases in flue gas flowrate will
decrease the heat available to the backpass circuit.

Data for each boiler is at 100% MCR load.

Combustion Air: Coal
Combustion Air & Flue Gas Flowrates (lb/hr)

400,000 Combustion Air: Natural Gas

Flue Gas: Coal
350,000 Flue Gas: Natural Gas







Boiler 1 Boiler 2 Boiler 3 Boiler 4 Boiler 5

Boiler Case Study

Figure 6 – Combustion Air & Flue Gas Flowrates for Coal vs. Natural Gas Firing

Heat Transfer through Sections

The heat transfer profile through the various boiler sections can be impacted when switching to natural
gas due to several parameters.

The increase in FEGT when switching to natural gas automatically provides a boost in the heat content
of the flue gas entering the convective backpass sections.

A change in the flue gas flowrate entering the backpass due to changes in dry airflow requirements,
excess air, and boiler efficiency, will also have an impact on the heat transfer profile. A general decrease
in flue gas flowrate will offset the increase in flue gas heat content due to higher FEGT values.

The convective heat transfer sections can also be up to 15% more effective when firing natural gas,
than with coal. The reasoning for this is that coal contains ash. Different coals will have varying
propensities to foul the heat transfer surfaces with this ash. This reduces the heat transfer in these
sections and is the main reason cleaning devices such as sootblowers are used in pulverized coal
boilers. Natural gas doesn’t contain ash, and does not foul the heat transfer surfaces. Therefore, the
surface heat transfer effectiveness increases when firing natural gas, allowing the surfaces to absorb
more heat than typical from firing coal.

A side by side comparison of the surface heat transfer profile through Boilers 1, 2, and 4 for both coal
and natural gas, is provided in Figure 7, Figure 8, and Figure 9. (Heat transfer data wasn’t available
for Boiler 3 and 5.) It can be observed from all cases that furnace heat absorption decreased, which is
consistent with the principal that the flame emissivity is lower for natural gas firing. The superheater
section heat absorption increased in each case which is likely due to the increase in FEGT and surface
effectiveness. The boiler bank heat absorption decreased which was likely due to the reduced flue gas
flowrates, and increased absorption effectiveness of the upstream superheater. Therefore the resulting
flue gas temperature entering the boiler bank was likely lower. The air heater absorption was lower
which was due to lower air and flue gas flowrates through the heater, and a lower inlet flue gas
temperature due to higher absorption upstream and the reduced flue gas flowrate.

Boiler 1 Data for each boiler is at 100% MCR load.

Heat Transfer through Sections (MBtu/hr)






Furnace Superheater Boiler Bank Economizer Air Heater

Coal Natural Gas Coal vs. Natural Gas Firing

Figure 7 – Surface Heat Transfer Profile for Boiler 1 Coal vs. Natural Gas Firing

Boiler 2 Data for each boiler is at 100% MCR load.

Heat Transfer through Sections (MBtu/hr)






Furnace Superheater Boiler Bank Economizer Air Heater

Coal Natural Gas Coal vs. Natural Gas Firing

Figure 8 – Surface Heat Transfer Profile for Boiler 2 Coal vs. Natural Gas Firing

Boiler 4 Data for each boiler is at 100% MCR load.

Heat Transfer through Sections (MBtu/hr)





Furnace Superheater Boiler Bank Economizer Air Heater

Coal Natural Gas Coal vs. Natural Gas Firing

Figure 9 – Surface Heat Transfer Profile for Boiler 4 Coal vs. Natural Gas Firing

Boiler Efficiency

Switching from coal to natural gas firing can significantly impact boiler efficiency. In general, switching
to natural gas will result in a decrease of boiler efficiency between 2-5 percentage points. Table 3
provides a boiler efficiency comparison for the five (5) boiler case studies, showing the changes in the
major types of losses.

The main reason for the decrease in overall boiler efficiency is due to a large increase in losses due
to the moisture generated from the combustion of hydrogen in the natural gas fuel. Natural gas has
much greater hydrogen content than coal. The combustion of hydrogen forms water by combining
with oxygen. The efficiency loss is a result of evaporating the water produced and raising it up to
the adiabatic temperature during the combustion process. This process requires a lot of energy. This
energy is no longer available to generate steam within the boiler.

The loss due to the combustion of hydrogen is partially offset by a few other types of losses. Dry flue
gas loss typically decreases by a few percentage points. This is due to the lower temperature and
quantity of flue gas leaving the air heater. The reasons for this were described in the previous sections.

There is also no fuel moisture loss with natural gas, as the fuel doesn’t contain moisture. The loss
associated with coal fuel moisture is due to the same principles as loss due to the moisture generated
from the combustion of hydrogen.

There is also no unburned carbon loss with natural gas, as the fuel burns completely.

As shown in Table 3 the net change in losses generally increases and this should be considered when
performing a switch to natural gas. In some instances however, such as in the case of Boiler 3, efficiency
losses may be nearly unchanged. Boiler 3 was unique in that it had quite a large reduction in dry flue
gas loss (due to reducing excess air from 47% with coal to 10% with natural gas), and eliminating an
unburned carbon loss of 2% when firing coal. (Note the carbon loss of 2% is attributed to the fact that
this boiler is a stoker fired boiler, and a 2% carbon loss is typical for this design. In addition it should
be noted that 47% excess air was the as-tested measurement, and the reasoning for such magnitude
is unknown.)

Table 3 – Boiler Efficiency Data for Natural Gas Conversion Boiler Case Studies

Boiler 1 Boiler 2 Boiler 3

Parameter Units
Coal Natural Gas Coal Natural Gas Coal Natural Gas
Dry Flue Gas Loss 6.45 5.07 6.16 4.32 7.83 4.73
Moisture in Fuel Loss 0.88 0.00 0.48 0.00 1.38 0.00
Moisture from H2 Comb Loss 4.05 10.78 3.94 10.54 4.18 10.68
Air Moisture Loss % 0.15 0.13 0.15 0.11 0.19 0.12
Unburned Carbon Loss 0.85 0.00 1.10 0.00 2.00 0.00
Radiation Loss 0.40 0.40 0.49 0.49 0.55 0.55

Total Losses 12.8 16.4 12.3 15.5 16.1 16.1

Boiler 4 Boiler 5
Parameter Units
Coal Natural Gas Coal Natural Gas
Dry Flue Gas Loss 5.64 4.77 5.45 4.93
Moisture in Fuel Loss 0.50 0.00 0.64 0.00
Moisture from H2 Comb Loss 4.07 10.63 3.97 10.78
Air Moisture Loss % 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.13
Unburned Carbon Loss 0.60 0.00 0.50 0.00
Radiation Loss 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.32

Total Losses 11.3 15.9 11.0 16.2

Figure 10 presents a bar graph summarizing the differences in total boiler losses when switching from
coal to natural gas, for the five (5) boiler case studies.

Data for each boiler is at 100% MCR load.



Total Boiler Losses (%)



Boiler 1 Boiler 2 Boiler 3 Boiler 4 Boiler 5
Boiler Case Study
Natural Gas

Figure 10 – Change in Boiler Losses for Coal vs. Natural Gas Firing

Attemperator Flow Evaluation

Typically when switching from coal to natural gas firing superheat spray attemperator flow will
increase significantly. This is due to a hotter FEGT temperature, and the increase in superheater heat
absorption effectiveness with natural gas firing.

Table 4 provides a summary of how the attemperator flow changes when switching to natural gas.
Data is only provided for Boilers 3 and 4 because the other units don’t have an attemperator system,
which can be common for industrial boilers. Note however that main steam outlet temperature rose
on Boilers 1 and 2 from 693°F to 717°F, and from 550°F to 584°F respectively. This was expected when
switching from coal to natural gas firing, and is the reason why the additional spray was required for
Boilers 3 and 4. Not enough data was available from Boiler 5 to make this comparison.

Boiler 3 uses a spray type attemperator which is typically found on utility sized boilers. One can see
that the steam temperature entering the desuperheater rises when firing natural gas due to reasons
previously described. Therefore spray flow must increase to regulate the final outlet temperature.

Boiler 4 uses a mud drum type attemperator where a portion of the steam is sent through a heat
exchanger located in the mud drum. The mud drum contains the boiler water / steam emulsion, and
is therefore at a lower temperature (saturation temperature) than superheated steam. This cools the

steam flowing through the desuperheater before mixing again with main steam flow prior to the boiler
outlet. This type is more common on industrial boilers. For Boiler 4 only a direct comparison can be
made at 75% MCR load because coal data at 100% MCR was not available. The data shows that in
this instance the amount of steam bypassed to the mud drum desuperheater was mainly unchanged
when switching to natural gas. The reasoning for this is that this boiler has screen tubes upstream of
the superheater. The flue gas temperature leaving the screen and entering the superheater for both
the coal and natural gas case was about the same, except the flue gas flowrate for natural gas firing
was reduced.

Not all industrial units will have an attemperator system. However if steam temperature control is a
plant requirement, a review of the attemperator impact is warranted.

Table 4 – Attemperator Data for Natural Gas Conversion Boiler Case Studies

Boiler 3 Boiler 4*
Parameter Units
Coal Natural Gas Coal Natural Gas Natural Gas
Load % MCR 100 100 75 75 100
Type of Attemperator Station Spray Mud Drum Desuperheater

SH Temp Before Spray °F 779 815 783 752 777

SH Temp After Spray °F 755 760 707 691 709

Total Superheat Steam Flow lb/hr 159,485 170,000 245,000 245,000 325,000

Spray Water Temp °F 352 352

Spray Water Flow lb/hr 1,897 4,671

Saturation Temp (Drum) °F 527 527 537

Superheat Flow thru Mud Drum lb/hr 61,781 57,008 75,097
*100% MCR coal data was not available for Boiler 4

Tube Metal Temperatures and Pressure Part Modifications

Tube metal temperatures for the boiler heating surfaces should be evaluated prior to performing a
natural gas conversion. There are several factors identified in this paper that could affect tube metal
temperatures. These factors include increased FEGT, increased absorption effectiveness of the heating
surfaces, and a reduction in flue gas flowrate. While these factors contribute to both increasing and
decreasing tube metal temperatures, a net increase in tube metal temperatures is generally observed
when performing this fuel conversion.

Boiler 3 was used as an example to identify the need to upgrade pressure part materials due to
increasing tube metal temperatures. Note not all of the 5 boilers outlined in this paper required
material upgrades. The superheater on Boiler 3 contains four (4) inlet loops of SA210-A1 material,
and one (1) outlet loop of SA209-T1. The study identified that the outlet loop was the primary concern
when switching fuels. Table 5 summarizes the operating conditions of the outlet loop. The data shows
that the calculated midwall temperature is within the limit for coal and natural gas firing conditions.
However, the calculated outer wall temperature is above the oxidation limit for SA209-T1 when
firing natural gas. Therefore, the particular study performed for Boiler 3 had recommended that the
outer loop material be upgraded to SA213-T11 material. (See material diagram below in Figure 11.)

SA-209 T1


SA-210 A1

Figure 11 – Boiler 3 Superheater Tube Metal Diagram

Table 5 – Tube Metal Temperature Data for Natural Gas Conversion Boiler Case Studies

Boiler 3
Parameter Units
Coal Natural Gas
Flue Gas Inlet Temp °F 1,650 1,916
Flue Gas Outlet Temp °F 1,240 1,337

Steam Inlet Temp °F 472 470

Steam Outlet Temp °F 778 820

Calculated Tube Midwall Temp °F 827 902

Tube Midwall Temp Limit °F 1,017 1,017

Calculated Tube Outer Wall Temp °F 829 904

Tube Outer Wall Temp Limit °F 900 900

Another point to consider is that steam temperatures are likely to increase as well due to the same
principles that cause the rise in tube metal temperatures. Depending on whether the boiler has a steam
temperature control system, whether metal temperatures are permissible, or whether the plant has
requirements for maximum steam temperature limits, plants may also want to consider the removal of
heating surface. This would be another method to ensure the aforementioned criteria are met.


This paper discussed the boiler and combustion system review that should take place when evaluating
the prospect of converting a boiler from coal to natural gas.

The following combustion system parameters must be considered when converting from coal to natural

• The firing configuration and burner performance should be coupled with the
boiler thermal performance requirements.
• Emissions requirements need to be considered when selecting a combustion
system design.
• The gas fuel supply should be designed for safe operation that meets the required
boiler firing flexibilities.
• The burner management system needs to be updated to control to the new fuel.

The following changes in performance are typical when converting from coal to natural gas.

• Furnace exit gas temperature (FEGT) increases, due to the lower emissivity of the
natural gas flame.
• Furnace water wall and radiant superheater absorption decreases, due to the
lower emissivity of the natural gas flame.
• Natural gas fuel flowrates on a weight basis decrease over coal, due to a greater
higher heating value for natural gas than coal.
• Dry air requirements to fully combust natural gas fuels increase over coal, but the
amount of excess air required decreases.
• Combustion air and flue gas flowrates generally decrease when firing natural gas.
• Heating surface absorption effectiveness increases with natural gas due to the
absence of ash in the fuel, which fouls heating surfaces in coal fired applications.
• Heat transfer through the convective heating surfaces increases, especially
for surfaces near the furnace outlet. This is due to the increased FEGT and surface
absorption effectiveness. This is offset somewhat by a decrease in flue gas flowrate.
Note that heat transfer through downstream sections may decrease. This is due
to the increased upstream absorption effectiveness and reduced flue gas flowrate,
effectively reducing the net heat remaining in the flue gas by the time it reaches
these sections.
• Total boiler losses increase significantly primarily due to the increase in the
evaporation of water in the flue gas, formed during the combustion of hydrogen
in the fuel. Natural gas has significantly more hydrogen than coal. This increase
in loss is offset somewhat by a decrease in the dry flue gas loss, the elimination of
the fuel moisture loss, and the elimination of the unburned carbon loss.
• Attemperator flowrates typically increase when converting to natural gas. This is
due to higher steam temperatures as a result of the higher FEGT and increased
surface absorption effectiveness.
• Tube metal temperatures may increase due to higher steam and flue gas
temperatures. This may require upgrading pressure part materials.
• Pressure part modifications may be required if the plant has limits on the
maximum steam temperature, if the unit doesn’t have a means of steam
temperature control, or if metal temperatures are above permissible limits.


The authors wish to acknowledge the significant contributions of several other individuals involved
in the engineering development and applications referenced in this paper. Darrell Dorman was
responsible for the engineering of the STS® low NOx burner applications discussed, and Kenneth
Hules and Vlad Zarnescu were responsible for CFD modeling applications that were discussed.

1. Hules, R., K., and Penterson, C., “Computational Fluid Dynamics for Cost-Effective Solutions for
Problems in Complex Burner and Combustion Systems”, Power-Gen International 2005,
Las Vegas, NV, December 2005.
2. Dorman, D., and Dube, R., “Recent Gas and Oil Low NOx Retrofit Experience”, Presented at the
1996 Annual Joint Power Generation Conference, Houston, Texas, October 1996.
3. National Fire Protection Association, “Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code
(2011 Edition)”, Quincy, MA, 2011.
4. Courtemanche, B., and Penterson, C., “Dual Fuel Firing – The New Future for the Aging U.S.
Based Coal-Fired
Boilers”, Presented at the 37th International Technical Conference on Clean Coal and Fuel
Systems, Clearwater, Florida, June 2012.

Copyright © 2013 by Riley Power Inc.

A Babcock Power Inc. Company
All Rights Reserved

The contents of this paper contain the views and analyses of the individual authors only. The paper is offered to chronicle
developments and/or events in the field, but is not intended and is not suitable to be used for other purposes, including as a
professional design or engineering document. Babcock Power Inc., its subsidiaries and employees, make no representations or
warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this paper, and disclaim any liability for the use of or reliance
upon all or any portion of the contents of this paper by any person or entity.

© Babcock Power Inc., 2013

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