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Chapter 5Oil/Water Separators

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Chapter 5Oil/Water Separators

5.1 Introduction
The intended use of an oil/water separator(s) (OWS) determines whether the separator is subject to the
SPCC regulations and, if so, what provisions are applicable. This chapter explains the applicability of the SPCC
rule to OWS, and clarifies the exemption for certain uses, including equipment, vessels, and containers that are
not specifically called “OWS” but perform oil/water separation, such as water clarifiers at wastewater treatment
plants. This chapter also discusses the alternative compliance options for flow-through process vessels at oil
production facilities.
Table 5-1 below outlines the SPCC rule applicability for various uses of OWS. Only OWS used exclusively
to treat wastewater and not used to satisfy any requirement of 40 CFR part 112 are exempt from all SPCC
requirements. OWS used in oil production, recovery or recycling and to meet the secondary containment
requirements of the rule are not exempt.
Table 5-1: SPCC rule applicability for various uses of OWS.

Wastewater Treatment Secondary Containment Oil Production Oil Recovery and/or

Separators are exempt from Separators that are used as Separators are bulk storage Separators are not exempt
all SPCC requirements in part of a secondary containers and are not and count toward the
accordance with containment system and are exempt; they count toward facility storage capacity.
§112.1(d)(6) and do not not intended for oil storage the facility storage capacity. Separators are oil-filled
count toward facility or use do not themselves They are subject to the manufacturing equipment
storage capacity. require secondary provisions of §§112.7 and subject to the provisions of
containment and do not §§112.9(c) or 112.11(b) and §112.7 and §§112.8(b) and
count toward facility (d). (d) or 112.12(b) and (d), as
storage capacity. However, applicable.101

they are subject to the

design specifications (e.g.,
capacity) for the secondary
containment requirements
with which they are
designed to comply.

The §§112.8(c) and 112.12(c) provisions for bulk storage containers do not apply because oil/water separators at these facilities
function as oil-filled manufacturing equipment and are not bulk storage containers.


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Chapter 5: Oil/Water Separators

The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows:

 Section 5.2 summarizes applicable SPCC rule provisions to the four uses of OWS identified

 Section 5.3 discusses the exemption for the use of an OWS as wastewater treatment.

 Section 5.4 addresses applicable SPCC requirements for the use of an OWS as secondary

 Section 5.5 discusses applicable SPCC requirements for the use of an OWS at oil production

 Section 5.6 discusses applicable SPCC requirements for the use of an OWS at oil recovery or
recycling facilities.

 Section 5.7 describes required documentation for OWS and the role of the EPA inspector in
reviewing facilities with OWS.

5.2 Overview of Provisions Applicable to OWS

The following paragraphs briefly summarize the four uses of OWS and identify the SPCC provisions
applicable to each. These requirements are discussed in greater detail in Sections 5.3 through 5.6.

5.2.1 Wastewater Treatment Facilities

Section 112.1(d)(6) of the SPCC rule addresses OWS used for wastewater treatment. Facilities or
equipment used exclusively for wastewater treatment, and which do not satisfy any requirements of the SPCC
rule, are exempt from the SPCC rule requirements. These OWS do not count toward facility storage capacity.
Whether a wastewater treatment facility or part thereof is used exclusively for wastewater treatment or used
to satisfy an SPCC requirement will often be a facility-specific determination based upon the activities carried
out at the facility and upon its configuration.

5.2.2 OWS Used for Secondary Containment

OWS used to meet the SPCC requirements for general secondary containment, sized secondary
containment, or facility drainage are subject to applicable rule requirements, but they do not count toward
storage capacity. These include OWS that are used to meet the secondary containment requirements of
§§112.7(c), 112.7(h)(1), 112.8(c)(2), 112.8(c)(11), 112.12(c)(2), and/or 112.12(c)(11). Drainage systems that
satisfy the secondary containment requirements may use OWS to recover oil and return it to the facility (see
Chapter 4: Secondary Containment and Impracticability for a description of secondary containment
requirements). Additionally, the drainage provisions in §§112.8(b) and 112.9(b) set forth design specifications
for secondary containment at a facility.


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Chapter 5: Oil/Water Separators

5.2.3 Oil Production Facilities

Production, recovery, and recycling of oil are not considered wastewater treatment and, thus, are not
eligible for the wastewater treatment exemption. For purposes of §112.1(d)(6), such activities also include
recovery and recycling of crude oil at facilities associated with, and/or downstream of, production facilities, such
as saltwater disposal (produced water) and injection facilities.
OWS associated with oil production activities are subject to §112.7 and applicable provisions of §112.9
for onshore oil production facilities or §112.11 for offshore oil production facilities. Examples of OWS associated
with oil production, separation, and treatment include free water knockouts, two- and three-phase separators,
and gun barrels.

5.2.4 Oil Recovery and/or Recycling Facilities

Oil recycling and recovery activities that collect and consolidate production fluids from multiple oil
production facilities in an effort to further recover and treat oil prior to the disposal of production fluids are not
eligible for the wastewater treatment exemption because the operations focus on oil treatment rather than
wastewater treatment. These operations typically specialize in the treatment of production fluids and other oil
recovery activities, and may include disposal and injection of production fluids. Other oil recycling operations
include waste oil recyclers not associated with oil production operations (e.g., motor oil recyclers) and facilities
engaged in the recovery and/or recycling of animal fats and vegetable oils (AFVO).
Figure 5-1 to Figure 5-4 illustrate rule requirements or exemptions based upon the use of OWS at SPCC-
regulated facilities.


Figure 5-1: OWS subject to wastewater treatment exemption.

Are exempt from all

SPCC requirements in
accordance with
§112.1(d)(6) and not
subject to the rule“

Do not count toward

overall storage capacity at
**Any oil storage container that
the facility” is used to hold oil removed
from the separation process is
considered a bulk storage
container and must comply with
SPCC requirements
Chapter 5: Oil/Water Separators

Figure 5-2: OWS used to satisfy SPCC rule requirements.


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Chapter 5: Oil/Water Separators

Figure 5-3: OWS at oil production facilities.

Figure 5-4: OWS at oil recovery and/or recycling facilities.
Onshore QII Recycling or Oil Recovery Facilities

OWS are oil-filled

equipment and not bulk
storage containers

Subject to §112.7
requirements including
§112.7(c) general
secondary containment

Petroleum and Non-

petroleum Oil Facilities
AFVO Facilities
(except AFVO) Subject to requirements of
Subject to requirements of
§112.12(b) §112.12(d)
§112.8(b) §112.8(d)

Count toward overall

storage capacity at the
**Any oil storage container that is
facility used to hold oil removed from
the separation process is
considered a bulk storage
container and must comply with
SPCC requirements

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Chapter 5: Oil/Water Separators

5.3 OWS Used for Wastewater Treatment

5.3.1 OWS Used for Wastewater Treatment

OWS used to pre-treat wastewater are typically standard gravity or enhanced gravity separators. 102
Standard gravity separators, as illustrated in Figure 5-5 (separator designs may vary), are liquid containment
structures that provide sufficient hydraulic retention time to allow oil droplets to rise to the surface. The oil
forms a separate layer that can then be removed by skimmers, pumps, or other methods. The wastewater outlet
is located below the oil level so that water leaving the separator is free of the oil that accumulates at the top of
the unit. The inlet is often fitted with diffusion baffles to reduce turbulent flow that might prevent effective
separation of the oil and might re-suspend settled pollutants.
Figure 5-5: Standard gravity oil/water separator.

Enhanced gravity separators allow the separation of smaller oil droplets within confined spaces. These
separators use a variety of coalescing media and small diameter cartridges that enhance laminar flow and
separation of smaller oil droplets that accumulate on the separator surface for removal. Figure 5-6 shows
coalescing plates in the middle compartment (separator designs may vary).

Other types of separators include vortex separators, which combine gravity with centrifugal forces.


Chapter 5: Oil/Water Separators

Figure 5-6: Enhanced gravity oil/water separator.

OWS are flow-through equipment in which wastewater enters the separator and treated water exits the
separator typically on a continual basis. To be effective, the OWS is sized appropriately in order for the unit to
separate and contain the intended oil capacity, in addition to the flow-through wastewater quantity. Also, the
design flow rate of the OWS is carefully considered when specifying a wastewater treatment system, as a flow
rate above the maximum rate of the separator will cause the discharge of accumulated oil and/or untreated
wastewater. The specifications from OWS manufacturers typically outline these and other design factors and
considerations, along with operation and maintenance requirements, to ensure that the OWS is correctly
constructed and operated for its intended use.

5.3.2 Applicability of the SPCC Rule to OWS Used for Wastewater Treatment
Section 112.1(d)(6) exempts “any facility or part thereof” that is used exclusively for wastewater
treatment and is not used to meet any other requirement of the rule (excluding oil production, recovery, and
recycling facilities). There are components of wastewater treatment facilities, such as treatment systems at
publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) and industrial wastewater treatment facilities treating oily
wastewater, that likely meet the two criteria for this exemption. OWS used exclusively for wastewater
treatment are flow-through separators and are not engaged in a static process in an isolated container. For
example, the presence of a water sump in a bulk storage container does not constitute wastewater treatment.
POTWs and other wastewater treatment facilities may have bulk storage containers and oil-filled
equipment, as well as exempt OWS. The capacities of the bulk storage containers and oil-filled equipment are
counted to determine whether the facility is subject to the requirements of the SPCC rule. The presence of an
OWS at an otherwise regulated facility does not exempt the entire facility from the SPCC rule requirements.
Such OWS capacity does not count toward the overall storage capacity of the facility, and only that equipment
used for oil/water separation is not subject to any rule provisions. At wastewater treatment facilities, storage
capacities to be counted include bulk storage containers, hydraulic equipment associated with the treatment
process, containers used to store oil that feed an emergency generator associated with wastewater treatment,
and slop tanks or other containers used to store oil resulting from treatment. All separate containers used to


Chapter 5: Oil/Water Separators

store oil recovered by the separation process and all other equipment or containers at a regulated facility that
do not qualify for the wastewater treatment exemption are required to meet the applicable SPCC requirements
(67 FR 47069, July 17, 2002).
Examples of wastewater treatment OWS that may be eligible for the exemption of §112.1(d)(6) include:
 OWS at a wastewater treatment facility;

 OWS at an active groundwater remediation site;

 Grease traps that intercept and congeal oil and grease from liquid waste; and

 OWS in landfill leachate collection systems.

A separate container storing oil removed from an exempt separator is considered a bulk storage
container and is subject to the SPCC rule requirements. Furthermore, OWS exempted from the SPCC rule may be
subject to other federal, state, and local regulations. For example, many exempted wastewater treatment OWS
are within wastewater treatment facilities or parts thereof subject to the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) requirements under section 402 of the Clean Water Act (CWA). NPDES (or an
approved state permit program) ensures review and approval of the facility’s wastewater treatment plans and
specifications, as well as operation/maintenance manuals and procedures, and requires a Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Plan, which may include a Best Management Practice (BMP) Plan. 103 P

Additionally, some facilities may be subject to pretreatment standards promulgated under §307(b) of
the CWA. Pretreatment standards apply to “indirect discharges” that go first to a POTW via a collection system
before being discharged to navigable waters. The General Pretreatment Regulations for Existing or New Sources
of Pollution, found at 40 CFR part 403, prohibits an indirect discharger from introducing into a POTW a pollutant
that passes through or interferes with treatment processes at the POTW, and also sets the framework for the
implementation of categorical pretreatment standards. Specifically, 40 CFR 403.5(b)(6) prohibits the
introduction into a POTW of “petroleum, oil, non-biodegradable cutting oil, or products of mineral oil origin in
amounts that will cause interference or pass through.”

BMPs are operational conditions that may supplement or constitute effluent limitations in NPDES permits. Under §402(a)(2) of
CWA, BMPs may be imposed in addition to effluent limits when the EPA Administrator determines that such conditions are
necessary to carry out the provisions of the Act. See discussion of authority for NPDES and BMP provisions in the preamble to
the 2002 final SPCC rule, 67 FR 47068.


Chapter 5: Oil/Water Separators

a does not meet the definition of a “loading/unloading rack.” Sufficient secondary containment for a grease trap unloading area may be provided by acti

5.3.3 Wastewater Treatment Exemption Clarification for Dry Gas Production Facilities
A dry gas production facility is a facility that produces natural gas from a well (or wells) from which it
does not also produce condensate or crude oil that can be drawn off the tanks, containers or other production
equipment at the facility. Since no oil is being “produced” at these dry gas facilities they may be eligible for the
wastewater treatment exemption because they are not “oil production, oil recovery, or oil recycling facilities.”
Produced water containers used exclusively for wastewater treatment at dry gas production facilities are not
excluded from the wastewater treatment exemption (69 FR 29728, May 25, 2004). These produced water
containers are eligible for the wastewater treatment exemption and therefore do not count toward oil storage
capacity and are not subject to the rule’s requirements.
It should be noted that in the 2008 amendments to the SPCC rule (73 FR 74236, December 5, 2008), EPA
added the term “condensate” to the definition of production facility. The purpose of this amendment was to
clarify that certain gas facilities (i.e., wet gas facilities) that produce oil in the form of condensate are oil
production facilities and may be subject to the SPCC rule. As oil production facilities, wet gas facilities are not
eligible for the waste water treatment exemption.
At 69 FR 29730, EPA stated that
“...[in] verifying that a particular gas facility is not an ‘oil production, oil recovery, or oil recycling facility,’
the Agency plans to consider, as appropriate, evidence at the facility pertaining to the presence or
absence of condensate or crude oil that can be drawn off the tanks, containers or other production
equipment at the facility, as well as pertinent facility test data and reports (e.g., flow tests, daily gauge
reports, royalty reports or other production reports required by state or federal regulatory bodies).”


Chapter 5: Oil/Water Separators

5.4 OWS Used to Meet SPCC Secondary Containment Requirements

5.4.1 OWS Used to Meet SPCC Secondary Containment Requirements

Properly designed, maintained, and operated OWS may be used as part of a facility drainage system to
meet the secondary containment requirements of the rule in §§112.7(c), 112.7(h)(1), 112.8(c)(2), 112.8(c)(11),
112.12(c)(2), and/or 112.12(c)(11). Additionally, §§112.8(b), 112.9(b), and 112.12(b) set forth design
specifications for drainage associated with secondary containment provisions at the facility. See Chapter 4:
Secondary Containment and Impracticability for a detailed discussion of secondary containment requirements.
Standard gravity and enhanced gravity separators (Figure 5-5 and Figure 5-6), or other types of OWS,
may be used to meet secondary containment requirements. In this application, the separators are expected to
have oil and water present in the system when there is an oil discharge or oil-contaminated precipitation runoff
within the drainage area. These separators should be monitored on a routine schedule and collected oil should
be removed as appropriate in accordance with procedures described in the SPCC Plan.
When designing OWS to be used as secondary containment, the SPCC Plan preparer should consider:
 The drainage area that flows to the separator;

 The corresponding anticipated flow rate of the drainage system to the separator; and

 The appropriate capacity of the OWS for oil and for wastewater.

Many OWS used for secondary containment are installed in areas where they may receive considerable
flow from precipitation. If the precipitation flow rate exceeds the maximum design rate of a separator, it may
discharge accumulated oil and/or untreated wastewater to navigable waters or adjoining shorelines. In this case,
the separator may be an inappropriate choice for secondary containment. The specifications from OWS
manufacturers outline these and other design factors as important items to consider when determining the use
of a given OWS for a given application. Additionally, the manufacturer specifies the maintenance requirements
to ensure proper operation of the separator.
When OWS are used to meet SPCC requirements, they must be properly operated and maintained to
ensure they will perform correctly and as intended under the potential discharge scenarios it is aimed to address
(e.g., §§112.7(c), 112.8(c)(2), and 112.12(c)(2)). Required OWS capacities should always be available (i.e., oil
should not continually accumulate in the separators over a period of time such that the required storage
capacities would not be available if an oil discharge were to occur within the drainage areas).
The use of OWS as a method of containment may be risky as they have limited drainage controls to
prevent a discharge of oil and their reliability rests heavily on proper maintenance. This is particularly true when
using a separator to meet the sized secondary containment requirements for large bulk storage containers, as
separators are not typically designed to accommodate a worst case discharge of oil. EPA inspectors noting this
containment configuration should closely inspect the device and review records associated with documenting
the design criteria of the equipment and the routine maintenance performed on such equipment.


Chapter 5: Oil/Water Separators

FYI – Oil/water separators used for secondary containment

When oil/water separators are used for secondary containment:

 Oil contained in the separator does not count toward facility total oil storage capacity

Do not require additional secondary containment (i.e. tertiary containment) for the separator
Remember to observe the effluent treatment systems associated with bulk storage containers to prevent discharges to
navigable waters or adjoining shorelines.

5.4.2 Applicability of the SPCC Rule to OWS Used to Meet Specific SPCC Secondary
Containment Requirements
Section 112.7(c) requires “appropriate containment and/or diversionary structures or equipment to
prevent a discharge as described in §112.1(b).” OWS may be used to satisfy this requirement for onshore or
offshore facilities. These separators must be constructed to contain oil and prevent an escape of oil from the
system prior to cleanup in order to comply with the secondary containment provision for which it is intended
(§112.7(c)). A description explaining how the OWS complies with secondary containment provisions, and how it
is operated and maintained, should be included in the SPCC Plan. BMPs or operation and maintenance (O&M)
manuals that detail operation and maintenance procedures for OWS used specifically for secondary
containment may be referenced in the SPCC Plan and maintained separately.

ater separators
dary containment would typically be located in undiked areas, to supplement drainage systems. The requirements for secondary containment systems d
h a diked area which are used exclusively for treating dike discharge effluent are subject to the wastewater treatment exemption, as described in Sectio

Section 112.7(h)(1) requires “a quick drainage system” for areas where a tank car or tank truck loading
or unloading rack is present. OWS may be used as part of a quick drainage system to meet this requirement. This
containment system must hold at least the maximum capacity of any single compartment of a tank car or tank
truck loaded or unloaded at the facility (§112.7(h)(1)).
Sections 112.8(b), 112.9(b), and 112.12(b) set forth design specifications for drainage systems
associated with secondary containment at onshore facilities. Environmentally equivalent measures can be used
to satisfy these requirements (see Chapter 3: Environmental Equivalence, Section 3.3.1). For example, facilities
might use ponds, lagoons, or catchment basins as part of the design of facility drainage systems. Alternatively,
OWS might serve as environmentally equivalent measures to the ponds, lagoons, or catchment basins required
by §§112.8(b)(3) and 112.12(b)(3). In this instance, EPA recommends that these separators be designed to
handle the expected flow rate and volume of oil and water generated by facility operations. When certifying a


Chapter 5: Oil/Water Separators

facility’s SPCC Plan, the PE must verify that OWS are adequately designed, maintained, and operated to provide
environmentally equivalent protection (in accordance with §112.7(a)(2)) under the potential discharge scenarios
they are aimed to address.
Sections 112.8(c)(2), 112.8(c)(11), 112.12(c)(2), and 112.12(c)(11) require that all bulk storage
containers be provided with secondary containment for “the entire capacity of the largest single container and
sufficient freeboard to contain precipitation.” OWS may be used to meet these requirements, but must be
appropriately sized. These separators must be capable of handling the oil and precipitation from the general
drainage area and additional oil from any accidental discharge from the largest bulk storage container located
within the drainage area for which the separator provides secondary containment. Good engineering practice
would suggest that the use of OWS to meet the specific secondary containment provisions be on a very limited
basis and typically with smaller capacity container storage areas. See the example scenario in Figure 5-7 that
calculates the required capacity of an OWS used as secondary containment for a drum storage area.
Sections 112.8(c)(9) and 112.12(c)(9) require that the facility owner/operator observe effluent
treatment facilities frequently enough to detect possible system upsets that could cause a discharge as
described in §112.1(b). Separators should be monitored on a routine schedule, and collected oil should be
promptly removed, as appropriate, and in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and maintenance
instructions as described in the Plan, in order to ensure the proper operation and capacity of the equipment.
When OWS are used to meet secondary containment requirements, their capacities do not count
toward a facility’s overall storage capacity. Any volume of oil that would flow into these separators would come
from another source within the drainage areas and are already counted in the facility storage capacity
determination. However, slop tanks or other containers used to store waste oil that is transferred out of these
separators do count toward the facility’s total storage capacity. Furthermore, the SPCC rule does not require
redundant secondary containment around OWS used for secondary containment (i.e., tertiary containment is
not required).


Chapter 5: Oil/Water Separators

Figure 5-7: Example calculation of secondary containment for a drum storage area using an
oil/water separator. 

The following example includes an oil/water separator used to provide secondary containment for a drum storage area:
Scenario: An automotive facility stores up to 10 55-gallon containers of lubricating oil in its outdoor drum storage area.
This undiked area drains to an oil/water separator. The total drainage area served by the oil/water separator is 70 feet x
100 feet.
Applicable secondary containment requirements: The 55-gallon containers are bulk storage containers, subject to the
sized secondary containment requirements of §112.8(c)(2). In this case, the facility is using the oil/water separator to
meet the secondary containment requirements. Therefore, the separator must be designed and sized to handle the
capacity of the largest container in the area, plus sufficient freeboard to contain precipitation.
Note that because the drum storage area is undiked, the requirements at §112.8(b)(3) and (4) also apply.

Calculation of OWS capacity: After a review of historical precipitation data for the vicinity of the facility, the PE
determined that a peak rainfall intensity is 0.6 inch per hour is the most reasonable design criterion for this undiked
area, based on local conditions. The site is 100 percent impervious nd therefore the full volume of precipitation that
falls on the drainage surface is expected to flow into the oil/water separator.
Volume of largest container in area = 55 gallons
Drainage surface area = 70 ft x 100 ft = 7,000 ft 2
Precipitation volume (per hour) = 7,000 ft2 x (0.6 in /12 in=0.05 ft) = 350 ft3
Precipitation volume (per hour) in gallons = 350 ft 3 x 7.48 gal/ft3 = 2,618 gallons
Total volume = 55 gal + 2,618 gal = 2,673 gallons
Flow rate = 2,673 gallons / 60 minutes/hour = 44.6 gallons/minute

The OWS must be capable of handling a flow-rate of 44.6 gallons per minute. Additionally, the OWS must have
sufficient oil storage capacity within the unit to provide storage for 55 gallons of oil plus a reasonable safety to account
for oil accumulated from the drainage area itself.
Conclusion: Based on these calculations, the facility has specified a cylindrical separator sized to handle a flow rate of
55 gallons per minute and providing a total volume of 550 gallons, including an oil storage capacity of 110 gallons prior
to the recommended pump out. The oil/water separator is maintained so as to preserve storage within the unit at all
times under normal operating conditions (pump out is scheduled for 35 gallons). For additional protection, the outlet of
the separator is equipped with an afterbay in which absorbent materials are placed.


Chapter 5: Oil/Water Separators

5.5 OWS Used in Oil Production

5.5.1 OWS Used in Oil Production

OWS are used at both onshore and offshore oil production facilities. Separation and treating
installations at an oil production facility typically include equipment whose primary purpose is to separate the
well fluid into its marketable or waste fractions (e.g., oil, gas, wastewater, and solids), and to treat the crude oil
as needed for further storage and shipping. Separators and other separation equipment, such as heater-treaters
and gun barrels, are generally used for this purpose. These flow-through process vessels are considered bulk
storage containers and are subject to both the general provisions of §112.7 and applicable requirements of
§112.9 for onshore oil production facilities (including bulk storage container requirements of §112.9(c)) or
§112.11 for offshore oil drilling, production or workover facilities.
A variety of production equipment is used to separate and treat produced fluids. Some types of
equipment are operated under low pressure conditions, while others are operated at high pressure. A process
called “free-water knockout” (Figure 5-8) is generally used to separate large volumes of water from oil and gas
generated from the well. A two-phase separator separates the well fluids into a liquid (oil, emulsion, 104 or water)
and a gas. The liquid exits the bottom of the separator and the gas exits the top (Figure 5-9). Gun barrels, also
called wash tanks, are generally found in older or marginal fields and are used to provide quiescent conditions
and retention time to allow produced water to settle out of the well fluids (Figure 5-10). Three-phase separators
separate well fluids into oil/emulsion, gas, and water. Gas exits from the top, oil/emulsion from the middle, and
water from the bottom of this type of vertical three-phase separator (Figure 5-11). Three-phase separators are
generally used when there is free water in the well fluids. If there is little or no free water, a two-phase
separator might be used instead. Another type of equipment used to separate produced fluids, especially fluid
emulsions, is termed a “heater-treater.” Heater-treaters use heat, electricity, and/or chemicals to reduce the
emulsion viscosity and to separate out free oil, water, and gas in oil production. OWS designs may differ from
the examples provided.

s what differentiates flow-through process vessels from other bulk and end-use storage containers, such as produced water containers. Produced water

An emulsion is a colloidal suspension of a liquid within another liquid. In this case, small droplets of oil are dispersed
through water.


Chapter 5: Oil/Water Separators

Figure 5-8: Low pressure free-water knockout. Figure 5-9: Two-phase oil/water separator.

Figure 5-10: Gun barrel oil/water separator. Figure 5-11: Three-phase oil/water separator.

In oil production separators, the momentum of the fluid flow is absorbed at the inlet, thereby reducing
the fluid viscosity and allowing oil, gas, and water to separate out of solution. Gas then rises and flows out at the
top of the separator, while oil and water fall to the lower portion of the vessel and coalesce in separate areas.
With the appropriate settling time, the more dense free water settles beneath the less dense oil. Liquid levels
are maintained by float-actuated control valves or dump valves. As the different pre-set liquid levels are
reached, dump valves discharge water and oil from the separator to appropriate storage areas:
 Water is discharged from the bottom of the separator to a water tank;


Chapter 5: Oil/Water Separators

 Oil is discharged out at a higher level to an oil storage tank; and

 Gas flows continuously out at the top of the separator to sales, a meter run, a flare, or a
recovery system.

5.5.2 Applicability of the SPCC Rule to OWS Used in Onshore Oil Production
OWS used in oil production count toward the total storage capacity of the facility and must be
considered when determining if a facility is regulated by the SPCC rule in accordance with §112.1(b) and (d)(2)
and the definition of storage capacity in §112.2. In determining applicability of any container for calculating the
total facility storage capacity, the preamble to the 2002 rule states:
The keys to the definition are the availability of the container for drilling, producing, gathering, storing,
processing, refining, transferring, distributing, using, or consuming oil, and whether it is available for one
of those uses or whether it is permanently closed. Containers available for one of the above described
uses count towards storage capacity; those not used for these activities do not. Types of containers
counted as storage capacity would include some flow-through separators, tanks used for “emergency”
storage, transformers, and other oil-filled equipment. (67 FR 47081, July 17, 2002)

Onshore oil production facilities with flow-through

process vessel OWS (e.g., heater-treater, free-water knockout, §112.9(c)(2)
and gun barrel) and other separation/treatment installations are Except as described in paragraph (c)(5) of
required to follow the specific sized secondary containment this section for flow-through process
vessels and paragraph (c)(6) of this section
requirements for bulk storage containers in §112.9(c)(2) and the
for produced water containers and any
inspection requirements of §112.9(c)(3). However, as an associated piping and appurtenances
alternative to sized secondary containment, the facility owner or downstream from the container, construct
operator may provide general secondary containment in all tank battery, separation, and treating
accordance with §112.7(c), and comply with the following facility installations, so that you provide a
secondary means of containment for the
§112.9(c)(5) provisions for flow-through process vessels at oil entire capacity of the largest single
production facilities: container and sufficient freeboard to
contain precipitation. You must safely
 Periodically and on a regular schedule, visually
confine drainage from undiked areas in a
inspect and/or test flow-through process vessels catchment basin or holding pond.
and associated components (such as dump
Note: The above text is an excerpt of the SPCC
valves) for leaks, corrosion, or other conditions rule. Refer to the full text of 40 CFR part 112.
that could lead to a discharge, as described in

 Take corrective action or make repairs to flow-through process vessels and any associated
components as indicated by regularly scheduled visual inspections, tests, or evidence of an oil
discharge; and


Chapter 5: Oil/Water Separators

 Promptly remove or initiate actions to stabilize and remediate any accumulations of oil
discharges. P

It is important to note that the general secondary containment requirements under §112.7(c) still apply
to flow-through process vessel OWS in addition to the alternative requirements described above. The secondary
containment system must be designed to address the typical failure mode, and the most likely quantity of oil
that would be discharged, and can be either active or passive in design (see Chapter 4: Secondary Containment
and Impracticability, Section 4.8.1).
Furthermore, the owner/operator of the facility must install sized secondary containment and comply
with bulk storage container inspection requirements (§112.9(c)(2) and (c)(3)) for flow-through process vessels
within six months of a discharge(s) from flow-through process equipment as described below and a report must
be submitted to the RA in accordance with the requirements of §112.4:
 More than 1,000 U.S. gallons of oil in a single discharge to navigable waters or adjoining
shorelines, or

 More than 42 U.S. gallons of oil in each of two discharges to navigable waters or adjoining
shorelines within any twelve month period.

This excludes discharges that are the result of natural disasters, acts of war, or terrorism. When
determining the applicability of this SPCC reporting requirement, the gallon amount(s) specified (either 1,000 or
42) refers to the amount of oil that actually reaches navigable waters or adjoining shorelines not the total
amount of oil spilled. EPA considers the entire volume of the discharge to be oil for the purposes of these
reporting requirements.

nks, dryers, heat exchangers, and distillation columns) are not subject to the more stringent sized secondary containment and inspection requirements r
potential to immediately discover and correct a discharge at non-production facilities than at oil production facilities, which are generally unattended. F

5.5.3 Applicability of the SPCC Rule to OWS Used in Offshore Oil Production
Offshore production facilities are subject to requirements under §112.11 of the SPCC rule, which are
tailored specifically for the offshore operating environment. Therefore, OWS used at off-shore oil production
facilities are not eligible for the alternate compliance option in §112.9(c)(5) as described in Section 5.5.2. Flow-


Chapter 5: Oil/Water Separators

through process equipment at offshore facilities are §112.11(b)

subject to the general requirements of the SPCC rule Use oil drainage collection equipment to prevent and
under §112.7, including the secondary containment control small oil discharges around pumps, glands,
requirement in §112.7(c). valves, flanges, expansion joints, hoses, drain lines,
separators, treaters, tanks, and associated
OWS used in offshore oil production are also equipment. You must control and direct facility drains
subject to the provisions of §112.11(b) and (d) to prevent toward a central collection sump to prevent the
a discharge of oil. However, if other provisions of the rule facility from having a discharge as described in
§112.1(b). Where drains and sumps are not
(except secondary containment) can be met through
practicable, you must remove oil contained in
alternative methods that provide environmental collection equipment as often as necessary to prevent
equivalence for this equipment, then the Plan must overflow.
include a description in accordance with §112.7(a)(2).
Vessels and equipment, such as glycol At facilities with areas where separators and treaters
dehydrators and inline heaters that treat only gas and are equipped with dump valves which predominantly
that do not separate, treat, or contain oil, are not subject fail in the closed position and where pollution risk is
to the SPCC rule. high, specially equip the facility to prevent the
discharge of oil. You must prevent the discharge of oil
5.5.4 Wastewater Treatment Exemption and
Produced Water (1) Extending the flare line to a diked area if
the separator is near shore;
At oil drilling and oil production facilities,
(2) Equipping the separator with a high liquid level
treatment units subject to the rule include produced sensor that will automatically shut in wells
water containers, open oil pits or ponds associated with producing to the separator; or
oil production operations, OWS (e.g., gun barrels), and (3) Installing parallel redundant dump valves.
heater-treater units. Open oil pits or ponds function as
Note: The above text is an excerpt of the SPCC rule. Refer to
another form of bulk storage container and are not used the full text of 40 CFR part 112.
for wastewater treatment (67 FR 47068, 47069, July 17, 2002). Therefore, as a type of oil treatment equipment,
oil water separators at production facilities are not eligible for the wastewater treatment exemption.
The SPCC rule’s wastewater treatment exemption specifically states that the production of oil is not
wastewater treatment for the purposes of §112.1(d)(6). The goal of an oil production, oil recovery, or oil
recycling facility is to maximize the production or recovery of oil, while eliminating water and other impurities in
the oil, whereas the goal of a wastewater treatment facility is to purify
water. Neither an oil production facility nor an oil recovery or recycling §112.2
facility treats water; instead, it treats oil. Treatment of produced water
Produced water container means a
and oil mixtures is not considered wastewater treatment, and thus the storage container at an oil production
wastewater treatment exemption does not apply. facility used to store the produced
water after initial oil/water
Additionally, oil production facilities generally lack NPDES or
separation, and prior to reinjection,
state-equivalent permits or prevention requirements, and thus lack the beneficial reuse, discharge, or
protections that such permits provide. Underground Injection Control transfer for disposal.
(UIC) permits do not have surface water prevention requirements for Note: The above text is an excerpt of the
SPCC rule. Refer to 40 CFR part 112 for
the full text of the rule.


Chapter 5: Oil/Water Separators

production facilities. Production facilities are normally unattended and therefore lack constant human oversight
and inspection. Produced water generated in the production process normally contains saline water as a
contaminant in the oil, which in addition to the toxicity of the oil might aggravate environmental conditions in
the case of a discharge (67 FR 47068, July 17, 2002). In some areas of the United States, produced water is fresh
and may be discharged for beneficial use (e.g., irrigation or water for livestock) in accordance with federal and
state regulatory requirements.
Therefore, a facility that stores, treats, or otherwise uses produced water remains subject to the rule.
Produced water containers at onshore oil production facilities are bulk storage containers and are therefore
subject to the applicable requirements in §112.9(c), including the requirement for sized secondary containment.
The SPCC rule includes an alternative compliance option for produced water containers at onshore oil
production facilities in lieu of sized secondary containment.
For more information on the applicability of the SPCC rule as it relates to oil and water mixtures in
produced water or produced water containers, see Chapter 2: SPCC Rule Applicability, Sections 2.2.7 and 2.10.7.
For information on the secondary containment requirements that apply to produced water containers including
the alternative regulatory requirements, see Chapter 4: Secondary Containment and Impracticability, Section

5.6 OWS Used in Oil Recovery or Recycling Facilities

Oil recycling and recovery activities that collect and consolidate production fluids from multiple oil
production facilities in an effort to further recover and treat oil prior to the disposal of production fluids are not
eligible for the wastewater treatment exemption because the operations focus on oil treatment rather than
wastewater treatment.
These include facilities that are typically discrete and not associated (co-located) with an oil production
facility. Operations typically specialize in the treatment of production fluids or other oil recovery activities, and
may include disposal, and injection of production fluids. A second type of oil recycling operation that is not
eligible for the wastewater treatment exemption includes waste oil recyclers and facilities engaged in the
recovery and/or recycling of motor oils, other petroleum oils, and AFVOs.
OWS located at oil recovery or recycling facilities are subject to the provisions of §112.7 and applicable
provisions of §112.8(b) and (d) for onshore petroleum and non-petroleum facilities or §112.12(b) and (d) for
onshore AFVO facilities. The §§112.8(c) and 112.12(c) provisions (such as sized containment, integrity testing
and overfill prevention) for bulk storage containers do not apply because OWS at these facilities function as oil-
filled manufacturing equipment and are not bulk storage containers. When OWS are part of a flow-through
process, such as that found during oil recovery or recycling activities, OWS are considered oil-filled
manufacturing equipment and are excluded from §§112.8(c) and 112.12(c) requirements because they are
excluded from the definition of a bulk storage container as defined in §112.2 of the rule. However, containers
used to store recovered or recycled oil collected from the OWS are bulk storage containers. These bulk storage
containers must comply with the §§112.8(c) and 112.12(c) provisions and other applicable requirements.


Chapter 5: Oil/Water Separators

For OWS used in oil recovery or recycling, the OWS are considered oil-filled manufacturing equipment
and are subject to the provisions of §112.7 and applicable provisions of §112.8(b) and (d) for onshore petroleum
and non-petroleum facilities or §112.12(b) and (d) for onshore AFVO facilities. The Plan must address the
general requirements under §112.7 for the OWS including a description of how the facility complies with the
secondary containment requirement under §112.7(c).

5.7 Documentation Requirements and the Role of the EPA Inspector

5.7.1 Documentation by Owner/Operator

OWS used exclusively for wastewater treatment are exempt from all SPCC requirements, and no
documentation is required for this equipment in the SPCC Plan.
For OWS used to meet SPCC secondary containment requirements, the SPCC Plan should discuss the
separator design capacity, configuration, maintenance, operation, and other elements of the drainage systems
that ensure proper functioning and containment of the oil as required by §112.7(a)(3)(iii). Examples of elements
that this discussion should include are:
 The presence and configuration of OWS outlets and the presence of other equipment to prevent
the accidental release of oil;

 Routine visual inspection of the oil/water separator, its contents, and discharges of effluent;

 Preventive maintenance of facility equipment affecting discharge, including the removal of

settled pollutants and collected oil;

 A drainage area that flows to the OWS and corresponding anticipated flow rate of the drainage
system to the separator;

 Appropriate capacity of the OWS for oil, wastewater, and, if appropriate, precipitation;

 Provisions for adequate separate storage capacity (based on the containment sizing required by
the rule) to contain oil recovered in the oil/water separator; and

 Documentation associated with the maintenance and inspection of OWS.

A separate bulk storage container used to store oil following separation in any OWS (i.e., wastewater
treatment, secondary containment, or oil production) is subject to all applicable requirements of 40 CFR part
112, including §§112.8(c), 112.9(c), or 112.12(c) as appropriate.
For OWS used in oil production, the OWS are bulk oil storage containers to be included in the SPCC Plan.
The location of these containers must be indicated on the facility diagram and discussed in the general
requirements in accordance with §112.7(a)(3). For more information on facility diagrams, refer to Chapter 6:
Facility Diagram and Description. The Plan must also include a discussion of sized secondary containment


Chapter 5: Oil/Water Separators

provided for OWS (§112.9(c)(2)), or, in the case where the owner/operator elects to comply instead with the
alternate requirements in §112.9(c)(5), include records to document implementation of the alternative
measures, including periodic inspection and/or testing for leaks, corrosion, or other conditions that could lead to
a discharge as described in §112.1(b); corrective action or repairs to flow-through process vessels and any
associated components as indicated by regularly scheduled visual inspections, tests, or evidence of an oil
discharge; and prompt removal or initiation of actions to stabilize and remediate any accumulations of oil
discharges associated with flow-through process vessels. The Plan must also address the general requirements
under §112.7 for OWS including a description of how the facility complies with the secondary containment
requirement under §112.7(c).

5.7.2 Role of the EPA Inspector

As with other aspects of the SPCC Plan, the certifying PE will review the use of and applicable
requirements for OWS at a facility and ensure that they are consistent with good engineering practice. In the
case of a qualified facility, the owner operator will make a similar certification and ensure that the Plan is in
accordance with accepted and sound industry practices and standards.
The EPA inspector will verify that any OWS at a facility that are not addressed in the SPCC Plan are in
fact used exclusively for wastewater treatment and not to meet any requirement of part 112. This review
considers how the OWS is being used at the facility. The EPA inspector should consider the intended use of the
separator at the facility (e.g., wastewater treatment, secondary containment, oil production, recovery, or
recycling), any flow diagrams illustrating the use of the separator, and the design specifications of the unit in
evaluating whether the OWS is eligible for the wastewater exemption. The EPA inspector may also consider the
flow-through capacity of the separator, the nature of the oil to be separated (e.g., whether it is an emulsion),
and the design specifications of the unit in evaluating the use of the oil/water separator.
For each OWS used to meet SPCC secondary containment requirements, the EPA inspector will verify
that the Plan includes a discussion of the separator design capacity, configuration, maintenance, and operation,
as well as other elements of the drainage systems that ensure proper functioning and containment of the oil in
accordance with §112.7(c), §112.8(c)(2), or §112.12(c)(2). Particularly large drainage areas served by an OWS to
meet secondary containment requirements may raise a “red flag” given the large volume of precipitation that
may need to be handled by the OWS concurrently with an oil discharge; the inspector should verify that the Plan
adequately addresses the ability of the OWS to handle the expected precipitation (considering expected rainfall
intensity) and discharge volume given the design treatment flow rate and OWS capacity.
EPA inspectors should note the risk associated with this form of containment and should review the
information provided in the Plan regarding the design, maintenance, operation, and efficacy of OWS systems
used for containment very carefully. These separators should be monitored on a routine schedule, and collected
oil should be promptly removed as appropriate and in accordance with manufactures specifications and
maintenance instructions as described in the Plan in order to ensure the proper operation and capacity of the


Chapter 5: Oil/Water Separators

OWS (including those used in oil production) that are not eligible for the wastewater exemption must be
included in the oil storage capacity calculations for the facility (§112.1(b) and (d)(2) and the definition of storage
capacity in §112.2).
When an oil production facility Plan describes compliance with the alternative option for flow-through
process vessels in accordance with §112.9(c)(5), then the EPA inspector should verify that the requisite records
are included in the SPCC Plan (refer to Section 4.8.1 and 7.2.9 for a summary of the information to be provided
in the Plan).
If the owner or operator of the facility discharges into or upon a navigable water or adjoining shoreline
more than 1,000 U.S. gallons of oil in a single discharge, or more than 42 U.S. gallons of oil in each of two
discharges within a 12-month period from a flow-through process vessel, and is required to comply with
§112.9(c)(2) and 112.9(c)(3), the SPCC Plan must then describe the sized secondary containment and inspection
program provided for this equipment.
By certifying the SPCC Plan, a PE attests that the Plan has been prepared in accordance with good
engineering practice and with the requirements of 40 CFR part 112, and that the Plan is adequate for the facility.
Thus, if OWS uses are properly documented, they most likely will be considered acceptable by EPA inspectors.
However, if the documented uses of the OWS appear inappropriate to prevent spills from reaching navigable
waters or adjoining shorelines, appear to be incorrect, deviate from the use described in the Plan, are not
maintained or operated in accordance with the Plan, or the separator appears to be malfunctioning or out of
service, further follow-up action may be warranted. This may include requests for more information or for a Plan
amendment in accordance with §112.4(d).


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