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Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid Publications 4, 09021 (2009)

T HScattering
cancellation by metamaterial cylindrical

Simone Tricarico

Filiberto Bilotti
Department of Applied Electronics, University ”Roma Tre”, Via della Vasca Navale,
84 – 00146 Rome, Italy
Department of Applied Electronics, University ”Roma Tre”, Via della Vasca Navale,
84 – 00146 Rome, Italy
Lucio Vegni Department of Applied Electronics, University ”Roma Tre”, Via della Vasca Navale,
84 – 00146 Rome, Italy

In this paper, we present the theoretical analysis and the design of cylindrical multilayered electromagnetic cloaks based on the scattering
cancellation technique. We propose at first the analysis and the design of bi-layered cylindrical shells, made of homogenous and isotropic
metamaterials, in order to effectively reduce the scattered field from a dielectric cylindrical object. The single shell and the bi-layered
shell cases are compared in terms of scattering reduction and loss effects. The comparison shows that the bi-layered configuration
exhibits superior performances. The scattering cancellation approach, is, then, extended to the case of generic multilayered cylindrical
shells, considering again homogeneous and isotropic metamaterials. The employment of the proposed technique to the case of cloaking
devices working at multiple frequencies is also envisaged and discussed. Finally, some practical layouts of cylindrical electromagnetic cloaks
working at optical frequencies are also proposed. In these configurations, the homogenous and isotropic metamaterials are replaced by their
actual counterparts, obtained using alternating stacked plasmonic and non-plasmonic layers. The theoretical formulation and the design
approaches presented throughout the paper are validated through proper full-wave numerical simulations. [DOI: 10.2971/jeos.2009.09021]

Keywords: electromagnetic cloaking, electromagnetic scattering, metamaterials

Recently, the possibility to synthesize properly engineered objects by exploiting the unusual properties of their local neg-
cloaks of invisibility by employing metamaterials and plas- ative polarizability. This approach has the advantage of using
monic media has determined a growing interest in the study homogeneous covers, reducing the complexity of the design,
of transparency and scattering-free phenomena. Several and is not based on intrinsically resonant phenomena, provid-
groups worldwide have proposed alternative solutions [1]– ing good performances in terms of bandwidth and response
[10] based on really different mechanisms, such as anomalous to geometric variations [8, 9] and losses. Since the covers must
localized resonances [1] or coordinate transformations [2]. be inherently dispersive to obtain the desired combination of
constitutive parameters, the cloaking effect is practically lim-
In particular, the approach relying on conformal mapping ited by the dispersion of the involved media.
techniques is quite elegant and has led to some successful
results, both at optical and microwave frequencies [3]–[5]. At optical frequencies, noble metals exhibit already the re-
The main advantage of such cloaking devices is that they are quired negative polarizability to enable the scattering can-
mostly object independent [6]. This is because the approach cellation [10]. However, such materials exhibit a strong plas-
results eventually in a rerouting of the electromagnetic ra- monic behavior and high losses at the visible frequencies. A
diation around the obstacle, effectively reducing the scatter- negative polarizability may be obtained also using materi-
ing outside the cloaked object. Some issues related to this als with close-to-zero values of the permittivity. Such materi-
approach concern the operative bandwidth, the losses, and als, called Epsilon-Near-Zero (ENZ) metamaterials, show su-
the complex design of the covers, based on inhomogeneous perior performances in terms of operational bandwidth and
and anisotropic materials. Such drawbacks limit the valuable losses. However, the problem is that nature does not offer
cloaking effect to a narrow range of frequencies and to a given ENZ materials at visible frequencies and, thus, they have to
polarization. be obtained artificially. One possibility has been presented
in [11], where the authors have shown how the employment of
An interesting alternative solution relies on the scattering can- alternating stacked plasmonic and non-plasmonic layers can
cellation technique proposed in [7]. The scattering cross sec- be effectively used to synthesize the required permittivity pro-
tion of a given object can be, in fact, drastically reduced by em- file and values at optical frequencies.
ploying plasmonic and metamaterial cloaks, which can sup-
press the multi-polar scattering of relatively electrically large In this paper, we extend the scattering cancellation approach

Received December 01, 2008; published May 07, 2009 ISSN 1990-2573
Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid Publications 4, 09021 (2009) S. Tricarico et. al.

to the case of multi-layered cylindrical cloaks, which effec- and order n. The total field E outside the covered cylinder is
tively reduce the scattering cross-section of cylindrical objects. given by the sum of Ei and scattered electric field Es , which
A theoretical analysis of the structure is firstly presented, lead- can be consistently written as:
ing to the design formulas for multi-layered cylindrical cloaks.
The actual implementation of the cylindrical shells work- ∞ h i
∑ j−n δn
E = Ei + Es = ẑ Jn (k0 r ) + cn Hn (k0 r ) cos nφ,
ing at optical frequencies is obtained using the approach al- n =0
ready proposed in [11]. Finally, some results obtained through
proper full-wave simulations are presented, in order to vali- (2)
where r ≥ r3 , Hn is the Hankel function of the second kind
date the proposed theoretical approach and to show its appli-
of integer order n, and cn the unknown scattering coefficients.
cability also to the case of multi-frequency cloaking operation.
The fields inside each cylindrical region can be factorized in
terms of radial and azimuthal functions. The electric field in
2 THEORY AND DESIGN OF A the cylindrical object can be, thus, expressed as:

Let’s consider a time harmonic (the dependence e jωt is as- E(1) = ẑ Ez,1 = ẑ ∑ j−n δn `n Jn (k1 r) cos nφ, 0 ≤ r ≤ r1
sumed in the paper) monochromatic plane wave with unit n =0
amplitude, which normally impinges on an infinitely long cir-
cular cylinder of radius r1 , with permittivity ε 1 and perme- where k1 is the wave number in the medium given
√ √
ability µ1 . We firstly assume that the cylinder is covered by by k1 = ω µ1 ε 1 = k0 µr1 ε r1 , being (ε r1 , µr1 ) the relative
two concentric homogeneous shells, with radii r2 and r3 , and permittivity and permeability of the material, respectively.
constitutive parameters (ε 2 , µ2 ) and (ε 3 , µ3 ), respectively (Fig-
ure 1). The entire structure is surrounded by vacuum (ε 0 , µ0 ). In the two cylindrical shells, the solution can be expressed as:
We study the case of a TMz polarized impinging wave, while
the results for the TEz polarization may be obtained by dual- E(2) = ẑ Ez
ity. ∞
= ẑ ∑ j−n δn [an Jn (k2 r) + bn Yn (k2 r)] cos nφ, r1 ≤ r ≤ r2
n =0
E(3) = ẑ Ez

= ẑ ∑ j−n δn [dn Jn (k3 r) + f n Yn (k3 r)] cos nφ, r2 ≤ r ≤ r3
n =0

√ √ √ √
where k2 = ω µ2 ε 2 = k0 µr2 ε r2 , k3 = ω µ3 ε 3 = k0 µr3 ε r3 ,
and Yn is the Bessel function of the second kind and order n.
an , bn , dn , f n are unknown coefficients to be determined.

The magnetic field across all the structure may be obtained

from the electric field by using Maxwell’s equations. In partic-
ular, for the angular components of the magnetic field in the
two shells, we obtain:

∑ j−n δn
an Jn0 (k2 r ) + bn Yn0 (k2 r ) cos nφ,
Hφ =
jωµ2 n =0
r1 ≤ r ≤ r2

∑ j−n δn
dn Jn0 (k3 r ) + f n Yn0 (k3 r ) cos nφ,
Hφ =
jωµ2 n =0
FIG. 1 TM polarized plane wave impinging on an infinitely long circular cylinder, cov- r2 ≤ r ≤ r3
ered with a bi-layered homogeneous shell.

Imposing the boundary conditions at the three interfaces:

We use a set of cylindrical coordinates (r, φ, z) and assume
that the positive direction of propagation is along the x axis
(2) (1) (2)
(φ = 0). Then, we perform a field expansion, expressing the Ez = Ez , Hφ (3) r=r = Hφ
r =r r =r 2 r =r
incident electric field Ei as a superimposition of cylindrical 1 1 2
(2) (1) i s (3)
waves [12]: Hφ = Hφ , Ez + Ez = Ez
r =r1 r =r r =r r =r
1 3 3

(3) (2) i s (3)
Ez = Ez , Hφ + Hφ = Hφ (3)
Ei = ẑ Ez = ẑ ∑ j−n δn Jn (k0 r) cos nφ (1) r =r2 r =r2 r =r3 r =r3
n =0

where k0 = ω µ0 ε 0 is the free space wave number, δn the we can then calculate the vector of solutions w =
Neumann symbol and Jn the Bessel function of the first kind {`n , an , bn , dn f n , cn }.

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Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid Publications 4, 09021 (2009) S. Tricarico et. al.

The previous relations can be written as a system in the form: where the positions r2 = α r1 and r3 = β r1 , being β > α > 1,
have been used.
an Jn (k2 r1 ) + bn Yn (k2 r1 ) = `n Jn (k1 r1 )
dn Jn (k3 r2 ) + f n Yn (k3 r2 ) = an Jn (k2 r2 ) + bn Yn (k2 r2 ) In order to minimize the scattering cross section of the cylin-
Jn (k0 r3 ) + cn Hn (k0 r3 ) = dn Jn (k3 r3 ) + f n Yn (k3 r3 ) drical object, thus, this first order scattering coefficient c0 does
go to zero. This happens when the following condition holds:
k2 k
an Jn0 (k2 r1 ) + bn Yn0 (k2 r1 ) = 1 `n Jn0 (k1 r1 )
ωµ2 ωµ1  
ε r1 + α2 − 1 ε r2 + β2 (ε r3 − 1) − α2 ε r3 = 0 (12)
k3  0
dn Jn (k3 r2 ) + f n Yn0 (k3 r2 )

This means that the ratio α between the radius of the first shell
= 2 an Jn0 (k2 r2 ) + bn Yn0 (k2 r2 ) and the radius of the object should match the relation:

Jn0 (k0 r3 ) + cn Hn 0 (k0 r3 ) ε r2 − ε r1 − β2 (ε r3 − 1)
α0 = (13)
k3  0 ε r2 − ε r3
dn Jn (k3 r3 ) + f n Yn0 (k3 r3 )

while for the higher order terms n = 1, 2, . . . it can be proven
that the relation becomes:
or, in matrix form as S · wT = v, where v =
{0, 0, 0, 0, Jn (k0 r3 ) , Jn0 (k0 r3 )} and S is the matrix of the αn =
system coefficients defined by Eq. (5). " #1
(µr2 + µr3 ) β2n(µr3 − 1)(µr1 − µr2 )+(µr3 + 1)(µr1 + µr2 ) + Mn 2n

2 (µr1 + µr2 ) (µr2 − µr3 ) (µr3 + 1)

The matrix S is certainly nonsingular, being the conditions
(4) a set of linearly independent equations. In order to ob- (14)
tain the scattering coefficients cn , we indicate with Sc the ma-
trix formed by replacing the last column of S by the column
vector v. The scattering coefficients, thus, can be expressed as
Mn = 4β2n µ2r2 − µ2r1 (µr2 − µr3 )2 µ2r2 − 1 + (15)
cn = |Sc | / |S|, and, thus, are given by Eq. (6). If we choose
oi 1
ε r1 = µr1 = ε r2 = µr2 = ε r3 = µr3 = 1 (free space propa-
(µr2 + µr3 )2 β2n(µr3 − 1) (µr2 + µr1 )+(µr3 + 1) (µr1 − µr2 )

gation), then the cn vanish, being |Sc | zero (two columns are
linearly dependent), while for ε r3 = µr3 = 1 we reduce to the
If the object has no magnetic properties, that is
single cover case [13].
µr1 = µr2 = µr3 = 1, then the zero scattering condition
for the generic order n, may be obtained when:
We can also express the scattering coefficients cn in a more
convenient form, which will be useful in the next section, s
2n+2 ε r2 − ε r1 − β2n+2 (ε r3 − 1)
when we will extend this approach to multiple layers. αn = , n = 0, 1, 2 . . . (16)
ε r2 − ε r3
Remembering that Hn = Jn − jYn and using the multi-linear Since the higher order scattering coefficients vanish at a higher
properties of the determinants, we have: rate (as shown in Figure 2), in the quasi static limit the condi-
Bn tion Eq. (13) is sufficient to guarantee a sensible reduction of
cn = − (7)
Bn + j An the scattering cross section of the cylindrical object.
where Bn and An are given by Eqs. (8) and (9) respectively.
Using this form, which is similar to [13], it results that the ze-
roes of cn occur when Bn = 0, being the denominator a finite

The total scattering cross section (σ) of the structure can be

expressed as [12]:

k0 ∑ δn |cn |2 . (10)
n =0

Let’s consider first the case of an electrically thin cylindrical

object covered by electrically thin shells (k1 r1  1, k2 r2  1,
k3 r3  1, k0 r3  1). In this case, according to [13] the n = 0
order is the dominant one and the corresponding scattering
coefficient, obtained from Eq. (11) when n = 0, can be ex-
pressed using a series expansion as:

( k 0 r1 )2 h   i
c0 ≈ jπ ε r1 + α2 − 1 ε r2 + β2 (ε r3 − 1) − α2 ε r3 FIG. 2 Relative amplitude of the scattering coefficients of order n > 0 for a TM po-
4 larized plane wave impinging on an infinitely long dielectric circular cylinder with
+ o ( k 0 r1 )4 (11) ε r1 = 4, ε r2 = 2, ε r3 = 3 and α = 1.5, β = 2.

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Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid Publications 4, 09021 (2009) S. Tricarico et. al.

 
− Jn (k1 r1 ) Jn (k2 r1 ) Yn (k2 r1 ) 0 0 0
k1 0 k2 0 k2 0
− ωµ J ( k 1 r1 ) ωµ2 Jn ( k 2 r1 ) ωµ2 Yn ( k 2 r1 ) 0 0 0
 
1 n
 
 
 0 Jn (k2 r2 ) Yn (k2 r2 ) − Jn (k3 r2 ) −Yn (k3 r2 ) 0 
S= (5)
 
k2 0 k2 0 k3 0 k3
 0 ωµ2 Jn ( k 2 r2 ) ωµ2 Yn ( k 2 r2 ) − ωµ J ( k 3 r2 )
3 n
− ωµ Y 0 ( k 3 r2 )
3 n
0 

 (2) 

 0 0 0 Jn (k3 r3 ) Yn (k3 r3 ) − Hn (k0 r3 )  
k3 0 k3 0 (2)
0 0 0 ωµ3 Jn ( k 3 r3 ) ωµ3 Yn ( k 3 r3 ) − Hn 0 (k0 r3 )

Jn (k1 r1 ) Jn (k2 r1 ) Yn (k2 r1 ) 0 0 0

k1 0 k2 0 k2 0
ωµ1 Jn ( k 1 r1 ) ωµ2 Jn ( k 2 r1 ) ωµ2 Yn ( k 2 r1 ) 0 0 0

Jn (k2 r2 ) Yn (k2 r2 ) − Jn (k3 r2 ) −Yn (k3 r2 )

0 0
k2 0 k2 0 k3 0 k3
Y 0 ( k 3 r2 )

0 ωµ2 Jn ( k 2 r2 ) ωµ2 Yn ( k 2 r2 ) − ωµ J ( k 3 r2 )
3 n
− ωµ 3 n

0 0 0 Jn (k3 r3 ) Yn (k3 r3 ) Jn (k0 r3 )

k3 0 k3 0 Jn0 (k0 r3 )

0 0 0 ωµ3 Jn ( k 3 r3 ) ωµ3 Yn ( k 3 r3 )

cn = − (6)

Jn (k1 r1 ) Jn (k2 r1 ) Yn (k2 r1 ) 0 0 0

k1 0 k2 0 k2 0
ωµ1 Jn ( k 1 r1 ) ωµ2 Jn ( k 2 r1 ) ωµ2 Yn ( k 2 r1 ) 0 0 0

Jn (k2 r2 ) Yn (k2 r2 ) − Jn (k3 r2 ) −Yn (k3 r2 )

0 0
Bn = k2 0 k2 0 k3 0 k3 (8)
Y 0 ( k 3 r2 )

0 ωµ2 Jn ( k 2 r2 ) ωµ2 Yn ( k 2 r2 ) − ωµ J ( k 3 r2 )
3 n
− ωµ 3 n

0 0 0 Jn (k3 r3 ) Yn (k3 r3 ) Jn (k0 r3 )

k3 0 k3 0 Jn0 (k0 r3 )

0 0 0 ωµ3 Jn ( k 3 r3 ) ωµ3 Yn ( k 3 r3 )

Jn (k1 r1 ) Jn (k2 r1 ) Yn (k2 r1 ) 0 0 0

k1 0 k2 0 k2 0
ωµ1 Jn ( k 1 r1 ) ωµ2 Jn ( k 2 r1 ) ωµ2 Yn ( k 2 r1 ) 0 0 0

Jn (k2 r2 ) Yn (k2 r2 ) − Jn (k3 r2 ) −Yn (k3 r2 )

0 0
An = k2 0 k2 0 k3 0 k3 (9)
Y 0 ( k 3 r2 )

0 ωµ2 Jn ( k 2 r2 ) ωµ2 Yn ( k 2 r2 ) − ωµ J ( k 3 r2 )
3 n
− ωµ 3 n

0 0 0 Jn (k3 r3 ) Yn (k3 r3 ) −Yn (k0 r3 )

k3 0 k3 0 −Yn0 (k0 r3 )

0 0 0 ωµ3 Jn ( k 3 r3 ) ωµ3 Yn ( k 3 r3 )

Looking at Eq. (12), we can rearrange the cloak condition to


β2 α2 ε r1 − ε r2
ε r1 − ε r2
+ 2 = 1, where = γ2 , = η2
γ η 1 − ε r3 ε r3 − ε r2
Only a given set of values of the electric parameters satisfies
this relation. The equation, in fact, admits solutions only if the
curve represented by Eq. (16) lies within the region delimited
by the condition β > α > 1, depicted in Figure 3. Eq. (17)
is a quadratic form that, according to the relative permittivity
values ε r1 , ε r2 , ε r3 , may represent in the plane (α, β) either a
circle, or an ellipse, or an hyperbola.

2.1 Case (a)

When the electric parameters of the two covers are such that FIG. 3 Region of the (α,β) plane in which the zero scattering condition admits solutions.
γ2 = η 2 = ζ 2 > 0 (i.e. when 2ε r3 = 1 + ε r2 ), Eq. (17) is the
equation of a circumference with radius ζ. In this case, in or-
der to have solutions of Eq. (16), it is not enough to assume rameters of the two cylindrical shells, when the permittivity of
ζ 2 > 0, but it is necessary to assume ζ 2 > 2, because the cir- the object is given, may be summarized as shown in Figure 5.
cle intersects
√ the shaded solution region of Figure 4 only if
ζ > 2. It is clear from this flow chart that for an inner core filled with
regular dielectric (ε r1 > 1) only the use of metamaterials cov-
In the lossless case, thus, the possible choices of the electric pa- ers (ε r2 < 1, ε r3 < 1) may lead to a suitable solution. How-

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FIG. 4 Region of the (α,β) plane in which the zero scattering condition admits solutions FIG. 6 Regions of the (α,β) plane in which the zero scattering condition admits solu-
when γ2 = η 2 = ζ 2 > 2. tions when γ > 1, η > 1, (case γ > η).

no yes as depicted in Figure 6, at least if:

εεrr11 >> 31
ε r1 − ε r2
γ2 = >1 (20a)
1 − ε r3
ε − ε r2
η 2 = r1 >1 (20b)
ε r3 − ε r2
εr 3 > 1 εr 3 < 1
When both (γ, η ) > 1 it is, in fact, always possible to find two
ε r 2 = 2ε r 3 − 1 ε r 2 = 2ε r 3 − 1 intersections for a given value of the eccentricity. If we choose,
for instance, γ > η, then, the condition η 2 > 1 implies either
ε r1 > ε r3 > ε r2 or ε r1 < ε r3 < ε r2 . When either of these two
FIG. 5 Flow chart showing the possible choices of the electric parameters of the two conditions is verified, the ellipse intersects the lines delimiting
cylindrical shells, when the permittivity of the object is given. the solution region and we obtain the values β min and β max as:
ε r1 − ε r2 ε r1 − ε r3
β2min = , β2max = (21)
ever, not any arbitrary choice of the parameters according to 1 − ε r2 1 − ε r3
may give solution to Eq. (17). In fact, only the portion of the By further assuming β2max > 1, we have either ε r1 > 1 > ε r3
circumference which lies in the shaded region of Figure 4 re- or ε r1 < 1 < ε r3 . The latter conditions, combined with the pre-
turns valid solutions. This further condition, allows to fix the vious ones derived from the condition η 2 > 1, determines the
values of the electric parameters and to choose the correct ge- range of validity for the constitutive parameters of the object
ometrical parameters of the two shells (i.e. the correct values and of the shells to get the cloaking:
of α and β). We note that moving along the circumference,
the boundary values of β for which we may have a solution ε r1 > 1 > ε r3 > ε r2 (22a)
are given by the intersections with the lines α = 1 (β max ) and ε r1 < 1 < ε r3 < ε r2 (22b)
β = α (β min ) as:
Such quantities guarantee that both β2min > 1 and β2max >
ε r1 + 1 − 2ε r3 ε r1 − ε r3 1, being, obviously, β2max > β2min . Here again we see from
β2min = , β2max = . (18)
2 (1 − ε r3 ) 1 − ε r3 Eqs. (22) that, in order to reduce the scattering contribution
of an object made of a regular dielectric (ε r1 > 1), we have to
Therefore, the choice of the radii of the shells should be such use shells with anomalous values (i.e. less than one) of the rel-
that: ative permittivity (1 > ε r3 > ε r2 ). Finally, the radii of the two
ε r1 + 1 − 2ε r3 ε − ε r3 shells are to be chosen according to the following conditions:
< β2 < r1 (19a)
2 (1 − ε r2 ) 1 − ε r3
ε r1 − ε r2 ε − ε r3
< β2 < r1 (23a)
and 1 − ε r2 1 − ε r3
α2 = ζ 2 − β2 (19b) β2 α2
+ 2 =1 (23b)
γ2 η

2.2 Case (b)

2.3 Case (c)
When both γ2 > 1, η 2 > 1 and γ2 6= η 2 , Eq. (17) represents
an ellipse, with the major axis oriented along α if γ < η, or The last possible form for Eq. (17) occurs when either γ2 or
along β if γ > η. In this case, we may have two intersections, η 2 is a negative quantity. Looking at the expressions of γ2 and

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Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid Publications 4, 09021 (2009) S. Tricarico et. al.

η 2 involving the electrical parameters of the object and of the In this case, we have an upper limit for the values of β, and
shells, in fact, both quantities cannot be negative at the same the design equations for the two shells are summarized as:
time. Moreover the electric parameters, which determine the
sign of either γ2 or η 2 , inherently impose some limitations on ε r1 > 1 > ε r2 > ε r3 or ε r1 < 1 < ε r2 < ε r3 (29a)
the ranges of allowable values for such quantities. Let’s con- β2 α2
sider, for instance, the case η 2 < 0, which is verified once ei- − 2 =1 (29b)
γ2 |η |
ther ε r1 < ε r2 < ε r3 or ε r1 > ε r2 > ε r3 . In this case, Eq. (17)
ε r1 − ε r3 ε − ε r2
becomes: < β2 < r1 (29c)
β2 α2 1 − ε r3 1 − ε r2
− 2 = 1. (24)
γ |η |
Only if γ2 < η 2 1 + η 2 Eq. (24) does not admit solutions,

Since we are interested only in a portion of the (α, β) plane, since the entire curve does not intersect the region of interest.
implying 2
2 2
η To summarize, we may state that, given an object made of a
β min > 1 ⇒ γ > , (25)
1 + |η 2 | regular dielectric (ε r1 > 1), the choice of the effective parame-
ters for the cover shells such that ε r3 < ε r2 < 1, always leads
in order to have solutions it should be at least γ2 η 2 > 1.

to a suitable solution. These anomalous values of the relative
Only in this case, in fact, we may have one intersection β2min >
permittivity can be achieved, thus, employing proper meta-
1 with the line α = 1:
materials with the required either negative or near-zero per-
γ2   ε r1 − ε r3 mittivity values.
β2min =
1 + η = >1 (26)
|η | 1 − ε r3
Before concluding this sections, it is worth noticing that if in
(i.e. either ε r1 > 1 > εp
r3 or ε r1 < 1 < ε r3 ), being the asymptote Eq. (17) it results that either γ2 → ∞ or η 2 → ∞, the struc-
of the hyperbola β = γ2 / |η 2 |α within the region β > α > 1 ture collapses into the one with one cover shell only and, thus,
(see Figure 7). the solutions turns into those ones already presented in [13].
γ2 → ∞ , in fact, implies that ε r3 = 1, which means that the
outer shell is removed. η 2 → ∞ implies, instead, that ε r3 = ε r2 ,
which means that the two shells merge into one.


In this section, we extend the configuration to the case of M
cylindrical layers covering the cylindrical object. According to
[14], we denote with the index m = 1, 2, . . . M the progres-
sively stacked layers, being the surrounding vacuum symbol-
ically represented as the M + 1 “layer”, extending to the entire
outer space (see Figure 8). The procedure used in the previous
section, based on the imposition of the boundary conditions
of the field distributions Eq. (2), can be generalized to M shell
layers, by solving iteratively for the complex amplitude of the
scattered field.
FIG. 7 Regions of the (α,β) plane in which the zero scattering condition admits solu-
tions when η 2 < 0.

In this particular case, the design formulas for the two shells
can be summarized as:

ε r1 < 1 < ε r3 or ε r1 > 1 > ε r3 (27a)

ε r1 − ε r3
< β2 < ∞ (27b)
1 − ε r3
β2 α2
− =1 (27c)
γ2 |η 2 |

When the condition 0 < γ2 η 2 < 1 is satisfied, that is for

either ε r1 > 1 > ε r2 > ε r3 or ε r1 < 1 < ε r2 < ε r3 , we have,

instead, two possible intersections, not only β min (Eq. (25)),
but also β max :

γ2 η 2

ε − ε r2 FIG. 8 TM-polarized plane wave impinging on an infinitely long circular cylinder, cov-
β max = 2 = r1 (28) ered with a m-layered inhomogeneous shell.
| η | − γ2 1 − ε r2

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Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid Publications 4, 09021 (2009) S. Tricarico et. al.

This approach is conveniently summarized in [14], where the is a valid approximation even for relatively electrically larger
following recursive formula is derived: object. This approach may be, indeed, also extended to a more
     general case. It is, in fact, always possible to consider a finite
Am+1,n Umn Wmn Am,n set of scattering coefficients from Eq. (10), and impose numer-
= (30)
Bm+1,n Vmn Xmn Bm,n ically that they shall vanish at the desired design frequency.
This can be done by truncating the scattering series at a suffi-
ciently high order and minimizing it, as also suggested in [7].
Umn = µm k m+1 Jn (k m rm ) Yn0 (k m+1 rm ) In this case, the scattering cancellation condition can be easily
obtained with a multi-layered structure, employing materials
− µm+1 k m Jn0 (k m rm ) Yn (k m+1 rm )
with suitable electric parameters, retrieved by a numerical op-
Vmn = µm+1 k m Jn (k m+1 rm ) Jn0 (k m rm ) timization procedure.
− µm k m+1 Jn0 (k m+1 rm ) Jn (k m rm )
Wmn = µm k m+1 Yn (k m rm ) Yn0 (k m+1 rm )
− µm+1 k m Yn0 (k m rm ) Yn (k m+1 rm )
Xmn = µm+1 k m Yn0 (k m rm ) Jn (k m+1 rm )
− µm k m+1 Yn (k m rm ) Jn0 (k m+1 rm )
√ √
and k m = ω µm ε m = k0 µrm ε rm . The amplitude of the scat-
tering coefficients is related to Eq. (30) by the equivalent of
Eq. (7), as:
B M+1,n
cn = − (32)
B M+1,n + jA M+1,n
The first entries in the recursion formula may be assumed as:

A1,n = 1, B1,n = 0, (33)

eventually introducing a normalization factor to match

the incident wave in the case of a non-unit amplitude.
Starting from Eqs. (31), we may perform the same series
expansion we have already done in the bi-layered cover.
Assuming the overall thickness to be electrically small
(k1 r1  1, . . . k m rm  1, k0 rm  1), and considering only
the dipolar term for non-magnetic objects, we may rewrite
Eqs. (31) as:

2k0 µ0
Um0 ≈ + o (k0 rm )
πk0 rm
Vm0 ≈ k20 µ0 rm (ε rm+1 − ε rm ) + o (k0 rm )3
2k µ ε rm
Wm0 ≈ 2 0 0 log + o (k0 rm )
π k0 rm ε rm1 FIG. 9 Amplitude of the exact recursion matrix coefficients Um0 , Xm0 and of the
2k µ
Xm0 ≈ 0 0 + o (k0 rm ) approximated ones Ûm0 , X̂m0 for two successive layers with dielectric contrast
πk0 rm ε rm+1 − ε rm = 1.

Substituting Eqs. (34) in Eq. (30) one can get a straight itera- 4 NUMERICAL RESULTS
tive rule to easy design multi-layered cylindrical covers. It is
straightforward to verify that in the case of a bi-layered cover In order to validate the theoretical analysis for the multi-
the recursion procedure here outlined returns exactly Eq. (15) layered cylindrical cloaking structures presented so far, we
obtained previously. returns exactly obtained previously. Dur- performed a set of numerical full-wave simulations through
ing the recursion procedure, one may neglect the terms which a commercial software based on the Finite Integration Tech-
are infinitesimal of higher order, but obviously increasing the nique. In the simulations we have taken into account some
numbers of layers it is more difficult to satisfy the quasi static real life aspects, such as material losses, and compared them
approximation, because the global thickness of the structure to the ideal results obtained in the previous sections.
progressively get electrically larger. Nevertheless, following
the results presented in Figure 8, Eqs. (34) may be considered Since we are interested in a configuration working at optical
as accurate in a certain range of electrical thicknesses of the frequencies, we firstly considered a dielectric cylindrical ob-
shells. In fact, even if the proposed closed formulas have been ject of finite length L = 500 nm and radius r1 = 30 nm made
obtained in the case of electrically small objects, the dipolar of silica (SiO2 ) and illuminated by a monochromatic plane
term used to describe the scattering behavior of the structure wave at the frequency of 600 THz. Since the far field scattering

09021- 7
Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid Publications 4, 09021 (2009) S. Tricarico et. al.

cross section of a finite cylinder is, in first approximation, pro-

portional through its effective length L2 /λ to Eq. (10), which
refers to an infinitely long cylinder [12], the global procedure
adopted in the previous sections remains applicable.

The outer shell is chosen to be made of silica, as well, with

β = 2. Using the design formulas presented throughout the
paper, we got for α = 1.8 and ε r2 ≈ −0.06. In order to get a
metamaterial shell exhibiting a near-zero permittivity in the
visible, we refer to our previous work [11], where we illus-
trated how alternating layers of stacked plasmonic materials
and regular dielectrics it is possible to implement homoge-
neous covers for a given TM polarization.
FIG. 11 Variation from the ideal (i.e. in the lossless case) total scattering cross section
Following the aforementioned approach, we designed an of a cylindrical object covered with a bi-layered shell made of lossy, homogenous
ENZ cover based on alternating annular sections of silver (Ag) materials, as a function of the imaginary parts of the relative permittivities of the
and silica. We, then, computed the scattering cross section and layers. The real part of the permittivity is kept at the design value and the frequency
compared it with the one of the bare cylinder. As it can be seen is f = 600 THz.
from Figure 10, at 600 THz we obtain a sensible reduction of
the scattering width, implying a reduction of the object ob-
servability at and around the desired frequency. terial losses in the simulations, especially due to the presence
of a strong plasmonic material like silver, the scattering reduc-
It is worth noticing that, even though we have considered ma- tion is still quite evident. The robustness of this setup to losses
is rather good, especially if compared with the performances
of a single cover configuration [13]. The plot of the total scat-
tering cross section of the cloaked cylinder as a function of the
imaginary parts of the relative permittivities ε00r2 and ε00r3 of the
two shells, is shown in Figure 11. This plot reveals that the
scattering cancellation condition is valid also for a wide range
of material losses, which is typical of several real-life layered

In order to validate these results, we report also the distribu-

tion of the electric and magnetic field (magnitude and phase)
for the bare cylinder and for the cloaked one (see Figures 12–
14). The transparency condition can be then justified by the
appreciable shadow effect reduction we get for the cloaked

The field lines, which are deformed by the scattering from the
object in the case of the bare cylinder, are restored to the ones
of a plane wave passing through the structure in the case of
the cylindrical object covered by the cloak. This result is high-
lighted by the phase distributions shown in Figure 14.

An interesting aspect related to the employment of multi-

layered cover relies in the possibility to obtain a cloak effect at
multiple frequencies, exploiting the dispersion profile of the
involved materials, as done in [10] for the case of spherical
shells. Looking at Eq. (12), in fact, one may obtain the scat-
tering cancellation condition at different frequencies, for the
same values of the radial extension (α, β) of the covers.

This can be achieved exploiting the new degrees of freedom

introduced by the variation of the relative permittivities of the
layers. However, for this geometry it is straightforward to ver-
FIG. 10 (a) Real part of the permittivity of Ag, SiO2 and of the cloak effective medium ify from direct inspection of Eq. (13), that it is not trivial to
(component obtained along the axis of the cylinder for the TM polarization). The cloak design such covers with only Drude-like dispersive materials.
is designed for f = 600 THz and the thicknesses of the two material (Ag and SiO2 ) A possible solution is to use also Lorentz dispersive media, in
shells are, 2 nm and 8 nm, respectively. (b) Maximum of the scattering cross-section order to synthesize covers working at two different frequen-
of a cylindrical object with and without the cloak. cies.

09021- 8
Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid Publications 4, 09021 (2009) S. Tricarico et. al.

FIG. 12 Electric field distribution at the cloak frequency f = 600 THz.

FIG. 14 Phase distribution of the electric (a) and magnetic (b) field for the covered
structure at the cloak frequency f = 600 THz.

Just as an example of the new design capabilities enabled by

multi-layered cloaks in the frame of multi-frequency opera-
tion, we consider again a cylinder made of silica, covered with
a double layered shell with α = 1.6 and β = 2.6. The outer
shell is made of silver (see Figure 10(a) for silver dispersion),
while the medium surrounding the inner core is a Lorentz-
like dispersive material with resonant frequency of 600 THz
and collision frequency of 1 radTHz. Using the same design
formulas of the previous cases, we are able to design the pro-
file of ε r2 (ω ) in order to get the scattering cancellation at the
two distinct frequencies f 1 = 550 THz and f 2 = 650 THz.
The graph reported in Figure 15 shows the effectiveness of the

The main issue related to this kind of approach concerns

the actual implementation of a metamaterial exhibiting the
needed Lorentz dispersion at optical frequencies. However,
as we have already shown in [11], it is possible to synthesize
such engineered dispersive materials through a pile of alter-
nating stacked disks of plasmonic materials and regular di-
electrics. Choosing the right combination of materials and the
proper thicknesses for the disks, it is possible to synthesize the
desired profile of the material dispersion, in order to match
the needed values of the permittivities of the two cylindrical
shells at the two frequencies.

FIG. 13 Magnetic field distribution at the cloak frequency f = 600 THz. An example of the actual material implementation, related to
the design of Figure 15, is reported in Figure 16. The cylindri-
cal object made of silica is surrounded by two material shells.

09021- 9
Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid Publications 4, 09021 (2009) S. Tricarico et. al.

aspects related to the analysis of the proposed cloaking de-

vices, giving, eventually, straightforward design rules. More-
over, we have extended the design approach to generic multi-
layered structures with more than two layers and we have
proposed realistic setups of cloaking devices working at op-
tical frequencies. Finally, we have validated our analysis and
shown the effectiveness of the proposed design rules through
a set of full-wave simulations confirming the predicted re-
sults. A possible application of multi-layered cloaking devices
to multi-frequency operation has been also proposed and dis-

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