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HVDC Control Schemes

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HVDC Control Schemes

Let at any instant the rectifier is operating with firing angle α1 and the inverter with extinction
angle γ1 as shown in Fig.1. Both the converter characteristics should intersect at a point, as the dc
link voltage Vd of the rectifier and that of the inverter basically represents the same value. In
particular, Vd is the voltage of a node in the HVDC link. Position of this node in a HVDC link
has been represented in the equivalent circuit of a HVDC system as shown inFig.2

Vd (per unit)
A CEA : γ1

Id (per unit)

Fig.1: Voltage control characteristics of rectifier and inverter in a HVDC system.

Rcr Rl Rci

Id Vd
Vacr Vdor Cosα
Vdoi Cosγ
Vdor Vdoi

Rectifier Inverter

Fig.2: Equivalent circuit of a HVDC Link.

R cr , R ci in Fig.2 represent commutation resistance of the rectifier and the inverter

The terms
respectively and l stands for line resistance. The relation between dc link voltage d and dc link

current I d takes the form as shown in (1).

Vdor cos   Vdoi cos 

Id 
R cr  R l  R ci (1)
The voltage of ac side Vacr , Vaci may rise to 5% only, as HVDC links are extra high voltage
buses. However, because of faults in the ac line Vacr , Vaci can decrease to a significant amount. In
particular the entire control characteristic is about increase or decrease of ac side voltage. In a
HVDC link constant flow of power is maintained by making link current I d to track the
reference value Idref . The fluctuation of ac side voltage at both the converter ends is a normal
situation. Thus, in a HVDC system under the situation of increase or decrease of ac side voltage,
either constant power control or constant current control can be exercised. However, in a HVDC
link constant flow of constant power is maintained by making link current I d to track the
reference value Idref . In a HVDC link constant current control algorithm is applied instead of
constant power control for the following three reasons.

(a) The line resistance is very small causing low damping effect in the line. Thus, it will be
difficult for the controller to arrest the power swings.
(b) The dc power is given by Pd  Vd I d . Thus, to maintain a constant power in the dc link
either dc link voltage Vd or dc link current I d or in situations both needed to be
controlled. Therefore control algorithm becomes very complex as depending on
characteristic of the fault it needs to decide which parameter of dc link Vd , Id , or both
should be brought under control action.
(c) In case of any fault in the dc link, if Vd decreases then to maintain constant power in the
dc link current will rise causing damage of the dc link as well as the valves

The control algorithm in a HVDC link can be discussed under following headings. The
control scheme for the rectifier illustrating play of CIA and Constant Current Control (CC) of
rectifier is shown below in Fig.3.

Idref Id Vc2
Id Controller
Firing Angle
αref Controller α
α Controller Vc1

Fig.3: CIA control and CC control of rectifier

(i) Increase of Vdor
For clearly understanding the effect of increase of rectifier end ac side voltage
Vdor and the necessary control action, relation between dc link voltage Vd and dc link
current I d of a HVDC system has been stated below:

Vdor cos   Vdoi cos 

Id 
R cr  R l  R ci

From the relation between dc link voltage Vd and dc link current I d as stated above,
surely with increase of rectifier end ac side voltage Vdor , current in the dc link will
increase. The same has been illustrated in Fig.4, which shows that due to increase of Vdor
rectifier characteristic has raised from grey colored dashed line to orange colored line and
therefore dc link current I d has increased due to shifting of operating point from ‘A’ to
‘B’. Thus, to bring down I d the term cos  needs to be decreased. In particular, ignition
angle of rectifier side valves  should be increased from its operating value of 1 (grey
colored dashed line to  2 (red colored line) to lower the characteristic from the new
position of orange colored line ( operating point B) to previous position (indicated by red
colored line) as shown in Fig.4. To be noted that, situation may not be brought under
control by firing angle control, as considering the constraint of poor line power factor
caused by rise of ignition angle, the maximum limit of  is (10° -20°). In such cases, on
load tap changer of the rectifier side should be operated and even if satisfactory result is
not achieved on load tap changer of the inverter side is controlled.

Vd (per unit)
Shift of rectifier characteristic for increase of
Vdor ,α=α1
B CEA : γ1
Grey CIA : α1
Id (per unit)
Fig.4: Rectifier –Inverter characteristic of a HVDC system
Thus, fromFig.3 it can be understood that, increase of valve ignition angle from 1 to
 2 shifts the previous operating point from ’A’ to ‘B’.
Fig.4: Rectifier –Inverter Characteristic of inverter

(ii) Decrease of Vdor

For clearly understanding the control action, relation between dc link voltage Vd and
dc link current I d has been stated below.
Vdor cos   Vdoi cos 
Id 
R cr  R l  R ci

From the relation between dc link voltage Vd and dc link current I d as stated above,
surely with decrease of rectifier end ac side voltage Vdor , current in the dc link will
decrease. The same can also be analyzed from Fig. 5, which shows that due to
decrease of Vdor rectifier characteristic has lowered from grey colored dashed line to
orange colored line and therefore dc link current I d has decreased due to shifting of
operating point from ‘A’ to ‘B’.

Vd (per unit)
Shift of rectifier characteristic for decrease of Vdor ,α=α1
1.0 CEA : γ1
B A (Red)CIA:α2

Grey CIA : α1
Id (per unit)
Fig.5: Rectifier –Inverter characteristic of a HVDC system
So, current controller of the rectifier end will initiate control action and to maintain
constant dc link current, the control action is to raise cos  term by reducing ignition

angle or firing angle

 
of the valves of rectifier end. In particular, ignition angle of
rectifier side valves  should be decreased from its previous operating value of 1
(grey colored dashed line ) to  2 (Red colored line) to raise the characteristic from
the new position of orange colored line ( operating point B) to a new position
(operating point A’) as shown in Fig.5. To be noted,  can be lowered to a minimum
value of  min which is nearly 5°. However, even if with firing angle control of the
rectifier the dc link current cannot be maintained at the reference value of 1.0 (per
unit), the on load tap changer of rectifier end can be operated .Interestingly, if tap
changer of rectifier end fails to make dc link current equal to the reference value, the
tap changer of inverter end is operated. This control algorithm is valid for decrease of
Vdor up to such an extent that intersection between CIA of rectifier and CEA of
inverter is possible

(iii) Increase of Vdoi

For clearly understanding the effect of increase of inverter end ac side voltage Vdoi
and the necessary control action, relation between dc link voltage Vd and dc link
current I d of a HVDC system has been stated below:
V cos   Vdoi cos 
I d  dor
R cr  R l  R ci

From the relation between dc link voltage Vd and dc link current I d as stated above,
surely with increase of inverter end ac side voltage current in the dc link will
decrease. The same can also be analyzed from Fig. 6, which shows that due to
increase of Vdoi inverter characteristic has raised from red colored line to black
colored line and therefore dc link current I d has decreased due to shifting of
operating point from ‘A’ to ‘B’.
Orange CIA : α2
Shift of inverter characteristic for increase of Vdoi ,γ = γ1
Vd (per unit)

A’ CEA : γ1
A CEA : γ1

Grey CIA : α1
1.0 Id (per unit)
Fig.6: Rectifier –Inverter characteristic of a HVDC system

So, current controller of the rectifier end will initiate control action and to maintain
constant dc link current, the control action is to raise cos  term by reducing ignition

angle or firing angle

 
of the valves of rectifier end. In particular, ignition angle of
rectifier side valves  should be decreased from its previous operating value of 1
(grey colored dashed line ) to  2 (orange colored line) to raise the characteristic
from the new position of orange colored line ( operating point B) to a new position
(operating point A’) as shown in Fig. 6. To be noted,  can be lowered to a
minimum value of  min which is nearly 5°. However, even if with firing angle
control of the rectifier the dc link current cannot be maintained at the reference value
of 1.0 (per unit), the on load tap changer of inverter end can be operated
.Interestingly, if tap changer of inverter end fails to make dc link current equal to the
reference value, the tap changer of rectifier end is operated. As voltage rise is hardly
5% at maximum, so in this case with rise in ac side voltage the intersection point of
CIA of rectifier and CEA of inverter just shifts only and control action is
implemented to restore the previous intersection point.

(iv) Decrease of Vdoi

For clearly understanding the effect of decrease of inverter end ac side voltage Vdoi
and the necessary control action, relation between dc link voltage Vd and dc link
current I d of a HVDC system has been stated below:
V cos   Vdoi cos 
I d  dor
R cr  R l  R ci

From the relation between dc link voltage Vd and dc link current I d as stated above,
surely with decrease of inverter end ac side voltage current in the dc link will
increase. The same can also be analyzed from Fig. 7, which shows that due to
decrease of Vdoi inverter characteristic has lowered from red colored line to black
colored line and therefore dc link current I d has increased due to shifting of operating
point from ‘A’ to ‘B’.

Orange CIA : α2
Shift of inverter characteristic for increase of Vdoi ,γ = γ1
Vd (per unit)

A CEA : γ1
Grey CIA : α1
CEA : γ1
1.0 Id (per unit)

Fig.7: Rectifier –Inverter characteristic of a HVDC system

So, current controller of the rectifier end will initiate control action and to maintain
constant dc link current, the control action is to lower cos  term by increasing

ignition angle or firing angle

   of the valves of rectifier end. In particular, ignition
angle of rectifier side valves  should be increased from its previous operating value
of 1 (grey colored dashed line ) to  2 (orange colored line) to raise the
characteristic from the new position of orange colored line ( operating point B) to a
new position (operating point A’) as shown in Fig.7.
However,  can be increased only to a maximum of 10° to 20° because of the
problem of poor line power factor. But if dc link current cannot be maintained at the
reference value of 1.0 (per unit), the on load tap changer of inverter end can be
operated .Interestingly, if tap changer of inverter end fails to make dc link current
equal to the reference value, the tap changer of rectifier end is operated. This control
algorithm is valid for decrease of Vdor up to such an extent that intersection between
CIA of rectifier and CEA of inverter is possible.

(v) Severe fall of Vdor

In the event of severe fall of rectifier end ac side voltage Vdor the rectifier
characteristic may be lowered to such an extent that the CIA characteristic of rectifier
fails to make an intersection with the CEA characteristic of inverter as shown in

Shift of rectifier characteristic for decrease of Vdor ,α = α1

Vd (per unit)

A CEA : γ1

Grey CIA : α1
CEA : γ1
1.0 Id (per unit)

Fig.8: Rectifier – Inverter Characteristic

The same can also be analyzed from Fig. 8, which shows that due to decrease of Vdor
rectifier characteristic has lowered from grey colored dashed line to orange colored
line and therefore dc link current I d is zero as there is no intersection between the
orange colored CIA and red colored CEA. In such cases the HVDC link practices
VDCOL, i.e, voltage dependent current order limit. With such reduced voltage it
becomes difficult for both the converters to maintain current which is equal to Idref
and so current order of both rectifier and inverter is reduced and reduced power is
sent over the dc link. To be noted in VDCOL the dc link current is maintained not by
CC of rectifier, but by CC of inverter as shown in Fig. 8.

Shift of rectifier characteristic for decrease of Vdor ,α = α1

Vd (per unit)
Blue: CIA: α1

A CEA : γ1
CC of
inverter CC of

Id (per unit)

Fig.8: Rectifier- Inverter characteristic

(vi) Increase of R ci due to fall of Vdoi

In case of severe fault in ac side of inverter end, the commutation resistance becomes
very high. This makes slope of CEA characteristic so steep that multiple intersection
occurs between CEA of inverter and CIA of rectifier as showninFig.9.
Vd (per unit)

Blue: CIA: α1

B CEA : γ1
CC of
CC of
Id (per unit)

Fig.9: Rectifier- Inverter characteristic

In such case, to avoid hunting of dc link for exact value of operating point the inverter
is shifted from constant ignition angle control to constant β control as shown in
Vd (per unit)
Blue: CIA: α1
Β - control
B CEA : γ1
CC of
CC of rectifier
Id (per unit)

Fig.10: Rectifier- Inverter characteristic

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