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© May 2018 | IJIRT | Volume 4 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002

A Study on Customer satisfaction towards Reliance Jio


Dr.T.Sisili1 , S.Gokul kumar2 , S.Sivakumar3 , G.Manikandan4

Asst. Professor, School of Management Studies, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamilnadu,
II MBA Students, School of Management studies, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Tamilnadu,

Abstract- Indian Telecom industry is one of the fastest Reliance Jio. The subject has been taken for the
growing telecom markets in the world. In telecom research as it plays key role in the success of
industry, service providers are the main drivers, The Telecom sector. No company can think of selling
entitled “A S tudy on Customer satisfaction towards
their product without having satisfied customer. No
Reliance Jio network” is carried out with an objective
company can survive in long run without coming up
to determine the customer satisfaction on Reliance Jio
and to find out the customers satisfaction towards the to the satisfaction level of customer.
products and services and. Data were collected by  JIO Product and Services
survey method through structured questionnaire with  JioPhone
both opened and closed ended questions. For  4G broadband
distribution of questionnaire to the customers random  LYF smartphones
sampling method was used to select the customers and
 JionetWi-Fi
the survey was taken among those selected users. After
collecting the data from the respondents it was analysed
using S imple Percentage Analysis, Friedman Test, chi - 1.2 Problem Identification
squared test and regression. In the era of information  The Customer‟s transformation of network from
explosion, people are to be provided with quick and the existing services to the Reliance Jio 4G
timely access to information. The present study carried Mobile services have been increasing highly.
out with 172 users of Reliance Jio. The whole study is  Even though the sector has reflected promising
carried with the help of those respondents.
growth, the industry is expected to continue to
record good subscriber growth.
Index Terms- Jiosim, Jio network, service.
 The company can come up to the expectation
1. INTRODUCTION only by finding out the problem that customers
are facing during their purchase of Reliance Jio
Marketing concept starts with the consumer needs products.
and in behavior in meeting these needs. Every action  The study makes effort to ascertain the
of a person is based on the needs. The real problem is satisfaction level of customers of Reliance Jio
to learn what a customer takes into consideration through survey. So that company would be able
when he chooses a particular brand. Such a study is to come up to the expectation level of its
concerned with consumer Satisfaction. customer.

1.1 Customer Satisfaction 1.3 Objectives of the Study

Customer Satisfaction in business term is a measure  To measure the effectiveness of various factors
of how products & services supplied by a company that leads to the customer satisfaction of
meet or surpass customer expectation. In a Reliance Jio 4G mobile services.
competitive marketplace, where businesses compete  To test whether the various factors that leads to
for customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key the customer satisfaction are significantly
differentiator & increasingly has become a key different or not.
element of business strategy. The study makes effort  To know the awareness level about jiosim.
to ascertain the satisfaction level of customers of


© May 2018 | IJIRT | Volume 4 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002

 To identify the factors influencing to choose jio telegraphic and telephonic systems in the 19th
network. century, the field of telephonic communication has
 To study the problems faced by subscribers now expanded to make use of advanced technologies
while using jio network. like GSM, CDMA, and WLL to the great 3G
Technology in mobile phones. T. Kavipriya and
1.4 Need for the Study P.Rengarajan (2012) in their article titled, “User‟s
 To eliminate the discomforts of services Level of Satisfaction with Mobile Phone Service
provided by the Reliance Jio. Providers - with Special Reference to Tiruppur
 To measure the satisfaction level as there is District, Tamil Nadu” have point out in recent the
always scope of improvement. demand for mobile phone is increasing. There are
many players in the mobile phone industry. Though
1.5. Scope of the Study cell phone industry has its origin in the recent past
This study covers customers about Reliance Jio. It and the growth has been excellent. To market their
makes effort to ascertain the satisfaction level of services, every company is adding many new
customers of Reliance Jio 4G mobile services. The features. S.Vishnuvarthani (2013) in her article
various factors that lead to test the satisfaction level entitled “Consumers‟ Awareness and Preference for
of customers are speed, connectivity, customer care, Mobile Phone Services at Erode City” has pointed
getting new connections, compatibility. By using this out that telecommunication is one of the most
factors to measure the satisfaction level towards important growing service sectors in India. It plays an
Reliance Jio. inevitable role in today‟s busy world. The
telecommunication includes both mobile
1.6 Limitations of the Study communication and fixed telephony lines. In recent
 The behavior of the customer is unpredictable days there is an upsurge in the use mobile phones
which may result in the lacking of accuracy in rather than land lines. The number of mobile phone
the data. subscribers outnumbered land line telephony system.
 As the sample size of the survey was so small It is because of certain advantages that mobile phone
and comprise of only 172 customers, the results has for itself. Government and private operators are
may have some prone to errors. competing at close margin and are trying to provide
 Study accuracy totally based upon the multiple value added services to people. Hence, the
cellular operators should strive to provide cost
respondents response.
effective quality equipments, affordable and
 Stipulated short span of time for survey.
competitive call tariffs for connectivity at various
 The study is based on the opinion expressed by
levels and customized services in order to satisfy and
subscribers only.
delight their consumers. Dinesh Kumar Pandiya,
DrBrajeshKumar, MazahidulHaqueChoudhury
(2014) did a study titled “A Study of Customer
satisfaction on Telecom Service Providers”. To
Review of Literature helps in getting the view of
understand the performance of different brands in the
current trends in the industry and it helps accruing an
market on various parameters like Network
idea in which way the study should be focused. It
Satisfaction, GPRS, SMS pack, customer care, free
also helps in getting a reference to how the study
talk time, festival offer, full talk time, free roaming,
should be preceded.
validity, connection charges, ease of availability of
B. Adhinarayanan and K. Balanagagurunathan(2011)
retailers selling recharge coupon, ease of availability
in their article entitled, “A Study on Customer
of the retailers transferring recharge voucher and
Satisfaction towards Reliance Telecom in Tamilnadu
online recharge. This study it helps in understanding
with Special Reference to Salem City” have indicated
the factors influencing customer satisfaction towards
that Indian Telecom sector, like any other industrial
telecom service like service quality of network,
sector in the country, has gone through many phases
customer care, SMS packs, free talk time, connection
of growth and diversification. Starting from
charges, Ease of availability of the retailer selling


© May 2018 | IJIRT | Volume 4 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002

recharge coupon, Ease of availability of retailers Data can be defined as the quantitative or qualitative
transferring recharge voucher.NitikaRawat(2015) did values of a variable. Here the Data is collected using
a study titled “Future and Challenges of 4G Wireless Questionnaire method. Data is thought to be the
Technology” In his paper he explains about IP based lowest unit of information from which other
and IP based devices. This paper describes how 4G is measurements and analysis can be done. Data can be
easy to deploy and thus, cost effective as well. The numbers, images, words, figures, facts or ideas. Data
idea of multimode software for maintaining different in itself cannot be understood and to get information
networks simultaneously is explained, along with the from the data one must interpret it into meaningful
mechanisms of system initiated discoveries. Also, the information. There are various methods of
challenge of managing user accounts is discussed. interpreting data. Data sources are broadly classified
The paper describes the concept of security that into primary and secondary data.
should be given heed. This paper explores what 4G Source of data
network technology actually is, along with some of
the propositions in order to fully figure out the Primary data
advantages and challenges of effectively The primary data is original research data in its raw
implementing 4G.A.K. Antony (2016) “A study on from without any analysis of processing. This
consumer satisfaction towards reliance jio connection provides a wealth of information for researchers.
palakad area kerala state” The study aims to know the Primary data collected through survey from the
level of satisfaction towards the reliance jio net respondents by using questionnaire.
connect. He concluded most of the respondents are
highly satisfied with the reliance net connect for its Tools for data collection
network coverage. In this study Questionnaire is used for data collection


This chapter clearly defines the research methods The primary data collected using the instrument –
used to conduct the study. It also explains how the Questionnaire with demographical questions,
necessary data and information to address the research questions and a open ended feedback
research objectives and questions was collected, questions from 172 respondents. The data are coded
presented and analyzed. in to MS excel and transformed into the software
package SPSS for statistical analysis. The following
Research methodology analysis were carried out
Research Methodology is a way to systematically 1) Percentage Analysis
solve the research problem. This would include the 2) Regression Analysis
procedure and techniques used to perform the 3) Friedman Test
research as well as any of the terminology and 4) chi-squared test
explanation of how these methods will be applied Percentage Analysis
effectively. In Percentage Analysis, demographic factors are
considered to evaluate the research questions to find
Sample size the percentage level of the responses. The following
Sample size refers to the numbers of respondents is the formula for percentage analysis:
selected for the survey. The sample size selected for Percentage of respondent = No of
the study is 172.Individual Customers are taken as Respondent x 100%
the Sampling unit. The type of sampling is Random
Probability sampling. In simple random sampling Total no of respondent
each member of population is equally likely to be Profile of the Respondents
chosen as part of the sample.  59% are the Male respondents and 41% are the
female respondents.
Collection of data


© May 2018 | IJIRT | Volume 4 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002

 69% of respondents are in the age group of 18 to Total 172 100

Preference of jio
25 and 20% of respondents are in the age group
1 Low cost 94 55
of 25 to 40 and remaining 11% are more than 40
2 Network coverage 27 16
age group. 3 Quick customer 13 7
 51% of respondents are students and 35% of the care
respondents are an employee and 7% are doing 4 Jio plans 38 22
Total 172 100
agriculture and remaining 7% are doing their
Preference of jio pack
own business. 1 1.5 GB/day packs 130 75
 26% of respondents are Airtel and 16%of 2 2 GB/day packs 31 19
respondents are Aircel and 16%of respondents 3 Sachet (short 4 2
are Bsnl and 16%of respondents are Vodafone term)
4 Long term 7 4
and 24%of respondents are using some other Total 172 100
network like Idea, Docomo etc. Recommend jio to others
1 Yes 156 91
Profile of the Respondents 2 No 16 9
S.No Particulars No.of Percentage (%) Total 172 100
. Respondents
Gender wise classification
M ale 101 59
2 Female 71 41 Regression analysis is an important tool for modeling
Total 172 100 and analyzing data. Regression analysis estimates the
Age wise classification relationship between two or more variables. There
1 18 to 25 120 69 are multiple benefits of using regression analysis.
2 25 to 40 34 20 They are as follows:
3 M ore than 40 18 11
1. It indicates the significant relationships between
Total 172 100
Occupation dependent variable and independent variable.
1 Student 88 51 2. It indicates the strength of impact of multiple
2 Employee 60 35 independent variables on a dependent variable.
3 Agriculture 12 7 Regression analysis also allows us to compare the
4 Business 12 7
effects of variables measured on different scales,
Total 172 100
Network used before jio such as the effect of price changes and the number of
1 Airtel 46 26 promotional activities. These benefits help market
2 Aircel 29 16 researchers / data analysts / data scientists to
3 Bsnl 26 16 eliminate and evaluate the best set of variables to be
4 Vodafone 26 16
used for building predictive models.
5 Others 45 26
Total 172 100
Type of jio scheme Regression analysis for „Recommend R JIO to others
1 Prepaid 143 83 A regression analysis was conducted with dependent
2 Postpaid 29 17 variable „would you like to recommend R jio to
Total 172 100 others„ and by the independent variables consider
Sources of jio
1 Newspaper ads 51 30 were “why do you prefer jiosim than other service
2 Tv ads 40 23 providers”, “which recharge pack would you prefer
3 Word of mouth 54 31 for your usage”, “the speed of jio‟s 4g broadband is
4 Bill 27 16 better compared to other networks”, “do you satisfied
with jio 4g internet speed”, “experience of network in
Total 172 100
Helpful service or product
terms of indoor coverage”, “experience of network in
1 Jio app service 48 28 terms of outdoor coverage”, “experience of network
2 Jio 4G broadband 38 22 in terms of voice quality”, “experience of network in
3 Jio phone 61 36 terms of ensuring connectivity at first time”,
4 Jio Wi-Fi 25 14 “experience of network in terms of roaming


© May 2018 | IJIRT | Volume 4 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002

services”, “experience of network in terms of Regression equation:

providing continuous connection while talking”, RTO = a1 + + α1 PJS + α2 RPU + α3 SJB + α4
“easy access to the customer care”, “compatibility of JIS + α5 EIC + α6 EOC +
jiosim in every mobile phone is easy” “getting new α7 EVQ +α8 ECF + α9 ERS + α10 ECC + α11 ACC
connection for jio is easy compared to other + α12 CJS + α13 GNC + α14 JSO + α15 SDR + ε 1
networks”, “jio‟s free local and national sms offer”, Where,
“experience of network in terms of error free sms RTO - RECOMMEND RJIO TO OTHERS
delivery & receipt” PJS - PREFERENCE OF JIO SIM
H0: there is no significant difference between the JIS- JIO INTERNET SPEED
independent variables that are Influencing the EIC- EXPERIENCE OF INDOOR COVERA GE
dependent variable „Recommend R Jio to others‟ EOC- EXPERIENCE OF OUTDOOR COVERA GE
H1: there is significant difference between the
independent variables that are
H2: Influencing the dependent variable „Recommend ECF-EXPERIENCE OF CONNECTIVITY AT
R Jio to others‟ FIRST TIME
Analysis: Model Summary for Recommend R Jio to ECC-EXPERIENCE OF CONTINOUS
Mo R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the ACC- ACCESS TO THE CUSTOMER CARE
1 1.000 1.000 1.000 .008
Table 4.3Regression and Error values for
Recommend R Jio to others
a1 - Constant
M odel Sum of Df M ean F Sig. α1 - Coefficient of PJS
Squares Square
α2 - Coefficient of RPU
1 Regressio 13.529 15 .902 12987.4 .007
n 94 α3 - Coefficient of SJB
Residual .000 1 .000 α4 - Coefficient of JIS
α5 - Coefficient of EIC
Total 13.529 16
α6 - Coefficient of EOC
Dependent Variable: RECOMMEND RJIO TO α7 - Coefficient of EVQ
OTHERS α8 - Coefficient of ECF
Coefficients of dependent variables for Recommend α9 - Coefficient of ERS
R Jio to others α10 - Coefficient of ECC
α11 - Coefficient of ACC
α12 - Coefficient of CJS
α13 - Coefficient of GNC
α14 - Coefficient of JSO
α15 - Coefficient of SDR
ε1 - Error
By substituting the value from table 4.15, the
regression equation will be ,
RTO = - 4.974+ 0.246PJS + 0.060RPU +
0.340SJB + 0.277 JIS + 0.241EIC + 1.549EOC +
0.133EVQ - 1.575 ECF - 0.157 ERS + 1.192 ECC+
0.151ACC - 0.689 CJS + 0.819GNC - 1.068 JSO +
0.662SDR +1.000…..…. Eq. (1)


© May 2018 | IJIRT | Volume 4 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002

Interpretation: From the literature reviews, the following factors

The Significance (P Value) of the model is 0.007, have been identified to check how far it satisfies the
which is less than the stipulated P-Value of 0.05. So customer towards Reliance Jio 4G mobile
this test is statistically significant. The independent services/product. The factors collected from the
variables are considered for the test are “why do you review of literature have been furnished below;
prefer jiosim than other service providers”, “which  Speed
recharge pack would you prefer for your usage”, “the  Network Coverage
speed of jio‟s 4g broadband is better compared to  Customer Care
other networks”, “do you satisfied with jio 4g internet  Compatibility
speed”, “experience of network in terms of indoor  Getting New connection
coverage”, “experience of network in terms of  SMS
outdoor coverage”, “experience of network in terms
of voice quality”, “experience of network in terms of Formulation of Hypothesis:
ensuring connectivity at first time”, “experience of H0: The various factors satisfying the Reliance Jio
network in terms of roaming services”, “experience services are not significantly different.
of network in terms of providing continuous H1: The various factors satisfying the Reliance Jio
connection while talking”, “easy access to the services are significantly different.
customer care”, “compatibility of jiosim in every
mobile phone is easy” “getting new connection for Level of Significance (α):
jio is easy compared to other networks”, “jio‟s free The level of significance is 5%, therefore the
local and national sms offer”, “experience of network confidence level is 95%.
in terms of error free sms delivery & receipt”. By Descriptive Statistics of Factors Influencing the
running that regression test the co-efficient of Reliance Jio Services
predicts and constant value are arrived as a 1 = - 4.974,
α1 = 0.246, α2 = 0.060, α3 = 0.340, α4 = 0.277, α5 =
0.241,α6 = 1.549,α7 = 0.133,α8 = - 1.575, α9 = - 0.157,
α10 = 1.192,α11 = 0.151,α12 = - 0.689,α13 = 0.819,
α14 = - 1.068,α15 = 0.662 and ε1 =1.000 (value of R
squire) with this the regression equation Eq. (1) is
As the p-value is much less than 0.05, (i.e. 0.007), we
reject the null hypothesis. Hence there is a significant
relationship between the variables in the linear
regression model of the data set faithful.

Friedman Test
The Friedman test is the non-parametric alternative to Mean Ranks of Factors influencing the RelianceJio
the one-way ANOVA with repeated measures. It is Services
used to test for differences between groups when the
dependent variable being measured is ordinal. It can
also be used for continuous data that has violated the
assumptions necessary to run the one-way ANOVA
with repeated measures (e.g., data that has marked
deviations from normality). Thus here the Friedman
is used to test the differences between various factors
influencing Reliance Jio services.
Customer Satisfaction Level towards Reliance Jio 4G

Mobile Services/product:


© May 2018 | IJIRT | Volume 4 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002

Test Statistics of Factors Influencing the Reliance taking care on these factors, the company would be
JioServices able to come up to the expectation level of its
Particulars Values customer and can improve its services.
N 172
Chi-Square 233.153 Chi-square test for „the network which is used before
Degree of freedom 15 Rjio:
Asymptotic Significant .000 Particulars The network which is used
before Rjio
Interpretation chi-square 11.081
The Asymptotic Significant (P Value) is less than the Degree of freedom 4
stipulated value of 0.05. So the carried out test is Asymptotic Significant .026
statistically significant with the degree of freedom 15
and calculated Chi Square value is 233.153. The Chi Hypothesis:
Square table value is 29.663. As the calculated Chi H0: there is no significant difference between the
Square value is higher than the table value, the H0is respondents about „the network which is used
getting rejected and H1is accepted. It infers that there before rjio‟
is significant difference among various factors H1: there is significant difference between the
satisfying the Reliance Jio. respondents about „the network which is used
before rjio‟
From the Mean Rank table, we can able to categories
the factors which gives high ranking to low ranking.
They are;
The significance (p value) calculated is 0.026 which
High Ranking Factors Influencing the Reliance Jio
is less than the stipulated value of 0.05. So this test is
statistically significant to conduct chi-square test. The
degree of freedom for the test is 4 (5-1), the chi-
square calculated value is 11.081. This is higher than
the table value of 9.488. Since the chi-square
calculated is higher than chi-square table value, we
cannot accept the null hypothesis. Hence reject null
hypothesis and accept alternate hypothesis, so there is
Moderate Ranking Factors Influencing the Reliance a significant difference between the respondents
regarding „use social media‟
Jio Services

chi-square test for type of jio scheme:

Particulars Type of jio scheme
chi-square 75.558
Degree of freedom 1
Low Ranking Factors Influencing the Reliance Jio Asymptotic Significant .019

H0: There is no significant difference between the
respondents about „type of jio scheme‟
H1: There is significant difference between the
respondents about „type of jio scheme‟
• From the above table it is inferred that, the
factors which are compatibility, speed, voice quality, Interpretation:
indoor coverage, access to the customer care, getting The significance (p value) calculated is 0.019 which
new connection are ranking poor.If the industry is is less than the stipulated value of 0.05. so this test is


© May 2018 | IJIRT | Volume 4 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002

statistically significant to conduct chi-square test. The Interpretation:

degree of freedom for the test is 4 (5-1), the chi- The significance (p value) calculated is 0.001 which
square calculated value is 75.558. This is higher than is less than the stipulated value of 0.05. So this test is
the table value of 9.488. Since the chi-square statistically significant to conduct chi-square test. The
calculated is higher than chi-square table value, we degree of freedom for the test is 4 (5-1), the chi-
cannot accept the null hypothesis. Hence reject null square calculated value is 16.233. This is higher than
hypothesis and accept alternate hypothesis, so there is the table value of 9.488. Since the chi-square
a significant difference between the respondents calculated is higher than chi-square table value, we
regarding „type of jio scheme‟‟ cannot accept the null hypothesis. Hence reject null
hypothesis and accept alternate hypothesis, so there is
Chi-square test for source about Rjio: a significant difference between the respondents
Particulars Source about Rjio regarding „helpful service or product‟.
chi-square 10.372
Chi-square test for „preference of jio than others‟
Degree of freedom 3
Particulars preference of jio than others
Asymptotic Significant .016
chi-square 87.953
Degree of freedom 3
H0: there is no significant difference between the Asymptotic Significant .000
respondents about „source about rjio‟
H1: there is significant difference between the Hypothesis:
respondents about „source about rjio‟ H0: there is no significant difference between the
Interpretation: respondents about „preference of jio than others‟.
The significance (p value) calculated is 0.016 which H1: there is significant difference between the
is less than the stipulated value of 0.05. So this test is respondents about „preference of jio than others‟.
statistically significant to conduct chi-square test. The Interpretation:
degree of freedom for the test is 4 (5-1), the chi- The significance (p value) calculated is 0.000 which
square calculated value is 10.372. This is higher than is less than the stipulated value of 0.05. So this test is
the table value of 9.488. Since the chi-square statistically significant to conduct chi-square test. The
calculated is higher than chi-square table value, we degree of freedom for the test is 4 (5-1), the chi-
cannot accept the null hypothesis. Hence reject null square calculated value is 87.953. This is higher than
hypothesis and accept alternate hypothesis, so there is the table value of 9.488. Since the chi-square
a significant difference between the respondents calculated is higher than chi-square table value, we
regarding „source about rjio‟. cannot accept the null hypothesis. Hence reject null
hypothesis and accept alternate hypothesis, so there is
Chi-square test for „helpful service or product: a significant difference between the respondents
Particulars Helpful service or product regarding „preference of jio than others‟
chi-square 16.233
Chi-square test for „recharge pack preference‟
Degree of freedom 3
Particulars Recharge pack preference
Asymptotic Significant .001
chi-square 244.884
Degree of freedom 3
H0: there is no significant difference between the Asymptotic Significant .007
respondents about „helpful service or product‟.
H1: there is significant difference between the Hypothesis:
respondents about „helpful service or product‟. H0: there is no significant difference between the
respondents about „recharge pack preference‟.


© May 2018 | IJIRT | Volume 4 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002

H1: there is significant difference between the Hypothesis:

respondents about „recharge pack preference‟. H0: there is no significant difference between the
respondents about „the speed of broadband‟.
Interpretation: H1: there is significant difference between the
The significance (p value) calculated is 0.007 which respondents about „the speed of broadband‟.
is less than the stipulated value of 0.05. So this test is
statistically significant to conduct chi-square test. The Interpretation:
degree of freedom for the test is 4 (5-1), the chi- The significance (p value) calculated is 0.001 which
square calculated value is 244.884. This is higher is less than the stipulated value of 0.05. So this test is
than the table value of 9.488. Since the chi-square statistically significant to conduct chi-square test. The
calculated is higher than chi-square table value, we degree of freedom for the test is 4 (5-1), the chi-
cannot accept the null hypothesis. Hence reject null square calculated value is 18.291. This is higher than
hypothesis and accept alternate hypothesis, so there is the table value of 9.488. Since the chi-square
a significant difference between the respondents calculated is higher than chi-square table value, we
regarding „recharge pack preference‟. cannot accept the null hypothesis. Hence reject null
chi-square test for hypothesis and accept alternate hypothesis, so there is
„Recommendation to others‟ a significant difference between the respondents
Particulars Recommendation to regarding „the speed of broadband
Chi-square test for „Jio 4G internet speed‟
chi-square 113.953
Particulars Jio 4g internet speed
Degree of freedom 1
chi-square 34.860
Asymptotic Significant .000
Degree of freedom 4
H0: there is no significant difference between the Asymptotic Significant .012
respondents about „recommendation to others‟ Hypothesis:
H1: there is significant difference between the H0: There is no significant difference between the
respondents about „recommendation to others respondents about „jio 4g internet speed‟.
H1: There is significant difference between the
Interpretation: respondents about „jio 4g internet speed‟.
The significance (p value) calculated is 0.000 which
is less than the stipulated value of 0.05. So this test is Interpretation:
statistically significant to conduct chi-square test. The The significance (p value) calculated is 0.012 which
degree of freedom for the test is 4 (5-1), the chi- is less than the stipulated value of 0.05. So this test is
square calculated value is 113.953. This is higher statistically significant to conduct chi-square test. The
than the table value of 9.488. Since the chi-square degree of freedom for the test is 4 (5-1), the chi-
calculated is higher than chi-square table value, we square calculated value is 34.860. This is higher than
cannot accept the null hypothesis. Hence reject null the table value of 9.488. Since the chi-square
hypothesis and accept alternate hypothesis, so there is calculated is higher than chi-square table value, we
a significant difference between the respondents cannot accept the null hypothesis. Hence reject null
regarding „recommendation to others‟. hypothesis and accept alternate hypothesis, so there is
a significant difference between the respondents
Chi-square test for „The speed of broadband‟ regarding „jio 4g internet speed.
Particulars The speed of broadband
Chi-square test for „Indoor coverage‟
chi-square 18.291
Particulars Indoor coverage
Degree of freedom 4
chi-square 12.012
Asymptotic Significant .001
Degree of freedom 4


© May 2018 | IJIRT | Volume 4 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002

Asymptotic Significant .017 Degree of freedom 4

Hypothesis: Asymptotic Significant .003
H0: there is no significant difference between the Hypothesis:
respondents about „indoor coverage‟. H0: There is no significant difference between the
H1: there is significant difference between the respondents about „experience of voice quality‟.
respondents about „indoor coverage‟. H1: There is significant difference between the
respondents about „experience of voice quality‟.
The significance (p value) calculated is 0.017 which Interpretation:
is less than the stipulated value of 0.05. so this test is The significance (p value) calculated is 0.003 which
statistically significant to conduct chi-square test. The is less than the stipulated value of 0.05. So this test is
degree of freedom for the test is 4 (5-1), the chi- statistically significant to conduct chi-square test. The
square calculated value is 12.012. This is higher than degree of freedom for the test is 4 (5-1), the chi-
the table value of 9.488. Since the chi-square square calculated value is 21.895. This is higher than
calculated is higher than chi-square table value, we the table value of 9.488. Since the chi-square
cannot accept the null hypothesis. Hence reject null calculated is higher than chi-square table value, we
hypothesis and accept alternate hypothesis, so there is cannot accept the null hypothesis. Hence reject null
a significant difference between the respondents hypothesis and accept alternate hypothesis, so there is
regarding „indoor coverage‟ a significant difference between the respondents
regarding „experience of voice quality‟.
Chi-square test for „Outdoor coverage‟
Particulars Outdoor coverage chi-square test for „connectivity at first time‟
chi-square 12.186 Particulars Connectivity at first time
Degree of freedom 4 chi-square 17.477
Asymptotic Significant .016 Degree of freedom 4
Hypothesis: Asymptotic Significant .002
H0: there is no significant difference between the Hypothesis:
respondents about „outdoor coverage H0: there is no significant difference between the
H1: there is significant difference between the respondents about „connectivity at first time‟.
respondents about „outdoor coverage‟ H1: there is significant difference between the
respondents about „connectivity at first time‟.
The significance (p value) calculated is 0.016 which Interpretation:
is less than the stipulated value of 0.05. so this test is The significance (p value) calculated is 0.002 which
statistically significant to conduct chi-square test. The is less than the stipulated value of 0.05. So this test is
degree of freedom for the test is 4 (5-1), the chi- statistically significant to conduct chi-square test. The
square calculated value is 12.186. This is higher than degree of freedom for the test is 4 (5-1), the chi-
the table value of 9.488. Since the chi-square square calculated value is 17.477. This is higher than
calculated is higher than chi-square table value, we the table value of 9.488.since the chi-square
cannot accept the null hypothesis. Hence reject null calculated is higher than chi-square table value, we
hypothesis and accept alternate hypothesis, so there is cannot accept the null hypothesis. Hence reject null
a significant difference between the respondents hypothesis and accept alternate hypothesis, so there is
regarding „outdoor coverage‟. a significant difference between the respondents
regarding „connectivity at first time‟.
Chi-square test for „Experience of voice quality‟
Particulars Experience of voice quality chi-square test for „continuous connection while
chi-square 21.895 talking‟


© May 2018 | IJIRT | Volume 4 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002

Particulars Continuous connection a significant difference between the respondents

while talking regarding „easy access to the customer care‟.
chi-square 15.035
Chi-square test for „Compatibility of jio‟
Degree of freedom 4
Particulars Compatibility of jio
Asymptotic Significant .005
chi-square 23.756
Degree of freedom 4
H0: there is no significant difference between the
respondents about continous connection while talking Asymptotic Significant .000
H1: there is significant difference between the Hypothesis:
respondents about continous connection while talking H0: there is no significant difference between the
respondents about „compatibility of jio‟
Interpretation: H1: there is significant difference between the
The significance (p value) calculated is 0.005 which respondents about „compatibility of jio‟
is less than the stipulated value of 0.05. so this test is
statistically significant to conduct chi-square test. The Interpretation:
degree of freedom for the test is 4 (5-1), the chi- The significance (p value) calculated is 0.000 which
square calculated value is 15.035. This is higher than is less than the stipulated value of 0.05. so this test is
the table value of 9.488.Ssince the chi-square statistically significant to conduct chi-square test. The
calculated is higher than chi-square table value, we degree of freedom for the test is 4 (5-1), the chi-
cannot accept the null hypothesis. Hence reject null square calculated value is 23.756. This is higher than
hypothesis and accept alternate hypothesis, so there is the table value of 9.488. Since the chi-square
a significant difference between the respondents calculated is higher than chi-square table value, we
regarding continuous connection while talking. cannot accept the null hypothesis. Hence reject null
hypothesis and accept alternate hypothesis, so there is
chi-square test for „Easy access to the customer care‟ a significant difference between the respondents
Particulars Easy access to the customer regarding „compatibility of jio‟
Chi-square test for „Getting new connection‟
chi-square 35.616
Particulars Getting new connection
Degree of freedom 4
chi-square 44.919
Asymptotic Significant .001
Degree of freedom 4
H0: there is no significant difference between the Asymptotic Significant .000
respondents about „easy access to the customer care‟. Hypothesis:
H1: there is significant difference between the H0: there is no significant difference between the
respondents about „easy access to the customer care‟. respondents about „getting new connection‟.
H1: there is significant difference between the
Interpretation: respondents about „getting new connection‟.
The significance (p value) calculated is 0.001 which
is less than the stipulated value of 0.05. so this test is Interpretation:
statistically significant to conduct chi-square test. The The significance (p value) calculated is 0.000 which
degree of freedom for the test is 4 (5-1), the chi- is less than the stipulated value of 0.05. so this test is
square calculated value is 35.616. This is higher than statistically significant to conduct chi-square test. The
the table value of 9.488. Since the chi-square degree of freedom for the test is 4 (5-1), the chi-
calculated is higher than chi-square table value, we square calculated value is 44.919. This is higher than
cannot accept the null hypothesis. Hence reject null the table value of 9.488. Since the chi-square
hypothesis and accept alternate hypothesis, so there is calculated is higher than chi-square table value, we


© May 2018 | IJIRT | Volume 4 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002

cannot accept the null hypothesis. Hence reject null statistically significant to conduct chi-square test the
hypothesis and accept alternate hypothesis, so there is degree of freedom for the test is 4 (5-1), the chi-
a significant difference between the respondents square calculated value is 42.012. this is higher than
regarding „getting new connection‟. the table value of 9.488 since the chi-square
calculated is higher than chi-square table value, we
Chi-square test for „Jio‟s local and national sms‟ cannot accept the null hypothesis hence reject null
Particulars Jio‟s local and national sms hypothesis and accept alternate hypothesis, so there is
a significant difference between the respondents
chi-square 19.977
regarding „error free sms delivery & receipt‟.
Degree of freedom 4
Asymptotic Significant .001 5. FINDINGS SUGGESTIONSAND
Hypothesis: CONCLUSION
H0: there is no significant difference between the
respondents about „jio"s local and national sms‟. The research findings are the deciding factor to know
H1: there is significant difference between the the proportion of determinant of the Customer
respondents about „jio"s local and nationalsms‟. satisfaction towards Reliance Jio mobile services.
Interpretation: From the percentage analysis, it is found that
The significance (p value) calculated is 0.001 which  Customers of Age group (18-25) are using
is less than the stipulated value of 0.05 So this test is Reliance Jio more than other age groups.
statistically significant to conduct chi-square test. The  Most of the Respondents preferring Reliance jio
degree of freedom for the test is 4 (5-1), the chi- are low cost and jio plans.
square calculated value is 19.977.This is higher than  91% of the Respondents are recommending
the table value of 9.488. Since the chi-square Reliance jio to other peoples.
calculated is higher than chi-square table value, we  Most of the Respondents think that jio phone and
cannot accept the null hypothesis. Hence reject null jio app are the more helpful services in Rjio.
hypothesis and accept alternate hypothesis, so there is
a significant difference between the respondents From the Regression Analysis, it is found that
regarding „jio"s local and national s ms‟.  As we have conducted research on the given
variables we came to know that the factors like
Chi-square test for „Error free sms delivery & recommendation over jio is difference to all the
receipt‟ other variables in the analysis (reject null
Particulars Error free sms delivery & hypothesis), as there is significant difference
receipt between the dependent and independent
chi-square 42.012 variables taken in the analysis.

Degree of freedom 4
From the Friedman test, it is found that
Asymptotic Significant .000  Customer‟s Satisfaction level with Jio‟s free
Hypothesis: local and national SMS has the high
H0: there is no significant difference between the  Mean ranking of about 10.74.The Speed of Jio's
respondents about „errors freesms delivery & 4G broadband is better when
receipt‟.  compared to other networks,
H1: there is significant difference between the  The Reliance Jio 4G mobile service provides
respondents about „errors freesms delivery & excellent network in terms of error free SMS
receipt‟.  Delivery & receipt. It provides excellent
network in terms of outdoor coverage.
Interpretation:  It also provides excellent network in terms of
The significance (p value) calculated is 0.000 which roaming services.
is less than the stipulated value of 0.05 so this test is


© May 2018 | IJIRT | Volume 4 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002

 Compatibility of Jiosim in every mobile phoneis Reliance Jio's free local and national SMS and
difficult when compared to other networks. experience excellent network in terms of error free
 Jio‟s 4G internet speed is not highly satisfied. SMS delivery & receipt, outdoor coverage, roaming
 Network in terms of voice quality and indoor services. They have also agreed that the speed of Jio's
coverage have low mean ranking. 4G broadband is better when compared to other
 Access to customer care is found difficult among networks. Reliance Jio is capturing the wide area of
customers. Indian markets increasingly day by day. Hence, these
 Getting new connection for Jiosim is difficult statistics imply a bright future for the company. It can
when compared to other networks. be said that in near future, the company will be
booming in the telecom industry.
From the Friedman test, it is found that
 After making analysis on all the factors given in BIBLIOGRAPHY
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© May 2018 | IJIRT | Volume 4 Issue 12 | ISSN: 2349-6002



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