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I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. a. pottery b. flower c. silent d. service
2. a. girl b. expert c. open d. burn
3. a. sentence b. world c. picture d. dangerous
4. a. surfing b. collect c. concert d. melody
5. a. worst b. learn c. control d. dessert


I. Look at the pictures and name the activities.

mountain climbing horse-riding bird-watching making pottery

making models carving wood arranging flowers playing board games

1. _________________ 2._________________ 3._________________ 4._________________

5. _________________ 6._________________ 7._________________ 8._________________
II. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

photos fishing eggshells music

gardening painting model cars swimming

1. She usually goes _____________ with her friends in the pool near her school.
2. Sarah likes _____________. She plants lots of flowers and vegetables in her home garden.
3. Every weekend, I go _____________ in my uncle’s boat, or just off the shoreline.
4. In later years, he took up _____________ as a hobby. He drew watercolour landscapes.
5. My hobby is listening to _____________. It can help relax my mind.
6. I have recently started a new hobby – collecting _____________.
7. Most people take _____________ and post them on their social networking accounts.
8. Carving _____________ is a great hobby that can make you happier.
III. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple.
1. I _____________ (not visit) my parents very often.
2. ____________________ (Mai/ go) to school every day? ~ No, she (go) _____________ to school
from Monday to Friday.

3. The teachers at our school _____________ (give) us lots of homework.
4. My brother _____________ (play) tennis, but he _____________ (not like) it.
5. How often _____________ (they/ go) jogging?
6. We (not study) _____________ chemistry because it _____________ (be) difficult.
7. _____________ (your parents/ watch) TV every night?
8. Mark’s class _____________ (do) sport on Monday and Wednesday.
9. Children often _____________ (use) a computer for school work.
10. Mike _____________ (usually/ not play) computer games during the week.
IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Future Simple.
1. I ______________ (listen) to music in my free time.
2. It often (rain) ______________ in the summer.
3. Do you think that he ______________ (recognise) me?
4. We ______________ (not want) to see that film because it looks boring.
5. What time __________ the film __________ (begin)?
6. I promise that I ______________ (not be) late for school again.
7. Simon usually ______________ (do) his homework and ______________ (watch) TV at the same
8. The students ______________ (plant) some flowers in the schoolyard tomorrow.
9. Nam and Vinh______________ (play) volleyball three times a week.
10. The train ______________ (leave) at 6 o’clock in the morning.
V. Complete the sentences, using the -ing form of the verbs in the box.

tidy fly take watch cook make wait read play go

1. Do you fancy _____________ out this evening?

2. I like _____________ tennis at the weekend.
3. Jim enjoys _____________ photos of himself and his friends.
4. Ann’s father doesn’t like _____________ ice hockey on TV.
5. My mother hates _____________, so we eat out every often.
6. Do you like _____________ pottery?
7. She dislikes _____________ her room every day.
8. My niece loves _____________ adventure books.
9. I can’t stand _____________ for buses in the rain.
10. They detest _____________, so they usually travel by train or coach.
VI. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Would you mind _____________ (watch) my bag for a few minutes?
2. I enjoy _____________ (listen) to music while I’m doing the cooking.
3. He wants _____________ (buy) a new computer game.
4. I’d like _____________ (speak) to Mr Davis, please. Is he there?
5. Please avoid _____________ (make) silly mistakes in this exercise.
6. The children would love _____________ (eat) French fries.

7. She really loves _____________ (work) with children.
8. We tried _____________ (call) you but your mobile was off.
9. They intend _____________ (build) houses on the school playing fields.
10. I can’t stand _____________ (do) the washing up.
VII. Choose the correct verb form or tense.
1. I’m told you are ill. I hope you ________ better again.
a. will feel b. feel c. are feeling d. don’t feel
2. We were getting tired, so we stopped ________ lunch.
a. have b. having c. to have d. for having
3. ______ you ______ to school every morning?
a. Does ... walk b. Do ... walk c. Will... walk D. Are ... walking
4. He enjoys ________ cycling at the weekend.
a. to go b. going c. goes d. go
5. You needn’t wear your coat. It ________ cold today.
a. will be b. won’t be c. doesn’t be d. is
6. We ________ swimming because it’s fun and good exercise.
a. like b. are liking c. will like d. liked
7. My grandparents don’t like ________ in the city because it’s noisy and crowded.
a. live b. lived c. living d. to living
8. Fire needs oxygen to burn. It ________ without oxygen.
a. burn b. burns c. don’t burn d. doesn’t burn
9. How much time do you spend ________ the Internet per day?
a. surf b. to surf c. surfing d. to be surfing
10. I don’t mind ________ a DVD, but I prefer ________ to the cinema.
a. to watch - to go b. watching – go c. to watch – going d. watching – to go

I. Fill in each blank with a word from the box.

kinds classify books near

name collection clean immediately

Collecting (1) ____________ is my favourite hobby. I started my hobby five years ago. Thefirst item
in my (2) ____________ is a book about Doraemon. And now I have a lot of books of all (3)
____________ comics, children’s, history, science, detective, adventure, etc.
Whenever I find an interesting book I buy it (4) ____________. I usually buy books in the bookstores
(5) ____________ my school and my house. Sometimes my relatives and my friends give me books as a
gift. I (6) ____________ my books into different categories and put each category in one corner of my
bookshelf with a (7) ____________ tag on it. It takes all my free time to keep everything (8)
____________ and dusted. It keeps me amused for hours, too.

II. Read the text carefully, then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
Our life would be hard without rest and recreation. And people have many different ideas of how to
spend their free time. If you enjoy doing a thing or activity in your free time, then you have a hobby. A
hobby is an activity, interest, enthusiasm, or pastime that is undertaken for pleasure or relaxation, done
during one’s own time. A person’s hobbies depend on his age, character and personal interests. An
interesting thing to one person can be boring to another. That’s why some people prefer reading,
cooking, knitting, collecting, playing a musical instrument, photography or playing computer games
while others prefer dancing, travelling, camping or sports.
1. A hobby is anything that you enjoy doing in your free time.
2. Different people have the same hobbies.
3. A hobby can provide us with relaxation.
4. Your hobby may be changed as you get older.
5. One person’s hobby may be a boring thing to another person.
6. Playing sports is not a hobby.

I. Arrange the words to make sentences.
1. hobby/ you/ have/ any / do/?
2. his/ do/ what/ your/ brother/ free/ does/ in/ time/?
3. he/ summer/ in/ climbing/ goes/ mountain/ the/ usually/.
4. friends/ monopoly/ enjoy/ I/ with/ playing/ my/?
5. it/ boring/ because/ finds/ time/ models/ Jim/ takes/ lots of/ making/.
6. you/ up/ will/ ice-skating/ future/ in/ take/ the/?
II. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.
1. What is your hobby?
→ What hobby ________________________________________________________________________
2. We all find painting interesting because it’s a creative activity.
→ We all think ________________________________________________________________________
3. His hobby is collecting toy cars.
→ He collects _________________________________________________________________________
4. It isn’t necessary to finish the work today.
→ You don’t __________________________________________________________________________
5. When did you start your hobby?
→ How long __________________________________________________________________________
6. It took me three hours to make this pottery jug.
→ I spent ____________________________________________________________________________
7. My father likes to do gardening at the weekend.
→ My father enjoys ____________________________________________________________________
8. Why don’t we go swimming this afternoon?
→ What about ________________________________________________________________________

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. a. exciting b. excellent c. experience d. expensive
2. a. hobby b. cycle c. bye d. why
3. a. pottery b. collect c. melody d. monopoly
4. a. heard b. bird c. world d. picture
5. a. bird-watching b. children c. school d. challenge
II. Choose the best answer a, b, c, or d to complete the sentence.
1. My father can make beautiful pieces of art ________ empty eggshells.
a. of b. from c. in d. into
2. Why don’t you take ________ a new hobby?
a. up b. in c. over d. after
3. Collecting cars is a(n) ________ hobby. It costs a lot of money.
a. interesting b. cheap c. expensive d. unusual
4. More people are ________ birds today than ever before.
a. seeing b. looking c. hearing d. watching
5. Do you enjoy ________ board games?
a. play b. to play c. playing d. played
6. Be careful not to drop it; it’s very ________.
a. unique b. fragile c. difficult d. unusual
7. Sam and I ________ the same hobby. We both like playing computer games.
a. share b. play c. do d. work
8. I hope he’ll teach me ________ to do eggshell carving.
a. what b. where c. how d. when
9. ________ have you had your hobby? ~ For three years.
a. How much b. How long c. How often d. When
10. ‘I think model making is an expensive hobby.’ ‘________ it’s incredibly cheap.’
a. You’re right b. Certainly c. No matter d. Not at all
III. Complete the sentences with the correct form or tense of the verb play, go, do or collect.
1. He ________ tennis with his father every Sunday.
2. We ________ camping in Dam Sen Park next Saturday.
3. ________ you ________ coins some day in the future?
4. Do you want ________ a jigsaw puzzle with me?
5. I enjoy________ cycling at the weekend.
6. My uncle ________ karate when he was young.
7. The children ________ volleyball on the beach at the moment.
8. When I’m waiting for the train, I usually ________ crosswords.

9. She dislikes ________ chess because she finds it boring.
10. I ________ books since I was ten years old.
IV. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. Rossie has a large ______________ (collect)of dolls.
2. A______________ is someone who enjoys watching birds. (birdwatch)
3. My sister’s hobby is ______________.She took a lot of nice photos. (photo)
4. I find woodcarving ______________ because it’s a creative activity. (interest)
5. ______________ eggshells are unique gifts for family and friends. (carve)
6. A hobby is an ______________ that you do for pleasure. (act)
7. I think collecting glass bottles is ______________. (usual)
8. Susan is very ______________ and she paints very well. (create)
V. There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline and correct the mistake.
1. Nam is my classmates. He watches TV every night. ______________
2. I think collecting stamps are interesting. ______________
3. My dad cooks very good. He loves preparing meals for our family. ______________
4. I enjoy to ride my bike to school. ______________
5. We usually go in a small lake out of the city at weekends. ______________
6. Do you still play football next year? ______________
7. We like doing fishing because it is relaxing. ______________
8. Do you think bird-watching interesting? ______________
VI. Choose the word which best fits each gap.
Many people (1) _______ crafting with paper. The materials are readily available and don’t cost
much; and no super special talents is needed. Anyone (2) _______ be a paper crafter.
There are many different paper craft techniques. Origami is one of ancient techniques developed in
Japan where squares of paper are (3) _______ and formed into various objects such as flowers, animals,
and boxes. Card (4) _______ is also a favourite paper craft technique. Birthday cards are the most
popular greeting cards, followed by Christmas cards. Receiving a (5) _______ card is a special gift,
because of the time and effort someone spent making it. It lets the recipient know just how much you
care (8) _______ them.
1. a. enjoy b. decide c. want d. learn
2. a. must b. should c. can d.will
3. a. wrapped b. folded c. torn d.taken
4. a. making b. doing c. changing d. receiving
5. a. handmake b. handmaking c. handmade d. making hand
6. a. in b. on c. over d. about
VII. Read the text carefully, then answer the questions.
My name’s Susan. I have two favourite hobbies. My first hobby is reading. I started to do it when I
was four years old. The first time I did it, I felt interested. So I kept reading. I enjoy reading because it
can make me relaxed and calm. Moreover, it can give me an imagination, so I can write books in the
future. I can learn the different cultures and customs of other countries in the world, too.

My second hobby is gardening. I have made a small garden and planted many beds of flowers. In the
spring season, my garden is full of beautiful flowers. I have a separate plot for vegetables – carrots,
potatoes, etc. In the evening, I water the plants and remove the weeds. I love sitting in my garden and
reading my books. It is very pleasant to be there!
1. What are Susan’s hobbies?
2. When did she start reading?
3. How did she feel when she first read a book?
4. Why does she enjoy reading?
5. What has she planted in her garden?
6. When does she water plants?
VIII. Write sentences, using the cues given.
1. I/ enjoy/ play / sports/ because/ it/ good/ health
2. your children/ go/ camp/every summer holiday?
3. I/ think/ photography/ can/ expensive hobby
4. my cousin/ give/ me/ book/ gift/ next birthday
5. he/ find/ mountain climbing/ dangerous/ so/ he/ not take/ it
6. I/ hope/ the future/ he/ teach/ me/ how/ do/ eggshell carving


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