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i2 Supply Chain Management (SCM) not only dynamically manages the supply chain within your company,

but across companies in your value chain as well. i2 SCM provides multi-enterprise visibility, collaboration, i2 SCM Solution
intelligent decision support, and execution capability. i2 SCM is the only end-to-end solution that enables you to i2 Demand Planner
strategize, plan, and execute a company’s buy, make, move, store, fulfill, and service business processes across
multiple enterprises for total profitability.

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i2 Demand Planner

i2 Demand Planner, part of the i2 Supply Chain Management solution, delivers a powerful planning and forecasting
tool-enabling enterprises to understand, anticipate and manage customer demand across their value chain. It
optimizes collaboration, collection and rationalization of multiple forecasting inputs through a web-based user-
friendly interface combined with industry-leading statistical techniques and unlimited causal factors. Multi-
dimensional data representation supports demand-planning analysis. With i2 Demand Planner, companies can
accurately model their business and increase timely internal and external communication with value chain partners
– speeding time-to-market and increasing customer satisfaction.

Demand planning across value chains, businesses, i2 Demand Planner uniquely enables companies to: React to changing demand factors
divisions, plants, product families or individual products –Forecast all product options and components
are affected by several factors such as: seasonal fluc- –Support constraint-based demand planning
tuations, changing consumer preferences, economic –Improve forecast accuracy
conditions, emergence of new market segments, mar- –Increase velocity with industry-specific templates
keting promotions, pricing, competitor activities and –Personalized data view
supply constraints. Only i2 Demand Planner empowers
companies to increase profitability by proactively man- Forecast All Product Options Track all end product options
aging customer demand through the use of extensive In today’s eBusiness economy, product life cycles are and components
forecasting processes, statistical techniques and short, demand shifts quickly and customers require
integration to existing packaged and legacy systems. customized products. The key to success and
competitive edge is to allow customers to configure

Figure 1
Forecast demand at the product,
option, and component level using the
Relationship Workbench
i2 SCM Solution
i2 Demand Planner

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their orders from a menu of options and to deliver with Support Constraint-Based Demand Planning
lightening speed and accuracy. Also, aggressive i2 Demand Planner provides visibility to supply
promotion of standard products in the form of special constraints across the value chain through tight
multi-packs and displays has become popular- integration with downstream production planning
particularly in industries such as Consumer Packaged systems. This visibility results in increased efficiencies
Goods. This trend requires a flexible demand planning and faster time-to-market by allowing planners to easily
system that supports mass-customization as well as create more realistic demand plans.
industry-specific promotions with the ability to forecast
demand at the product, option as well as the Demand signals across the value chain – such as
component level. new orders, promotional or marketing activities – are
variable in nature and can significantly impact the
i2 Demand Planner addresses this issue by providing demand plan. As such, i2 Demand Planner enables
relationship forecasting – the ability to define relation- companies to constantly monitor and dynamically
ships between any products, options and components adjust their plans accordingly to maintain customer
at any level of a pre-defined hierarchy. Using Demand satisfaction while minimizing inventory-carrying costs.
Planner’s Relationship Forecasting Workbench, planners To help effectively manage the process, i2 Demand Order and exception visibility
can independently forecast components and options Planner allows users to adjust their plans through
that apply to multiple products. Option and component visibility into open orders, back orders and future
demand are automatically calculated when total orders. Exception reporting also helps to highlight key
product demand changes. Planners can view demand problem areas such as out-of-tolerance demand- based
for total product as well as demand for related options on a preset range of tolerance levels.
or components. Manufacturing also has visibility into
consolidated demand, enabling them to produce the Define component and
correct number of units-regardless of how offerings product relationships
are packaged for the consumer.

Figure 2
Tailor data view using OLAP functionality
to effectively analyze and edit data quickly
and accurately
i2 SCM Solution
i2 Demand Planner

......................................................................................................................... i2 SCM Datasheet 3

Improve Forecast Accuracy Develop Forecasts Based on Your Unique

Sophisticated modeling combined with a personalized Business Requirements
view of displayed data contributes to increased Unique to i2 Demand Planner is a modeling language
forecast accuracy – reducing safety stock levels that allows users to create custom forecasting calcula-
while simultaneously increasing customer service. tions using their exclusive business rules. The modeling
language is particularly useful for rules-based fore-
Easily Create a Baseline Forecast casting where a certain grouping of products or
The critical first step in developing an accurate geographies always have the same forecasting
demand plan is starting with a correct baseline calculation applied to them. This is especially helpful Sound baseline
statistical forecast. i2 Demand Planner offers a broad in forecasting new products, discontinued products or forecasting models
range of powerful statistical modeling techniques to products that have sporadic demand.
accurately forecast even the toughest items such as
promoted, slow-moving, seasonal and new products. Increase Velocity with Industry-Specific Templates
These modeling techniques include exponential With over 230 i2 Demand Planner customers, i2 delivers
smoothing, multiple regression, Box-Jenkins and more experience across multiple industries – including
Croston’s. All statistical models are dynamically automotive, high tech, retail, CPG, utilities, pharmaceu-
calculated for all dimensions, levels, and views of the ticals and healthcare, semiconductor, industrial, paper,
data. To ensure the use of the most appropriate metals, telecommunications, construction, softgoods,
statistical model and the correct level to generate the and energy and chemicals – than any other demand
best forecast, planners can leverage i2’s PickBest planning application available today. Our solid
functionality. The user easily defines error parameters, implementation experience and deep expertise in
which guides PickBest to automatically choose the demand planning processes enabled the development
statistical forecast that has the least amount of error of a set of industry-specific best-practice solution Industry “best practice”
(MAPE) at every level of the data hierarchy. This templates for demand planning. These industry-specific templates
ensures the creation of an optimal statistical forecast – templates, which include workflows and configurable
every time, for every product. workspaces, significantly reduce implementation time by
eliminating confusion and implementation complexity-
resulting in a rapid ROI in as little as three months.

Figure 3
Analyze and edit data in either graphical
or table mode to increase user productivity
i2 SCM Solution
i2 Demand Planner

......................................................................................................................... i2 SCM Datasheet 4

These same templates also come with a specific set of Custom lists offer additional configuration benefits.
bookmarks designed to support the complete demand Custom lists allow users to dynamically tailor the data
planning process. Bookmarks increase efficiencies with hierarchy even further by enabling custom levels and
completely configurable workspaces containing user- groupings of product, geography, and time instances.
defined information, which deliver personalized views i2 Demand Planning delivers all of these functionality Custom calculations and controls
of particular steps in the planning process. via web-based technology-extending global access to
all the value chain partners.
Personalized Data View
Demand input originates from various functions within Key Features
a company as well as externally. Marketing executes Statistical Forecasting
activities that can cause incremental demand. Sales –Custom models utilizing your own business logic
determine customer-specific incentives and can capture –Accurate statistical model generated at various levels
customer-specific demand signals. Operations identify of the database-using top-down, middle-out, and
manufacturing-related constraints and opportunities. bottom-up forecasting
Finance provides critical financial information, such as –Forecast error: mean error, mean absolute error, mean
product pricing and revenue targets. And through new percent error, mean absolute % error, mean error as
technologies such as Collaborative Planning, Forecast- %, mean absolute error as %
ing and Replenishment (CPFR), even customers can be –Multiple regression error: R-square raw, R-square
involved in the demand planning process. adjusted, Durbin Watson, standard error of estimates,
f-statistics, coefficient, estimation error, t-statistic Multi-dimensional OLAP views
To accommodate the different requirements for input into –Modeling techniques: Exponential smoothing - single,
demand as well as planning and analysis, i2 Demand double, triple; Multiple and linear regression;
Planner offers a flexible multi-dimensional Online Croston’s; Periodicity, Box-Jenkins (licensed through
Analytical Processing (OLAP) tool-which allows users to AFS Autobox)|
display data in their choice of views. Using any numeric –Statistical forecast decomposition: level, trend,
data stream, full security, configurable views, and seasonality, baseline, lift
bookmark capability, the application can be tailored to –“Rules-based” forecasting to accurately forecast
display data in workspaces catering to the different difficult items such as promoted new items, slow-
parties’ needs. With this tool, for example, Marketing or moving and discontinued products
Operations can create a bookmark tailored to display data –Automated selection of the best statistical forecast
in a required format, enhancing the user experi-ence. based on lowest MAPE
Drag and drop functionality helps users customize their
data view to analyze and easily input key data back into Analysis
the data repository-increasing accuracy in forecasting –High-performance multi-dimensional OLAP database
input as well as ensuring quick decision-making. –Multiple views of product, geography, and time
–“Custom lists” capability for user-defined levels and
grouping of product, geography and time instances
–Multiple graphical and spreadsheet data display
promotes easy analysis
i2 SCM Solution
i2 Demand Planner

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Edit Capability Process

–Real-time edit capability at all levels of the database- –Consensus planning Supported Hardware and
defined by role-based security –Collaborative planning forecasting and replenishment Software Platforms
–Based on user choice of historical, statistical, fixed (CPFR) Web (client) Infrastructure
distribution-or any user-defined technique- changes to –Industry-specific best-practice workflow templates Client
demand at higher levels automatically affect demand –New, discontinued, promoted and transitioning –Windows NT 4.0
at lower levels product planning –Windows 2000

–“Fast edit” capability - ability to edit all items in real –Relationship forecasting: support options, BTO/ CTO,
time regardless of parent-child relationship “kitting”, component, and “mix pack” forecasting Server
–Disconnect mode - ability to edit data disconnected –Exception management –Windows NT 4.0
from the server –Consumption forecasting –Windows 2000
–“What-if” scenario planning –Supply-constrained forecasting –AIX 4.3.3
–“ABC analysis” and planning –AS/400 V5R1
Usability –Forecasting accuracy - reporting, analysis and archiving –HP-UX 11.0
–Configurable workspace and data display - savable as –Real-time forecast conversion (currency, unit of –HP-UX 11i
“bookmarks” measure, etc.) –Solaris 6
–Filtering and sorting of data and hierarchy instances –Financial planning - ASP, revenue forecasting, –Solaris 8
–Increased user productivity through familiarity with pricing analysis
Excel-like features Browser
–Integration with MS Excel and Lotus 1-2-3 –MS Internet Explorer 5.01
–Pure web-based client architecture for easy access –MS Internet Explorer 5.5
and maintenance
–Ability to input qualitative data as comments

–Full real time reporting capability directly from i2
Demand Planner database for all available data
measures and models
–Exception management
–Communicate with forecast collaborators using
messaging functionality
–Batch capability

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11701 Luna Road
Dallas, Texas 75234, USA
Phone 877.661.4896
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