High Quality Compressed Air From Generation To Application
High Quality Compressed Air From Generation To Application
High Quality Compressed Air From Generation To Application
1 An Introduction to ISO 8573.1 Air Quality Classes
domnick hunter is an international group of companies specialising in the high quality filtration, separation and
purification of compressed air, gases and liquids.
domnick hunter has over 40 years of experience in the purification industry and has been instrumental in the
development of both the international standards for compressed air and the standards for filter testing. domnick
hunter continues to work closely on new standards with such governing bodies as British Compressed Air Society
(BCAS) the International Standards Organisation (ISO), PNEUROP and the Compressed Air and Gas Institute (CAGI).
This document provides an introduction to ISO 8573.1 the international standard for compressed air quality,
purification equipment required to achieve the standards and how to apply the standard to typical applications.
In 2001, the ISO 8573.1 air quality standard was amended in Extract from ISO 8573 : 1991 Part 1 for particulate (previous standard)
an effort to provide a more stringent air quality specifications
for critical applications and the latest revision is expressed DIRT
QUALITY Concentration
as ISO8573.1 : 2001. Particle size
in micron
Within ISO8573.1 : 2001, a number of quality classes are 1 0.1 0.1
shown in tabular form, each specifying the maximum amount 2 1 1
of solid particulate, water and oil allowable per cubic metre
3 5 5
of compressed air.
Solid Particulate Extract from ISO 8573 : 2001 Part 1 for particulate (latest standard)
Maximum number of particles per m3
Water Oil
Class Pressure (incl. vapour)
0.1-0.5micron 0.5-1 micron 1.0-5micron Dewpoint °C mg/m3 Solid Particle
Maximum number of particles per m3
1 100 1 0 -70 0.01 0.1-0.5micron 0.5-1 micron 1.0-5micron
2 100,000 1,000 10 -40 0.1
1 100 1 0
3 - 10,000 500 -20 1
4 - - 1,000 3 5
2 100,000 1,000 10
5 - - 20,000 7 - 3 - 10,000 500
6 - - - 10 - 4 - - 1,000
5 - - 20,000
6 - - -
Using the classes, a maximum level can be specified for
each contaminant which is expressed as
As can be seen above, the two editions of the standard
ISO 8573.1 : 2001 Class Solid Particulate - Water - Oil do not present particle contamination requirements in
For example the same way.
ISO 8573.1 : 2001 Class 1.2.1 The table from the 1991 edition shows a maximum size
rating for the solid particulate and a concentration
Which equates to whilst the 2001 edition shows both a size rating for the
100 Solid Particles 0.1-0.5 micron/m3 particulate and the maximum number of particles
allowed per cubic metre. To show the differences
1 Solid Particle 0.5 - 1 micron/m3 between the two tables and highlight the improved air
0 Solid Particles 1 - 5 micron/m3 quality requirements, the concentration levels shown in
the 1991 edition must be converted into a quantity of
Water Vapour Pressure Dewpoint -40°C particles.
Oil aerosol and vapour 0.01 mg/m3
High Efficiency Oil Removal Filtration
(Precede with Grade AO filter)
Particle removal down to 0.01 micron, including water
and oil aerosols.
Maximum remaining oil aerosol content : 0.01 mg/m3
at 21°C / 0.01 ppm(w) at 70°F.
General Purpose Dust Filtration
Dry particle removal down to 1 micron
High Efficiency Dust Filtration
Dry particle removal down to 0.01 micron.
Activated carbon
OVR 6000 hour Oil Vapour Removal CRD Refrigeration Dryers PNEUDRI Modular Adsorption Dryers DTV and Classic
Twin Tower Adsorption Dryers
5 High Quality Compressed Air from Generation to Application
CRITICAL APPLICATIONS - Air Quality to ISO 8573.1: 2001 Class 1.1.1, Class 1.2.1, Class 1.3.1 at application
Bulk contamination is removed to an adequate level prior to the air entering the distribution system.
Point of use oil vapour removal and sterile air filtration (membrane or depth) installed for critical application at point of use.
Only air for the critical application should be treated to the highest level. For non-critical applications fed by the same distribution
system, high efficiency point of use filtration should be installed.
MODULAR TYPE ISO 8573.1 Class 2.1.2
ILLUSTRATED ISO 8573.1 Class 2.2.2
ISO 8573.1 Class 2.3.2
Typical layout for a system requiring AAR
critical and general use compressed air.
Typical Applications
Pharmaceutical products Hard disk manufacturing
Silicon wafer manufacturing Foodstuffs
TFT / LCD Screen manufacturing Dairies
Memory device manufacturing Breweries
Optical storage devices (CD, CDRW, DVD, DVDRW) CDA systems for electronics manufacturing
Optical disk manufacturing (CD’s/DVD’s):
7 High Quality Compressed Air from Generation to Application
HIGH QUALITY OIL FREE AIR - Air Quality to ISO 8573.1: 2001 : Class 2.1.1, Class 2.2.1, Class 2.3.1 at application
Bulk contamination is removed to an adequate level prior to the air entering the distribution system.
Point of use particulate filter(s) are used for removal of contamination within the distribution system.
*For Class 1 oil, if the maximum inlet oil vapour concentration exceeds 0.005mg/m3, an additional oil vapour removal filter will be required.
Typical Applications
Blow Moulding of Plastics e.g. P.E.T. Bottles Dental air Blanketing
Film processing Lasers and optics Modified atmosphere packaging
Critical instrumentation Robotics Pre-treatment for on-site
Advanced pneumatics gas generation
Spray Painting
Air blast circuit breakers Air bearings
Decompression chambers Pipeline purging
Cosmetic production Measuring equipment
Medical air
GENERAL PURPOSE OIL FREE AIR - Air Quality to ISO 8573.1: 2001 Class 2.4.2. at application
Bulk contamination is removed to an adequate level prior to the distribution system.
Point of use particulate filter(s) are used for removal of contamination within the distribution system.
Point of use adsorption dryer installed where lower dewpoints are required.
*For Class 1 oil, if the maximum inlet oil vapour concentration exceeds 0.005mg/m3, an additional oil vapour removal filter will be required.
+3°C (37°F) PDP
ISO 8573.1 Class 2.1.1 -70°C (-100°F) PDP
ISO 8573.1 Class 2.2.1 -40°C (-40°F) PDP
Typical layout for a system requiring
general purpose oil-free air.
Typical Applications
General ring main protection Air motors
Air conveying
9 High Quality Compressed Air from Generation to Application
GENERAL PURPOSE OIL-FREE AIR - Air Quality to ISO 8573.1: 2001 Class 3.-.2, Class 2.-.1.
(water vapour removal not specified)
Bulk contamination is removed to an adequate level prior to the distribution system.
*For Class 1 oil, if the maximum inlet oil vapour concentration exceeds 0.005mg/m3, an additional oil vapour removal stage
will be required.
The requirements for breathable quality air are not covered in ISO 8573.1:2001. Refer to breathing air standards for the
country of installation.
System Recommendations The piping used downstream of membrane filters should be electro-
polished stainless steel and be crevice free at all joints. Clean down time
To achieve the levels of cleanliness specified by ISO 8573.1:2001 a
for a newly commissioned system will depend upon the surface area of
careful approach to system design, commissioning and operation must
the system, the system flow rate and the initial cleanliness of the piping
be employed.
and fittings. Clean down can be achieved by high flow clean air purging
It is recommended that the compressed air is treated prior to entry into for extended periods of time during which all air should be purged to
the distribution system and also at critical usage points / applications. atmosphere.
This ensures that contamination already in the distribution system is
removed. Installation of compressed air dryers to a previously wet Sterile Air
system could result in additional dirt loading for point of use filters for If running an aseptic process (i.e. free from microbiological
a period whilst the distribution system dries out. Filter elements may contamination) it is essential that a sterile filter is installed at the point
need to be changed more frequently during this period. of use. This may either be based on glass nanofibre depth media or
For installations where oil-free compressors are used, both general
purpose Grade AO and high efficiency Grade AA should be used. The Sterility can only be guaranteed and maintained if the filter and
general purpose filter must be installed to protect the high efficiency associated downstream process equipment are sterilised and
filter from bulk water aerosols and solid particulate. maintained in accordance with manufacturers instructions. This is
Install purification equipment at the lowest temperature above freezing normally achieved using steam sterilisation but chemical sterilisation
point downstream of aftercoolers and air receivers. This allows a greater techniques such as vapour hydrogen peroxide can also be used.
amount of oil and or water vapour to condense out for removal by water It is recommended that sterile filters are tested for efficiency
separators & coalescing filters prior to a dryer. on a regular basis.
Point of use purification equipment should be installed as close to the
application as possible. This ensures that the maximum amount of rust Maintaining System Efficiency
and pipe scale is removed prior to the application.
Regular service is essential to maintaining system performance.
Purification equipment should not be installed downstream of quick To maintain your guaranteed compressed air quality, purification
opening valves and should be protected from possible reverse flow or equipment must be maintained annually with genuine domnick hunter
other shock conditions. parts. Failure to maintain your purification equipment will invalidate
Purge all piping leading to the purification equipment before installation performance guarantees and could result in reduced production
and all piping after the purification equipment is installed and before performance, degrading air quality and increased running costs.
connection to the final application. Preventative maintenance provides you with the following benefits:
If by-pass lines are fitted around purification equipment, ensure • Lowest running costs
adequate filtration is fitted to the by-pass line to prevent contamination
• Guaranteed compressed air quality
of the system downstream.
• Continued protection of downstream equipment and processes
Provide a facility to drain away collected liquids from the purification
equipment. Collected liquids should be treated and disposed of in a • Peace of mind
responsible manner.
In critical applications, membrane filters should be used at point of use After sales care package
to ensure no particulate is carried over to the application.
For peace of mind, domnick hunter can manage your compressed air
The lifetime of oil vapour removal filter elements is affected by the inlet quality and guarantee future performance with a world-wide aftersales
oil concentration, relative humidity and temperature of the compressed care package. Further details can be found on www.servicereminder.com
air. For critical applications or systems where frequent element changes
are not possible, domnick hunter OVR oil vapour removal systems
should be installed.
dh, domnick hunter, OIL-X, PNEUDRI, BIO-X and TETPOR are
registered trademarks of domnick hunter limited.