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Durability Index Testing Procedure Manual

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Durability Index Testing

Procedure Manual

(Ver 4.5.1, April 2018)
PREFACE ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 TEST SPECIMENS .................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 APPARATUS ............................................................................................................................ 2
1.4 PREPARATION OF SPECIMENS FROM CUBES .................................................................. 3
1.5 PREPARATION OF SPECIMENS FROM SITE ELEMENTS .................................................. 4
1.6 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.7 REVISIONS .............................................................................................................................. 5
PART 2: STANDARD PROCEDURE FOR OXYGEN PERMEABILITY TEST .................................... 6
2.1 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 APPARATUS ............................................................................................................................ 6
2.3TEST SPECIMENS ................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 CONDITIONING OF SPECIMENS........................................................................................... 8
2.5 TESTING OF SPECIMENS...................................................................................................... 8
2.6 CALCULATIONS .................................................................................................................... 10
2.7 REPORTING .......................................................................................................................... 13
2.8 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 13
2.9 REVISIONS ............................................................................................................................ 14
APPENDIX A (Part 2) ................................................................................................................... 16
APPENDIX B (Part 2) ................................................................................................................... 17
3.1 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................... 22
3.2 APPARATUS .......................................................................................................................... 22
3.3 TEST SPECIMENS ................................................................................................................ 23
3.4 CONDITIONING OF SPECIMENS......................................................................................... 23
3.5 TESTING OF SPECIMENS.................................................................................................... 24
3.6 CALCULATIONS .................................................................................................................... 26
3.7 REPORTING .......................................................................................................................... 29
3.8 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 30
3.9 REVISIONS ............................................................................................................................ 30
4.1 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................... 32
4.2 APPARATUS .......................................................................................................................... 32
4.3 PREPARATION OF THE CHEMICAL SOLUTION (5M NaCl) ............................................... 34
4.4 TEST SPECIMENS ................................................................................................................ 34
4.5 CONDITIONING OF SPECIMENS......................................................................................... 34
4.6TESTING OF SPECIMENS..................................................................................................... 35
4.7 CALCULATIONS .................................................................................................................... 37
4.8 REPORTING .......................................................................................................................... 38
4.9 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 38
4.10 REVISIONS .......................................................................................................................... 39
APPENDIX A (Part 4) ................................................................................................................... 41


This version of the Durability Index Testing Procedure Manual contains a number of
new aspects. The most important is that Parts 1, 2, and 4 have been formalised as
SANS Test Methods: SANS 3001-CO3-1:2015, SANS 3001-CO3-2:2015, and SANS
3001-CO3-3:2015, respectively. Part 3, the Water Sorptivity and Porosity Test
Procedure, must still be formalised through the SABS processes. It is important to
note that if there are discrepancies between this Manual and the SANS Tests, the
SANS Tests will govern. However, the SANS tests will themselves undergo a review
for improvements and clarifications in the future (2018).
There are no substantive changes in the test methods compared with earlier
versions, but the wording has been improved to make them clearer, tighter
restrictions have been placed on the CCI test (time for taking the measurements),
the figures have been improved, and other detail added. Illustrative calculations
have also been added as an Appendix in the OPI Test Method, and precision data
have been added where appropriate.
The other change to note is the inclusion of porosity as an important parameter in
the water sorptivity test. While determining porosity has always been a part of the
test, this parameter is now being realised as important in its own right, and water
sorptivity cannot be viewed in isolation of porosity. Ideally, a potentially durable
concrete should have both low water sorptivity and low porosity values.
Please report any comments or errors to the Civil Engineering Department at UCT.

MG Alexander, February 2017 (rev July 2017; January, April 2018)



This method describes how to cut and prepare test specimens to perform the
concrete durability index tests, as originally described by Alexander, Ballim and
Mackechnie (1).
Where durability index results are required for concrete mix acceptance and mix
design purposes, representative samples can be prepared from concrete cubes, cast
and cured in the laboratory. Where durability index results are required for quality
control purposes on site, representative samples shall be taken from the structure
itself, or from trial panels representative of the structure in terms of concrete mix
proportions, finishing and curing, and environmental exposure.
This method shall not be used for concrete with a maximum nominal aggregate size
exceeding 26.5 mm.


The test specimens considered in this method statement are circular discs prepared
by coring and cutting concrete cubes in the laboratory, or by taking cores from
concrete elements on site. Concrete cubes shall be cast and cured in accordance
with project specifications, but their dimensions shall not be less than 100 mm.
The duration and method of curing, and the concrete age at the time of testing, shall
be recorded.
The specimens shall be 70 ± 2 mm in diameter, and shall be 30 ± 2 mm thick
concrete discs.
Note: Core barrels are available in slightly different internal diameter sizes (typically between
68 mm and 70 mm). The specimen should fit snugly into the rubber collar used for the
specific test, so that no leaks occur.
For specimens from cubes, the direction of coring shall be perpendicular to the
casting direction.
Specimens materially damaged during the coring and cutting process, for example
aggregate particles excessively chipped from the surface to be tested, shall not be
used. Any damage shall be such that neither the seal against the rubber collar nor
the thickness of the specimen are materially compromised.
After coring, the specimen shall be kept at ambient conditions in the laboratory for a
maximum of 3 days before cutting. The durability index conditioning shall be started
immediately after cutting.

a) A water-cooled diamond-tipped core barrel, with a nominal internal diameter of
70 mm, attached to a suitable coring drill.

b) A holding device in which cubes can be clamped firmly and securely to ensure
they remain in position while coring takes place.
c) A water-cooled moveable bed diamond saw.


a) Coring of cubes shall take place at 28 ± 3 days after casting, unless otherwise
required by the project specifications.
b) Clamp the cube firmly into the holding device and place the core barrel
perpendicular to and in the centre of the concrete face to be cored (with a
tolerance of 2 mm in any direction).
c) Core entirely through the cube, ensuring that when the far side is reached and
the core breaks off, the extent of the rough zone created is not greater than 5
mm from the end of the core. This may require slowing the speed of travel of the
core drill as it approaches the far side. The sides of the core shall be parallel
and within 5° of perpendicular to the face.
d) Remove the surface 5 mm from the exterior face(s) of the core by cutting.
e) Cut the required thickness of 30 ± 2 mm of the test specimen(s) from the core.
Note: Steps d) and e) above are illustrated in Figure 1.1, for the case of extracting 2
surface discs, one from each cast face of the cube.
f) Allocate and mark the specimen(s) with a reference number on the interior face
with a permanent marker.

Figure 1.1. Details of cutting discs from 100 mm cube

Note: This section only describes the procedure of preparation of test specimens from site
concrete elements. The project specifications should indicate frequency and number of
cores per exposed surface area of concrete elements.
a) Coring of the specimen from site concrete elements shall take place between
28 d and 35 d after casting, unless otherwise required by the project
b) Place and firmly secure the core barrel perpendicular to the surface of the
c) Core to a depth of between 80 mm and 100 mm. Ensure that the sides of the
core are parallel and within 5° perpendicular to the face.
d) Break off the core from the concrete face with a hammer and chisel, ensuring
that the 35 mm nearest the surface is undamaged.
e) Mark each core with a reference number, place in a sealed bag, and send to the
laboratory for further preparation.
f) After coring, the specimen(s) shall be kept at ambient conditions in the
laboratory for a maximum of 3 days before cutting. The durability index
conditioning shall be started immediately after cutting.
g) Cut the surface 5 mm from the exposed face of the core and discard. Cut the
required thickness (30 ± 2 mm) of the test specimen from the core.
h) Where a specimen is damaged during this process, for example where
aggregate excessively chips from the surfaces to be tested, the specimen shall
not be used for testing.
i) Cores from site elements must be protected from conditions of adverse drying
and damage on site, and during transport to a laboratory. These conditions may
include, inter alia, high drying temperature and/or very low humidity, rough
handling and impact, etc. It is good practice to wrap samples in plastic-wrap or a
sealed plastic bag and transport them in a container that protects them from
shock, damage, and high temperatures.

(1) Alexander MG, Ballim Y, Mackechnie JM, ‘ Concrete durability index testing manual’ Research
Monograph No. 4, Departments of Civil Engineering, University of Cape Town and University of
the Witwatersrand, March 1999.
(2) Gouws S, ‘Durability Index Approach – Method Statements.’ Document submitted to the
Durability Index Test Method working group (under the auspices of the C&CI Technical
Committee), University of the Witwatersrand, 14 August 2003.
(3) Gouws SM, ‘Durability Index Approach – Progress Report 1: Method Statements Summary
document of major amendments to Durability Index Test Methods as agreed upon by Durability
Index Test Method working group (Under the auspices of the C&CI Technical Committee,
University of the Witwatersrand, 19 August 2003.)
(4) Gouws SM, ‘Durability Index Approach – Progress Report 2: Method Statements. Summary
document of major amendments to Durability Index Test Methods as agreed upon by Durability

Index Test Method Working Group (Under the auspices of the C&CI Technical Committee,
University of the Witwatersrand, 7 October 2003.)

Note: Revisions below may refer to older versions with different clause numbers to this version.
Revisions Description Date

A For approval 8 April 2002

B Indicated with subscript B 15 May 2002

K. Stanish (KS) – remove marked with strike through, added in

C 13 Feb 2003
bold, comments in italics

S. Gouws – suggested changes in red, comments/questions in

C1 16 July 2003
red italics, see also reference 2

For approval after Durability Index Test Method meeting on 19

D 19 August 2003
August 2003, see also reference 3

For approval after Durability Index Test Method meeting on 22 22 September

September 2003, see also reference 4 2003

Editorial improvements and clarifications – M. G. Alexander

F April-July 2004

G KS – Clarification and illustration May 2005

H MGA – Editorial corrections Jan/Oct 2007

I MGA – Editorial and other corrections Sep-Oct 2008

Cl. 5 c) Core to depth of 80-100 mm
J February 2009
Cl. 5 i) new clause added, to cover transport of cores from site
Cl. 5 j) original Cl 5 i)
SG as agreed with MGA
K May 2010
2.d, 3 and 5 – The option of using the facing machine was omitted

MGA & Chad Ludwig (CL) – Editorial changes; also to correspond

L Oct-Nov 2016
to SANS 3001-CO3-1:2015



This test method sets out the procedure for determining the oxygen permeability
index as originally described by Alexander, Ballim and Mackechnie(1). The method
described herein supersedes the 1999 version in ref. 1.
The test is suitable for the evaluation of materials and mix proportions for design
purposes, and for research and development. The test can also be used for quality
control of concrete on site. It is not recommended that this test be performed before
28 days after casting. Specimen age may have a significant effect on the test results,
depending on the type of concrete and the curing procedure.
The oven drying procedure has been selected to result in a minimal degree of micro-
structural alteration of the concrete specimens, while still giving minimal uniform
moisture content. Research has shown, however, that significant amounts of micro-
structural damage may occur for some high quality concrete(2), notably high strength
concrete incorporating silica fume. Thus care should be taken in interpreting the test
results from these concretes.
This test method shall not be used for concrete with a maximum nominal aggregate
size exceeding 26.5 mm.

a) An oven capable of maintaining a temperature of 50 ± 2ºC.
Note: Most laboratory ovens are of the forced draft, ventilated type. If, however, the oven
being used is of the closed (unventilated) type, then the relative humidity inside the oven
must be maintained by the inclusion of trays of saturated calcium chloride solution. The trays
should provide a total exposed area of at least 1 m2 per 1 m3 of volume of the oven and
should contain sufficient solid calcium chloride to show above the surface of the solution
throughout the test.
b) Permeability cell as shown in Figure 2.1. The permeability cell should have a
volume of 5 L with a tolerance of ± 5%, and of construction such that it does not
expand or contract in the pressure range 0 kPa to 120 kPa. The cell should be
housed in a room where the temperature is controlled at 23 ± 2 ºC. The
airtightness of the equipment needs to be tested regularly using impermeable
blank specimens, manufactured from, for example, rigid PVC. A drop of 0 kPa
in pressure from an initial permeability cell pressure of 100 kPa over a 24 hour
period is required.
c) Compressible rubber collars with Shore hardness 39A, as shown in Figure 2.2,
for each cell, that allow a tight fit around the specimen to eliminate any leakage
of oxygen, except through the pores of the specimen. The collars shall be free
of cracks and tears.

Figure 2.1. Permeability Cell Arrangement

Figure 2.2. Compressible Collar Cross-section.

d) Pressure gauges or transducers, of accuracy at least 0.5 kPa.

Note: If electronic pressure transducers are used with automated data capture, all operating
requirements, including regular calibrations and checks should be adhered to.
e) Oxygen supply, of 99.8% purity (standard grade), and with a regulator capable
of regulating pressure to 120 kPa.

f) Vernier calliper, capable of reading to 0.02 mm.
g) Desiccator, containing anhydrous silica gel as the desiccant, with the relative
humidity controlled at a maximum of 60%.


a) Four specimens are required per test. Each specimen shall consist of a 70 ± 2
mm diameter concrete disc with a thickness of 30 ± 2 mm, cored and cut in
accordance with Concrete Durability Index Testing Procedure Manual, Part 1.
b) Mark the specimen(s) with a reference number (e.g. 1, 2, 3 and 4) on the
interior face with a permanent marker.


a) Place the specimens in the oven, maintained at 50 ± 2°C, for not less than 7
days and not more than 8 days. Allow sufficient space between and around
specimens to ensure that they can dry uniformly.
b) After the drying period, remove the specimens from the oven and immediately
place them in the desiccator.
c) Cool the specimens to 23 ± 2 °C in the desiccator. Allow the specimens to cool
for a minimum of 2 hours and a maximum of 4 hours. Remove the specimens
from the desiccator and start the testing within 30 min.
d) Measure and record, to an accuracy of 0.02 mm, the thickness and diameter of
each specimen with the Vernier calliper at four points equally spaced around the
perimeter of the specimen. Calculate and record, to the nearest 0.02 mm, the
average of each set of four readings.


a) Place the specimen in the compressible collar within the rigid sleeve with the
exterior (test) face at the bottom. No gaps should be visible between the sides of
the test specimen and the collar. The specimens shall be placed so that the
interior face rests against the lip of the collar. See Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.3.
Note: The terms “exterior” and “interior” are used with respect to the position of
the face of the specimen in the structure or the cube from which they were
extracted. The provision of a “lip” (Figure 2.2) in the rubber collar is to ensure
that the specimen is held in place tightly when it is subjected to pressure on the
test face during the test.
b) Place the sample, collar and rigid sleeve on top of the permeability cell so that
they cover the hole. Place the solid ring (the solid ring is optional depending on
the permeability cell arrangement) on top of the collar, ensuring that no gaps are
visible between the collar and the sleeve. Place the cover plate on top of the
solid ring. See Figure 2.3 and Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.3: Different parts of the specimen assembly

Figure 2.4: (a) Permeameter setup, (b) a close-up of specimen assembly, and (c) cell
without specimen assembly

c) Partially tighten the top screw on the cover plate to ensure that it is centred.
Once the specimen has been centred, tighten the apparatus adequately to
ensure no leakage of gas.

d) Open the oxygen inlet and outlet valves of the permeability cell. Open the valve
of the oxygen supply tank to between 100 and 120 kPa, and allow oxygen to
flow through the permeameter cell for 5 seconds. This will purge the test
chamber of gases other than oxygen.
e) Close the outlet valve of the permeability cell, ensuring that there are no leaks.
f) Increase the pressure in the permeability cell to 100 ± 5 kPa and close the inlet
g) After 5 min, record the time, t0, to the nearest minute, as the initial time, and
initial exact pressure P0, to the nearest 0.5 kPa. Use t0 and P0 as such in the
calculations. Thereafter, take at least eight readings at intervals corresponding
to a pressure drop rate of 5 ± 1 kPa. A pressure drop of more than 5 kPa/min
might be an indication of leakage. In such a case, release the pressure in the
chamber, check that the sample fits tightly in the collar, and restart the test
immediately, starting at paragraph (d).
h) Terminate the testing when the pressure has dropped to 50 ± 2.5 kPa or after 6
hours ± 15 min, whichever occurs first. A minimum of 8 readings is required.
Note 1: It is possible to automate the readings. In this case, pressure readings shall be
recorded by the data logging device at 15 minute intervals until the pressure drops to 50 ± 5
kPa or up to 6 hours ± 15 min, whichever occurs first. All the data points so generated shall
be used in the calculation.
Note 2: Specimens can be re-tested if an obvious error in testing or measurement has been
made. However, this should be within 30 min of the end of the initial test, to ensure that the
moisture condition is not adversely affected.
i) The same specimens that were used in the oxygen permeability test can also
be used in the water sorptivity test. For details of the procedure, please refer to
Part 3: ‘Standard Procedure for Water Sorptivity and Porosity Test’.

NOTE: A standard spreadsheet has been developed to perform the calculations described
below, and it is strongly recommended that this spreadsheet be utilized. A copy of this
spreadsheet is a free download from in the ‘Concrete Tools’ Section.

Before commencing with permeability calculations, note that:

(a) the pressure decay data should comprise pressure readings down to 50 kPa,
(b) the maximum time duration for the test should not exceed 6 hours – see 2.5
h) above.
Any data (i.e. pressure readings and the corresponding times) falling outside these
pressure and/or time limits should not be used in the permeability calculations.
a) Determine the best fit line using linear regression of ln(P0/Pt) against t and
forcing the regression line through the (0,0) point where
t is the time since the start of the test, recorded to the nearest minute, in

Po is the initial pressure at start of test (at time t0) to the nearest 0.5 kPa,
in kilopascals (kPa);
Pt is the pressure reading at time t, measured from t0, to the nearest 0,5
kPa, in kilopascals (kPa).
b) The coefficient of correlation (r2) should be greater than 0.99. Where the
correlation is less than 0.99 a re-test should be done on the same specimen. (If
the conditions of Note 2 in 2.5 h) above cannot be met, place the specimen in
the 50 ºC oven overnight prior to cooling in the desiccator as per 2.4 (c) above,
in order to re-test). If the subsequent test of the specimen also has a correlation
coefficient of less than 0.99, this specimen should be discarded and another test
specimen prepared.
Note 1: Every reading recorded as described in section 2.5 shall be used in the regression
analysis. No data points shall be excluded in the determination of the correlation coefficient.
No additional manipulation or exclusion of data points is allowed in order to improve the
correlation coefficient. If the correlation coefficient is less than 0.99, the sample shall be re-
Note 2: Notwithstanding Note 1 above, discretion should be exercised whether to always
discard a specimen as above. It is possible to have very impermeable or alternatively very
permeable specimens, where the r2 may be less than 0.99, but will generally achieve 0.98.
Note 3: The slope of the linear regression line forced through the (0,0) point can be
calculated from the equation (2.1):

P 2
∑ �ln � 0 ��
P t
z= P (2.1)
∑ �ln � 0 � t�

z is the slope of the linear regression;
P0, Pt, and t are defined as in 2.6 a).
c) The correlation coefficient, r2, can be calculated from the equation (2.2):

∑�ti -tp,i �
r =1- (2.2)
∑ t2i -( ∑ ti )2�
ti is the time at any given pressure reading, recorded to the nearest
minute, in seconds (s);
tp,i is the predicted time at the same pressure reading (based on the linear
regression), in seconds (s);
n is the number of data points being considered.

d) The value of tp,i can be calculated from:

ln( P0 ⁄Pt )
tp,i = (2.3)
where P0, Pt and z are as defined above.
The ‘slope’ and ‘rsq’ functions available in Excel CANNOT be used, as they do
not force the line through the zero point.
e) The D’arcy coefficient of permeability may be calculated from:

ω ×V ×g ×d×z
k= (2.4)
k is the coefficient of permeability of the test specimen in metres per
second (m/s);
ω is the molecular mass of oxygen (i.e., 0.032 kg/mol), in kilograms per
mole (kg/mol);
V is the volume of the permeability cell, recorded to the nearest 0.01 litre
or 0.00001 m3. The volume of the permeability cell includes the volume
of the cell up to the lower face of the specimen. The volume shall be
determined by dimensional measurement, accurate to the nearest mm,
or by the volume of water contained at 23 ± 2 ºC.
g is the gravitational acceleration (i.e., 9.81 m/s2), in metres per second
squared (m/s2);
d is the average specimen thickness, to the nearest 0.02 mm, in metres
z is the slope of the linear regression line forced through the (0,0) point,
in reciprocal seconds (s-1);
R is the universal gas constant (8.313 Nm/Kmol), in newton metres per
Kelvin mole (Nm/Kmol);
A is the cross sectional area of the specimen, in square meters (m2);
T is the absolute temperature in Kelvin (K).
f) The coefficient of permeability k is calculated for each specimen. The oxygen
permeability index (OPI) shall be given as the average of the individual OPI
values of the specimens (i.e., the geometric mean), which for four specimens is:

OPI = [(OPI1 +OPI2 +OPI3 +OPI4 )/4] (2.5)

OPIi (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) is the calculated oxygen permeability index of the
specimens, taken as the negative log of the k value, i.e.
OPI = -log10(k) (2.6)

Where one specimen has been discarded, the coefficient of permeability may
be calculated from the average of at least three valid test specimens using the
following formula:

OPI= [(OPI1 +OPI2 +OPI3 )/3] (2.7)

Note: The repeatability and reproducibility of oxygen permeability testing are given in
Appendix A.

The test report shall include the following information:
a) The individual coefficient of permeability (k) of each specimen to three decimal
b) The individual oxygen permeability index (OPI) of each specimen, to two
decimal places;
c) The average oxygen permeability index (OPI) of all specimens, to two decimal
d) The identification mark of the specimens;
e) A detailed description of the specimens, including flaws such as visible cracks,
honeycombing defects or visible bleed paths. This is particularly important in
this test since the test is stated to be indicative of macro-structural problems.
The test report shall also include the following information, if known:
f) The source of the specimens;
g) The location of the specimens (i.e., within the core or member);
h) The type of concrete, including binder type, water/cement ratio and other
relevant data supplied with the specimen;
i) The curing history;
j) A description of any unusual specimen preparation, for example, removal of
surface treatment;
k) A description of unusual features such as cracks, voids, and excessively
chipped edges;
l) The name of the test officer; and
m) The age of concrete at time of testing.

(1) Alexander MG, Ballim Y, Mackechnie JM, ‘ Concrete durability index testing manual’ Research
Monograph No. 4, Departments of Civil Engineering, University of Cape Town and University of
the Witwatersrand, March 1999

(2) Mackechnie JR and Alexander MG, ‘Practical considerations for rapid chloride conductivity
testing.’ Proceedings of the Second International RILEM Workshop on Testing and Modelling
the Chloride Ingress Into Concrete, C. Andrade and J. Kropp, ed., 2000
(3) Gouws SM, ‘Durability index approach – method statements.’ Document submitted to the
Durability Index Test Method working group (Under the auspices of the C&CI Technical
Committee), University of the Witwatersrand, 14 August 2003.
(4) Gouws SM, ‘Durability Index Approach – Progress Report 1: Method Statements’ Summary
document of major amendments to Durability Index Test Methods as agreed upon by Durability
Index Test Method working group (Under the auspices of the C&CI Technical Committee,
University of the Witwatersrand, 19 August 2003.
(5) Gouws SM, ‘Durability Index Approach – Progress Report 2: Method Statements’ Summary
document of major amendments to Durability Index Test Methods as agreed upon by Durability
Index Test Method working group (Under the auspices of the C&CI Technical Committee,
University of the Witwatersrand, 7 October 2003.
(6) Mukadam Z, Alexander M.G., Beushausen H.D., ‘The effects of drying preconditioning on the
South African durability index tests.’ Cement and Concrete Composites (69): 1-8, 2016.
(7) Stanish, K., Alexander, M. G. and Ballim, Y., (2001), Assessing the repeatability and
reproducibility values of South African durability index tests, SAICE Journal, Vol. 48(2), pp. 10-
(8) ASTM C 802-14, 2014, “Standard Practice for Conducting an Inter-laboratory Test Program to
Determine the Precision of Test Methods for Construction Materials,” ASTM International.
(9) ASTM C 670-90, 2015, “Standard Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statements for
Test Methods for Construction Materials,” ASTM International.

Note: Revisions below may refer to older versions with different clause numbers to this version.
Revisions Description Date

A For approval 8 April 2002

B Indicated with subscript B 15 May 2002

K. Stanish (KS) – remove marked with strike through, added in

C 14 Feb 2003
bold, comments in italics

S. Gouws (SG) - suggested changes in red, questions and

C1 21 July 2003
remarks in italics, see also reference 3

For approval after Durability Index Test Method meeting on 19

D 19 August 2003
August 2003, see also reference 4

For approval after Durability Index Test Method meeting on 22 22 September

September 2003, see also ref. 5 2003

Editorial improvements and clarifications – M. G. Alexander

F April-July 2004

Revisions Description Date

G KS – Clarification and illustration April/May 2005

MGA - Definition of r2 terms; addition of cell volume; Editorial

H Jan/Oct 2007

I MGA – Editorial and other corrections Sep-Oct 2008

Cl. 5 b): addition of definition of ‘z’.
J Cl. 5 c): insert ‘to the nearest 0.02 mm’ at end of 25 Feb. 2009
definition of ‘d’

Cl. 6 a) replace ‘significant figures’ with ‘decimal places’

SG as confirmed with MGA

Cl. 1 b): added ‘constructed not to expand at 100 to 120 kPa.
Cl. 1g): removed the note ‘not required if relative humidity in the
laboratory is below 60%’ Now only allowed to cool in desiccators.
Cl. 3: added ‘Remove the specimens from the oven and
immediately place them in the desiccators.’
Cl. 4 a): Removed the allowance of cooling in the
laboratory, cooling may now only take place in the
K desiccators. May 2010
Cl. 4 g): Added ‘open the valve of the oxygen supply tank to
between 100 and 120 kPa’. This is done so as not to open the
tank to maximum pressure so as to protect the transducers.
Cl. 5: Changed from UCT to C&CI’s website.
Cl. 5 b): Added the calculation of tp,i

Cl. 5 c): Changed ω to 0.032 kg/mol instead of 32 g/mol and

added that the temperature of the water must be 23 ± 2ºC.

MGA & Chad Ludwig (CL) – Editorial changes; also to correspond

L Oct – Nov 2016
to SANS 3001-CO3-2:2015 (OPI)

M MGA / MO. Changed 1s% to Coefficient of Variation (CoV), App A 12 July 2017

MGA / MO added sentence immediately under Cl. 2.6, re limits to

N 14 July 2017
test parameters when running calculations

SS / MGA: Better clarity in Cl. 2.5, 2.6, including revised Dec. 2017/April
illustrations Figure 2.3, 2.4. 2018


Precision: Repeatability and reproducibility of oxygen permeability tests

Typical ranges of within test coefficient of variation and multi-laboratory precision are
provided in table A.1. These values may be refined from time to time as additional
data become available. These data derive mainly from inter-laboratory test
programmes aimed at establishing repeatability and reproducibility data. In general,
in excess of 30 test results were available.

Table A1: Guideline summary of repetability and reproducability values

1 2 3

Repeatability and reproducibility k-value OPI

Repeatability (Coefficient of Variation (%)) CoV (%)a CoV (%)a

Laboratory data 30 – 40 1,00 – 2,00

Ready mix concrete data – 1,00 – 2,00

Site data 40 – 50 1,5 – 3,00

Reproducibility (Coefficient of Variation CoV (%)b CoV (%)b


Laboratory data 30 – 50 1,00 – 3,00

Single operator coefficient of variation
Between laboratory coefficient of variation


Oxygen permeability index calculation

To illustrate the calculations given in Clause 2.6, typical calculations are given below
to determine the oxygen permeability index. All variables are as defined in 2.6 a) to

a) Illustrative time and pressure readings of four specimens that were obtained
from the same concrete are shown in table B.1, truncated for brevity, and
dimensions are given in table B.2. The calculation of z for specimen 1 is shown
in table B.3 and b).

Table B.1: Time and pressure readings of specimens

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Specimen number
1 2 3 4
Actual Pressure Actual Pressure Actual Pressure Actual Pressure
time Pt time Pt time Pt time Pt kPa kPa kPa kPa
12:55:00 100,0 10:12:00 100,0 14:01:00 100,0 14:00:00 100,0
13:01:00 96,0 10:17:00 97,0 14:03:00 98,5 14:03:00 98,0
13:05:00 93,0 10:22:00 92,0 14:06:00 95,5 14:06:00 96,0
13:09:00 90,0 10:25:00 89,5 14:09:00 93,5 14:09:00 94,0
13:18:00 85,0 10:32:00 84,5 14:13:00 92,5 14:13:00 90,0
13:24:00 80,0 10:39:00 80,0 14:16:00 91,0 14:16:00 88,0
13:28:00 78,0 10:46:00 77,5 14:19:00 87,0 14:19:00 86,0
13:34:00 74,0 10:53:00 74,5 14:23:00 85,0 14:23:00 84,0
13:38:00 72,0 10:57:00 70,0 14:26:00 82,5 14:27:00 81,0
13:42:00 70,0 11:05:00 67,0 14:31:00 80,0 14:31:00 79,0
13:48:00 67,0 11:12:00 64,0 14:34:00 78,0 14:36:00 75,0
13:54:00 65,0 11:18:00 62,0 14:37:00 76,0 14:41:00 73,0

Table B.2: Dimensions of the specimens and parameters used

1 2 3 4 5 6
Specimen number
Parameter Measurement
1 2 3 4
1 3,16 3,02 2,90 3,06

Thickness 2 3,06 3,08 2,98 3,02

d 3 3,16 3,10 2,94 3,08
m × 10-2 4 3,06 3,00 3,00 3,02
average 3,11 3,05 2,96 3,05
1 6,92 6,94 6,90 6,96

Diameter 2 6,96 6,96 6,92 6,94

3 6,98 6,92 6,94 6,94
m × 10-2 4 6,90 6,98 6,86 6,98
average 6,94 6,95 6,91 6,96
Cross-sectional area
A 3,78 3,79 3,75 3,81
m2 × 10-3
Volume of
permeability cell
4,90 4,95 4,83 4,90
m3 × 10-3

Table B.3: Calculation of z for specimen 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Actual Time since Pressure,

time start of test, t Pt P0/Pt ln(P0/Pt) [ln(P0/Pt)]2 ln(P0/Pt) × t s kPa

12:55:00 0 100,0 1,000 0,000 0,000 0,000

13:01:00 360 96,0 1,042 0,041 0,002 14,760

13:05:00 600 93,0 1,075 0,072 0,005 43,200

13:09:00 840 90,0 1,111 0,105 0,011 88,200

13:18:00 1 380 85,0 1,176 0,162 0,026 223,560

13:24:00 1 740 80,0 1,250 0,223 0,050 388, 020

13:28:00 1 980 78,0 1,282 0,248 0,062 491,040

13:34:00 2 340 74,0 1,351 0,301 0,091 704,340

13:38:00 2 580 72,0 1,389 0,329 0,108 848,820

13:42:00 2 820 70,0 1,429 0,357 0,127 1 006,740

13:48:00 3 180 67,0 1,493 0,401 0,161 1 275,180

13:54:00 3 540 65,0 1,538 0,430 0,185 1 522,200

b) The slope of the linear regression line of specimen 1, forced through the (0,0)
point may be calculated as follows:
P 2
∑ [ ln � 0 � ]
P t
z= P0
∑ [ ln � � ×t]
P t

P 2
From Table B.3: ∑ �ln � 0 �� = 0.828
P t

Therefore ∑ [ ln � 0 � ×t] = 6606.060
P t

Therefore z= 6606.060

z = 0.000125
c) The calculation of the correlation coefficient, r2, of the linear regression line of
specimen 1, forced through (0,0) is shown in Table B.4 and d).

Table B.4: Calculation of r2 for specimen 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Time since Pressure

Actual tp,i
start of
time P0/Pt ln(P0/Pt) ti − tp,i (ti − tp,i)2 ti2
test, t [ln(P0/Pt)]/z
s kPa

12:55:00 0 100,0 1,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0

13:01:00 360 96,0 1,042 0,041 328 320 1 024 129 600

13:05:00 600 93,0 1,075 0,072 576 24 576 360 000

13:09:00 840 90,0 1,111 0,105 840 0 0 705 600

13:18:00 1 380 85,0 1,176 0,162 1 296 84 7 056 1 904 400

13:24:00 1 740 80,0 1,250 0,223 1 784 −44 1 936 3 027 600

13:28:00 1 980 78,0 1,282 0,248 1 984 −4 16 3 920 400

13:34:00 2 340 74,0 1,351 0,301 2 408 −68 4 624 5 475 600

13:38:00 2 580 72,0 1,389 0,329 2 632 −52 2 704 6 656 400

13:42:00 2 820 70,0 1,429 0,357 2 856 −36 1 296 7 952 400

13:48:00 3 180 67,0 1,493 0,401 3 208 −28 784 10 112 400

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Time since Pressure

Actual tp,i
start of
time P0/Pt ln(P0/Pt) ti − tp,i (ti − tp,i)2 ti2
test, t [ln(P0/Pt)]/z
s kPa

13:54:00 3 540 65,0 1,538 0,430 3 440 96 9 216 12 531 600

d) The value of r2 may be calculated as follows:

∑�ti -tp,i �
r =1-
∑ t2i -( ∑ ti )2 /n
ln( )
tp,i =
Therefore, from Table B.4
��ti -tp,i � = 29 232

� t2i = 52 776 000

� ti = 21 360

n = 12
(∑ ti )2
= 38 020 800
r2 = 1 -
52776000 - 38020800
r2 = 0.998
Since r2 ≥ 0.99, it is not necessary to re-test the specimen.

e) The value of k for specimen 1 can then be calculated as follows:



ω is the molecular mass of oxygen, = 0,032 kg/mol;

V is the volume of oxygen under pressure in the tank in which specimen 1 was
tested, = 4,9L = 0,0049 m3;

g is the gravitational acceleration, = 9,81 m/s2;

R is the universal gas constant, = 8,313 Nm/K mol;

d is the average thickness of specimen 1, measured at four different positions,

= 31.1 mm = 0,0311 m;

A is the cross-sectional area of specimen 1, calculated from the diameter

measured at four positions, A = 0,00378 m2;

T is the temperature in kelvins, = 296,15 K;

z is the slope of the linear regression line, = 0,000125 s-1, therefore

0.032 × 0.0049 × 9.81 × 0.0311 × 0.000125

8.313 × 0.00378 × 296.15


k = 6.426×10-10 m/s

f) The coefficient of permeability, ki, (m/s) of each of the other four specimens is
calculated in a similar fashion for each specimen resulting in the following
k1 = 6,426× 10-10 m/s OPI = 9,19
k2 = 6,370 × 10-10 m/s OPI = 9,20
k3 = 6,074 × 10-10 m/s OPI = 9,22
k4 = 6,474 × 10-10 m/s OPI = 9,19
g) The average oxygen permeability index is calculated as follows:
OPI = [(OPI1 + OPI2 + OPI3 + OPI4)/4]
OPI = 9,20



This test method sets out the procedure for determining the water sorptivity index as
originally described by Alexander, Ballim and Mackechnie (1). The method described
herein supersedes the 1999 version in ref. 1. The test also allows determination of
the water-penetrable porosity of the specimen, which is important in interpreting the
water sorptivity value.
The test is suitable for the evaluation of materials and mix proportions for design
purposes, and for research and development. The test can also be used for quality
control of concrete on site. It is not recommended that this test be performed before
28 days after casting. Specimen age may have a significant effect on the test results,
depending on the type of concrete and the curing procedure. Care should be taken
in interpreting the results of this test when it is used on surface treated concretes, or
on concrete that has been exposed to environmental influences such as carbonation
or marine salts.
The oven drying procedure has been selected to result in a minimal degree of micro-
structural alteration of the concrete specimens, while still giving minimal uniform
moisture content. Research has shown, however, that significant amounts of micro-
structural damage may occur for high quality concrete(2). Thus care should be taken
in interpreting the test results from these concretes.
This test method shall not be used for concrete with a maximum nominal aggregate
size exceeding 26.5 mm.

a) An oven capable of maintaining a temperature of 50 ± 2ºC.
Note: Most lab ovens are of the forced draft, ventilated type. If, however, the oven being
used is of the closed (unventilated) type, then the relative humidity inside the oven must be
maintained by the inclusion of trays of saturated calcium chloride solution. The trays should
provide a total exposed area of at least 1 m2 per 1 m3 of volume of the oven and should
contain sufficient solid calcium chloride to show above the surface of the solution throughout
the test.
b) Vacuum saturation facility as shown in Figure 3.1.
c) Plastic or stainless steel tray 20 mm deep and large enough to hold as many
specimens as will be tested simultaneously.
d) Ten layers of absorbent paper towel. Alternatively, 2 small rollers or 4 pins can
be used to support the specimens tested.
e) Vernier calliper, capable of reading to 0,02 mm.
f) Measuring scale with accuracy to 0.01 g.
g) A solution of tap water saturated with calcium hydroxide, (3 grams of Ca(OH)2
per 1 litre of water), maintained at 23 ± 2°C.

Figure 3.1: Vacuum Saturation Facility

h) One or more stopwatches as required.

i) Sealant to provide a watertight seal around the curved edges of the specimens
without blocking any part of the test face whatsoever. A suitable method of
sealing is the use of packaging tape.
j) Desiccator, large enough to hold as many specimens as will be tested
simultaneously, containing anhydrous silica gel as the desiccant, with the
relative humidity controlled at a maximum of 60 %.


a) Four specimens are required per test. Each specimen shall consist of a 70 ± 2
mm diameter concrete disc with a thickness of 30 ± 2 mm, cored and cut in
accordance with Concrete Durability Index Testing Procedure Manual, Part 1. It
is permitted to use specimens that have previously been used in the oxygen
permeability test, provided they have not been exposed to moisture. Refer to
Part 2: ‘Standard Procedure for Oxygen Permeability Test’.
b) Mark the specimens of the same reference 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the inner face.


a) If using new specimens directly after cutting, the specimens shall be placed in
the oven at 50 ± 2 °C for not less than 7 days and not more than 8 days.
b) After the drying period, remove the specimens from the oven and immediately
place them in the desiccator.
c) Cool the specimens to 23 ± 2 °C in the desiccator. Allow the specimens to cool
for a minimum of 2 hours and a maximum of 4 hours. Remove the specimens
from the desiccator and start the testing within 30 min.
d) Measure to the nearest 0.02 mm the thickness and diameter of each specimen
with the Vernier calliper at 4 points equally spaced around the perimeter of the
specimen, and record. Determine the average of the four readings and record to
the nearest 0.02 mm.

e) Seal the curved sides of the specimens using a sealant as detailed in 3.2 i)
f) If the specimens have been previously tested in the oxygen permeability cells,
they shall be tested immediately upon removal. No additional drying is
necessary provided the specimens have not got wet or have not had an
opportunity to absorb moisture from the atmosphere. Alternatively, specimens
may be placed back in the 50 ºC oven overnight prior to cooling in the
desiccator as per 3.4 (c) above, if they cannot be tested immediately after the
OPI test.


a) The water sorptivity test shall be conducted in a room in which the temperature
is controlled at 23 ± 2 ºC.
b) Place the 10 layers of paper towel in the tray. Alternatively, place the rollers/pins
in position to support the specimen in the solution.
c) Pour calcium hydroxide solution into the tray. If used, the paper towels should
be saturated with water visible on the top surface. All air bubbles should be
removed by smoothing the paper pad towards the edges, see Figure 3.2. If
rollers or pins are used, they should be arranged so as to support the
specimens and the calcium hydroxide solution should be above the top of the
support, Figure 3.3. The final water level should be such that it will be slightly
above the bottom edge of the specimen and a maximum 2 mm up the side of
the specimen as shown in Figure 3.4. Dampen an additional piece of paper
towel for use in removing the excess water from the specimens (in paragraph
(g)) and keep next to the tray to be used during the test.
NOTE: Rollers or pins, if used, should be sufficiently small so as not materially to affect
the area of specimen surface exposed to the solution.
d) Within 30 min after removing the specimen from the desiccator, or oxygen
permeability cell, determine the mass of the specimen to an accuracy of 0.01 g
and record as the dry mass, Ms0. This mass must be determined after the
method used to seal the sides of the specimens.
e) Immediately place the specimen with the test face (outer face or originally
exposed face) on the wet paper pad/pins/rollers and start the stopwatch, at time
f) Weigh the specimen at 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 16, 20 and 25 minutes, after patting it
once on the damp piece of absorbent paper. The specimen should appear
saturated surface dry (SSD) on the exposed face at the time the mass is
determined, i.e. it should look damp, but not have free water on the test face.
During removal of a specimen from the tray for weighing, care must be taken to
prevent dripping from one specimen onto the top of another.
g) Record the mass of the specimen to the nearest 0.01 g within 10 s of removal of
the specimen from the tray and wiping excess water. Replace the specimens
each time with the test face on the wet paper or rollers/pins if used. The
stopwatch shall not be stopped during the weighing procedure.

Figure 3.2: Test setup using paper towels Figure 3.3: Test setup using supports

Figure 3.4: Proper solution depth

h) Within a maximum of 1 day after weighing of the specimen is completed, place

the specimen in the vacuum saturation tank. The tape or sealant must be left in
place. The specimens shall be arranged so as to maximize their exposed
surface area. This is typically done by standing the individual specimens upon
their curved edges, rather than the flat side, as in Figure 3.5. Seal the lid with
petroleum jelly and close it.
i) Evacuate the tank to between -75 and -80 kPa and maintain the specimens
under vacuum of between -75 and -80 kPa for 3 hours ± 15 min. The pressure
must not be allowed to rise above -75 kPa during this period.
j) After 3 hours ± 15 min isolate the tank and allow calcium hydroxide saturated
water to flow into the chamber until the water level is approximately 40 mm
above the top of the specimens. Air shall not be allowed to enter the vacuum
chamber during this procedure.

Figure 3.5: Illustration of recommended arrangement
of specimens for saturation

k) Re-establish the vacuum to between -75 and -80 kPa. This shall be maintained
for 1 hour ± 15 minutes. At no point during this time period shall the vacuum be
permitted to rise above -75 kPa.
l) After 1 hour ± 15 min, release the vacuum and allow air to enter. Allow the
specimens to soak for a further 18 ± 1 hours.
m) After 18 ± 1 hr soaking, remove the specimens from the solution, dry the surface
to a SSD condition with a paper towel, and immediately weigh to an accuracy of
0.01 g. Record this as the vacuum saturated mass Msv of the specimen.

NOTE: A standard spreadsheet has been developed to perform the calculations described
below, and it is strongly recommended that this spreadsheet be utilized. A copy of this
spreadsheet is a free download from in
the ‘Concrete Tools’ Section.
a) Determine the porosity (n) of each specimen, as a percentage, by applying the
following formula:

Msv -Ms0
n= ×100 (3.1)
Msv is the vacuum saturated mass of the specimen to the nearest 0.01g, in
Ms0 is the mass of the specimen at time t0 (start of the test) to the nearest
0.01g, in grams
A is the cross-sectional area of the specimen to the nearest 0,02 mm2 in
millimetres squared
d is the average specimen thickness to the nearest 0,02 mm, in
ρw is the density of water, 10-3 g/mm3, in grams per millimetres cubed

b) Determine and plot the mass gain (Mwt) versus the square root of time, by
applying the following formula:

Mwt = F√t (3.2)

F is the slope of the best fit line from plotting Mwt against square root of
hour, in grams
t is the time in hours after a specimen was first exposed to water on its
lower face, to the nearest 0.001 h, in hours

Use the following equation to determine the mass gain (Mwti):

Mwti = Mst - Ms0 (3.3)

Mst is the mass to the nearest 0,01g of the specimen at particular time t, in
Ms0 is the mass to the nearest 0.01g of the specimen at the initial time (t0),
in grams.
Note: No allowance shall be made for the time taken to wipe and weigh each sample
in the calculation.
Do not include the zero time reading in the data.

c) Determine the correlation coefficient, r2 of the data:

⎡ � wt ) ⎤
∑ (�ti -T)(Mwti - M
r2 = ⎢ ⎥ (3.4)
⎢ 2 2⎥
� �
⎣ ∑��ti -T� ∑�Mwti - Mwt � ⎦
Mwti is the mass gain as calculated in 3.6 b) at any given time, in grams
ti is the time corresponding to the mass gain Mwti, in hours

∑ Mwti
� wt =
M (3.5)

∑ �ti
T= (3.6)
n is the number of data points.

d) If the coefficient of correlation is less than 0,98, discard the last (25 min) value
from the analysis, and re-determine the correlation coefficient, adjusting the
value of n, the number of data points, in the calculation as relevant.
e) If the coefficient of correlation is still less than 0,98, discard the next value (i.e.
20 min) from the analysis, and re-determine the correlation coefficient, adjusting
the value of n, the number of data points, in the calculation as relevant.
f) Repeat the procedure until a coefficient of above 0,98 is achieved, or there are
less than 5 data points remaining.
g) If a correlation coefficient of 0,98 cannot be obtained with a set of five or more
values, regard the specimen as unsuitable for the determination of the sorptivity.
However, record the range of data able to give a correlation coefficient of above
h) Using the values obtained from procedures contained in c) to f) (inclusive),
determine the slope of the line of best fit (F) by linear regression analysis:

� wt )
∑ (�ti -T)(Mwti -M
F= 2 (3.7)
∑��ti -T�

Mwti is the mass gain as calculated in 3.6 b) at any given time, in grams,
equation (3.3).
ti is the time corresponding to the mass gain reading Mwti, in hours and
�𝑤𝑤𝑤𝑤 and T are given in equations (3.5) and (3.6) respectively.

i) The water sorptivity of the specimen (S), in mm/√h, is given by:

S= (3.8)
Msv - Ms0
F is the slope of the best fit line (equation (3.7)), in grams per square root
of hour
d is the average specimen thickness to the nearest 0,02 mm, in mm

Msv is the vacuum saturated mass to the nearest 0,01 g of the specimen, in
Ms0 is the mass to the nearest 0,01 g of the specimen at the initial time (t0),
in grams
j) The procedure 3.6 a) through 3.5 g) is carried out separately for each specimen.
The sorptivity index is given as the average of the water sorptivity of the valid
individual test determinations.(4)
Note: Where one specimen has been deemed unsuitable in 3.6 g), it should not be used in
determining the average water sorptivity. At least three valid test specimens should be used
to determine the average water sorptivity.
Note: A simple way to calculate the slope of the regression line is by entering the data in a
Microsoft Excel range and use the function SLOPE {data range of Mwt; data range √t}. The
correlation coefficient can be obtained by using the RSQ {data range Mwt; data range of √t}

Report the following:
a) Identification number of specimen.
b) Description of specimen.
c) The porosity of each specimen (in percent) to the nearest 1 decimal place.
d) The water sorptivity of each individual specimen (in mm/√h), to the nearest 1
decimal place.
e) The water sorptivity index (in mm/√h) to the nearest 1 decimal place.
f) The range of data used in the calculations.
The following shall also be reported if known
g) Source of the specimen.
h) Location of specimen within cube, core or member
i) Identification mark of each specimen
j) Type of concrete, including binder type, water/cement ratio and other relevant
data supplied with the specimen.
k) Curing history.
l) Unusual specimen preparation e.g. removal of surface treatment.
m) Unusual features such as cracks, voids, excessively chipped edges, etc.
n) Test operator.
o) Age of concrete at time of testing.
Note on interpretation of test values for water sorptivity (WS) and porosity: The measured
values of water sorptivity and porosity are inter-related. For example, a low WS value may
be due to a high porosity value, and vice versa (although this is not always the case).
Therefore, care should be taken in reporting and interpreting these values.

(1) Alexander M.G., Ballim Y., Mackechnie J.M., ‘Concrete durability index testing manual’
Research Monograph no. 4, Departments of Civil Engineering, University of Cape Town and
University of the Witwatersrand, March 1999
(2) Mackechnie JR and Alexander MG, ‘Practical considerations for rapid chloride conductivity
testing.’ Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Testing and Modelling the
Chloride Ingress Into Concrete,
(3) Nilsson L.O., Andersen A, Luping T, ‘Chloride Ingress Data from Field Exposure in a Swedish
Environment’, Proc. 2nd International RILEM Workshop “Testing and Modelling the Chloride
Ingress into Concrete”, Eds Andrade C, Kropp J, Paris, 11-12 September 2000.
(4) Gouws SM, ‘Durability index approach – method statements.’ Document submitted to the
Durability Index Test Method working group (Under the auspices of the C&CI Technical
Committee), University of the Witwatersrand, 14 August 2003.
(5) Gouws SM, ‘Durability Index Approach – Progress Report 1: Method Statements’ Summary
document of major amendments to Durability Index Test Methods as agreed upon by Durability
Index Test Method working group (Under the auspices of the C&CI Technical Committee,
University of the Witwatersrand, 19 August 2003.
(6) Gouws SM, ‘Durability Index Approach – Progress Report 2: Method Statements’ Summary
document of major amendments to Durability Index Test Methods as agreed upon by Durability
Index Test Method working group (Under the auspices of the C&CI Technical Committee,
University of the Witwatersrand, 7 October 2003.
(7) Mukadam Z, Alexander M.G., Beushausen H.D., ‘The effects of drying preconditioning on the
South African durability index tests.’ Cement and Concrete Composites (69): 1-8, 2016.

Note: Revisions below may refer to older versions with different clause numbers to this version.
Revisions Description Date

A For approval 8 April 2002

B Indicated with subscript B 15 May 2002

K. Stanish (KS) – remove marked with strike through, added in

C 14 Feb 2003
bold, comments in italics

S. Gouws (SG) - suggested changes in red, questions and

C1 21 July 2003
remarks in italics, see also reference 4

For approval after Durability Index Test Method meeting on 19

D 19 August 2003
August 2003, see also reference 5

For approval after Durability Index Test Method meeting on 22 22 September

September 2003, see also reference 6 2003

F Editorial improvements and clarifications – M. G. Alexander April-July 2004

Revisions Description Date


G KS – Clarification and illustration April/May 2005

MGA - Definition of r2 terms; addition of cell volume; Editorial

H Jan/Oct 2007

I MGA – Editorial and other corrections Sep-Oct 2008


Cl. 1 e) Accuracy of Vernier inserted

J 25 Feb. 2009
Cl. 5 h) Added definitions of F, d, Msv, and Ms0.
Cl. 6 c) Changes accuracy to 2 decimal places
SG as confirmed with MGA

Cl.1 i), 3 b), 4 f): Removed all references to epoxy paint

Cl. 1 k): Must use desiccator for cooling
Cl. 3 a): Added ‘if using new specimens’
Cl. 3 b): Added ‘remove the specimens from the oven’
K May 2010
Cl. 3 c): Added ‘oven at 50 ºC’ and ‘as per part 2’
Cl. 4 b): Must use desiccator for cooling
Cl. 4 e): Moved ‘at time t0’ to the end of 4 f)
Cl. 5 a): Changed from UCT’s website to C&CI’s website
Cl. 5 c): Added ‘use only relevant number of data points for n’
L MGA & Chad Ludwig (CL) – Editorial changes Oct-Nov 2016

M SS/ MO/ MGA – Amount of CH required to make saturated Dec 2017

solution changed from 5 g to 3 g



This test method sets out the procedure for determining the chloride conductivity
index as originally described by Alexander, Ballim and Mackechnie(1). The method
described herein supersedes the 1999 version in ref. 1.
The test is suitable for the evaluation of materials and mix proportions for design
purposes and for research and development. The test can also be used for quality
control of concrete on site. Specimen age may have a significant effect on the test
results, depending on the type of concrete and the curing procedure. Care should be
taken in interpreting the results of this test when it is used on surface treated
concretes. In general, the test should not be performed on concrete that has been
exposed to environmental influences such as carbonation or marine salts.
The oven drying procedure has been selected to result in a minimal degree of micro-
structural alteration of the concrete specimens, while still resulting in minimal uniform
moisture content. Research has shown, however, that significant amounts of micro-
structural damage may occur for some high quality concrete(2). Thus care should be
taken in interpreting the test results from these concretes.
Since the test results are a function of the electrical resistance of the specimen, the
presence of reinforcing steel or other embedded electrically conductive material may
have a significant effect. Likewise, admixtures or concrete additives such as those
containing nitrites may also affect the conductivity of the specimen.
This test method shall not be used for concrete with a maximum nominal aggregate
size exceeding 26.5 mm.
Care should be taken when performing this test, since the chloride solution used is
hazardous to the skin. It is recommended that gloves be used.

a) An oven capable of maintaining a temperature of 50 ± 2ºC.
Note: Most lab ovens are of the forced draft, ventilated type. If, however, the oven being
used is of the closed (unventilated) type, then the relative humidity inside the oven must be
maintained by the inclusion of trays of saturated calcium chloride solution. The trays should
provide a total exposed area of at least 1 m2 per 1 m3 of volume of the oven and should
contain sufficient solid calcium chloride to show above the surface of the solution throughout
the test.
b) Vacuum saturation facility as shown in Figure 3.1, Part 3.
c) Conduction cell as shown in Figure 4.1 with anode and cathode parts
permanently marked on the outside of the cell, and with flexible rubber collars
free of cracks or tears.
Note: Two designs of the conduction cell are available (see Figures 4.1 a) and b))
d) Stabilized DC power supply, 0 V to 12 V, 0 A to 1 A.

a) Simple cell arrangement

Figure 4.1: Conduction cells (longitudinal section)

b) Telescopic tube arrangement

e) Digital voltmeter and ammeter (two multimeters), capable of displaying four-
digits, 0 V to 20 V range, 0 mA to 300 mA, and a rated accuracy of 0.1 %.
f) Measuring scale, of accuracy at least 0.01 g.
g) Vernier calliper, capable of reading to 0.02 mm.
h) CP grade NaCl, of 99% purity.
i) Desiccator, containing anhydrous silica gel as the desiccant, with the relative
humidity controlled at a maximum of 60 %.
Note: Due to the highly corrosive solutions used during the test, all equipment must be
cleaned thoroughly with warm soapy water after each use. The copper electrodes and
banana plugs need to be cleaned with sandpaper or an acidic solution. Replacement
electrical connections are necessary from time to time. To protect electrical test equipment, it
is advisable to place such equipment on a shelf above the bench on which the conductivity
cell is placed.


a) Add 2.93 kg of NaCl (salt) to a container large enough to contain more than 10
L of water.
b) Add 10 L of potable water.
c) Stir until the salt has dissolved.
d) Seal the container of 5M sodium chloride solution, and store for at least 1 day at
a temperature of 23 ± 2 °C.


a) Four specimens are required per test. The test specimen shall consist of a 70 ±
2 mm diameter concrete disc with a thickness of 30 ± 2 mm cored and cut in
accordance with the Concrete Durability Index Testing Procedure Manual, Part
b) Mark the specimens of the same reference 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the inner face.


a) Place the specimens in the oven, maintained at 50 ± 2 °C, for not less than 7
days and not more than 8 days.
b) Carry out the testing in a room maintained at 23 ± 2 °C.
c) Remove the specimens from the oven and immediately place them in the
desiccator (maintained at 23 ± 2 °C) for cooling. Allow the specimens to cool for
a minimum of 2 hours and a maximum of 4 hours. Remove the specimens from
the desiccator and start the testing in accordance with the procedure outlined in
4.6 a) to o) (inclusive) within 30 min.
d) Measure and record, to an accuracy of 0.02 mm, the thickness and diameter of
each specimen with the Vernier calliper at four points equally spaced around the

perimeter of the specimen. Calculate and record, to the nearest 0.02 mm, the
average of each set of four readings.


a) Determine the dry mass of the specimens (Md) to an accuracy of 0.01 g and
b) Place the specimens in the vacuum saturation tank.
Note: The specimens should be arranged so as to maximize their exposed surface area.
This may be achieved by standing the individual specimens upon their curved edges, rather
than the flat side, as in Figure 3.5, Part 3.
c) Seal and close the vacuum saturation tank.
d) Evacuate the tank to between -75 kPa and -80 kPa, and maintain this vacuum
for 3 h ± 15 min.
e) Isolate the tank and allow salt solution to flow into the chamber until the water
level is approximately 40 mm above the top of the specimens. Ensure that no
air enters the chamber during this procedure.
f) Re-establish the vacuum in the tank to between -75 and -80 kPa, and maintain
this vacuum for 1 hour ± 15 minutes.
g) Release the vacuum and allow air to enter the chamber. Allow the specimens to
soak in the salt solution for a further 18 ± 1 hours.
h) Remove the specimens from the solution, dry them to the saturated surface dry
condition and immediately weigh to an accuracy of 0.01 g. Record this as the
vacuum saturated mass (Ms) of the specimen.
i) Unscrew the connection points of the conduction cells and fill the plastic tubes
(Luggin capillaries, shown in Figure 4.2) of the chloride cell and both chambers
of the cell with the 5.0 M NaCl solution.

Figure 4.2: Luggin Figure 4.3: Connecting point of chloride

conductivity cell

j) With the flexible rubber collar in the central ring portion of the cells, place a
concrete specimen within the collar, ensuring that it is placed with one face
against the plastic lip of the rigid ring, as in Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4: Properly placed specimen in collar

k) Screw the anode and cathode sections of the cell into the central portion.
Tighten both parts sealing the specimen, and ensure that there are no signs of
leakage. See Figure 4.5.
l) Place the assembled test rig (anode, cathode and central portion) to stand
upright on a horizontal surface, and completely fill both the anode and cathode
compartments in turn with the 5 M NaCl solution through the holes in each
compartment (see Figure 4.1 a) and b). Seal the holes with the cap-screws and
ensure that there are no signs of leakage.
m) Connect the ammeter and the voltmeter, as shown in figure 4.1, and adjust the
DC power supply until the voltage applied across the specimen (capillary
voltage) is approximately 10 V.
Note: The voltage across the specimen is read from the voltmeter; it is not the voltage
indicated in the DC power supply.

Figure 4.5: Alignment of cells for proper sealing

n) Simultaneously record the current and voltage readings from the ammeter and
voltmeter respectively. Upon switching on the power supply in the test circuit, the
capillary voltage should be quickly adjusted to approximately 10 V and the
current and corresponding capillary voltage across the specimen recorded within
10 seconds. Switch off the circuit (i.e. power supply) as soon as possible.

o) Testing should be completed within 15 min of removing a specimen from the
NaCl solution.
Note: Specimens can be re-tested within 30 minutes of the first test, but should be discarded
thereafter. Specimens should be stored in the NaCl solution before retesting.

b) Determine the chloride conductivity of each specimen by applying the following

σ= (4.1)
σ is the chloride conductivity of the specimen (mS/cm)
i is the electric current (mA)
d is the average thickness of specimen (cm)
V is the voltage difference (V)
A is the cross-sectional area of the specimen (cm2)
b) Determine the chloride conductivity index as the average of the chloride
conductivity of the four test specimens. Where one specimen has been
discarded, the chloride conductivity index may be calculated from the average
of at least three valid test specimens.
c) Determine the chloride solution porosity of the specimen by applying the
following equation:

(Ms -Md )
n= ×100 (4.2)
n is the porosity as a fraction of the volume of the specimen that is
occupied with the solution, as a percentage (%).
Ms is the vacuum saturated mass of the specimen determined in section
4.6 h) to the nearest 0.01 g, in grams (g).
Md is the mass of the dry specimen determined in section 4.6 a) to the
nearest 0.01 g, in grams (g).
A is the cross-sectional area of the specimen to the nearest 0.02 mm2 in
square millimetres (mm2).
d is the average specimen thickness to the nearest 0.02 mm, in
ρs is the density of salt solution (i.e., 1.19 x 10-3 g/mm3), in grams per
cubic millimetre (g/mm3).

Note 1: It has been found that the porosity determined from the chloride conductivity test is
normally lower than that determined in the sorptivity test.
Note 2: The repeatability and reproducibility of chloride conductivity tests are given in
Appendix A.

The test report shall include the following information:
a) Identification mark of the specimen.
b) A detailed description of the specimen.
c) The chloride conductivity of each individual specimen.
d) The chloride conductivity index to the nearest 2 decimal places.
e) The porosity of each specimen expressed as a percentage to two decimal
The test report shall also include the following information, if known:
f) The source of the specimen.
g) The location of specimen within cube, core or member
h) Identification mark of each specimen
i) The type of concrete, including binder type, water/cement ratio and other
relevant data supplied with the specimen.
j) Curing history.
k) Unusual specimen preparation, for example removal of surface treatment.
l) Unusual features such as cracks, voids, and excessively chipped edges.
m) The name of the test officer.
n) The age of concrete at time of testing.

(1) Alexander MG, Ballim Y, Mackechnie JM, ‘Concrete durability index testing manual’ Research
Monograph no. 4, Departments of Civil Engineering, University of Cape Town and University of
the Witwatersrand, March 1999
(2) Mackechnie JR and Alexander MG, ‘Practical considerations for rapid chloride conductivity
testing.’ Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Testing and Modelling the
Chloride Ingress Into Concrete, C. Andrade and J. Kropp, ed., 2000.
(3) Gouws SM, ‘Durability index approach – method statements.’ Document submitted to the
Durability Index Test Method working group (Under the auspices of the C&CI Technical
Committee), University of the Witwatersrand, 14 August 2003.
(4) Gouws SM, ‘Durability Index Approach – Progress Report 1: Method Statements’ Summary
document of major amendments to Durability Index Test Methods as agreed upon by Durability
Index Test Method working group (Under the auspices of the C&CI Technical Committee,
University of the Witwatersrand, 19 August 2003.

(5) Gouws SM, ‘Durability Index Approach – Progress Report 2: Method Statements’ Summary
document of major amendments to Durability Index Test Methods as agreed upon by Durability
Index Test Method working group (Under the auspices of the C&CI Technical Committee,
University of the Witwatersrand, 7 October 2003.
(6) Otieno M, Alexander MG, ‘Chloride conductivity testing of concrete – past and recent
developments.’ Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering 57(4): 55-64,
December 2015.
(7) Mukadam Z, Alexander M.G., Beushausen H.D., ‘The effects of drying preconditioning on the
South African durability index tests.’ Cement and Concrete Composites (69): 1-8, 2016.
(8) Stanish, K., Alexander, M. G. and Ballim, Y., (2001), Assessing the repeatability and
reproducibility values of South African durability index tests, SAICE Journal, Vol. 48(2), pp. 10-
(9) ASTM C 802-14, 2014, “Standard Practice for Conducting an Inter-laboratory Test Program to
Determine the Precision of Test Methods for Construction Materials,” ASTM International.
(10) ASTM C 670-90, 2015, “Standard Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statements for
Test Methods for Construction Materials,” ASTM International.
(11) Otieno, M., 2018, “Sensitivity of the rapid chloride conductivity index test to concrete quality and
changes in various test parameters. Cement and Concrete Composites 86 (2018) 110 -116.

Note: Revisions below may refer to older versions with different clause numbers to this version.
Revisions Description Date

A For approval 8 April 2002

B Indicated with subscript B 15 May 2002

C K. Stanish (KS) – remove marked with strike through,

19 Feb 2003
added in bold, comments in italics

C1 S. Gouws (SG) – suggested changes in red, questions and

16 July 2003
remarks in italics, see also reference 3

D Skipped

E For approval after Durability Index Test Method meeting 22 22 September

September 2003, see also reference 5.

F Editorial improvements and clarifications – M. G. Alexander (MGA) April-July 2004

G KS – Clarification and illustration April/May 2005

H MGA – Editorial corrections Jan/Oct 2007

I MGA – Editorial and other corrections Sep-Oct 2008

New Cl 4 b) inserted; other clause numbers in Cl. 4. changed 25 Feb 2009

Revisions Description Date

Cl. 6 a): ‘t’ changed to ‘d’ for specimen thickness; ditto Cl. 6 c)

K SG with MGA
Cl. 1 j): Must cool in desiccators only Cl. 2 a):
Changed ‘tap’ to ‘potable’ May 2010
Cl. 6 c): change t to d in the calculation to be

L MGA & Chad Ludwig (CL) – Editorial changes; also to correspond

Oct-Nov 2016
to SANS 3001-CO3-3:2015 (CCI)

M MGA / MO. Changed 1s% to Coefficient of Variation (CoV), App A 12 July 2017

N MO – Added test duration Dec 2017


Precision: Repeatability and reproducibility of chloride conductivity


Typical ranges of within test coefficient of variation and multi-laboratory precision are
provided in Table A.1. These values may be refined from time to time as additional
data become available. These data derive mainly from inter-laboratory test
programmes aimed at establishing repeatability and reproducibility data. In general,
in excess of 30 test results were available.

Table A.1 — Guideline summary of repeatability and reproducibility values

1 2
Repeatability and reproducibility CCI
Repeatability (Coefficient of Variation (%)) CoV (%)a
Laboratory data 5,0 – 10,0
Ready mix concrete data 5,0 – 10,0
Site data 10,0 – 15,0
Reproducibility (Coefficient of Variation (%)) CoV (%)b
Laboratory data 21,1
Single operator coefficient of variation
Between laboratory coefficient of variation


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