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Exercises of English Year I

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Belito Norte Ibraimo

Exercises of English year I

Licenciatura em educação física e desporto

Universidade Católica de Moçambique

Delegação de Nampula

Unit 1

Hi, my name is Belito. I am from montepuez.

I am 28 years old. I like handball and movies. I am studding physical education.

a) Hi, my name is Belito.what is your name?

b) My name is Marta.
a) Nice to meet you Marta.
b) Nice to meet you too. Where are you from?
a) I’m from montepuez, how about you?
b) I am from Namuno. What do you study?
a) I study physical education, how about you?
b) I study Biology.
a) How old are you?
b) I’m 28 years old, how about you?
a) I am 28. I like read books. What do you like?
b) I like to play handball and going to club.
a) Nice to meet you. I have a class now. See you later.
b) OK, goodbye.

1. Complete using am or are.

1. Where are you from, Mr. Taylor? I am from London.
2. Good morning. I am Miss Kenny, your geography teacher.
3. How are you? Fine, thanks, and you?
4. Are you from Japan? Yes, I am.
5. How old are you? I am twelve.
6. Are Egyptian? No I am not.
7. What nationality are you? I am English.
8. Are you eleven? Yes, I am.

2) Complete these sentences using am, are and is.

1. What is that?
2. Are you Portuguese?
3. His name is Roberto.
4. Where is she from?
5. My address is Central Street.
6. It is an orange.
7. Who is he?
8. I am thirteen.
9. How old are you?
10. Mr. Taylor is an English teacher.

3) Complete these sentences using am, is, are, am not, isn’t, aren’t.

1. Peas Isn’t red.

2. A football is round.
3. Crisps aren’t cheap.
4. You and I are friends.
5. Sunil is fifteen.
6. You are student.
7. Pedro is a teacher.
8. I am Mozambican.
9. We aren’t Japanese.
10. Marco and Rajiv aren’t in England.

4) Write these sentences in the interrogative ( question) form.

1. Are you twelve?

2. Are you from Germany?
3. Are you my geography teacher?
4. Are you American?
5. Are you my friend?

5) Write the missing sentences, questions and answers.

Sentences Question Answer

Marco is Italian Is Marco Italian? Yes, he is.

You are Japanese. Are you Japanese? No, you aren’t.

Marie is Dutch. Is Marie Dutch? Yes, she is.

That is a fish. Is that a fish? No, it isn’t

I am student. Am I a student? Yes, you are.

This is my English book Is this my English book? Yes, is that.

I am your friend. Am I your friend? Yes, you are.

6) Write these sentences in negative form. Then write a correct answer.

Sentence Negative Answer

1 Marco is Spanish. Marco isn’t Spanish. He’s Italian.

2 Zaira is twenty. Zaira isn’t twenty. She’s twelve

3 Rome is in Holland. Rome isn’t in Holland. It is in Italian

4 You are Greek. You aren’t Greek. You’re Mozambican

5 I am Belgian. I am not Belgian. I’m Mozambican

7) Write short answers for these questions

Questions Short answer

1 Is your friend Italian? Yes, he is.

2 Is Ms Amalia your English teacher? No, she isn’t.

3 Are you French? Yes, I am

4 Is your best friend from Chimoio? No, he isn’t.

5 Are you fifteen? Yes, I am.

6 Is your surname Alberto? No, he isn’t

7 Are you from Quelimane? Yes, I am.

8 Is your name Judite? No, I am not.

Unit 2.

Its 25th July

My birthday is on July.

Match the words and the numbers.

a. 1/1 1.the fifth of April

b. 5/4 2. The seventeenth of march
c. 4/7 3.the twenty-seventh of April
d. 17/3 4.the thirty-first of August
e. 22-10 5. The eleventh of February
f. 31/8 6. The fourth of July
g. 11/2 7. The first of January
h. 27/4 8. The twenty-second of October

Unit 3.

1. Victorino is Dangarilaneˋs grand father

2. Berta is Pedro’s daughter
3. Pedro is Maria’s brother.
4. Victorino is Rosa’s husband.
5. Dangailane is chicumbaˋs wife.
6. Rosa is Maria’s mother
7. Chicumba is victorinoˋs brother.
8. Berta is Rosa’s daughter.
9. Maria is chicumbaˋs niece
10. Pedro is Dangarilaneˋs nephew

How many brothers and sisters have you got?

I have got 4 brothers and 3 sisters.

One sister and one brother are university students.

Unit 4.

Answer the questions about yourself.

1. I go to school in the morning.

2. I eat cassava and sometimes bread with tea for breakfast.
3. I usually drink juice in the morning.
4. No, I go to school on the motorbike.
5. Yes, I like to go to school.
6. I like my school about the younger learners.
7. In my free time I like to read books and newspaper.
8. At the weekend I like ply a football and to watch movies on TV.
9. On TV I like to watch soup opera and entertainments.
10. I usually go to bed on 21oclock.

Rewrite these sentences as question

1. Do you always speak Italian with Andrea?

2. Where does he is coming back?
3. What time that her husband leaves for work?
4. Peter and you are do you live in the same house?
5. What do we have now?
6. What time that john and Mary often go to bed?
7. What Mike is looking for?
8. What time does he usually eat a lot?

Unit 5.

Write the third person present simple verb

Study Study Have Have

Run Run Forget Forget

Fly Fly Learn Learn

Eat Eat Do Do

Be Be Carry Carry

Drive Drive Meet Meet

Worry Worry Come Come

like like go go

A. He drinks a beer.
B. She takes a picture.
C. John cuts
D. Maria types on computer.
E. Maria carries the sofa.
F. They see each other.
G. We iron the cloth.

Unit 6.

a. It is quarter past eleven.

b. It is half past twelve.
c. It is nine o’clock.
d. It is quarter to eight.
e. It is fifty minutes past three.
f. It is twenty-three minutes past eight.
g. It is forty-one minutes past five.
h. It is thirty-three minutes past four.

Section b

a. It is eleven o’clock AM.

b. It is nine twenty-three AM.
c. It is ten to seven AM.
d. It is fourteen twenty-five PM.
e. It is half past one PM.
f. It is six to nineteen thirteen PM.
g. It is ten past thirteen PM.
h. It is four past twelve PM.
i. It is quarter past seven AM.
j. It is twelve past ten AM.
k. It is thirty-seven past sixteen PM.
l. It is forty past two PM.
m. It is twenty-nine past thirteen PM.
n. It is twenty-one past nineteen PM.
o. I t is one to six AM.

Section C

a. It is eleven twelve AM.

b. It is eight twenty-three AM.
c. It is six fifty AM.
d. It is fourteen twenty-five PM.
e. It is one thirty PM.
f. It is eighteen fifty-four PM.
g. It is thirteen fifteen PM.
h. It is twelve four PM.
i. It is seven nineteen AM.
j. It is ten fifty-three AM.
k. It is sixteen thirty-seven PM.
l. It is two forty PM.
m. It is thirteen twenty-nine PM.
n. It is nineteen twenty-one past PM.
o. I t is five fifty-nine AM.

Unit 7.

Complete the present continuous table

Present Negative Question

He’s drinking He isn’t drinking Is he drinking?

we’re eating We aren’t eating Are we drinking?

she’s sleeping She isn’t sleeping Is she sleeping?

it’s playing It isn’t playing Is it playing?

You are studying You aren’t studying Are you studying?

I’m talking I am not talking Am I talking?

They are reading They aren’t reading Are they reading?

He’s singing He isn’t singing Is he singing?

The gerunds of the following verb are:

Write-writing Marry-marring Play-playing

Stop-stopping Talk-talking Sit-sitting

Read-reading Put-putting Swim-swimming

Watch-watching Dance-dancing

The post card was written by Lucia and the kids.

They are staying on the island of Ibo in the north of Cabo Delgado.

She is writing from the hotel.

She is writing to Joaquin.

Read this dialogue and answer the questions that follow:

Peter is looking for old watches.

She is at home cooking Sunday lunch.

She is cooking Sunday lunch.

John is producer

He is looking for a part time helper.

Look at the pictures and write what people are doing.

Luis plays a baseball.

He fixes a television

I play basketball.

They paint the house.

She delivers a picture.

You carry suitcase

Unit 8

Singular Plural singular plural

Elephant Elephants Class Classes

Monkey Monkeys Student Students

Army Armies Match Matches

Toothbrush Toothbrushes Television Televisions

fax faxes lady ladies

singular plural singular plural singular plural

country Countries Fly Flies Dream Dreams

tomato Tomatoes Thief Thieves Child Children

house Houses Tooth Teeth Brush Brushes

wolf Wolves Trouser Trousers Baby Babies

donkey Donkeys Student Students Street Streets

Ostrich Ostriches Watch Watches Possibility Possibilities

Kiss Kisses Foot Feet Doctor Doctors

Dog Dogs Library Libraries Leaf Leaves

church churches Woman Women mouse mice

Unit 9

Say whether the sentences below are TRUE or FALSE. If false write the true sentences.

The window is on front of the plant. TRUE

The flowers are in the vase. True

The computer is on the desk.

The pillows are on the bed.

The glasses are beside the wine.

Sentences about the prepositions of place

The students are in the classroom.

The broom is behind of the door.

Joana is between teacher and board.

The duster is under the desk.

Our classroom is on front of headmaster’s office.

The toilets are beside of teacher’s office.

The summary book is on the desk.

The lamps are above the roof.

My best classmate is next to teacher.

Whole students are inside of school.

Our school is nearby market.

Those who came late are out of school yard.

We are against about war in Mozambique.

Write sentences about these pictures. Use different prepositions.

a. The flowers are on the table.

b. The sun is below the clouds.
c. The leaf is between hands.
d. The insect is on the leaf.

Complete the following sentences using to or at.

1. Joy didn’t go to work yesterday.

2. Ann is ill, she has gone at the doctor.
3. Are you going to the party on Saturday evening?
4. I talked to some nice people at the party.
5. Where were you this morning? I was at work.
6. Do you usually walk to work? No I go by bicycle.
7. We had a good meal at a restaurant and then we went back to the hotel.
8. What time are you going to home?
9. Will you be at home this afternoon?
10. I went to Mary’s house but she wasn’t at home.
11. There were no taxis so we walked to home.
12. How often do you go to the dentist?
13. What time do you usually arrive at work in the morning?
14. It was very late when we arrived at home.
15. The boy jumped into the river and swam to the other side.
16. Would you like to study at university?
17. There were 20000 people at the football match.
18. Are your children here? No, they’re at school.

Complete the sentences with at or in.

1. Hamid works at a restaurant in oxford.

2. We live at number 32 Redland road now.
3. We had a wonderful time in Madrid.
4. The accident happened because the driver didn’t stop at the traffic lights.
5. We had grad fun last night at Mick’s party.
6. Are there any fish in this river?
7. It’s too cold to go out. I’m staying at home tonight

Here is a description of my house. Fill in the gaps using in or at.

We live in an old house at the end of a quiet street in Birmingham. There are four rooms
downstairs. I have my study on the left in the front of the house. There are a few chairs in the
room and in one corner there is a table with a computer-that’s where I do most of my work. The
sitting room is also at the front of the house, on the right as you come in. the kitchen is at the
back. It looks out over the garden. There is another small sitting room at the back of house.
There are four bedrooms upstairs, two in the back. There is a bathroom at the end of the corridor.

Complete with to or in.

1. Where is jack? in bed

2. I’m going to the shop to buy some milk.
3. Tom went in the kitchen to make some coffee.
4. Where’s tom? He’s in the kitchen making some coffee.
5. Would you like to go to the threatre this evening?
6. I got a postcard from sue this morning. She’s on holiday in Switzerland.
7. John lives in small village in the southwest of England.
8. What time do you usually go to bed?
9. Kevin’s sister is very ill. She’s in hospital.
10. The train left Brussels at 7 o’clock and arrived to Paris at 9:30.
11. I was tired this morning. I stayed in bed until 10 o’clock.
12. Next year we hope to go in Canada to visit some friends.
13. Would you like to live in another country?

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