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A Global Company: Strategy and Structure

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A global company: strategy and structure

Global companies analysis reflects a convergence of three views:

1) Globalization is a business concept involving a global strategy that enables a company to have a worldwide plan for products,
marketing, manufacturing, logisitcs, and research and development.
2) A global company must have a business delivery system that is highly sensitive to local customer needs and able to support local
customers with equal degrees of excellence.
3) A global company must learn to balance aspects of itself that must be viewed and planned as a global system with aspects that
must be highly sensitive to local requirements.

A global company:
-has a global strategy
-treats all its activities in the context of a whole-world system
-serves global customers with excellence
-has a business delivery system highly sensitive to local customers needs
-serves local customers with excellence

A national market market can be for almost everything huge, but it's not large enough for many entrepreneurs. For these growth-minded
business owners, the rest of the world is their oyster. Seeking international growth by going global as an importer-exporter offers
opportunity aplenty. Some of the specific advantages presented by successfully growing globally include:

 It can be extended the sales life of existing products and services by finding new markets to sell them in.
 It can be reduced the dependence on the markets that hav been developed in national market
 If the business is plagued by destabilizing fluctuations in national markets due to seasonal changes or demand cycles,it can be
even out the sales by tapping markets with different or even countercyclical fluctuations.
 Can be exploit corporate technology and know-how.
 Finally, by entering the global marketplace,learn how to compete against foreign companies-and even take the battle to them
on their own ground.

The overriding reason to go global, of course, it to improve the potential for expansion and growth. Global organizations
in the 21st century must compete with a much wider array of companies than their domestic counterparts do, and have
therefore evolved several strategies to become as efficient and cost-effective as possible. The choice of organizational
structure reflects where decisions are made, how work gets completed, and ultimately how quickly and cheaply the firm's
products can be made.
Functional: A functional structure is one in which type of work is performed in a different department. For instance, all
the company's accountants work in Accounting, Accounts Receivable or Accounts payable, whereas all the marketers
work in Marketing. Each product line or geographic region then makes use of these centralized resources as if the other
department were a different company. This allows the company to benefit from having very standardized processes for
each of its functions, and from having economies of scale such as being able to place a single, centralized order for a
commonly used widget that it can then distribute worldwide. However, it can be challenging and inefficient to shepherd a
single product through all the steps and departments it needs to go through. These firms focus on specialization of job
skills, and are more centralized.

Divisional : Companies with divisional structures assign small groups of each type of function to a single division, making each self-
sufficient. They may be divided by product line, such as the Shoe division, the Shirt division, and the Hat division. Or they might be
divided geographically, such as the European or Asian divisions, or even further into France or Thailand divisions. Alternatively, they
may be divided by customer group, such as Consumers, Small Business, and Government. In most cases, every division will have its
own accounting, marketing, product development, manufacturing and executive staffs. This structure allows each specialty to become
intimately familiar with the product or market the division serves, and reduces inter-departmental delays. The down side is that each
division may be duplicating the efforts of several other divisions, or may be unknowingly working at cross purposes. These companies
are concerned with specialization of products or markets, and are more decentralized.

Hybrid: Due to the difficulty of working globally with a centralized functional structure, and the communication gaps that come
from working in divisional silos, most modern companies employ a hybrid structure that combines elements of each. There is no
single "hybrid" structure, but rather a range from mostly-functional to mostly-divisional, which varies between companies. They often
have central headquarters that set strategy and high-level policy, combined with product or geographic divisions that determine their
operational methods, and may even have internal functional departments within the division. These companies are attempting to
balance economies of scale with local efficiency.

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