Type Semantics Summary PT 1
Type Semantics Summary PT 1
Type Semantics Summary PT 1
So the output of the procedure is clearly a Thus we refer to the procedure in our
truth value, and so of type t. Cat(x) as a discussion as
procedure can work on "things", right?
Cat(x), where x denotes an empty space.
Cat(Building) is not a well-formed formula.
Cat(x) is a wff.
Thus cat takes as input something of type What is the type of "fat cat"?
e and outputs something
(some value) of type t.
Source: World Health Organization
Is Fat a function?
has two argument places
and so takes a one-place predicate P
of type <e,t>
and an individual x,
of type e
as arguments.
It returns 1 iff that individual x is P and Fat.
Fat has its type <<e,t>,<e,t>>
and behaves like a function valued function
i.e. a function which outputs another
function when one argument place has
been filled e.g. Fat Cat
Fat Cat
is a one-place function
and so takes an individual x
of type e
as argument
to yield output
of type t.