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50CrV4 QT

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Kovove Mater.

53 2015 443–450 443

DOI: 10.4149/km 2015 6 443

Application of plasma nitriding on low-alloy (50CrV4+QT) steel

in order to improve its fatigue resistance

M. Kuffová1 *, P. Čelko2

Academy of the Armed Forces of Gen. M. R. Štefánik, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Demänová 393, 031 01 Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovak Republic
Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Faculty of Special Technology,
Pri parku 19, 911 06 Trenčín – Záblatie, Slovak Republic

Received 11 November 2014, received in revised form 14 May 2015, accepted 29 June 2015

The presented work is focused on the fatigue endurance improvement by using plasma
nitriding. In this research the microstructure and fatigue properties of low-alloyed steel
50CrV4+QT were evaluated. The low-alloyed (manganese-chromium-vanadium) steel is com-
monly used after heat treatment – quenching and tempering – QT(.7). This steel is widely
used for highly loaded machines and parts of road vehicles: crankshafts of diesel engines, shafts
of driving gears, connecting shafts, pins, springs, axle shafts and piston rods. Steel is suitable
for quenching and tempering and contains chemical elements which predetermine it to the
chemical-thermal treatment: plasma nitriding. The fatigue limit was determined at the rotat-
ing beam fatigue. The fatigue limit improvement at 1 × 107 cycles was 44 %. Explanation of
the improvement is based on stabilized gradient of properties in treated layer.

K e y w o r d s : plasma nitriding, low-alloy steel 50CrV4, rotating beam fatigue tests, fatigue

1. Introduction 2. nitriding aiming to increase the fatigue limit,

3. nitriding aiming to increase the corrosion resist-
Nitriding is a very effective method to increase the ance.
lifetime of construction materials and tools by improv- When common nitriding methods are used, the
ing material properties, e.g. enhancing surface hard- surface of alloyed steels is intensely saturated during
ness, improving wear resistance (abrasive, adhesive, the whole process at the hypoeutectoid temperature.
erosive, cavitation), reducing a friction coefficient, in- During the saturation of the solid solution α, there is a
creasing a fatigue limit or corrosion resistance. As a concentration gradient of nitrogen between saturated
result, the nitriding process develops nitrides of iron surface and diffusion interface. There is also a con-
in the diffusion layer inside the nitride material [1]. centration gradient of alloying elements between the
The use of nitriding steels, which include appropri- core and the diffusion interface. The nitriding layer
ate elements to form nitrides is generally recommen- growth is carried out by the diffusion interface trans-
ded for the nitriding process. The main elements that fer from the surface towards the core. Local nitrogen
cause an increase in the hardness of the nitride dif- loss caused by the precipitation is systematically sub-
fusion layer are mainly molybdenum, vanadium, alu- stituted by absorption of more nitrogen.
minium or chrome. Nitriding is usually applied to the The nitriding layer thickness usually ranges from
heat-treated material, i.e. after the chemical-thermal 0.2 to 0.6 mm for construction elements. With respect
processing [2–4]. to the fatigue resistance increase at the rotating beam
Nitriding process can be divided into 3 groups in fatigue, the prediction is that sufficient layer thickness
accordance with scope: is 0.1 to 0.2 mm. With respect to the high specific
1. nitriding aiming to increase the surface hardness, pressure transfer, higher thickness (0.4 to 0.5 mm) is
*Corresponding author: tel.: +421 905 413 917; e-mail address:
444 M. Kuffová, P. Čelko / Kovove Mater. 53 2015 443–450

Fig. 3. Phases of nitride layer [5].

a wide range of nitrogen content (4.35–11 wt.% N at

670 ◦C), but its composition varies radically depend-
ing on temperature. It has developed very intensely
for temperatures 450–550 ◦C. At the beginning it cre-
ates V-formations that in the side face growth foul
Fig. 1. Binary phase diagram Fe-Fe2 N [1]. each other. The further growth is possible only in the
direction of the concentration gradient [1].
In the structure of the nitride layer, there can also
be formed:
– γ  -phase formed by Fe4 N containing the lowest
amount of nitrogen. γ’ is formed in face centred cubic
structure and contains 5.3–5.75 % N. It has suscept-
ibility to form needles on the V-shaped Fe3 N.
– γ-phase – solid nitrogen solution Feγ (N) with a
face centred cubic structure with percentage 2.35 % N
at eutectoid temperature.
– ξ-phase formed by Fe2 N with orthorhombic
structure and percentage 11.1 to 11.3 % N. The ni-
tride is stable up to 490 ◦C.
– α -phase – nitride Fe16 N2 ; it is not implied in
binary phase diagram. It can be formed on the satur-
Fig. 2. Nitride layer structure [5]. ated iron surface at the temperature range 450–500 ◦C.
In this case, a particle size is 10 to 15 times higher than
a precipitate size formed into grains after tempering
recommended. On the other hand, the higher the ni- of oversaturated solid solutions Feα (N) and Feγ (N)
triding layer thickness, the lower is impact strength [1, 2].
[5]. Phases of the nitride layer are shown in Fig. 3.

2. Nitride layer composition 3. Plasma nitriding

Nitride layer structure is formed in accordance Plasma nitriding principle is based on the direct
with binary phase diagram Fe-N, partially depicted ionization of nitrogen. The treated material is stored
in Fig. 1. Nitride layer is created (Fig. 2) [1]: in a vacuum container (recipient) where the container
– α-phase – Feα (N) solid solution of nitrogen con- is connected as an anode while nitride components as
taining max. 0.1 % N at an eutectoid temperature a cathode. The largest voltage drop occurs in few mil-
with body centred cubic structure [1]. limetres from the surface of the component, this fact
– ε labelled Fe2−3 N which is stable at temperat- appears as light emitting anomalous discharge glow
ures lower than 670 ◦C, provided higher nitrogen con- (Fig. 4). Due to a strong electric field (DC – voltage
tent. Iron atoms in it occupy the nodes of a hexagonal 400–1000 V) between the recipient body and the com-
close packed structure; nitrogen then takes a variable ponent surface ionization of a gas or mixture of gases
part of the interstitial positions. Nitride ε appears in occurred, e.g. nitrogen and hydrogen. Positive ions are
M. Kuffová, P. Čelko / Kovove Mater. 53 2015 443–450 445

Fig. 4. Anomalous glow discharge [6].

Fig. 5. Plasma nitriding processes [6].

accelerated towards the component surface, impacting ε-phase. The layer containing a major percentage of
on it with high kinetic energy. Part of the incident ions nitrogen (8–11.2 % N) causes its subsequent absorp-
is converted into heat. Ions of iron and alloying ele- tion into the material.
ments are knocked out from the surface of the parts. Under the electric field effect, there is huge migra-
Afterwards, they react further with the atomic nitro- tion of the working gas molecules. As a consequence
gen in plasma. Created nitrides in turn condense on of their impact, gas is splitting and ionizing. Posit-
the component surface. After the nitrogen ions im- ive ions are accelerated towards the cathode, it means
pact on the component surface, the adsorbed layer of towards the surface of nitrided samples [6].
nitrides with high nitrogen content is created, called Velocity growth of ions towards the cathode as well
446 M. Kuffová, P. Čelko / Kovove Mater. 53 2015 443–450

T a b l e 1. Chemical composition of low-alloyed steel 50CrV4+QT (wt.%)

C Mn Si P S Cr Ni V Cu

Standard 0.46–0.54 0.5–0.8 0.15–0.4 max. 0.03 max. 0.03 0.8–1.1 max. 0.4 0.1–0.2 max. 0.25
Analysis 0.49 0.54 0.19 0.023 0.017 1.02 0.06 0.11 0.13

as their kinetic energy growth are not linear. Abrupt T a b l e 2. Mechanical properties of low-alloyed steel
growth is observed in the close proximity of the ni- 50CrV4+QT
trided surface within the cathode voltage loss. Con-
sequently, the highest intensity of processes proceed- Yield strength Rp0.2 (MPa) 900
Tensile strength Rm (MPa) 1100–1300
ing in anomalous discharge glow is concentrated to a
Elongation A5 (%) 9
narrow band around the components without respect Contraction Z (%) 40
to their shape and distance from the recipient body Notch impact strength KCV (J cm−2 ) 35
– anode (Fig. 5). Molecules splitting and atom ioniz- Fatigue limit σ c for a rotating beam 410–450
ation are carried out within this band preferentially. fatigue (MPa)
Anomalous glow discharge is planar and its lumines-
cent corona copies the component surface. This is very
important feature which is essential for using of dis-
charge glow for the diffusion heat treatment.
Component surfaces have to be pure, dry and T a b l e 3. Heat treatment of steel 50CrV4
without passivative layers, e.g. oxides layer. Plasma
nitriding allows affiliating the step called cleaning in Process Temperature ( ◦C) Cooling
plasma into the nitriding process. It is the process
Quenching 820–860 oil
within which ineligible surface oxides are de-dusted Tempering 550 air
by the instrumentality of accelerated atoms [6].
Plasma nitriding process can be divided into fol-
lowing steps:
1. Induction heating by recipient body at the tem- holes, it is necessary to use additional electrodes.
perature for cleaning in plasma (lower than nitriding
2. Cleaning in plasma (de-dusting) – with or 4. Experimental material
without it.
3. Additional heating at the nitriding temperature. As an experimental material, steel 50CrV4 was
4. Abidance in nitriding temperature during nitrid- used in accordance with Standard EN 89-71, equal
ing process. to Slovak steel 15 260, Slovak Standard STN 41
5. Cooling of the components after nitriding pro- 5260 [8]. According to the other Standards: 1.8159
cess. (W.Nr.), 6150 (AS 1444-86), Gr.6150 (ASTM A322-
Advantages of plasma nitriding [7]: 82), 50ChFA (GOST 14959-79).
– High variability of process parameters which en- Chemical composition of experimental material as
ables either the balanced and porousless white layers well as mechanical properties are shown in Tables 1
or elimination of their formation. and 2.
– Growth rate of plasma nitride layers is 30–40 % The low-alloyed (manganese-chromium-vanadium)
higher in comparison with the common methods. steel is commonly used after heat treatment – quench-
– Low nitriding temperatures together with ad- ing and tempering – QT(.7). Optimal diameter for
equate nitriding depth. this heat treatment is 80 mm. Welding of steel is dif-
– Economic efficiency in comparison to the nitrid- ficult. Hot shaping is good. Machining after soft an-
ing in gas (20 times less costs for gas consumption). nealing is good. This steel is widely used for highly
– Lower expenses for device maintenance. loaded machines and parts of road vehicles: crank-
Disadvantages of plasma nitriding [7]: shafts of diesel engines, shafts of driving gears, con-
– High acquisition costs and low usage of inside necting shafts, pins, springs, axle shafts and piston
space. rods. Steel is suitable for quenching and tempering
– Necessity of careful material setting and treat- and contains chemical elements which predetermine it
ment of material with the same chemical composition. to the chemical – thermal treatment, plasma nitriding.
– Nitriding in holes is difficult, it is impossible to Parameters of heat treatment are presented in
form the nitriding layer in small holes. In case of bigger Table 3.
M. Kuffová, P. Čelko / Kovove Mater. 53 2015 443–450 447

Fig. 6. Microstructure of low-alloyed steel 50CrV4+QT,

magnified 500 ×, etch. 2 % Nital. Fig. 9. Detail of white layer width, steel 50CrV4+QT, mag-
nified 2500 ×, etch. 2 % Nital.

Fig. 10. Micro-hardness of 50CrV4+QT after plasma ni-


Fig. 7. Nitriding device RÜBIG PN 60/60.

the optic microscope OLYMPUS GX 51 and software
ANALYSIS and is depicted in Fig. 6. Microstructure
of basic material steel 50CrV4+QT is created by het-
erogeneous structure formed by fine martensite and
retained austenite as well as sorbite.

5. Plasma nitriding of experimental samples

Plasma nitriding of low-alloyed steel 50CrV4+QT

was carried out on the nitriding device RÜBIG PN
60/60 (Fig. 7), in possession of the University of De-
fence in Brno, Czech Republic.
Applied parameters of plasma nitriding are shown
in Table 4.
After 5 h, nitriding layer was formed in the surface
layer of steel 50CrV4+QT using plasma nitriding. Ni-
triding layer consists of the white layer and diffusion
Fig. 8. Microstructure of steel 50CrV4+QT after plasma
nitriding, magnified 500 ×, etch. 2 % Nital.
layer. Structures are shown in Figs. 8 and 9.
Measured value of white layer width was 4.22 µm
(Fig. 9).
Micro-hardness across the nitriding layer was de-
Microstructure of experimental material 50CrV4+ termined by using Vickers method in accordance with
QT was observed on metallographic samples by using Standard STN EN ISO 6507-1 [9]. According to the
448 M. Kuffová, P. Čelko / Kovove Mater. 53 2015 443–450

T a b l e 4. Parameters of plasma nitriding

Temperature ( ◦C) Gases H2 : N2 (l/h) Time (h) Pressure (Pa) Voltage (V) Pulse time (µs)

De-dusting 480 20 : 2 0.5 80 800 100

Plasma nitriding 500 24 : 8 5 280 530 100

T a b l e 5. Micro-hardness of the core and nitriding layer thickness

Plasma nitriding – 5 h

GH HV0.05 GH + 50 HV0.05 Nht (mm)

Hardness of core 413 399 450 0.193

Fig. 11. R. R. Moore model: High speed rotating beam fatigue testing machine, detail of rotating part.

of irregular depth ranging from 3 to 5 µm,

– diffusion layer made up of nitrogen solution in
insertion and possibly of the fine nitride precipitates
or carbo nitrides,
– structure of tempered martensite resulting from
the preliminary heat treatment.
Hardness measurement was carried out in labor-
atories of University in Trencin using experimental
device INSTRON Wolpert Testor. Values of surface
hardness of untreated 50CrV4+QT as well as after
5 h plasma nitriding are shown in Table 6.

6. Rotating beam fatigue test

Rotating beam fatigue test was carried out in the

Fig. 12. R. R. Moore model: High speed rotating beam
fatigue testing machine, global view. Laboratory of mechanical tests at the University of
Defence in Brno, Czech Republic, using the experi-
mental device INSTRON R. R. Moore (Figs. 11, 12)
Standard DIN 50190 [10], the micro-hardness of core in accordance with the Standard STN 42 0362 [11].
GH as well as nitriding layer thickness Nht were de- As testing bars, the smooth samples without notch
termined. As an experimental device LECO ML 247 loaded by rotating beam fatigue were used. Shape and
AT was used. Measured values are shown in Table 5 dimensions of samples (Fig. 13) were made in accord-
and depicted in Fig. 10. ance with the experimental device producer instruc-
Figure 9 shows the detail of measurement of white tions and depended on the applied loading. In accord-
layer width. ance to the requirements, the experimental samples
The structure consists of three zones: were grinded and polished for roughness Ra ≤ 0.4 µm.
– white layer, mixed phases ε(Fe2−3 N) and γ’(Fe4 N) The results of rotating beam fatigue tests on the
M. Kuffová, P. Čelko / Kovove Mater. 53 2015 443–450 449

T a b l e 6. Surface hardness of untreated 50CrV4+QT and

after plasma nitriding

State HV1 HV5 HV10

untreated 603 442 446

nitrided 887 1022 945

T a b l e 7. Fatigue limits at 1.107 cycles

σ c at 1 × 107 (MPa),
State n = 9250 rpm => f = 154 Hz
Fig. 15. Wöhler graph of experimental material after 5 h
untreated 450 plasma nitriding.
nitrided 650

These dispersions are more remarkable in the case

of the nitrided samples within the lower loading –
high cycle fatigue. This proves the prediction that
plasma nitriding improves the fatigue endurance with
high number of cycles. The fatigue limits at 1 × 107
cycles, determined by the staircase method are shown
in Table 7.

7. Discussion of results

Low-alloyed steel 50CrV4 has relatively higher con-

tent of chromium (Table 1) which leads to a better
aptitude for nitriding. The plasma nitriding ensured a
hardened layer of 193 µm in depth (Figs. 8, 9) which
Fig. 13. Shape and dimensions of experimental bars. is composed of two layers:
– White layer, considered for its good tribological
properties, must have reduced depth when the treated
part is exposed to surface fatigue. This thickness be-
ing controlled by the process parameters (Table 4),
decreases when the temperature and/or the duration
period and/or the nitrogen potential decrease. The
white layer is very thin, its thickness is 4.22 µm.
– Diffusion layer is considered as favourable for
the fatigue endurance and thickness of some tenth of
millimetres where the nitrogen is inserted as a solid
solution in the shape of carbo nitride or nitride pre-
cipitate. The solid solution effect and precipitation of
chromium nitrides induce coherent distortions and ex-
pansion of the matrix, by increase in volume, causing
significant hardening (Table 6).
Fatigue lifetime is normally improved by increasing
Fig. 14. Wöhler graph of experimental material 50CrV4+
the surface hardness with a surface treatment. Vick-
ers micro-hardness was evaluated across the nitrided
samples (Table 5, Fig. 10). Comparison of hardness
of untreated and treated samples is shown in Table 6
smooth samples are presented in the Wöhler graphs and presents the increase of 47 % (HV1), 131 % (HV5)
(Figs. 14, 15) revealing the dispersions which became and 111 % (HV10). Two series of rotating beam fa-
more significant as the stress amplitudes became low tigue tests were carried out. Applied stress was in the
[12]. range from 900 MPa to 450 MPa. Number of cycles
450 M. Kuffová, P. Čelko / Kovove Mater. 53 2015 443–450

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