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Annual Medical Report Form (DOLE - BWC - HSD - ) H-47-A)

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The document outlines an annual medical report form that collects health and safety information from an employer. It requests details on employees, medical examinations conducted, occupational accidents and illnesses reported, immunization programs, and hazards present.

The report collects information on the number of employees, their medical examinations and results, occupational accidents and illnesses, immunization programs, and hazards in the workplace.

The company provides a treatment room and first aid services. Occupational health inspections are conducted every six months. However, it does not engage external occupational health professionals.


Republic of the Philippines

Bureau of Working Conditions


For Period January 01,_2014_ to December 31,__2014__

1. Name of Establishment: ______________ELJ BUILDERS INC. _________

2. Address: _#2939 Laray San Roque, Talisay City, Cebu ______
4. Nature of Business and Products/Services (Ex. Manufacturing, Textile
Services – Construction ____________________________________________
5. Total Numbers of Employees:____200____ Number of Shifts:____ 1 ________
6. Number Distribution of Employees as to nature/workplace, sex and work shift:

Office Production/Shop
Ist Shift 2nd Shift 3rd Shift
Male: ________179_________ __179___ ___0____ __0_____
Female: _____ 21 __ _ 21 ___ ___0____ __0_____
Total: ____ _200__________ __200___ ___0____ __0_____

7. Preventive Occupational Health Services: (Check or Cross)

a Occupational Health Services is organized/provided by:
(x) The establishment /undertaking
( ) Government authority institution
( ) Other bodies/groups/institution (specify) ________________________

b Occupational health services as described under number 7a above is

organizes/provided as a services:
(x) Solely for the workers of the establishment/undertaking
( ) Common to any number of establishment/undertakings _____________

c The employer engages the service of:

( ) Occupational health practitioner
Name & Address: ____N/A ____________________________________
( ) Occupational Health physician
Name & Address: _ N/A____________________________________
( ) Occupational Health dentist
Name & Address: ____ N/A_____________________________________
( ) Occupational health nurse
Name & Address: _____N/A____________________________________

d. The occupational health physician/practitioner/nurse/personnel conduct an

inspection of the workplace:
( ) Once every month ( ) Once every three (3) months
( ) Once every two (2) months (x) Once every six (6) months
( ) Other details ______________________________________________
8. Emergency Occupational Health Services:
a. The employer provides a treatment room/medial clinic in the workplace
with medicines and facilities:
(x) yes___________ ( ) No
( ) others, please specify _______________________________________

b. Schedule of attendance in the workplace:
Occupational Health Physician: ______________hrs./day __N/A_______
Occupational Health Dentist: ______________hrs./day __N/A_______
Occupational Health Practitioner: ____________hrs./day __ N/A_______
Occupational Health Nurse: ________________ hrs./day __ N/A_______
c. Schedule of attendance of full time first aider
(x) 1st workshift
( ) 2nd workshift
( ) 3rd workshift
d. The following occupational health personnel of this establishment have
undergone training in occupational health and safety/first aid:
( ) occupational health physician
( ) occupational health dentist
( ) occupational health nurse
( ) first-aider
( ) others, please specify: ______N/A_____________________________
9. Occupational Health Services:
a. The occupational health personnel of this establishment conducts regular
appraisal of the sanitation system in the workplace:
( ) yes (x) no
b. Number of workers who underwent the following medical examinations:
Physical Exams X-rays Urinalysis
1. Pre-placement ______________ _________ ____________
2. Periodic ______________ _________ ____________
3. Return-to-work ______________ _________ ____________
4. Transfer ______________ _________ ____________
5. Special ______________ _________ ____________
6. Separation ______________ _________ ____________
Stool Exam Blood Test ECG Others
1. Pre-placement _________ _________ ____ ____________
2. Periodic _________ _________ ____ ____________
3. Return-to-work _________ _________ ____ ____________
4. Transfer _________ _________ ____ ____________
5. Special _________ _________ ____ ____________
6. Separation _________ _________ ____ ____________
10. Report of Diseases
a. Number of consultations/treatments for the following diseases
Male Female Total No.
Of Cases
( ) allergy __________ _________ ____________
( ) dermatomes __________ _________ ____________
( ) infections as folliculities __________ _________ ____________
abscess/paro nychia __________ _________ ____________
( ) Others __________ _________ ____________
( ) tension headache __________ _________ ____________
( ) others __________ _________ ____________
( ) error of refraction __________ ________ ____________
( ) bacteria/Viral __________ ________ ____________
( ) cataract __________ ________ ____________
( ) others __________ ________ ____________
Mouth & ENT:
( ) Gingivitis __________ ________ ____________

Male Female Total No.
Of Cases

( ) Herpes liables/nasal’s __________ ________ ____________

( ) Otitis/Media External __________ ________ ____________
( ) Deafness __________ ________ ____________
( ) Meniere’s syndrome
Vertigo __________ ________ ____________
( ) Rhinitis/Cold __________ ________ ____________
( ) Nasal Polyps __________ ________ ____________
( ) Sinusitis __________ ________ ____________
( ) Tonsillopharynngitis __________ ________ ____________
( ) Laryngitis __________ ________ ____________
( ) Others __________ ________ ____________
( ) Bronchitis __________ ________ ____________
( ) Pneumonia __________ ________ ____________
( ) Tuberculosis __________ ________ ____________
( ) Pneumoconiosis __________ ________ ____________
( ) Others __________ ________ ____________
Hearth & Blood Vessels:
( ) Hypertension __________ ________ ____________
( ) Hypertension __________ ________ ____________
( ) Angina Pectoris __________ ________ ____________
( ) Myocardial Infarction __________ ________ ____________
( ) Vascular Disturbance in
extremities due to continues_________ ________ ____________
( ) Others __________ ________ ____________
( ) Gastroenteritis __________ ________ ____________
( ) Amoebiasis __________ ________ ____________
( ) Gastritis/Hyperacidity __________ ________ ____________
( ) Appendicitis __________ ________ ____________
( ) Infectious/Hepatitis __________ ________ ____________
( ) Liver Cirrhosis __________ ________ ____________
( ) Hepatic Abscess __________ ________ ____________
( ) Cancer (Hepatic/Gastric) __________ ________ ____________
( ) Ulcer __________ ________ ____________
( ) Others __________ ________ ____________
Genito Urinary:
( ) Urinary Tract Infection __________ ________ ____________
( ) Stones __________ ________ ____________
( ) Cancer __________ ________ ____________
( ) Others __________ ________ _______
( ) Dysmenorrhea __________ ________ ___________
( ) Infection (Cervicitis) __________ ________
___________ (Vaginitis) __________
________ ___________ ( ) Abortion (Spontaneous)
__________ ________ ___________
(threatened) __________ ________ ___________ ( )
Hyperemesis Gravidarum __________ ________ ___________
( ) Uterine Tumors __________ ________ ___________
( ) Cervical Polyp/Cancer __________ ________ ___________
( ) Ovarian Cyst/Tumors __________ ________

___________ ( ) Sexually-Transmitted diseases_______
________ ___________
Male Female Total No.
Of Cases
( ) Hernia (Inguinal) __________ ________ ___________
(Femoral) __________ ________
( ) Others __________ ________ ___________
( ) Peripheral Neuritis __________ ________
( ) Torticollis __________ ________ ___________
( ) Arthritis __________ ________ ___________
( ) Others __________ ________ ___________
Lymphatic and Circulatory
( ) Anemia __________ ________ ___________
( ) Leukemia __________ ________ ___________
( ) Cerebrovascular __________ ________ ___________
( ) Lymphadenitis __________ ________ ___________
( ) Lymphoma __________ ________ ___________
Infectious Diseases:
( ) Influenza __________ ________ ___________
( ) Typhoid/Paratyphoid Fever_________ ________ ___________
( ) Cholera __________ ________ ___________
( ) Measles __________ ________ ___________
( ) Mumps __________ ________ ___________
( ) Tetanus __________ ________ ___________
( ) Malaria __________ ________ ___________
( ) Schitosomiasis __________ ________ ___________
( ) Herpes Zoster __________ ________ ___________
( ) Chicken Pox __________ ________ ___________
( ) German Measles __________ ________ ___________
( ) Rabies __________ ________ ___________
( ) Others __________ ________ ___________
Diseases Due to Physical Environment:
a. Diseases Due to Noise and Vibration
( ) Deafness (noise induced) __________ ________ ___________
( ) White fingers disease __________ ________ ___________
( ) Musculo-skeletal disturbances _______ ________ ___________
( ) Fatigue __________ ________ ___________
b. Diseases Due to Temperature and
Humidity Abnormalities:
Hot temperature
( ) Heat strokes __________ ________ ___________
( ) Heat cramps __________ ________ ___________
( ) dehydration __________ _________ ___________
( ) neat exhaustion __________ _________ ___________
( ) others __________ _________ ___________
Cold Temperature
( ) Childblain __________ _________ ___________
( ) Frost bite __________ _________ ___________
( ) Immersion foot __________ _________ ___________
( ) General Hypothermia __________ _________ ___________
( ) Others __________ _________ ___________
c. Diseases due to Pressure Abnormalities:
( ) Decompression Sickness
( ) air embolism __________ _________ ___________

( ) Bends Disease __________ _________ ___________
( ) Barotraumas __________ _________ ___________
( ) Hypoxia __________ _________ ___________
( ) Altitude sickness __________ _________ ___________
Male Female Total No. of
d. Diseases due to Radiation:
( ) cataracts __________ _________ ___________
( ) keratitis __________ _________ ___________
( ) burns __________ _________ ___________
( ) radiation-related cancer __________ _________ ___________

TOTAL NUMBER __________ _________ ___________

11. Report of Occupational Accidents/injuries

Nature Male Female Number
of Case
Confusion, bruises,
Hematoma _________ _________ _______________
Abrasions _________ _________ _______________
Cuts, lacerations,
Punctures _________ _________ _______________
Concussion _________ _________ ______________
Avulsion _________ _________ ______________
Amputation, loss of
Body parts _________ _________ ______________
Crushing _________ _________ ______________
Injuries Spinal _________ _________ _____________
Injuries Cranial _________ _________ _____________
Injuries Sprains _________ _________ _____________
Dislocation/fractures _________ _________ _____________
Burns _________ _________ _____________

12. Immunization Program (indicate number immunized)

Tetanus Toxiod Injection ________ ________ ___________
Tetanus Antitoxin Injection ________ ________ ___________
Tetanus Globulin Injection ________ ________ ___________
Hepatitis B Vaccine ________ ________ ___________
Rabies Vaccine ________ ________ ___________
Others (please specify) ________ ________ ___________

13. Keeping of Medical Records of Workers (Please Check)

( ) done (x) not done

14. Health Education and counseling by health and Safety Personnel:

(Please check done or more)

( ) done individual as each worker comes to the clinic for consultation.

( ) done in organized group discussions/seminars. Health Center
( ) done with the use of visual display and/or promotional material,
leaflets, etc.

15. Other Health Programs (Please Check)

Kinds of Program Seminar Use of Visual Counseling

Nutrition Program

Maternal and Child
Care Program
Family Planning Program
Mental Health Activities
Personal Health Maintenance
Physical Fitness Program: (Please Check)
Sports Activities ( ) Yes (x) No
Others (Please specify) ( ) Yes (x) No

16. Hazards in the workplace: (Please check give details of the substance)
Substance and/or Number of Workers
a. Chemical Hazards:
( ) dust (Ex. Silica dust) _________________________________
( ) liquids (Ex. Mercury) _________________________________
( ) mist/fumes/vapors _________________________________
(Ex. Mist from pint spraying)
( ) gas (Ex. CO, H2S) _________________________________
( ) others (Please Specify)
(Ex. Solvent) _______________ ____________

b. Physical Hazards
( ) Noise _______________ ____________
( ) temperature/humidity_____________ ____________
( ) pressure _______________ ____________
( ) illuminations _______________ ____________
( ) radiations/ultraviolet_____________ ____________
( ) vibrations _______________ ____________
( ) others (Please specify) ___________ ____________

c. Biological Hazards:
( ) Viral __________________ __________________
( ) Bacterial __________________ __________________
( ) Fungal __________________ __________________
( ) Parasitic __________________ __________________
( ) Others (please specify)________ __________________

d. Ergonomic Stress:
( ) Exhausting Physical___________ _________________
( ) Prolong Standing ___________ _________________
( ) Excessive Mental Effort _______ _________________
( ) Unfavorable Work Posture______ _________________
( ) Static/monotonous work________ _________________
( ) Others, specify_______________ _________________

Submitted by:

__Ms. Liezel Kintanar, HR Supervisor __January 14, 201__

Medical/Personnel/Title Date

Noted by:

Ar. Randell J. Jusayan, VP - Administration


CHE 012904

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