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Vol. 91 No.

3 March 2001



Diabetes mellitus: Relevance to dental treatment

Anthony T. Vernillo, DDS, PhD,a New York, NY

(Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2001;91:263-70)

Diabetes mellitus, a complex metabolic disorder, is a patients with diabetes mellitus, representing nearly 50%
syndrome characterized by abnormalities in carbohy- of all nontraumatic amputations. The relative risk of an
drate, lipid, and protein metabolism that results either individual with diabetes becoming blind is 20 times
from a profound or an absolute deficiency of insulin greater than that of other individuals. Myocardial
(type 1) or from target tissue resistance to its cellular infarction is 10 times more likely in the diabetic patient.
metabolic effects (type 2). A third type of diabetes Types 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus represent the largest
mellitus, gestational diabetes, represents carbohydrate category of diabetic patients. Therefore, this section
intolerance with its onset or first recognition during preg- will focus on these two types and discuss concepts of
nancy. There is no definitive cure for diabetes mellitus. their etiology, pathogenesis, and complications.
The most common endocrine metabolic disorder, it
affects an estimated 14 million people in the United TYPE 1 DIABETES MELLITUS
States, with the incidence of new cases increasing by Hyperglycemia is a hallmark of diabetes mellitus—as
more than 700,000 cases per year. An additional esti- are its chronic metabolic complications. The chronic
mated 7 million people have diabetes mellitus and do not metabolic complications are generally more severe in the
know it because it has not yet been diagnosed.1 Without person with type 1 diabetes. These include increased
a proper diagnosis, these individuals are at significant susceptibility to infection and delayed healing, neur-
risk for life-threatening complications. In some cases, opathy, retinopathy, and nephropathy (microvascular
these patients are diagnosed with diabetes only when disease); accelerated atherosclerosis with associated
they arrive at an emergency department with severe myocardial infarction, stroke, atherosclerotic aneurysms
hyperglycemia (diabetic coma). (macrovascular disease), and amputation. The develop-
Diabetes mellitus is also a pernicious disease. It is the ment of secondary lesions in the diabetic patient relates
third leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the largely to the severity and the duration of hyperglycemia.
United States, accounting for about 40,000 deaths per In general, the major classic findings of hyperglycemia—
year.1 The relative risk for persons with diabetes polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss, and
acquiring end-stage renal disease is 25 times that of fatigue—occur in the setting of new-onset diabetes in
persons without diabetes. The relative risk for diabetic young patients whose disease is caused by profound
patients having a limb amputated because of diabetic insulin deficiency (type 1).2 Type 1 diabetes, or insulin-
complications is over 40 times that of normal. More dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), constitutes approx-
than 20,000 amputations per year are performed on imately 3% to 5% of all cases of diabetes mellitus and is
related to autoimmune-mediated destruction of the
insulin-producing pancreatic islet beta cells. Thus, these
aProfessor, Department of Oral Pathology, Division of Biological patients are prone to ketoacidosis, an acute and poten-
Science, Medicine and Surgery. tially life-threatening metabolic complication, and are
Received for publication Dec 14, 2000; accepted for publication Dec completely dependent on exogenous insulin to sustain
29, 2000.
Copyright © 2001 by Mosby, Inc.
life. Ketoacidosis can develop rapidly and lower the pH
1079-2104/2001/$35.00 + 0 7/13/114002 of the blood, leading to coma and death. The onset of
doi:10.1067/moe.2001.114002 signs and symptoms in these patients is relatively abrupt

March 2001

and usually occurs at a young age (mean, 15 years), ideal body weight, 1 of 5 has elevated fasting blood sugar
although IDDM can arise at any age. levels, and 3 of 5 have abnormal oral glucose tolerance
The destruction of the beta cells in the type 1 diabetic test results. Obesity increases insulin levels and decreases
has been linked to the presence of certain major histo- the concentration of insulin receptors in terms of their
compatibility locus antigens (HLA), some of which are sensitivity in tissue (clinical insulin resistance). Exercise
also associated with other autoimmune diseases.2 In increases the number of insulin receptors and improves
fact, the only genes definitely associated with type 1 insulin sensitivity, whereas a sedentary lifestyle is associ-
diabetes are those of the major HLA. Ninety-five percent ated with glucose intolerance. Regular exercise with
of persons with type 1 diabetes, compared with 40% of weight loss is associated with a decreased incidence of
the general population, express either HLA-DR3 or NIDDM after adjusting for the body mass index.
HLA-DR4, or both. Thus, one must take into careful Multifactorial inheritance also contributes clinically
consideration the potential for the development of other to the development of type 2 diabetes. However, a
autoimmune-mediated endocrine diseases characterized family history of diabetes is not a prerequisite for the
by hypofunction when assessing the overall clinical development of the disease. It develops in persons with
management of the person with type 1 diabetes. no known family history of diabetes. Still, there is
usually a stronger family history in type 2 than in type
Type 2 diabetes mellitus 1 diabetes mellitus. Sixty percent of type 2 patients
Type 2 diabetes mellitus, or non–insulin-dependent have either a parent or a sibling with the disease.
diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), accounts for approxi- In some populations—notably the Pima Indians of
mately 95% of all cases of diabetes. The insulin levels Arizona and the natives of Nauru in the Gilbert Islands
of affected patients may be normal, increased, or of the Pacific—a third to a half of all persons are
decreased, but there is no profound insulin deficiency. afflicted with type 2 diabetes. When one member of a
However, over many years, the majority of persons monozygotic twinship has the disease, the second twin
with type 2 diabetes show a continual decrease in their is almost invariably affected.3 However, there is no
insulin levels. The etiology and pathogenesis of type 2 association with genes of the major HLA similar to that
diabetes may be more heterogeneous with multiple occurring in type 1 diabetes. Despite the high familial
biochemical or molecular lesions. These defects may prevalence of type 2 diabetes, the precise mode of
include impaired insulin secretion; a defect at the inheritance remains undefined.
insulin receptor; or shown more recently, a defect distal
to the insulin receptor; and a defect in the hepatic MEDICAL MANAGEMENT
uptake of glucose contributing to insulin intolerance.2 Screening and diagnostic tests
These patients are not prone to ketoacidosis under In 1979, the National Diabetes Data Group published
basal conditions and are not completely dependent on criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes, criteria that have
exogenous insulin to sustain life. However, insulin become widely accepted as the gold standard for the
treatment for patients with NIDDM (25%-30% of diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. By these criteria, at least
cases) can improve the control of hyperglycemia. one of the following conditions must exist to establish
The hyperglycemia in NIDDM is not caused by the diagnosis of diabetes in the nonpregnant adult:
autoimmune destruction of beta cells, but it is rather a 1. Presence of the classic symptoms of diabetes
failure of those cells to meet an increased demand for (polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia), with unequivocal
insulin (impaired insulin secretion). Obesity is an over- glycemia (random plasma glucose >200 mg/dL);
whelming risk factor and is frequently associated with 2. Fasting plasma glucose >140 mg/dL, or fasting
NIDDM. Obesity and its associated high serum choles- venous (or capillary) whole blood glucose >120
terol levels can also exacerbate accelerated atheroscle- mg/dL on more than one occasion; or
rosis, which is frequently a preexisting component of 3. Abnormal oral glucose tolerance test result, with
clinical diabetes. Diabetes develops more commonly in test performed under standardized conditions (75-g
persons with shoulder girdle obesity or truncal obesity. glucose load, with blood measurements performed
The diagnosis of type 2 diabetes usually occurs after a every 30 minutes for 2 hours). Both the 2-hour level
person reaches 40 years of age, when the basal metabolic and at least one other sample must exceed 200
rate declines and the body weight increases. However, a mg/dL.
recent increasing trend in type 2 diabetes is now seen in
teenagers and in the 20-year-old age group; this Tight control: redefining an established
disturbing trend may be related to dietary obesity. Eighty concept
percent of adult diabetics are obese or have a history of Both acute and chronic, prolonged exposure to
obesity. Among adults who are at least 25% over their hyperglycemia is the primary factor responsible for the
Volume 91, Number 3

development of diabetic complications. The common Table I. Good glycemic control reduces incidence of
biochemical basis for complications is hyperglycemia- complications
mediated formation of nonenzymatic advanced glyca-
DCCT* Kumamoto† UKPDS‡
tion end-products. Advanced glycation end-products
are chemically irreversible glucose-derived compounds HbA1c 9%-7% 9%-7% 8%-7%
that form slowly and continuously in plasma and Retinopathy 63% 69% 17%-21%
tissues as a function of blood glucose concentration. Nephropathy 54% 70% 24%-33%
They have been linked to the development of diabetic Neuropathy 60% — —
Macrovascular disease 41%§ — 16%‡
complications, such as renal failure.4
The glycated or glycosylated hemoglobin test (HbA1c) *References 4,7-9.
†Reference 5.
is widely used to assess glycemic control. It also has prog- ‡Reference 6.
nostic value, as was shown in the Diabetes Control and §Not statistically significant.
Complications Trial in 1993,4 the randomized prospective
6-year study in Japan in 1995,5 and in the United Kingdom
Prospective Diabetes Study Group in 1998.6 Reducing Table II. Metabolic targets for tight control
glycosylated hemoglobin levels decreases the incidence of Parameter Target value
some diabetic complications (Table I). This test measures Fasting blood glucose 80-120 (mg/dL)
glucose that binds to blood hemoglobin within the circu- HbA1c
lating erythrocytes and remains attached for the life-cycle Optimal <6% (<120 mg/dL)
of the red blood cell. Hemoglobin is a marker to measure Goal <7% (<150 mg/dL)
Action level ≥8% (≥180 mg/dL)
the glucose pool. Thus, it is the preferred test for the
medical evaluation of diabetic control because it measures
the blood glucose levels over a period of 8 to 12 weeks.
Data from the American Diabetes Association (1999) lancet. The patient should perform this test, on average, 4
show the values of glycosylated hemoglobin that target for to 6 times per day. As shall be discussed later, walking this
tight metabolic control10 (Table II). Continuous or metabolic tightrope also carries a risk: The patient may
prolonged hyperglycemia as measured by the glycated fall into profound hypoglycemia (insulin shock) while
hemoglobin test is associated with chronic toxicity and using multiple insulin injections or into severe hyper-
tissue damage. But the hemoglobin A1c alone is not suffi- glycemia with ketoacidosis (diabetic coma) while using
cient to assess diabetes control. an insulin pump.
It has been shown that other features of diabetic glucose
control not reflected in the HbA1c might add to or modify Type 1 diabetes mellitus
the risk of complications.8 For example, recent clinical Exogenous insulin is administered by subcutaneous
data show that the risk and severity of complications may injection. Insulin (U-100) is classified as rapid (insulin
be even more highly dependent on the extent of 1- to 2- lispro [Humalog] and Regular), intermediate (insulin
hour postprandial (after meal) excursions of bloodglucose [NPH and Lente]), and long-acting (insulin [Ultralente]).
(acute glycemia and toxicity).11,12 Hyperglycemia post- These different types of insulin vary in their onset, peak,
meal is associated with increased free-radical production and duration of activity. The major disadvantage of the
that can lead to tissue damage. Hyperglycemia 2 hours intermediate and long-acting insulin is the lack of consis-
postload is associated with an increased risk of death, tent predictability, owing to the fact that these prepara-
independent of fasting blood.13 Data also show that the tions are suspensions. It is therefore important for the
risk of microvascular (eye and kidney) disease increases patient to mix the suspensions carefully (by slowly
with the progression in postprandial glucose levels from rotating the insulin vial) before injection. A recently
180 to 260 mg/dL.5 Thus, tight control in current therapy developed long-acting, suspension-free insulin (glargine;
now includes a shift to a new focus: constant daily Lantus) comparable to NPH insulin activity will soon be
glucose monitoring, often before and after meals, to target available. It should provide improved predictability.
postprandial levels and minimize the occurrence of acute Types of insulin. Lispro and regular insulin are gener-
hyperglycemia and acute toxicity. The target levels shown ally taken close to mealtime to match the peak activity of
are for the patient taking rapid-acting insulin, such as the injected insulin with the peak absorption of glucose
insulin lispro (Humalog; Table III). The battery-operated from the small intestine into the bloodstream. Humalog
glucometer is a home monitoring device that enables the is the most rapidly acting insulin. It is administered 5 to
patient to obtain and record blood glucose data. The 15 minutes before a meal and has a peak activity of 30 to
glucometer measures the glucose in a drop of blood 90 minutes. Therefore, patients must avoid delaying a
obtained from the tip of the finger by a stick with a sterile meal by more than 45 minutes if taking Humalog.
March 2001

Table III. Target values for preprandial and postprandial blood glucose levels
If premeal blood sugar is: Then 1 hour postmeal should be: And next premeal should be:
<100 mg/dL 120-160 mg/dL 100-120 mg/dL
100-150 mg/dL 20-40 mg/dL higher Same as premeal
151-200 mg/dL 0-20 mg/dL higher 0-20 mg less than premeal
201-250 mg/dL 0-20 mg/dL lower 20-40 mg less than premeal
251-300 mg/dL 20-40 mg/dL lower 40-60 mg less than premeal
>300 mg/dL 40-60 mg/dL lower 60-80 mg less than premeal

Otherwise, they may rapidly progress to severe hypo- means of an infusion set. This is available in a variety of
glycemia (insulin shock). Ultralente insulin simulates the lengths and consists of a plastic tube (the catheter) with a
basal metabolic rate of insulin secreted from a normally metal or plastic needle that is placed subcutaneously in
functioning pancreas. It is “peakless” insulin because of the patient. Typically, the cannula is inserted into the
its slow onset, minimal peak activity, and long duration abdomen, upper thigh, or upper arm. The patient replaces
of action. Intermediate-acting insulin, such as NPH and the infusion set every 48 hours to avoid infection at the
Lente, has a slower onset (2 to 4 hours) and peak (4 to 12 site of insulin delivery. The pump is plastic, weighs about
hours) activity than rapidly acting insulin. Thus, NPH or 3.6 oz, and is the size of a beeper. With the assistance of
Lente insulin injected at 8 AM will usually enter its peak pouches or waterproof containers that are now readily
at noon. It is essential that the clinician be fully knowl- available, the patient can wear the external pump almost
edgeable about the peak activity and duration of these anywhere on the body (eg, on a belt).
different types of insulin.14 Severe hypoglycemia (insulin The pump is a continuous subcutaneous insulin infu-
shock) is a life-threatening medical emergency and is far sion (CSII) system.16 CSII is an open-loop system, and
more common during multiple insulin injections associ- therefore, it does not use a blood glucose sensor that
ated with intensive insulin regimens. automatically adjusts the insulin rate to fluctuations in
Insulin injection regimens. Conventional insulin the blood glucose levels. Patients must be taught how to
injection regimens may include 1 daily injection of be their own “glucose sensor” and learn a system of
either NPH or Lente insulin or 1 injection of either insulin algorithms based on frequent self-monitoring of
NPH or Lente insulin mixed with more rapidly acting blood glucose levels with a glucometer. This is the best
Humalog or regular insulin. These regimens are not as way to “close the loop” of the infusion system. The
effective as the intensive insulin regimens in terms of battery-powered pump delivers a continuous basal infu-
obtaining tight metabolic control, and the number of sion of insulin that can be automatically prepro-
injections is more limited and leads to wider fluctua- grammed for multiple basal rates over a 24-hour period
tions in blood glucose levels. (basal profile). Thus, the pump also delivers basal
An advance that is gaining wider use in the medical insulin automatically throughout a patient’s sleep. The
management of type 1 diabetes is the insulin pump. The basal profile is analogous to a continuous intravenous
pump uses only one rapid-acting insulin and therefore drip of insulin. The purpose of the basal insulin
eliminates the variability of the intensive insulin regimen. program or profile is to release insulin and thus main-
Pump therapy reduced the incidence of severe hypo- tain glucose homeostasis by preventing significant
glycemia in a number of studies, with a 6-fold reduction glycogenolysis from the liver.17 Otherwise, there would
in incidence over that of multiple daily injections in the be a very rapid rise in the blood glucose levels, leading
intensive regimen.15 Nonetheless, pump therapy (if not to severe hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis. In the
carefully monitored) can lead to rapid hyperglycemia and absence of food or infection, the basal program alone
ketoacidosis, a life-threatening emergency. would not usually require modification—unless there
The insulin pump. The insulin pump is a battery- was a change in the level of the patient’s activity (eg, an
powered device that uses phosphate-buffered rapid- active lifestyle vs a more sedentary lifestyle). Before
acting regular insulin (peak activity of 1-2 hours) stored meals or at other times (eg, hyperglycemia after unan-
in a reservoir syringe that is located within the pump and ticipated caloric intake), the patient can activate the
is replaceable. Humalog also has significant potential for pump to deliver a bolus of insulin by pressing a button.
use with the pump; however, the Food and Drug For someone on an intensive multiple-dose injection
Administration has not yet approved its use for the pump. regimen, this is similar to taking an injection of premeal
If the insulin is not buffered, then it may precipitate rapid-acting insulin.
inside of the system, resulting in occlusions that can stop Insulin pumps use only rapid or short-acting insulin,
the flow of insulin. Insulin is delivered from the device by and therefore only one variable is present. This offers
Volume 91, Number 3

significant advantages over the use of longer-acting cramps (common), and fatigue; these often resemble flu-
insulin (eg, NPH and Lente) with intensive multiple-dose like signs and symptoms and the patient will feel ill. The
injection regimens. Longer-acting insulin shows a high dentist should have a glucometer available at all times to
degree of variability in absorption—from 10% to 52% of monitor all diabetic patients for both hypoglycemia and,
the injected dose—and can peak at unpredictable times; particularly, hyperglycemia in the patient using an insulin
hypoglycemia from the longer-acting insulin can also pump. The dentist should call the physician immediately
occur at those times. In contrast, the use of only short- if the glucometer readings show severe hyperglycemia
acting insulin with an insulin pump demonstrates a day- (eg, >400 mg/dL). The physician may instruct the dentist
to-day variation in absorption of less than 3%. Insulin to disconnect the pump from the patient and administer a
pumps may also reduce the insulin depot effect some- bolus of the patient’s rapid-acting insulin with an insulin
times encountered with multiple daily injections. Sub- syringe. The dentist should call an ambulance or refer the
cutaneous depots of injected insulin can mobilize unex- patient for immediate follow-up medical care. Patients
pectedly, particularly with exercise, leading to sudden using insulin pumps generally carry back-up supplies of
episodes of hypoglycemia. This depot effect is reduced by insulin and insulin syringes in case there is a mechanical
pumps with only short- or rapid-acting insulin and by problem with the pump.
slower, more reproducible bolus dose delivery. Thus,
insulin pumps significantly reduce severe hypoglycemia Type 2 diabetes mellitus
better than multiple-dose injection regimens.15 Diet modification for weight loss with the corre-
The major risk associated with the insulin pump is the sponding reduction of insulin resistance, as well as oral
rapid development of severe hyperglycemia and agents, are the main therapy for NIDDM. Weight loss
diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), leading to diabetic coma. enhances the sensitivity of peripheral insulin receptors
The pump provides a steady-state control of blood to endogenous insulin and reduces the requirements for
glucose levels through a programmed basal profile. This administered insulin. Thus, most persons with type 2
program is tailored to the individual diabetic patient. diabetes can control hyperglycemia by maintaining an
The pump can deliver incremental doses as low as 0.1 ideal body weight. However, such weight reduction is
unit of insulin/hour. The lowest dose that a patient can often a difficult goal to sustain, requiring a permanent
deliver with any accuracy using a syringe is 1.0 unit. restriction in caloric intake. Indeed, the most common
Thus, insulin activity and duration are more tightly cause of death for patients with NIDDM is myocardial
“packaged” to fit the specific metabolic demands of the infarction and coronary artery disease, which are often
patient. Consequently, reductions several-fold in terms related to obesity. Drug therapy is indicated in medical
of insulin dosage occur while the patient is on the pump management when maintaining the ideal body weight
as opposed to the higher doses the patient gets from fails to control blood sugar or to ameliorate the symp-
multiple dose injection therapy; this also significantly toms, or when the patient is unable to lose weight or
reduces the occurrence of severe hypoglycemia in a ketosis is present. Drug therapy includes oral agents
patient using the pump. However, if there is a disruption and insulin. An increasing number of type 2 patients
in this finely tuned glucose control, then potent coun- inject exogenous insulin to improve their glycemic
terregulatory hormones to insulin, such as epinephrine control. Although the administration of exogenous
and cortisol, will cause a very rapid mobilization of the insulin to a patient with clinical insulin resistance
glycogen stores from the liver (glycogenolysis). This seems paradoxical, the insulin can improve glucose
leads to severe and sudden hyperglycemia with DKA. control. A wide range of oral agents to treat NIDDM
A major cause of the disruption of this finely tuned exist, including α-glucosidase inhibitors (acarbose);
glucose control is the mechanical failure of the pump insulin sensitizers (biguanides, such as metformin, and
and therefore its inability to deliver insulin. Thus, the thiazolidinedones, such as rosiglitazone); insulin secre-
patient must constantly monitor blood glucose levels. tagogues (sulfonylureas, first- and second-generation
If hyperglycemia and ketones (in urine) are present, agents); and benzoic acid derivatives (meglitindes such
then the patient must troubleshoot with the pump to as repaglinide). These oral agents are of no value in the
determine why the insulin was not delivered. treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus.
The dentist must be aware of the signs and symptoms At the outset of treating a patient, it is important to
of hyperglycemia and DKA in the patient using an recognize that some oral agents do promote hypo-
insulin pump. The dental clinician must ensure that the glycemia; in certain instances, this may become severe.
tubing or catheter from the pump is not pinched or Although severe hypoglycemic reactions are less likely
compressed by the dental chair because this will block with the oral agents than with insulin, the duration of
the flow of the patient’s insulin. The signs and symptoms some of these agents and their hypoglycemic effect can
of DKA include nausea, disorientation, abdominal extend to 24 hours. Sulfonylureas act primarily by stim-
March 2001

ulating the pancreatic beta cells to increase insulin able in the office at all times. These are inexpensive and
production. If food intake is insufficient to elevate blood have a stable shelf-life. Each glucose tablet contains 4 g
glucose levels adequately, a relative excess of plasma of carbohydrate. If the anticipated procedure is long (eg,
insulin may occur, resulting in hypoglycemia. The α- 2 hours), then the patient can take the glucose tablets. If
glucosidase inhibitors, like acarbose, block the proximal the patient initially presents with hyperglycemia, then the
absorption of carbohydrate in the small intestine and patient can take a small bolus of rapidly acting insulin
pose an interesting dilemma. In combination with before the procedure. This approach is helpful because a
sulfonylureas or insulin, the α-glucosidase inhibitors long, stressful procedure can lead to endogenous
can cause hypoglycemia. However, this hypoglycemia is epinephrine release, mobilization of glycogen from the
not typically reversible with sucrose (candy or table liver, and additional hyperglycemia.
sugar), a disaccharide, because α-glucosidase inhibitors The most common causes of hypoglycemia include
slow the conversion rate of disaccharides into free injection of excess insulin, delaying or missing meals or
monosaccharide glucose units. Thus, only glucose snacks with the usual dose of insulin, increasing exer-
tablets will rapidly and effectively reverse α-glucosi- cise without adjusting the insulin dose (exercise reduces
dase—induced hypoglycemia. In contrast, metformin the requirement for insulin), and consuming alcohol
does not raise insulin levels and rarely causes hypo- (alcohol inhibits gluconeogenesis in the liver and thus
glycemia. Thiazolidin-edones increase tissue sensitivity prevents the release of newly synthesized glucose into
to insulin, especially in muscle; this effect counters the the bloodstream). The signs and symptoms include
clinical insulin resistance common in NIDDM. confusion, shakiness (tremors), agitation, belligerence,
Hypoglycemia is also rarely associated with thiazo- sweating (diaphoresis), and tachycardia. The dentist can
lidinedones. avoid a hypoglycemic reaction in a patient by taking an
accurate history. The dentist must know the time, dose,
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors: and type of insulin the patient took that day and the
prophylaxis and reduction of diabetic time, amount, and type of carbohydrate (simple vs
complications complex) the patient consumed before the dental visit.
A recent remarkable study found that the angiotensin- In this way, the dentist can match the patient’s plasma
converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor ramipril may insulin levels with the food intake, thus determining the
reduce not only cardiovascular events but also the inci- likelihood of hypoglycemia.14
dence of diabetes-related complications and even the Hypoglycemic symptoms are more likely to occur if
incidence of diabetes itself.18 Although ACE inhibitor is the blood glucose falls below 60 mg/dL. If a glucometer
a standard antihypertension drug, its use to reduce or determination shows hypoglycemia, then the adminis-
even prevent diabetic complications adds another tration of glucose tablets usually rapidly reverses it. If
dimension to treatment. Thus, an increasing number of the patient is sedated or unable to take food or drink by
diabetic patients are taking ACE inhibitor drugs, even in mouth, then 25 to 30 mL of 50% dextrose or 1 mg of
the absence of hypertension. However, the dentist must glucagon can be administered intravenously, intramus-
be aware that ACE inhibitor drugs can cause sudden cularly, or subcutaneously. A glucagon injection causes
swelling of the face, lips, tongue, and laryngeal tissues, glycogenolysis in the liver. It will rapidly reverse hypo-
as well as potential asphyxiation at any time. Such a glycemia, usually within 15 minutes. In other instances,
life-threatening emergency requires the administration rubbing a preparation of glucose (available in most phar-
of epinephrine (1:1000) to reduce the tissue swelling. macies) or dissolved sugar under the tongue of the
unconscious patient may reverse the hypoglycemia. The
MEDICAL MANAGEMENT OF DIABETIC glucose can be rapidly absorbed from the sublingual site.
EMERGENCIES In some cases, hyperglycemia can present with symp-
Dental practitioners should encourage diabetic patients toms similar to those of hypoglycemia (eg, confusion and
who self-monitor blood glucose levels to bring their disorientation). If a glucometer is not available to deter-
glucometer to the dental office at each visit. The dentist mine blood glucose levels accurately and the conscious
should also purchase a glucometer and make it available patient has symptoms suggestive of hypoglycemia, then
to diabetic patients. Patients can check their blood the dentist must administer glucose tablets (or fruit juice).
glucose levels within 1 minute of the beginning of the Treat patients presumptively for hypoglycemia if they
dental appointment. If glucose levels are at or below the experience tremors, diaphoresis, tachycardia, or disorien-
lower end of the normal fasting range (80 to 120 mg/dL), tation and agitation. If the symptoms were from hyper-
then it may be necessary for the patient to consume a fast- glycemia rather than hypoglycemia, then the additional
acting carbohydrate. The dentist should have glucose amount of carbohydrate will generally cause no harm.
tablets—a rapidly acting, simple carbohydrate—avail- The rapid development of hyperglycemia with DKA,
Volume 91, Number 3

possibly leading to diabetic coma, is now, with the advent consistent with the management of a healthy nondiabetic
of the insulin pump, more likely. person. The dentist can perform periodontal surgical
More type 1 patients with diabetes are entering pump procedures, although it is important for the patient to
therapy; therefore, the dentist must be aware of the maintain a normal diet during the postsurgical phase.19
signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia and be prepared The practitioner should review any previous history of
to manage it. The patient can administer a small bolus diabetic complications, determine the most recent test
of insulin (by tenths of a unit with a pump) to treat the results (eg, glycosylated hemoglobin and postprandial
hyperglycemia. The patient should also carry a supply blood glucose levels), and maintain an ongoing dialogue
of reagent strips to test for ketones in the urine with the patient’s physician. Supportive periodontal
(ketonuria). If the hyperglycemia and ketonuria persist therapy should be provided at relatively close intervals (2
despite the administration of the insulin bolus, then the to 3 months) because some studies indicate a slight, but
dentist must contact the patient’s physician and refer persistent, tendency to progressive periodontal destruc-
the patient for immediate medical evaluation. The best tion despite effective metabolic control.
way to determine the true nature of a diabetic emer- The management of the insulin-dependent diabetic
gency quickly is to measure blood glucose levels with requires additional considerations. Before periodontal
a glucometer. The accuracy of the glucometer readings surgery, it may be appropriate, in consultation with the
is generally within an error range of 5%. patient’s physician, to ask the patient to administer a
small bolus of rapid-acting insulin. This bolus may
DENTAL MANAGEMENT reduce the hyperglycemia associated with infection,
Oral complications pain, and stress. If the patient on the multiple-injection
The oral complications of uncontrolled diabetes dose regimen is unable to eat after surgery, then the
mellitus can include xerostomia, infection, poor patient must modify the regimen. The patient can elim-
healing, increased incidence and severity of caries, inate or significantly reduce all rapid-acting insulin for
candidiasis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, periapical the remainder of the day; this reduces the likelihood of
abscesses, and burning mouth syndrome. The oral find- hypoglycemia in the absence of food during the post-
ings in patients with uncontrolled diabetes are most surgical phase. At the same time, the patient can also
likely related to the excessive loss of fluids through reduce his long-acting insulin by a half of the usual
excessive urination (polyuria), the altered response to recommended dose to prevent hypoglycemia. There-
infection, the microvascular changes, and possibly the fore, the patient will have an ongoing basal level of
increased glucose concentrations in saliva.1 long-acting insulin, although reduced, that will still
A high percentage of diabetic patients present with ensure glucose homeostasis but prevent further hyper-
xerostomia and the complaint of dry mouth. When the glycemia.
normal environment of the oral cavity is altered because A patient using an insulin pump follows different
of a decrease in salivary flow or alterations in salivary algorithms for insulin management. If patients are
composition, a healthy mouth can become susceptible unable to eat during the postsurgical phase, they may
to painful decay and deterioration. Dry, atrophic, require no adjustment in the basal insulin program or
cracking oral mucosa is the eventual complication of profile. The programmed insulin release over the 24-
xerostomia. Accompanying mucositis, ulcers, and hour period may be adequate to ensure glucose home-
desquamation—as well as opportunistic bacterial, viral, ostasis. The risk of hypoglycemia is also less than with
or fungal infections and an inflamed, depapillated the multiple insulin injection regimen because the
tongue—are also common problems. Difficulty in lubri- patient is using the pump. If the patients are unable to
cating, masticating, tasting, and swallowing are among eat for more than 24 hours, they may need to modify
the most devastating complications of xerostomia and the basal profile by increasing the insulin dosage.
may contribute to impaired nutritional intake. An Prolonged fasting depletes the finite glycogen stores in
increase in the rate of dental caries may occur in young the liver. In such a starvation mode, the liver then uses
diabetic patients; this could be related to the reduced the pathway of gluconeogenesis to synthesize new
salivary flow. Aside from topical treatments for xero- glucose from protein; this glucose is then released into
stomia, improved metabolic control of the diabetes may the bloodstream, leading to hyperglycemia. Thus, the
mitigate the complications from xerostomia. patient should increase the insulin dosage in the basal
profile of the pump to maintain glucose homeostasis.
Periodontal disease and its impact on diabetic If the periodontal infection is particularly severe,
control then the patient should also reprogram the basal profile
In most cases, the dental clinician can manage the well- in the pump to increase the insulin dosage during the
controlled type 1 or type 2 diabetic patient in a manner postsurgical phase in treatment. By increasing the
March 2001

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