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Classification of Bacterial Culture Media On The Basis of Purpose

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1. General purpose media/ Basic media. Basal media are basically simple media that supports most non-
fastidious bacteria. Peptone water, nutrient broth and nutrient agar (NA) are considered as basal
medium. These media are generally used for the primary isolation of microorganisms.

 Nutrient Agar

2. Enriched medium (Added growth factors):

 Blood Agar

Addition of extra nutrients in the form of blood, serum, egg yolk etc, to basal medium makes 
enriched media. Enriched media are used to grow nutritionally exacting (fastidious) bacteria. Blood agar,
chocolate agar, Loeffler’s serum slope etc are few of the enriched media. Blood agar is prepared by
adding 5-10% (by volume) blood to a blood agar base. Chocolate agar is also known as heated blood
agar or lysed blood agar.

3. Selective and enrichment media are designed to inhibit unwanted commensal or contaminating

bacteria and help to recover pathogen from a mixture of bacteria. While selective media are agar based,
enrichment media are liquid in consistency. Both these media serve the same purpose. Any agar media
can be made selective by addition of certain inhibitory agents that don’t affect the pathogen of interest.
Various approaches to make a medium selective include addition of antibiotics, dyes, chemicals,
alteration of pH or a combination of these.

a. Selective medium
Principle: Differential growth suppression

Selective medium is designed to suppress the growth of some microorganisms while allowing the
growth of others. Selective medium are agar based (solid) medium so that individual colonies may be

Examples of selective media include:

Thayer Martin Agar used to recover Neisseria gonorrhoeae contains antibiotics; vancomycin, colistin

and nystatin.
Mannitol Salt Agar and Salt Milk Agar used to recover S.aureus contains 10% NaCl.
Potassium tellurite medium used to recover C.diphtheriae contains 0.04% potassium tellurite.
MacConkey’s Agar used for Enterobacteriaceae members contains bile salt that inhibits most gram
positive bacteria.
Pseudosel Agar (Cetrimide Agar) used to recover P. aeruginosa contains cetrimide (antiseptic agent).
Crystal Violet Blood Agar used to recover S. pyogenes contains 0.0002% crystal violet.
Lowenstein Jensen Medium used to recover M.tuberculosis is made selective by incorporating
malachite green.
Wilson and  Blair’s Agar for recovering S. typhi is rendered selective by the addition of dye brilliant
Selective media such as TCBS Agar used for isolating V. cholerae from fecal specimens have elevated pH
(8.5-8.6), which inhibits most other bacteria.
b. Enrichment culture medium. Enrichment medium is used to increase the relative concentration of
certain microorganisms in the culture prior to plating on solid selective medium. Unlike selective media,
enrichment culture is typically used as broth medium. Enrichment media are liquid media that also
serves to inhibit commensals in the clinical specimen. 

 Selenite F broth, tetrathionate broth and alkaline peptone water (APW) are used to recover

pathogens from fecal specimens.

4. Differential/ indicator medium: differential appearance: Certain media are designed in such a way that
different bacteria can be recognized on the basis of their colony colour. Various approaches include
incorporation of dyes, metabolic substrates etc, so that those bacteria that utilize them appear as
differently coloured colonies. Such media are called differential media or indicator media. Differential
media allow the growth of more than one microorganism of interest but with morphologically
distinguishable colonies.

Examples of differential media include:

 Mannitol salts agar (mannitol fermentation = yellow)

 Blood agar (various kinds of hemolysis i.e. α, β and γ hemolysis)
 Mac Conkey agar (lactose fermenters, pink colonies whereas non- lactose fermenter produces
pale or colorless colonies.
 TCBS (Vibrio cholerae produces yellow colonies due to fermentation of sucrose)

5. Transport media: Clinical specimens must be transported to the laboratory immediately after
collection to prevent overgrowth of contaminating organisms or commensals. This can be achieved by
using transport media. Such media prevent drying (desiccation) of specimen, maintain the pathogen to
commensal ratio and inhibit overgrowth of unwanted bacteria. Some of these media (Stuart’s & Amie’s)
are semi-solid in consistency. Addition of charcoal serves to neutralize inhibitory factors.

 Cary Blair transport medium and Venkatraman Ramakrishnan (VR) medium are used to
transport feces from suspected cholera patients.
 Sach’s buffered glycerol saline is used to transport feces from patients suspected to be suffering
from bacillary dysentery.
 Pike’s medium is used to transport streptococci from throat specimens.

6. Anaerobic media: Anaerobic bacteria need special media for growth because they need low oxygen
content, reduced oxidation –reduction potential and extra nutrients.

 Robertson Cooked Meat (RCM) medium that is commonly used to grow Clostridium spps

contains a 2.5 cm column of bullock heart meat and 15 ml of nutrient broth.  Thioglycollate
broth contains sodium thioglycollate, glucose, cystine, yeast extract and casein hydrolysate.

7. Assay media. These media are used for the assay of vitamins, amino acids and antibiotics. E.g.
antibiotic assay media are used for determining antibiotic potency by the microbiological assay

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