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4/3/2020 (PDF) Propagation of surface defects at cold pilger rolling of tubes and pipes

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ects at cold pilger rolling of tubes and pipes

n Metallurgical and Mining Industry 2016(9):72-79 · January 2016 with 1,005 Reads 

olov Mirko Schaper

ational Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine 33.38 · Universität Paderborn

rydin +1
ersität Paderborn

tional Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

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of defects transformation during cold rolling the parameter “defect’s relative depth” (RdH) was proposed,
part of wall thickness occupied by defect. It was determined that reduction of outer tube diameter in
s RdH only in case of inclined defects, which are situated on the external surface and oriented
lling direction. In all other cases the reduction of outer tube diameter increases RdH. In contrary, RdH of
efects remains constant or increases after cold pilger rolling. Inner longitudinal folds exhibit the maximal
d probably lead to the propagation of cracks. The change of dimensions of external longitudinal defects
pe of defect`s cross section and such parameter as a part of diameter reduction in contraction of the
hese defects can be partially eliminated at cold pilger rolling. For prediction of defect`s evolution it has
e the DAP index that considers the relationship between strain parameters of cold pilger rolling and initial



slav Frolov Author content

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pilger . Deformation parameters of Examples of initial defect`s . Deformation parameters of

d tube… cold pilger rolling, initial and… cross section with destinati… cold pilger rolling, initial and…

roslav Frolov Author content Download full-text PDF

t to copyright.


pagation of surface defects at cold pilger rolling of tubes a

Iaroslav Frolov

Professor, Doctor of technical science

National metallurgical academy of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine / University of Pad
Paderborn, Germany

Mirko Schaper

Professor, Head of Materials Science (LWK) chair, Dr.-Ing. Habil.

University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany

Ol d G di 2/15
4/3/2020 (PDF) Propagation of surface defects at cold pilger rolling of tubes and pipes

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Head Engineer of Materials Science (LWK) chair, Doctor of technical scien

University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany

Vitalii Andreiev*

Candidate of Technical Science, Assistant Professor of Metal forming chai

National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine
Dnipro, Ukraine

Metallurgical and Mining Industry No.9 — 20


Andrii Tereschenko

Candidate of Technical Science, Centravis Production Ukraine

Nikopol, Ukraine

In present study the propagation and transformation of longitudinal as well as transversal su
defects placed on both external and inner surfaces of cold rolled seamless steel tubes (SST) and
has been experimentally analyzed. Cold pilger rolling of tubes was carried out through diff
rolling routes with variable cross section contractions as well as wall thickness and dia
reductions. For characterization of defects transformation during cold rolling the parameter “de
relative depth” (RdH) was proposed, which is dened as a part of wall thickness occupied by d
It was determined that reduction of outer tube diameter in rolling route decreases RdH on
case of inclined defects, which are situated on the external surface and oriented transversally
rolling direction. In all other cases the reduction of outer tube diameter increases RdH. In con
RdH of internal longitudinal defects remains constant or increases after cold pilger rolling.
longitudinal folds exhibit the maximal intensity of RdH’s and probably lead to the propagati

cracks The change of dimensions of external longitudinal defects depends on both shape of de 3/15
4/3/2020 (PDF) Propagation of surface defects at cold pilger rolling of tubes and pipes
cracks. The change of dimensions of external longitudinal defects depends on both shape of de
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cross ›
section See all
and such ›
parameter as a part of diameter reduction in contraction of the cross se
Thus, these defects4 Figures Download
can be partially eliminated at cold pilger citation
rolling. Share
For prediction of de Download full-text PDF
12 References
evolution it has been proposed to use the DAP index that considers the relationship between
parameters of cold pilger rolling and initial defect’s shape.

oduction volume of billet deforms with the low

adays, the application of seamless steel tubes strains within working cone in tube with 
nd pipes reduces due to increased attractive- internal surface of tubes formed along th
both welded steel tubes and seamless tubes by conical mandrel or mandrel with com
ght metals or polymer materials. Thus, the
s of SST should to nd new ways to remain
arket share. One of possible ways is an ensur-
xcellent quality of their product, especially of
led. In such conditions, cold rolled seamless
ade of high quality stainless steels show sta-
nd positive trend of their consumption. One of
n indicators of cold rolled tubes quality is an
of surface defects [1,2].
technology of stainless steel tubes and pipes
cturing usually consist of two stages: hot
n with previous piercing and cold pilgering
eformed tubes [3]. At cold pilgering the part
xtruded tube (further - billet) 1 comes into the Figure 1. The scheme of cold pilger rolling
rolling cage 2 (Fig. 1) precipitate motion. The tube (billet); 2) rolling cage; 3) rolling d
cage is equipped with a couple of dies 3 that cone; 5) tube with nish size; 6) mandrel
variable radius. Rolling dies along the stand
ength form the integrated deformation zone It should be noticed that an increase
- working cone) 4. Consequently, the feeding ameter reduction at contraction of cros

No.9— 2016 Metallurgical and Mining Industry

leads to the decreasing of difference between deformation parameters [11].
strength and yield strength of deformed me- All surface defects, which were ob
s is valid for all methods and modes of cold lets, were classied based on their
ation as well as after heat treatment. [4] (RdW0) (equations 1 and 2) as peak (F
intensity of this decreasing depends on strain gular (Fig. 2b) and round (Fig. 2c) def
hnological parameters of cold pilgering. The
mportant of them are the strain distribution
e deformation zone, the thermal condition of
as well as equipment parameters like a length
e or feed volume [5]. The main feature of cold
olling is consequent ovalization of cross sec-
ide working cone. It continuously alternates 4/15
4/3/2020 (PDF) Propagation of surface defects at cold pilger rolling of tubes and pipes

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ss directions See all › and thus, provides
and values Download citation Share Download full-text PDF
d ductility of metal 4even
12 References at high level of accu-
strain [6].
ever, stress and strain history at cold pilger
can be responsible for surface defects. These
deteriorate the outside view of nished tube
ve as a stress- and corrosion concentrators,
ly under tangential load [7].
he other hand, the quality of surface of cold
d tube is limited by quality of previous hot
billets [8].
mical composition of metal, heat treatment as
deformation mode at hot extrusion determines
metal properties and can provoke surface de-
ious investigations of formation of surface
show that there are no consistent opinion
ing the transformation mechanism of these
at cold pilger rolling of tubes. Schulze et al. Figure 2. Examples of initial defect`s cro
0] concluded that control operations in tech- destination of their dimensions: a – pe
al process chain should prevent a formation rectangular defect; c – round defect; h – d
erous defects. However, it is well known that r – radius of defect`s curvature
e defects with small depth can be transformed
efore, present study is devoted to the analysis
ts behavior at cold pilger rolling with variable
for peak and rectangular defects (Fig. 2
ations of cross section contraction as well as
ckness and diameter reductions. The follow-
e types of defects have been investigated:
ernal longitudinal defects;
ernal longitudinal defects; for rounded defects (Fig. 2c)
ernal transversal defects. where b0 and h0 – initial width and d
erimental procedure and methods of re- respectively (mm);
r0 - radius of curvature of round def
esent study, hot extruded tubes made of steel Further the defects with RdW0 ≥ 1, or R
NS 30400 have been investigated. They have dened as gentle defects and defects w
ected as defect tubes at quality control due to or RdW0R < 0,5 - as sharp defects.
ace defects and then prepared to experimen- All defects were also classied ac
edure. The initial dimensions of defects were relationship between their length (a) an
ed and then these tubes were cold pilger rolled - a ≤ 3b - surface cavity;
ng to the specied rolling routes with variable - 3b≤a≤10b - fold;

Metallurgical and Mining Industry No.9 — 20

0b – notch; If the value of IF is less than 0,7, it
→0 – crack. current rolling route take place substan 5/15
4/3/2020 (PDF) Propagation of surface defects at cold pilger rolling of tubes and pipes

determination of both
See allstrain parameters at ness reduction. If it equals 0,7 or mo
ger See all ›
rolling and
12 References
4 Figures
of defects, the fol- route is Download
citation by Share
substantial d Download full-text PDF
parameters were used: tion.
in parameters at cold pilger rolling Parameters of defects propagatio
e elongation factor: Relative defect’s depth (RdH) is de
of wall thickness that is occupied by de
, (3) Relative defect’s depth of billet:

re, D0, t0, D1, and t1 are external diameter of

wall thickness of billet, external diameter and Relative defect’s depth of cold pilg
ickness of cold pilgered tube, respectively

s section contraction:
Change of RdH at cold pilgering:
, (4)

rnal diameter reduction:

Thus, RdH of defect after cold
, (5)
increases at Rd>1 and decreases at Rd<
thickness reduction: Results and discussion
External longitudinal defects (EL
(6) Deformation parameters of cold pilger
and nal sizes of tubes as well as ch
of diameter reduction in cross section con- mensions of investigated ELD are prese
Relationship between calculated va
(7) RdW0 as well as Rd and IF are present

Deformation parameters of cold pilger rolling, initial and nal sizes of tubes as well as character
igated ELD

D0 t0 D1 t1 ε Σ, b0 h0 h1 RdH0 R
of defect Route IF RdW0
mm mm mm mm % mm mm mm % %
1a 50 5,5 28 3,5 64,96 0,68 0,28 0,11 2,52 0,10 2,02 2
1b 50 5,5 28 3,5 64,96 0,68 0,33 0,11 2,95 0,08 2,04 2
ngular 2a 57 3,2 32 1,8 68,42 0,64 0,55 0,31 1,79 0,25 9,63 1
es 2a 57 3,2 45 1,5 62,10 0,34 0,81 0,45 1,80 0,19 14,06 1
3a 57 6 28 4 68,63 0,74 0,15 0,38 0,39 0,77 6,33 1
3b 57 6 28 4 68,63 0,74 5,00 1,30 3,85 0,35 21,67 8
ded defects
3c 57 9 31 6,8 61,91 0,74 7,00 0,90 7,78 0,15 10,00 2
3d 57 9 31 6,8 61,91 0,74 6,00 2,50 2,40 1,70 27,78 2

. External defects. Inuence of initial relative defect`s width RdW0 (a) and part of diameter re
ontraction IF (b) at cold pilgering on change of relative defect`s depth Rd

No.9— 2016 Metallurgical and Mining Industry 6/15
4/3/2020 (PDF) Propagation of surface defects at cold pilger rolling of tubes and pipes

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12 References 4 Figures

ording to the analysis of propagation of exter- in near surface layers and thus, its w
cts the following observations were made: reduced after rolling. Hence, the presen
ernal peak defects. The relative depth of this characterize the transformation of such
ncreases in both researched cases, especially very useful.
of sharper defect (Route 1a, Table 1). This - External rounded defects. For ana
hat for such shape of cross section of defect ior of these defects the rolling routes ha
wed RdH0 should be more than 3. Therefore, values of IF. In these conditions thresho
s with such defects should be rolled through crease and decrease of relative defect’s
with IF≤ 0,7. at values of relative defect’s width abo
ternal rectangular defects. Such type of de- Internal longitudinal defects (ILD
more sensitive to the rolling route. The anal- Deformation parameters of cold pilg
these defects revealed that decreasing of IF tial and nal sizes of tubes as well as ch
n provide good mechanical properties as well mensions of investigated ILD are presen
ce RdH1 below one. On the other hand, such Relationship between calculated va
tend to close at cold rolling stage and develop RdW0 as well as Rd and IF are present
Deformation parameters of cold pilger rolling, initial and nal sizes of tubes as well as character
igated ILD

D0 t0 D1 t1 εΣ, h0 h1 RdH0 R
of defect Route IF b0 mm RdW0
mm mm mm mm % mm mm % %
notch 4a 50 5,5 25 2,35 78,25 0,64 0,04 0,06 0,67 0,08 1,09 3
5a 57 8 32 6 60,20 0,73 1,00 0,80 1,25 0,60 10,00
5b 57 8 40 6 47,96 0,62 1,00 1,00 1,00 0,70 12,50
5c 57 3,2 32 1,8 68,42 0,64 1,00 0,56 1,80 0,47 17,38 2
6a 50 5 28 3,5 61,89 0,71 0,00 0,06 0,00 0,20 1,12 5
6b 57 9 32 4 74,07 0,59 0,00 0,07 0,00 0,05 0,72

4. Internal defects. Inuence of initial relative defect`s width RdW0 (a) and part of diameter red
section contraction IF (b) at cold pilgering on change of relative defect`s depth Rd

are more sharp compare to ELD that corre- inuenced by investigated parameters
with practical experience. That is the reason they tend to close their edges and tra
absence of rounded defects in these experi- undersurface folds that is the same to t
The propagation of ILD at cold pilger rolling external rectangular defects.

l th ELD I l f ld Th i l ti t 7/15
4/3/2020 (PDF) Propagation of surface defects at cold pilger rolling of tubes and pipes
See allin
than ELD. all ›
› current See
Internal folds. Their evolution at c
k defect study according to above ing conrms a well-known
Download citation opinion: int
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ed 12 References can
classication 4 Figures
be arranged to the sharp most dangerous defects of tubes. Intens
These type of defects presents threefold in- ness reduction at investigated rolling ro
f RdH1 compare to RdH0 at cold pilger rolling any effect on propagation of RdH1 of
atively small IF value (less than 0,7). Growth of IF index on 20% (from 0,5
nal rectangular defects. These defects are not vokes 2,9 times increase of Rd value.

Metallurgical and Mining Industry No.9 — 20

rnal transversal defects (ETD) mensions of investigated ELD are presen
rmation parameters of cold pilger rolling, ini- Relationship between calculated va
nal sizes of tubes as well as characteristic di- RdW0 as well as Rd and IF are present
. Deformation parameters of cold pilger rolling, initial and nal sizes of tubes as well a
ons of investigated ETD

D0 t0 D1 εΣ, t1 b0 h0 h1 RdH0
f defect Route IF RdW0
mm mm Mm mm % mm mm mm %
4a 57 3,2 32 1,8 68,42 0,64 6,70 0,82 8,17 0,39 25,63
ersal peak 5a 57 3,2 32 1,8 68,42 0,64 4,30 0,82 5,24 0,44 25,63
5b 57 3,2 25 1,6 78,25 0,72 6,70 0,82 8,17 0,12 25,63
5c 57 3,2 25 1,6 78,25 0,72 4,30 1,20 3,58 0,32 37,50

e 5. External transversal peal defects. Inuence of initial relative defect`s width RdW0 (a) and pa
reduction in cross section contraction IF (b) at cold pilgering on change of relative defect`s dep

defects. In all researched cases these defects Figure 6 illustrates the dependence
ecrease of their RdH1. In comparison with initial relative defect’s depth at cold
LD, growth of diameter reduction decreases on the index DAP (11). Rd values
Therefore, it can be concluded that for such gated defects continuously decrease w
ype the rolling routes with primarily reduction DAP values.
eter are favorable. However, stress concentra-
these defects is dangerous and can provoke
of tube at rolling.
performed observations demonstrate that lon-

al folds on the internal tube`s surface are most 8/15
4/3/2020 (PDF) Propagation of surface defects at cold pilger rolling of tubes and pipes
al folds on the internal tube s surface are most
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us type › defects. It
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should be noticed, while Download citation Share Download full-text PDF
ect’s12 References
depth decreases 4 Figures
at cold pilgering, the
f this defect can be transformed into crack.
more, defected areas become more local strain
ormation hardening, especially in case of aus-
tainless steels. Intensive localized strain com-
exacerbates the metal structure and deterio-
rrosion resistance of nished tubes. Figure 6 All researched defects. Scheme
index DAP (9) on change of initial relativ
, a synthetic DAP index, which connects
Rd (9); ELD – external longitudinal defect
ation parameters of cold pilger rolling with ini- longitudinal defects; ETD – external transv
ct’s shape, can be used for characterization of
ropagation at certain rolling route. Denition At DAP values of approximately
ndex presents equation (11): of all investigated defects lay lower th
that the combination of initial defect’s p
(11) strain conditions of cold pilgering ca
limitations both increase or decrease va

No.9— 2016 Metallurgical and Mining Industry

illustration could help to predict defect’s defects and planned deformation para
basing on previous identied initial dimen- pilgering.
defects and planned deformation parameters References
pilgering. 1. Hilbert, Lisbeth R, Dorthe Bag
instance, route 1a (Table 1) has IF of 0,68. Kold, Lone Gram (2003). Inu
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ase is 3,7 that is less than 4,5. Therefore this hesion and corrosion resistance
t such rolling route has a high possibility to Biodeterioration & Biodegrad
rther at cold rolling. After rolling the value of 52, Issue 3, pp. 175-185, ISS
as increased from 2,02% to 2,86%. Index Rd Available at:
case equals 1,42. Thus, the part of damaged 8305(03)00104-5.
ckness has increased and this billet cannot be 2. Surfaces of stainless steel tube
hrough this rolling route. tps-technitube röhrenwerke gm
efore, this billet can be further rolled, for ex- at:
in tube 28x2 mm instead of 28x3,5 (see rout osindt_surfaces_en_27.pdf
le 1) with other deformation parameters. In 3. Brensing, K.-H., Sommer B., S
e, IF index is 0,56 and DAP index is 4,51 that pipe manufacturing processes
ue of DAP index corresponds to the minimal
ity of defect growth and thus, suggested roll-
4. Frolov Ya. V. (2010). Effect o
e is appropriate for billet with such defect.
Conditions on Mechanical Prop
During Tube Cold Pilger Rollin
old pilger rolling due to their favorable defor-
cal and Mining Industry, Vol
conditions allows to decrease the depth of
36-38. Open access: http://meta
pes of defects. Mostly it is right for transver-
le defects on external surface. In this case re-
of diameter in rolling route plays a positive
5. Frolov Ya. V., Danchenko V. N

diction of Changes in the Mech 9/15
4/3/2020 (PDF) Propagation of surface defects at cold pilger rolling of tubes and pipes

r describing of evolution diction of Changes in the Mech

See all › See all ›of defects as a func- ties of the Metal at Share
Cold Pilger R
strain conditions,
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this index the threshold between zones with of Ukraine 7.05.2012 Open ac
high possibility of defect`s growth has been
In present work this threshold of DAP index ented-quality-en.pdf
approximately 4,5. Thus, prediction of de- 10. Schulze, H.D. Togler G., Bodm
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O. Golovko · Iaroslav Frolov · Olexandr Grydin

nditions on Mechanical Properties of Metal During Tube Cold Pilger Rolling


the Mechanical Properties of the Metal at Cold Pilger Rolling



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ES 11/15
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R · ESee
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