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Language Policy

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IBO Mission Statement
The International Baccalaureate Organization aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and
caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural
understanding and respect. To this end the IBO works with schools, governments and
international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and
rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become
active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their
differences can also be right.

Idrak Lyceum Mission Statement

Idrak lyceum aims to develop an educational system based on the international
standards. The school mission is to encourage and prepare students to become life-long
learners, active inquirers, thinkers, communicators, knowledgeable, caring, and responsible
citizens of the information society. To achieve its goals the school aims to offer a high quality
and well-planned educational program cooperating with leading universities of the country.
While delivering its program Idrak lyceum will also closely adhere to educational principles,
practices and beliefs of the International Baccalaureate.

In Idrak lyceum we all acknowledge that language is integral to teaching and learning
process. We understand that learning a language is a lifelong process. Language is the chief
medium of social communication. Language shapes our thinking and through language we can
express ourselves. It is a central component of personal and intellectual development and
growth. It is also an expression of culture and our national identity. At Idrak school, we consider
the language development as essential medium into the development of international-
mindedness. As it is expressed in Language and learning in IB programmes, it is the cultivation
of intercultural awareness, international-mindedness and global citizenship (Language and
learning in IB programmes, IBO).
In Idrak lyceum we place great emphasis on language learning since we all recognize the
importance of language learning and multilingualism in today’s world. Understanding the
importance of language we include the teaching and learning of language continuously
throughout the programme. We do it in all school activities. In Idrak lyceum we see a language
learning as: learning a language as an activity, learning about the language and learning through
the language.
Firstly, subject teachers must know that they are the language teachers. Within their
specific discipline each of them tries to model effective communication skills on their own way,
orally or in written form.
Idrak lyceum encourages the students to recognize the importance of language learning.
Through mother tongue and literature they can learn and appreciate their own culture, but
through second language they can acquire, appreciate and share diverse cultures.
Language Profile
Approximately 95% of students at Idrak Lyceum have Azerbaijani as their native
language at their homes. Half of these students (about 45 or 50 %) speak Russian as their
second native language at their homes (Russian division students). Only 5% of school students
use English as their mother tongue. Most of these students speak English as their second
language everywhere. But in English division they are mainly students of international
background. In English division the language of instruction and communication is English. We
see these students as the core of the future IB programme classes.

Languages offered and what levels

The teaching languages at Idrak lyceum are Azerbaijani (in Azerbaijani division), Russian
(in Russian division) and English (in English division). Language A Azerbaijani is offered as a main
tongue at Lyceum. Support classes or individual tutoring for Azerbaijani, English or Russian ab
initio are offered the students (mainly international students) with no prior knowledge of the

language. Russian and English as foreign languages are offered in all levels of teaching starting
from grade 1 for the Azerbaijani division students. The Russian division students learn English
as a foreign language. Azerbaijani being their native language is taught in all grade levels as a
national curriculum requirement for Russian division students. ?????? German
The lyceum is planning to offers German as a second foreign language in all levels. ??
(which grade) Azerbaijani and Russian are working languages at Idrak lyceum. English is a
language of instruction and communication in the English division.
Mother Tongue Support
Idrak lyceum recognizes the importance of mother tongue development of all students.
Because mother tongue is the central to the whole development of cognitive skills (mental
process in learning and understanding) in for ? children. In general students with good native
language skills develop good general language skills and good the same skills in English too.
According to Cummin’s Interdependence Theory (Jim Cummins, an Irish born academic,
living and lecturing in the United States) which explains that “concepts and skills acquired in the
first language is transferable to the second language (Cummins, 1984, 1991) and affect the rate
and level of development in the second language. The idea is that the greater the first language
abilities and the more underlying linguistic knowledge available to support the development of
the second language, the more rapid and complete the acquisition”. Referring to this theory we
can say that students who are proficient in their mother tongue are also skillful and capable in
the second (or additional) language acquisition.
As a school community the Idrak lyceum creates all conditions for students to develop
and demonstrate their native language. With this in view parents are also encouraged to
support their children as much as possible at home in their mother tongue.
It is a fact that the richness of multilingualism means diverse cultures and values. Each
student’s identity is his/her culture. So encouragement, care and respect for the mother tongue
improvement is always in the limelight at school.
Most of the students in the at school population have their mother tongue as
Azerbaijani which is taught in all classes from grade 1 onwards.
There are many occasions in at school when the mother tongue and national language is
used extensively for celebrations and festivals. The school holds events for each subject like
native and foreign languages, Biology, Maths, Science, History, Geography etc. per month
during academic year, each in every month month Mother Tongue day every year in which
students demonstrate their proficiency. in their mother tongue
The school increases number of books in the library and each year a variety of books in
Azerbaijani are added in order to support students’ learning. Students are encouraged to read
many books in different languages in their mother tongue and for this purpose special “Library

hours” is also will be added to the timetable once as we have enough resources for students.
Teachers collaboratively make decisions on what resources to purchase every year and submit
the list to the IB DP Coordinator. In order to develop student’s reading skills and outlook all the
English division grades have already become the members of “Baku American Center”.
Starting from grade 1 trips to local libraries are organized by class teachers and in those
libraries students get chance to get acquainted with many books and children magazines,
journals in Azerbiaijani.
Strategies to support teachers in language teaching
The native language of all teachers at Idrak lyceum is Azerbaijani. Idrak lyceum
encourages all language teachers to develop their language skills by attending different
language courses and trainings. We believe that high- quality teaching depends not only on
using the state-of-the-art technology but also having trained qualified teachers. With this in
view, the school intends to arranges some teachers’ online participation in IB workshops, as
well as uses IB guides as resources.
Strategies to support the students who are not proficient in the language of instruction
At Idrak lyceum we have three divisions sections. In each of them the instruction of
language differs according to the language choice of students. At the school we have three
instruction : , at the same time working, languages. Azerbaijani, Russian and English. Students
who have one of these languages (Azerbaijani, Russian, English) as a second language are
supported by the language teachers. In other words, language skills in the subject area is very
important. Language teachers apply specific language strategies in order to meet the challenges
students face in acquiring the language skills.

 To reinforce the learning process of students, teachers adapt their materials and
teaching styles (ways) to the needs of students who are not native speakers of the
instruction ?????languages.
 Focused work on developing reading strategies (scaffolding, skimming)
 Working on presentation skills ( oral)
 Improving writing skills : Weekly Academic writing workshops
 Collaborative work: Language teachers work collaboratively to overcome all problems
that students meet in language acquisition
 Additional support hours
The students who are not so proficient in the instruction language have additional
support hours. These students usually have these lessons in their free time according to their
teacher’s personalized program which is usually prepared by the teacher considering the
students’ ability. The students do different forms of activities ( writing short essays, stories,
pronunciation skills, word study, grammar exercises, speaking etc.) that help them to improve

their language skills as whole. These lessons sometimes include one to one sessions, and small
group work.
Apart from this, teachers provide the students with extracurricular reading materials to
improve their reading skills. This activity also helps them to learn new words and expand their
vocabulary. What’s more, the students read pieces of literature in the language of instruction,
thus they have the opportunity to learn the culture of different nations and share this
knowledge among themselves during discussion hours with their teachers.
Process of development of the whole school Language Policy
This document has been prepared by the administration, DP coordinator and language
teachers. Other subject teachers have also provided their proposals. It includes provisions for
second language teaching, and mother tongue native language support that meets the needs of
students and reflects the core principles of the program. The school language policy also
reflects the philosophy and aims of language teaching and learning.
The document will be reviewed in case of necessity each school academic year. The
review committee will make sure that any revision to of the policy is coherent with the beliefs
and values of the IBO, the school’s philosophy towards language and language teaching,
changes in student and community demographics or other circumstances which justify the need
for revision.

1. International Baccalaureate, Program Standards and Practices, January 1, 2014
2. International Baccalaureate (2008) Guidelines for Developing a school Language Policy

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