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Lakefield City Council July 22 Packet

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CIFY COUNCTL, AGENDA Say 22,2019 ~7200 PME CALL THE MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALL TANCE, SWEARING IN OF OFFICER NESTEGARD AGENDA CHANGES/APPROVE AGENDA, APPROVAL OF MINUTES ~ Py 3 APPROVE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE & INVESTMENT AND TRANSHER ACTIVITY ~Pay request orM Constetion 2018 Stet Projet inthe amc of S127, S80AL~ Py 5-10 and “Py Nl-31 General $107, 90732 204A GOUEIBond $8944.14 8 14,000.00 20184 Brdwy StBond § 20,415.22 Sewer $41,650.97 2016A Fast StBond $10,568.99 Liquor $43,908.98 2015AGO Ref Bond $8,400.00, Ambulance $6,045.68 2018 StProjeet $136,097.01 RD Steet Sur $41,688.00 TOTAL —_$439,62631 'SCHEDULEDIUNSCHEDULED GUESTS Scheduled 1. Dewayne Hage - Ordinance Violation Discussion Unscheduled DEPARTMENT REPORTS 41, Finance ~2™ quarter finance report ~ 21. Stree Department Sh New Brash ile and Concrete Pe Lacan Diet Work i 4. Mayor-2016 Stet Projet nfrmation 4 Police 5 Gen é AGENDA 1. GM Contacting 2018 Stet Projet Change Order Request ~P 3B 2, Water Treatment lant 10 stem 1 Resolution 19-17 PSG Applian Py 35 Compliance with Laws, Hues nnd Regtlations Dcamnent~5 36 3. PotceDept 2 comptler purchase requests 2 mobil tbls for the squads and 3 micro deskiop ~Py 28 omputers Resa 1-16 Comsideration- Ordinance Viton Poy NO 4, Gren Addin Lot Ue"“EDA recommendation - Py Mt Personnel Tosh Tnt Resign . a from Ambulance Service Page 1 of 2 (OLD BUSINESS (OTHER BUSINESS. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. Other Board wad Commitee Reports ‘Wate Department Jot Comite Report P54 2. Scho formation survey results ar schled e presented tthe sol toad on Monday, Sly 298 530 path igh col svi : 3, PeopleSevice Report and Police Department Report =P 45,3 Py 53 * ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Next council mecting Monday; August , 2019, at 7:00 pam. in City Hall. 2 This ta preliminary agenda ond subject to change. The Council will set «final agenda a the meeting Department Head Report Date: July 22,2019 Fire Department report — Nothing to report. Liquor Store Report —Nothing to report. ‘Finance ~2020 Budget Process has started. Department Heads have information and are assembling their budgets Strect Department ~ Patching and repeiring streets, Mowing and timming. Brush pile burned, spontaneously possible lighining strike. ‘Ambulance Service ~ Nothing to report. Clerk — 90% plans complete meeting held on July 228 at City Hall, $..H. is working on the PSIG. application to be submitted atthe end of July. Rasche will be at Coalition of Greater MN Cities Conference July 24,25, 26. Page 2 of 2 LAKEFIELD CITY COUNCIL. MINUTES ‘July 8, 2019 PROPOSED (CALL THE COUNCIL MEETING TO ORDER at 7:18 p.m. ‘Council Present: Brian Rossow, Nathan Hall, Bruce Bakalyer, Andrea Monson, Brent Pavelko Council Absent: Others Present: Kelly Rasche-Cleck, Lance Frerichs-Street Foreman, Laura DekKok-Media, Chad Janssen, Andrew Konechine Police, Agenda Approval ~ Motion to approve the presented agenda made by Pavelko/Monson, all yes, motion, carted, ‘Minutes Approval yes, motion carried, “Accounts Payable ~ Motion to approve the payments and the investment and transfer activity as presented, in the amount of $651,871.43 made by Hall/Pavelko, all yes, motion carried. 'SCHEDULPD/ONSCHEDULED GUESTS ‘Scheduled Motion fo approve the minutes of June 17, 2019, meetings made by Bakalyar/Hall, all Unscheduled DEPARTMENT REPORTS ~ ‘Street ~ aay comments after spraying community for mosquitos? Some coun yes, fle there was a a9 sea Fotos Rewovenmiamousravenet S0¥B "320 — ean’ ina 70 ‘Bokeas REMOVE CONCRETE ORMENRY Pavan cave eto ato tgs sae 204805 REMOVE BITUMINOUS ORVENAY Paves cay Mo eas _ sso ‘2roksit SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (uber | uner 990, soum tag as 07s agsta SAVE AT PAVEMENT PULL errs uur a9 __ ua 99 nen ayousan “EALUASE SIN eet “9 ae “Zar ssn samo HOSS! EALVAGE AOGREGATERASE Coe ey mo mum mm fh sa ‘ions COMMON ene 2ime Taye ay $200 a Zeer somosaprexewaron(@y” UY aaa ma oad. zm) Ziessa| SelecrawNLARnorrow (Cy CUYD 17st "ATi. ayaa 1ea8 eat Jioseot QeOTEKTUE TARE YPEV Sav Syms ~Ayieqg —Ayisad, a0 0 ‘tenes Tencar rar ceo seve na am ow 8 S00 218850 AGOHEGATESURFACIN, CASS (teem orien) yon map-_auo, agosto 00 atts) ROREGATE BABE CLASS 8 (2) cue 20 ago 7am ganz0__fasaraa a2rerom GifuMNous MATERA FoR TACK can oa. 1050 apo _ses0, gz geno sangot TYPE-G? a6 WEARING COURSE xan yon zs aso _asuse ster _ 210270 ‘zaonsna TPES? 125 NONWERR COURSE xe) TON sas asso aos svsr4_sanrs.g0_ saogson TYPES 28 WEARING COURSE ax (20) THC We ROReesaSctoeWENNYS) 8D 4D om sma gua __ saga asuosat ‘rene, PUC PPE ORAM UNer 49ts0 Tiasuao” Tazo. nad sigan 2eaene SuP PUMP senvice ‘Connon rac} fag sao, sooo." gznsoo__saasnao nun ‘PrvEMPEDRANCLEAN OUT EACH “ag ino” igo. asm “st asaan- Beet nonesewn tes onc. inet oto reas. hon 440 sewer each 30400 a0. 85000 _s7acn00| ssousn2 CONST DRANAGE STRUCTURE Chron enan ryre r7 uNer ae gaa, aman __ 208000 senso CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE Beso apo uNeT mo 42s as eamco__ rs ‘0816 CASTING ASSEMBLY, NEENAK Re Sos cA 20 soo, ano geapas sans ssonsa ADUSTFRAMEARINGCASTING EACH 30 ‘Henoo sear ‘ned ERIERUALMARIOLESEAL (eroray ACH a ‘0000 signa spetena tents Paget == = a eray SST aire | Toure cue | sie nae an Wirt 440 tz samen am _ emo aeicar Pete omen tere notre mAs so in _sg _iag, | eeet__nag "arr con. ‘aap lah 40 ana. saapamo xeon earner ay 8 a — ie eee — sees Soran ae ss ee eee ee SILT FENGE LNT 6350 ‘a0 “a oie BC tivomermoremoy eal GS ee ‘ater "es Cecmmonre otha ae tees sm mone Sooo Bowe ee 4 Sass ecto ae iis eee = hit Qerrstosnoe ee ee a 2S wm oe See Se eee aene 3 ‘emo osentthe Se ne ca Ne oc ce aatant catgut anes ooren seven ean fate cas Rt ae roel ra he mt aug owen. 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THREE ‘Apion fr Payment canted) ‘nig contract Amount Suesu200-67 “otal Areurt Earned 53948301 93 vied Contact Ameunt 368908.00 itera Sutably Stored en Sto, Not Inepevaedini Werk Contac Change OrderNa, One $4,970.00 _Paeent Gomis NA (dude above) Conte Charge Ore No. Two 30H5:18 Parent Complete ‘WA cluded above) Conus Change OrderNo, Thies $3,885.44 Percent Complete NA (rade sbowe) Lass Prous Appian: ‘@R08S AMOUNT DUE sie Ale t, SNEZGON RANG TOT SAT USS SL®RETANAGE — g_aet060 preva: stiottoa2 ‘AMOUNT DUETO DATE 3 Essense AP Na 3: SHRED LESS PREVIOUS APPUCATIONS $4361 98 FP a: $13,04008 AMOUNTDUETHIS APPLICATION $__127, 58041 AP 5: $04 102.02 SONTRAGTORS AFFIDAWIT {Fre uersigne Gena are scree onal fpr tht (1) prevous ores reas ton ho ‘Ghnerenassant of work rf unde th Crtacotred lo above nave ben apa by he erage 0 ‘Snchyge nfl gan of te undersides cena wh werk covered by pet Appbstns fr Payor undor cal eon, 2012 Strat provement Proje, Lael, Mnnesots, red) al mall nd aupnank respon aot Proctor aarvan lng ner cere by Bie Appleton for Payer and eo end cer al im, ‘hime, sey naga ant encinbranoe. Date WE OLD _GM Contracting, Ina. ‘Conve courrvor Bice Banh. ) yy, 2 Stator aa lecsesthe }ss Fa an TT regen eZ doyot_STely 20.29, panty oper Tunis ing ce a sy Tattofsmne ‘Gls aT Gatecor ow meron hs he executed hs above ppl or Paar and Aaa on baal fia Conrectr ard ht a ofthe tater cotaned thon ae ue, Son cme BE Cones Maden that al provous pment onder hs crioath been ape byt osc {aot He cblgstons in eomeding wih th wrk l per Appetiane te Paya. Inaccortanes wih the Conac, the undersanorecamimends approval of payment he Caria fr the Amoun e, ‘Short lot Hendrickson he Les é Ma otk ate aay 17,2018, Accts Payable Vendor 4 Payro 67219 to 70810 2 Pytallocaton Acts Payable 3 Payrol 82/9 0 T0818 44 Pytalecaten Accts Payable ‘5 Payrl S119 to THOM o7i22119 Dept Het ‘Adi Ce ‘ain Cer ‘enn Crk Aan Con rw o7i2219 Liquor Lior 07122119 Amount Check # . 5 5 3 5 8 1685791 1669-1734 (248.78) iniomad (€263 intarat (782.26) ema {62151 intemal (1.50819) oral Total eet 82 1080.54895, 240.79 internat Total 420725 1795-46 Total General Fund Tota 3 16.867.91 Not PR checks $ (249.20) Customer Sane to Liquor $ (€3285) Customer Sein to Ustios 3 (78226) Admin Cleo Utes 5 (521.50) Admin Cleo EDA (1598.13) nance Manager Uitios 8 1273.50 Liquor Fund $2061.62 NatPR Checks $ "249.78 Customer Sonieo rom Amn Clark Ambulance 8 4247.28 Not PR Checks S$ 426725 CITY OF LAKEFIELD conana 1st ae Paget Payments cant Parc ty 2018 Le eer ce oan Boon Nes WEENIE Pameat conputerOoar wnt 8000088 Poste (Root _13t7a¢ Ake susness cla csaren rata (esh Baymont FO4000220 Pepe atoninee HALL see Tarsoon One 792019 Peo Bmkotte wet 1010 Teal 8 ‘ior ae AER PEE ‘car aeet rare ‘ces Paymort F0T4S10-210GenwalSupion MP a Ince 20104688, Cosh Payoh F01-41000210 Gama Siplae HALL sist Cash Pat E40049750210Gemra Simies a sus Irv 201000188 “anastonOs 7010 ued _Benketiw West 0180 toni fers ‘isos Taos Cosh Payer Vice apes POUNCE ss000 iter earar_Dacoran PAPERS. ‘iets Taos (tah Payment E 104-470-210 Gane Supe HALL 520 rah Payment 701440210 Gaera Salas e028 CaanPaymert EYO1-45500 2100s Supe ——UBRARY ssa ‘aneaion Owe ran018 Dueo_Banketine vest 10100 ton ea fate Tras ChrcowrmacrNe Gace Taoi9 ‘Cosh Payee TO-DO Capel Ouay ‘STAVE SEXT-STREET sxayors ‘arssicnDle__182010 bet Bankettie eet 10100 Tesi wares ‘ier tua Tage ou conway ‘Sais anata coat Payment ETO1-<2290550 Yc pene FD 098 Ice 1408 Yotason seats Eyes FO sna wrsiorso vehi tapes STREET sroae semeer won Etorasioomoveticetapeme STREET ser Cahora E1OL-4G100390 Vehce Expense STREET wer Can Paymon! €101-48200.210 Germ! Suns PARK sso. CITY OF LAKEFIELD err ses Payments, ‘Cm Payment 10142260334 Vehe gence FO ‘200 CanvPayomnt 1-42200500 Veh gems FO sas Town OT inn Pst FPLASHOOSEVale genes STREET a Can Payment 1014310020 VOhee pee STREET was Tove 1588 Cah Payment V4S100SN0VEh gerse STREET 04s Cah Pajant © 1L43t00380 Veh goro STREET sexo Cah Payment €YO14S100280Vaeh pens STACET saree Can Payment © 10142260380Veeb gems FD sao Cah Payment Eu2 4000 s80VehRh yous SEWERJETTER. sas Cah Payment YR4st00s80Ve Egons> STREET sss Can Payment 0148200250 Gene Suppo PARK su ‘Tanmten ln 7972019, bd Burkett weet 10100 rout ie Si ansue ebm Sec —— Ca aa DRT {ah Payment 0142200220 Repie&Molenancs PARK sistas ‘Vanstone 7972010 boo aakelme we 1000 ronda ser toe) Laxenexo nme" asaras_aaie {esh Pyment 10145000270 Genel apples PARK sue Refer soit) _Livevane PenrnG COMPA” Ca earzn 7H ean Payment 1141000 U0 Adering HALLVACATE NORTHROGE D* sca eon Payment 1481 0 Aden Poot stan00 CeovPayment © 64570040 Rating ry sane Inve SIOZ ‘iter ai5s"tavnano'S FOOD GRIER Oka err TRIS ‘Cook Payot ETOL4B!242710Genen Sips POOL soi CcaanPayment E0149124210 Geant Suepbos POOL sam Irvin #5711200 CCashPsyment EYOAI00210Ganent Siegen STREET 300 CCoanPaymnt EO141000210 Geren Suppios HALL 196 Ike Soest CITY OF LAKEFIELD cnn9 1891 Ae Pages Payments, ‘currant ard Jay 2010 2 a SOE CohPaymont EVO1AS24210 Gora Suppss POOL 19508 CeahPaynert 10741000210 Gon upton HALL 8 Can Pat 10-4000 Goer Spon HALL a0 ‘ah Pees EY01-4520210 Gena Supls PARK 5098 Ince 108410821 ChuhPoymet E TOVAE0210 Comma Sippke MP soa Ino feteoees Can Payner€10-000210Corera Stes HALL su ass Pema E10-2460.210Conra Sues STREET 00 Cosh Payment ET0145%24210GenealSippis FOOL s557 CoukPaynert ETOr-000210ConelSuphes HALL sa Ime fOsEOIE Ch Pan ECOOASTSOOSSNie Puctanes UG i328 Ive 105400013, Cash Payret E1O1-41000.210ema Sues HALL ss Cash Payrm ETOL49100210GuneaSippes STREET sige ChuhPayman E10¢46124210CGaneat Siptes POOL wae aon Payment E1%-1000.210Conea Soates HALL 798 ‘ah Payment Y01-4100210 Conn Supples HALL soa Inve tsis307 Conk Paynaet ETOTASHCO20 Cone Suples STREET 008 Ino terae0ane Tramacion Die 78RO18 ued _Bankette nest 10100 rod fae tari it Gowns ‘csewsara venta (esh Paent 101-2000 Pease) FD st4mnaa “Teneoton ite ea Smkelteneet 1100 Ten eee are Poa aos manors Cesk Pet 05540000270 Goel Gunioe AM s28 hohe 65548000210 anu Suan AM sizes ok S79 “Taneston De 010 uno _Bankotha est 10100 Toul 80 futur ares ayeox UPN Gwaees TARO Cash Payment T0-15210220 Rese S ashtorance PARE sr ‘macs Oao__787018 ued Bankofte Wet 10100 Tost ae ier? Bacon CORPORATION ‘Osu Daa CITY OF LAKEFIELD commana seta Page Payments rn ‘an Pann EWvazte-4 Fete nn FO car Tara 701 boo soto 10 tsi ar ioe tate Saas waite ae ma — SSipat ciiteosscon ime = “twa Em en ww ConnPaynet E1O845150465Cuage Sonics MP sz Coney Ee4t04 Cute Sonke Ra so Gahan COMOATEO AC Sk 140 Contam E2050 Guta Soe SER tam Cana C108100448 Gates Sco STREET wo cre r0r4820210Genea Sat PARK toss Temes Tne bat Sakettevet 100 roi ae a sono Shep etna HL rae Teme rit noo Sebelnevie_ 10100 tai hPa Est a pte PAT aoe Tomeoiode__ rat Dio kote 100 ros ww Fund Sunray ss BULAN FUND aes bee uci aOR FUND Soest ‘ovcotenat ne sean ‘iao0re wan ios ‘soan ae ‘eauteteGutdiy becenmaar spon Tal S000 08 CITY OF LAKEFIELD onsons eam Payments, Payment CConeuleeOn Art $14.000€0 Pond Sloe__s3474 Hous sovnaves__— cubase zznsa (Can Pepa EA0}-AST00SICSEAL CORTE” CIPSEAL CORT «TH AVE MAN TO Pt s4an0.09 ok 072018 —— Tenectonbaie 727090 eed _Bankothe wes 10100 rest 40005 Fund Summary 401 CAPA wAPROVENENTS ‘1400000 oan Pieter Choas $1400000 (Checatabe Gener he Capt $0.00 Tal 31400000 CITY OF LAKEFIELD orne rien Payments, eS ECTS Becher AGENDAS Payment erp Daa mt $2582588 Pont flat 77s oun vase MEDICAL cueosean mz019 SiehPayaed EWSSAGC0210 Garr apple ANE sri864 Tansee 718209 eo Birkel et 10100 ac fer —erve Caeouense sevice caw asea-Taz0i9 (ach Pare 101-4814220 Reps Msnanes POOL OMMIOND BRITE ssresr Cah Payment 10145124259 ase Puchese POOL SCIRWANS, sr Cash Payment © 104241082 Ponape POLICE ENVELOPS W POSTAGE ssiea0 ‘hen Papen! €101-42280210GenalSupien -FDHEROWAPES 5.0 Inve 28 Coan Payne 10142200210 Cen Siplee FD PARADE CANO 15470 Ine 150 Cm Payment E1018124210GamalSeples POOL FREEZER THERERETER 1940 ClenPaymant E10%46124.210Genra Sites POOL. 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CONTR Fate asit SELECTACOUNT ‘Ger earme anos (tah Payment 104-910-495 Faden ADKINFEE Cash Pomek E10H-4tO0-2S Paka AKER FEE Cosh Payment EYOH-210-26Fackannsatin ADIN FEE Coch Payment 6 11-49100 Due Frem Omer Funds ADIANFEE FROM ELECTING feie’ Tete Reve ‘Sa sore Cash Payment 11 20400 Gest Coa Fess Pale CREDITCARD FEES ie tae Gavan warn ‘a ance ona {aah Payor 624000709 Tatra Geera Fund SEWER ILUEU.OF TAXES teh Payment 6204000708 Tater to Goer Funé UO NLIEVOF TES fis inate “Sumo soRce COOPHEALN Ge ire TAOS Ince Cah Payment © 602170 Haataniatns HEALTHINS Inve 542000 srasnco sro sz sor sata 196 ss 1 Fionn se005s0 ass CITY OF LAKEFIELD ages Payments, arent Parc 2088 aR SEE ERE Trmstion vie 18010 Dankalite est 1010 Tol 977050 foie” 1302 NORTHLAND TRUST SURNCES Wi HOTT TDOESTS Cash Paar 60240460811 Bord nw WE DEST sewce Peart stats Cuan Payment Cedewescocer ral Agesrees WIRE OcOTacvie® Prat 90.00 Inve 0019 Cask Paymenk 2854780 61 Bend est ‘wane oeor sevice Pret scone Iva 2118 GanPaynert 601-9300 81 fer nee we Deo sevice Pra ssonia0 ah Paymant 6024940051 Bo reat We DEST sevice Pra asso Cash Payment Esss4TeOnE2 scl AgumsFees _WIREOEST SEVICE PAT 9.00 love 00119 cash Papen Ee0-40400911 Bonne We pest secs Pram 43036 Inve 00119 tah Pana 60240450614 Bond nest ‘re oewr sevice Peart somes Cosh Paymant 30140000 620 Fea! AgantaFaee WREST EVE PVT 4os00 Chen Payment 637-4820061 Banana wae veer sevice Pra somo aan Payment 601-4901 Bane nrest ‘wie oeor sevice Pratt ssaznes tah Payment 6024048061 Bonds ene ne6r sevice Prat 79899 Ine D112 Coan Paymiot E7-8200-620 Fa Ages Fees WIRE DEBT SHCE PET 65.0 Can Payant 550-4830 611 Bone nat RE Dest sevice Pra seaonca Ines 00818 TRaneton De 700019 unetne West 10100 Tous 88560 feito ERA See Cook Pamir G55 21700 PER PAYROLL 04 ater 0 Serie EAE ‘ceierize mois (teh Pay 60040700485 Pesan UG CNET CARD FES seat Paerk 6009750486 Perntrattanen UO CREDIT CARD FEES 10060 30009 Bankotia Wet 10100, teal a8 CITY OF LAKEFIELD nana tsa Papa Payments Curent Fea uy 2090 2 en ee ES Fund Summary ‘asin $341 6A BOND EAST LED 22 GO REFUND BOND E2015 (2 SEER FUND ‘8 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR FUND Pre ache ‘120058 ‘Choco bo Gone fe Career 80 Tut ‘20085 onpioaHo cooroors wolord oan cy a 1980s svozre ‘ine suogoesues an os tees. ‘Som By I ONDIOaHO coves: ‘uenquy 01 py Yeaet Win OL c=unuwit soe XLYNVE DO 1s03 ‘aswHownd 007 ‘YN GaLINNNYE O=UNLYA Ore EWN ALI ‘ONDIOBHO OL O=UNLYA 4091 wean ‘astound 9,992 >iNvae3t COEUNLWA 4094 YB SSEHNG NVORMEIY wrREIES STERTETO ‘ueg vewoess ences wusus iss aysiswns Sera we sets sescere sexes poser frase one cossess crmyele stent oes ems “Tasso wus cmap seca wens ass writ come oss rant coos Bees wears ene ass srs ae ovsus sus coos owas ese une useres Souesis os ern Sars smn Hoes Sours A. SE casue CHANGE ORDER (yo shots, nnasota ty 9, 2010 2018 SretInprovanent LAKE 142020 74.650 ‘The foowing chang shal be made the contotdocumants asap: "Extend the final completion date from June 28, 2019, o tober 31, 2019. Purpose of Change Ons ‘The malo oftha punch Ist tems remaining are warranty work whl others were recent dicovered, GM Contracting wil be weking on these ltrs nthe near futur, but same ofthe ems such a the tt restraton, may tke some time before the grass acceptable to the iy. GM Carvacing requesting thot 9 ‘change order be wanted extending the completion date to October 34,2019, fais Cost Th Aekal( Elaed NA ‘Atco st sporting domes) we contact Stas Tine cot al Sontat snooze. et org ir 0s Oe, Tee. S51802 ‘Chango this C.0. ——— 29.00 vod Conta eae Recommended for Aoprovat Short tot Nondickson ety Ls gf Kaa — Tero Aad aby Contr Appvd or Over | Resolution 19-17 Point Source Implementation Grant (PSIG) Appli City of Lakefield County of Jackson, Minnesota Resolution authorizing the City of Lakefield to submit a Poin Source Implementstion grant Application to the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority (PPA) and to authorize ity official toe ‘execute grant agreement on behalf ofthe ity of Lakefield forthe Revesse Osmosis at WTP. ioject. Whereas, the Point Source Implementation Program, established in Minnesota Statutes 446.073, ‘as umended provided funds for construction projects; and ‘Whereas, the City of Lakefield is hereby applying to the Minnesota Public Usilities Authority for funds to Be used for the eligible costs for the Reverse Osmosis at WTP project. Now Therefore Be It Resolved: thatthe City of Lakefield has the legl authority to apply forthe grant, and the financial, technical, and managerial capacity to ensure property construction, ‘operation and maintenance ofthe project for its design life Be It Further Resolved, thet upon approval of its application by the PRA, City of Lakefield may enter info an agreement with the PFA. for the above reference project, and the City of Lakefield certifies that it will comply with all appliceble laws and regulation as stated in all contract agreement described inthe Compliance listing ofthe grant application, Now, Therefore Be It Further Resolved, that the Mayor and Administrative Cletk, ot their successors in office, are herby authorized to exeoute such agreements, and amendment thereto, as ‘re necessary (0 implement the above project on behalf ofthe City of Lakefield. ‘Adopted this 22" day of July 2019 Brian Rossow, Mayor Mw B.Bakalyar A.Monson s B.Pavelko Nell B.Rosow Kelly R. Rasche, Administrative Clok I the ubove signed Administrative Clek ofthe City of Lakefield, hereby Cestity that the above resolution is a trve copy ofthe Resolution duly passed and adopted bythe City Council ofthe City of Lakefield Minnesota, on this 22”! day of July 2019, Form 5 ~ Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations Point Source Implementation grantees are requlred-to comply and ensure their contractor(s} comply with certain state laws, rules and regulations including but not limited to those described below which wil be Invoked as a conaltion ofthe grant. 1. Minnesota Statutes, Section 168,31, subdivision 2 requires thatall project funding be in place prior to ‘execution of grant agreement. 2. Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.345 Uniform Municipal Contracting Law. 3. Minnesota Statutes, Section 574.26 to 574.32, the Public Contractors’ Performance and Payment Bond Act, as applicable. 4, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 16C.285, a5 amended, Responsible Contractor Requirements. Solicitation documents must include the specified language for contracts 5. Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 164.695, State Bond Financed Property, 6. Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13, the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. 7. Minnesota Statutes, Section 181.59, discrimination on account of race, creed, or color prohibited in Contracts. Minnesota Statutes, Section 3634.08 prohibits unfair discrimination practices related to employment or unfair employment practice, 8, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 363 Minnesota Human Rights Act. Requires that all public services be ‘operated in such 2 manner that does not discriminate against any person in the access to, admission to, fullutiization of or benefit from such public service. 9. The recipient's Minnesota Pollution Control Agency permit construction schedule submissions. Submissions mayinclude as-built plans and specifications revised operation and maintenance manual ‘ora certification af eompletion, Refer ta the MPCA permit and consteuetion schedule, 410, Minnesota Statutes Section 164.633, subdivision 4, Report on Jobs Created or Retained. LL Minnesota Statutes sections 176.181 - 176.182 - Requires recipients and subcontractors to have worker's compensation insurance coverage, 12. Minnesota Statutes 177.41 - 177,43 Prevalling Wage Rate Law. Requires that contractors pay laborers and mechanies prevailing wages established by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry for public works projects. The Grantee will ensure that the proper state prevaliing wages and required ‘contract conditions are included in bidding documents and in construction contracts. 20206 tan reewvat mem 13, Minnesota Statutes 290.9705, Requires that 8 percent of payments made to out-of-state contractors bbe withheld once cunulative payments made to the contractor for work dane in Minnesota exceed {$50,000 ina calendar year, unless an exemption is granted by the Department of Revenue, 14. Laws of Minnesota 2010 Chapter 361, article 3, section 5(b}. Clean Water Fund sign posting requirement The certifies that it has or will comply with the above requirements war ofdrantes) (signature of Authored official) Date digital signature isnot availabe, prin, sign and return signed form with application) morgan ero ane 2040 A quote for your consideration! Based on your business needs, we put the following quote together to help with your purchase decision, Below is @ detailed summary of the quote we've created to help you with our purchase decision To proceed with this quote, you may respond to this email, order online through your Proiier paije, oF, Ifyou do not have Premier, use this Quote to Order seat Sales Rop Hannah Thoms uote No, 0004070} =488.10 Phone (600) 456-3385, 7250467 9595103 Ema sun. 18,2018 Billing To ACCOUNTS PAYABLE. Erpires by ul 18,2019 JACKSON CO COORDINATOR'S © Deal D ‘e7etd0s Fo 405 4TH ST STE A JACKSON, MN 55143-1508 c Please contact your Dall als representative I you have ary questons or whon youre ready to place sn oer. “Thank you fr shopping wih Del! Rep age from your 5 Regards, Hennah Thoms Shipping Group Shipping To ‘Shipping tod DENNIS FIELOS ‘Standard Delvery ARCKSON CO COORDINATOR'S OFC 4405 47H ST STE 3A, IRCKSON, nt 56143-1588 igor) wa-4n02 Product Unit Price ly Subtotal opttex 3060 FF siete 4 $486.16 2 uniks 41458 Brite 7647 Main Street Fishers Victor NY 14564 “Telephone: 56 (58 Toll Fre a 33) 758-0200 08-0824, 0}-333-0408, "Thank you fr choosing Brite Bill To IS Deparment JACKSON coUNTY 208.41 STREET INCKSON MN 56143 ‘Quote Expiration Date 1jso7019 Part Number FUNTSU Q739 Moc FunFUn28-1681-01 FuFecco202Ke ‘r-Fung-Dock Lun-L-Fu-9738008A uun-r11950-4522 ELE-s096a1 Ship To TackSON COUNTY 405 47 STREET JACKSON HN 56143, Terms Por easweon, Description STYLISTIC Q739,5-836SU / 868, 13.3 FHD, ‘AG, TOUGH PEN 12sce M2 S60, LTE WK, Br FeM2,FHeSu,WiniOPRO- O2,{¥RES Fultsu 3-Year Accidental Damage Protection (ADE) (Neer ADS Pear Extension at andar Intemational Led Warran) ulteu 9738 Protective TPU Cover w/ Rist, Handalrop & Sholaer Stop Sees Atv Dock th sng away mount Shd complete etocsoncs = yr Eula Q738 Active Dock for Swing Away Und Oc Raper fr Fats ststc Q-Series Dock, R/N'OF Bare-ire Input Elegant Hand Pad for Q738 TPU Case NOTE: Part numbers may change at time of order "y cron For any questions, changes orto place your order piace contacts 1° PREY SER yn a J units ay 7 Quote Page tof 2 Date of Quote 77/2019 Quote # 981169 Sales Rep ian K Denon Unit Price Extended 1,741.00 12,487.00 239.00 1,673.00 328.00 896.00 1980.00 7,380.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 . $ 3-00 1946 any oF taKERIELD [RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF LAKEFIELD'S ORDINANCE VIOLATION POLICY WHEREAS, the ordinance enforcement committee has met to discuss the City Of Lakefield’ stance an how to go about enforcing ordinances. WHEREAS, te fllowing policy was formed ity OF Lakeiet’s Ordinance Violation Poley ‘Tw ensure te Cty OF Lketolé runs efetenty and eectwely and for the neath and saety oF a etens the following meassures are taken to resolve ordiance violations within the Cty Of Lakefield Step 4: A member of the Latefed Police Department wil speak with you about the Violation and come up with solutions to abate the violation, and atime fr when the tem shall be completed. A $25.00 Fine shall be waived ‘or the fist occurrence. ‘Step 2: Awrlten notice, sent by certified mall will be sent regarding the violation and a date in which shal be corrected. As $50.00 fine shal be assesed tothe ctzen Step 3: You willbe placed on the city council agenda to appear before the ctycounel to explain why the violation hasnt been raslved, A $100.0 fine shall be assessed tothe ctizen. ‘step 4 Criminal Prosecution in accordance with the Lakefield City Cod, which wil result in further fines, court ‘costs, legal fees and/ora petty misdemeanor or misdemeanor criminal charge "allfines shall be paid tothe City erk’s office within 14 days ora 1.5% Interest fee shall be assessed for each 30, ays thereafter. Any fines unpaid by October 31" willbe assesed to property tax ‘The city Council andor the Chef of Police reserve the right to bypass any ofthese steps f deemed necessary or boy @ majority vote of the ity Counc WHEREAS, tis the recommendation thatthe Cty enact this policy gong forward NOW, THEREFORE, BEIT RESOLVED by the Cty Cound ofthe City of Lakefield, Minnesota: That the Cty des enact the Ordinance Violation Pole. Adopted bythe Lakefield Cty Council his the day of __ 2018, ‘Approved: atest: Brian Rossow, Mayor Kelly .Rasche, Administrative Clerk my, 2 Bakalar A. Monson Sh 8. Pavelko ‘Hall 8. Rossow DA Grein Addition Recommendation ‘Acommitiee ofthe EDA met to discuss the possbity of allowing garage only on select properties. The ‘committee opinion tothe fll EDA board was to forward approval canideratlon tothe coun “The EDA recommendation is to allow garage only on lots with the following conditions: kelly ‘Allowed only on lots 1 the 10in Block of the Gren Addition {Lot cos is $20,000 plus applicable assessments (alot witha residence isset at $10,000 plus assessments) Building must be more than 1,000 square feetin size Property must be landscaped in consideration of curb appeal Outside parking sited Driveway must be ofa hard surface (ether concrete or asphalt) ‘The EDA must review the propery plan for curb appeal and desig, before Ils presented to Planning and Zoning for approval ‘Garage must be placed ina way that a residence may be added at a future time ‘Meno from meeting of Counc Reps and Lakefield Puble Utlties(LPU) Reps July 16,2029 Darrell Nissen, Em Malchow, Andrea Menson, Brent Pavelko “Te group discussed the water plant operations iV decides to contract lnemen employees with [Missouri River Energy. The linemen are the curent operators of the water plant. The discussion included moving the weter department asa par ofthe city operations, contacting operations ofthe ‘water plant o an outside source (PeaploSorvn) and keeping the water department as LPU department with a cy employee becoming the Water specait. The group discussed the status ofthe RO system curenty and how the plant is operated with linemen toy. ‘Many ideas were discussed withthe final thought as follows: Operations ofthe plant continue as 8 PU department wit a firal decision on the staffing for ‘operations decision made after LPU makes the Mlssout River decision, + ity Counc wil make the decisions fr the .0. projet, with input from LPU board as needed, Representative(s) oF PU wil continue to attend council meetings as 0. sytem agenda items ‘Phone ($07 652-5383» Fox (S07) 662-6744 78.19 ‘To: City Couneil Members From: Andeew Kone, Chief of Paice Ref: Departnent head report: 7507182019 Since the last council meting, the police department has responded to $0 calls for serview Thirteen of those are directed patrols atthe North City Park locking the bathrooms and checking the shelter There were a number of trafic stops and 3 citations for stop sign violations inthe last couple weeks, ee eee eee ae ena (ato pte ‘Andrew J. Konechne “Preserve and Promote Community through Partnerships, Education and Enforcement” Lakefield Police Department LPO Monthly CFS Totals crs panting crs Cote: Doers meroomts ——_SSocFSBoworSaNa ALAM: Aare ALRM : Alarm Total: 2 ANIMAL-BITE : Animal Bite Total: 1 ANIMAL-CALL : Animal Call Total: 4 ASSIST-AGENCY : Assist other agency Total: 4 ASSIST-PUB : Public Assist Total: 1 CHILD : Child Abuse Total: 1 Printed on duly 18, 2019 Tet Page tof4 ede :oweeriton CITIZEN COMP : Citizen Complaint Total: 4 SOCrSAONOTIESD —C¥ILOISP:CulDApuD ar 08 mas 908 ssocrsaorsrese1 CM DP CD ML OP: CADE ‘Mt 1 Ce ap ‘ML 1S Ct CIVIL DISP : Civil Dispute Total: § ormons226 oman zea mat 209 ssocesa0rsoeeca ssoorsontoreTs2 ssocrs2nso700 soorszo6mE704 BocreanETH8 ssocesaotcoars ocr senor pecrenpamot ypecTeD PATROL: Pate RECTED PATROL: Pat icon parct vRECTED PATROL: BREETED Pa res DIRECTED PATROL : Directed Patrol Total: 13, Funeral Escore FUNERAL ESCORT : Funeral Escort Total: 4 conta 1256 odo by ZUERCHER 17381 Ave sour, iret eer ‘ecomuanuete st, Cine. tea orrciTy PARK, agri me Nore i Pa, Cer tier oreo Pm, ty orion ra tiene ore cay Pai, tera PAS LAKEFELD Pare, LAKEFIELD PARAS, LAKEFELO gee loereston fan Page 2 of crspatetime rs Cote: Deerpton JUV REL : Juvenile Related Total: 4 MEDICAL : Ambulance Medical Total: 2 tnomezeea ——«OEFEEOYETETIO._OFEN.-OR: Open or OPEN - DR : Open door Total: 4 mu tsss | socrsmomTaN moPEACmepty PROP EXCH : Property Exchange Total: 4 ‘SCAM : Computer or Phone Scam Total: 1 ROmm akonso tert. cary arte STOP SIGN VIOLATION : STOP SIGN VIOLATION Total: 3 cmio191125—sROGFSEMIONO TRAFFIC STOP- Trae sep cmaros4s———_serSEDINTSO TRAFIC STOP Tae sop me 7044 ———_ssoeFSROEOTINS TRAFFIC STOR Tse ‘TRAFFIC STOP : Traffic Stop Total: iiade 672A Page sof4 ‘orsbawirie crs Cote Doerition adios Pinay conver 1208 Pocraiorené WRHKE:Conam erate saREDST onisezean —«SOCFEBOOTARD—_ WELFARE: Conamor Weare 72210 5, tieere omiaiesen ———SSOCFSROWOTITi WELFARE: Comer trweive 492BELNONT St, ier ane a pod WELFARE : Concer for Welfare Total: 3 Total Records: 60 ade by ZUERCHER Page 4oF4 Lakefield Police Department Case LPD19070108 Printed on July 18, 2019 ‘oprove Ineont ‘Akew Konechne None o7gne 1832 omnsna 1532 ANIMAL CALL Animal Call Disposition Closad- Resolved Disposition DateTime 07/18/19 07-28 Review tor Gang Activity None tas Based On Bias Targets aise Circumstances Otfense information Otfense Lakofls- Doge & Cate at age tet Volation Statute 52.028 NIBRS code Counts 4 Include in MRS Yee Completed Yes, Blas Motivation None (no bss) Location Highway Road/AloySvec'Sidowak Enuy Forced No Dispatch information _ corse -sSOCFS2019076067 Location 400 book oS. Grin Si, LAKEFIELD Inoldent Code -ANIMAL-CALL : Animal Cal (ccured Between 07/1879 1532.49 and ‘Assigned 1533249 Enroute 155249 On Soone 159249 Completed 20:31:25, lei Leopold Sry eal DOB 8 .04- salt Dogs & Caste 1 Volton 502 S. Guta st UAKEFIELD, MN S6160 Other Mod by 2USRCHER Lepiao70i08 Page 1 of2 RASCHE, MADISON GRAY Female, 008 7/404 408. Gin Lakai, tN 56350 Menoned: 8.020 Lakai Dogs & Cats at large tst Volaion| Unspeciied ASCHE, MADISON GRAY Female, DOB 7/4/04 408 8, Gita t LAKEFIELD. Mv 89197 Primary Narrative By Andrew Konechne, 07/15/19 16:28 Leopold reported that last Thurs, 7-11-19, she was walking down the mile of th soot inthe 400 block of South Gain when two dogs tom 408 8 Cita St. said bvkng al ho. One dog came al he propery and in te eee Leopold wa ying to back away rom te dog when ae fl down and broke he arr, Leopold was nt bil by Pe og. Leopold stato that female rm the reisones came ou ar aploglzad fr the dogs bohavior, Leopold was nat ‘ong reper the Inet, but has since found out her broken arm wil reque surgery. ‘Supporting Narrative By Andrew Konechne, 07/18/19 07:22 (on 7-162019, tp wth Raaohe about tis nce. Resch etted twas the older gray dog, “Ryle tat ran aor Leopold. Rascho stated has never done that oto. Rasche explained thal onao she Bocame pregnant, Ryle ha ‘otan more petecive, | acvcod Rasche that Ryle willbe concord a potently dangerous dog, andthe consequences of kaoping & dangerous dog should Ryle attack again Fascho stato sho undrstood and they planned on moving t @resldence Inthe county very soon. cleared. ase Forms __ ‘Visim Fo or Leona, Shan Faye Primary Naratve 71/19 by Androw Konoehne ‘Suppoting Naraive 718/10 by Androw Kanone Macle by ZUERCHER (ase LPOI9970108 Page 2012 PeopleServicew- NA wotar 0 westevater Professionals Date: July 98,2018 To: Cl of aketot From: Jason Ressow, Operator Wastewater Operation & Maintenance > Compl the monthly Discharge Report and subnitedohe Mnescta Pon Cont! ‘gency. Collected al the wastowater somes aquired bythe NPDES perme ‘Sampled quartet nirogen samples and soto lab ‘Sprayed woods around the WWTP. Cleaned ot chamber wih he vac tuck rt pump piping was aged up wih rt Heawy rain brought in alto grit and plugged up piping. ‘Ntonded WWTP mosting wih engines. Cleaned wet well nd cleaned titers on alr exchange, Locales se needed, Mow and im as needed. ‘Ordered mercury bots forthe month ef July. Mercury is taken once year nthe month of Jy ete santary seme mains, Sumer jeting program wi be completed the mide of uy. Checked it statons Wise a wook Replaced vant tubing on bot chlorine and sur fee systems ‘leaned water nozzles on rotary drum. Replaced wo nozzes that were bed. Thicken slug and tansferwice a Weck Caltxated invent and eftuent samples > Wastewater flows remain high wih all ine ran events Mertens wero PeopleServicenc. ew wetar 0 Wostonater Profesin Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2019 2018 Total Monthly Precipitation Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2019 ©2018 eomrtet Ortop epeplen PeopleServicew: A eter 8 vistevtor Professionsie [GBD afuent [GBOD Efivent [C800 Emluant Pari Limi [c800 3 Removal [E000 3 Removal Part RI [e800 efiuent Loadn [C800 eluent Loading Permit Limit 5S afuent [TSS efuent [TSS effet Porm Limit [75s % Removal [788 % Removal Pormit Limit [TSS Effluent Ladi [TSS Effluent Loadi Permit Lint Phos intone Phos Enuent hos Effluent Pom Unik [Phos Effivent Loading [Phos effuent Loading Pornit Limit [Fecal Efuene Fecal effluent Pornit Limit laverage Dat Iam Da otal Monthy Precipitation Monthly Total Mme Nee 2 25 Bom, 3 0 5 3 Tow 35%. 3.20) ca 770 020 i O40. 220. 7 ZowriooRT 537,000 263.000 75.956 000 120 mpc 2A

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