Section D 2013
Section D 2013
Section D 2013
• The marks achieved in this section account for 50% of your final exam result
Answer four out of the five questions. Question 1 is compulsory. Answer three out of the
remaining four questions (Questions 2, 3, 4, 5). All questions carry equal marks.
Remember always to explain how you reached your conclusion. Calculators are permitted.
Question 1
(a) A curve F has equation x 2 + y 2=u where u is a positive constant. Sketch the curve in the
positive quadrant of the (x,y)-plane. Make sure you explain your reasoning.
3 2
(b) A curve C has equation x 5 y 5 =u where u is a positive constant.
d2 y
Find an expression for .
d x2
3 2
5 5
(c) In the positive quadrant of the (x,y)-plane, sketch the curve x y =u for some positive
value of u . Make sure you explain your reasoning.
2 2
3 −5 5
x y
5 p
(1) =
2 5 −5
x y
(2) p x + s y = m
(a) A group of students were questioned for an education survey and were found to attend
lectures regularly. When questioned about their exam results at the end of the year,
said they were satisfied with their marks and, of those who were satisfied, regularly
attended lectures during the year.
(ii) did not attend lectures and was not satisfied with the result.
(i) 2 x −2 x−2=48
(iii) e z +6 e−z =7
Question 3
(a) Amrit inherited a large sum of money that he keeps in a savings account. The yearly interest
rate is 5% and he withdraws the interest at the end of each year, just after it is paid. Amrit's
only income is the interest he gets on this money and there is a 40% income tax rate.
(i) If Amrit gets £14,400 in interest (after tax), how much money does he have in his savings
(ii) Assume the government changes its tax policy: instead of taxing the returns to savings,
wealth itself is taxed. Which tax rate would generate the same yearly revenue for the
government, assuming that wealth is taxed immediately after interest payments are
realised? Assuming Amrit continues to withdraw the amount of money every year that
leaves his wealth constant – are there any changes to his income due to the change in the
tax policy?
(b) Sarah wants to buy a car for £28,000 and has made the following plan to finance it: Every
month, she deposits an amount Y into a savings account that has a monthly interest rate of
7%. She intends to choose Y such that she will have the necessary £28,000 in exactly 2
(i) Clearly explain why the monthly deposits will satisfy the following equation:
28,000=Y +Y (1.07)+Y (1.07)2 +...+Y (1.07)23
(iii) If Sarah were to increase the monthly deposits to £700, after how many months would
she have enough money to buy the car?
Question 4
The production of quantity x (for x≥0 ) of a widget generates a revenue given by R( x )= px and
{ }
is associated with the following cost C (x ) : C (x )= 2 −3x+ 6 x >0
0 x=0
(a) For x >0 , find the profit function π( x)=R(x )−C ( x) and the value of x that maximises
profits. Explain your reason for choosing this value carefully.
(c) For p=√ 12−3 , find the value of x that maximises π( x) and give your reason for
choosing this value of x .
Question 5