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Task 3 - Muhamad Faris Afiq Bin Foizi

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In our task 2 assignment for Second Language accusation, we were give a task to

present about a lesson plan. We from group 7 choose the lesson plan for year 5 that focused on

writing skill. As we all know, the lesson plan was divided into several stages which are set

induction, presentation, practice, production and closure. I was assigned to present about the

set induction and presentation part. Honestly, it was quite confusing as we have learnt a lot of

theory regarding language accusation and it sort of jumbled up. So to make things in my head

clear, I reread the theories that we have learnt so that I can master the thing that I am

presenting and deliver it better to the class. According to Greco (2019). Mastering the things

that you are going to present is essential to have an effective presentation. Presenting without

having the knowledge is like scratching the surface of the sea without ever having the ability to

dive deeper and thus failing to obtain the treasure in this case is the knowledge. It is clear that

mastering the thing that we are going to present is a must to be able to deliver meaningful

content to the one that is listening. And I did just that, refreshing my knowledge about the

theories so that I can give a beneficial presentation to my classmate. Our presentation this time

is quite different from what we used to do. Since the government launched the Restricted

Movement Order (RMO) because of the Corona virus that plagued almost the whole world right

now. We were required to record our presentation at our home. When I listened back to the

recording, I found out that my voice in the recording is not quite clear and it sort of affects my

presentation. “In a presentation, having a clear voice is much better than having a loud voice.
But if you have both, it will be perfect” (Keogh, 2013). This method of presenting does affect the

quality of individual’s voice projection and thus affect the presentation. What I did to make things

better is by speaking slower than how I usually speak. I also stay closer to the phone so that the

mic is closer and resulting in better audio. This allows the mind to take time to interpret the input

given. In conclusion, I consider the presentation to be quite successful and hope that it will be

beneficial to my classmates.

(409 words)

Greco, (2019). The Social Value of Reflection. In Thinking About Oneself (pp. 45-57). Springer, Cham.

Keogh, (2013). Reflection: Turning experience into learning. Routledge.

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