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Eds Manufacturing v. Healthcheck

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[G.R. No. 162802. October 9, 2013.]


INC. respondent.



This is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court seeking
the reversal of the Decision 1 dated November 28, 2003 and Resolution 2 dated March 16,
2004 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 69420.
The facts, as found by the CA, are as follows:
The plaintiff Healthcheck Inc. is a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
that provides prepaid health and medical insurance coverage to its clients. To
undergird its program, it maintains a network of accredited hospitals and medical
clinics, one of which is the De La Salle University Medical Center located at
Dasmariñas, Cavite. Being within the access of this medical facility, the
defendant Eds Manufacturing, Inc. with about 5,000 employees at Imus, Cavite
saw t in April 1998 to obtain insurance coverage from it. They entered into a
one-year contract from May 1, 1998 to April 30, 1999 in which HCI was to provide
the 4,191 employees of EMI and their 4,592 dependents as host of medical
services and bene ts. Attached to the Agreement was a Service Program which
listed the services that HCI would provide and the responsibilities that EMI would
undertake in order to avail of the services. Putting the Agreement into effect, EMI
paid the full premium for the coverage in the staggering amount of
P8,826,307.50. IcESaA

Only two months into the program, problems began to loom in the horizon.
On July 17, HCI noti ed EMI that its accreditation with DLSUMC was suspended
and advised it to avail of the services of nearby accredited institutions. A more
detailed communication to subscribers came out days later informing them of the
problems of the HMO industry in the wake of the Asian regional nancial crisis
and proposing interim measures for the unexpired service contracts. In a quickly
convened meeting, EMI and HCI hammered out this handwritten 5-point

"1) Healthcheck to furnish EMI with list of procedural

enhancements by 7/24 (FRI)-hospitals and professional fees payment.

2) Healthcheck to reduce no. of accredited hospitals to improve

monitoring of bills for payment and other problems.

3) EMI to study the possibility of adding 'LIABILITY CLAUSE' to

existing contract; to furnish HC copy for its review.

4) No renewal of contract w/HC should there be another

suspension of services in any hospitals to be chosen (w/regard to item
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#2.) w/in the present contract period.

5) HC decision on APE provided by 7/24 (FRI)."

Although HCI had yet to settle its accounts with it, DLSUMC resumed
services on July 24. In another meeting with EMI on August 3, HCI undertook to
settle all its accounts with DLSUMC in order to maintain its accreditation. Despite
this commitment, HCI failed to preserve its credit standing with DLSUMC
prompting the latter to suspend its accreditation for a second time from August
15 to 20. A third suspension was still to follow on September 9 and remained in
force until the end of the contract period.

Until the di culties between HCI and its client came to a head in
September 1998, complaints from EMI employees and workers were pouring in
that their HMO cards were not being honored by the DLSUMC and other hospitals
and physicians. On September 3, EMI formally noti ed HCI that it was rescinding
their April 1998 Agreement on account of HCI's serious and repeated breach of its
undertaking including but not limited to the unjusti ed non-availability of
services. It demanded a return of premium for the unused period after September
3, giving a ballpark figure of P6 million. DaHISE

What went in the way of the rescission of the contract, the y in the
ointment so to speak, was the failure of EMI to collect all the HMO cards of the
employees and surrender them to HCI as stipulated in the Agreement. HCI had to
tell EMI on October 12, 1998 that its employees were still utilizing the cards even
beyond the pretermination date set by EMI. It asked for the surrender of the cards
so that it could process the pretermination of the contract and nalize the
reconciliation of accounts. Until we have received the IDs, HCI said, we will
consider your account with us ongoing and existing, thus subject for inclusion to
present billing and payment.
Without responding to this reminder, EMI sent HCI two letters in January
1999 demanding for the payment of P5,884,205 as the 2/3 portion of the
premium that remained unutilized after the Agreement was rescinded in the
previous September. The computation was made on the basis of these

- that EMI paid premium of P8,826,307.50

- Healthcheck's accreditation with DLSUMC was suspended on July

17, August 15 and Sept. 9, 1998 by reason of Healthcheck's
unjustified failure to pay its benefits to the hospital.

- That Healthcheck's accreditation with other hospitals and individual

physicians was also suspended on various dates for the same

- That, in effect Healthcheck managed to comply with its obligation

only for the first 4 months of the year-long contract, or 1/3 thereof.

HCI pre-empted EMI's threat of legal action by instituting the present case
before the Regional Trial Court of Pasig. The cause of action it presented was the
unlawful pretermination of the contract and failure of EMI to submit to a joint
reconciliation of accounts and deliver such assets as properly belonged to HCI.
EMI responded with an answer alleging that HCI reneged on its duty to provide
adequate medical coverage after EMI paid the premium in full. Having rescinded
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the contract, it claimed that it was entitled to the unutilized portion of the
premium, and that the accounting required by HCI could not be undertaken until it
submitted the monthly utilization reports mentioned in the Agreement. EMI asked
for the dismissal of the complaint and interposed a counterclaim for damages
and unutilized premium of P5,884,205. SEACTH

In September 2000, after trial, the court ruled in favor of HCI. It found that
EMI's rescission of the Agreement on September 3, 1998 was not done through
court action or by a notarial act and was based on casual or slight breaches of
the contract. Moreover, despite the announced rescission, the employees of EMI
continued to avail of HCI's services until March 1999. The services rendered by
HCI from May 1998 to March 1999 purportedly came to a total of P10,149,821.13.
The court deducted from this gure the premium paid by EMI, leaving a net
payable to HCI of P1,323,513.63, in addition to moral damages and attorney's
fees. EMI's counterclaims, on the other hand, were dismissed for lack of merit. 3

On appeal, the CA reversed the decision of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Pasig
City and ruled that although Healthcheck International, Inc. (HCI) substantially breached
their agreement, it also appears that Eds Manufacturing, Inc. (EMI) did not validly rescind
the contract between them. Thus, the CA dismissed the complaint led by HCI, while at the
same time dismissing the counterclaim filed by EMI.
Undeterred, EMI led a Motion for Partial Reconsideration against said decision.
However, the same was denied in a Resolution dated March 16, 2004.
Hence, EMI filed the present petition raising the following issues for our resolution:







Simply, the issue is whether or not there was a valid rescission of the Agreement
between the parties.
We rule in the negative.

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First, Article 1191 of the Civil Code states:
The power to rescind obligations is implied in reciprocal ones, in case one
of the obligors should not comply with what is incumbent upon him.

The injured party may choose between the ful llment and the rescission of
the obligation, with the payment of damages in either case. He may also seek
rescission, even after he has chosen ful llment, if the latter should become

The court shall decree the rescission claimed, unless there be just
cause authorizing the fixing of a period.

This is understood to be without prejudice to the rights of third persons

who have acquired the thing, in accordance with Articles 1385 and 1388 and the
Mortgage Law. 5 CTDHSE

The general rule is that rescission (more appropriately, resolution ) of a contract

will not be permitted for a slight or casual breach, but only for such substantial and
fundamental violations as would defeat the very object of the parties in making the
agreement. 6
In his concurring opinion in Universal Food Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 7 Justice
J.B.L. Reyes clarifies:
It is probable that the petitioner's confusion arose from the defective
technique of the new Code that terms both instances as "rescission" without
distinction between them; unlike the previous Spanish Code of 1889 that
differentiated between "resolution" for breach of stipulations from "rescission" by
reason of lesion or damage. But the terminological vagueness does not justify
confusing one case with the other, considering the patent difference in causes
and results of either action. 8

Reiterating the aforementioned pronouncement, this Court in Pryce Corporation v.

Philippine Amusement Gaming Corporation 9 held that:
Relevantly, it has been pointed out that resolution was originally used in
Article 1124 of the old Civil Code, and that the term became the basis for
rescission under Article 1191 (and conformably, also Article 1659). 1 0

Thus, the rescission referred to in Article 1191, more appropriately referred to as

resolution , is on the breach of faith by one of the parties which is violative of the
reciprocity between them. 1 1
In the present case, it is apparent that HCI violated its contract with EMI to provide
medical service to its employees in a substantial way. As aptly found by the CA, the various
reports made by the EMI employees from July to August 1998 are living testaments to the
gross denial of services to them at a time when the delivery was crucial to their health and
However, although a ground exists to validly rescind the contract between the
parties, it appears that EMI failed to judicially rescind the same.
In Iringan v. Court of Appeals , 1 2 this Court reiterated the rule that in the absence of
a stipulation, a party cannot unilaterally and extrajudicially rescind a contract. A judicial or
notarial act is necessary before a valid rescission (or resolution ) can take place. Thus —

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Clearly, a judicial or notarial act is necessary before a valid rescission can
take place, whether or not automatic rescission has been stipulated. It is to be
noted that the law uses the phrase "even though" emphasizing that when no
stipulation is found on automatic rescission, the judicial or notarial requirement
still applies.

xxx xxx xxx

But in our view, even if Article 1191 were applicable, petitioner would still
not be entitled to automatic rescission. In Escueta v. Pando , we ruled that under
Article 1124 (now Article 1191) of the Civil Code, the right to resolve reciprocal
obligations, is deemed implied in case one of the obligors shall fail to
comply with what is incumbent upon him. But that right must be
invoked judicially . The same article also provides: "The Court shall decree the
resolution demanded, unless there should be grounds which justify the allowance
of a term for the performance of the obligation."

This requirement has been retained in the third paragraph of Article 1191,
which states that "the court shall decree the rescission claimed, unless there be
just cause authorizing the fixing of a period."

Consequently, even if the right to rescind is made available to the injured

party, the obligation is not ipso facto erased by the failure of the other party to
comply with what is incumbent upon him. The party entitled to rescind
should apply to the court for a decree of rescission . The right cannot be
exercised solely on a party's own judgment that the other committed a breach of
the obligation. The operative act which produces the resolution of the contract is
the decree of the court and not the mere act of the vendor. Since a judicial or
notarial act is required by law for a valid rescission to take place, the letter written
by respondent declaring his intention to rescind did not operate to validly rescind
the contract. 1 3

What is more, it is evident that EMI had not rescinded the contract at all. As
observed by the CA, despite EMI's pronouncement, it failed to surrender the HMO cards of
its employees although this was required by the Agreement, and allowed them to continue
using them beyond the date of the rescission. The in-patient and the out-patient utilization
reports submitted by HCI shows entries as late as March 1999, signifying that EMI
employees were availing of the services until the contract period were almost over. The
continued use by them of their privileges under the contract, with the apparent consent of
EMI, belies any intention to cancel or rescind it, even as they felt that they ought to have
received more than what they got.
WHEREFORE , premises considered, the Decision dated November 28, 2003 and
Resolution dated March 16, 2004 of the Court of Appeals, in CA-G.R. CV No. 69420, are
hereby AFFIRMED.
Velasco, Jr., Abad and Mendoza, JJ., concur.
Leonen, J., see separate concurring opinion.

Separate Opinions
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LEONEN J., concurring:

I agree that Healthcheck International, Inc.'s violation of its contract with Eds
Manufacturing, Inc. is substantial. Its violation is enough ground for Eds Manufacturing,
Inc. to resolve (or rescind) the contract in accordance with Article 1191 of the Civil Code.

Our jurisprudence, however, is replete with rulings clarifying when the resolving party
needs to obtain a judicial decree of resolution.
Indeed, We have held that the right to resolve under Article 1191 of the Civil Code
must be invoked judicially. 1 Even if there is a stipulation in the contract that makes
available to the parties the right to resolve, the resolving party must still apply to the court
for a judicial decree of resolution. 2 The court decree is the operative act that produces the
resolution, not the unilateral act of the resolving party. 3 "It cannot be exercised solely on a
party's own judgment that the other has committed a breach of the obligation." 4
However, We have also held that failure to judicially resolve the contract does not
invalidate the resolution and that the right to resolve need not be invoked judicially. This is
based on Article 1191 which makes the power to resolve an implication of reciprocal
obligations. "This means that the power emanates from the quality of the obligation — not
from a stipulation or judicial decree.
Thus interpreted, a party's failure to comply with what is incumbent upon him or her
triggers the other party's right to consider the contract resolved even without instituting
court action. If the party who failed to comply does not contest the resolution, then the
contract is deemed resolved; the resolution produces legal effects. 5
The courts step into the picture only when the party who allegedly violated the
contract disputes the other party's unilateral resolution. 6 In that case, the court
determines whether there is indeed substantial breach of the contract to justify the party's
unilateral resolution of the contract.
We held in University of the Philippines v. De Los Angeles: 7
In other words, the party who deems the contract violated may
consider it resolved or rescinded, and act accordingly, without
previous court action, but it proceeds at its own risk. For it is only
the nal judgment of the corresponding court that will
conclusively and nally settle whether the action taken was or
was not correct in law. But the law de nitely does not require that
the contracting party who believes itself injured must rst le suit
and wait for a judgment before taking extrajudicial steps to
protect its interest. Otherwise, the party injured by the other's
breach will have to passively sit and watch its damages
accumulate during the pendency of the suit until the nal
judgment of rescission is rendered when the law itself requires
that he should exercise due diligence to minimize its own
damages (Civil Code, Article 2203).

We see no con ict between this ruling and the previous

jurisprudence of this Court invoked by respondent declaring that
judicial action is necessary for the resolution of a reciprocal
obligation, since in every case where the extrajudicial resolution is
contested only the nal award of the court of competent
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jurisdiction can conclusively settle whether the resolution was
proper or not. It is in this sense that judicial action will be
necessary, as without it, the extrajudicial resolution will remain
contestable and subject to judicial invalidation, unless attack
thereon should become barred by acquiescence, estoppel or
prescription. 8

There is, therefore, support in saying that a judicial decree is not necessary to
constitute a valid resolution. It is only necessary when the ground for the resolution is in
dispute. A judgment on the validity of the resolution settles whether the unilateral
resolution is proper.
In other words, while resolution may be valid even without a judicial decree, the other
party may question in court the act of resolution in case of abuse by the resolving party.
The party who unilaterally resolves a contract runs the risk of having his or her action
corrected by the court by declaring it as invalid if he or she abuses or erroneously uses his
or her power to resolve.
The application of power to resolve without judicial action is not limited to contracts
that contain a stipulation to that effect. We have clari ed that ". . . even without express
provision conferring the power of cancellation upon one contracting party, the Supreme
Court of Spain, in construing the effect of Article 1124 of the Spanish Civil Code (of which
Article 1191 of our own Civil Code is practically a reproduction), has repeatedly held that a
resolution of reciprocal or synallagmatic contracts may be made extrajudicially unless
successfully impugned in court." 9 ". . . [A]bsent any provision providing for a right to
rescind, the parties may nevertheless rescind the contract should the other obligor fail to
comply with its obligations." 1 0
The invalidity of Eds Manufacturing, Inc.'s resolution of its contract with Healthcheck
International, Inc. based on its failure to institute a judicial action for resolution is,
therefore, disputable. Nevertheless, Eds Manufacturing, Inc.'s resolution is invalid because
of its employees' continued use of Healthcheck International, Inc.'s services even after the
contract period. This contradicts the alleged intention to resolve the contract.
WHEREFORE , I vote to AFFIRM the Court of Appeals Decision dated November 28,
2003 and Resolution dated March 16, 2004.


1.Penned by Associate Justice Mario L. Guariña III, with Associate Justices Martin S. Villarama,
Jr. and Jose C. Reyes, Jr., concurring; rollo, pp. 30-38.

2.Id. at 50.

3.Id. at 30-34.

4.Id. at 16-17.

5.Emphasis supplied.
6.Viloria v. Continental Airlines, Inc., G.R. No. 188288, January 16, 2012, 663 SCRA 57, 86-87.

7.144 Phil. 1 (1970).

8.Universal Food Corporation v. Court of Appeals, supra, at 22. (Citation omitted)

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9.497 Phil. 490 (2005).

10.Pryce Corporation v. PAGCOR, supra, at 505.

11.F.F. Cruz & Co., Inc. v. HR Construction Corporation , G.R. No. 187521, March 14, 2012, 668
SCRA 302, 327.

12.418 Phil. 286, 294 (2001).

13.Iringan v. Court of Appeals, supra, at 294-295. (Emphasis supplied.)

LEONEN, J., concurring:

1.Rubio de Larena v. Villanueva , 53 Phil. 923 (1928); Iringan v. Court of Appeals , G.R. No.
129107, September 26, 2001, 366 SCRA 41, 47.

2.Id. at 48.


4.Philippine Amusement Enterprises, Inc. v. Natividad, No. L-21876, September 29, 1967, 21
SCRA 284, 289 cited in Tan v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 80479, July 28, 1989, 175 SCRA
656, 662.

5.Adelfa Properties, Inc. v. Court of Appeals , G.R. No. 111238, January 25, 1995, 240 SCRA 565,
588; See also Sps. Eduardo and Agustin v. CA , G.R. No. 84751, June 6, 1990, 186 SCRA
375, 381.

6.Adelfa Properties, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, supra note 5, at 588.

7.G.R. No. L-28602, 146 Phil. 108 (1970).

8.Id. at 115.

9.Id. at 116.

10.Casiño, Jr. v. Court of Appeals , G.R. No. 133803, September 16, 2005, 470 SCRA 57, 67-68
citing Multinational Village Homeowners Association, Inc. v. Ara Security & Surveillance
Agency, Inc., G.R. No. 154852, October 21, 2004, 441 SCRA 126, 135.

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