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Fortran – Overview

FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation) is a third-generation ( 3GL ) programming language that was
designed for use by engineers, mathematicians, and other users and creators of scientific algorithms.
It has a very succinct and spartan syntax. Today, the C language has largely displaced FORTRAN.

One of the oldest programming languages, the FORTRAN was developed by a team of programmers at
IBM led by John Backus, and was first published in 1957. The name FORTRAN is an acronym for
FORmula TRANslation, because it was designed to allow easy translation of math formulas into code.

Often referred to as a scientific language, FORTRAN was the first high-level language, using the first
compiler ever developed. Prior to the development of FORTRAN computer programmers were
required to program in machine/assembly code, which was an extremely difficult and time consuming
task, not to mention the dreadful chore of debugging the code. The objective during it's design was to
create a programming language that would be: simple to learn, suitable for a wide variety of
applications, machine independent, and would allow complex mathematical expressions to be stated
similarly to regular algebraic notation. While still being almost as efficient in execution as assembly
language. Since FORTRAN was so much easier to code, programmers were able to write programs
500% faster than before, while execution efficiency was only reduced by 20%, this allowed them to
focus more on the problem solving aspects of a problem, and less on coding.

FORTRAN was so innovative not only because it was the first high-level language, but also because of
it's compiler, which is credited as giving rise to the branch of computer science now known
as compiler theory. Several years after it's release FORTRAN had developed many
different dialects, (due to special tweaking by programmers trying to make it better suit their personal
needs) making it very difficult to transfer programs from one machine to another.

These problems lead the American Standards Association (now known as the American National

Standards Association) to release it's first Standard for a Programming Languagein 1966. This first
standardized version has come to be known as FORTRAN '66 (aka.. FORTRAN IV).

Despite this standardization, a few years later, various new dialects began to surface again, requiring
the Standards Association review the language again. This version is known as FORTRAN '77. This
version was released in 1978 (it was called '77 because the Association began it's review in 1977),
with several new features. Some of the more notable properties were; new error handling methods,
and mechanisms for managing large-scale programs. The latest version; Fortran '90 (released in 1990,
using the new capitalization scheme) added even more new features, such as support for: recursion,
pointers, and for programmer-defined data types. {Fortran 90's future - Current research in
complier theory involves equipping compilers to generate object code, that is able to exploit the
capabilities of massively parallel computers. Thr Fortran 90 compilers are key targets of such

Significant Language Features

Some of the more significant features of the language are as listed below: 
 Simple to learn - when FORTRAN was design one of the objectives was to write a language
that was easy to learn and understand.
 Machine Independent - allows for easy transportation of a program from one machine to
 More natural ways to express mathematical functions - FORTRAN permits even severely
complex mathematical functions to be expressed similarly to regular algebraic notation.
 Problem orientated language
 Remains close to and exploits the available hardware
 Efficient execution - there is only an approximate 20% decrease in efficiency as compared to
assembly/machine code.
 Ability to control storage allocation -programmers were able to easily control the allocation
of storage (although this is considered to be a dangerous practice today, it was quite important
some time ago due to limited memory.
 More freedom in code layout - unlike assembly/machine language, code does not need to be
laid out in rigidly defined columns, (though it still must remain within the parameters of the
FORTRAN source code form).

Areas of Application
FORTRAN is useful for a wide variety of applications, some of the more outstanding ones are as
 Number crunching - due to the more natural (like it's true algebraic form) way of expressing
complex mathematical functions and it's quick execution time, FORTRAN is easy and efficient
at processing mathematical equations.
 Scientific, mathematical, statistical, and engineering type procedures - due to it's rapid
number-crunching ability FORTRAN is a good choice for these type of applications.
Basically FORTRAN is most useful for applications that are "computational-bound" rather than "I/O

Fortran - Environment Setup

Setting up Fortran in Windows
G95 is the GNU Fortran multi-architechtural compiler, used for setting up Fortran in Windows. The
windows version emulates a unix environment using MingW under windows. The installer takes care
of this and automatically adds g95 to the windows PATH variable.

You can get the stable version of G95 from here :

How to use G95

During installation, g95 is automatically added to your PATH variable if you select the option
“RECOMMENDED”. This means that you can simply open a new Command Prompt window and type
“g95” to bring up the compiler. Find some basic commands below to get you started.

Command Description

g95 –c hello.f90 Compiles hello.f90 to an object file named hello.o

g95 hello.f90 Compiles hello.f90 and links it to produce an

executable a.out

g95 -c h1.f90 h2.f90 h3.f90 Compiles multiple source files. If all goes well, object
files h1.o, h2.o and h3.o are created

g95 -o hello h1.f90 h2.f90 h3.f90 Compiles multiple source files and links them together
to an executable file named 'hello'

Command line options for G95:

-c Compile only, do not run the linker.

-o Specify the name of the output file, either an object file or the executable.
Multiple source and object files can be specified at once. Fortran files are indicated by names ending
in ".f", ".F", ".for", ".FOR", ".f90", ".F90", ".f95", ".F95", ".f03" and ".F03". Multiple source files can be
specified. Object files can be specified as well and will be linked to form an executable file.

Fortran - Basic Syntax

A Fortran program is made of a collection of program units like a main program, modules, and
external subprograms or procedures.

Each program contains one main program and may or may not contain other program units. The
syntax of the main program is as follows:

program program_name     
implicit none     
! type declaration statements     
! executable statements 
end program program_name

A Simple Program in Fortran

Let’s write a program that adds two numbers and prints the result:

program addNumbers                                         
! This simple program adds two numbers    
  implicit none
! Type declarations
  real :: a, b, result
! Executable statements
  a = 12.0
  b = 15.0
  result = a + b
  print *, 'The total is ', result                  
end program addNumbers       
When you compile and execute the above program, it produces the following result:

The total is 27.0000000   
Please note that:

        All
Fortran programs start with the keyword program and end with the keyword end
program, followed by the name of the program.

        The implicit
none statement allows the compiler to check that all your variable types are
declared properly. You must always use implicit none at the start of every program.

        Comments in Fortran are started with the exclamation mark (!), as all characters after this
(except in a character string) are ignored by the compiler.

        The print * command displays data on the screen.

        Indentation of code lines is a good practice for keeping a program readable.

        Fortranallows both uppercase and lowercase letters. Fortran is case-insensitive, except for
string literals.

The basic character set of Fortran contains:

the letters A ... Z and a ... z

the digits 0 ... 9
the underscore (_) character
the special characters = : + blank - * / ( ) [ ] , . $ ' ! " % & ; < > ?
Tokens are made of characters in the basic character set. A token could be a keyword, an identifier, a
constant, a string literal, or a symbol.

Program statements are made of tokens.

An identifier is a name used to identify a variable, procedure, or any other user-defined item. A name
in Fortran must follow the following rules:

        It cannot be longer than 31 characters.

        It must
be composed of alphanumeric characters (all the letters of the alphabet, and the digits
0 to 9) and underscores (_).

        First character of a name must be a letter.

        Names are case-insensitive

Keywords are special words, reserved for the language. These reserved words cannot be used as
identifiers or names.
The following table, lists the Fortran keywords:

The non-I/O keywords

allocatable allocate assign assignment block data

call case character common complex

contains continue cycle data deallocate

default do double precision else else if

elsewhere end block data end do end function end if

end interface end module end program end select end subroutine

end type end where entry equivalence exit

external function go to if implicit

in inout integer intent interface

intrinsic kind len logical module

namelist nullify only operator optional

out parameter pause pointer private

program public real recursive result

return save select case stop subroutine

target then type type() use

Where While      

The I/O related keywords

backspace close endfile format inquire

open print read rewind Write

Fortran - Data Types

Fortran provides five intrinsic data types, however, you can derive your own data types as well. The
five intrinsic types are:

 Integer type
 Real type
 Complex type
 Logical type
 Character type
Integer Type
The integer types can hold only integer values. The following example extracts the largest value that
can be held in a usual four byte integer:

program testingInt
implicit none
  integer :: largeval
  print *, huge(largeval)
end program testingInt
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

Note that the huge() function gives the largest number that can be held by the specific integer data
type. You can also specify the number of bytes using the kind specifier. The following example
demonstrates this:

program testingInt
implicit none
  !two byte integer
  integer(kind=2) :: shortval
  !four byte integer
  integer(kind=4) :: longval
  !eight byte integer
  integer(kind=8) :: verylongval
  !sixteen byte integer
  integer(kind=16) :: veryverylongval
  !default integer
  integer :: defval
  print *, huge(shortval)
  print *, huge(longval)
  print *, huge(verylongval)
  print *, huge(veryverylongval)
  print *, huge(defval)
end program testingInt
When you compile and execute the above program, it produces the following result:


Real Type
It stores the floating point numbers, such as 2.0, 3.1415, -100.876, etc.

Traditionally there are two different real types, the default real type and double precision type.

However, Fortran 90/95 provides more control over the precision of real and integer data types
through thekindspecifier, which we will study in the chapter on Numbers.

The following example shows the use of real data type:

program division  
implicit none 
  ! Define real variables  
  real :: p, q, realRes
  ! Define integer variables 
  integer :: i, j, intRes 
  ! Assigning  values  
  p = 2.0
  q = 3.0   
  i = 2
  j = 3 
  ! floating point division
  realRes = p/q 
  intRes = i/j
  print *, realRes
  print *, intRes
end program division 
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:


Complex Type
This is used for storing complex numbers. A complex number has two parts, the real part and the
imaginary part. Two consecutive numeric storage units store these two parts.

For example, the complex number (3.0, -5.0) is equal to 3.0 – 5.0i

We will discuss Complex types in more detail, in the Numbers chapter.

Logical Type
There are only two logical values: .true. and .false.

Character Type
The character type stores characters and strings. The length of the string can be specified by len
specifier. If no length is specified, it is 1.

For example,

character (len=40) :: name 
name = “Zara Ali”
The expression, name(1:4) would give the substring “Zara”.

Implicit Typing
Older versions of Fortran allowed a feature called implicit typing, i.e., you do not have to declare the
variables before use. If a variable is not declared, then the first letter of its name will determine its

Variable names starting with i, j, k, l, m, or n, are considered to be for integer variable and others are
real variables. However, you must declare all the variables as it is good programming practice. For
that you start your program with the statement:

implicit none
This statement turns off implicit typing.

Fortran – Variables
A variable is nothing but a name given to a storage area that our programs can manipulate. Each
variable should have a specific type, which determines the size and layout of the variable's memory;
the range of values that can be stored within that memory; and the set of operations that can be
applied to the variable.

The name of a variable can be composed of letters, digits, and the underscore character. A name in
Fortran must follow the following rules:
        It cannot be longer than 31 characters.

        It must
be composed of alphanumeric characters (all the letters of the alphabet, and the digits
0 to 9) and underscores (_).

        First character of a name must be a letter.

        Names are case-insensitive.

Based on the basic types explained in previous chapter, following are the variable types:

Type Description

Integer It can hold only integer values.

Real It stores the floating point numbers.

Complex It is used for storing complex numbers.

Logical It stores logical Boolean values.

Character It stores characters or strings.

Variable Declaration
Variables are declared at the beginning of a program (or subprogram) in a type declaration

Syntax for variable declaration is as follows:

type-specifier :: variable_name
For example,

integer :: total          
real :: average
complex :: cx 
logical :: done
character(len=80) :: message ! a string of 80 characters
Later you can assign values to these variables, like,

total = 20000 
average = 1666.67  
done = .true.  
message = “A big Hello from Softecks”
cx = (3.0, 5.0) ! cx = 3.0 + 5.0i
You can also use the intrinsic function cmplx, to assign values to a complex variable:

cx = cmplx (1.0/2.0, -7.0) ! cx = 0.5 – 7.0i
cx = cmplx (x, y) ! cx = x + yi

The following example demonstrates variable declaration, assignment and display on screen:

program variableTesting
implicit none
  ! declaring variables
  integer :: total     
  real :: average
  complex :: cx 
  logical :: done
  character(len=80) :: message ! a string of 80 characters
  !assigning values
  total = 20000 
  average = 1666.67  
  done = .true.  
  message = "A big Hello from Softecks"
  cx = (3.0, 5.0) ! cx = 3.0 + 5.0i
  Print *, total
  Print *, average
  Print *, cx
  Print *, done
  Print *, message
end program variableTesting
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

(3.00000000, 5.00000000 )
A big Hello from Softecks        
Fortran – Constants
The constants refer to the fixed values that the program cannot alter during its execution. These fixed
values are also called literals.

Constants can be of any of the basic data types like an integer constant, a floating constant, a
character constant, a complex constant, or a string literal. There are only two logical
constants : .true. and .false.

The constants are treated just like regular variables, except that their values cannot be modified after
their definition.

Named Constants and Literals

There are two types of constants:

 Literal constants
 Named constants
A literal constant have a value, but no name.

For example, following are the literal constants:

Type Example

Integer constants 0 1 -1 300 123456789

Real constants 0.0 1.0 -1.0 123.456 7.1E+10 -52.715E-30

Complex constants (0.0, 0.0) (-123.456E+30, 987.654E-29)

Logical constants .true. .false.

Character constants "PQR" "a" "123'abc$%#@!"

" a quote "" "

'PQR' 'a' '123"abc$%#@!'

' an apostrophe '' '

A named constant has a value as well as a name.

Named constants should be declared at the beginning of a program or procedure, just like a variable
type declaration, indicating its name and type. Named constants are declared with the parameter
attribute. For example,

real, parameter :: pi = 3.1415927

The following program calculates the displacement due to vertical motion under gravity.

program gravitationalDisp
! this program calculates vertical motion under gravity
implicit none 
  ! gravitational acceleration
  real, parameter :: g = 9.81  
  ! variable declaration
  real :: s ! displacement  
  real :: t ! time 
  real :: u ! initial speed 
  ! assigning values
  t = 5.0  
  u = 50 
  ! displacement  
  s = u * t - g * (t**2) / 2 
  ! output
  print *, "Time = ", t
  print *, 'Displacement = ',s 
end program gravitationalDisp
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

Time = 5.00000000   
Displacement = 127.374992   

Fortran – Operators
An operator is a symbol that tells the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical
manipulations. Fortran provides the following types of operators:

Arithmetic Operators
Relational Operators
Logical Operators
Let us look at all these types of operators one by one.

Arithmetic Operators
Following table shows all the arithmetic operators supported by Fortran. Assume variable A holds 5
and variable B holds 3 then:

Operato Description Example


+ Addition Operator, adds two operands. A + B will give 8

- Subtraction Operator, subtracts second operand from the A - B will give 2


* Multiplication Operator, multiplies both operands. A * B will give 15

/ Division Operator, divides numerator by de-numerator. A / B will give 1

** Exponentiation Operator, raises one operand to the power A ** B will give 125
of the other.

Relational Operators
Following table shows all the relational operators supported by Fortran. Assume variable A holds 10
and variable B holds 20, then:

Operato Equivalen Description Example

r t

== .eq. Checks if the values of two operands are equal or (A == B) is

not, if yes then condition becomes true. not true.

/= .ne. Checks if the values of two operands are equal or (A != B) is

not, if values are not equal then condition becomes true.

>  .gt. Checks if the value of left operand is greater than (A > B) is
the value of right operand, if yes then condition not true.
becomes true.

<  .lt. Checks if the value of left operand is less than the (A < B) is
value of right operand, if yes then condition true.
becomes true.

>= .ge. Checks if the value of left operand is greater than or (A >= B) is
equal to the value of right operand, if yes then not true.
condition becomes true.

<= .le. Checks if the value of left operand is less than or (A <= B) is
equal to the value of right operand, if yes then true.
condition becomes true.

Operators Precedence in Fortran

Operator precedence determines the grouping of terms in an expression. This affects how an
expression is evaluated. Certain operators have higher precedence than others; for example, the
multiplication operator has higher precedence than the addition operator.

For example, x = 7 + 3 * 2; here, x is assigned 13, not 20 because operator * has higher precedence
than +, so it first gets multiplied with 3*2 and then adds into 7.

Here, operators with the highest precedence appear at the top of the table, those with the lowest
appear at the bottom. Within an expression, higher precedence operators will be evaluated first.

Category Operator Associativity

Logical NOT and negative sign .not. (-) Left to right

Exponentiation ** Left to right

Multiplicative */ Left to right

Additive +- Left to right

Relational < <= > >= Left to right

Equality == != Left to right

Logical AND .and. Left to right

Logical OR .or. Left to right

Assignment = Right to left

Fortran – Decisions
Decision making structures require that the programmer specify one or more conditions to be
evaluated or tested by the program, along with a statement or statements to be executed, if the
condition is determined to be true, and optionally, other statements to be executed if the condition is
determined to be false.

Following is the general form of a typical decision making structure found in most of the
programming languages:

Fortran provides the following types of decision making constructs.

Statement Description

If… then construct An if… then… end if statement consists of a logical

expression followed by one or more statements.

If… then...else construct An if… then statement can be followed by an optional else

statement, which executes when the logical expression is

nested if construct You can use one if or else if statement inside

another if or else if statement(s).

select case construct A select case statement allows a variable to be tested for

equality against a list of values.

nested select case construct You can use one select case statement inside
another select case statement(s).

Fortran - if...else if...else Statement

An if statement construct can have one or more optional else-if constructs. When the if condition
fails, the immediately followed else-if is executed. When the else-if also fails, its successor else-
if statement (if any) is executed, and so on.

The optional else is placed at the end and it is executed when none of the above conditions hold true.

 All else statements (else-if and else) are optional.

 else-if can be used one or more times
 else must always be placed at the end of construct and should appear only once.
The syntax of an if...else if...else statement is:

if (logical expression 1) then
  ! block 1  
else if (logical expression 2) then      
  ! block 2  
else if (logical expression 3) then      
  ! block 3 
  ! block 4  
end if [name]

program ifElseIfElseProg
implicit none
  ! local variable declaration
  integer :: a = 100
  ! check the logical condition using if statement
  if( a == 10 ) then
  ! if condition is true then print the following
  print*, "Value of a is 10"
  else if( a == 20 ) then
  ! if else if condition is true
  print*, "Value of a is 20"
  else if( a == 30 ) then
  ! if else if condition is true 
  print*, "Value of a is 30"
  ! if none of the conditions is true
  print*, "None of the values is matching"
  end if
  print*, "exact value of a is ", a
end program ifElseIfElseProg
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

None of the values is matching

exact value of a is 100

Fortran – Loops
There may be a situation, when you need to execute a block of code several number of times. In
general, statements are executed sequentially : The first statement in a function is executed first,
followed by the second, and so on.

Programming languages provide various control structures that allow for more complicated
execution paths.

A loop statement allows us to execute a statement or group of statements multiple times and
following is the general form of a loop statement in most of the programming languages:

Fortran provides the following types of loop constructs to handle looping requirements. Click the
following links to check their detail.

Loop Type Description

do loop This construct enables a statement, or a series of statements, to be carried

out iteratively, while a given condition is true.

do while loop Repeats a statement or group of statements while a given condition is true. It
tests the condition before executing the loop body.

nested loops You can use one or more loop construct inside any other loop construct.

Loop Control Statements

Loop control statements change execution from its normal sequence. When execution leaves a scope,
all automatic objects that were created in that scope are destroyed.

Fortran supports the following control statements. Click the following links to check their detail.

Control Statement Description

exit If the exit statement is executed, the loop is exited, and the execution
of the program continues at the first executable statement after the
end do statement.

cycle If a cycle statement is executed, the program continues at the start of

the next iteration.

stop If you wish execution of your program to stop, you can insert a stop

Fortran – Numbers
Numbers in Fortran are represented by three intrinsic data types:

 Integer type
 Real type
 Complex type
Integer Type
The integer types can hold only integer values. The following example extracts the largest value that
could be hold in a usual four byte integer:

program testingInt
implicit none
  integer :: largeval
  print *, huge(largeval)
end program testingInt
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

Please note that the huge() function gives the largest number that can be held by the specific integer
data type. You can also specify the number of bytes using the kind specifier. The following example
demonstrates this:

program testingInt
implicit none
  !two byte integer
  integer(kind=2) :: shortval
  !four byte integer
  integer(kind=4) :: longval
  !eight byte integer
  integer(kind=8) :: verylongval
  !sixteen byte integer
  integer(kind=16) :: veryverylongval
  !default integer
  integer :: defval
  print *, huge(shortval)
  print *, huge(longval)
  print *, huge(verylongval)
  print *, huge(veryverylongval)
  print *, huge(defval)
end program testingInt
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:


Real Type
It stores the floating point numbers, such as 2.0, 3.1415, -100.876, etc.

Traditionally there were two different real types : the default real type and double precision type.

However, Fortran 90/95 provides more control over the precision of real and integer data types
through the kind specifier, which we will study shortly.

The following example shows the use of real data type:

program division  
implicit none 
  ! Define real variables  
  real :: p, q, realRes
  ! Define integer variables 
  integer :: i, j, intRes 
  ! Assigning  values  
  p = 2.0
  q = 3.0   
  i = 2
  j = 3 
  ! floating point division
  realRes = p/q 
  intRes = i/j
  print *, realRes
  print *, intRes
end program division 
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

Complex Type
This is used for storing complex numbers. A complex number has two parts : the real part and the
imaginary part. Two consecutive numeric storage units store these two parts.

For example, the complex number (3.0, -5.0) is equal to 3.0 – 5.0i

The generic function cmplx() creates a complex number. It produces a result who’s real and
imaginary parts are single precision, irrespective of the type of the input arguments.

program createComplex
implicit none
  integer :: i = 10
  real :: x = 5.17
  print *, cmplx(i, x)
end program createComplex
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

(10.0000000, 5.17000008)
The following program demonstrates complex number arithmetic:

program ComplexArithmatic
implicit none
  complex, parameter :: i = (0, 1)   ! sqrt(-1)  
  complex :: x, y, z
  x = (7, 8);
  y = (5, -7)  
  write(*,*) i * x * y
  z = x + y
  print *, "z = x + y = ", z
  z = x - y
  print *, "z = x - y = ", z
  z = x * y
  print *, "z = x * y = ", z
  z = x / y
  print *, "z = x / y = ", z
end program ComplexArithmatic
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

(9.00000000, 91.0000000)
z = x + y = (12.0000000, 1.00000000)
z = x - y = (2.00000000, 15.0000000)
z = x * y = (91.0000000, -9.00000000)
z = x / y = (-0.283783793, 1.20270276)

The Range, Precision and Size of Numbers

The range on integer numbers, the precision and the size of floating point numbers depends on the
number of bits allocated to the specific data type.

The following table displays the number of bits and range for integers:

Number of bits Maximum value Reason

64 9,223,372,036,854,774,807 (2**63)–1

32 2,147,483,647 (2**31)–1

The following table displays the number of bits, smallest and largest value, and the precision for real

Number of bits Largest value Smallest value Precision

64 0.8E+308 0.5E–308 15–18

32 1.7E+38 0.3E–38 6-9

The following examples demonstrate this:

program rangePrecision
implicit none
real:: x, y, z
x = 1.5e+40
y = 3.73e+40
z = x * y
print *, z
end program rangePrecision
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

x = 1.5e+40
Error : Real cos its kind at (1)
y = 3.73e+40
Error : Real constant overflows its kind at (1)
Now let us use a smaller number:

program rangePrecision
implicit none
real:: x, y, z
x = 1.5e+20
y = 3.73e+20
z = x * y
print *, z
z = x/y
print *, z
end program rangePrecision
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

Now let’s watch underflow:

program rangePrecision
implicit none
real:: x, y, z
x = 1.5e-30
y = 3.73e-60
z = x * y
print *, z
z = x/y
print *, z
end program rangePrecision
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

y = 3.73e-60
Warning : Real constant underflows its kind at (1)
Executing the program....
The Kind Specifier
In scientific programming, one often needs to know the range and precision of data of the hardware
platform on which the work is being done.

The intrinsic function kind() allows you to query the details of the hardware’s data representations
before running a program.

program kindCheck
implicit none
  integer :: i
  real :: r
  complex :: cp
  print *,' Integer ', kind(i)
  print *,' Real ', kind(r)
  print *,' Complex ', kind(cp)
end program kindCheck
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

Integer 4
Real 4
Complex 4
You can also check the kind of all data types:

program checkKind
implicit none
  integer :: i
  real :: r
  character*1 :: c
  logical :: lg
  complex :: cp
  print *,' Integer ', kind(i)
  print *,' Real ', kind(r)
  print *,' Complex ', kind(cp)
  print *,' Character ', kind(c)
  print *,' Logical ', kind(lg)
end program checkKind
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

Integer 4
Real 4
Complex 4
Character 1
Logical 4

Fortran – Characters
The Fortran language can treat characters as single character or contiguous strings.

Characters could be any symbol taken from the basic character set, i.e., from the letters, the decimal
digits, the underscore, and 21 special characters.

A character constant is a fixed valued character string.

The intrinsic data type character stores characters and strings. The length of the string can be
specified by len specifier. If no length is specified, it is 1. You can refer individual characters within a
string referring by position; the left most character is at position 1.

Character Declaration
Declaring a character type data is same as other variables:

type-specifier :: variable_name
For example,

character :: reply, sex
you can assign a value like,

reply = ‘N’
sex = ‘F’
The following example demonstrates declaration and use of character data type:

program hello
implicit none
  character(len=15) :: surname, firstname
  character(len=6) :: title
  title = 'Mr. '
  firstname = 'Rowan '
  surname = 'Atkinson'
  greetings = 'A big hello from Mr. Bean'
  print *, 'Here is ', title, firstname, surname
  print *, greetings
end program hello
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

Here is Mr. Rowan Atkinson      
A big hello from Mr. Bean

Concatenation of Characters
The concatenation operator //, concatenates characters.

The following example demonstrates this:

program hello
implicit none
  character(len=15) :: surname, firstname
  character(len=6) :: title
  character(len=40):: name
  title = 'Mr. '
  firstname = 'Rowan '
  surname = 'Atkinson'
  name = title//firstname//surname
  greetings = 'A big hello from Mr. Bean'
  print *, 'Here is ', name
  print *, greetings
end program hello
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

Here is Mr.Rowan Atkinson      
A big hello from Mr.Bean

Some Character Functions

The following table shows some commonly used character functions along with the description:

Function Description

len(string) It returns the length of a character string

index(string,sustring It finds the location of a substring in another string, returns 0 if not

) found.

achar(int) It converts an integer into a character

iachar(c) It converts a character into an integer

trim(string) It returns the string with the trailing blanks removed.

scan(string, chars) It searches the "string" from left to right (unless back=.true.) for the
first occurrence of any character contained in "chars". It returns an
integer giving the position of that character, or zero if none of the
characters in "chars" have been found.

verify(string, chars) It scans the "string" from left to right (unless back=.true.) for the first
occurrence of any character not contained in "chars". It returns an
integer giving the position of that character, or zero if only the
characters in "chars" have been found

adjustl(string) It left justifies characters contained in the "string"

adjustr(string) It right justifies characters contained in the "string"

len_trim(string) It returns an integer equal to the length of "string" (len(string))

minus the number of trailing blanks

repeat(string,ncopy) It returns a string with length equal to "ncopy" times the length of
"string", and containing "ncopy" concatenated copies of "string"

Example 1
This example shows the use of the index function:

program testingChars
implicit none
  character (80) :: text
  integer :: i
  text = 'The intrinsic data type character stores characters and   strings.'
  if (i /= 0) then
  print *, ' The word character found at position ',i
  print *, ' in text: ', text
  end if
end program testingChars
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

The word character found at position 25

in text : The intrinsic data type character stores characters and strings. 

Example 2
This example demonstrates the use of the trim function:

program hello
implicit none
  character(len=15) :: surname, firstname
  character(len=6) :: title
  title = 'Mr.'
  firstname = 'Rowan'
  surname = 'Atkinson'
  print *, 'Here is', title, firstname, surname
  print *, 'Here is', trim(title),' ',trim(firstname),' ', trim(surname)
end program hello
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

Here is Mr. Rowan Atkinson      
Here is Mr. Rowan Atkinson

Example 3
This example demonstrates the use of achar function

program testingChars
implicit none
  character:: ch
  integer:: i
  do i=65, 90
  ch = achar(i)
  print*, i, ' ', ch
  end do
end program testingChars
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

65  A
66  B
67  C
68  D
69  E
70  F
71  G
72  H
73  I
74  J
75  K
76  L
77  M
78  N
79  O
80  P
81  Q
82  R
83  S
84  T
85  U
86  V
87  W
88  X
89  Y
90  Z

Checking Lexical Order of Characters

The following functions determine the lexical sequence of characters:

Function Description

lle(char, char) Compares whether the first character is lexically less than or equal to the

lge(char, char) Compares whether the first character is lexically greater than or equal to
the second

lgt(char, char) Compares whether the first character is lexically greater than the second

llt(char, char) Compares whether the first character is lexically less than the second

Example 4
The following function demonstrates the use:

program testingChars
implicit none
  character:: a, b, c
  a = 'A'
  b = 'a'
  c = 'B'
  if(lgt(a,b)) then
  print *, 'A is lexically greater than a'
  print *, 'a is lexically greater than A'
  end if
  if(lgt(a,c)) then
  print *, 'A is lexically greater than B'
  print *, 'B is lexically greater than A'
  end if 
  if(llt(a,b)) then
  print *, 'A is lexically less than a'
  end if
  if(llt(a,c)) then
  print *, 'A is lexically less than B'
  end if
end program testingChars
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

a is lexically greater than A

B is lexically greater than A
A is lexically less than a
A is lexically less than B

Fortran – Strings
The Fortran language can treat characters as single character or contiguous strings.

A character string may be only one character in length, or it could even be of zero length. In Fortran,
character constants are given between a pair of double or single quotes.

The intrinsic data type character stores characters and strings. The length of the string can be
specified by len specifier. If no length is specified, it is 1. You can refer individual characters within a
string referring by position; the left most character is at position 1.

String Declaration
Declaring a string is same as other variables:

type-specifier :: variable_name
For example,
Character(len=20) :: firstname, surname
you can assign a value like,

character (len=40) :: name 
name = “Zara Ali”
The following example demonstrates declaration and use of character data type:

program hello
implicit none
  character(len=15) :: surname, firstname
  character(len=6) :: title
  title = 'Mr.'
  firstname = 'Rowan'
  surname = 'Atkinson'
  greetings = 'A big hello from Mr. Beans'
  print *, 'Here is', title, firstname, surname
  print *, greetings
end program hello
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

Here is Mr. Rowan Atkinson      
A big hello from Mr. Bean

String Concatenation
The concatenation operator //, concatenates strings.

The following example demonstrates this:

program hello
implicit none
  character(len=15) :: surname, firstname
  character(len=6) :: title
  character(len=40):: name
  title = 'Mr.'
  firstname = 'Rowan'
  surname = 'Atkinson'
  name = title//firstname//surname
  greetings = 'A big hello from Mr. Beans'
  print *, 'Here is', name
  print *, greetings
end program hello
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

Here is Mr. Rowan Atkinson      
A big hello from Mr. Bean

Extracting Substrings
In Fortran, you can extract a substring from a string by indexing the string, giving the start and the
end index of the substring in a pair of brackets. This is called extent specifier.

The following example shows how to extract the substring ‘world’ from the string ‘hello world’:

program subString
  hello = "Hello World"
  print*, hello(7:11)
end program subString
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:


The following example uses the date_and_time function to give the date and time string. We use
extent specifiers to extract the year, date, month, hour, minutes and second information separately.

program  datetime
  implicit none
  character(len = 8) :: dateinfo ! ccyymmdd
  character(len = 4) :: year, month*2, day*2
  character(len = 10) :: timeinfo ! hhmmss.sss
  character(len = 2)  :: hour, minute, second*6
  call  date_and_time(dateinfo, timeinfo)
!  let’s break dateinfo into year, month and day.
!  dateinfo has a form of ccyymmdd, where cc = century, yy = year
!  mm = month and dd = day
  year  = dateinfo(1:4)
  month = dateinfo(5:6)
  day   = dateinfo(7:8)
  print*, 'Date String:', dateinfo
  print*, 'Year:', year
  print *,'Month:', month
  print *,'Day:', day
!  let’s break timeinfo into hour, minute and second.
!  timeinfo has a form of hhmmss.sss, where h = hour, m = minute
!  and s = second
  hour   = timeinfo(1:2)
  minute = timeinfo(3:4)
  second = timeinfo(5:10)
  print*, 'Time String:', timeinfo
  print*, 'Hour:', hour
  print*, 'Minute:', minute
  print*, 'Second:', second  
end program  datetime
When you compile and execute the above program, it gives the detailed date and time information:

Date String: 20140803
  Year: 2014
  Month: 08
  Day: 03
  Time String: 075835.466
  Hour: 07
  Minute: 58
                   Second: 35.466

Trimming Strings
The trim function takes a string, and returns the input string after removing all trailing blanks.

program trimString
implicit none
  character (len=*), parameter :: fname="Susanne", sname="Rizwan"
  character (len=20) :: fullname
  fullname=fname//" "//sname !concatenating the strings
  print*,fullname,", the beautiful dancer from the east!"
  print*,trim(fullname),", the beautiful dancer from the east!"
end program trimString
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

Susanne Rizwan      , the beautiful dancer from the east!

Susanne Rizwan, the beautiful dancer from the east!

Left and Right Adjustment of Strings

The function adjustl takes a string and returns it by removing the leading blanks and appending
them as trailing blanks.

The function adjustr takes a string and returns it by removing the trailing blanks and appending
them as leading blanks.

program hello
implicit none
  character(len=15) :: surname, firstname
  character(len=6) :: title
  character(len=40):: name
  character(len=25):: greetings
  title = 'Mr. '
  firstname = 'Rowan'
  surname = 'Atkinson'
  greetings = 'A big hello from Mr. Beans'
  name = adjustl(title)//adjustl(firstname)//adjustl(surname)
  print *, 'Here is', name
  print *, greetings
  name = adjustr(title)//adjustr(firstname)//adjustr(surname)
  print *, 'Here is', name
  print *, greetings
  name = trim(title)//trim(firstname)//trim(surname)
  print *, 'Here is', name
  print *, greetings
end program hello
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:
Here is Mr. Rowan  Atkinson          
A big hello from Mr. Bean
Here is Mr. Rowan Atkinson   
A big hello from Mr. Bean
Here is Mr.RowanAtkinson                       
A big hello from Mr. Bean

Searching for a Substring in a String

The index function takes two strings and checks if the second string is a substring of the first string. If
the second argument is a substring of the first argument, then it returns an integer which is the
starting index of the second string in the first string, else it returns zero.

program hello
implicit none
  character(len=30) :: myString
  character(len=10) :: testString
  myString = 'This is a test'
  testString = 'test'
  if(index(myString, testString) == 0)then
  print *, 'test is not found'
  print *, 'test is found at index: ', index(myString, testString)
  end if
end program hello
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

test is found at index: 11

Fortran – Arrays
Arrays can store a fixed-size sequential collection of elements of the same type. An array is used to
store a collection of data, but it is often more useful to think of an array as a collection of variables of
the same type.

All arrays consist of contiguous memory locations. The lowest address corresponds to the first
element and the highest address to the last element.
Numbers(1) Numbers(2) Numbers(3) Numbers(4)  

Arrays can be one- dimensional (like vectors), two-dimensional (like matrices) and Fortran allows
you to create up to 7-dimensional arrays.

Declaring Arrays
Arrays are declared with the dimension attribute.

For example, to declare a one-dimensional array named number, of real numbers containing 5
elements, you write,

real, dimension(5) :: numbers
The individual elements of arrays are referenced by specifying their subscripts. The first element of
an array has a subscript of one. The array numbers contains five real variables –numbers(1),
numbers(2), numbers(3), numbers(4), and numbers(5).

To create a 5 x 5 two-dimensional array of integers named matrix, you write:

integer, dimension (5,5) :: matrix 
You can also declare an array with some explicit lower bound, for example:

real, dimension(2:6) :: numbers
integer, dimension (-3:2,0:4) :: matrix 

Assigning Values
You can either assign values to individual members, like,

numbers(1) = 2.0
or, you can use a loop,

do i=1,5
  numbers(i) = i * 2.0
end do
One dimensional array elements can be directly assigned values using a short hand symbol, called
array constructor, like,

numbers = (/1.5, 3.2,4.5,0.9,7.2 /)
please note that there are no spaces allowed between the brackets ‘( ‘and the back slash ‘/’

The following example demonstrates the concepts discussed above.

program arrayProg
  real :: numbers(5) !one dimensional integer array
  integer :: matrix(3,3), i , j !two dimensional real array
  !assigning some values to the array numbers
  do i=1,5
  numbers(i) = i * 2.0
  end do
  !display the values
  do i = 1, 5
  Print *, numbers(i)
  end do
  !assigning some values to the array matrix
  do i=1,3
  do j = 1, 3
  matrix(i, j) = i+j
  end do
  end do
  !display the values
  do i=1,3
  do j = 1, 3
  Print *, matrix(i,j)
  end do
  end do
  !short hand assignment
  numbers = (/1.5, 3.2,4.5,0.9,7.2 /)
  !display the values
  do i = 1, 5
  Print *, numbers(i)
  end do
end program arrayProg
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:


Some Array Related Terms

The following table gives some array related terms:

Term Meaning

Rank It is the number of dimensions an array has. For example, for the array named
matrix, rank is 2, and for the array named numbers, rank is 1.

Exten It is the number of elements along a dimension. For example, the array numbers has
t extent 5 and the array named matrix has extent 3 in both dimensions.

Shape The shape of an array is a one-dimensional integer array, containing the number of
elements (the extent) in each dimension. For example, for the array matrix, shape is
(3, 3) and the array numbers it is (5).

Size It is the number of elements an array contains. For the array matrix, it is 9, and for
the array numbers, it is 5.

Passing Arrays to Procedures

You can pass an array to a procedure as an argument. The following example demonstrates the

program arrayToProcedure     
implicit none     
  integer, dimension (5) :: myArray 
  integer :: i
  call fillArray (myArray)     
  call printArray(myArray)
end program arrayToProcedure
subroutine fillArray (a)     
implicit none     
  integer, dimension (5), intent (out) :: a     
  ! local variables    
  integer :: i    
  do i = 1, 5        
  a(i) = i     
  end do 
end subroutine fillArray
subroutine printArray(a)
  integer, dimension (5) :: a 
  do i = 1, 5
  Print *, a(i)
  end do
end subroutine printArray
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

In the above example, the subroutine fillArray and printArray can only be called with arrays with
dimension 5. However, to write subroutines that can be used for arrays of any size, you can rewrite it
using the following technique:

program arrayToProcedure     
implicit  none     
  integer, dimension (10) :: myArray 
  integer :: i
  subroutine fillArray (a)
  integer, dimension(:), intent (out) :: a
  integer :: i        
  end subroutine fillArray     
  subroutine printArray (a)
  integer, dimension(:) :: a
  integer :: i        
  end subroutine printArray  
  end interface
  call fillArray (myArray)     
  call printArray(myArray)
end program arrayToProcedure
subroutine fillArray (a)     
implicit none     
  integer,dimension (:), intent (out) :: a     
  ! local variables    
  integer :: i, arraySize 
  arraySize = size(a)
  do i = 1, arraySize        
  a(i) = i     
  end do 
end subroutine fillArray
subroutine printArray(a)
implicit none
  integer,dimension (:) :: a 
  integer::i, arraySize
  arraySize = size(a)
  do i = 1, arraySize
  Print *, a(i)
  end do
end subroutine printArray
Please note that the program is using the size function to get the size of the array.

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:


Array Sections
So far we have referred to the whole array, Fortran provides an easy way to refer several elements,
or a section of an array, using a single statement.

To access an array section, you need to provide the lower and the upper bound of the section, as well
as a stride (increment), for all the dimensions. This notation is called a subscript triplet:

array ([lower]:[upper][:stride], ...)
When no lower and upper bounds are mentioned, it defaults to the extents you declared, and stride
value defaults to 1.

The following example demonstrates the concept:

program arraySubsection
  real, dimension(10) :: a, b
  integer:: i, asize, bsize
  a(1:7) = 5.0 ! a(1) to a(7) assigned 5.0
  a(8:) = 0.0  ! rest are 0.0
  b(2:10:2) = 3.9
  b(1:9:2) = 2.5
  asize = size(a)
  bsize = size(b)
  do i = 1, asize
  Print *, a(i)
  end do
  do i = 1, bsize
  Print *, b(i)
  end do
end program arraySubsection
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:


Array Intrinsic Functions

Fortran 90/95 provides several intrinsic procedures. They can be divided into 7 categories.

        Vector and matrix multiplication

        Reduction

        Inquiry

        Construction

        Reshape

        Manipulation

        Location

Fortran - Dynamic Arrays

A dynamic array is an array, the size of which is not known at compile time, but will be known at
execution time.

Dynamic arrays are declared with the attribute allocatable.

For example,

real, dimension (:,:), allocatable :: darray   
The rank of the array, i.e., the dimensions has to be mentioned however, to allocate memory to such
an array, you use the allocate function.

allocate ( darray(s1,s2) )     
After the array is used, in the program, the memory created should be freed using
the deallocate function

deallocate (darray) 

The following example demonstrates the concepts discussed above.

program dynamic_array
implicit none
  !rank is 2, but size not known  
  real, dimension (:,:), allocatable :: darray   
  integer :: s1, s2    
  integer :: i, j    
  print*, "Enter the size of the array:"    
  read*, s1, s2     
  ! allocate memory     
  allocate ( darray(s1,s2) )     
  do i = 1, s1          
  do j = 1, s2               
  darray(i,j) = i*j              
  print*, "darray(",i,",",j,") = ", darray(i,j)          
  end do     
  end do     
  deallocate (darray) 
end program dynamic_array
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

Enter the size of the array: 3,4

darray( 1 , 1 ) = 1.00000000   
darray( 1 , 2 ) = 2.00000000   
darray( 1 , 3 ) = 3.00000000   
darray( 1 , 4 ) = 4.00000000   
darray( 2 , 1 ) = 2.00000000   
darray( 2 , 2 ) = 4.00000000   
darray( 2 , 3 ) = 6.00000000   
darray( 2 , 4 ) = 8.00000000   
darray( 3 , 1 ) = 3.00000000   
darray( 3 , 2 ) = 6.00000000   
darray( 3 , 3 ) = 9.00000000   
darray( 3 , 4 ) = 12.0000000  

Use of Data Statement

The data statement can be used for initialising more than one array, or for array section initialisation.

The syntax of data statement is:

data variable / list / ...

The following example demonstrates the concept:

program dataStatement
implicit none
  integer :: a(5), b(3,3), c(10),i, j
  data a /7,8,9,10,11/
  data b(1,:) /1,1,1/
  data b(2,:)/2,2,2/
  data b(3,:)/3,3,3/
  data (c(i),i=1,10,2) /4,5,6,7,8/
  data (c(i),i=2,10,2)/5*2/
  Print *, 'The A array:'
  do j = 1, 5               
  print*, a(j)          
  end do
  Print *, 'The B array:'
  do i = lbound(b,1), ubound(b,1)
  write(*,*) (b(i,j), j = lbound(b,2), ubound(b,2))
  end do
  Print *, 'The C array:'
  do j = 1, 10               
  print*, c(j)          
  end do     
end program dataStatement
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

The A array:
The B array:
          1           1           1
          2           2           2
          3           3           3
The C array:

Use of Where Statement

The where statement allows you to use some elements of an array in an expression, depending on
the outcome of some logical condition. It allows the execution of the expression, on an element, if the
given condition is true.

The following example demonstrates the concept:

program whereStatement
implicit none
  integer :: a(3,5), i , j
  do i = 1,3
  do j = 1, 5               
  a(i,j) = j-i         
  end do
  end do
  Print *, 'The A array:'
  do i = lbound(a,1), ubound(a,1)
  write(*,*) (a(i,j), j = lbound(a,2), ubound(a,2))
  end do
  where( a<0 )
  a = 1
  a = 5
  end where
  Print *, 'The A array:'
  do i = lbound(a,1), ubound(a,1)
  write(*,*) (a(i,j), j = lbound(a,2), ubound(a,2))
  end do  
end program whereStatement
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

The A array:
          0           1           2           3           4
         -1           0           1           2           3
         -2          -1           0           1           2
The A array:
          5           5           5           5           5
          1           5           5           5           5
          1           1           5           5           5

Fortran - Derived Data Types

Fortran allows you to define derived data types. A derived data type is also called a structure, and it
can consist of data objects of different types.

Derived data types are used to represent a record. E.g. you want to keep track of your books in a
library, you might want to track the following attributes about each book:

 Title
 Author
 Subject
 Book ID
Defining a Derived data type
To define a derived data type, the type and end type statements are used. . The type statement
defines a new data type, with more than one member for your program. The format of the type
statement is this:

type type_name     
end type
Here is the way you would declare the Book structure:

type Books
  character(len=50) :: title
  character(len=50) :: author
  character(len=150) :: subject
  integer :: book_id
end type Books

Accessing Structure Members

An object of a derived data type is called a structure

A structure of type Books can be created in a type declaration statement like:

type(Books) :: book1
The components of the structure can be accessed using the component selector character (%):

book1%title = "C Programming"
book1%author = "Nuha Ali"
book1%subject = "C Programming practice"
book1%book_id = 123456
Note that there are no spaces before and after the % symbol.

The following program illustrates the above concepts:

program deriveDataType
  !type declaration
  type Books
  character(len=50) :: title
  character(len=50) :: author
  character(len=150) :: subject
  integer :: book_id
  end type Books
  !declaring type variables
  type(Books) :: book1
  type(Books) :: book2
  !accessing the components of the structure
  book1%title = "C Programming"
  book1%author = "Nuha Ali"
  book1%subject = "C Programming practice"
  book1%book_id = 123456
  book2%title = "Telecom Billing"
  book2%author = "Zara Ali"
  book2%subject = "Telecom Billing practice"
  book2%book_id = 654321
  !display book info
  Print *, book1%title
  Print *, book1%author
  Print *, book1%subject
  Print *, book1%book_id 
  Print *, book2%title
  Print *, book2%author
  Print *, book2%subject
  Print *, book2%book_id 
end program deriveDataType
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

  C Programming                                    
 Nuha Ali                                         
  C Programming       practice                                                                                                                               
 Telecom Billing                                  
 Zara Ali                                         
 Telecom Billing practice                                                                                                                             
Array of Structures
You can also create arrays of a derived type:

type(Books), dimension(2) :: list
Individual elements of the array could be accessed as:

list(1)%title = "C Programming"
list(1)%author = "Nuha Ali"
list(1)%subject = "C Programming practice"
list(1)%book_id = 123456
The following program illustrates the concept:

program deriveDataType
  !type declaration
  type Books
  character(len=50) :: title
  character(len=50) :: author
  character(len=150) :: subject
  integer :: book_id
  end type Books
  !declaring array of books
  type(Books), dimension(2) :: list
  !accessing the components of the structure
  list(1)%title = "C Programming"
  list(1)%author = "Nuha Ali"
  list(1)%subject = "C Programming practice"
  list(1)%book_id = 123456
  list(2)%title = "Telecom Billing"
  list(2)%author = "Zara Ali"
  list(2)%subject = "Telecom Billing practice"
  list(2)%book_id = 654321
  !display book info
  Print *, list(1)%title
  Print *, list(1)%author
  Print *, list(1)%subject
  Print *, list(1)%book_id 
  Print *, list(1)%title
  Print *, list(2)%author
  Print *, list(2)%subject
  Print *, list(2)%book_id 
end program deriveDataType
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

C Programming                                    
  Nuha Ali                                         
C Programming practice                                                                                                                         
C Programming                                    
  Zara Ali                                         
  Telecom Billing practice                                                                                                                             

Fortran – Pointers
In most programming languages, a pointer variable stores the memory address of an object.
However, in Fortran, a pointer is a data object that has more functionalities than just storing the
memory address. It contains more information about a particular object, like type, rank, extents, and
memory address.

A pointer is associated with a target by allocation or pointer assignment.

Declaring a Pointer Variable

A pointer variable is declared with the pointer attribute.

The following examples shows declaration of pointer variables:

integer, pointer :: p1 ! pointer to integer 
real, pointer, dimension (:) :: pra ! pointer to 1-dim real array 
real, pointer, dimension (:,:) :: pra2 ! pointer to 2-dim real array
A pointer can point to:

 an area of dynamically allocated memory

 a data object of the same type as the pointer, with the target attribute
Allocating Space for a Pointer
The allocate statement allows you to allocate space for a pointer object. For example:
program pointerExample
implicit none
  integer, pointer :: p1
  p1 = 1
  Print *, p1
  p1 = p1 + 4
  Print *, p1
end program pointerExample
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

You should empty the allocated storage space by the deallocate statement when it is no longer
required and avoid accumulation of unused and unusable memory space.

Targets and Association

A target is another normal variable, with space set aside for it. A target variable must be declared
with the target attribute.

You associate a pointer variable with a target variable using the association operator (=>).

Let us rewrite the previous example, to demonstrate the concept:

program pointerExample
implicit none
  integer, pointer :: p1
  integer, target :: t1
  p1 = 1
  Print *, p1
  Print *, t1
  p1 = p1 + 4
  Print *, p1
  Print *, t1
  t1 = 8
  Print *, p1
  Print *, t1
end program pointerExample
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

A pointer can be:

 Undefined
 Associated
 Disassociated
In the above program, we have associated the pointer p1, with the target t1, using the => operator.
The function associated, tests a pointer’s association status.

The nullify statement disassociates a pointer from a target.

Nullify does not empty the targets as there could be more than one pointer pointing to the same
target. However, emptying the pointer implies nullification also.

Example 1
The following example demonstrates the concepts:

program pointerExample
implicit none
  integer, pointer :: p1
  integer, target :: t1
  integer, target :: t2
  p1 = 1
  Print *, p1
  Print *, t1
  p1 = p1 + 4
  Print *, p1
  Print *, t1
  t1 = 8
  Print *, p1
  Print *, t1
  Print *, t1
  Print *, associated(p1)
  Print*, associated(p1, t1)
  Print*, associated(p1, t2)
  !what is the value of p1 at present
  Print *, p1
  Print *, t2
  p1 = 10
  Print *, p1
  Print *, t2
end program pointerExample
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

Please note that each time you run the code, the memory addresses will be different.

Example 2
program pointerExample
implicit none
  integer, pointer :: a, b
  integer, target :: t
  integer :: n
  t= 1
  t = 2
  b => t
  n = a + b
  Print *, a, b, t, n
end program pointerExample
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

2  2  2  4

Fortran - Basic Input Output

We have so far seen that we can read data from keyboard using the read * statement, and display
output to the screen using the print* statement, respectively. This form of input-output is free
format I/O, and it is called list-directed input-output.

The free format simple I/O has the form:

read(*,*) item1, item2, item3...
print *, item1, item2, item3
write(*,*) item1, item2, item3...
However the formatted I/O gives you more flexibility over data transfer.

Formatted Input Output

Formatted input output has the syntax as follows:

read fmt, variable_list
print fmt, variable_list
write fmt, variable_list

        fmt is the format specification

        variable-list is a list of the variables to be read from keyboard or written on screen

Format specification defines the way in which formatted data is displayed. It consists of a string,
containing a list of edit descriptors in parentheses.

An edit descriptor specifies the exact format, for example, width, digits after decimal point etc., in
which characters and numbers are displayed.

For example:

Print "(f6.3)", pi
The following table describes the descriptors:

Descripto Description Example


I This is used for integer output. This takes the form print "(3i5)", i, j, k
‘rIw.m’ where the meanings of r, w and m are
given in the table below. Integer values are right
justified in their fields. If the field width is not
large enough to accommodate an integer then the
field is filled with asterisks.

F This is used for real number output. This takes the print "(f12.3)",pi
form ‘rFw.d’ where the meanings of r, w and d are
given in the table below. Real values are right
justified in their fields. If the field width is not
large enough to accommodate the real number
then the field is filled with asterisks.

E This is used for real output in exponential print "(e10.3)",123456.0

notation. The ‘E’ descriptor statement takes the gives ‘0.123e+06’
form ‘rEw.d’ where the meanings of r, w and d are
given in the table below. Real values are right
justified in their fields. If the field width is not
large enough to accommodate the real number
then the field is filled with asterisks.

Please note that, to print out a real number with

three decimal places a field width of at least ten is
needed. One for the sign of the mantissa, two for
the zero, four for the mantissa and two for the
exponent itself. In general, w ≥ d + 7.

ES This is used for real output (scientific notation). print "(es10.3)",123456.0

This takes the form ‘rESw.d’ where the meanings gives ‘1.235e+05’
of r, w and d are given in the table below. The ‘E’
descriptor described above differs slightly from
the traditional well known ‘scientific notation’.
Scientific notation has the mantissa in the range
1.0 to 10.0 unlike the E descriptor which has the
mantissa in the range 0.1 to 1.0. Real values are
right justified in their fields. If the field width is not
large enough to accommodate the real number
then the field is filled with asterisks. Here also, the
width field must satisfy the expression w ≥ d + 7

A This is used for character output. This takes the print "(a10)", str
form ‘rAw’ where the meanings of r and w are
given in the table below. Character types are right
justified in their fields. If the field width is not
large enough to accommodate the character string
then the field is filled with the first ‘w’ characters
of the string.

X This is used for space output. This takes the form print "(5x, a10)", str
‘nX’ where ‘n’ is the number of desired spaces.

/ Slash descriptor – used to insert blank lines. This print "(/,5x, a10)", str
takes the form ‘/’ and forces the next data output
to be on a new line.
Following symbols are used with the format descriptors:

Symbol Description
c Column number

d Number of digits to right of the decimal place for real input or output

m Minimum number of digits to be displayed

n Number of spaces to skip

r Repeat count – the number of times to use a descriptor or group of descriptors

w Field width – the number of characters to use for the input or output

Example 1
program printPi
  pi = 3.141592653589793238
  Print "(f6.3)", pi
  Print "(f10.7)", pi
  Print "(f20.15)", pi
  Print "(e16.4)", pi/100
end program printPi
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:


Example 2
program printName
implicit none
character (len=15) :: first_name
  print *,' Enter your first name.'
  print *,' Up to 20 characters, please'
  read *,first_name
  print "(1x,a)",first_name
end program printName
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result: (assume the user
enters the name Zara)

Enter your first name.

  Up to 20 characters, please

Example 3
program formattedPrint
implicit none
real :: c = 1.2786456e-9, d = 0.1234567e3
integer :: n = 300789, k = 45, i = 2
character (len=15) :: str="Tutorials Point"
print "(i6)", k
print "(i6.3)", k
print "(3i10)", n, k, i
print "(i10,i3,i5)", n, k, i
print "(a15)",str
print "(f12.3)", d
print "(e12.4)", c
print '(/,3x,"n = ",i6, 3x, "d = ",f7.4)', n, d
end program formattedPrint
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

300789 45  2
300789 45  2
Tutorials Point
n = 300789 d = *******

The Format Statement

The format statement allows you to mix and match character, integer and real output in one
statement. The following example demonstrates this:

program productDetails
implicit none
  character (len=15) :: name
  integer :: id
  real :: weight
  name = 'Ardupilot'
  id = 1
  weight = 0.08
  print *,' The product details are'
  print 100
  100 format (7x,'Name:', 7x, 'Id:', 1x, 'Weight:')
  print 200, name, id, weight
  200 format(1x, a, 2x, i3, 2x, f5.2)
end program productDetails
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

The product details are

Name:       Id:    Weight:
Ardupilot   1       0.08

Fortran - File Input Output

Fortran allows you to read data from, and write data into files.

In the last chapter, you have seen how to read data from, and write data to the terminal. In this
chapter you will study file input and output functionalities provided by Fortran.

You can read and write to one or more files. The OPEN, WRITE, READ and CLOSE statements allow
you to achieve this.

Opening and Closing Files

Before using a file you must open the file. The open command is used to open files for reading or
writing. The simplest form of the command is:

open (unit = number, file = "name").
However, the open statement may have a general form:

open (list-of-specifiers)
The following table describes the most commonly used specifiers:

Specifier Description

[UNIT=] u The unit number u could be any number in the range 9-99 and it indicates
the file, you may choose any number but every open file in the program
must have a unique number

IOSTAT= ios It is the I/O status identifier and should be an integer variable. If the open
statement is successful then the ios value returned is zero else a non-zero

ERR = err It is a label to which the control jumps in case of any error.

FILE = fname File name, a character string.

STATUS = sta It shows the prior status of the file. A character string and can have one of
the three values NEW, OLD or SCRATCH. A scratch file is created and
deleted when closed or the program ends.

ACCESS = acc It is the file access mode. Can have either of the two values, SEQUENTIAL
or DIRECT. The default is SEQUENTIAL.

FORM= frm It gives the formatting status of the file. Can have either of the two values

RECL = rl It specifies the length of each record in a direct access file.

After the file has been opened, it is accessed by read and write statements. Once done, it should be
closed using the close statement.

The close statement has the following syntax:

close ([UNIT=]u[,IOSTAT=ios,ERR=err,STATUS=sta])
Please note that the parameters in brackets are optional.

This example demonstrates opening a new file for writing some data into the file.

program outputdata  
implicit none  
real, dimension(100) :: x, y 
real, dimension(100) :: p, q
integer :: i 
  ! data 
  do i=1,100 
  x(i) = i * 0.1
  y(i) = sin(x(i)) * (1-cos(x(i)/3.0)) 
  end do 
  ! output data into a file
  open(1, file='data1.dat', status='new') 
  do i=1,100 
  write(1,*) x(i), y(i)  
  end do 
end program outputdata
When the above code is compiled and executed, it creates the file data1.dat and writes the x and y
array values into it. And then closes the file.

Reading from and Writing into the File

The read and write statements respectively are used for reading from and writing into a file

They have the following syntax:

read ([UNIT=]u, [FMT=]fmt, IOSTAT=ios, ERR=err, END=s)
write([UNIT=]u, [FMT=]fmt, IOSTAT=ios, ERR=err, END=s)
Most of the specifiers have already been discussed in the above table.

The END=s specifier is a statement label where the program jumps, when it reaches end-of-file.

This example demonstrates reading from and writing into a file.

In this program we read from the file, we created in the last example, data1.dat, and display it on

program outputdata  
implicit none  
real, dimension(100) :: x, y 
real, dimension(100) :: p, q
integer :: i 
  ! data 
  do i=1,100 
  x(i) = i * 0.1
  y(i) = sin(x(i)) * (1-cos(x(i)/3.0)) 
  end do 
  ! output data into a file
  open(1, file='data1.dat', status='new') 
  do i=1,100 
  write(1,*) x(i), y(i)  
  end do 
  ! opening the file for reading
  open (2, file='data1.dat', status='old')
  do i=1,100 
  read(2,*) p(i), q(i)
  end do
  do i=1,100 
  write(*,*) p(i), q(i)
  end do
end program outputdata
When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

0.100000001  5.54589933E-05
0.200000003  4.41325130E-04
0.300000012  1.47636665E-03
0.400000006  3.45637114E-03
0.500000000  6.64328877E-03
0.600000024  1.12552457E-02
0.699999988  1.74576249E-02
0.800000012  2.53552198E-02
0.900000036  3.49861123E-02
1.00000000   4.63171229E-02
1.10000002   5.92407547E-02
1.20000005   7.35742599E-02
1.30000007   8.90605897E-02
1.39999998   0.105371222   
1.50000000   0.122110792   
1.60000002   0.138823599   
1.70000005   0.155002072   
1.80000007   0.170096487   
1.89999998   0.183526158   
2.00000000   0.194692180   
2.10000014   0.202990443   
2.20000005   0.207826138   
2.29999995   0.208628103   
2.40000010   0.204863414   
2.50000000   0.196052119   
2.60000014   0.181780845   
2.70000005   0.161716297   
2.79999995   0.135617107   
2.90000010   0.103344671   
3.00000000   6.48725405E-02
3.10000014   2.02930309E-02
3.20000005  -3.01767997E-02
3.29999995  -8.61928314E-02
3.40000010  -0.147283033   
3.50000000  -0.212848678   
3.60000014  -0.282169819   
3.70000005  -0.354410470   
3.79999995  -0.428629100   
3.90000010  -0.503789663   
4.00000000  -0.578774154   
4.09999990  -0.652400017   
4.20000029  -0.723436713   
4.30000019  -0.790623367   
4.40000010  -0.852691114   
4.50000000  -0.908382416   
4.59999990  -0.956472993   
4.70000029  -0.995793998   
4.80000019  -1.02525222   
4.90000010  -1.04385209   
5.00000000  -1.05071592   
5.09999990  -1.04510069   
5.20000029  -1.02641726   
5.30000019  -0.994243503   
5.40000010  -0.948338211   
5.50000000  -0.888650239   
5.59999990  -0.815326691   
5.70000029  -0.728716135   
5.80000019  -0.629372001   
5.90000010  -0.518047631   
6.00000000  -0.395693362   
6.09999990  -0.263447165   
6.20000029  -0.122622721   
6.30000019   2.53026206E-02
6.40000010   0.178709000   
6.50000000   0.335851669   
6.59999990   0.494883657   
6.70000029  0.653881252   
6.80000019   0.810866773   
6.90000010   0.963840425   
7.00000000   1.11080539   
7.09999990   1.24979746   
7.20000029   1.37891412   
7.30000019   1.49633956   
7.40000010   1.60037732   
7.50000000   1.68947268   
7.59999990  1.76223695   
7.70000029   1.81747139   
7.80000019   1.85418403   
7.90000010   1.87160957   
8.00000000   1.86922085   
8.10000038   1.84674001   
8.19999981   1.80414569   
8.30000019   1.74167395   
8.40000057   1.65982044   
8.50000000   1.55933595   
8.60000038   1.44121361   
8.69999981   1.30668485   
8.80000019   1.15719533   
8.90000057   0.994394958   
9.00000000   0.820112705   
9.10000038   0.636327863   
9.19999981   0.445154816   
9.30000019   0.248800844   
9.40000057   4.95488606E-02
9.50000000  -0.150278628   
9.60000038  -0.348357052   
9.69999981  -0.542378068   
9.80000019  -0.730095863   
9.90000057  -0.909344316   
10.0000000  -1.07807255   

Fortran – Procedures
A procedure is a group of statements that perform a well-defined task and can be invoked from your
program. Information (or data) is passed to the calling program, to the procedure as arguments.

There are two types of procedures:

 Functions
 Subroutines
A function is a procedure that returns a single quantity. A function should not modify its arguments.

The returned quantity is known as function value, and it is denoted by the function name.

Syntax for a function is as follows:

function name(arg1, arg2, ....) 
  [declarations, including those for the arguments]  
  [executable statements]
end function [name]
The following example demonstrates a function named area_of_circle. It calculates the area of a circle
with radius r.

program calling_func
  real :: a
  a = area_of_circle(2.0)
  Print *, "The area of a circle with radius 2.0 is"
  Print *, a
end program calling_func
function area_of_circle (r) 
! this function computes the area of a circle with radius r    
  implicit none     
! function result    
  real :: area_of_circle  
! dummy arguments    
  real :: r    
! local variables    
  real :: pi   
  pi = 4 * atan (1.0)    
  area_of_circle = pi * r**2 
end function area_of_circle
When you compile and execute the above program, it produces the following result:

The area of a circle with radius 2.0 is
Please note that:

        You must specify implicit none in both the main program as well as the procedure.

        The argument r in the called function is called dummy argument.

The result Option

If you want the returned value to be stored in some other name than the function name, you can use
the result option.

You can specify the return variable name as:

function name(arg1, arg2, ....) result (return_var_name) 
  [declarations, including those for the arguments]  
  [executable statements]
end function [name]

A subroutine does not return a value, however it can modify its arguments.

subroutine name(arg1, arg2, ....)   
  [declarations, including those for the arguments]   
  [executable statements] 
end subroutine [name]

Calling a Subroutine
You need to invoke a subroutine using the call statement.

The following example demonstrates the definition and use of a subroutine swap, that changes the
values of its arguments.

program calling_func
implicit none
  real :: a, b
  a = 2.0
  b = 3.0
  Print *, "Before calling swap"
  Print *, "a = ", a
  Print *, "b = ", b
  call swap(a, b)
  Print *, "After calling swap"
  Print *, "a = ", a
  Print *, "b = ", b
end program calling_func
  subroutine swap(x, y)
  implicit none
  real :: x, y, temp  
  temp = x 
  x = y
  y = temp 
end subroutine swap
When you compile and execute the above program, it produces the following result:

Before calling swap
a = 2.00000000   
b = 3.00000000   
After calling swap
a = 3.00000000   
b = 2.00000000  

Specifying the Intent of the Arguments

The intent attribute allows you to specify the intention with which arguments are used in the
procedure. The following table provides the values of the intent attribute:

Value Used as Explanation

in intent(in) Used as input values, not changed in the function

out intent(out) Used as output value, they are overwritten

inout intent(inout) Arguments are both used and overwritten

The following example demonstrates the concept:

program calling_func
implicit none
  real :: x, y, z, disc
  x= 1.0
  y = 5.0
  z = 2.0
  call intent_example(x, y, z, disc)
  Print *, "The value of the discriminant is"
  Print *, disc
end program calling_func
subroutine intent_example (a, b, c, d)    
  implicit none    
  ! dummy arguments     
  real, intent (in) :: a    
  real, intent (in) :: b     
  real, intent (in) :: c   
  real, intent (out) :: d  
  d = b*b - 4.0*a*c
end subroutine intent_example
When you compile and execute the above program, it produces the following result:

The value of the discriminant is


Recursive Procedures
Recursion occurs when a programming languages allows you to call a function inside the same
function. It is called recursive call of the function.

When a procedure calls itself, directly or indirectly, is called a recursive procedure. You should
declare this type of procedures by preceding the word recursive before its declaration.

When a function is used recursively, the result option has to be used.

Following is an example, which calculates factorial for a given number using a recursive procedure:

program calling_func
implicit none
  integer :: i, f
  i = 15
  Print *, "The value of factorial 15 is"
  f = myfactorial(15)
  Print *, f
end program calling_func
recursive function myfactorial (n) result (fac) 
  ! computes the factorial of n (n!)     
  implicit none    
  ! function result    
  integer :: fac    
  ! dummy arguments    
 integer, intent (in) :: n    
  select case (n)        
  case (0:1)        
  fac = 1        
  case default   
  fac = n * myfactorial (n-1) 
  end select
end function myfactorial

Internal Procedures
When a procedure is contained within a program, it is called the internal procedure of the program.
The syntax for containing an internal procedure is as follows:

program program_name    
  implicit none        
  ! type declaration statements        
  ! executable statements   
  . . .    
  ! internal procedures     
  . . . 
end program program_name
The following example demonstrates the concept:

program mainprog 
implicit none
real :: a, b
  a = 2.0
  b = 3.0
  Print *, "Before calling swap"
  Print *, "a = ", a
  Print *, "b = ", b
  call swap(a, b)
  Print *, "After calling swap"
  Print *, "a = ", a
  Print *, "b = ", b
  subroutine swap(x, y)    
  real :: x, y, temp     
  temp = x
  x = y 
  y = temp  
  end subroutine swap
end program mainprog  
When you compile and execute the above program, it produces the following result:

Before calling swap
a = 2.00000000   
b = 3.00000000   
After calling swap
a = 3.00000000   
b = 2.00000000  

Fortran – Modules
A module is like a package where you can keep your functions and subroutines, in case you are
writing a very big program, or your functions or subroutines can be used in more than one program.

Modules provide you a way of splitting your programs between multiple files.

Modules are used for:

 Packaging subprograms, data and interface blocks.

 Defining global data that can be used by more than one routine.
 Declaring variables that can be made available within any routines you choose.
 Importing a module entirely, for use, into another program or subroutine.
Syntax of a Module
A module consists of two parts:

 a specification part for statements declaration

 a contains part for subroutine and function definitions
The general form of a module is:

module name    
  [statement declarations] 
  [contains [subroutine and function definitions] ]
end module [name]

Using a Module into your Program

You can incorporate a module in a program or subroutine by the use statement:

use name 
Please note that

        You
can add as many modules as needed, each will be in separate files and compiled

        A module can be used in various different programs.

        A module can be used many times in the same program.

        The variables declared in a module specification part, are global to the module.

        The
variables declared in a module become global variables in any program or routine where
the module is used.

        The
use statement can appear in the main program, or any other subroutine or module which
uses the routines or variables declared in a particular module.

The following example demonstrates the concept:

module constants 
implicit none
  real, parameter :: pi = 3.1415926536 
  real, parameter :: e = 2.7182818285
  subroutine show_consts()         
  print*, "Pi = ", pi         
  print*,  "e = ", e    
  end subroutine show_consts
end module constants
program module_example    
use constants     
implicit none    
  real :: x, ePowerx, area, radius
  x = 2.0
  radius = 7.0
  ePowerx = e ** x
  area = pi * radius**2    
  call show_consts()
  print*, "e raised to the power of 2.0 = ", ePowerx
  print*, "Area of a circle with radius 7.0 = ", area 
end program module_example
When you compile and execute the above program, it produces the following result:

Pi = 3.14159274   
e =  2.71828175   
e raised to the power of 2.0 = 7.38905573   
Area of a circle with radius 7.0 = 153.938049  

Accessibility of Variables and Subroutines in a Module

By default, all the variables and subroutines in a module is made available to the program that is
using the module code, by the use statement.

However, you can control the accessibility of module code using the private and public attributes.
When you declare some variable or subroutine as private, it is not available outside the module.

The following example illustrates the concept:

In the previous example, we had two module variables, e and pi. Let us make them private and
observe the output:

module constants 
implicit none
  real, parameter,private :: pi = 3.1415926536 
  real, parameter, private :: e = 2.7182818285
  subroutine show_consts()         
  print*, "Pi = ", pi         
  print*, "e = ", e    
  end subroutine show_consts
end module constants
program module_example    
use constants     
implicit none    
  real :: x, ePowerx, area, radius
  x = 2.0
  radius = 7.0
  ePowerx = e ** x
  area = pi * radius**2    
  call show_consts()
  print*, "e raised to the power of 2.0 = ", ePowerx
  print*, "Area of a circle with radius 7.0 = ", area 
end program module_example
When you compile and execute the above program, it gives the following error message:

  ePowerx = e ** x
Error: Symbol 'e' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
  area = pi * radius**2    
Error: Symbol 'pi' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
Since e and pi, both are declared private, the program module_example cannot access these variables

However, other module subroutines can access them:

module constants 
implicit none
  real, parameter,private :: pi = 3.1415926536 
  real, parameter, private :: e = 2.7182818285
  subroutine show_consts()         
  print*, "Pi = ", pi         
  print*, "e = ", e    
  end subroutine show_consts
  function ePowerx(x)result(ePx)
  implicit none
  ePx = e ** x
  end function ePowerx
  function areaCircle(r)result(a) 
implicit none
  a = pi * r**2 
  end function areaCircle
end module constants
program module_example    
use constants     
implicit none    
  call show_consts()
  Print*, "e raised to the power of 2.0 = ", ePowerx(2.0)
  print*, "Area of a circle with radius 7.0 = ", areaCircle(7.0) 
end program module_example
When you compile and execute the above program, it produces the following result:

Pi = 3.14159274   
e = 2.71828175   
e raised to the power of 2.0 = 7.38905573   
Area of a circle with radius 7.0 = 153.938049  

Fortran - Intrinsic Functions

Intrinsic functions are some common and important functions that are provided as a part of the
Fortran language. We have already discussed some of these functions in the Arrays, Characters and
String chapters.

Intrinsic functions can be categorised as:

 Numeric Functions
 Mathematical Functions
 Numeric Inquiry Functions
 Floating-Point Manipulation Functions
 Bit Manipulation Functions
 Character Functions
 Kind Functions
 Logical Functions
 Array Functions
We have discussed the array functions in the Arrays chapter. In the following section we provide
brief descriptions of all these functions from other categories.

In the function name column,

 A represents any type of numeric variable

 R represents a real or integer variable
 X and Y represent real variables
 Z represents complex variable
 W represents real or complex variable
Numeric Functions
Function Description

ABS (A) It returns the absolute value of A

AIMAG (Z) It returns the imaginary part of a complex number Z

AINT (A [, KIND]) It truncates fractional part of A towards zero, returning a real,

whole number.

ANINT (A [, KIND]) It returns a real value, the nearest integer or whole number.

CEILING (A [, KIND]) It returns the least integer greater than or equal to number A.

CMPLX (X [, Y, KIND]) It converts the real variables X and Y to a complex number X+iY; if Y
is absent, 0 is used.

CONJG (Z) It returns the complex conjugate of any complex number Z.

DBLE (A) It converts A to a double precision real number.

DIM (X, Y) It returns the positive difference of X and Y.

DPROD (X, Y) It returns the double precision real product of X and Y.

FLOOR (A [, KIND]) It provides the greatest integer less than or equal to number A.

INT (A [, KIND]) It converts a number (real or integer) to integer, truncating the real
part towards zero.

MAX (A1, A2 [, A3,...]) It returns the maximum value from the arguments, all being of
same type.

MIN (A1, A2 [, A3,...]) It returns the minimum value from the arguments, all being of same

MOD (A, P) It returns the remainder of A on division by P, both arguments

being of the same type (A-INT(A/P)*P)

MODULO (A, P) It returns A modulo P: (A-FLOOR(A/P)*P)

NINT (A [, KIND]) It returns the nearest integer of number A

REAL (A [, KIND]) It Converts to real type

SIGN (A, B) It returns the absolute value of A multiplied by the sign of P.

Basically it transfers the of sign of B to A.

program numericFunctions
implicit none 
  ! define constants 
  !define variables
  real :: a, b
  complex :: z
  !values for a, b
  a = 15.2345
  b = -20.7689
  write(*,*) 'abs(a): ',abs(a),' abs(b): ',abs(b)  
  write(*,*) 'aint(a): ',aint(a),' aint(b): ',aint(b)
  write(*,*) 'ceiling(a): ',ceiling(a),' ceiling(b): ',ceiling(b)  
  write(*,*) 'floor(a): ',floor(a),' floor(b): ',floor(b) 
  z = cmplx(a, b)
  write(*,*) 'z: ',z  
end program numericFunctions
When you compile and execute the above program, it produces the following result:

abs(a): 15.2344999   abs(b): 20.7688999   
aint(a): 15.0000000  aint(b): -20.0000000   
ceiling(a): 16  ceiling(b): -20
floor(a): 15  floor(b): -21
z: (15.2344999, -20.7688999)

Mathematical Functions
Function Description

ACOS (X) It returns the inverse cosine in the range (0, π), in radians.

ASIN (X) It returns the inverse sine in the range (-π/2, π/2), in radians.

ATAN (X) It returns the inverse tangent in the range (-π/2, π/2), in radians.

ATAN2 (Y, X) It returns the inverse tangent in the range (-π, π), in radians.

COS (X) It returns the cosine of argument in radians.

COSH (X) It returns the hyperbolic cosine of argument in radians.

EXP (X) It returns the exponential value of X.

LOG (X) It returns the natural logarithmic value of X.

LOG10 (X) It returns the common logarithmic (base 10) value of X.

SIN (X) It returns the sine of argument in radians.

SINH (X) It returns the hyperbolic sine of argument in radians.

SQRT (X) It returns square root of X.

TAN (X) It returns the tangent of argument in radians.

TANH (X) It returns the hyperbolic tangent of argument in radians.

The following program computes the horizontal and vertical position x and y respectively of a
projectile after a time, t:

Where, x = u t cos a and y = u t sin a - g t2 / 2

program projectileMotion 
implicit none 
  ! define constants 
  real, parameter :: g = 9.8 
  real, parameter :: pi = 3.1415927 
  !define variables
  real :: a, t, u, x, y  
  !values for a, t, and u
  a = 45.0
 t = 20.0
  u = 10.0
  ! convert angle to radians 
  a = a * pi / 180.0 
  x = u * cos(a) * t  
  y = u * sin(a) * t - 0.5 * g * t * t 
  write(*,*) 'x: ',x,'  y: ',y  
end program projectileMotion
When you compile and execute the above program, it produces the following result:

x: 141.421356  y: -1818.57861 

Numeric Inquiry Functions

These functions work with a certain model of integer and floating-point arithmetic. The functions
return properties of numbers of the same kind as the variable X, which can be real and in some cases

Function Description

DIGITS (X) It returns the number of significant digits of the model.

EPSILON (X) It returns the number that is almost negligible compared to one. In
other words, it returns the smallest value such that REAL( 1.0,
KIND(X)) + EPSILON(X) is not equal to REAL( 1.0, KIND(X)).

HUGE (X) It returns the largest number of the model

MAXEXPONENT (X) It returns the maximum exponent of the model

MINEXPONENT (X) It returns the minimum exponent of the model

PRECISION (X) It returns the decimal precision

RADIX (X) It returns the base of the model

RANGE (X) It returns the decimal exponent range

TINY (X) It returns the smallest positive number of the model

Floating-Point Manipulation Functions

Function Description

EXPONENT (X) It returns the exponent part of a model number

FRACTION (X) It returns the fractional part of a number

NEAREST (X, S) It returns the nearest different processor number in given


RRSPACING (X) It returns the reciprocal of the relative spacing of model numbers
near given number

SCALE (X, I) It multiplies a real by its base to an integer power

SET_EXPONENT (X, I) it returns the exponent part of a number

SPACING (X) It returns the absolute spacing of model numbers near given

Bit Manipulation Functions

Function Description

BIT_SIZE (I) It returns the number of bits of the model

BTEST (I, POS) Bit testing

IAND (I, J) Logical AND

IBCLR (I, POS) Clear bit

IBITS (I, POS, LEN) Bit extraction

IBSET (I, POS) Set bit

IEOR (I, J) Exclusive OR

IOR (I, J) Inclusive OR

ISHFT (I, SHIFT) Logical shift

ISHFTC (I, SHIFT [, SIZE]) Circular shift

NOT (I) Logical complement

Character Functions
Function Description

ACHAR (I) It returns the Ith character in the ASCII collating sequence.

ADJUSTL (STRING) It adjusts string left by removing any leading blanks and
inserting trailing blanks

ADJUSTR (STRING) It adjusts string right by removing trailing blanks and

inserting leading blanks.

CHAR (I [, KIND]) It returns the Ith character in the machine specific collating

IACHAR (C) It returns the position of the character in the ASCII collating

ICHAR (C) It returns the position of the character in the machine

(processor) specific collating sequence.

INDEX (STRING, SUBSTRING [, It returns the leftmost (rightmost if BACK is .TRUE.) starting
BACK]) position of SUBSTRING within STRING.

LEN (STRING) It returns the length of a string.

LEN_TRIM (STRING) It returns the length of a string without trailing blank


LGE (STRING_A, STRING_B) Lexically greater than or equal

LGT (STRING_A, STRING_B) Lexically greater than

LLE (STRING_A, STRING_B) Lexically less than or equal

LLT (STRING_A, STRING_B) Lexically less than

REPEAT (STRING, NCOPIES) Repeated concatenation

SCAN (STRING, SET [, BACK]) It returns the index of the leftmost (rightmost if BACK is
.TRUE.) character of STRING that belong to SET, or 0 if none

TRIM (STRING) Removes trailing blank characters

VERIFY (STRING, SET [, Verifies the set of characters in a string


Kind Functions
Function Description

KIND (X) It returns the kind type parameter value.

SELECTED_INT_KIND (R) It returns kind of type parameter for specified exponent


SELECTED_REAL_KIND ([P, R]) Real kind type parameter value, given precision and range
Logical Function
Function Description

LOGICAL (L [, KIND]) Convert between objects of type logical with different kind type

Fortran - Numeric Precision

We have already discussed that, in older versions of Fortran, there were two real types: the default
real type and double precision type.

However, Fortran 90/95 provides more control over the precision of real and integer data types
through the kind specifie.

The Kind Attribute

Different kind of numbers are stored differently inside the computer. The kind attribute allows you
to specify how a number is stored internally. For example,

real, kind = 2 :: a, b, c
real, kind = 4 :: e, f, g
integer, kind = 2 :: i, j, k
integer, kind = 3 :: l, m, n
In the above declaration, the real variables e, f and g have more precision than the real variables a, b
and c. The integer variables l, m and n, can store larger values and have more digits for storage than
the integer variables i, j and k. Although this is machine dependent.

program kindSpecifier
implicit none
  real(kind = 4) :: a, b, c
  real(kind = 8) :: e, f, g
  integer(kind = 2) :: i, j, k
  integer(kind = 4) :: l, m, n
  integer :: kind_a, kind_i, kind_e, kind_l
  kind_a = kind(a)
  kind_i = kind(i)
  kind_e = kind(e)
  kind_l = kind(l)
  print *,'default kind for real is', kind_a
  print *,'default kind for int is', kind_i
  print *,'extended kind for real is', kind_e
  print *,'default kind for int is', kind_l
end program kindSpecifier
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

default kind for real is 4
default kind for int is 2
extended kind for real is 8
default kind for int is 4

Inquiring the Size of Variables

There are a number of intrinsic functions that allows you to interrogate the size of numbers.

For example, the bit_size(i) intrinsic function specifies the number of bits used for storage. For real
numbers, the precision(x) intrinsic function, returns the number of decimal digits of precision, while
the range(x) intrinsic function returns the decimal range of the exponent.

program getSize
implicit none
  real (kind = 4) :: a
  real (kind = 8) :: b
  integer (kind = 2) :: i
  integer (kind = 4) :: j
  print *,'precision of real(4) =', precision(a)
  print *,'precision of real(8) =', precision(b)
  print *,'range of real(4) =', range(a)
  print *,'range of real(8) =', range(b)
  print *,'maximum exponent of real(4) =' , maxexponent(a)
  print *,'maximum exponent of real(8) =' , maxexponent(b)
  print *,'minimum exponent of real(4) =' , minexponent(a)
  print *,'minimum exponent of real(8) =' , minexponent(b)
  print *,'bits in integer(2) =' , bit_size(i)
  print *,'bits in integer(4) =' , bit_size(j)
end program getSize
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

precision of real(4) = 6
precision of real(8) = 15
range of real(4) = 37
range of real(8) = 307
maximum exponent of real(4) = 128
maximum exponent of real(8) = 1024
minimum exponent of real(4) = -125
minimum exponent of real(8) = -1021
bits in integer(2) = 16
bits in integer(4) = 32

Obtaining the Kind Value

Fortran provides two more intrinsic functions to obtain the kind value for the required precision of
integers and reals:

 selected_int_kind (r)
 selected_real_kind ([p, r])
The selected_real_kind function returns an integer that is the kind type parameter value necessary
for a given decimal precision p and decimal exponent range r. The decimal precision is the number of
significant digits, and the decimal exponent range specifies the smallest and largest representable
number. The range is thus from 10-r to 10+r.

For example, selected_real_kind (p = 10, r = 99) returns the kind value needed for a precision of 10
decimal places, and a range of at least 10-99 to 10+99.

program getKind
implicit none
  integer:: i
  i = selected_real_kind (p = 10, r = 99)
  print *,'selected_real_kind (p = 10, r = 99)', i
end program getKind
When you compile and execute the above program it produces the following result:

selected_real_kind (p = 10, r = 99) 8

Fortran - Program Libraries

There are various Fortran tools and libraries. Some are free and some are paid services.
Following are some free libraries:

 RANDLIB, random number and statistical distribution generators

 GAMS–NIST Guide to Available Math Software
 Some statistical and other routines from NIST
 NCAR Mathematical Library
 The Netlib collection of mathematical software, papers, and databases.
 ODERPACK, a set of routines for ranking and ordering.
 Expokit for computing matrix exponentials
 StatLib statistical library
 Sorting and merging strings
The following libraries are not free:

 The NAG Fortran numerical library

 The Visual Numerics IMSL library
 Numerical Recipes

Fortran - Programming Style

Programming style is all about following some rules while developing programs. These good
practices impart values like readability, and unambiguity into your program.

A good program should have the following characteristics:

 Readability
 Proper logical structure
 Self-explanatory notes and comments
For example, if you make a comment like the following, it will not be of much help:

! loop from 1 to 10
do i=1,10 
However, if you are calculating binomial coefficient, and need this loop for nCr then a comment like
this will be helpful:

! loop to calculate nCr

do i=1,10
        Indented code blocks to make various levels of code clear.

        Self-checking codes to ensure there will be no numerical errors like division by zero, square root of a
negative real number or logarithm of a negative real number.
        Including codes that ensure variables do not take illegal or out of range values, i.e., input validation.

        Not putting checks where it would be unnecessary and slows down the execution. For example:

real :: x
x = sin(y) + 1.0
if (x >= 0.0) then
z = sqrt(x)
end if
 Clearly written code using appropriate algorithms.
 Splitting the long expressions using the continuation marker ‘&’.
 Making meaningful variable names.

Fortran - Debugging Program

A debugger tool is used to search for errors in the programs.

A debugger program steps through the code and allows you to examine the values in the variables
and other data objects during execution of the program.

It loads the source code and you are supposed to run the program within the debugger. Debuggers
debug a program by:

Setting breakpoints,

Stepping through the source code,

Setting watch points
Breakpoints specify where the program should stop, specifically after a critical line of code. Program
executions after the variables are checked at a breakpoint.

Debugger programs also check the source code line by line.

Watch points are the points where the values of some variables are needed to be checked,
particularly after a read or write operation.

The gdb Debugger

The gdb debugger, the GNU debugger comes with Linux operating system. For X windows system,
gdb comes with a graphical interface and the program is named xxgdb.

Following table provides some commands in gdb:

Comman Purpose

break Setting a breakpoint

run Starts execution

cont Continues execution

next Executes only the next line of source code, without stepping into any function

step Execute the next line of source code by stepping into a function in case of a
function call.

The dbx Debugger

There is another debugger, the dbx debugger, for Linux.

The following table provides some commands in dbx:

Command Purpose

stop[var] Sets a breakpoint when the value of variable var changes.

stop in [proc] It stops execution when a procedure proc is entered

stop at [line] It sets a breakpoint at a specified line.

run Starts execution.

cont Continues execution.

next Executes only the next line of source code, without stepping into any
function call.

step Execute the next line of source code by stepping into a function in case of a
function call.

How To Make A Great Program In FORTRAN

Many people think FORTRAN is an antique or primeval programming language which has ceased to
exist. To the dismay of many, most engineering and scientific code is written using FORTRAN, so it
remains a pivotal programming language for every technical PHP programmer.
The latest releases of the language, i.e., 2003, 2008, and 2015, permit every programmer to write
highly effective code using minimal effort, while making use of the recent language features that
include object-oriented programming (OOP). FORTRAN is an acronym that stands for “Formula
Translation.” It is mainly used for numerical and mathematics applications, as opposed to database
and graphic applications. Most of the FORTRAN codes receive text from a command line or a file,
rather from a Graphical User Interface (GUI) or a menu.
FORTRAN is an ancient programming language whose existence is credited to John Backus, and a team
of programmers in IBM. It was designed to help in easing the translation of mathematics formulas into
readable code. Many people refer to it as a scientific language since it is a high-level language that was
among the first ones to use the compiler. Before it came into existence, PHP developers had to
program in assembly or machine code, which was time-consuming and tiring even before the dreaded
task of debugging the entire code.
FORTRAN was created with the sole purpose of having a programing language that would be run
easily, understood easily, independent from machines, fit for an array of applications, and one that
would allow complex mathematical formulas to be stated similarly to algebraic notations. It was
thought to have all these characteristics, and also be efficient in the execution of code like any other
assembly language. Since it was such an easy program to code, PHP developers and programmers
could manage to code five times faster than before, but the efficiency in execution went down by 20
percent. Therefore, a programmer could focus more on the internal models of a solving a problem and
write fewer lines of code.
FORTRAN was such an innovative language, not only because it was the original high-level language,
but also due to its excellent compiler. Its compiler was instrumental in the rise of a popular branch of
computer science referred to as the compiler theory. Many years after it was released, FORTRAN
helped to develop various dialects - which were enabled by its special tweaking by PHP developers
and programmers - who wanted to change it to suit their needs. Developers and programmers,
therefore, had a hard time trying to transfer programs from one machine to another. Such challenges
prompted the American National Standards Association (previously known as American Standards
Association) to release the first standard for a programing language. The initial standardized version
was called FORTRAN IV.

Features of FORTRAN programming language

The main features of FORTRAN are:
         Machine independent - makes it easy to transfer a program from one machine to another.
         Allows more freedom in its code layout - unlike machine/assembly language, its code does not
have to be defined in columns rigidly. However, it must remain within the precincts of the
FORTRAN code form.
         It is a problem-oriented programming language.
         It is easy to learn - the original intention of designing it was to have a program that was easy to
learn, code, and comprehend.
         It is close to and makes use of the readily available hardware.
         It controls storage allocation - PHP developers and programmers could easily control storage
allocation (though this is a dangerous practice these days, it used to be essential sometimes
due to the limited memory).
         FORTRAN has more natural ways to express complex mathematical functions - it allows
complex mathematical functions to be expressed algebraically.
         It has an efficient execution of code.
There are numerous PHP jobs on which you can use to practice.
There is no FORTRAN window in which a user can type a FORTRAN program. Instead, one types and
saves the program in an editor (word processor), and a FORTRAN compiler helps to turn the program
into an executable file. You need to open an editor when you want to create a FORTRAN program. It is
better to use a simple editor such as a DOS editor or Notepad since more advanced processors may
add extraneous formatting and make the FORTRAN program hang.
It is important to note that FORTRAN is not sensitive to case - i.e. it cannot tell the difference between
small and capital letters. Therefore, “A” and “a” prompt the same variable. Most PHP developers use
small letters, but it is at your discretion to use any case you prefer. Also, after you code up to the sixth
column, the FORTRAN code will not recognize spaces (apart from spaces found inside certain
quotations such as print statements). Spaces make code more readable.
If you have a WordPress site, and you need to know how to apply custom CSS, visit
FORTRAN has various declaration statements which are used to state the variables that are used in a
particular program. A variable name has characters chosen from the letters of the alphabet and digits
0 to 9. As a rule of thumb, a letter should be the first character of a name. You cannot use your
FORTRAN program name as a variable; neither can you use words which have been reserved for the
FORTRAN programming language, which include “end”, “real”, and “program”. FORTRAN has various
variable types which include:
         Logical variable (logical)
         Single precision real variable (real)
         Complex variable (complex)
         Integer (ranging from roughly -2 billion to +2 billion)
         Double precision real variable (double precision)
         String variable (character)
For instance, the declaration statements:
Double precision x, y
Interger P, Q
Real g, make;
declare that “g” and “make” are single precision variables, P and Q are integers, and “x” and “y” are
double precision variables. If you are programming in FORTRAN and you fail to declare the type of
variable, FORTRAN will make an integer by default if it begins with one of the letters from “i” to “n”;
otherwise it will make a single precision variable. As a good practice in programming, you are obliged
to declare every type of variable to avoid making mistakes.   
How do you program in FORTRAN?
         Understand what your program should do. You should have a rough idea of what data you
need for the input, how you will structure the output, and your intended method of monitoring
the progress of the calculation. If your calculation will take some time, this will be critical.
         If you are aware of another programming language, just learn the syntax, and focus on the
equivalents to the commands on FORTRAN.
         Learn how to compile and run your first program. It should display the words “Hello World”
and exit. The minor details should not worry you, but you should focus on running and
         Understand the variable types, i.e. logical, character, real, and integer.
         Learn the concepts of subroutines, functions, arrays, and variables. Arrays are certain groups
of variables, subroutines and functions are pieces of executable codes, and variables are the
stores of information.
         Learn how to use conditional statements such as “SELECT CASE” and the “IF” statements. You
will use the “IF” statements mainly. A code will be executable if a certain condition is true or
         Learn “CYCLE”, “EXIT”, and loops.
         Understand FUNCTIONS and SUBROUTINES.
         Learn F90 and later (Recursion) and other cutting-edge topics.
         Find and read books about Scientific Programming - for instance, “Numerical Recipes in
FORTRAN” is a good book for an introduction on how to compile codes, and a perfect one
on scientific programming. The recent edition has chapters on parallel programming, and a
guide on programing in mixed languages. You could also read Modern FORTRAN in Practice
whose author is Arjen Markus. It is a classical book that explains how you can apply the latest
FORTRAN standards to a program.
The Basics
Your first programming session

Locate and double click the Plato   icon

Click File, New
Select Free Format Fortran File
Click File, Save As
Create a directory called fortranprograms and open it
Type first.f95

Plato is a "programming environment". Within Plato, you can create and edit programs and get them
to run. Plato's editor is special – it understands the syntax of various programming languages. We tell
Plato which language we are using when we create our empty file and save it with a .f95 (FORTRAN
95) extension. Provided you have given your file the appropriate extension, Plato's editor will be able
to check the syntax of the program, highlighting the various keywords that it knows about using a
colour code to distinguish between the various elements of the language.
Always ensure that your program files have a .f95 extension
Running your first FORTRAN 95 Program

Exercise 1.1
Type in the following exactly as shown:
      !My first program
           program first
           print *,'This is  my first program'
           end program  first

Click  the black ► , (the Execute button).

Plato will get FTN95 to check your program for errors. If it finds any problems, it will give you the
details. If you have typed in the program exactly as shown above, an executable file will be generated
(first.exe).  Plato will then automatically get the program to start executing.
A banner will appear for a couple of seconds and will then disappear (that"s the price we have to pay
for using the free software)
A black console window will appear.
Press Return to close the window. Do not click the X at the top right of the window.
Plato can get upset if you do not press Return to close the window, try this…
Save your program first!
Run the program again (click ►)
This time click the X at the top right of the window to close it.
Make up your own mind about which is the better way to close this window in future!
Program Structure
Examine the following short program:
          program sum                                          !a: name of program
          !an example of program  structure                    !b: a  comment  
          real :: answer,x,y                                   !c: declarations
          print  *, 'Enter two numbers'                        !d: output
          read  *, x                                           !e: input
          read  *, y                                           !e: input
          answer=x+y                                           !f: arithmetic
          print  *, 'The total is ', answer                    !g: output
          end  program sum                                     !h: end of program
There are a number of general points here:
The program is made up of a number of lines. Each line is called a statement.
Each statement is made up of
variable names e.g. answer, x, y
operators e.g. +,= etc
keywords e.g. read, print
The statements are executed sequentially.
Let's break the program down, line by line:
The name of the program. Keep it reasonably short and meaningful.
A comment explaining the purpose of the program. Comments are indicated by an exclamation mark.
All text to the right of an exclamation mark is ignored by the compiler. Programmers use comments to
help them remember how a program works. Use of appropriate comments in programs aids
understanding and is good practice.
Variables -   answer, x and y are used to store floating point numbers – we indicate this
by declaring them as real.
print *, outputs to the screen – the asterisk means use the default number of decimal places when the
number is written to the screen.
We read information from the keyboard and store the values in x and y.
Do some arithmetic and store the answer in answer.
Output the result to the screen
Conclude the program
More on Input and Output
Exercise 1.2
Open a new file and call it io.f95.
Type in the following program:
  program io
  real :: x,y,z
  print *, 'enter the values x,y and z'
  read *, x,y,z
  print *, 'the values you typed are for z,y,x are: ',z,y,x
  end program io
Execute it by pressing ►
You can enter the numbers one at a time and press the Enter key each time.
Execute the program again
This time type all three numbers on one line separated by commas.
Look at the print statement
           print *, 'the values you typed are for z,y,x are: ',z,y,x
In this statement, we are outputting four separate things, a literal string of characters,     
      'the values you typed are  for z,y,x are: '
and the variables z, y, and x. We may output several items at one time, provided they are separated by
Exercise 1.3
The following program has a number of errors. The purpose of this exercise is to show you the various
kinds of errors you may encounter when programming. You will come across errors many times as a
programmer, and it is helpful to have a strategy for how to deal with them.
Create a new file called bug.f95 and then type in the following program exactly as shown.
You can also download this file from Example programs page.
                       program bug
                      this program is full of errors
                      real :: a,b,c
                      a = b + c
                      read *,c
                      print *,a
                      end program simple
The compiler will report two error messages when it attempts to compile. Click on the details button.
Each error generates a message.
Double clicking on the message will
take you to the line in the program where the fault occurs

Correct the two errors.

Click Execute ►
There is now one further error, Plato will provide a yellow warning alert. Watch the screen carefully!
The window will close and then the program will start to execute. Something is not correct, however... 
the program will "hang". It is actually waiting for you to input a value, because of the line  
                       read *,c.    
To the user of the program, this is not at all obvious – they  may have thought that the program has
Type in a number then press enter
The program returns an strange value. This is an "execution time" error.
We need to find out what the warning message was. Click the "compile" button (to the left of the ►).
Then click the "details" button. Plato will tell you that the variable b has not been given a value.
Correct the program to give b a value, and then execute the program again.
There is still a problem. This time, it is a problem with the program's logic.
Need a Hint?    
The program statements are executed sequentially.
                       a = b + c
                       read  *, c
                       print *, a
The statement
                      a = b + c 
doesn't make sense, as at this stage of the program, we haven't yet given a value to c.
Important points to note
There are two types of errors associated with this program: compiler errors and run-time errors.
The program is also user-unfriendly. The program waits for input without telling the user what is
Fix the run time error by:
read in a value for b
correct the order of the statements
make the program more user-friendly,
then compare your program with the one called bugfixed.f95 in the downloads directory.
More Data types – integer and character
So far, we have only used real (floating point numbers) in our programs. We can also specify that
numbers are integer and character.  Program convert, below, demonstrates their use.
Within a given range, integers are always represented exactlywhereas the precision of real numbers is
limited by the architecture of the machine. The real variable type gives us 6 figure decimal precision.
(If this doesn't seem enough – don't worry we'll come back later on when we examine how to increase
the number of digits of precision in Worksheet 5).
Character variables hold strings of characters like
                        'A happy day was had by all'
                        '3 + 4 equals 7'
When the character variable is declared, we show the maximum length that the string can occupy by
following the name by a * then its maximum length. The example below has a maximum length of 10
characters allowed for a person's name – this might not always be enough! You have to make a
judgement here.
  program convert
  !This example shows the use of integer  and character variables
  implicit none
  integer   ::  pounds,pence,total
  character :: name*10
 print *,'What is your name?'
  read *,name
  print *, 'Hi ',name,'! Enter number of pounds and  pence'
  read *, pounds,pence
  total =100 * pounds + pence
  print *,'the total money in pence is ',total
  end program convert
NOTE: Notice the inclusion of the line:
implicit none
By including it in your program, FORTRAN will check that you have properly declared all your
variable types. In the bad old days of programming, declaration of variables was thought to be
unnecessary and the old FORTRAN compilers used an implicit convention that integers have names
starting with the letters in the range i – n, all the others being real. FORTRAN still allows you to do this
if we don't include the line, implicit none. Time has shown that one of the commonest reasons for
error in a program is the incorrect use of variables.
Always use implicit none at the start of every program.
Exercise 1.4
With the program convert  in section 1.5 as a guide, write a program to test out everything you've
learned so far. You might include different types of variables, for example real, integer, and character.
Include input and output using read and print. An example might be  a program that asks people
questions, including things like their age and name and so on. It could, for example, print out their
year of birth with a suitable message.  It's up to you, just use your imagination.
Saving the contents of Output Window
Run your last program again. When the black output window opens right click on the Plato icon in the
top left corner

Click on edit
Click Select all
Click copy
Open a new document in Word or Notepad and click paste.

Making Decisions
When we start programming, the similarity between mathematical equations and FORTRAN
statements can be confusing.
Consider the following FORTRAN statements:
x = 2       Store the value 2 in memory  location x
y = 3       Store the value 3 in memory  location y
z = x + y   Add the values stored in memory location  
                x  and y and store the result
                in memory location z  
In mathematics, “x = 2” means that the variable x is equal to 2. In FORTRAN it means “store the value 2
in the memory location that we have given the name x”.
The significance of this is made clearer by the following equation in mathematics:
                    x + y =z
In mathematics, this means that the left hand side of the equation is equal to the right hand side.
In FORTRAN, this expression is meaningless: there is no memory location "x+y" and so it would lead
to a compiler error.
Rule – there can only ever be ONE variable name on the left hand side of an equals sign
Exercise 2.1
Write a program which reads in two numbers a and b. Get the program to swap the values around so
that the value that was in a is now in b, and print out the result. Hint you need to declare a third
variable for intermediate storage of the data.
The arithmetic operators are
          +,-          plus and minus
          *,/          multiply and divide
          **           exponentiation (raise to the power)
          ()           brackets                
The order of precedence in FORTRAN is identical to that of mathematics.
Unlike algebra, the operator must always be present  xy is not the same as x*y
Where operations are of equal precedence they are evaluated left to right
Consecutive exponentiations are evaluated right to left
We can override the order of evaluation by use of brackets
Exercise 2.2
The following program is an example of the use of arithmetic.
          program calculate
          implicit none
          ! a simple calculator
          real :: x,y,z,answer
          print *,'result is  ',answer
          end program calculate
Explore the use of arithmetic operators by modifying program calculate. Use it to calculate the values:

Intrinsic Functions
FORTRAN is especially useful for mathematical computation because of its rich library of inbuilt
functions (intrinsic functions). We shall mention a few briefly here:

function name type of argument type of result Definition

sin(x) real real sine

cos(x) real real cosine

tan(x) real real tangent

atan(x) real real arctangent

abs(x) real/integer real/integer  absolute value

sqrt(x) real real square root

exp(x) real real ex

log10(x) real real log10x

Trigonometric functions are calculated in radians (1 radian = 180/Pi degrees).

There are, of course, many more, and this list doesn't cover all FORTRAN variable types. The following
example shows the use of some of the inbuilt functions.
           program trig
          implicit none
          real :: a,pi
          print *,'Enter an  angle between 0 and 90'
          read *, a
          pi = 4.0*atan(1.0)
          print *,'the sine of  ',a,' is ',sin(a*pi/180)
          end program trig
Making Decisions
So far, our programs have worked as little more than basic calculators. The power of programming
comes in when we have to make decisions. Copy the example program, test.f95, to your own file space.
See if you can understand what is going on.
          program  test
          implicit none
          !use of a simple menu
          real  :: x,y,answer
          integer  :: choice
          !set up the menu – the user may enter  1, 2 or 3
          print  *,'Choose an option'
          print  *,'1    Multiply'
          print  *,'2    Divide'
          print  *,'3    Add'
          read  *,choice
          !the following line has 2 consecutive
          !equals signs – (no spaces in between)
           if  (choice == 1) then 
                      print *,'result = ',answer
           end if
           if (choice == 2) then
                      print *,'result = ',answer
          end if
          if (choice == 3) then
                      print *,'result = ',answer
          end if
          end program test
The highlighted lines in the above program are called if … end ifstatements. They work like this:
          if  (condition is true) then
                      execute this line
                      and this
                      and so on until we get to …
          end if 
It follows that if the condition is NOT true then the code 'jumps' to the next statement following the
'end if'. The statements between the if and the end if are deliberately indented, this makes the
program easier to read.
We use two consecutive equals signs (no space in the middle) to test for equality. Compare:
if (choice == 3) then          test
     choice = 3                     assignment
Exercise 2.3
Examine program test above. The line:
                      print *,'result = ',answer
is repeated several times. Is this a good idea? Can you modify the program to make it more efficient?
Program Style
A good program:
Uses comments appropriately to explain what is happening.
Uses indentation to make the program easier to read.
Uses meaningful variable names.
Uses sensible prompts to let the user know what is going on.
Uses implicit none at the start of every program.
Is efficient!
If you want to get maximum marks for your assignments keep the above points firmly in mind. It is
not enough just to get a program to work!
More on decision making
In our test.f95 above, there was a problem if the user entered a value that wasn't catered for by the
What happens if the user doesn't enter one of the values 1, 2 or 3?
We are going to look at a new structure, called  if, else, endif  that handles this situation. Examine the
following code snippet:
            if  (choice = = 1) then
                      do  something
           else if  (choice = =2) then
               do  something else
               do  this if nothing else satisfies the conditions
           end if
Other logical operators
So far, all our tests have been for equality. In fact, there are several tests we can make:
 ==        equal to   (there is no space between the equals  signs)
 /=        not equal to
 <         less than
 <=        less than or equal to
 >         greater than
 >=        greater than or equal  to
Multiple Conditions
Suppose we need to test if x is greater than y and y is greater than z. There are different ways of doing
           if  (x > y) then
                       if  (y > z) then
                                   do  something
                       end  if
           end  if
This can also be handled by the following:
notice the   .and.
                       if  (x > y .and. y > z) then
                                   do  something
                       end  if
If we wanted to check whether a number were less than a given value or greater than a given value we
could write:
notice the .or.
        if  (x  < 10 .or. x > 20) then
                                               do  something
                       end  if
Exercise 2.4
Write a program that reads a number from the keyboard. Get the program to decide whether:
the value of the number is greater than 0 but less than 1
or is greater than 1 but less than 10
or is outside of  both these ranges
 Print out a suitable message to inform the user.
The simple if statement
There is a simpler, one line form of the if statement.  Say we just wanted to print out a simple message
such as
           print *, 'enter  a positive number'
           read *, num
                       if (num <0)    stop
                       if (num < 10) print *, 'less than 10'
                       if (num > 10) print *, 'greater than 10'
           print *,'It is a positive number'
This snippet also introduces a useful, simple statement stop – it simply stops the program.
Important note – testing for zero
Make sure you understand this !
Suppose that you wish to test whether a real variable is zero. The test
                                               if (x == 0) then ….
is not a satisfactory test. Although integer numbers are held exactly by the computer, real numbers
are not.
The way around this is to test if the absolute value of the variable is less than some small predefined
value. For example:
          if  (abs(x) < .000001) then
                                  print *,’No zero values! Please enter  another number’
                                  read *, x
          end if
Mixing variable types
Exercise 3.1
Copy   divide.f95 from Downloads
Make sure you understand the following program thoroughly!
o   program divide
o   implicit none
o   integer  :: x
o   real  :: y
o   x  = 1
o   y = x/3
o   print  *, y
o   end program divide
Run it. This program produces the following output:
Something odd is happening. The problem is the line:
FORTRAN evaluates the right  hand side of the assignment firstusing integer arithmetic, because both
x and 3 are integer. 1 divided by 3 cannot be stored as an integer, and so the value 0 is returned. The
result, 0, is then converted to a real number and the assigned to y.
Replace the line in program divide
                       x = 1      
                       x = 10
Your output should now be:
Can you see what is happening? FORTRAN is keeping the integer part of the answer and throwing the
rest away.
To get over this problem, we have to signal to FORTRAN that we want it to calculate the right hand
side of the expression using real arithmetic. If we want  to keep x as integer data type, we could re-
write our expression as follows:
The presence of a real number on the right hand side causes the right hand side of the expression to
be evaluated using floating point arithmetic.
Actually, the problem is even more complicated! Where we have an expression like
                y=x * ((2**i)/3)
where x and y are real and i is integer, FORTRAN computes the result in stages:
First it calculates (2**i)/3 and evaluates it as an integer number, then multiplies the result by x and
evaluates it as real.
Exercise 3.2
Copy check.f95 to your filestore.
                       program check
                      !Integer and real arithmetic
                      implicit none
                      real :: x,y
                      integer i
                      print *,y
                      print *,y
                      end program check 
 and examine its output. Make sure you understand why this is happening.
The do loop
Unless we are able to re-execute code, we might as well use a calculator… Now we start to take
advantage of the power of the computer.
Exercise 3.3
Copy program loop.f95
                       program  loop
                       implicit none    
                      integer  :: i
                      do  i=0,20
                                  print  *,i
                      end  do
                      end  program loop
Run the program. It prints out the numbers from 0 to 20 in steps of 1.
i is called a loop counter. In this example, it has a start value of zero.
All the statements within the do and end do are executed. In this example there is just the one
statement, ie print.
Each time the statements are executed, the loop counter, i, is incremented by 1.
When the value of i is 20, the loop terminates, and the program resumes after the end do.
Change the do statement in program loop as follows:
                       do i = 50,70,2
Run the program. What happens?
The third argument in the do statement, is the increment step.  If omitted, the value is taken as 1.
Loops can also decrement: try this
                       do i = 5,-5,-2
Exercise 3.4
Using a do loop to generate integer values of x between –10 and 10 in steps of 1, write a program that
constructs a table of values of
                       y = 1.0/x
What happened when x had the value zero? Use an if, end if to test for the condition that gives the
incorrect value, and print out an appropriate message. Compare your result with divbyzero.f95.
Division by zero 
is one of the commonest reasons for a program to fail
Nested Do Loops
We want to construct a table of values for z where
                       z = xy          
for values of          x in the range 1 to 2 in steps of 0.5 and 
y in the range 1 to 2 in steps of 0.5
Work through the next exercise which illustrates this:
Exercise 3.5
Copy program xytab.f95 to your filespace.
                       program  xytab
                    implicit none
                      !constructs a table of z=x/y for values of x from 1 to 2 and
                      !y from 1 to 4 in  steps of .5
                      real         ::   x, y, z
                      print *, '           x           y           z'
                      do  x = 1,2
                                  do y = 1,4,0.5
                                             z = x/y
                                              print *, x,y,z
                                  end do
                      end  do
                      end  program xytab
Examine its output. Notice the use of the first print  to give a heading to the table.
Using loops to do summation
Earlier on, we discussed the idea of assignments.
                       x = 1.0
means store the value 1.0 in the memory location called x.
If we had the following code:
                       x = 1.0
                       x = x +  1.0
                       print *, x
Can you guess what value would be printed out for x?
The answer would be 2.0.
Really important!
Bearing in mind the definition of an assignment,  the statement
                       x = x  + 1.0
means “add 1.0 to the value currently stored in memory location x and then store the result in
memory location x”.
Exercise 3.6
Copy file increment.f95 to your file space and examine its output.
                      program increment
                      implicit none
                      integer :: i
                      real :: x
                      x = 1.0
                      do i=1,10
                                  x = x + 1.0
                                  print *, i,x
                      end do
                      end program increment
Note carefully that we have set the initial value of x outside of the do loop. Why have we done this? If
you aren't sure – change the code to put the line x = 1.0 inside the loop – then examine the output.
It is important to understand that if we use constructions such as x = x + 1.0, then it is vital to initialise
x to some value. If we don't, it is possible that the value might be set to any random number. Run the
program, make a note of the final value of x then put an exclamation mark in front of the x =
1.0 statement and run the program again.
Exercise 3.7
Edit the line x = x + 1.0 in program increment.f95, and change it to x = x * i. Re-run the program and
examine the output. What is significant mathematically about the sequence of numbers that has been
Files and Precision
Reading from files
In the real world, most of the data we use for our programs will be kept in files. We just need a
modification to the read  statement that we are already familiar with to do this.
This program reads 3 numbers from a file called 'mydata.txt' into an array. Use Windows Notepad to
create such a file for yourself, or copy the file from mydata.txt which is on the website.
       program readdata
       implicit none
       !reads data from a file called mydata.txt
       real :: x,y,z
               read(10,*) x,y,z
       print *,x,y,z
       end program  readdata  
The new material here are the lines
       read(10,*) x,y,z
The open statement links the file called 'mydata.txt' with an input device numbered 10 (it
doesn't have to be 10, it could be any positive integer). To read from device 10, we just use it as the
first argument in the read statement.
Exercise 4.1
Use Notepad to create a  file called evenodd.txt. In the file type 10 numbers, one per line. Write a
program that reads data from evenodd.txt one line at a time. Check if each number is even or odd and
print out a suitable message. One way to check if a number is even or odd is to use the mod intrinsic
function, like this…
                if (mod(num,2)>0) then……
mod returns the remainder of the first argument divided by the second. If the return value is greater
than zero, then the number must be odd.  Check program evenodd.f95 to see if you are correct.
Writing to files
This is a similar idea to reading from files. We need a new statement, though, instead of print, we
use write.
       program io2
       !illustrates  writing arrays to files
       implicit none
       real :: num
       integer :: i
       do i = 1,100
       num = i/3.0
           write(12,*) num
       end do
       print *, 'finished'
       end program io2
Exercise 4.2
Write a program which reads in numbers from a file one at a time. If the number is positive, it should 
store it in a file called 'positive.txt' and negative numbers in a file called 'negative.txt'.
Extending the precision
So far, we have used two types of variables, real and integer. The problem so far, as you will have
noticed on output, is that we are extremely limited by the number of significant digits that are
available for computation. Clearly, when we are dealing with iterative processes, this will lead rapidly
to errors. We can, however, extend the precision available from the single precision default, which
gives us 6 figure decimal precision to 15 figures by using a new specification for real numbers.
       program extended
       implicit none
       integer, parameter  :: ikind=selected_real_kind(p=15)
       real (kind=ikind)  :: sum,x
       integer :: i
       do i=1,100
         sum = sum +  1.0/(x**6)
       end do
       print *, sum
       end program  extended    
produces the following output:
Don't be put off by the odd looking code. In practice, the way of setting up this extended precision, is
pretty much the same for every program.
We state the precision we want by the argument p
       integer, parameter ::  ikind=selected_real_kind(p=15)
in this case, 15 decimal places. ikind is a new data type – a parameter. FORTRAN returns a value to the
parameter ikind that will be adequate to provide 15 digit precision. This code will work
on any machine irrespective of the architecture. 
We declare that the variables are using extended precision by
       real (kind=ikind) ::  sum,x
Valid values for p are 6, 15 and 18. The default value for p is 6. If you ask for more precision than 18
digits, the compiler will complain with an error message.  Try changing the values of  p and see what
effect this has on the output.
The trouble with PRINT is that the programmer has no control over the number of digits output
irrespective of the selected precision .
Later on we'll come back to this when we learn about the WRITE statement, and output formatting.
Note Unlike variables, parameters may not change once they are declared.
If we want to use constants in a program that uses extended precision, we have to tell FORTRAN that
they are also extended precision explicitly. This leads to the rather strange syntax you can see in the
following program.  
   program extendedconstants
 !demonstrates use of extended precision
 implicit none
 integer, parameter ::  ikind=selected_real_kind(p=18)
 real (kind=ikind) :: val,x,y
 print*,val                  !10/3 calculated as  integer  - wrong!
 val=x/y              !x/y assigned to extended  precision - right!
 val=10.0_ikind/3              !extend precision constant -  right!
 val=10.0/3.0                              !real constants - wrong!
 val = .12345678901234567890               !real constants - wrong!
 print *, val
 val = .12345678901234567890_ikind   !ext precision consts - right!
 print *, val
 end program  extendedconstants    
You should run this program for yourself and think carefully about its implications. This program
demonstrates how easy it is to get calculations wrong.  I’ll leave this to you to experiment to ensure
that you fully understand the importance of properly declaring variables and the use of constants in
FORTRAN programming. A systematic approach to your programming will reduce the risk of errors as
will running programs with test data that have known solutions so that you can confirm that your
program is error free.
Magnitude limitations
We have already observed that there is a limitation of the accuracy with which we can do calculations
in FORTRAN (and indeed, any, computer language). There are also limitations on the magnitude of a
number. The various magnitude and precision limits are summarized in the following table:

Exercise 5.3
To illustrate these limits copy file  magnitude.f95  and run the program. Take a while to get a feel for
what is going on. Try inputting various values for the variable maxpower (eg 400). Can you confirm
that the table above is correct?
One interesting construct is
           print *,i,2.0_ikind**i
Here, we are telling the compiler that the real constant 2.0 is also using extended precision. Check
what happens if you select extended precision (option 3) and enter a value of maxpower of 400. See
what happens  if you rewrite the line to be
           print *,i,2.0**i
Run the program again and enter the same values. Can you explain what is going on?
Convergence – exiting loops  on a condition
In the program extended.f95, we found the sum of

It is useful to determine at what point such sums converge to a steady value – otherwise we may make
arbitrary assumptions about the summation range. Clearly, a point will be reached, within the
precision range that can be handled on our computer, that the term

will be too small to contribute to the sum. At this point we should exit the loop otherwise the program
will do more computation than is required.
One way to do this is to compare the value of the variable sum with its previous value, and if the
difference between the two is very small, then exit the loop.
 program  whileloop
 implicit none
 integer, parameter ::  ikind=selected_real_kind(p=15)
 real (kind=ikind) ::  sum,previoussum,x,smallnumber,error
 integer :: i
 sum = 0.0
 previoussum = 0.0
 smallnumber = 10.0_ikind**(-15.0)
 do i=1,1000
    sum = sum + 1.0 /(x**6)
    if  (error<smallnumber) then
        print *,'sum  ',sum,' number of loops ',i
     end if
    previoussum = sum
 end do
 end program  whileloop
In the real world, we have to make choices about the amount of precision we need to work to. It is
pointless asking for 15 digits of precision if, for example, we can only take a measurement to + or – 1%
It is not necessary  to always use a loop counter in a do loop.  If we don't actually specify a counter, the
program will loop forever. Constructs like this are OK:
           smallnumber = .0000001_ikind
          print *, 'enter a  positive number '
          read *, number
                      if (number <=  smallnumber) exit
          end do
The disadvantage is that, if you get the code wrong, you run the risk of the program looping forever –
generally it's safer to use a loop counter!
Arrays and Formatted I/O
Let us imagine that we want to find the average of 10 numbers. One (crude) method is shown in the
next program.
   program av
   real :: x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10,average
   read *, x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10
   average = (x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10)/10
   print *, 'the average is ',average
   print *, 'the numbers are:'
   print *, x1
   print *, x2
  print *, x3
   print *, x4
   print *, x5
   print *, x6
   print *, x7
   print *, x8
   print *, x9
   print *, x10
   end program av
This approach is messy, involves a lot of typing and is prone to error. Imagine if we had to deal with
thousands of numbers!
The way around this is to use arrays. An array is a list that we can access through a subscript. To
indicate to FORTRAN that we are using an array, we just specify its size when we declare it.
       real, dimension(100)  ::x
       x(1) = 3
       x(66) = 4
This snippet of code allocates 100 memory locations to the array x. To access an individual location,
called an array element, we use a subscript – here we are assigning the number 4 to the 66th element
of array x and 3 to the 1st element.
Now let's return to program av at the start of this worksheet, we'll re-write it using an array.
       program av2
       implicit none
       real ,dimension(10) :: x
       real                :: average,sum
       integer             :: i
       print *, 'enter 10 numbers'
       do i=1,10
           read *, x(i)
       end do
       print *, 'the average is ',average
       print *, 'the numbers are'
       print *,x
       end program av2
Notice that if we type
       print*, x
the program will print out the entire contents of the array.
The additional benefit of this program is that with very few changes, we could make it deal with any
number of items in our list. We can improve on this still further by making use the parameter data
           program av3
       !just change the value of the parameter  to change the size of the !array
       implicit none
       integer, parameter    ::  imax = 10
       real,dimension(imax)  :: x
       real                  ::  average,sum
       integer               :: i
       print *, 'enter’ ,imax, ’ numbers'
       do i=1,imax
           read *, x(i)
       end do
       print *, 'the average is ',average
       print *, 'the numbers are'
       print *,x
       end program av3
Note this is an example of good programming. The code is easily maintainable – all we have to do to
find an average of a list of numbers of any size is just to change the size of the parameter imax.  We can
also allocate the size of the array at run time by dynamically allocating memory.
The following program demonstrates the use of arrays where we do not know the size of the array.
       program alloc
       implicit none
       integer, allocatable,dimension(:):: vector
       !note syntax - dimension(:)
       integer  :: elements,i
       print *,'enter the number of  elements in the vector'
       read *,elements   
       !allocates the correct amount  of memory
       print *,' your vector is of  size ',elements,'. Now enter each element'
       do i=1,elements
            read *,vector(i)
       end do
       print *,'This is your vector'
       do i=1,elements
            print *,vector(i)
       end do           
       !tidies up the memory
       end program alloc
The program is called alloc.f95 and can be copied from the web page. Note in particular the bolded
lines. The new way of declaring the array vector tells the compiler that it is allocatable – ie the size
will be determined at run time.
We shall look at this further in Section 7.
Exercise 5.1
Write a program that asks the user how many numbers they want to enter, call this value imax.
Allocate imax elements to two arrays, a and b. Read in imax numbers to a and do the same to b. Print
out the arrays a, b  and print out the sum of a and b. Compare your attempt with sumalloc.f95.
Array magic
One of the benefits of arrays is that you can easily do operations on every element by using simple
arithmetic operators.
        program ramagic
       implicit none
       real ,dimension(10)  :: a,b,c,d
       read(10,*) a
       print *, 'a= ',a
       print *, 'b= ',b
       print *, 'c= ',c
       print *, 'd= ',d
       end program  ramagic  
Exercise 5.2
Copy program ramagic.f95 and file data.txt to your own computer. Run the program and examine the
Exercise 5.3
Write a program that fills a 10 element array x with values between 0 and .9 in steps of .1.  Print the
values of sin(x) and cos(x) using the properties of arrays to simplify your program. Compare your
answer with ramagic2.f95.
Multi-dimensional arrays
The arrays we have looked at so far have been one dimensional, that is a single list of numbers that
are accessed using a single subscript. In concept, 1 dimensional arrays work in a similar way to
vectors. We can also use two dimensional arrays which conceptually are equivalent to matrices.
So, for example,
      integer,  dimension(5,5) :: a
sets up a storage space with 25 integer locations.
The next program creates a 2 dimensional array with 2 rows and 3 columns. It fills all locations in
column 1 with 1, columns 2 with 2, column 3 with 3 and so on.
       program twodra
       implicit none
       integer,dimension(2,3)      ::  a
       integer                     ::row,col,count
       count = 0
       !creates an array with 3 cols and 2 rows
       !sets col 1 to 1, col2 to 2 and so on
       do row=1,2
          do col =1,3
           end do
       end do
      do row=1,2
          do col =1,3
             print  *,a(row,col)
          end do
       end do
       end program twodra                  
FORTRAN actually allows the use of arrays of up to 7 dimensions, a feature which is rarely needed. To
specify a extended precision 3 dimensional array b with subscripts ranging from 1 to 10, 1 to 20 and 1
to 30 we would write:
       real  (kind=ikind),dimension(10,20,30) :: b 
Exercise 5.4
Using a 4*4 array create an identity matrix,  that is, a matrix of the form:
       1  0  0  0
       0  1  0  0
       0  0  1  0
       0  0  0  1
and output it. Wouldn't it be nice if we could actually output the matrix elements in rows and
columns?  At the end of this section we shall see exactly how to do this.
Formatting your output
You may now be wondering if there is any way to have better control over what your output looks
like. So far we have been using the default output option – that's what the *'s are for in
the write and print statements:
         write(10,*) x,y,z
         print  *, 'program finished'
Exercise 5.5
Copy format.f95, and run it
       program format
       implicit none
       !demonstrates use of the format statement
       integer, parameter ::  ikind=selected_real_kind(p=15)
       real , dimension(4)               :: x
       integer, dimension(4)             :: nums
       integer                             :: i
       real(kind=ikind),dimension(4)      :: computed
       !fill up the arrays with something
       do i = 1,4
          nums(i)           = i * 10
          computed(i)       =  cos(0.1*i)
          x(i)              = computed(i)
       end do
       print *,'nums -  integer'
       write(*,1) nums
       1     format(2i10)
       print *, 'x - real'
             write(*,2) x
       2     format(f6.2)
       print *, 'computed -  double precision'
             write(*,3)  computed
       3     format(f20.7)                  
       end program format
You can see that the write and format statements come in pairs.
    write(output device,label) variable(s)
    label  format(specification)
We are using in this example a * as the output device – in other words, the screen.
The format statement can actually go anywhere in the program, but by convention we usually place
them just after the associated write or all together at the end of the program. It's just a matter of taste.
The tricky part here is the specification. There are different specifications for integer, real, and
character variables.
Integer Specification
General form :   nim
         Right justified
         m is the number of character spaces reserved for printing (including the sign if there is one)
         If the actual width is less than m, blanks are printed
         n is the number of  integers to output per line. If omitted, one number is output per line.
Floating point Specification
General form : nfm.d
         Right justified
         m is the number of character spaces reserved for printing (including the sign if there is one),
and the decimal point.
         If the actual width is less than m, blanks are printed
         n is the number of  real numbers to output per line. If omitted, one number is output per line.
         d is the number of spaces reserved for the fractional part of the number – filled with 0's if
fewer spaces are needed. If the fractional part is too wide it is rounded.
If the total width for output (m) is too small, FORTRAN will just output *'s.
Rule        m >=       width of the integer part plus
                                d plus
                                1 (space for decimal point) plus
                                1 (space for sign – if negative)
Essentially, make m nice and wide and you won't have any trouble!
Exponential Specification
General form nEm.d
         Alternative specification for outputting real
         d is the number of decimal places
         m  is the total width of the field including the sign (if any), the character E and its sign, the
decimal point and the number of places of decimals. Again make m nice and wide to ensure the
field is properly printed out.
         n is the number of  exponential numbers to output per line. If omitted, one number is output
per line.
       real :: a,b
       a = sqrt(5.0)
       b = -sqrt(a)
       write(*,10) a,b
       10  format(2E14.5)
       0.22361E+01  -0.14953E+01
Character Specification
General form  nAm
n is the number of strings to print
m is the maximum number of characters to output
       program chars
       implicit none
       character ::a*10,b*10
       write(*,10) a,b
       10    format(2a10)
       end program chars
Exercise 5.6
Using the format specifications in format.f95 as a guide, produce a table of  
       x        ex         

for values of x in increments of 0.1. Write your output to a file called myoutput. Ensure that your
output lines up neatly in columns. An example program is neatoutput.f95 is available on the website.
Implied Do Loop to write arrays
So far, the method we have used for input and output of arrays is:
       integer :: col,row
       real :: ra(10,10)
       !using do loop
       do row = 1,10
          do col = 1,10
           read *,      ra(row,col)
            write(*,*)   ra(row,col)
          end do
       end do
The trouble with this method is that the rows and columns are not preserved on output. An
alternative, and neater method is to use an implied do loop in the write statement.
       real :: ra(10,10)
       integer :: row,col
       !use implied do
       do row = 1,10
          do col = 1,10
            read *,        ra(row,col)
          end do
       end do
       do row=1,10
         write(*,10)  (ra(row,col),col=1,10)
       end do
       10  format(10f5.1)         
Subroutines and Functions
Re-using code – the subroutine
Examine the following program
  program output
  implicit none
  real,dimension(3)  :: a,b,c
  character ::  answer*1
  !initialise arrays
  a = 1.5
  b = 2.5
  c = 3.5
  write(*,1) 'a',a
  print *, 'type y to continue or any other key  to finish'
  read *, answer
  if (answer /= 'y') stop
  write(*,1) 'b',b
  print *, 'type y to continue or any other key  to finish'
  read *, answer
  if (answer /= 'y') stop
  write(*,1) 'c',c
  print *, 'type y to continue or any other key  to finish'
  read *, answer
  if (answer /= 'y') stop
  write(*,1)  'a*b*c',a * b * c
  1 format(a,3f8.3)
  end program  output
The program sets up some arrays and then outputs them. At three stages in the program (bolded), it
asks whether it should continue; it stops if the answer is not 'y'.  Notice that the three bolded parts of
the code are identical.
Simple enough – but look at the amount of code! Most of it is the same – wouldn't it be nice to re-use
the code and cut down on the typing? The answer is to use subroutines.
  program output1
  implicit none
  real,dimension(3) :: a,b,c
  !initialise arrays
  a = 1.5
  b = 2.5
  c = 3.5
  write(*,1) 'a',a
 call prompt()
  write(*,1) 'b',b
 call prompt()
  write(*,1) 'c',c
 call prompt()
  write(*,1) 'a*b*c',a * b * c
  1        format(a,3f8.3)
  end program output1
 subroutine prompt()
 !prompts for a keypress
 implicit none
 character answer*1
 print *, 'type y to continue or any other key to finish'
 read *, answer
 if (answer /= 'y') stop
 end subroutine prompt
Examine the code, each time we use type
                call  prompt()
the program jumps to the line
                subroutine prompt()
then executes each line of the code it finds in the subroutine until it reaches the line
                end  subroutine prompt
and then returns to the main program and carries on where it left off.
The program is much easier to understand now. All the code for prompting is in one place. If we ever
need to change the code which prompts the user to continue, we will only ever need to change it once.
This makes the program more maintainable.
Arguments to subroutines
We have seen that subroutines are very useful where we need to execute the same bit of code
The subroutine can be thought of as a separate program which we can call on whenever we wish to do
a specific task. It is independent of the main program – it knows nothing about the variables used in
the main program. Also, the main program knows nothing about the variables used in the subroutine. 
This can be useful – we can write a subroutine using any variable names we wish and we know that
they will not interfere with anything we have already set up in the main program.
This immediately poses a problem – what if we want the subroutine to do calculations for us that we
can use in the main program? The following program uses  arguments to do just that.
Example: a program that calculates the difference in volume between 2 spheres.
  program vols
  !Calculates difference in volume of 2 spheres
  implicit none
  real :: rad1,rad2,vol1,vol2
  character :: response
  print *, 'Please enter the two radii'
  read *, rad1,rad2
  call volume(rad1,vol1)
  call volume(rad2,vol2)
  write(*,10) 'The difference in volumes is, ',abs(vol1-vol2)
  10       format(a,2f10.3)
  print *, 'Any more? - hit Y for yes, otherwise hit any key'
  read *, response
  if (response /= 'Y' .and. response /= 'y') stop
  end do
  end program vols
  subroutine volume(rad,vol)  
  implicit none
  real :: rad,vol,pi
  !calculates the volume of a sphere
  !It's a little quicker in processing to  do r*r*r than r**3!
  end subroutine volume     
When the program reaches the lines
         call volume(rad1,vol1)
It jumps to the line
         subroutine  volume(rad,vol)  
The values, rad1 and vol1 are passed to the subroutine. The subroutine calculates a value for the
volume and when the line :
          end subroutine volume     
is reached, the value of the volume is returned to the main program
Points to notice – these are very important – please read carefully
         You may have several subroutines in your program. Ideally, a subroutine should do a specific
task – reflected by its name.
         All the variables in subroutines, apart from the ones passed as arguments, are 'hidden' from
the main program. That means that you can use the same names in your subroutine as in the
main program and the values stored in each will be unaffected – unless the variable is passed
as an argument to the subroutine.
         It is very easy to forget to declare variables in subroutines. Always use implicit none in your
subroutines to guard against this.
         All the variables in the subroutine must be declared.
         The positioning of the arguments (in this case, rad and vol) is important. The subroutine has
no knowledge of what the variables are called in the main program. It is vital that the
arguments agree both in position and type. So, if an argument to the subroutine is real  in the
main program, it must also be real  in the subroutine.
         If an argument to the subroutine is an array, it must also be declared as an array in the
Exercise 6.1
Write a program that calculates the difference in area between two triangles. Your program should
prompt the user for the information it needs to do the calculation. Use a subroutine to calculate the
actual area. Pass information to the subroutine using arguments.
User Defined Functions
We have already met FORTRAN intrinsic functions like abs, cos, sqrt. We can also define our own
functions – they work in a similar way to subroutines.
As an example, let's write a program (func.f95) that does some trigonometry. As you know, the trig
routines in FORTRAN use radians, not degrees - so it would be nice to write a function that does all the
conversion for us.
  print *,'Enter a  number'
  read *, a
  print *,'the sine of  ',a,' is ',sin(a*pi/180)
In this snippet, we are having to code the conversion from degrees to radians directly into the main
part of the program. That's OK for a 'one-off', but what if we needed to do the conversion several
times. Now look at this:
  program func                                
  !demonstrates use of user defined functions
  implicit none
  integer, parameter ::  ikind=selected_real_kind(p=15)
  real (kind=ikind)::  deg,rads
  print *, 'Enter an  angle in degrees'
  read  *, deg
  write(*,10) 'sin =  ',sin(rads(deg))
  write(*,10) 'tan =  ',tan(rads(deg))
  write(*,10) 'cos =  ',cos(rads(deg))
  10   format(a,f10.8)
  end program func
  function rads(degrees)
  implicit none
 integer, parameter ::  ikind=selected_real_kind(p=15)
  !    returns radians
  real (kind=ikind) ::  pi,degrees,rads
  end function rads          
What we have done, in effect, is to create our own function rads, which is used in an identical way to
the intrinsic ones you have used already like sqrt, cos, and abs.
When the line
     write(*,10) 'sin =  ',sin(rads(deg))
is reached, the program jumps to
     function rads(degrees)
the value, degrees, is passed to the function. The function does some computation, then finally returns
the calculated value to the main program with the line
Note carefully that it doesn't return the value in the argument list (as does a subroutine) but
actually assigns the value to its own name rads.
         The function rads converts the value of the argument, degrees, to radians.
         Notice that we must declare the data type of the function both in the main program, and in the
function itself as if it were a variable.
         Functions return one value. This value, when calculated, is assigned to the name of the
function as if it were a variable –
Exercise 6.2
Write a program that includes a function called
real function average(n,list)
where n is integer and is the number of items in the list, and list is a real array.
Write suitable code for reading the numbers from a file (or keyboard), and output the average of the
Exercise 6.3
Write a  program that allows a user to enter the size of a square matrix. In the program write a
subroutine to compute a finite difference matrix. Ensure your output is neatly formatted in rows and
So, for a 10 by 10 matrix, we expect output to look like this
   2  -1    0   0   0   0   0    0   0   0
  -1   2   -1   0   0   0   0    0   0   0
   0  -1    2  -1   0   0   0    0   0   0
   0   0   -1   2  -1   0   0    0   0   0
   0   0    0  -1   2  -1   0    0   0   0
   0   0    0   0  -1   2  -1    0   0   0
   0   0    0   0   0  -1   2   -1   0   0
   0   0    0   0   0   0  -1    2  -1   0
   0   0    0   0   0   0   0   -1   2  -1
   0   0    0   0   0   0   0    0  -1   2 
Advanced Topics
Array Functions
FORTRAN provides a number of intrinsic functions that are useful for working with arrays. Among
these are some which are specifically aimed at working with matrices and vectors.

Function name Operates on Description

multiplication of
MATMUL Matrix/vector two matrices or a
matrix and a

Scalar (dot)
DOT_PRODUCT Vector product of two

Transpose of a

Maximum value of
an array, or of all
the elements along
MAXVAL Any array
a specified
dimension of an

Minimum value of
an array, or of all
the elements along
MINVAL Any array
a specified
dimension of an

Sum of all the

elements of an
array, or of all the
SUM Any array  elements along a
dimension of an

Program   matrixmul.f95, demonstrates the use of these functions. Additionally, it includes two

subroutines that are likely to be useful when handling matrix/array manipulations: fill_array  which
fills the array elements and outputra which prints the values of the array elements to the screen. This
program is also an example of dynamic memory allocation.
 program matrixmul
 !demonstrates use of matmul array function and dynamic 
 !allocation of array
 real,  allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: ra1,ra2,ra3
 integer :: size
 !initialize the arrays
 print*, 'Shows array  manipulation using SQUARE arrays.'
 print*, 'Allocate the  space for the array at run time.'
 print*, 'Enter the  size of your array'
read *, size
 print*, 'enter matrix  elements for ra1 row by row'
 call  fill_array(size,ra1)
 print*, 'enter matrix  elements for ra2 row by row'
 call  fill_array(size,ra2)
 !echo the arrays
 print *,'ra1'
 call  outputra(size,ra1)
 print *,'ra2'
 call  outputra(size,ra2)
 !demonstrate the use of matmul and transpose intrinsic !functions
 print *,'matmul of  ra1 and ra2'   
 call  outputra(size,ra3)
 print *,'transpose of  ra1'
 call  outputra(size,ra3)
 end program matrixmul
 subroutine  outputra(size,ra)
 implicit none
 !will output a real square array nicely
 integer                               :: size,row,col
 real,dimension(size,size)             :: ra
 character                             :: reply*1
 do row =1,size
    write(*,10) (ra(row,col),col=1,size)  
    10    format(100f10.2)
    !as we don't know how many numbers are to be output,
    !specify  !more than we need - the rest are ignored
 end do
 print*,'Hit a key and  press enter to continue'
 read *,reply
 end subroutine  outputra
 subroutine  fill_array(size,ra)
 implicit none                        
 !fills the array by prompting from keyboard
 integer        :: row,col,size
 real           :: num
 real, dimension(size,size) :: ra
 do row=1,size
    do col=1,size
      print *, row,col
      read *,num
    end do
 end do
 end subroutine  fill_array         
Exercise 7.1
Write a program to read in 2 square matrices (of any size). Confirm that the matrices obey the rule
      (AB)T     =   BTAT
where     AT         is the transpose of matrix A.
Exercise 7.2
Write a program that will read a 3 X 3 matrix from a data file. In the program, include a subroutine
that will generate any cofactor cof of the matrix mat. Call the subroutine cofactor and use these
          subroutine cofactor(i,j,mat,cof)
          implicit none
          real :: mat(3,3),minor(2,2),cof
          integer :: elrow,elcol
          ! cof – the cofactor of matrix mat for element i,j
Exercise 7.3
Use the program you developed Exercise 7.2 to calculate the determinant  of a 3 X 3 matrix.
Writing REAL programs - Flow Charts
Now that you know all the main elements of FORTRAN 95, you are in a position to apply your skills to
writing REAL programs. Unlike most of the exercises in these worksheets, REAL programs tend to be
rather large. In large programs, the underlying logic can often be difficult to follow.
It helps, therefore, both in the devising of a program and later in its maintenance, to have a plan of
what you intend the program to do. Let’s take, as an example, a program that works like a calculator.
The flowchart is shown on the next page. The logic of the program, as a whole, is clear. Details like
what will happen in the subroutines is glossed over at this stage.
In commercial programming, flowcharts are usually formalized, with specific shapes for boxes that do
different things. That need not concern us here. Essentially, we use flowcharts to provide a ‘map’ of
the underlying logic flow in the program – what connects with what.

Simple Parallelization in Fortran: OpenMP

The first PC we got at our home was a Pentium II. My dad got it, because I was going to university, and
I would be able to do something “useful” with it. (Yup, I survived my entire high school career
searching stuff in the library and the home encyclopedia. Even more, Google didn’t even exist before
we got our computer, as the company was only founded in 1998  ). The machine was advertised as
state of the art with a clock rate of a whooping 233 MHz! During the decade that followed, the
evolution of the clock rates kept going at a steady pace, until it saturated at about 3-4 GHz(15 times
faster than the 233 MHz) around 2005. Since then, the clock rate has not increased a bit. If anything,
the average clock rate has even decreased to the range 2-3 GHz. As power-consumption
grows quadratically with with the clock rate, this means that (1) there is much more heat produced,
that needs to be transported away from your CPU (otherwise it get’s destroyed), (2) reducing the
clock rate by a factor 2, allows you to power 4 CPU’s at half the clock rate, effectively doubling your
calculation power. (There are even more tricks involved in modern CPU’s which crack up performance
such that the clock rate isn’t a real measure for performance any longer, and sales people need to
learn more new buzzword to sell your computer/laptop  )

Where in 2005 you bought a single CPU with a high clock rate, you now get a machine with
multiple cores. Most machines you can get these days have a minimum of 2 cores, with quad-core
machines becoming more and more common. But, there is always a but, even though you now have
access to multiple times the processing power of 2005, this does not mean that your own code will be
able to use it. Unfortunately there is no simple compiler switch which makes your code parallel (like
the -m64 switch which makes your code 64-bit), you have to do this yourself (the free lunch is over).
Two commonly used frameworks for this task are OpenMPand MPI. The former mainly focuses on
shared memory configurations (laptops, desktops, single nodes in a cluster), while the latter focuses
of large distributed memory setups (multi-node clusters) and is thus well-suited for creating codes
that need to run on hundreds or even thousands of CPU’s. The two frameworks differ significantly in
their complexity, fortunately for us, OpenMP is both the easier one, and the one most suited for a
modern multi-core computer. The OpenMP framework consists of pragma’s (or directives) which can
be added in an existing code as comment lines, and tell a compiler knowledgeable of OpenMP how
to parallelize the code. (It is interesting to note that MPI and OpenMP are inteded for parallel
programming in either C, C++ or fortran … a hint that what the important programming languages

OpenMP in Fortran: Basics

A. Compiler-options and such

As most modern fortran compilers also are well aware of openMP (you can check which version of
openMP is supported here), you generally will not need to install a new compiler to write parallel
fortran code. You only need to add a single compiler flag: -fopenmp (gcc/gfortran), -openmp (intel
compiler), or -mp (Portland Group). In Code::Blocks you will find this option under Settings >
Compiler > Compiler Settings tab > Compiler Flags tab (If the option isn’t present try adding it to
“other compiler options” and hope your compiler recognizes one of the flags). 
Secondly, you need to link in the OpenMP library. In Code::Blocks go to Settings > Compiler >
Linker Settings tab > Link Libraries: add. Where you add the libgomp.dll.a library (generally
found in the folder of your compiler…in case of 64 bit compilers, make sure you get the 64 bit version)
Finally, you may want to get access to OpenMP functions inside your code. This can be achieved by a
use statement: use omp_lib.

B. Machine properties
OpenMP contains several functions which allow you to query and set several environment variables
(check out these cheat-sheets for OpenMP v3.0 and v4.0).
o    omp_get_num_procs() : returns the number of processors your code sees (in hyper-threaded
CPU’s this will be double of the actual number of processor cores).

o    omp_get_num_threads() : returns the number of threads available in a specific section of the


o    omp_set_num_threads(I): Sets the number of threads for the openMP parallel section to I

o    omp_get_thread_num() : returns the index of the specific thread you are in [0..I[

Simple OpenMP functions

1.      subroutine OpenMPTest1()

2.              use omp_lib;


4.              write(*,*) "Running OpenMP Test 1: Environment variables"

5.              write(*,*) "Number of threads :",omp_get_num_threads()

6.              write(*,*) "Number of CPU's available:",omp_get_num_procs()

7.              call omp_set_num_threads(8) ! set the number of threads to 8

8.              write(*,*) "#Threads outside the parallel section:",omp_get_num_threads()

9.              !below we start a parallel section

10.         !$OMP PARALLEL

11.          write(*,*) "Number of threads in a parallel section :",omp_get_num_threads()

12.          write(*,*) "Currently in thread with ID = ",omp_get_thread_num()

13.          !$OMP END PARALLEL


15. end subroutine OpenMPTest1

Notice in the example code above that outside the parallel section indicated with the directives $OMP
PARALLEL and $OMP END PARALLEL, the program only sees a single thread, while inside the
parallel section 8 threads will run (independent of the number of cores available). 

C. Simple parallelization
The OpenMP frameworks consists of an set of directives which can be used to manage the
parallelization of your code (cheat-sheets for OpenMP v3.0 and v4.0). I will not describe them in detail
as there exists several very well written and full tutorials on the subject, we’ll just have a look at a
quick and easy parallelization of a big for-loop. As said, OpenMP makes use of directives (or Pragma’s)
which are placed as comments inside the code. As such they will not interfere with your code when it
is compiled as a serial code (i.e. without the -fopenmp compiler flag). The directives are preceded by
what is called a sentinel ( $OMP ). In the above example code, we already saw a first
directive: PARALLEL. Only inside blocks delimited by this directive, can your code be parallel.
OpenMP second test

1.      subroutine OMPTest2()

2.              use omp_lib;


4.              integer :: IDT, NT,nrx,nry,nrz

5.              doubleprecision, allocatable :: A(:,:,:)

6.              doubleprecision :: RD(1:1000)

7.              doubleprecision :: startT, TTime, stt


9.              call random_seed()
10.         call random_number(RD(1:1000))

11.          IDT=500 ! we will make a 500x500x500 matrix

12.          allocate(A(1:IDT,1:IDT,1:IDT))


14.          write(*,'(A)') "Number of preferred threads:"

15.         read(*,*) NT

16.          call omp_set_num_threads(NT)

17.          startT=omp_get_wtime()

18.          !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(stt)

19.          stt=omp_get_wtime()


21.          !$OMP DO

22.          do nrz=1,IDT

23.             do nry=1,IDT

24.                do nrx=1,IDT

25.               A(nrx,nry,nrz)=RD(modulo(nrx+nry+nrz,1000)+1)

26.                end do

27.             end do

28.          end do

29.          !$OMP END DO

30.         write(*,*) "time=",(omp_get_wtime()-stt)/omp_get_wtick()," ticks for thread


31.          !$OMP END PARALLEL

32.          TTime=(omp_get_wtime()-startT)/omp_get_wtick()

33.          write(*,*)" CPU-resources:",Ttime," ticks."


35.         deallocate(A)

36.      end subroutine RunTest2
The program above fills up a large 3D array with random values taken from a predetermined list. The
user is asked to set the number of threads (lines 14-16), and the function omp_get_wtime() is used to
obtain the number of seconds since epoch, while the function omp_get_wtick() gives the number of
seconds between ticks. These functions can be used to get some timing data for each thread, but also
for the entire program. For each thread, the starting time is stored in the variable stt. To protect this
variable of being overwritten by each separate thread, this variable is declared as private to the
thread (line 18: PRIVATE(stt) ). As a result, each thread will have it’s own private copy of the stt
The DO directive on line 21, tells the compiler that the following loop needs to be parallelized. Putting
the !$OMP DOpragma around the outer do-loop has the advantage that it minimizes the overhead
produced by the parallelization (i.e. resources required to make local copies of variables, calculating
the distribution of the workload over the different threads at the start of the loop, and combining the
results at the end of the loop).
As you can see, parallelizing a loop is rather simple. It takes only 4 additional comment lines (!$OMP
PARALLEL , !$OMP DO, !$OMP END DO and !$OMP END PARALLEL) and some time figuring out
which variables should be private for each thread, i.e. which are the variables that get updated during
each cycle of a loop. Loop counters you can even ignore as these are by default considered private. In
addition, the number of threads is set on another line giving us 5 new lines of code in total. It is of
course possible to go much further, but this is the basis of what you generally need.
Unfortunately, the presented example is not that computationally demanding, so it will be hard to see
the full effect of  the parallelization. Simply increasing the array size will not resolve this as you will
quickly run out of memory. Only with more complex operations in the loop will you clearly see the
parallelization. An example of a more complex piece of code is given below (it is part of the phonon-
subroutine in HIVE):
Parallel example: Phonon spectra

1.      !setup work space for lapack

2.              N = this%DimDynMat

3.              LWORK = 2*N - 1

4.              call omp_set_num_threads(this%nthreads)

5.              chunk=(this%nkz)/(this%nthreads*5)

6.              chunk=max(chunk,1)

7.              !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(WORK, RWORK, DM, W, RPart,IO)

8.              allocate(DM(N,N))

9.              allocate( WORK(2*LWORK), RWORK(3*N-2), W(N) )

10.         !the write statement only needs to be done by a single thread, and the other threads do
not need to wait for it

11.          !$OMP SINGLE

12.          write(uni,'(A,I0,A)') " Loop over all ",this%nkpt," q-points."

13.          !$OMP END SINGLE NOWAIT

14.          !we have to loop over all q-points

15.         !$OMP DO SCHEDULE(DYNAMIC,chunk)

16.          do nrz=1,this%nkz

17.              do nry=1,this%nky

18.                  do nrx=1,this%nkx

19.                      if (this%kpointListBZ1(nrx,nry,nrz)) then

20.                         !do nrk=1,this%nkpt

21.                          WORK = 0.0_R_double

22.                          RWORK = 0.0_R_double                                                

23.                          DM(1:this%DimDynMat,1:this%DimDynMat)=this%dynmatFIpart(1:this
%DimDynMat,1:this%DimDynMat)! make a local copy

24.                          do nri=1,this%poscar%nrions

25.                             do nrj=1,this%poscar%nrions

26.                                  Rpart=cmplx(0.0_R_double,0.0_R_double)

27.                                  do ns=this%vilst(1,nri,nrj),this%vilst(2,nri,nrj)

28.                                      Rpart=Rpart + exp(i*(dot_product(this%rvlst(1:3,ns),this

29.                                  end do

30.                                 Rpart=Rpart/this%mult(nri,nrj)

31.                                  DM(((nri-1)*3)+1:((nri-1)*3)+3,((nrj-1)*3)+1:((nrj-1)*3)+3) = &

32.                                      & DM(((nri-1)*3)+1:((nri-1)*3)+3,((nrj-1)*3)+1:((nrj-1)*3)+3)*Rpart

33.                              end do

34.                          end do

35.                         call MatrixHermitianize(DM,IOS=IO)

36.                          call ZHEEV( 'V', 'U', N, DM, N, W, WORK, LWORK, RWORK, IO )

37.                          this%FullPhonFreqList(:,nrx,nry,nrz)=sign(sqrt(abs(W)),W)*fac

38.                      end if

39.                  end do
40.             end do

41.          end do

42.          !$OMP END DO

43.          !$OMP SINGLE

44.          write(uni,'(A)') " Freeing lapack workspace."


46.          deallocate( WORK, RWORK,DM,W )

47.          !$OP END PARALLEL

In the above code, a set of equations is solved using the LAPACK eigenvalue solver ZHEEV to obtain
the energies of the phonon-modes in each point of the Brillouin zone. As the calculation of the
eigenvalue spectrum for each point is independent of all other points, this is extremely well-suited for
parallelization, so we can add !$OMP PARALLELand !$OMP END PARALLEL on lines 7 and 47. Inside
this parallel section there are several variables which are recycled for every grid point, so we will
make them PRIVATE (cf. line 7, most of them are work-arrays for the ZHEEV subroutine).
Lines 12 and 44 both contain a write-statement. Without further action, each thread will perform this
write action, and we’ll end up with multiple copies of the same line (Although this will not break your
code it will look very sloppy to any user of the code). To circumvent this problem we make use of the !
$OMP SINGLE directive. This directive makes sure only 1 thread (the first to arrive) will perform the
write action. Unfortunately, the SINGLE block will create an implicit barrier at which all other
threads will wait. To prevent this from happening, the NOWAIT clause is added at the end of the
block. In this specific case, the NOWAIT clause will have only very limited impact due to the location of
the write-statements. But this need not always to be the case.
On line 15 the !$OMP DO pragma indicates a loop will follow that should be parallelized. Again we
choose for the outer loop, as to reduce the overhead due to the parallelization procedure. We also tell
the compiler how the work should be distributed using the SCHEDULE(TYPE,CHUNK) clause. There
are three types of scheduling:
1.      STATIC: which is best suited for homogeneous workloads. The loop is split in equal pieces (size
given by the optional parameter CHUNK, else equal pieces with size=total size/#threads)

2.      DYNAMIC: which is better suited if the workload is not homogeneous.(in this case the central if-
clause on line 19 complicates things). CHUNK can again be used to define the sizes of the
workload blocks.

3.      GUIDED: which is a bit like dynamic but with decreasing block-sizes.

From this real life example, it is again clear that OpenMP parallelization in fortran can be very simple.

D. Speedup?
On my loyal sidekick (with hyper-threaded quad-core core i7) I was able to get following speedups for
the phonon-code (the run was limited to performing only a phonon-DOS calculation):

Speedup of the entire phonon-subroutine due to parallelization of the main-phonon-DOS loop.

The above graph shows the speed-up results for the two different modes for calculating the phonon-
DOS. The reduced mode (DM red), uses a spectrum reduced to that of a unit-cell, but needs a much
denser sampling of the Brillouin zone (second approach), and is shown by the black line. The serial
calculation in this specific case only took 96 seconds, and the maximum speedup obtained was about
x1.84. The red and green curves give the speedup of the calculation mode which makes use of the
super-cell spectrum (DM nored, i.e. much larger matrix to solve), and shows for increasing grid sizes a
maximum speedup of x2.74 (serial time: 45 seconds) and x3.43 (serial time 395 seconds) respectively.
The reason none of the setups reaches a speedup of 4 (or more) is twofold:
1.      Amdahl’s law puts an upper limit to the global speedup of a calculation by taking into account
that only part of the code is parallelized (e.g. write sections to a single file can not be parallelized.)

2.      There needs to be sufficient blocks of work for all threads (indicated by nkz in the plot)

In case of the DM nored calculations, the parallelized loop clearly takes the biggest part of the
calculation-time, while for the DM red calculation, also the section generating the q-point grid takes a
large fraction of the calculation time limiting the effect of parallelization. An improvement here would
be to also parallelize  the subroutine generating the grid, but that will be for future work. For now, the
expensive DM nored calculations show an acceptable speedup.
To x64 or not to x64: Installing a 64-bit fortran compiler
Current day computers generally have 64-bit processors, and most even have 64-bit operating
systems. On such systems, 32-bit programs will run fine, but 64-bit programs can make more efficient
use of the underlying system. When we installed a fortran compiler and the code::blocks IDE, the
default fortran compiler generated 32-bit programs. This generally is not an issue, unless you need a
large amount of memory, for example to store a temporary array with 4003 double precision
coordinates (as I did for a project I’m currently working on). You may first start to look for ways
of increasing the stack-size of your program, but you will soon discover that the problem is more
profound: a 32-bit program cannot access address spacing beyond 4Gb. (In practice, generally you will
not even reach 4Gb before running into problems.) This is because the memory address of your data is
stored as a 32-bit value (232 = 4 294 967 296 = 4Gb) so the only way out of this predicament is a
“larger address” aka 64-bit. So you need to install a new compiler capable of providing 64-bit
A.      Installing minGW64 for code::blocks

i. Installing the compiler


             ii.            Setting the PATH-variable (win10)

iii.            Adding the compiler to code::blocks


B.      Upgrading Lapack to 64-bit

Installing MingW64 for code::blocks

i. Installing the compiler

A common suggestion for installing a 64bit version of gfortran is the use of the TDM-GCC
MingW compiler-installer. It is true that the installation runs very smoothly (and I would suggest it for
this reason alone). Unfortunately the most recent gcc version available (at the time of writing this
blogpost) was gcc-5.1.0 which gives rather nasty segmentation faults when trying to compile and test
Lapack under windows. Luckily, this problem is resolved for gcc-5.3.0, so we will be getting this one
instead. (Once TDM catches up to gcc-5.3 I suggest getting that one instead.)
         Go to  the Gfortran compiler website:

         Under Quick Links follow the link Binaries for windows

         Under Windows follow the link snapshots under MinGW64 for Win64

         And then I followed the path Toolchains targetting Win64 > Personal Builds > mingw-

builds > 5.3.0 > threads-posix > seh. Of course you could follow any of the other paths as
well. My choice was mainly based on the large number of downloads of this version.

         Just unzip the folders in the location of your choice, et voilà, the compiler has been installed.

ii. Setting the PATH-variable (Win10)

Now you need to make sure your operating system can also find the installed compiler and tool-chain.
As such you will need to add the location of the new compiler to the PATH environment variable. In
Windows 10 open the control panel (do a search for “control panel”, it is easier than finding out the
place it is hidden), follow System and Security > System > Advanced System Settings in the
tab advanced click Environment Variables, and now you can modify the PATH variable by adding
the location of the minGW bin folder (the one in which you find x86_64-w64-mingw32-gfortran.exe).

iii. Adding the compiler to Code::Blocks

In this third and final step, we need to setup the compiler in code::blocks. For this you
follow Settings > Compiler. Select the compiler you usually use for your 32-bit fortran programs and
press copy. Give the new compiler a suitable name. By performing this copy, you have also copied all
your preferred compiler and linker settings, making it easier to setup the new compiler.

Now select Toolchain Executables, enter the path to the minGW64 installation and set the compilers
and linker to x86_64-w64-mingw32-gfortran.exe. (Don’t use gfortran.exe as this might lead to
confusion, both for yourself and the IDE.) In addition, set the ar-tool to x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-
ar.exe, otherwise the compiler will not be able to link libraries made with this 64-bit compiler.
Furthermore, under the tab compiler settings in the tab Other compiler options add the -m64 flag.

Finally, you may also want to update possible libraries in the linker settings tab (think for example of
libgomp.dll.a if you use openmp for parallelisation).
At this point you can compile and run your fortran code using this compiler. The resulting 64-bit
programs will now be able to access more than 2-4Gb of memory, and might turn out to run faster if
you use much double precision arithmetic.

B. Upgrading Lapack to 64-bit

Installing Lapack on a Windows OS is a bit of a pickle, as this OS is generally not used for scientific
computational work. As a result, the standard fortran compilation procedure is aimed at unix-based
systems (i.e. makefiles to be run from the commandline). Luckily there exists a simple procedure for
installing Lapack on a windows machine, which can be found here. [local copy of the
procedure (50KB)][local copy of Lapack 3.4.0 source (6MB)]
The procedure consists of a pair of batch files streamlining the installation. The only thing you will
have to do is tweak the file included with the procedure (cf. highlighted lines).
# LAPACK make include file.                                      #
#  LAPACK, Version 3.4.0                                          #
#  November 2011                                                  #

#  Modify the FORTRAN and OPTS definitions to refer to the
#  compiler and desired compiler options for your machine.  NOOPT
#  refers to the compiler options desired when NO OPTIMIZATION is
#  selected.  Define LOADER and LOADOPTS to refer to the loader and
#  desired load options for your machine.
FORTRAN  = x86_64-w64-mingw32-gfortran.exeOPTS     = -O2 -m64DRVOPTS  = $(OPTS)
NOOPT    = -O0 -m64LOADER   = x86_64-w64-mingw32-gfortran.exeLOADOPTS =
# Timer for the SECOND and DSECND routines
# Default : SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the EXTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME
# For RS6K : SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the EXTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME_
# For gfortran compiler: SECOND and DSECND will use a call to the INTERNAL FUNCTION ETIME
# If your Fortran compiler does not provide etime (like Nag Fortran Compiler, etc...)
# If neither of this can use the NONE value... In that case, SECOND and DSECND will always
return 0
# TIMER     = NONE
#  The archiver and the flag(s) to use when building archive (library)
#  If you system has no ranlib, set RANLIB = echo.
ARCH     = x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-ar.exeARCHFLAGS= cr
RANLIB   = x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-ranlib.exe 
#  Location of the extended-precision BLAS (XBLAS) Fortran library
#  used for building and testing extended-precision routines.  The
#  relevant routines will be compiled and XBLAS will be linked only if
#  USEXBLAS is defined.
# USEXBLAS    = Yes
# XBLASLIB    = -lxblas
#  The location of the libraries to which you will link.  (The
#  machine-specific, optimized BLAS library should be used whenever
#  possible.)
BLASLIB      = ../../librefblas.a
LAPACKLIB    = liblapack.a
TMGLIB       = libtmglib.a
         -m64 : This compiler flag makes sure you get 64-bit code. Trying to link a 32-bit version of
Lapack in your 64-bit code will give problems.

         x86_64-w64-mingw32-gfortran.exe : use the explicit name of the 64-bit compiler, not the
generic “gfortran”. This will prevent the make-program of accidentally using the wrong version
when multiple versions are installed. When they are all included in the windows PATH
variable, the make-program will just use the first one it encounters. (Use gfortran -v in the
Command Prompt to find out which version is your current default.) Not using the explicit
name may result in the following error message: “ gfortran: error: CreateProcess: No such file
or directory “ when running makelibs.bat.

         x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-ar.exe & x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-ranlib.exe : You also need

to make sure that you are using the 64-bit versions of the ar-program and the ranlib-program
which combine the compiled objects into an archive, i.e. dll-file. When you use the default “ar”
and “ranlib” you may end up seeing the error message : ” could not read symbols: Archive has
no index; run Ranlib to add one “, when trying to run the library-tests through testlibs.bat.
         Use gcc-5.3 : While running the testlibs.bat script, I also ran into segmentation faults during
the tests of level-2 and level-3 BLAS. This ended up probably being due to the use of gcc-5.1.
After upgrading to minGW64 of gcc-5.3 this problem was resolved.

Fortran dll’s and libraries: a Progress bar

In the previous fortran tutorials, we learned the initial aspects of object oriented programming (OOP)
in fortran 2003. And even though our agent-based opinion-dynamics-code is rather simple, it can
quickly take several minutes for a single run of the program to finish. Two tools which quickly become
of interest for codes that need more than a few minutes to run are: (1) a progress bar, to track the
advance of the “slow” part of the code and prevent you from killing the program 5 seconds before it is
to finish, and (2) a timer, allowing you to calculate the time needed to complete certain sections of
code, and possibly make predictions of the expected total time of execution.
In this tutorial, we will focus on the progress bar. Since our (hypothetical) code is intended to run on
High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems and is written in the fortran language, there generally is
no (or no easy) access to GUI’s. So we need our progress bar class to run in a command line user
interface. Furthermore, because it is such a widely useful tool we want to build it into a (shared)

library (or dll in windows).

The progress bar class

What do we want out of our progress bar? It needs to be easy to use, flexible and smart enough to
work nicely even for a lazy user. The output it should provide is formatted as follows: <string> <%
progress> <text progress bar>, where the string is a custom character string provided by the user,
while ‘%progress’ and ‘text progress bar’ both show the progress. The first shows the progress as an
updating number (fine grained), while the second shows it visually as a growing bar (coarse grained).
TProgressBar Class

1.      type, public :: TProgressBar

2.             private

3.             logical :: init

4.             logical :: running

5.             logical :: done

6.             character(len=255) :: message

7.             character(len=30) :: progressString

8.             character(len=20) :: bar

9.             real :: progress

10.     contains

11.         private
12.         procedure,pass(this),public :: initialize

13.         procedure,pass(this),public :: reset

14.         procedure,pass(this),public :: run

15.         procedure,pass(this),private:: printbar

16.         procedure,pass(this),private:: updateBar

17.     end type TProgressBar

All properties of the class are private (data hiding), and only 3 procedures are available to the
user: initialize, runand reset. The procedures, printbar and updatebar are private, because we
intend the class to be smart enough to decide if a new print and/or update is required. The reset
procedure is intended to reset all properties of the class. Although one might consider to make this
procedure private as well, it may be useful to allow the user to reset a progress bar in mid progress.
(The same goes for the initialize procedure.)
Run procedure of the TProgressBar class

1.      subroutine run(this,pct,Ix,msg)

2.             class(TProgressBar) :: this

3.             real::pct

4.             integer, intent(in), optional :: Ix

5.             character(len=*),intent(in),optional :: msg


7.             if (.not. this%init) call this%initialize(msg)

8.             if (.not. this%done) then

9.                 this%running=.true.

10.             this%progress=pct

11.             call this%updateBar(Ix)

12.             call this%printbar()

13.             if (abs(pct-100.0)<1.0E-6) then

14.                 this%done=.true.

15.                 write(*,'(A6)') "] done"

16.             end if

17.         end if

19.     end subroutine run

In practice, the run procedure is the heart of the class, and the only procedure needed in most
applications. It takes 3 parameters: The progress (pct), the number of digits to print of pct (Ix),and
the <string> message (msg). The later two parameters are even optional, since msg may already have
been provided if the initialize procedure was called by the user. If the class was not yet initialized it
will be done at the start of the procedure. And while the progress bar has not yet reached 100%
(within 1 millionth of a %) updates and prints of the bar are performed. Using a set of Boolean
properties (init, running, done), the class keeps track of its status. The update and print procedures
just do this: update the progress bar data and print the progress bar. To print the progress bar time
and time again on the same line, we need to make use of the carriage return character (character 13 of
the ASCII table):
write(*,trim(fm), advance='NO') achar(13), trim(this%message),trim(adjustl(this
The advance=’NO‘ option prevents the write statement to move to the next line. This can sometimes
have the unwanted side-effect that the write statement above does not appear on the screen. To force
this, we can use the fortran 2003 statement flush(OUTPUT_UNIT), where “OUTPUT_UNIT” is a
constant defined in the intrinsic fortran 2003 module iso_fortran_env. For older versions of fortran,
several compilers provided a (non standard) flush subroutine that could be called to perform the
same action. As such, we now have our class ready to be used. The only thing left to do is to turn it into
a dll or shared library.

How to create a library and use it

There are two types of libraries: static and dynamic.
Static libraries are used to provide access to functions/subroutines at compile time to the library
user. These functions/subroutines are then included in the executable that is being build. In linux
environments these will have the extension “.a”, with the .a referring to archive. In a windows
environment the extension is “.lib”, for library.
Dynamic libraries are used to provide access to functions/subroutines at run time. In contrast to
static libraries, the functions are not included in the executable, making it smaller in size. In linux
environments these will have the extension “.so”, with the .so referring to shared object. In a windows
environment the extension is “.dll”, for dynamically linked library.
In contrast to C/C++, there is relatively little information to be found on the implementation and use
of libraries in fortran. This may be the reason why many available fortran-“libraries” are not really
libraries, in the sense meant here. Instead they are just one or more files of fortran code shared by
their author(s), and there is nothing wrong with that. These files can then be compiled and used as
any other module file.
So how do we create a library from our Progressbar class? Standard examples start from a set of
procedures one wants to put in a library. These procedures are put into a .f or .f90 file. Although they
are not put into a module (probably due to the idea of having compatibility with fortran 77) which is
required for our class, this is not really an issue. The same goes for the .f03 or .f2003 extension for our
file containing a fortran 2003 class. To have access to our class and its procedures in our test program,
we just need to add the use progressbarsmodule clause. This is because our procedures and class
are incorporated in a module (in contrast to the standard examples). Some of the examples I found
online also include compiler dependent pragmas to export and import procedures from a dll. Since I
am using gfortran+CB for development, and ifort for creating production code, I prefer to avoid such
approaches since it hampers workflow and introduces another possible source of bugs.
The compiler setups I present below should not be considered perfect, exhaustive or fool-proof, they
are just the ones that work fine for me. I am, however, always very interested in hearing other
approaches and fixes in the comments.

The windows approach is very easy. We let Code::Blocks do all the hard work.

shared library: PBar.dll

Creating the dll : Start a new project, and select the option “Fortran DLL“. Follow the instructions,
which are similar to the setup of a standard fortran executable. Modify/replace/add the fortran
source you wish to include into your library and build your code (you can not run it since it is a
Creating a user program : The program in which you will be using the dll is setup in the usual way.
And to get the compilation running smoothly the following steps are required:
  Add the use myspecificdllmodule clause where needed, with myspecificdllmodule the name of the
module included in the dll you wish to use at that specific point.

  If there are modules included in the dll, the *.mod files need to be present for the compiler to access
upon compilation of the user program. (Which results in a limitation with regard to distribution
of the dll.)

  Add the library to the linker settings of the program (project>build options>linker settings), and
then add the .dll file.

  Upon running the program you only need the program executable and the dll.

static library
The entire setup is the same as for the shared library. This time, however, choose the “Fortran
Library” option instead of Fortran dll. As the static library is included in the executable, there is no
need to ship it with the executable, as is the case for the dll.

For the unix approach we will be working on the command line, using the intel compiler, since this
compiler is often installed at HPC infrastructures.

static library: PBar.a

After having created the appropriate fortran files you wish to include in your library (in our example
this is always a single file: PBar.f03, but for multiple files you just need to replace PBar.f03 with the list
of files of interest.)
1.      Create the object files:
ifort -fpic -c -free -Tf Pbar.f03
Where -fpic tells the compiler to generate position independent code, typical for use in a shared
object/library, while -c tells the compiler to create an object file. The -free and -Tf compiler
options are there to convince the compiler that the f03 file is actual fortran code to compile and
that it is free format.
2.      Use the GNU ar tool to combine the object files into a library:
ar rc PBarlib.a PBar.o
3.      Compile the program with the library
ifort TestProgram.f90 PBarlib.a -o TestProgram.exe
Note that also here the .mod file of our Progressbarsmodule needs to be present for the
compilation to be successful.

shared library:

For the shared library the approach does not differ that much.
1.      Create the object files:
ifort -fpic -c -free -Tf Pbar.f03
In this case the fpic option is not optional in contrast to the static library above. The other options
are the same as above.
2.      Compile the object files into a shared library:
ifort -shared PBar.o -o
The compiler option -shared creates a shared library, while the -o option allows us to set the
name of the library.
3.      Compile the program with the library
ifort TestProgram.f90 -o TestProgram.exe
Note that also here the .mod file of our Progressbarsmodule needs to be present for the
compilation to be successful. To run the program you also need to add the location of the library
file to the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH

One small pickle

HPC systems may perform extensive buffering of data before output, to increase the efficiency of the
machine (disk-writes are the slowest memory access option)…and as a result this can sometimes
overrule our flush command. The progressbar in turn will not show much progress until it is actually
finished, at which point the entire bar will be shown at once. There are options to force the
infrastructure not to use this buffering (and the system administrators in general will not appreciate
this), for example by setting the compiler flag -assume nobuffered_stdout. So the best solution for
HPC applications will be the construction of a slightly modified progress bar, where the carriage
return is not used.

Special thanks also to the people of stack-exchange for clarifying some of the issues with the modules

Tutorial OOP(I): Objects in Fortran 2003

After having set up our new project in the first session of this tutorial, we now come to an important
second step: choosing and creating our Objects. In OOP, the central focus is not a (primitive) variable
or a function, but “an object”. In Object Oriented Programming (OOP) most if not all variables and
functions are incorporated in one or more (types of) objects. An object, is just like a real-life object; It
has properties and can do things. For example: a car. It has properties (color, automatic or stick,
weight, number of seats,…) and can do things (drive, break down, accelerate,…). In OOP,
the variables containing the values that give the color, weight, stick or not,… of the car are called
the properties of the car-object. The functions that perform the necessary
calculations/modifications of the variables to perform the actions of driving, breaking down,… are
called the methods.
Since we are still focusing on the opinion dynamics paper of Sobkowicz, let us use the objects of that
paper to continue our tutorial. A simplified version of the research question in the paper could be as
How does the (average) opinion of a population of agents evolve over time?
For our object-based approach, this already contains much of the information we need. It tells us what
our “objects” could be: agents. It gives us properties for these objects: opinion. And it also tells us
something of the methods that will be involved: opinion…evolve over time.
Let us now put this into Fortran code. A class definition in Fortran uses the TYPE keyword, just like
complex data types.

1.      Type, public :: TAgentClass

2.         private

3.             real :: oi        !< opinion

4.         contains

5.         private

6.             procedure, pass(this), public :: getOpinion

7.             procedure, pass(this), public :: setOpinion

8.             procedure, pass(this), public :: updateOpinion

9.      end type TAgentClass

A minimal agent class with only a single property and method.

A Fortran class consist out of two parts: the first part lists all the properties, while the second
(optional) part, following the containskeyword, lists the methods of the object. Note that I start each
part with the private keyword, to indicate that by default everything should be hidden for the outside
world. This is part of the OOP concept of encapsulation and data hiding. In data hiding one allows the
outside world access to a property of an object through accessor and mutator methods (set and get).
This way the programmer can make sure modification of a given property is always performed in the
intended fashion. Furthermore, the use of accessors allows for properties to be internally stored in a
different fashion, or not at all, and calculated on the fly when requested.  As such, the opinion variable
oi is outside the agent-object only accessable through the method getOpinion, and can only be
modified through the method setOpinion. The method updateOpinion will perform the opinion
update. Each of these methods has the public keyword, which means that they are accessible from
outside the TAgentClass-object.
There are two more important keywords at play in the above example: procedure and pass. As you
may have noted, our description of the methods does not contain any information on which
parameters they take, if they are functions or subroutines. The only information given is their name,
and that they are procedures, which just means that it are either functions or subroutines. The
advantage of this approach is that you can easily change your function/subroutine calling sequence
without the need for updating your class definition. The pass(this) keyword is a way of telling Fortran
that this procedure will take at least one variable (which doesn’t need to be provided during the
procedure call) called ‘this’(you may name it whatever you want) which is your actual TAgentClass-
object. This is a major difference with languages like C++, where the this-pointer (or self in case
of pascal) is implicitly present.
The setup of our module containing this class will then look like this:
General setup of the agent class module.

As is clear in the code above, the “procedures” are just functions and subroutines known from
standard Fortran 90/95, only the use of the class keyword is new. The class indication is similar to the
type indication, but extends on it. The concept of inheritance allows one to derive one class from
another. For example the classes TCar and TPlane could both be child classes of the class TVehicle,
they contain all methods and properties of the TVehicle class plus some specific to the TCar or TPlane
class. If a function now has a parameter of the TVehicle class, then it means that also objects of the
types TCar and TPlane are acceptable input. We will come back to this in a future tutorial when we
discuss inheritance.
A simple agent class with several properties and methods.

Returning to the paper of Sobkowicz,we find that there are other variables involved in the simulation:
         Tolerance threshold d: This parameter defines if opinions update to a new value or remain
the same. In this paper, this parameter is specific for each agent, and a function of it’s opinion:

o   d = dmax – |opinion|L(dmax-dmin)

         Threshold range dmin, dmax: Two global variable which define in what range the d may have a

         Exponent L : Another global variable which defines how d varies through the range.

         Constant parameter µ : which controls the speed of convergence during the opinion updates,
and is a real value between 0 and 0.5

From these, it is clear that tolerance d is a property of our TAgentClass, and should as such be added.
All other variables are the same for all agents in the simulation, but will change for different
simulations (with the possible exception of µ). So these variable can either be defined as global
variables, which conflicts with our goal of OOP, or as properties of our TAgentClass. The later also
allows us to modify our TAgentClass, allowing for all agents to have different personal values for these
parameters. Another added bonus is the fact that these variables do not need to be given to functions
that update the opinion. Now that we have this “large” set of properties we need to think of their
initialization as well. Furthermore, since the tolerance d depends on the agent’s opinion, this also
means that it needs to be updated each time the opinion of the agent changes.  Our new improved
TAgentClass looks as follows:
Extended TAgentClass

1.      type, public :: TAgentClass

2.         private

3.             real :: oi        !< opinion

4.             real :: di        !< tolerance

5.             real :: mu        !< global convergence speed [0-->0.5]

6.             real :: dmin      !< min tolerance

7.             real :: dmax      !< min tolerance

8.             integer :: L      !< exponent for tolerance update

9.         contains

10.     private

11.         procedure,pass(this), public :: initialize

12.         procedure,pass(this), public :: getOpinion

13.         procedure,pass(this), public :: setOpinion

14.         procedure,pass(this), public :: updateOpinion

15.         procedure,pass(this), public :: updateTolerance

16.  end type TAgentClass

With our TAgentClass defined (and all procedures filled out), we can now setup the actual simulation
and run it. This is done in the RunTutorial1 subroutine of the previous session. The first thing to do is 
to set up our population of agents. Generally one uses an array for such a purpose.
Schematic representation of an agent based opinion dynamics program.

Following the paper, we discover that the layout of an actual simulation is a set of nested loops.
There exist two levels of time-steps. The smallest one represent a single communication between
two agents. We also learn that all communications are sequential and random, which means that on
average each agent has two communications, one as a listener, and one as a talker. Because of this
sequential nature, there is no need to have a temporary array with the previous opinion status of each
agent, since it is assumed that on a second communication event the agent will be acting with his
updated opinion. This is quite different from a mean field type approach where all communication
happens at the same instant.
The second, larger level of time-step defines a full simulation step. In this all agents have had their two
These time-steps define the two inner loops of our simulation. In addition, there is a third outer loop.
Because of the random nature of the communications, the same simulation is run multiple times, and
the evolution of the opinions over time (i.e. the large time-steps) is averaged over these runs. When
all this is finished, we just need to write down the results, and clean up the memory (e.g. deallocate
the allocatable arrays with all our agents).
Where will we be calling our TAgentClass objects?

1. During the initialization:

call agents(nr)%initialize(0.0001,0.25,1,0.25)
In this, agents is an array of TAgentClass objects, and since initialize is a subroutine it needs to
be called. Because our agents are objects, we can now reach the subroutine initialize as a “part” of the
TAgentClass object. In contrast, in Fortran 95 OOP one would make the call like this:
call initialize(agents(nr),0.0001,0.25,1,0.25)

2. During the opinion update:

call agents(nr)%updateOpinion(agents(talkIndex))
Again, since we are using a subroutine we use a call. Note that in both cases we do not specify in the
subroutine argument list the agent that is being modified, this is being done internally through our
“pass(this)” declaration in the TAgentClass declaration.

3. During data collection:

opiniondynamics(int(agents(nr)%getOpinion()*mesh)+1,nrstep)= &
     & opiniondynamics(int(agents(nr)%getOpinion()*mesh)+1,nrstep)+1
This command is part of a loop that just makes a histogram, and uses the agent’s opinion to find the
relevant bin in our histogram. Since getOpinion is a function, we can use it as such, however, in
contrast to a normal function, it now needs to be called as part of our TAgentClass-object.
Single run results for an opinion dynamics program. Quick and dirty almost 3D representation.

With this in hand, we now have a fully working agents program, which can run a simulation of 20K
agents over 500 time steps in about 13 seconds on a 1GHz intel atom CPU (or 40-45 minutes for a 200
run full simulation, as presented in the paper). With 20 million opinion updates per run, this is already
entering the realm of number-crunching or scientific computing.

Tutorial: Starting a new Object Oriented Fortran-project

in Code::Blocks
Because Fortran has been around since the time of the dinosaurs, or so it seems, one
persistent myth is that modern constructs and techniques are not supported. One very important
modern programming approach is Object Oriented Programming (OOP). Where procedural
programming focuses on splitting the program in smaller functional units (functions and procedures),
OOP is centered on “Objects and Classes”. These objects, just like real life objects, have properties
(eg. name, color, position, …) and contain methods (i.e. procedures representing their functionality).
This sounds more complex than it actually is. In a very simplistic sense, objects and classes are
created by extending complex data types in procedural programming languages with internally
contained functions/procedures, referred to as methods. In the table below, you see a limited
comparison between the two. The first three languages are procedural oriented languages, while the
last two allow for OOP.
  C Pascal F95 C++ OOP F2003 OOP
data type keyword struct record type class type
containing variables field field property property
/ / / method method
inheritance no no no yes yes
In this tutorial series, I want to show how you can use OOP in Fortran in scientific codes. As a first
example, I will show you how to create an agent based opinion dynamics code implementing the
model presented by Sobkowicz in a publication I recently had  to review.
I choose this as our tutorial example (over for example geometric shapes) because it is a real-life
scientific example which is simple enough to allow for several aspects in scientific and OO-
programming to be shown. In addition, from the physicists point of view: particle or agent, it is all the
same to us when we are implementing their behavior into a program.(You could even start thinking in
terms of NPC’s for a game, although game-dynamics in general require quite a bit more
So let us get started. First, you might wish to grab a copy of the paper by Sobkowicz (it’s freely
accessible), just to be able to more easily track the notation I will be using in the code. After
having installed code::blocks it is rather straight-forward to create a new Fortran program.
1.      Open code::blocks, and start a new project (File > New > Project) by selecting “Fortran

2.      Provide a “Project title” and a location to store the files of the new project.

3.      Choose your compiler (GNU Fortran Compiler, make sure this is the one selected) and Finish.

4.      Now Code::Blocks will present you a new project, with already one file present: main.f90 

5.      First we are going to rename this main file, e.g. to main.f95, to indicate that we will be  using
Fortran 95 code in this file. By right-clicking on the file name (indicated with the red arrow) you
see a list of possible op w this option while the file is open in the right-hand pane. Close the file
there, and now you can rename main.f95.

6.      Although we will be following the OOP paradigm for the main internal workings of our program, a
procedural setup will be used to set up the global lines of the program. I split the code in three
levels: The top-level being the main program loop which is limited to the code below, the middle
level which contains what you may normally consider the program layout (which you can easily
merge with the top level) and the bottom level which contains the OO innards of our program. All
subroutines/functions belonging to the middle level will be placed in one external module
(Tutorial1) which is linked to the main program through the use-statement at line 2 and the
single subroutine call (RunTutorial1).

1.      program AgentTutorials

2.         use Tutorial1;

3.         implicit none


5.         write(*,'(A)') "Welcome to the Agents OOP-Fortran Tutorial"

6.         call RunTutorial1()

7.         write(*,'(A)') "-- Goodbye"

8.      end program AgentTutorials

7.      Next step, we need a place for the RunTutorial1 subroutine, and all other subroutines/functions
that will provide the global layout of our agents-program. Make a new file in Code::Blocks as
8.      and select a Fortran source file and finish by placing it in a directory of your choice and click OK.

9.      In this empty file, a module is setup in the following fashion:

1.      module Tutorial1

2.         implicit none

3.         private


5.         public :: RunTutorial1


7.      contains

8.         !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

9.         !>\brief Main program routine for the first agents tutorial

10.     !!

11.     !! This is the only function accessable outside this module.

12.     !<------------------------------------

13.     subroutine RunTutorial1()

14.         write(*,'(A)') "----Starting Turorial 1 subprogram.----"

15.         write(*,'(A)') "-------End Turorial 1 subprogram.------"

16.     end subroutine RunTutorial1


18.  end module Tutorial1

a.       implicit none : Makes sure that you have to define all variables.

b.      private : The private statement on line 3 makes sure that everything inside the module remains
hidden for the outside world, unless you explicitly make it visible. In addition
to data/information-hiding this also helps you keep your namespace in check.

c.       public :: Runtutorial1 : Only the function Runtutorial1 is available outside this module.(Because
we want to use it in program  AgentTutorials.)

d.      contains : Below this  keyword all functions and subroutines of the module will be placed.

e.       “!” : The exclamation marks indicate a comment block. In this case it is formatted to be parsed
by doxygen.
f.        subroutine XXX  / end subroutine XXX : The subroutine we will be implementing/using as the
main loop of our agents program. Note that in recent incarnations of fortran the name of the
subroutine/function/module/… is repeated at their end statement. For small functions this may
look ridiculous, but for larger subroutines it improves readability.

At this point or program doesn’t do that much, we have only set up the framework in which we will be
working. Compiling and running the program (F9 or Build > Build and run) should show you:
 In the next session of this tutorial we will use OO-Fortran 2003 to create the agent-class and create a
first small simulation
Start to Fortran
If you are used to programming in C/C++, Java or Pascal, you probably do this using an Integrated
Development Environment (IDE’s) such as Dev-Cpp/Pascal, Netbeans, Eclipse, … There are dozens of
free IDE’s for each of these languages. When starting to use fortran, you are in for a bit of a surprise.
There are some commercial IDE’s that can handle fortran (MS Visual Studio, or the Lahey IDE). Free
fortran IDEs are rather scarce and quite often are the result of the extension of a C++ focused IDE.
This, however, does not make them less useful. Code::Blocks is such an IDE. It supports
several programming and scripting languages including C and fortran, making it also suited for mixed
languages development. In addition, this IDE has been developed for Windows, Linux and Mac Os X,
making it highly portable. Furthermore, installing this IDE combined with for example the gcc
compiler can be done quickly and without much hassle, as is explained in this excellent tutorial. In
5 steps everything is installed and you are up and running:

1.      Get a gfortran compiler at

Go for binaries and get the installer if you are using Windows. This will provide you with the
latest build. Be careful if you are doing this while upgrading from gfortran 4.8 to 4.9 or 4.10. The
latter two are known to have a recently fixed compiler-bug related to the automatic finalization of
objects. A solution to this problem is given in this post.
UPDATE 03/02/2017: As the gcc page has changed significantly since this post was written, I
suggest to follow the procedure described here for the installation of a 64bit version of the
2.      Get the Code::Blocks IDE
at or (preferred)

Since version 13.12 the Fortranproject plugin is included in the Code::Blocks installation.
3.      Setup gfortran

Run the installer obtained at step 1…i.e. keep clicking OK until all is finished.
4.      Setup Code::Blocks for fortran

i. Run the installer or Unzip the zip-file obtained in step 2.


             ii.            Run Code::Blocks and set your freshly installed GNU fortran compiler as default.

iii.            Associate file types with Code::Blocks. If you are not using other IDE’s this may be an

interesting idea
           iv.            Go to settings, select “Compiler and Debugger”, click on “Toolchain executables” and set the
correct paths.

              v.            Code::blocks has been configured.

5.      Your first new fortran program

i. Go to “File” → “New” → “Project”.


             ii.            Select “Fortran Application”.

           iii.            Follow the Wizard: provide a project folder and title.

           iv.            Make sure the compiler is set to “GNU Fortran Compiler”, and click Finish.

              v.            A new project is now being created, containing a main file named “main.f90”

           vi.            Click “Build”, to build this program, and then “Run”.

        vii.            Congratulations your first Fortran program is a fact.

Of course any real project will contain many files, and when you start to create fortran 2003/2008
code you will want to use “.f2003” or “.f03” instead of “.f90” . The Code::Blocks IDE is well suited for
the former tasks, and we will return to these later. Playing with this IDE is the only way to learn about
all its options. Two really nice plugins are “Format Fortran Indent” and “Code statistics”. The first one
can be used to auto-indent your Fortran code, making it easier to find those nasty missing “end”
Fortran: Tales of the Living Dead?
Fortran, just like COBOL (not to be confused with cobold), is a programming language which is most
widely known for its predicted demise. It has been around for over half a century, making it the oldest
high level programming language. Due to this age, it is perceived by many to be a language that should
have gone the way of the dinosaur a long time ago, however, it seems to persist, despite futile
attempts to retire it. One of the main concerns is that the language is not up to date, and there are so
many nice high level languages which allow you to do things much easier and “as fast”. Before we look
into that, it is important to know that there are roughly two types of programming languages:
1.      Compiled languages (e.g. Fortran, C/C++, Pascal)

2.      Interpreted and scripting languages (e.g. Java, PHP, Python, Perl)

The former languages result in binary code that is executed directly on the machine of the user. These
programs are generally speaking fast and efficient. Their drawback, however, is that they are not very
transferable (different hardware, e.g. 32 vs. 64 bit, tend to be a problem). In contrast, interpreted
languages are ‘compiled/interpreted’ at run-time by additional software installed on the machine of
the user (e.g. JVM: Java virtual machine), making these scripts rather slow and inefficient since they
are reinterpreted on each run. Their advantage, however, is their transferability and ease of use.  Note
that Java is a bit of a borderline case; it is not entirely a full programming language like C and Fortran,
since it requires a JVM to run, however, it is also not a pure scripting language like python or bash
where the language is mainly used to glue other programs together.
Fortran has been around since the age of the dinosaurs. (via Onionesque Reality)
Now let us return to Fortran. As seen above, it is a compiled language, making it pretty fast. It was
designed for scientific number-crunching purposes (FORTRAN comes from FORmula TRANslation)
and as such it is used in many numerical high performance libraries (e.g. (sca) LAPACK and BLAS).
The fact that it appeared in 1957 does not mean nothing has happened since. Over the years the
language evolved from a procedural language, in FORTRAN II, to one supporting also
modern Object Oriented Programming (OOP) techniques, in Fortran 2003. It is true that new
techniques were introduced later than it was the case in other languages (e.g. the OOP concept), and
many existing scientific codes contain quite some “old school” FORTRAN 77. This gives the impression
that the language is rather limited compared to a modern language like C++.
So why is it still in use? Due to its age, many (numerical) libraries exist written in Fortran, and due to
its performance in a HPC environment. This last point is also a cause of much debate between Fortran
and C adepts. Which one is faster? This depends on many things. Over the years compilers have been
developed for both languages aiming at speed. In addition to the compiler, also the programming
skills of the scientist writing the code are of importance. As a result, comparative tests end up showing
very little difference in performance [link1, link2]. In the end, for scientific programming, I think the
most important aspect to consider is the fact that most scientist are not that good at programming as
they would like/think (author included), and as such, the difference between C(++) and Fortran
speeds for new projects will mainly be due to this lack of skills.
However, if you have no previous programming experience, I think Fortran may be easier and safer to
learn (you can not play with pointers as is possible with C(++) and Pascal, which is a good thing, and
you are required to define your variables, another good coding practice (Okay, you can use implicit
typing in theory, but more or less everybody will suggest against this, since it is bad coding practice)).
It is also easier to write more or less bug free code than is possible in C(++) (remember defining a
global constant PI and ending up with the integer value 3 instead of 3.1415…). Also its long standing
procedural setup keeps things a bit more simple, without the need to dive into the nitty gritty details
of OOP, where you should know that you are handling pointers (This may be news for people used to
Java, and explain some odd unexpected behavior) and getting to grips with concepts like inheritance
and polymorphism, which, to my opinion, are rather complex in C++.
In addition, Fortran allows you to grow, while retaining ‘old’ code. You can start out with simple
procedural design (Fortran 95) and move toward Object Oriented Programming (Fortran 2003)
easily. My own Fortran code is a mixture of Fortran 95 and Fortran 2003. (Note for those who think
code written using OOP is much slower than procedural programming: you should set the relevant
compiler flags, like –ipo )
In conclusion, we end up with a programming language which is fast, if not the fastest, and contains
most modern features (like OOP). Unlike some more recent languages, it has a more limited user base
since it is not that extensively used for commercial purposes, leading to a slower development of the
compilers (though these are moving along nicely, and probably will still be moving along nicely when
most of the new languages have already been forgotten again). Tracking the popularity of
programming languages is a nice pastime, which will generally show you C/C++ being one of the most
popular languages, while languages like Pascal and Fortran dangle somewhere around 20th-
40th position, and remain there over long timescales.
The fact that Fortran is considered rather obscure by proponents of newer scripting languages
like Python can lead to slightly funny comment like:“Why don’t you use Python instead of such an old
and deprecated language, it is so such easier to use and with the NumPy and SciPy library you can also
do number-crunching.”. First of all, Python is a scripting language (which in my mind unfortunately
puts it at about the same level as HTML and CSS   ), but more interestingly, those libraries are merely
wrappers around C-wrappers around FORTRAN 77 libraries like MINPACK. So people suggesting to
use Python over Fortran 95/2003 code, are actually suggesting using FORTRAN 77 over more recent
Fortran standards. Such comments just put a smile on my face.   With all this in mind, I hope to show
in this blog that modern Fortran can tackle all challenges of modern scientific programming.

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