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Achievement Test U1 Reading Vocab

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Reading and Writing2

Unit 1 Achievement Test

© 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Name: ________________________________

Date: _________________________________


Read the article. Then use the information to complete the activities that follow.

1 Alex Mansfield drives a red sports car and wears a suit and tie to work every day.
He isn’t a businessman; Alex is a waiter at one of New York City’s most popular
restaurants. The food is very expensive at the restaurant, and Alex doesn’t make
a large salary, but he makes a huge amount of money from customers’ tips. 1 “For
me, being a waiter is more than a job; it is a career,” he says. The restaurant hired
Alex right after his interview. The manager liked his long résumé: Alex has 15
years of experience and training as a waiter.
2 Alex enjoys the money, and a busy restaurant is an ideal work setting for him. “I
have a good time, and I like talking to people,” he says. Alex never feels bored or
tired at work.
3 Alex likes restaurants, but he thinks it is too much of a challenge to open a
restaurant of his own. “I realized I don’t have the skills to run a business,” he
explains. “I studied business in college, but I didn’t do well.” Alex thinks his job
as a waiter has more rewards. He says, “As a waiter, I don’t have to worry about
money. Take my advice—in New York City there are 50,000 restaurants. There are
postings for jobs every day, so you will never be out of work!” He sounds like he
knows what he’s talking about.
tip: extra money you give someone for good service

A. Choose the best answer.

1. Alex thinks being a waiter is ___.

A. boring
B. difficult
C. fun
D. popular

2. Alex was hired because he ___.

A. wears a suit
B. is experienced
C. goes to college
D. likes restaurants

3. The best title for this article is ___.

Reading and Writing2
Unit 1 Achievement Test
© 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

A. “Great City Careers”

B. “Alex in New York”
C. “A Day as a Waiter”
D. “More Than a Job”

4. The author thinks that Alex ___.

A. is very good at what he does
B. should try to start his own business
C. cares too much about what others think
D. thinks that he is more important than he is

B. Read each statement. Write T if it is true or F if it is false.

___ 5. Alex wants to open his own restaurant one day.
___ 6. There are many jobs for waiters in New York.
___ 7. Alex makes a lot of money because of his skills.
___ 8. The author believes that others could learn from Alex.


A. Read the restaurant manager’s interview with Alex. Use the words from the box to
fill in the
blanks. Not all of the words will be used.

advice hire posting

career ideal résumé skills

Manager: Did you see our newspaper9. _____________________ for a waiter?

Alex: No, my friend works here. He told me that you needed more waiters.

Manager: OK. I see from your résumé that you have 15 years of experience. Is this a
job for

you or more of a(n)10. _____________________?

Alex: It’s definitely more than a job for me. I want to do this forever.

Manager: Do you have experience in another type of work11. _____________________

or only in


Alex: Yes, I worked in an office for a few months, but I didn’t like it.

Manager: What are some of your12. _____________________ as a waiter?

Reading and Writing2
Unit 1 Achievement Test
© 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Alex: Well, I have a good memory, and I work very fast. Also, I know how to keep

customers happy so that they will come back again.

Manager: Can you tell me what13. _____________________ you would give someone
who just started

his first job as a waiter?

Alex: Yes. I would tell him to listen to customers. It is important to pay attention to

they want.

Manager: That sounds great! When can you start?

B. Match each incomplete sentence on the left with the vocabulary word on the right
completes it. Write the letter of the word next to the sentence. Not all words will be

___ 14. Will my ___ be high enough to pay my bills? A. hire

___ 15. It was a(n) ___ to get all of the work done in time. B. manager
___ 16. This job is ___ for me because I am great at it! C. income
___ 17. Did they ___ more waiters or just you? D. résumé
E. ideal
F. challenge

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