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Makalah Bahasa Inggris Etos Kerja

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Dosen Pengampu:

Dr. Sonang Sitohang, SMI., MM

Disusun Oleh :

Muhammad Rizki Yanuar





Praise the presence of God Almighty for all the abundance of grace and grace so that this
paper can be arranged until finished. And I hope that this paper can add experience and
knowledge to the readers. So that in the future be able to improve the shape and increase the
contents of the paper so that it becomes a paper that has broad and better insight.

Because of the limitations of my knowledge and experience, I believe there are still many
shortcomings in this paper, therefore I sincerely hope that constructive suggestions and criticisms
come from readers for the perfection of this paper.
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................3
1.1 Issue Background................................................................................................................3
1.2 Problem Formulation..........................................................................................................3
1.3 Purpose of the paper...........................................................................................................3
1.CHAPTER 2 DISCUSION.......................................................................................................4
1. Definition..............................................................................................................................4
1.1 Definition of Work Ethic....................................................................................................4
1.2 Eight Work Ethics According to Jansen H Sinamo............................................................4
2. Characteristics of a Work Ethic...............................................................................................5
2.1 Addicted to time.................................................................................................................5
2.2 Having a Clean Morality (Ikhlas).......................................................................................5
2.3 Having Honesty..................................................................................................................5
2.4 Having a commitment.........................................................................................................5
2.5 Strong establishment (Consistent)......................................................................................5
3. factors affecting work ethic......................................................................................................6
3.2 Culture................................................................................................................................6
3.3 Social politics......................................................................................................................6
3.4 Environmental conditions (geographical)...........................................................................7
3.5 Education............................................................................................................................7
3.6 Individual intrinsic motivation............................................................................................7
3.7 Aspects of the Work Ethic..................................................................................................8
4. Characteristics of workes who have high/low work ethic.......................................................8
4.1 Workers Who Have High Ethic..........................................................................................8
4.1 Workers Who Have Low Ethic.........................................................................................10
5. Japanese Work Ethic..............................................................................................................11
5.1 Japanese Work Ethic.........................................................................................................11
CHAPTER 3..............................................................................................................................13
3.1 Conclusion........................................................................................................................13
1.1 Issue Background
Work ethic is a work spirit that characterizes the belief of someone or something in a
group. The word ethos comes from the Greek, which is ethos which means attitude,
personality, character, and belief in something. Ethos can also be interpreted as a will or a
will that is accompanied by high enthusiasm in order to achieve positive goals. Work ethic is
a set of attitudes or fundamental views held by a group of people to assess work as a positive
thing for improving the quality of life, thus affecting work behavior. Ethic attitude is not only
owned by individuals, but can be owned by groups or communities.
Work ethic is said to be the deciding factor of the success of individuals, groups,
institutions and also the widest is the nation in achieving it’s goals. The ability to live a job
becomes very important as an effort to create excellence. In essence, that when we do a job
then we are essentially doing a service process. To live a job requires transcendence which is
beyond the small range of human space. This can all be seen and stated in the work ethic.

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. What is the definition of work ethic?
2. What factors influence the work ethic?
3. What are the characteristics of workers who have a high or low work ethic?
4. 4. How is the work ethic in Japan?

1.3 Purpose of the paper

1. Describe the definition of work ethic
2. Describe what factors influence the work ethic
3. Describe the characteristics of workers who have a high and low ethos
4. Describe how the work ethic in Japan

1. Definition

1.1 Definition of Work Ethic

The Wikipedia dictionary states that ethos comes from Greek; the root word is ethikos,
which means moral or shows moral character. In ancient and modern Greek, ethos has meaning
as the existence of self, soul, and mind that forms a person. In Webster's New Word Dictionary,
3rd College Edition, ethos is defined as inclination or character; attitudes, habits, beliefs that are
different from individuals or groups. It can even be said that ethos is basically about ethics.

When explored more deeply, work ethic is the response made by a person, group, or
community to life in accordance with their respective beliefs. Every belief has a value system
and every person who accepts a particular belief tries to act in accordance with his belief. If the
definition of work ethic is redefined, work ethic is a unique response from a person or group or
society to life; response or action that arises from the beliefs received and the response becomes
a habit or character in a person or group or society. In other words, work ethics is a product of a
belief system that is accepted by a person or group or society.

1.2 Eight Work Ethics According to Jansen H Sinamo

1. Work is Grace, working sincerely with gratitude.
2. Work is a mandate to work with full responsibility
3. Work is a call to work with complete integrity.
4. Work is the actualization of working hard with enthusiasm.
5. Work is a serious work of worship full of love.
6. Work is the art of working smart full of creativity.
7. Work is Honor to work diligently full of excellence.
8. Work is a plenary work of humility.
2. Characteristics of a Work Ethic

2.1 Addicted to time

One of the essence and essence of the work ethic is the way a person lives, understands,
and also feels how valuable time is. He realized that time was neutral and continued to creep
from second to second and he also realized that a second ago could never return again.

2.2 Having a Clean Morality (Ikhlas)

One of the moral competencies possessed by a person who is cultured at work is the
value of sincerity. Because sincerity is a form of love, a form of affection and also service
without ties. The sincere attitude is not only the output of the way he serves, but also the input or
input that shapes his personality is based on a clean attitude.

2.3 Having Honesty

This honesty does not come from outside, but comes from the heart and good thoughts.
This honesty is not a compulsion, but rather this honesty is a calling from within an attachment.

2.4 Having a commitment

That commitment is a binding belief that is so firm that it is shackled to all of its
conscience and after that it moves the behavior in the particular direction it believes. In that
commitment depends on a determination, a belief, which gives rise to a form of vitality that is
full of passion.

2.5 Strong establishment (Consistent)

Consistent is also an ability to be obedient to the principle, never give up, and also able to
maintain the principle even though having to deal with risks that endanger him. They can control
themselves and also manage their emotions effectively.
3. factors affecting work ethic
The basis for a review of the meaning of the work ethic in Europe begins with Max
Weber's thoughts. One of the basic elements of modern culture, namely rationality according to
Weber (1958) was born from Protestant ethics. Basically religion is a system of values. This
value system will certainly influence or determine the lifestyle of its adherents. A person's way
of thinking, behaving and acting must be colored by the religious teachings they follow if they
are truly in religious life. Thus, if religious teachings contain values that can spur development, it
is clear that religion will also determine the course of development or modernization.

Weber shows that the doctrine of predestination in Protestantism is capable of giving birth to an
ethos of rational thinking, highly disciplined, working diligently systematically, successfully
oriented (material), not indulgent in pleasures - but frugal and modest (ascetic), and likes to save
and invest, which ultimately becomes the starting point for development capitalism in the
modern world.

3.2 Culture
Luthans (2006) says that mental attitude, determination, discipline and community
morale are also referred to as cultural ethos. Then this cultural ethos is operationally also referred
to as a work ethic. The quality of the work ethic is determined by the cultural value orientation
system of the community concerned. People who have an advanced cultural value system will
have a high work ethic. Conversely, people who have a conservative cultural value system will
have a low work ethic, and may even have no work ethic at all.

3.3 Social politics

According to Siagian (1995), the high or low work ethic of a community is also influenced by
the presence or absence of a political structure that encourages people to work hard and can
enjoy the results of their hard work to the full.
3.4 Environmental conditions (geographical)
Siagian (1995) also found indications that work ethics can arise due to geographical
conditions. A supportive natural environment influences the people who are in it to make an
effort to be able to manage and benefit, and can even invite migrants to help earn a living in that

3.5 Education
Work ethic cannot be separated from the quality of human resources. Increasing human
resources will make someone have a hard work ethic. Increasing the quality of the population
can be achieved if there is an equitable and quality education, accompanied by an increase and
expansion of education, expertise and skills, so that the activities and productivity of the
community as economic actors increases (Bertens, 1994).

3.6 Individual intrinsic motivation

Anoraga (2009) says that individuals who have a high work ethic are highly motivated
individuals. Work ethic is a view and attitude, which of course is based on values believed by
someone. This belief becomes a work motivation, which also influences one's work ethic.

According to Herzberg (in Siagian, 1995), true motivation is not sourced from outside the
self, but is embedded (internalized) within oneself, which is often referred to as intrinsic
motivation. He divided the factors driving people to do work into two factors, namely hygiene
factors and motivating factors. Hygiene factor is a factor in work which will only affect if it is
not present, which will cause dissatisfaction. The absence of this factor can prevent motivation
from arising, but it does not cause motivation to emerge.

This factor is also called extrinsic factor, which includes salary, status, job security,
working conditions, organizational policies, relationships with colleagues, and supervision.
When an organization targets higher performance, of course the organization needs to ensure in
advance that the hygiene factor is not an obstacle in the effort to present extrinsic motivation.
3.7 Aspects of the Work Ethic
According to Sinamo (2005), every human being has the spirit of success, which is pure
motivation to achieve and enjoy success. This spirit is transformed into typical behavior such as
hard work, discipline, meticulous, diligent, integrity, rational, responsible and so on. Then this
characteristic behavior proceeds into positive, creative and productive work.

Of the hundreds of successful theories circulating in today's society, Sinamo (2005)

simplifies it into four main theoretical pillars. These four pillars are actually responsible for
sustaining all types and sustainable success systems at all levels. The four elements were then
constructed in a big concept which he called the Chess Dharma Mahardika (Sanskrit) which
means the Four Main Success Darma, namely: Sinamo (2005)

1. Scoring achievements with superior motivation.

2. Building the future with visionary leadership.
3. Create new value with creative innovation.
4. Improve quality with human excellence.

4. Characteristics of workes who have high/low work ethic

4.1 Workers Who Have High Ethic

In general the work ethic can be interpreted as a set of positive work behavior, rooted in
strong cooperation, fundamental beliefs, accompanied by total commitment to the integral work
paradigm. In a job, it certainly requires a high morale, and this indeed must be owned by all
employees. On the work side, of course we also need the name of hard work and also a loyal
attitude, so that later it can create a high attitude as an employee later.

People with a strong work ethic are reliable, dedicated, productive, cooperative and self-

1. Reliable
Reliability goes hand in hand with good work ethics. Those with a good work ethic, when
making promises and commitments will be implemented. Also how to always be reliable.
Therefore they try and prove by being reliable and performing consistently.
2. Dedication
Those who have a good work ethic are dedicated to their work, and will do anything to
make sure they can perform well. Often this dedication makes them change jobs less
often, because they become committed to the position where they work and do not want
to leave this position. They also often spend extra time beyond what is expected, making
it easier for their employers to see that they are workers who surpass other workers and
truly dedicate themselves to their position.
3. Productivity
Because they work consistently, individuals with a good work ethic are often very
productive. They usually complete large amounts of work faster than others who do not
have a work ethic, because they do not stop until they have completed the task. This high
level of productivity is also caused, at least in part, by the fact that these individuals want
to be seen as strong workers. The more productive they are, the more useful their
companies are to those who manage them.
4. Teamwork
Cooperative work can be very beneficial in a business environment, something that is
known by individuals with a strong work ethic. Because they realize the benefits of
cooperative practice. So they often try hard to work together with others. They are
usually quite respectful of their bosses to work with any individual who is paired in a
professional, productive and polite manner. Even if they are not comfortable in a team,
communication is the thing that is done to establish good team relations. Included in the
comfort of work.
5. Self Discipline
Those who have a good work ethic often also have a strong character. This means they
are very concerned about discipline, encouraging themselves to complete work
assignments instead of asking others to intervene. They are also often very honest and
trustworthy, because they see these qualities according to the high quality employees they
want. To show their strong character, these workers manifest these positive qualities
every day, possibly distinguishing themselves from others.
4.1 Workers Who Have Low Ethic
For individuals or groups of people who have a low work ethic, the opposite characteristics
will be shown (Kusnan, 2004), namely:

1. Work is felt as something that is burdening oneself.

2. Lacking and not even appreciating the results of human labor.
3. Work is seen as an obstacle to obtaining pleasure.
4. Work is carried out as a form of compulsion.
5. Work is lived only as a form of routine in life.

From the various aspects mentioned above, it can be concluded that someone who has a high
work ethic will continue to strive to improve himself, so that the value of his work is not only
materialistic in nature but also involves spiritual and emotional satisfaction. Employees who
have a positive attitude towards the characteristics of their work, the employee will be more
oriented in the field of work.

Employees will pursue it with concentration and responsibility accompanied by feelings of

pleasure to obtain satisfactory results and have a high work ethic and will try as much as possible
to develop themselves in order to achieve high achievements in the company. Conversely, if the
employee has a negative view of job characteristics, the employee will be lazy, less responsible,
undisciplined and difficult to adjust.

Each job has different characteristics. A good work ethic in the company can help
employees to understand how they work everyday and can make them feel happy in carrying out
their duties. Work ethic is an invisible force that influences the thoughts, feelings, conversations
and actions of people in the company, including how to think, behave and behave is influenced
by the work ethic in the company.
5. Japanese Work Ethic

5.1 Japanese Work Ethic

Sociology and management studies in recent decades have led to a conclusion that links
human work ethic (or community) to its success: that success in various areas of life is
determined by attitudes, behavior and values adopted by human individuals in the community or
its social context.

Through observing the characteristics of people in the nations they view superior, the
researchers compile a list of important work ethic characteristics. For example, Bushido's work
ethic is considered as an important factor behind the success of Japan's economy in the world
glass. Bushido's work ethic establishes seven principles, namely:

1. Gi = the right decision is taken with the right attitude based on truth; if you must
die for that decision, die bravely, because such death is an honorable death
2. Yu = brave and be brave
3. Jin = generous, loving and kind to others
4. Re = being polite, acting right
5. Makoto = being sincere sincerely, being truly and truly and unconditionally
6. Melyo = maintaining honor, dignity and glory, as well
7. Chugo = serving and loyal.

Similarly, the superiority of the German nation, according to sociologists, is closely related to the
Protestant work ethic, which puts forward six principles, namely:

1. act rationally.
2. highly disciplined.
3. work hard.
4. oriented towards material wealth.
5. saving and investing.
6. thrifty, unpretentious and not indulgent pleasure.
The question then is what is the Indonesian work ethic like. Is our work ethic the cause of fragile
and low performance of social, economic and cultural systems, which has implications for the
quality of life?

In the book "Human Indonesia" by Mochtar Lubis published about a quarter of a century ago,
certain characteristics of the work ethic possessed by the Indonesian people were revealed. Some
of the characteristics are: hypocritical; not responsible; feudal; believe in superstitions; and weak
temperament. He is not alone. A number of other thinkers / culturalists stated similar things. For
example, some say that the Indonesian people have a 'sluggish culture,' 'instant culture', and
many more. For this reason, so that the development of the Indonesian work ethic can develop,
there is no harm in being able to imitate or follow the principles applied by the Bushido work
ethic and the Protestant work ethic.
3.1 Conclusion
It can be concluded that someone who has a high work ethic will continue to strive to
improve himself, so that the value of his work is not only materialistic productive but also
involves spiritual and emotional satisfaction. Human behavior is always directed to achieve
certain goals but the limitations possessed by humans become a problem in achieving these
goals. Individuals have the ability to think, look at things and behave in certain and unique ways
that are individual personalities that distinguish them from other individuals.

The attitude of employees in their work that can foster a high work ethic is not the same.
Differences in work ethics are caused by differences in job characteristics. Job characteristics
will provide motivation for employees to work more actively and to foster a more productive
work spirit because job characteristics are the process of making work more meaningful,
interesting and challenging so as to prevent someone from being bored from monotonous work
activities so that work looks more varied .

There are employees who are not told to or are told to do work directly which is their
responsibility without the help of others, they are active and have initiatives so as to generate
ideas for the company. Employees who behave like that are said to have a good work ethic but
not a few employees who behave the opposite, meaning that he is passive and waits after
someone else helps him so that his work becomes abandoned and not finished on time,
conditions like this can be said that the employee is not or not yet have a good work ethic. Yet
with an active attitude, creative and have the initiative at least able to foster the existence of a
work ethic.

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