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Mitigating Digest

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People vs Ablao (voluntary surrender) People vs Serafica (plea of guilt)

Facts: On December 16, 1977, Mario Ablao Facts: On March 2, 1968, accused being then a
shot to death the deceased Andres prisoner convicted by final judgment
Manambit Sr., the president of the and while serving his sentence, stabbed
Association of Barangay Captains after a colonist Rolando Galeno in the different
session with the member of the parts of the body who died instantly.
Sangguniang Bayan. When, he came out The accused was a recidivist and was
of the canteen, he saw a Lt. Gapas and convicted for murder and frustrated
shot him but missed. The accused went murder. The accused pleaded guilty not
into hiding for two and a half years and only at the case at bar but also in the
only emerged when he was one of the other two cases. He admitted the act of
suspects of killing a judge and his son. stabbing but denies the presence of the
The defense argues that the accused aggravating circumstance of treachery
was merely obeying the orders of his because according to him they had a
brother. fight with the victim and all of the
sudden everything becomes black to
Issue: WON the mitigating circumstance of
him. He could no longer think well. The
voluntary surrender is appreciated in
counsel de officio requested that the
this case
accused should be examined by a
Ruling: No. In order that voluntary surrender is specialist to determine his state of
appreciated, it must be spontaneous mind.
that it shows the intent of the accused
Issue: WON the plea of guilty by the accused
to surrender unconditionally to the
should be an unconditional admission
authorities, either because he
of guilt with respect thereof
acknowledges his guilt or because he
wishes to save them the trouble and Ruling: No. The plea of guilty by the accused is
expense necessarily incurred in his not of the nature as to foreclose his
search and capture. In the case at bar, right to defend himself from said
there is no spontaneous surrender as charge. There are circumstances
the accused went into hiding for 2 and a pointing to the possibility that accused
half years. The accused is convicted of was not in full possession of his mental
the crime homicide with the faculties when he attacked the
aggravating circumstance of disregard deceased. Instead of pronouncing
of rank. judgment after the entry of his plea, the
accused should be subjected to the
necessary mental examination to
determine his decree of sanity at the
time he committed the acts charged.

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