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This Primer is designed to provide a few of the basics for astrology
including the meanings of the planets, zodiac signs, and houses.

I offer it to you at no charge in hopes that it stimulates you as it has done

for me since I discovered my interest in astrology a very long time ago.
Who would have thought that the best thing to come out of Kent State
University would be a career that was not even a subject of study!?

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Since astrology is the way I have been earning my full-time living since 1995,
I ask for your support of my work.
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“As far back as I can remember, I’ve always been a strong believer in the
importance of cycles. You’d better try to understand them, because all
of your timing and often your luck is tied up in them.”
Former Chrysler CEO Lee Iacocca

Page 2 : Planets begin, Page 7: Signs begin, Page 11: Modes and Elements, Page 12: Houses begin
Page 17: Sacred Travel, Page 18: Aspects begin, Page 22: Romance Compatibility, Page 26: Partial booklist
Page 27: Quick symbol keywords, Page 29: Astrology interpretations in Business
Each planet in our solar system affects an element of your personality. Astrologers say there are
ten planets, which includes the sun and moon as planets (to make the terminology easier). Each
planet has a meaning and rules different parts of your life experience.

The Planets

The Sun is the largest body in our Solar System and therefore defines the dominant traits
of your personality according to the zodiac sign it falls in. Newspaper horoscopes focus on
the Sun sign, but it is only one of ten planets that influence your astrology chart. The sun
and moon are called planets in order to make conversations easier.
The Sun is your basic life force, vigor, and vitality. It defines why you get out of bed in the morning.
The Sun drives you to express your heart’s desire in this life. While an Aquarius may want to revolutionize
the ideals of the world, a Taurus may want to have a tangible and long-lasting impact upon the world.
Aquarius opens you to innovative possibilities; Taurus wants to build a house make those ideas workable
in the world.
The Sun represents leadership traits, how you express your power, pride in your accomplish-
ments, and self-confidence. As you might imagine, negative traits of an afflicted Sun are excessive pride,
undue need for recognition, and misuse of power. Used positively, you are a dynamo who brings forth your
unique Divine Essence in service to planet earth.
The Sun is associated with your heart, spine and upper back. It is associated with both the color and metal
gold. The house placement of the Sun indicates an area of life where you can let your light shine. The
placement of the Sun in your natal chart gives you hints about where you will express your life energy in
this life. If it is in the 7th house, partnerships are a key; in the 5th, romance, children and creativity come
into focus in your life.
Born on the cusp of a sign:
Many people wonder what it means when they were born close to the day when the sun changes signs.
Astrologers suggest that births that occurring approximately between the 19th-22nd of any month are born
on the cusp of a sign. The only way to know the exact sign is to cast a natal chart for the time and place
of birth. Although there are differing opinions on the subject, the general consensus of opinion is that you
are a blending of both signs. This is especially true if you were born at the end of a zodiac sign rather than
the beginning. (Ex. If you were born as a Sept. 21 Virgo, you have combined Virgo and Libra traits, but
your sun will “progress” further into Libra in the years after birth-. If you are a Sept. 22 Libra, then you still
have some Virgo traits in you, but the Sun will progress further into Libra as you get older. See progres-
sions on page 7). Also remember that close to the sun planets Mercury and Venus are most likely to be in
your sun sign or the sign just before or after your sun sign, giving that part of your chart added emphasis.
Is my Sun sign still my Sun sign?
There was a media article that came out saying that a person’s sun sign was not really their sun sign.
Don’t worry, your sun sign is still your sun sign. The author of the article did not understand what he
or she was writing about. The zodiac that western astrologers have used for at least 4,500 years (longer if
you count ancient cave wall paintings) has the constellation Aries rising at Spring Equinox in March. Be-
cause the earth wobbles on its axis, there is a 26,000 year cycle where a different constellation rises at
Spring equinox about every 2100 years. This explains that we are moving from the Age of Pisces into the
Age of Aquarius (either now or in the next 200 years). So if you were to measure the sky as an eastern
astrologer would do, people born in the first 24 days of their sun sign would literally have the previous con-
stellation as their sun sign. So a person born on April 1st, would have their sun literally in Pisces rather
than Aries. Just because the earth wobbles on its axis doesn’t mean that you Sun sign has changed.
But if you are still curious, why not have an astrology reading by a western astrologer (like Mark does) and
also a Vedic (also called jyotish) eastern astrologer? There are some differences, so try it out to see what
works best for you.
Astrology & Intuitive Consultations by Mark Dodich ~ since 1980
The Moon embodies your feelings and emotions. Just as the moon cycles in phases
around the earth, so too are your emotions likely to go through phases. The natal house that
holds your moon shows what area of your life goes through phases.

The moon is associated with the mother, nurturing, family, and your ability to tap into
the feelings of others. The moon rules the public as well. This is because the intuitive nature of the
moon helps you to sense what the world around you is feeling. The sign the moon was in at your birth will
help you know how you express your feelings. In an intellectual air sign like Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius,
you may have difficulty tuning into your own emotions. However, it can make you quite good at counsel-
ing others because you have the ability to detach emotionally. In water signs like Cancer, Scorpio, or Pi-
sces, you may be highly in tune with the emotional undercurrents of life. However, you may need to go off
in private to separate your feelings from the emotions of those around you. Physically, the moon is asso-
ciated with your digestive system, the disease cancer, and breasts. If you read your daily horoscope, it
would be useful to read your moon sign as an indicator of how your emotions are operating for the day.
Do you know that studies show that more people commit suicide at the New Moon than at the Full
Moon? The reason may be that the New Moon is a time of pulling within your own Being, where the Full
Moon is a time of outer expression. The moon has power too. Northwestern University tested to see if a
certain type of shellfish opened and closed its protective shell casing with the changing of the tides.
When they took the shellfish away from the ocean to Illinois and hid them in a light-proof box, they found
that the shellfish opened and closed based upon the position of the moon, not because of the tides.

There was a French study done that showed that the moon was close to the “angles” of the chart
in successful writers. The angles are the Ascendant (1st house cusp), IC (4th house cusp), Descendant
(7th house cusp) and MC (Midheaven, 10th house cusp). If you are a writer, you might want to go write or
market your book under one of your ACG (AstroCartoGraphy®, Earthlines™) moon power lines.

Void-of-Course Moon This term is in reference to a phase of the moon that is best for introspective ac-
tivities and not the initiation of important activities. Al Gore announced his candidacy for the President of
the USA under this ‘nothing comes of it’ phase of the moon. The moon is a relationship planet in astrol-
ogy. It likes to relate to other planets. The moon spends about 2.5 days in each sign as it travels around
the zodiac each month. As it travels around the circle of its orbit, the moon makes geometric angles to
other planets called aspects (see page 18)
Before the moon changes to the next sign, there is commonly a period where it does not make any more
geometric aspects to other planets. This is the void of course moon phase, which can last from a mere
few minutes or sometimes for an entire day. You need an astrology calendar to find these void times.
During the void of course phase, it is good to do laundry, meditate, clean your desk of existing projects.
In my work with trial attorneys, we attempted to manage the timing of the case to have the opponent put
on their case during the void phase, as little or nothing comes out of such a time period. There is also an
old Wall Street Journal article that researched 1200 businesses, selected at random, that went bankrupt-
and all of them were incorporated during a void of course moon
People born during the void-of-course moon are thought to live a more introspective life.

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Mercury is associated with intellect, logic and communication skills. It also rules your nervous and respira-
tory systems. Mercury represents quick trips, short classes, siblings, and transportation. Mercury, in a natal
chart, is very important for understanding how you communicate with others. Mercury in Pisces may speak in
visionary, poetic, and even flowing musical terms. In Libra, Mercury may be expressed

indecisively or through balanced diplomatic words. The house placement of Mercury will
give you hints as to where you are likely to communicate. A second house Mercury may
earn her or his income through speaking. A ninth house Mercury could communicate as a
teacher or publisher. In relationships, it is important that people have a compatible Mer-
cury connection so they can communicate with each other in a healthy way.

If you want to prove that astrology works to your friends, pay attention to
Mercury retrograde cycles (Mark lists them on his ASTROMARK monthly astrology
forecast on . Mercury retrograde occurs about three times each year,
and for approximately three weeks at a time. This is know as a communications-
breakdown phase. You want to back up your computer, repair your car, and make important phone calls prior
to Mercury giving the illusion of going backwards in the sky. Do behind the scenes projects for future presen-
tation. Basically, do “RE” words: review, revise, retreat, redo...
Practice flexibility and adaptability during Mercury retrograde. Give stressed out people a little extra
space during Mercury retrograde. Additionally, there is a shadow period before and after a planet changes
directions. The period about ten days before a planet turns retrograde gives you hints about what you will be
doing during the retrograde cycle. The ten days after Mercury turns direct, you are finishing up old business
from Mercury retrograde and beginning to get things moving. If you must do something important during Mer-
cury retrograde, it is generally best not to do it during the days just before and after it changes to retrograde
or direct motion. The Bush-Gore Presidential election took place on the day Mercury turned retrograde. The
Florida vote-counting disaster was a result.

Venus rules love, relationships, cultural activities, art, luxury items, and beauty. Jewelry gen-
erally falls under her rulership. The natal placement of Venus provides hints as to what you
value and how you go about manifesting your desires. In the twelfth house, you may value the
peace and harmony of your privacy, keeping your desires a secret. In the seventh house, mar-
riage partnerships may be a high priority. The importance of material possessions is associated with Venus.
In the sign Taurus, you may own items that are high in value yet sensible. In Leo, you may prefer highly pas-
sionate relationships, or clothing that is royally luxurious. Physically, Venus governs the throat, kidneys, and
diabetes. The house placement of Venus in your chart indicates where you express beauty and peace. In the
fourth house, you may decorate your house in a beautiful way. In a marriage, you want to have a good Venus
connection between the charts of the partners.
Venus turns retrograde less than any other planet, almost every two years. During a Venus retrograde, you
are reviewing your values, relationships, and perhaps even beautifying your home or wardrobe.

Mars indicates your power, aggressions, and initiative. The warrior planet helps you to achieve
your ambitions in the world. On the positive level, you assert yourself to manifest core level
goals. Negatively, it can be repressed anger, the need to win at any cost, or excessive reliance
on the physical (like sex without love). Mars gets you moving towards your goals. The natal
house placement of Mars in your chart tells you where you direct your ambition. A second house
Mars in Taurus may like to remodel houses in order to sell them for a substantial profit. A sixth
house Mars in Taurus may become a massage therapist in order to earn a living healing others. Mars is asso-
ciated with headaches, cuts, gunshot wounds, burns, rashes, and red blood cells.



Astrology & Intuitive Consultations by Mark Dodich ~ since 1980

Jupiter represents optimism, generosity, philanthropy, luck, philosophy, and foreign cul-
tures. People with a strong Jupiter may be large in size, loud in voice, or simply command
attention when they walk into a room. Jupiter orbits around the sun almost every 12 years,
so you can look at each 12-year segment in your life as a new way of expressing your phi-
losophy in the world. Jupiter coaches and encourages people to overcome obstacles to
achieve their greatest desires. Jupiter is a loyal friend. Used negatively, Jupiter can be
boastful and tends towards overdoing (overeat, overspend, etc.) The location of Jupiter in your natal
chart indicates the area of life where you can express expansive philosophy. In the ninth house, you
may love to travel or pursue higher spiritual or educational goals. Jupiter governs the liver, lower back,
hips, and diseases caused by excess.

With Jupiter, you learn to believe in yourself; and then you must take a risk on yourself to create your
dreams. If you are willing to take a leap of faith, Jupiter helps you. Pay attention to where Jupiter is in
your natal chart because there is a lot of help in that house area. Also pay attention to where Jupiter is
in the current sky. The house of your chart that Jupiter is transiting through is a place that you are re-
ceiving help. Jupiter travels through each house of your chart for one year, every twelve years. When
you were 12 years old, Jupiter came back to the same sign it was in when you were born.

Saturn represents patience, boundaries, delays, restrictions, and life karma. Many as-
trologers discuss Saturn with a “you poor thing” look in their eyes. However, Saturn is a
great helper. Saturn helps you separate what is real and appropriate in your life from that
which is not. If you have been holding tightly to a relationship that has long lost its reason
for being, Saturn will come along to help you release. If you want to start a new business,
Saturn will help you do the work necessary for it to succeed.
The trouble comes when you say you want something but are not willing to bring forth the energy nec-
essary for it to manifest. Saturn will help you, but you must do your part. Saturn also requires you to
be patient and approach your goals over the long term. If you impatiently “want what you want, and
want it now,” Saturn is likely to teach you some lessons in hard work and perseverance. In a natal
chart, Saturn challenges you to manifest your goals. Located in the fourth house, Saturn teaches you
to take emotional responsibility. This may come through difficult childhood lessons, but you do learn
the lesson thoroughly. A fourth house Saturn person may have had to grow up while still young. With
Saturn, the trick is to learn the lesson without giving into depression, despair, or cynicism. Saturn is
associated with your skin, teeth, bones, and skeletal structure of your body.
A Saturn Return is when the planet Saturn in the sky comes back, or returns, to the exact
same place it was when you were born. This happens approximately at the ages of 29 and 58. At 29,
it is time to grow up and do your life’s work. At 58, it is time to bring your wise elder to the world and
start to work on your “bucket list.”
When you hear of people talking about some issue that happens at 7 or 14 years, that is likely to be a
Saturn issue. For example, the “seven year itch” in a marriage where a person wonders if they still
want to be married is a Saturn issue. Or when one partner is 14 years older than the other, that is
likely to be a Saturn related issue. Saturn is about restructuring your life to give you a greater sense of
your own authority. This means that you need to grow up, take responsibility, release that which does
not empower you, and make a long-term commitment to your path.

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Prosperity Enhancement Guide- Tips for increasing prosperity consciousness in your life.
Fixed Star Guide: The ancients used the stars in their astrology charts.
Animal Medicine Wheel Totems: Animals have their own energy which helps you in your life.
Uranus represents independence, freedom, invention, innovation, friends, and revolution.
You simply need to find a new way to do things when Uranus is involved. You must learn to
choose change for something better, rather than change for the sake of change. Uranus
takes seven years to move through a zodiac sign, so the sign Uranus was in at birth effects
a large number of people. High tech gadgets are Uranian in nature.
This makes the natal house placement of Uranus very important for understanding how it is used in your
life. Located in the tenth house, you may prefer to be self-employed, or to at least have a supervisor who
doesn’t hover over you. In the seventh house, you may need a marriage partner who gives you plenty of
space in the relationship. Uranus is associated with astrologers, aviators, inventors, and revolutionaries.
On a spiritual level, Uranus helps you to break free of self-imposed limitations so you can experience the
miracles of the Universe.
Uranus spends about seven years traveling through each sign. It revolutionizes your life in some way
during that time. Uranus rules earthquakes. When this explosive god moved into Aries in March of 2011,
the Japan earthquake hit. Watch how your life is revolutionized until 2018 when Uranus next shifts into

Neptune governs your illusions and your spirituality. To be enlightened, you must first burst
through your illusions. Neptune rules intuitive development, filmmaking, musical creativity,
and oceanic professions. You must go beyond worldly boundaries to merge with the cosmos
with Neptune. Escapist activities like alcoholism, drug addiction, excessive fantasies (like
winning the lottery to fix all your problems), and romanticizing all of those bad relationships
are Neptune-ruled.
You must go beyond yourself in order to understand Neptune. With Neptune placed in the second
house, a person must find true prosperity consciousness rather than prosperity based solely on material
possessions. In the fifth house, you could help children to open to their creativity or get lost in romantic
illusions. A fifth house Neptune might be under the fantasy that they will win the lottery and that will fix all
or their problems. Neptune helps you to step into a larger part of yourself, a part that is totally connected
to your Divine Essence. Initially, Neptune may be confusing. Ultimately, you gain a cosmic perspective.

Pluto is the powerful transformer of your life. It takes you down to the deepest part of your-

self, encompassing emotional fears, abuse, fear of death, and the darker areas of sexuality.
In the distant past, there was scientific controversy over whether or not Pluto should con-
tinue to be classified as a planet (due to its small size and behavior). Since that time, as-
tronomers have discovered five moons around Pluto, so maybe they will reconsider their
classification at some time.
Regardless of what astronomers call Pluto, a Pluto transit across another planet in your natal chart has
you feeling like a volcano or cataclysmic event has erupted in your life. When Pluto transits your chart,
your life changes and there is no going back to the old way. So, most astrologers call Pluto a planet!
Pluto is associated with the elimination system of your body, obsessive-compulsive tendencies, and
rape. The location of Pluto in your natal chart indicates where you are transforming your deepest emo-
tions, beliefs, and values in this life. In the third house, you are transforming the way you think. In the
eighth house, you may be working with issues of life and death, emotional abuse, or financial responsi-
bility. Pluto helps you to experience life in a way that transcends the intellectual. Pluto requires you to
make deep-level changes, especially changes that secretly wanted to make.
Spiritually, Pluto is First Ray (power, will of god, see Seven Rays page). It is Archangel
Michael using his sword to cut away anything that gets between you and God. Ego,
fears, and anything that is not of the One Source must be released so you can bring your
power into this world based upon your connection to your Divine Essence.

See all the Ascended Master photos at

Michael (MC2)
What are Zodiac Signs?

Everybody is familiar with the Zodiac, at least in passing. When someone asks you “what’s
your sign,” they want to know what zodiac constellation the Sun was passing through when you were
born. The zodiac is actually a ring of constellations that form a band around the earth. Each constel-
lation is thought to represent a particular form of energy, which is projected through people born in
each sign.
It should be noted that the energy of each sign is simply energy. This means that you must take
responsibility for how you use that energy. In other words, a Sun in Aries does not make you angry
and a Sun in Taurus does not make you pig-headed stubborn. Each constellation has a positive and
negative interpretation to it. Your task is to use the energy of the sign in the most constructive way. A
Sun in Aries can use pent up energy to courageously pioneer a new path. A Sun in Taurus can per-
severe to accomplish great projects, yet also know when to release a project.
The Sun sign is what you read in your daily newspaper horoscope. Although the Sun is the very im-
portant life-giving force in your life, there are many other influences in an astrology chart. In actuality,
you are made up of all twelve zodiac signs, ten planets (including the Sun and Moon), and their
placement in the twelve houses of the chart.
If you seem to always have a problem with people who are of a particular zodiac sign, that is a
clue as to where you are having a problem within yourself. Look to the house placement of that
problematic sign in your chart to show you where you need to do some self-improvement.
If you want to get more out of the daily horoscope, read your Sun sign as relating to why you get
out of bed each day. Read the sign the Moon was in when you were born as your feelings and emo-
tions about the day. Lastly, read the sign of your Ascendant (also called a Rising Sign) as to how you
are going to project yourself into the world each day. The meanings of the planets and Ascendant are
located elsewhere in this document.
In reading information on the signs below, please keep in mind that it is necessary to look at the en-
tire birth chart to gain a comprehensive understanding of the person. One astrological term needs to
be clarified to help you with the material below. When a planet “rules” or is in “rulership,” it
means that the various planets, signs, and houses of an astrology chart fit together nicely.
They like each other. (see rulerships on page 28). A person who has their Sun in the zodiac sign Leo
is considered to be highly favorable since Leo rules the Sun. If your Moon is in Leo and your Sun is in
Cancer, they are said to be in mutual reception. They help each other. This is because the Moon
rules Cancer and the Sun rules Leo, so they are in each other’s favorite signs.

Do you change signs as you get older? Progressions

No, your sun sign remains as your sun sign for life. However, you do take on different flavors as
you grow older and wiser. Astrologers have various techniques for “progressing” a planet through a
chart. The two most common terms you will hear are “Secondary Progressions” and “Solar Arc Direc-
tions.” Progressions work on your inner being, bringing deeper-level aspects of you to the surface.
Each planet progresses through a sign at its own rate of speed. The Sun moves through a sign in
30 years, the moon in 2-2½ years, and Pluto likely will stay where it started for your entire life-
time (using secondary progressions). If you were born with your sun at 15 degrees of Gemini
(around June 7), then when you were 15 years old, your sun mathematically progressed into Cancer.
So from 15 to 45 years old, you are a Gemini Sun with flavoring in the sign Cancer. In this case, the
Gemini intellect would get in touch with Cancer emotions during this 30-year cycle.
Most astrologers will calculate your progressions when you come for a consultation.
The Signs of the Zodiac
Aries is headstrong, assertive, enterprising, and adventurous. The sign of the ram is
ready to pioneer a new path. Their passionate approach to life can be both their
strength and their weakness. When you want to travel to uncharted territory, call upon
an Aries. Their strong will power can help them through difficult challenges. The prob-
lem comes when it is time to follow through on a project. Many Aries become enamored
with a new challenge, then leave the unfinished project to go on to new adventures. An example
would be an Aries who has ten books on the coffee table, having read a couple of chapters out of
each one. On the spiritual level, Aries helps people to burst through membranes of inertia. Aries
stimulates you to try something new. Aries represents athletics, pioneers, headaches, cuts, and cour-
age. Their color is red. In esoteric astrology (spiritual focus), Aries has to do with communicating right

Taurus is characterized as reliable, patient, steady, and trustworthy. Those born in the
sign of the bull are either sensually elegant or very earthy. Their strength is that they can
survive the most difficult of challenges. However, they often need to learn to let go rather
than hanging on to a losing situation. Although Taurus people like beautiful and luxuri-
ous items, their possessions must have long-term value and durability. You want to
avoid approaching a Taurus with a philosophy that says “my way or the highway,”
unless of course you want to hit the road. Taurus brings beauty and earthly healing to the world. It is
not uncommon to see artists, singers, and massage therapists with a Taurean influence in their chart.
Taurus rules the throat, thyroid gland, wealth, beauty, and wheat fields. In esoteric astrology, Taurus
helps you take your value system to a higher level to live in a greater sense of beauty.

Gemini is intellectual, outgoing, spontaneous, and lively. Those born under the sign of
the twins are curious and versatile. They can talk to anybody, ranging from the curbside
wino to the expensive suit in the ivory tower. Gemini’s must avoid fickleness and superfi-
ciality. Some people suggest that Gemini’s are prone to making up a story when they
don’t really know the answer. In actuality, they want to be helpful, so they stretch the
truth or leave out important details so as not to hurt anyone’s feelings. Gemini rules
transportation, communication, the media, shoulders, arms, asthma and the nervous system in gen-
eral. On the spiritual level, Gemini helps open people to new ideas and concepts. They help people
to see beyond their on limiting beliefs and concepts. On the positive level, they can clearly communi-
cate abstract higher ideas into words that are easily understood. On the negative level, they can chat-
ter incessantly without saying anything of significance, or take on too many projects.

Cancer (Moonchild) has the same nature as the crab: hard on the outside and soft on the
inside. They often keep outsiders at arm’s length. This is to protect their deeply felt emo-
tions. Once you find your way into a Cancer’s heart, it takes a cataclysmic event to kick
you out. They tend to be highly intuitive, sensitive, and possess empathic healing abili-
ties. Cancer’s must learn to honor their own boundaries, meaning that they should not
pick up every stray animal or person- or at least let them go after they are nourished and
healed. On a spiritual level, Cancer helps people to know that they are loved and cared for. The peo-
ple who fall through the cracks of society or have unmet emotional needs fall into Cancer’s domain.
Never insult the family of a Cancer person, as family is sacred to them. Cancer rules the breasts,
stomach, ulcers, the disease cancer, children, and milk. The United States has its Sun in Cancer.

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Leo is generous, passionate, enthusiastic, and cheerful. Those born in the sign of the lion like
to be the center of attention. They are proud and make a loyal friend. As the tribal leader, fa-
ther, or coach, Leo’s make sure that those in their charge have their needs met. Leo’s can be
dramatic, or get lost in melodrama. They can stand with pride, or have an excessively prideful
ego. The color and metal gold are associated with the bright Leo sunshine. Leo likes to have
fun. It rules games, gambling, romantic affairs, and theaters. In the body, Leo rules the heart,
spine, sunstroke, and heartburn. Leo’s spiritual task is to infuse people with the enthusiasm that radiates
from the great central Sun. In esoteric astrology, Leo’s must step into leadership and help people to open
their hearts.

Virgo has a reputation for being a perfectionist. However, Virgo is also the sign of the god-
dess. She is simultaneously discriminating and elegant. Virgo wants to be of service to the
world. Never tell a Virgo that they are not useful. They are excellent editors, organizers, and
purifiers. As the goddess, she wants nothing to get in the way of Truth. Perhaps this is why
she precedes the sign Libra. She purifies the path to justice. Virgo must learn that not every-
thing can be fixed, that not everything has a neat little category to fit into, and that there is time
to play. While many people think Virgo’s can be overly critical, they are even harder on themselves.
Virgo’s job is to bring the spirituality of Pisces down to earth for pragmatic application. The Virgo part of
your chart will tell you where you need to simplify and organize your life. In the 6th house, you may be in-
terested in herbal healing, body cleanses, or helping people get organized.

Libra represents balance, peace, and harmony. Those born under the sign of the scales of
justice want things to be fair. Libra also represents beauty and grace. The Venus de Milo
statue comes to mind. Relationships, romance, and cooperation are important to Libra’s.
Speaking in a crude or unrefined way may be a turn-off to someone with strong Libra influence
in her or his natal chart. An out-of-balance Libra may have problems making decisions or com-
municating what needs to be said in a relationship. Many learn that living under the false belief
that “peace at all costs” or “don’t rock the boat” will help them find harmony. They find out that speaking
their truth sooner, even though it will rock the boat, creates greater harmony in the long run. It is interesting
to note that many great military leaders, like Dwight Eisenhower, were in the peacekeeping sign of Libra.
Libra rules the kidneys, adrenal glands, cosmetics, fashion, marriage, divorce, clear air, fine arts, and wed-
dings. In esoteric astrology, Libra helps revolutionize value systems so people can live in higher balance. It
can be associated with the Ascended Master St. Germaine, Archangel Zadkiel, and the Violet Flame which
provides alchemical transmutation of lower energies into the higher.

Scorpio can be best characterized by its intense, passionate, emotional nature. Scorpio has
two symbols, the scorpion and the eagle. This is because Scorpio often experiences the polar-
ity of the lowest of the low, and the highest of the high. When a Scorpio learns a lesson, they
learn it at the very core of their being. There may be lessons in jealousy, envy, right use of
power, and the transformation called death. Scorpios make excellent detectives, knowing who
is telling the truth or hiding a secret. At the same time, a healthy-attitude Scorpio can keep your
secret. They help you through issues of emotional abuse, listen non-judgmentally to your dark thoughts, or
counsel you through the grieving process. Many jokes have been made about Scorpio’s sexual prowess.
Scorpio does rule the sexual organs, but there are many more factors that go into the sexual beyond the
pure Scorpionic experience. Scorpio’s spiritual task is to be what might be called a world disciplinarian.
They see energy being used that is not in harmony with the cosmic flow of the Universe, and then they
speak up to put the situation or person in order. To do this in a non-manipulative way, they must be vibrat-
ing at a high soul frequency that is represented by the eagle. Scorpio rules sex, death, and taxes. It rules
dentists, reproductive organs, and sexual diseases. Scorpio is really good at what it focuses on, but has
lessons in letting go.

Astrology & Intuitive Consultations by Mark Dodich ~ since 1980

Sagittarius is embodied by intelligence, philosophy, and freedom. The sign of the archer
loves an adventure, be it in the outdoors or in pursuit of the outer reaches of the higher mind.
A Sagittarian makes for a good friend, as they are honest, generous, and optimistic. It is bet-
ter to tell a Sagittarius an awful truth rather than breaking their trust with a lie. Integrity is criti-
cal to them. In terms of the higher mind, Sagittarians are here to help us go beyond self-
limiting thoughts and beliefs. You can often find them coaching or encouraging people to achieve their
dreams and goals. Sagittarius rules the legal system, abundance, banks, wild animals, and big things
(not just a pet, but a horse or Great Dane). In the body, Sagittarius rules the upper legs, hips, and the
liver. They may have a bawdy sense of humor.

Capricorn represents discipline, patience, and rationality. A Capricorn knows the value of
sacrificing short-term satisfaction for the long-term goal. Those born in the sign of the goat
tend to have a good sense of humor, although it is often expressed as a dry wit. Capricorn
understands the value of what has been tried and true. This means that they respect tradition
and the elders of the culture. In esoteric, or spiritual, astrology, Capricorn rules initiation. An
example would be when ancient Egyptians entered the pyramid; they let their lower self die in order to be
initiated into embodying a higher form of their Divine Essence. Capricorn rules antiques, big business,
government, the skeletal structure of the body, teeth, clocks, mountains, and the disease called depres-
sion. In esoteric astrology (spiritual purpose), Capricorn is the sign representing initiation into a higher
order. It helps you step into higher dimensions of yourself beyond this life.

Aquarius is characterized as progressive, revolutionary, inventive, and idealistic. Although

the symbol is that of the water bearer, Aquarius is associated with the element of air, or the
ethers. Aquarius helps humanity to understand group consciousness and community. They
remind us that we are all One at the core essence of our Being. At the same time, Aquarius
honors independence, freedom, and individuality. They teach people that you can be a
unique individual and still play nicely with everyone and everything else on planet earth. An out of bal-
ance Aquarius may listen to good advice while smiling, then go off and do what they darn well please as
if never hearing a word. They can make constructive changes to revolutionize the world, or they can
make change for the sake of change. If you are in a relationship with an Aquarius, you want to establish a
strong friendship with your Aquarian, but give them the space they need to express their individuality.

Pisces is the sign of sensitivity and receptivity. They have great compassion, which can be a
blessing or a curse. A Pisces can support a person’s strengths or weaknesses. Although it is
important to help the downtrodden, it is equally important to help them to stand strongly on
their own two feet. Pisces rule the feet. Look for unusual socks or shoes! The sign of the fish
is considered to be highly intuitive. They often need to spend time alone to separate their own
intuitive feelings from the environment around them. Because of this, it is especially important
for Pisces to choose friends and activities that are in harmony with their energy field. The negative side is
that they can get lost in escapist activities like addictive behavior, unrealistic goals, or relationships that
drain energy rather than enhance. Pisces rules the film industry, photography, the ocean, psychics, mon-
asteries, mystics, dreams, and spiritual practices. In the body, Pisces rules alcohol/drug/chocolate addic-
tions, immune system diseases, and mysterious diseases.


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Mark F. Dodich 503-252-1558

Elements & Modes
Elements relate to the nature of the signs. They are fire, earth, air, and water. Just think about what
you know about each element to gain better understanding. Planets in the same element within your
natal chart, or between two people, are generally considered to be in harmony. If you were to place
them around the circle of a chart and draw lines between them, signs in the same element would draw
a triangle. A “trine” in astrology is stable and flowing, a generally good thing unless you get lazy.

FIRE: (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Fire signs are passionate and creative, always ready for the next ad-
venture. People who are strong in fire signs can instill you with inspiration or they can burn you out.
They are excellent at starting exciting new projects and relationships but have life lessons in complet-
ing projects.

AIR: (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), This is the element of ideas, communications, and social skills. Air ele-
ment people are open to sharing concepts and ideals. They must learn to bring their ideas down to

EARTH: (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), Earth is excellent for stability, grounding, perseverance, and go-
ing the distance. They must be careful of getting caught in a rut, unable to let go and change when
stuck. They like tangible results for their efforts.

WATER: (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), Watery people are sensitive, intuitive, and feeling oriented. They
can generally go with the flow of life, but must be careful of letting their emotions take over. They also
have to be careful of going into excessive self-sacrifice.

MODES relate to the quality of the signs. Planets within a natal chart, or between two people in a
compatibility comparison, are said to provide challenge and motivation. If you were to draw lines be-
tween them in a chart, they would make a square (or cross) pattern. Esoterically, they represent bring-
ing spirit into matter so that God works in the earth plane.

CARDINAL: (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), Cardinal signs are the action-oriented signs. The cardi-
nal areas in your chart, or planets in cardinal signs, never have trouble finding things to do. They have
lessons in completing projects and stepping back to see how others feel about the action (rather than
simply assuming that everyone is on board with their special project).

FIXED: (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), Fixed signs follow the action providing the needed follow-
though to get the job done. They have excellent abilities to persevere and endure, but must learn to let
go when it is time.

MUTABLE: (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces), Adaptability and flexibility are key characteristics to
the mutable signs. They have an innate understanding of the relationship between people, places, and
things. Lessons include the need to get involved, and to use good discernment with what to get in-
volved in and what to stay away from.

Cardinal signs are like the elephants leading the parade. Fixed signs follow the elephants and clean
up the mess. Mutable signs watch the parade.

Astrology & Intuitive Consultations by Mark Dodich ~ since 1980

Astrology Houses:
An Astrology Chart is divided like a pie into twelve sections called houses. Each house represents, or
rules, different areas of life. A natal astrology chart places the zodiac position of the sun, moon, planets,
and other significant points at their correct location in the twelve houses of the chart. Simply stated, the
houses provide a frame of reference to help you understand the areas of life that are affected by the plan-
The chart begins counting with the Ascendant, or cusp of the first house. This is located at the hori-
zontal line pointing to the left of the chart. Houses are counted in a counterclockwise manner around the
circle. The zodiac sign on the left horizontal line represents the zodiac constellation that was rising in the
East at the time of your birth. Astrologers say that you will project yourself into your life based upon the
sign that was Ascending. Read about the ascending sign elsewhere in this website to know the zodiac
sign characteristics that influence your approach to life.
Just as the houses are counted in a counterclockwise fashion, so too are the signs of the zodiac. If your
Ascendant, also called a Rising Sign, is in Virgo in the first house, the next sign in a counterclockwise di-
rection will be Libra in the second house, followed by Scorpio, and so on around the chart circle.
You will see that when the sun, moon, and planets are placed in your chart, some houses will be loaded
and others empty. Houses containing planets require greater attention during your life. Empty houses do
not mean that you can ignore them; and, they do not indicate that nothing happens in the area of life rep-
resented by the house. For example, an empty seventh house (represents marriage, partnerships) does
not mean that you will never get married. It may mean that your primary life emphasis is not focused on
partnership issues, or that it is only emphasized during specific life cycles called transits and progres-
sions. So don’t worry if you have an empty part of your chart. It is common. Keep in mind that you must
look at the entire chart before making any determination.
Houses one through six are located in the bottom half of your astrology chart. They represent subjective
matters. In other words, you view life in a highly personal way when you have an abundance of planets in
houses one through six. If you work for a living (sixth house), you want to get paid. You want personal
feedback for you efforts.

The top half of the circle is the objective part of your astrology chart. Planets located in houses seven
through twelve were above the horizon when you were born. If you were born around lunchtime, the sun
in your natal chart will be located near the “high noon” tenth house cusp. Planets in the upper hemisphere
represent the larger world. The objective eleventh house represents your life goals and ambitions in the
world, whereas the opposite and subjective fifth house represents personal fun, creativity, and romance.

The Ascendant (also called Rising Sign) is the east-

ern horizon and the cusp between the 1st and 12th
The signs go around the circle in a counterclockwise
direction. Then the planets are placed in the correct
house they were in at birth.

Astrology & Intuitive Consultations by Mark Dodich ~ since 1980

Why do two different charts cast by two astrologers look slightly different?
There are different “house systems” for measuring the sky. Everyone knows where the sun rises and
sets in the sky. You can also see “high noon” in the sky. However, there are different ways to measure
the middle of the sky.
Different astrologers use different calculation methods (Placidus, Koch, Porphry, etc.). Almost every-
one calculates the four angles of the chart the same (Ascendant=sunrise, Descendant=sunset, Mid-
heaven = high noon, Nadir or IC= midnight *note, this is not a technically precise definition of the 1st, 7th,
10th, and 4th house cusps, respectively, but it will do for a basic primer).
Astrologers sit around the cocktail lounge at conferences and argue about which system of measurement
is better. So the best advice might be to pick a system that works for you and stay with it as long as it
serves your needs. Mark Dodich started using the Placidus house system. This moved transformative
Pluto into his 11th house where he experienced many years of Plutonian release of friends (11th house
represents friends and Pluto represents death and release).
When Mark turned his astrology practice from a part-time hobby into his life work, he switched to Koch
House System. This moved his Pluto into the 12th house of spirituality. He experienced the “death” of his
corporate suit life and the birth of his life work. However, the differences should be minor when you
switch house systems. So relax when you see these minor differences between house cusps in your
chart. Each astrologer has something to tell you based upon their knowledge and experience and the
system they use. The point is to open yourself to learn what you need, not to get lost in calculations

I also know someone who uses a specific house system because it more accurately reflects the circum-
stances of her life. Unfortunately, they are difficult life events that I would think a person would want to
release and change behavior patterns. Just changing house systems will not change your life, but it can
be an indication that some part of you is ready and willing to make a shift in consciousness. Only planets
close to the cusp of a house can change signs, and that does not include the angles of the chart men-
tioned above.

The First House describes your outward behavior. It involves your disposition, appearance, manners,
and sense of self. The sign on the cusp of the First House is called the Ascendant or Rising Sign
(they mean the same thing, that the person projects themselves into the world based upon the traits of
that sign.) An Aries Ascendant can be fiery and impatient, where a Cancer will be emotional and nurtur-
The positive use of the first house is that it helps you to put your best foot forward into the world. The
negative interpretation is that you can get caught up in excessive ego issues or the need to show off due
to self-esteem or self-worth challenges. The first house indicates your outlook on life.
You physical appearance may correlate with the zodiac sign on their first house cusp. A Libra Ascendant
may be graceful while a Capricorn Ascendant may appear conservative and stern. The first house often
indicates activities that you take into the world. An Aries first house may be athletic and prefer to wear
bright, fiery clothing. A Pisces first house may appear dreamy and illusive, preferring gentle colors like the
blue of the ocean. The first house helps you to project your unique talents into the world.
When you have natal planets in your first house, the planet flavors the way you project energy into the
world. With Mars in the first house, you passionately and courageously pioneer new paths in the world.
However, you may need to work through anger issues or the tendency to not complete projects. The first
house shows you the way to project your special and unique talents into the world. See the zodiac signs
web page to understand the quality of experience you project into the world.
Each zodiac sign is 30 degrees, but the houses are not normally 30 degrees. The houses can be
bigger or smaller than 30 degrees depending upon where and when you were born. Most houses have
two signs operating in a house, but the sign on the cusp of the house is the ruler (boss).
The Second House deals with material possessions and your attitude towards the physical world. Al-
though astrologers often talk about money, real estate, and your personal possessions when discussing
the second house, it is important to remember that the second house represents your value system. Every
dollar you spend in the world represents a vote in your value and belief system. If you are not experiencing
the abundance and prosperity that is naturally yours to experience in this world, the second house of your
astrology chart is the first place to look. Read the sign on the cusp of your second house to get a hint
about your belief in money or real estate. Taurus on the second house may purchase a luxurious home
with solid resale value. Gemini on the second house cusp may prefer a home loaded with books. Be
aware, there are many other places to look in an astrology chart for material resources and your value sys-
tem. Natal planets in a house will influence the nature of that house as well. The second house relates to
your throat and voice. It has to do with speaking your truth. The second house helps you manifest beauty
and your highest values into the world.

The Third House contains your siblings, education, communication, transportation, and self-expression. It
represents things that happen quickly, like a one-day workshop, writing a magazine article, or a short
weekend trip. The third house represents ideas and metal acuity. It provides hints about how you speak
and how you learn. It is one of the places in the chart to look at nervous respiratory system ailments,
asthma, and communications problems like stuttering. The third house provides information about how you
get your ideas across to the world. A Cancer third house cusp may speak in words that express feelings
and emotions, whereas a Sagittarius cusp may speak in broad, altruistic, and philosophical concepts. The
third house helps you to open your mind to a variety of new ideas, then to mold those thoughts into a form
that can be expressed in the world. The third house can tell you about your brothers and sisters, or it can
give you hints about the car you drive. A Leo third house cusp may want to drive a showy, luxury car.

The Fourth House represents home, family, parenting, traditions, and your general attitude about where &
how you live. It is the place of seeking emotional security. It is commonly called the nadir or IC. In spiritual
astrology, a soul comes into this incarnation at the IC and brings the talents associated with the
sign on the cusp of the IC, then they must grow to the MC (10th house) and step into the traits of
the sign on the MC.
The difficulty is that to find true emotional security, you must face your insecurities. A Taurus fourth house
cusp may believe that owning a home provides security, only to find that they may loose their home due to
unforeseen circumstances. This teaches the person that true emotional security comes from within, not
from a physical object like a house. Naturally, a Taurus fourth house cusp does not mean you will loose
your home. It only means that you will have to look at your values regarding security. Bad things do not
happen to people just because a sign or planet is challenging you. Information regarding your early child-
hood can be found in the fourth house. An Aquarius fourth house cusp may indicate a home with unusual
circumstances. This could include moving frequently, eccentric visitors passing through your home, adop-
tions, a missing parent, or unusual family relationships. Astrologers differ on whether the fourth house
represents the father or mother. The most common thing to say is that the fourth house tells you about
how you obtain your nurturing. A Cancer fourth house may prefer a home cooked meal. A Sagittarius
fourth house may feel more nurtured by a meal cooked over a campfire stove. The fourth house can be
quite a complicated house due to numerous emotional undercurrents combined its action-oriented focus.
(The 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses are given the term “angular.” This means that they are action oriented
and add to the complex dynamics of your chart.)

When a transiting planet (meaning the path of the planet through the current day’s sky) passes
through a house, then it activates that house while it is passing through. Jupiter spends about one
year travelling through a natal house, just as it spends about one year in each sign. Jupiter tells you to ex-
pand, so Jupiter moving into and through your 4th house for a year can represent a move, remodel, or
other shifts in your home and family. So you see, even if you have houses in your natal chart that do not
have natal planets in them, the transiting paths of the planet will activate those empty houses from time to
time– once every 12 years for Jupiter, or once a month
in the case of the fast moving moon.
The Fifth House represents children, romance, creativity, and pleasure. It is one of the places in the
astrology chart that calls you to take a risk on yourself. Whether it is showing the world your creative
talents, opening your heart to the possibility of romance, or hitting the blackjack tables in Las Vegas,
you need to open to your passionate nature. With the fifth house, it is time to have fun.
The zodiac sign on the fifth house cusp can give you hints about the way you like to have fun. A practi-
cal sign like Capricorn may turn a fun hobby into a business. It may also indicate a person who does
not have children, or holds off on children until they are a bit older in life. Capricorn fifth house people
may not be big gamblers, instead preferring conservative risks. Cancer on the fifth house cusp may
take great enjoyment in playing with children. They may have difficulty letting go when it is time to end
a relationship. It is important to look at a variety of factors in a chart before making a determination on
risk-taking, children, or the way a person approaches romantic involvement. It is time to take your pas-
sion to the world.

The Sixth House rules work, humble service in the world, health, and domestic pets. It is the part of
your job that needs to be done, but you do not get a lot of recognition for doing it. For career issues,
you also need to look at the second and tenth houses. The sixth house can relate to military service,
domestic help, health-related professions, and service businesses. With planets in your natal sixth
house (and/or current planets transiting through your sixth house), you need to simplify and organize
your life so that you can be highly efficient. It often asks the question, “how can I be of service to the
world without becoming a slave to it?” It is time to clean your body or your closets.
A Virgo sixth house cusp may be a nurse or a veterinarian, whereas a Gemini cusp may provide infor-
mation or technical services. In terms of health and healing, you need to look at a wide variety of fac-
tors to understand health factors in a chart. In general, a person with Aquarius, Gemini, or Virgo in the
sixth house may need to avoid overtaxing the nervous system. Scorpio sixth house people may need to
pay attention to dental care, reproductive organs, and the elimination system. Please use caution in
making health determinations based upon the sign on the sixth house cusp. In relationships, the sixth
house represents the practical factors. When the honeymoon part of a relationship settles down, you
have to organize your life to accommodate your partner and your worldly work.
In a business, the 6th house has to do with health care plans, the way orders or client paperwork is
processed, or the day-to-day humble affairs of the routines. See page 29 for business astrology.

The Seventh House relates to relationships of both a business and personal nature. It is an angle of
the chart and is termed the descendant. It determines your experiences with marriage and part-
nership. Ironically, this area that represents your marriage also holds your open enemies. On a spiri-
tual growth level, the people with whom you share, be it in love, business, or war, are all here to help
you open to a greater level of your spirit. Perhaps an enemy can be viewed as a soul who has agreed
to help you grow, much the same as a marriage partner.
People want different things in a marriage. An Aries Descendant (the name for the 7th house cusp) may
like fiery passion in a marriage partner. An Aquarius cusp may need someone who is as much a friend
as a marriage partner. Planets in the seventh house greatly influence the needs of committed partner-
ship. The Moon in the seventh house may show a strong need for emotional connection, or the desire
for partnership may go through fluctuations (as in one day you are happy she/he is in your life, and the
next you just want your private emotional space). The main point of the seventh house is that you are
being called to step away from purely self-serving needs in order to share and cooperate with others.

Astrology & Intuitive Consultations by Mark Dodich ~ since 1980

The Eighth House represents death, deep emotional connection, fears, and inheritances. The as-
trology joke is that the eighth house rules sex, taxes, and death – a fertile ground for fears and ob-
sessions! It is where we merge with something greater than ourselves. In sex, you merge with an-
other such that two becomes one. With taxes, you merge with the collective unconscious of what
USA readers might call the great Uncle Sam tax god. In death, you go beyond all boundaries and
merge with Oneness.
In a relationship, the eighth house talks about how you share your body, your time, your posses-
sions, and so forth with your partner. It represents your partner’s income, accounting, insurance,
and financial planning. Emotionally, this area is ruled by the planet Pluto (death, obsessive-
compulsive, power, regeneration, elimination). The eighth house is where you go into the swamps
of those intangible fears. A Scorpio eighth house cusp may need to work with people who are emo-
tionally abused, provide financial planning services, tax accountants, sex-industry workers, or morti-
cians. A Gemini cusp may help people to talk about issues of grief, sexual abuse, or fears. The
eighth house helps you to get in touch with the deepest feelings that you carry below the surface.

The Ninth House represents the higher mind. It is associated with foreign travel, religion, higher
education, certain areas of the legal system, and the social mores’ of society. More than anything,
the ninth house calls you to open your mind to your highest spiritual truth to know whom you are
beyond the labels of society.
Because this house is naturally ruled by Sagittarius, you are called to express the utmost
integrity and honesty. In general, the ninth house represents your in-laws and is one of the places
to look for grandchildren. A person with Pisces on the ninth house cusp may get involved in com-
passionate and humanitarian activities. Gemini on the ninth house cusp may indicate someone who
is constantly going back to college to get another degree. Natal planets in the in the ninth house
add flavor to the philosophical nature. Saturn in the ninth may indicate a conservative approach to
religion and philosophy. Uranus in the ninth may indicate a person who leaves the family religion or
works for philanthropic causes. This is where you take a risk on yourself to go to a higher
level, to manifest your goals and dreams. To go to this expanded level, you must be willing
to transform your belief system.

The Tenth House represents your public image and career. You will find big business, govern-
ment, and other administratively heavy organizations in this area of the chart. Politicians and Chief
Executive Officers are associated with the tenth house. The world sees you according to the sign
on the tenth house cusp (also called the Mid Heaven). In esoteric, or spiritually focused, astrology,
it is believed that the tenth house cusp indicates aspects that your soul incarnated to accomplish in
this life. Whereas the sixth house represented your work, the tenth house indicates career. In the
sixth house, you work away like a busy little bee. In the tenth house, you are seen for your accom-
plishments and/or failures. Natal Mars in the tenth house may indicate strong ambition if well as-
pected in the chart. Jupiter in the tenth house may indicate a person who appears larger than life,
or one who is known for coaching and encouraging those in her/his charge. Aquarius in the tenth
house may be a person who prefers to work alone, or own his or her own business. Leo in the tenth
house may be a person who prefers supervisory positions.

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Eleventh House influences friends, intellectual pleasures, socializing, and attitude towards society. It
shows your goals and ambitions. The eleventh house represents group consciousness. This can include
community service, humanitarian aid, business-support groups, or community living lifestyles. It is those
parties and events you go to, shaking a lot of hands, but not really getting to know anyone well. The sign
on the eleventh house cusp tells about how you approach social situations. Virgo on the cusp may indicate
shyness in opening to groups, or they end up in the kitchen cleaning up after the party. Aries may know
everyone’s first name at an event, but never stick around to know their last name. Having your Sun in the
eleventh house may make you magnetically attracting to everyone. The moon in the eleventh may indicate
the person who listens to everyone’s problems and nurtures them like a mother.
When there is action going on in your 11th house, it is time to get out and shake some hands, meeting new
people and exploring new groups.

The Twelfth House relates to that which is hidden from view. The twelfth house rules prisons, hospitals,
and psychiatric facilities. Spiritual practices like meditation, shamanic vision quests, past life regression,
dream therapy, psychic development, and hypnotherapy fit into the twelfth house. This is the place you go
for your privacy. It also shows what you would like to hide from the world, but will need to deal with at
some time in your life. Mercury in the twelfth house is often the child who is told that he/she talks too much,
so learns to be seen and not heard. However, as the child gets older, they must learn to communicate all
over again. The twelfth house is where we want to escape from the world. This can include alcoholism,
drug addiction, or anywhere a person lives excessively in their fantasy world. This energy can be used
positively through contemplative spiritual practice or other forms of self-analysis. Photography, the ocean,
and secret societies are associated with the twelfth house. In the twelfth house, you need to look at the
shadows of your inner being in order to bring forth your connection to the One Source of all that is.

Travel to Sacred Places with ASTROMARK

Mark leads trips to ancient locations to tune into sacred energies. We meditate,
do healing ceremonies, have short classes, eat way too much, and soak in the
beauty. Photos below are in Egypt and Greece.

At this writing, a trip to Turkey is in the works. There is a place that is 7,000
years older than Stonehenge, and better constructed. Called Gobleki Tepe, and
featured in National Geographic, it is thought to be the home of Abraham.
What are Aspects?
In an Astrology Chart, the planets have an additional dimension. Their geometric angles to each other also
influence your personality. Astrologers look at the inter-relationship of the planets to understand how
planets work with, or against, each other. We call these relationships between planets, aspects. The
come from the times of Ptolemy or Pythagoras (probably older than that!) where a circle was divided in dif-
ferent ways. A circle divided by two gives you a 180 degree opposition, like a full moon. A circle divided by
four produces 90 degree angles, called a square (like the first and last quarter moon). A circle divided by
three is called a trine. Be aware that there is no “good” or “bad” in an astrology chart. As in life, some rela-
tionships require more attention than others.
Aspects represent stresses, tensions, and harmonious relationships between the different parts of your life.
A challenging aspect between two planets can motivate you to accomplish great things in life, or you can
hide under the covers. Harmonious aspects can help you to express life creatively; or, you can get lazy
because the planets involved flow so easily that you decide to just kick back and do nothing. All astrology
charts have a combination of challenging and harmonious aspects.
Many people tend to judge the challenges in their astrology chart. Remember that you chose to be born
into this life because the conditions were perfect for your soul to experience what it needed to learn. It is
your choice to accept the opportunity or to hide under the covers. Your chart is a map of the challenges
you brought into this life, and the set of talents you gave yourself to overcome those challenges. The inter-
relating aspects in a chart help you to integrate the challenges and the talents.

Conjunction: Two or more planets that are aligned exactly next to, or very close to each other
in your chart are said to be “conjunct.” Astrologers like to go to conferences and discuss how
close is close enough to be called a conjunction. The range of how far an aspect is away from
exact is called an “orb” of influence. Common orbs range from 2-10 degrees depending upon the
astrologer, the aspect, and the planets involved. If you are in a relationship with a person whose
birthday is within ten days of your own, you could say that your suns are conjunct. If you were born at the
new moon, your natal sun and natal moon are conjunct in your chart.
A conjunction means that the planets involved affect each other very strongly, usually blending and assist-
ing each other. It is a natural place of connection where two or more planets act as one. They become in-
tegrated. Depending upon the planets involved, this integration may come naturally to you, or it could be a
life-long practice if the planets challenge each other. The New Moon is an example of a conjunction. This
is the dark phase of the moon when the Sun and Moon are in alignment. An example would be when you
have a strong friendship with someone; then, she or he goes away for a while. When she or he returns,
you plug right back into the friendship like time has stood still. That is an example of how a conjunction
Have you ever had one of those friendships where you don’t see the friend for a long time, and
when you come together, you plug right in where you left off? Odds are good that there is a conjunc-
tion between your charts, and that can have past life implications, too.

Opposition: When planets fall exactly across the circle (180 degrees apart) of the chart from
each other, they are said to be opposite each other. An opposition is like a tug-of-war where two
sides pull for equal attention. Although you will initially feel pulled apart, the purpose is to provide
a greater life perspective based upon the nature of the two planets. The goal is to integrate the
two planets so they can work together in a better way than they work individually. Every Full Moon is an
opposition of the Sun and Moon. A full moon is highly expressive where people tend to act out. Inner be-
havior patterns express themselves outwardly so that we can see what is going on at deeper levels.
Square: Planets at a 90-degree angle from each other are said to be Square. Imagine a hurdle in a track
meet. You are motivated to get over the hurdle, but it takes extra planning and effort. A square ties two or
more planets together in such a way that they are challenged to work together. This challenge often
manifests as tension and stress. However, people who learn how to work with the difficult aspects of their
chart often accomplish more that those who have charts filled with easy aspects. Signs that are square to
each other: 1) action oriented signs- Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn; 2) persevering signs- Taurus,
Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius; 3) adaptable signs- Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.
Trine: Planets that are 120 degrees apart from each other are said to be in a trine. When you divide a
circle by three, you get a shape that looks like a pyramid, hence the term trine. Harmony and flow are
characteristics of the trine. The most common form of trine is between planets that are in the same ele-
ment: 1) Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces; 2) Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn; 3)
Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius; 4) Air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. A relationship be-
tween the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Cancer would be called a trine. The basic vitality of the life
force-giving Sun would be in harmony with the emotions of the Moon. Astrologers like to be specific about
the exactness of what is called a trine, so they look to see how close two planets are to 120 degrees
apart before they call it a trine.
Sextiles: A mini-trine is called a sextile. This is also a harmonious relationship between planets, but not
quite as strong as a trine. You need to consciously pay attention to the two planets involved in a sextile in
order to get the most benefit from them. Measuring 60 degrees apart, a sextile represents planets that
are two signs away from each other. Many people who were born in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s had
Neptune in Libra sextile Pluto in Leo, meaning that Neptune was two signs away from Pluto and within an
orb of influence that was near 60 degrees apart.
Unaspected Planets: Occasionally, you will see a planet that is not aspected by another planet. This
means that the major aspects listed above (and planets not in a parallel/contra parallel relationship- a
term having to do with their north-south latitude positioning, known as declination) are not aspected with
another planet. It is almost as if that planet does not know how to relate in the world. A person with an
Unaspected planet must learn to integrate the nature of that planet into their life. An example of an Unas-
pected Venus is a person who seems to have this magnetic charm and beauty, yet is oblivious to the re-
action they receive from people who are attracted to them.
Other aspects: There are numerous minor aspects used by astrologers. A Semi-square (45 degrees), a
Sesquiquadrate (135 degrees) and an Inconjunction (150 degrees) are considered to have some
stress associated with them. Dividing a circle by five creates a 72-degree aspect called a Quintile. This is
considered to be a subtle, but highly creative, aspect. A Septile divides the circle by seven (51 3/7 de-
grees) and is thought to have karmic implications in a chart.

Chart patterns: Astrologers consider certain geometric relationships within a chart to create a pattern.
Some people have one or more of these patterns, and others do not. One challenging (motivational) pat-
tern is called a T-Square. It would look like a capital letter T if you connected the planets with a high-
lighter. It is like a three-legged chair that should have four legs- you are always attempting to find your
balance point. A Grand Cross is like a T-Square with all four points filled in such that it looks like a cross
or big square when you connect the dots with a highlighter. This pattern requires you to integrate all as-
pects of your life, looking ahead four steps before taking an action. If not, you end up running around try-
ing to do crisis management until you get tired and look for a better way.
A Grand Trine is a harmonious pattern of ease and flow. A Yod looks like a Y shape and is the feeling of
being caught between a rock and a hard place, it’s a fated feeling. When you have a chart pattern in your
natal chart, it becomes a focal point in what you have to do in this life.
When a transiting planet in the sky touches one of the points in a pattern, it sets off the entire pat-
tern like a row of dominoes being knocked over.

Astrology & Intuitive Consultations by Mark Dodich ~ since 1980

Other significant areas of the chart, romance compatibility, right location, changing cycles in your
chart, choosing an astrologer.

There are additional strong influences in your chart, although they are not planetary bodies.

Your Ascendant, or Rising Sign, is the zodiac constellation that was rising on the Eastern horizon when
you were born. In is located at the left horizontal line between the 12th and 1st houses of your natal chart.
The Ascendant is based upon your time* and location of birth. The Ascendant is your rose-colored glasses
in life. This means that you see life through the lens filter of the sign that was rising at birth. A Virgo Ascen-
dant may project themselves into life to be of useful service to the world. A Capricorn rising is more likely
to take a cautious approach to the world than an adventure-seeking Sagittarius rising. Knowledge of your
rising sign will help you to understand why you project yourself into the world the way you do. Although
there are many factors that go into your physical appearance, the rising sign is one strong indicator of
physical appearance. A Gemini rising may be thin and wiry, whereas a Sagittarius rising may be tall or

your birth certificate, request the “long form” behind the birth certificate from County Records
Dept. where you were born. * If you cannot get your time of birth from a birth certificate, family member,
or other government record, you can place your Sun sign on the Ascendant. This gives you a symbolic
chart that provides accurate planetary placement, with only the fast-moving moon potentially in error. This
is the method used for all of those daily newspaper horoscope forecasts. You can also get a chart rectifi-
cation done by an astrologer. It is a labor intensive process of digging up major life events in your life,
and it is a spendy process due to the time your astrologer needs to put into it.

The Midheaven is the point overhead when you were born. If you were born at noon, your Sun would be
near the Midheaven (abbreviated as Mc). The zodiac sign of your Midheaven is located at the top of the
line that separates the ninth and tenth houses. The zodiac sign on your Midheaven describes
the outward expression of your individuality and ego. It provides information on career, public image, and
how the world perceives you. In esoteric (spiritual) astrology, the Midheaven is considered to represent
something you need to take to the world in this life. An Aquarius Midheaven may need to take innovative
new ideas and techniques out to the world.
The North Node, sometimes called the "Dragon's Head," is a sensitive point where the moon's orbit
around the earth crosses the sun's path from South to North. It expresses your dharma, or soul destiny.
The sign your North Node is in will tell you about the qualities that you must develop within yourself. A Pi-
sces North Node may need to trust their intuition in order to manifest the highest principles of compassion
into the world. The natal house containing your North Node indicates the area of life you will need to bring
those qualities into. Pisces North Node in the fifth house may need to express compassion and creative
vision into working with children.
The South Node, sometimes called the "Dragon's Tail," is the intersection point where the moon's orbit
crosses the sun's path from North to South. The South Node is exactly 180˚ away from the North Node. It
expresses your karma, or the lessons you need to learn from your past life. If you do not believe in past
lives, you can consider this point to be lessons that you need to learn, or challenges to overcome, from
childhood. The South Node also gives you hints as to talents that you brought into this life. The South
Node is a bit of a “double-edged” sword. On one hand, you have talents in the sign of the South Node. On
the other, you need to use those talents to move to the sign of your north node. If your South Node is in
Sagittarius, you may have spent many past lives developing wisdom while meditating in a mountain cave.
In this life, you may not want to come in to the world from your peaceful mountain. However, you must step
into the opposite sign Gemini North Node to do your work in this life. A Gemini North Node person would
need to communicate all of that past life Sagittarius wisdom to the world during this lifetime.

Register for New and Full Moon email newsletter at

Chiron, a planetoid orbiting between Saturn and Uranus, represents the wounding we sustain in life.
As a centaur (half human, half animal), it represents overcoming our lower, animal nature in order to
serve the highest forms of human service. The idea is that we create our own suffering in life because
we hold on to ideas, behaviors, and possessions that are transitory. In mythology, Chiron gave up not
only his life, but also his god-like immortality in order to release his suffering. His reward was to be
placed up in the sky for eternity. Chiron in your chart represents ways and areas where you suffer, as
well as areas where you can release your suffering. Chiron teaches you to go beyond your sense of
limitation and powerlessness. It teaches you to see the Truth of the Universe. Because Chiron was
only discovered in the 1970’s, you will find a variety of opinions on the meaning of Chiron in the chart.

Asteroids are smaller bodies. There are thousands of them and they are a fascinating study. Many
astrologers use only the major asteroids of Ceres (now promoted to dwarf planet), Juno, Vesta, and
Pallas. See keywords on page 27 or the book “Asteroid Goddesses” by Demetra George.

The Part of Fortune is a mathematically derived sensitive point in your chart. The symbol in your
chart is a circle with an “X” inside it. The Part of Fortune is an ancient Arabic interpretive element usu-
ally associated with the physical body, especially health and money. As its name implies, it is an area
of your chart that is benevolent, especially when activated by a transiting planet. If you were born at
night, you will need to decide on one of two methods for calculating the part of fortune.

Transits are the relationship of the planets’ current position as compared to where they were when
you were born. Some transits help you to get into the flow of life; others challenge you to work through
growth issues. Many people see an astrologer on a regular basis in order to get “updated” on how the
transiting planets are activating their natal chart. Near your birthday each year, the Sun returns to the
same degree of the sign of your birth. A chart is then cast, called a Solar Return, to help you under-
stand the changing cycles of the year ahead.

Progressions are a mathematical way of moving the planets in your chart. Progressions show the
subtle, inner, and psychological influences that influence you as you grow through life experiences.
There are several methods for doing this, but the most common is called Secondary Progressions.
The idea is that you take on different ‘flavors” as you grow older. A person who was born on the first
day of Sagittarius would have a Sagittarian influence for the first thirty years of life. During the second
thirty years of life, she or he would still be a Sagittarius. However, she or he would take on a Capricorn
influence. This would flavor the adventurous Sagittarian energy with the pragmatic grounding of Capri-
corn. The easiest way to understand these changing influences is to schedule annual updates with a
competent astrologer.

Solar Returns (Your annual birthday chart) (also other planets return too): A “return” chart is a chart
cast for when a planet comes back to its original starting point. The sun goes around the circle of its
orbit every year; Jupiter takes 12 years, Saturn 29 years. A chart is cast for the exact moment of re-
turn. So you can cast a chart for your upcoming birthday anytime within three months before your
A solar return provides an annual forecast for your coming birthday year. This helps you know
where the action will be in your life. If the action is in career places, you may want to put more effort
into your career during such a year and not worry so much about the romance aspects of life in a work
Romance Compatibility What are the best signs for romantic partnership?
This question is asked of astrologers on a regular basis. The answer is that there is no simple an-
swer. Consider that each person has ten planets (including the Sun and Moon), twelve zodiac signs,
and twelve houses, not to mention asteroids, nodes, and changing dynamics called transits and pro-
All relationship compatibility consultations show challenges and opportunities in every partnership.
Every astrologer has seen relationships work that “should not” work. And, they have seen relation-
ships fail that “should” work. You can also take this question to a spiritual level. Perhaps there was a
soul-level contract made prior to birth for a couple to come together to work on a specific aspect of
life (i.e. Opening to unconditional love, working on abandonment issues, etc.). In such a case, it may
be that the eye-popping romance was not intended to last forever. Perhaps it was to just work on
that one issue, then to move on.
But for those of you who just have to have an answer to the most compatible signs for you, the fol-
lowing shows general signs of compatibility.
This is the quick and easy answer astrologers give when you ask them about romantic com-
patibility at a party; the real answer is more complicated!

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) are considered to work
well together. Air represents communications, ideas, and social activities. Fire represents passion,
enthusiasm, and spirituality. Together, they can stimulate each other to new heights of understand-
ing, or they can burn each other out.

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) work well with water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pi-
sces). Earth provides stability and water flows into the structure of earth. Earth is grounded, stable,
and practical. Water is feeling-oriented, sensitive, and intuitive. Together, they can give each other
needed nurturing and security, or they can get stuck the muddy waters of their own weaknesses.

When you look at relationship compatibility, you must look beyond comparing the two Sun signs.
The emotional Moon is extremely important in relationships (see planet web page). Even if the Sun
signs are not compatible, you want the moon signs to be compatible with either each other, or the
partner’s sun sign. It also helps to have the Ascendant in each person’s chart in a compatible sign
with the other’s Sun and/or Moon. It is important to have Mercury, planet of communications, in har-
monious relationship to the other person’s sun and/or moon. After all, every relationship needs to
discuss the issues that arise. Although people talk badly about Saturn, it is associated with long-term
relationships (once you get through the initial challenges, Saturn can be very supportive).

Relationship astrology can be very complicated. It is best not to make quick opinions on relationship
compatibility based solely on the above.

Mark Dodich provides several different levels of Relationship Compatibility Astrology rang-
ing from an inexpensive computer printout for you and your partner, to a full relationship as-
trology consultation for romance, business partners, and family relationships. 503-252-1558
Relocation Astrology Maps

Locating Your Personal Power Zones on Planet Earth

Find your best places for Relocation, Travel,
Romance, and Career

Your astrology chart can be drawn onto a map to show your most powerful places for romance, ca-
reer, spirituality, etc. It is popularly known as AstroCartoGraphy®. The relocation and travel maps
show you which natal planets are strong in a particular geographic area.
Mark Dodich calls his service EARTHLINES™ because he combines different relocation tech-
niques in your relocation consultation, including AstroCartoGraphy®, Local Space (your per-
sonal Feng Shui), relocation charts, transits & progressions, minor paran & aspect lines, etc.

EARTHLINES™ (AstroCartoGraphy®) Maps for relocation.

EARTHLINES™ Geographical Astrology gives you a tool that you will use for the rest of your life, even if
you never leave home! Knowing your personal planetary action zones helps you to make life choices whether
you are relocating, vacationing, seeking spiritual retreat, or doing business in other localities.
The maps require fairly accurate birth time, within 15 minutes is best. If you do not have your birth time,
you can often order a copy of the “long form” of your birth certificate from the record holding department of the
city or state where you were born. Be sure to ask for the complete detail of the birth rather than just the certifi-
cate because the certificate does not always contain the birth time.
The maps have vertical lines which are the major power lines and have an effective range of 300 miles
east or west of the line. There are also subtle lines called “parans” which show the subtle energy dif-
ference of places approximately 100 miles north or south of each other. For example, it may occur that
the same major power line (s) runs through both Portland, Oregon and San Francisco. The difference between
these places would be seen in the different paran lines. Of course, you must take into consideration that San
Francisco and Portland are very different in appearance, climate, and other external factors.
The consultation looks at your power lines for the entire planet, and about 80% of the information will
be good for the rest of your life. You can provide up to three locations that you would like even more detail
on (although there is plenty of detail to begin with). Just keep in mind that there will not be much difference in
places that are close together, like Washington DC and Baltimore.
The lines on your major maps are good for life. Even people who have had a map done many years ago
can benefit due to technological advances. I now include asteroids and soul destiny-oriented node lines.
There are also temporary maps called transits and progressions which are good from a matter of
weeks to a full year. These maps tell you what energy is passing through an area for you personally at a
given time. If you have a specific time that you will be travelling, I can run a transit and progression map for
that time period. If not, I normally run a map for the USA (for USA residents) for about 1 month after the ap-
There is also a map called Local Space. It is your personal Feng Shui map. The map looks like a wagon
wheel with spokes emanating from the center. You can use it to choose a restaurant for an important meeting,
to plan a trip around someplace like Europe, and even to arrange furniture in your home or office.
What is Precession of the Equinoxes? (Has my sun sign changed?)
Do you remember that there was a newspaper article that suggested that your sun sign was
actually in the previous sign if you were born in the first 23 days of a sign? Well, your sun sign
has not changed. The article was referring to the fact that the exact measurement of the zodiac
is off by about 23 degrees.

This is a large question relating to the accuracy of western calculations for a natal chart. The earth
wobbles on its axis due to various gravitational forces. This causes the earth to change its position rela-
tive to the pole star. We currently see Polaris as the North star, but this changes about every 26,000
years. The idea is that at Spring Equinox, the zodiac sign of Aries “should” rise with the sun. The truth
is that this only happens for 2000-year segments out of every 26,000 years.
Currently, the sign Pisces rises at Spring equinox, making the alignment of the constellations and the
seasons about 2/3rds of a sign out of alignment. We are currently leaving the Age of Pisces and enter-
ing the Age of Aquarius. Prior to the Age of Pisces, was the Age of Aries, and prior to that was the Age
of Taurus. Currently, Christianity (the fish) is representative of the Age of Pisces. Prior to that was the
ram (ram’s blood on the door is a biblical story) and Taurus was the bull (or religions surrounding the
sacred cow). It seems that at the end of each age, there is turmoil surrounding changing philosophies.
Currently, the new age of Aquarius is talked about in a negative way by those who hold on too tightly to
the outgoing Age of Pisces. This suggests that we are on the cusp of the age of Aquarius.
In terms of casting a chart, some people suggest that western methods of astrology are no longer valid
because of this out of alignment condition. However, there are archaeological records from ancient civi-
lizations that suggest that the constellations were used symbolically much as they are used today –
even though they were far more out of alignment in ancient times.
Astrologers often go to conferences to discuss this and other controversial topics. The only correct an-
swer seems to be the answer that is correct for you. One suggestion is to have a consultation by a
western astrologer and another by an astrologer who uses Vedic or Joytish methods of calculations
(Hindu). Then determine which methods suits you best. Numerous people use a combination of the two

Choosing an Astrologer: A person does not need a degree or formalized training program to become
an astrologer. This makes it important for you to choose an astrologer who is competent, honest, and
professional. It would be wise to talk to the astrologer you are considering to get a “feel” for their com-
patibility with you. Most astrologers are happy to spend five minutes with you to help you make your
decision. But please be considerate of their valuable time. You can also check out their literature to see
if it works for you. Although a formal certification does not guarantee that the astrologer is good, it does
show that they put in the effort to get the certificate to begin with. There are several credible organiza-
tions including the International Society of Astrological Research (ISAR) who offers C.A.P. = Certified
Astrological Professional certificate and the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) who
offers several levels of certification. A good source for information is a magazine called “The Mountain
Astrologer.” Each astrologer has her or his perspective on life. This puts a bias to their consultation.
You must take responsibility for discerning the importance you place on the information provided. For
every “bad” astrological placement, there is a talent to help you attain a higher level of life understand-
ing. Astrology can help you to understand yourself and the changes you are going through. However,
you must take responsibility for using that information for the Highest Good.

Astrology & Intuitive Consultations by Mark Dodich ~ since 1980

If you are interested in spiritual purpose and service, and the Ascended Masters and
Archangels, then this reading may be for you.
In some of the literature in the Basic Astrology Primer, there are references to esoteric, or spiritual
astrology. Astrology is not just what you read in your daily horoscope. There are many branches of
astrology, and spiritual purpose is one of them.
A soul purpose astrology reading explores your Universal Soul Vibration using the 7 Soul
Rays from Ancient Mystery School Information (Alice A. Bailey channeling of Djwahl Kuhl).
This unique consultation activates your spiritual work and is best for people who are seeking greater
meaning and spiritual path service.
You will learn about your soul and personality rays combined with an esoteric astrological
perspective on your natal chart. Understanding the ray upon which you have incarnated helps you
to work more fully with your Divine Source, thereby helping you to powerfully resonate with the Uni-
verse. People who journey through life in harmonious flow with the Universe have a greater life satis-
faction and inner joy. This reading is best for people who have reduced the need to ask “what’s in it
for me?” and are calling forth, “what is my soul purpose in this life?”
A 1½ hour consultation includes charts, rays, current transit update, and recording

Ray One represents the Will of God, Oneness, Unity within

Chohan: El Morya Archangel: Michael Associated with the constellation Great Bear.
The goal of this ray is to release limitations. Call upon this ray for strength and protection.
Ray Two represents the Love of God and the Love of Wisdom
Chohan: Lanto Archangel: Jophiel Associated with the star Sirius
The goal of this ray is to express unconditional love and wisdom.
Ray Three represents Active Intelligence, or the ability to bring abstract thought into form.
Chohan: Paul the Venetian or Master Rakoczi Archangel: Chamuel Pleiades
The goal is to use the word of God to make spirit and matter one reality.
Ray Four represents Harmony through Conflict. You find inner peace, balance, and beauty.
Chohan: Serapis Bey Archangel: Gabriel
The goal is to find inner harmony regardless of outer world chaos; create beauty.
Ray Five represents Concrete Knowledge and Science. Metaphysics ground into the physical.
Chohan: Hilarion Archangel: Raphael
The goal is to methodically and systematically to ground higher ideals in the mainstream world.
Ray Six represents Devotion and Idealism. Focus on the ideal then manifest it in your life.
Chohan: Nada Archangel: Uriel
The goal is to transform personal or selfish needs into service to the ideal.
Ray Seven represents initiation into a new order by alchemically
transmuting the lower into higher frequencies of light.
Chohan: St. Germaine Archangel: Zadkiel
The purpose is to organize the will of humanity to step up into the highest good.

Pictured here are Violet Flame Sweep and St. Germaine (SG3). They
are Seventh Ray energy which is the incoming energy on planet
earth. Call upon them to help you transmute challenging environ-
ments and situations into higher frequencies. These photos are for
sale and you can find them at

Seven Ray Information is at

Here is a partial list of books that I have found helpful:

Basic Astrology for non-astrologers who want to know more:

“Chart Interpretation Handbook” Stephen Arroyo; a quick and easy guide to give you more information on your
“Complete Astrology” Alan Oken; a good overall guide to astrology with quick notes on your planets, signs,
and houses
“Spiritual Astrology” Spiller & McCoy; provides basic chart interpretations and soul purpose of prenatal
“Planets in Transit” Robert Hand; a classic reference for changing cycles in your chart.

Relationship, Spiritual Astrology:

“The Astrology of Human Relationships” Sakoian & Acker; shows how the planets interact between two charts.
“Relationships & Life Cycles” Stephen Arroyo; a bit more involved reading but very good
“Astrology for the Soul” Jan Spiller; works with the moon’s nodes relating to soul purpose
“Karmic Astrology” by Martin Schulman; helps explain soul purpose using the moon’s nodes
“Sabian Symbols” by either Dane Rudyhar or Marc Edmund Jones; provides esoteric symbols for each degree
of the zodiac (I use them with your prenatal eclipses in the initial astrology consultation)
“Interpreting Your Rays using Astrology” Mae R. Wilson-Ludlam (AFA 1981, out of print, great for esoteric 7
rays astrology)
“Interpret Your Rays Through the Planets” Mae R. Wilson-Ludlam
The Rays and the Initiations” by Alice A Bailey

Relocation Astrology:
“The Psychology of AstroCartoGraphy” Jim Lewis; a comprehensive book on your EARTHLINES maps
“Astrolocality Astrology” Martin Davis; complex book on your EARTHLINES Maps (AstroCartoGraphy, Local
Space, etc.)
Cosmic Love by Jan Spiller, Spiritual Astrology by Jan Spiller

Topics for your spiritual growth and understanding:

“Life & Teaching of the Masters of the Far East”
Baird T. Spalding; a life changing series of books
“The Kybalion” by Three Initiates; explains basic
principles of the universe in a very logical way The Law of ONE
“The Key” and “That Which You are Seeking is
Causing You to Seek” ; fun to read books on We are all ONE.
spiritual growth C. Huber When one is harmed, all are harmed.
“The Keys of Enoch” JJ Hurtak; heavy reading but When one is helped, all are helped.
transformative Therefore, in the name of my Being
Books by Alice Bailey, including “The Rays and Which is ONE with all there is
The Initiations” ; difficult but worth the effort
And is All Powerful and All Loving
“Sirius” by M. Temple Richmond, about the star And is ONE with all the Masters
Sirius and how it relates to spiritual service And with the Christ,
I ask for that which is for the Highest Good
of All concerned to happen here.
Mark Dodich
On the Physical Plane, the Greatest Beauty On the Emotional Plane, the Most Profound Joy
503-252-1558 In the world of the Mind, the greatest Illumination
And in the Spirit, Unity.

I offer thanks that this is done.

Private Consultations available: Asteroids:
 Chiron: Stretching your boundaries to relieve
* Natal Astrology includes current cycles suffering
à Vesta: Letting go of lower pursuits to serve a
* Seven Ray Esoteric Soul Purpose Astrology higher purpose
* EARTHLINES™ (AstroCartoGraphy® ) Ä Pallas: Creative Intellect & Strategy
Relocation Maps for your best places for career and romance Å Juno: Love & Marriage, partnership
Æ Ceres: The Great Mother Goddess of the
* Relationship Compatibility Astrology Harvest and Healing
For romance, business and family comparisions Ç Hygeia: Healing
* Business Astrology For your business or corporation È Astraea: Where you are too fixed in thought
or action
* Election Astrology To choose the best time to start
¹ Vulcan: A mythical planet representing your
Intuitive Consultations with Tarot path back to Source
Ï Fortuna: a place of happiness, opportunity
· Earth: Where you get grounding, always
Zodiac Signs: opposite your sun
Aries : pioneering, spontaneous
Quality (nature) of signs:
Taurus stable, builder
Gemini ‚: communications, versatility BOLD signs are
“cardinal” action oriented.
Cancer : receptive, nurturing
Leo „: pride, leadership ITALICS signs are “fixed” Mark F. Dodich
- endurance and ASTROMARK
Virgo …: analytical, service perseverance are traits.
Astrology & Intuitive Services since 1980
Libra †: balance, relating
UNDERLINED signs are
Scorpio ‡: intimate, intense “mutable” they adapt and 503-252-1558
Sagittarius ˆ: adventure, philosophy change.
Capricorn ‰: responsibility, striving
Aquarius Š independent, humanitarian
Pisces ‹: intuitive, compassion
Other terms:
Ascendant (aka Rising Sign):
Planets: This is the constellation that was on the Eastern
¸ Sun: identity, life force, will, individuality horizon when you were born. It represents self-
¶ Moon: instincts, emotions, nurturing, mother identity and the way you take yourself out into
the world. The Ascendant is on the left side of
º Mercury: thinking, talk, ideas, short trips
your chart and begins the first house.
» Venus: romance, values, finances, women MC (aka Midheaven):
¼ Mars: ambition, drive, male, sexuality The “high noon” tenth house cusp represents
½ Jupiter: philosophy, higher mind, adventure career and public image. It is where you let your
¾ Saturn: discipline, patience, responsibility light shine in the world.
 Chiron:stretch boundaries, heal, maverick Descendant:
¿ Uranus: freedom, revolution, invention The seventh house cusp represents partner-
À Neptune: spirituality, illusion, enlightenment, escapism ships, including both marriage and business. It
Á Pluto: power, transformation is the area that seeks commitment and long-
ÉÊ: North & South Nodes: soul destiny and karma term sharing.
IC (aka Nadir):
This is the bottom of the chart, or fourth house
cusp. It represents your roots and how you seek
Elements of the signs: emotional security. Home and family issues and
Fire: passion, spirit, creativity desires are in the fourth house.
Earth: stable, builder, practical
Individual & Business Astrology
Air: social, communications Relocation Astrology
Water: ƒ‡‹ emotions, intuition, flow Relationship Astrology
Election Astrology (Timing)
Spiritual Purpose Astrology
Intuitive Tarot

Gift Certificates are available world wide About recording your consultation: Recordings are
not guaranteed. I do my best to provide good equip-
ment and media. Sometimes the recording fails. If you
want to be safe, you are welcome to bring your own
recorder for back-up.
“Courteous Reader,
Astrology is one of the most ancient Sciences, held in high esteem of old, by the Wise
and the Great. Formerly, no Prince would make War or Peace, nor any General fight
in Battle, in short, no important affair was undertaken without first consulting an
~ Benjamin Franklin

The information contained in this document are general guidelines. Astrology is not a fated, carved-
in-stone art/science. Each planet and each house has a positive and a negative interpretation. As-
trology is an organic system to help you through life. It is your responsibility to choose to live your
life at the highest level of integrity that the signs, planets, and houses represent.

I have people tell me they were born under a “bad sign!” Both Mahatma Gandhi and Hitler had
challenging natal charts. Will you work through your life issues to bring forth your higher talents, or
will you fall into your fears. The purpose of an astrology chart is to give you a tool to help you un-
derstand the talents and challenges you chose to bring into this life.

It is up to you to take responsibility to create a fulfilling life, helping yourself to grow and prosper in
joy and love.

All the tools you need to move through and beyond your chart to the
highest level of your Divine Essence are available to you.
There is no lack as you are naturally connected to the
Unlimited Source of Abundance.

Each zodiac sign has a favorite planet, called rulership. When you have a natal planet in the sign
that rules it, you have a powerful and dynamic combination. Exoteric rulers below are the ones
used in regular astrology consultations. (Mark also provides Seven Ray Esoteric Spiritual Purpose Con-
sultations which have a different set of rulerships– to avoid confusion, only the commonly used rulers are
given here). There are other factors called detriment, exaltation, and fall not provided here.

Sign Exoteric Ruler Sign Exoteric Ruler
Aries Mars Libra Venus
Taurus Venus Scorpio Mars/Pluto
Gemini Mercury Sagittarius Jupiter
Cancer Moon Capricorn Saturn
Leo Sun Aquarius Saturn/Uranus
Virgo Mercury Pisces Jupiter/Neptune

Thanks for investing the time to read through this document. May you be abundantly blessed in your life.
Mark F Dodich PO Box 16267 Portland, OR 97292-0267 USA
Business Astrology Information

A company has a chart too. Here are some meanings relating to business.

The Sun sign of the company indicates the company and its viability, and has a lot to do with the
owner, CEO, or top management.
The Moon in the company chart shows how the public responds to the company, relates to the
home office of the company, and shows how the company nurtures its employees. Women in com-
Mercury’s sign and placement in a company chart looks at sales, day to day communications, and
the literature put out by the company. Mercury retrograde in a company chart is not a bad thing as the company
may simply be more conservative with this normally debilitating placement.
Venus represents the company’s financial assets and the ability to merge/partner with other companies. It repre-
sents the physical comfort or work environment of the office.
Mars represents the competitive spirit of the company, willingness to pioneer new paths, and new product intro-
Jupiter represents the company’s ability to expand, be it sales,
market share, or into distant markets. It is also associated with
public relations and legal issues. Millionaires don’t use astrology,
Saturn represents general management and the administrative BILLIONAIRES use astrology.
structure of the company.
Uranus has to do with research, innovative thinking, computer ~American Financier J.P. Morgan
operations, sudden changes.
Neptune is the company image from advertising, future planning, distribution of resources, alcohol or drug prob-
lems in the workplace.
Pluto is the ability of the company to regenerate itself, represents hidden assets
North Node is the future path of the company
The twelve pie-shaped segments of the chart, called houses, are also important indictors of where the action will
take place in a company. Here are some house meanings for a business chart:

1) place of incorporation, relationship to the public, company morale

2) profitability, liquid assets
3) internal company communications, traffic flow, advertising, newsletters, short trips
4) raw land, home office, tangible assets
5) seminars, workshops, banquets, meeting planning
6) labor issues, employee performance and attitudes, health care
7) business relationships such as vendors, distributors, and competitors, lawsuits, mergers
8) board of directors, insurance, loans, dividends, private meetings, trade secrets
9) audits, ethics, all legal affairs, company philosophy, foreign relations, shipping
10) governing authorities, public image, company president
11)community connections, intangible assets, long range goals, associations
12) sabotage, effects of litigation, secret enemies, trade secrets, research & development
A good book on business astrology, and also one of the sources for information on this page is ‘Business Astrol-
ogy 101 by Georgia Anna Stathis, Starcycles Publishing
A good calendar for timing of events, without needing to be an astrologer, is ‘Good Timing Guide’ by Madeline
Gerwick at Lecture information from MG is included above.

Mark Dodich provides consultations for your business, be it a corporation

or sole proprietorship. 503-252-1558

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