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Me136p Exp3 Bend Test of Reinforcing Steel Bars

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 To determine the ultimate strength of the reinforcing steel bars when subjected to bending
 To examine the reinforcing steel bars physical conditions.

Discussion of Principles:

The bend test is one method for evaluating ductility, but it cannot be considered as a
quantitative means of predicting service performance in bending operations. The severity of the bend
test is primarily a function of the angle of bend and inside diameter to which the specimen is bent,
and of the cross section of the specimen. These conditions are varied according to location and
orientation of the test specimen and the chemical composition, tensile properties, hardness, type and
quality of the steel specified. Method E190 and Test Method E290 may be consulted for methods of
performing the test.

Unless otherwise specified, it shall be permissible to age bend test specimens. The time-
temperature cycle employed must be such that the effects of previous processing will not be such that
the effects of previous processing will not be materially changed. It may be accomplished by aging at
room temperature 24 to 48 h, or in shorter time at moderately elevated temperatures by boiling in
water, heating in oil, or in an oven. Bend the test specimen at room temperature to an inside
diameter, as designated by the applicable product specifications, to the extent specified without major
cracking on the outside- of the bent portion. The speed of bending is ordinarily not an important

*Lifted from American Society for Testing and Materials A370, page 167 Section 14.l-14 3
Related Research:


*actual photo of bending test (plain round bar)

Bend testing determines the ductility or the strength of a material by bending the material over
a given radius.  Following the bend, the sample is inspected for cracks on the outer surface.  Bend
testing provides insight into the modulus of elasticity and the bending strength or a material. 
Metallurgical offers three and four point bend setups with interchangeable rollers for a variety of test
configurations. [1]  
List of Apparatus:

 Shimadzu Universal Testing Machine UH-A-C Series, Computer Controlled Hydraulic Servo

 Apple iPhone 4S 16GB (used as camera for observation of the UTM)

 Electronic Balance

 Vernier Caliper
 Metal Hack Saw

 Plain and Deformed Round Bars


1. Mark the center of each prepared specimen.

2. Determine the weight of the specimens using the electronic balance.
3. Determine the actual cross sectional area of the specimens with the following formula:

4. Get the average space and height of lugs.

5. Determine the summation of gaps.

6. Put the specimens in the UTM and observe.

7. Get data from the generated results.
8. Fill up the preliminary data sheet completely.
The Specimens and the UTM

Preparation of Specimens Start of Bending Test

Generation of Results Final Product


1. What is Cold bend?

Cold bend is the bending of metal rods without heat.

2. What is the importance of bending strength?

It is important because it shows the extent of the strength that can be carried by a certain

3. Why is the punch diameter a factor in bend test?

It is because the punch diameter determines the degree of bend of the specimen.

4. Differentiate transverse and longitudinal cracks.

Transverse cracks are caused by excessive tensile stress applied transversely to the fibers in
a unidirectional ply of a laminate while longitudinal cracks are a crack or discontinuity in a
pavement that runs generally parallel to the pavement centerline. [3]

5. Interpret the graph of bending stress-strain curve for ductile and brittle material.

The steady inclining line show the increasing force of the UTM until a sudden decrease shows
the bend. The peak of the graph show the maximum force to the extent where the specimen
stops bending then the UTM slowly goes back to its starting position.
Discussion of the Experiment:

The bend test is a simple and inexpensive qualitative test that can be used to evaluate both
the ductility and soundness of a material. It is often used as a quality control test for butt-welded
joints, having the advantage of simplicity of both test piece and equipment.

No expensive test equipment is needed, test specimens are easily prepared and the test can,
if required, be carried out on the shop floor as a quality control test to ensure consistency in

The bend test uses a coupon that is bent in three point bending to a specified angle.

The outside of the bend is extensively plastically deformed so that any defects in, or
embrittlement of, the material will be revealed by the premature failure of the coupon.

The bend test may be free formed or guided.

The guided bend test is where the coupon is wrapped around a former of a specified diameter
and is the type of test specified in the welding procedure and welder qualification specifications. [4]

I recommend that the ME-UTM in-charge in the facility be able to teach us on how to operate
the Universal Testing Machine. This is in order to prevent other students from just watching their
classmate do the preparation of the specimens and hand it over to the in-charge to do the rest. As far
as I have noticed, majority of the class just benefit by simply taking pictures of the procedures being
done by at least two students in each group. This shows injustice for the ones who should be taking
proper credit for the doing the majority of the activity.

I therefore conclude that with the Bend Test, certain specimens that are bent resist being
snapped but showed signs of cracks and elongated from its original length. This implies that each
material has its own physical properties and can withstand certain load that may be a much handful of
help to the engineers in the manufacturing industry.

Mapua Institute of Technology
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

Materials Testing and Processes

Experiment # 3

NATIVIDAD, Richard Paul M. 05/06/2013

2011100208 05/15/2013

Engr. Edward Ang


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