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for SBL submission 100% claimable form PSMB in accordance to PSMB guidelines

Advanced Microsoft Excel

Training Programme
Dream Catc her Consulting S dn Bhd

04 - 05 Nov 19
Dream Catc her Consulting S dn Bhd, Penang

303-4-5 & 303-4-6 Bloc k B, Krystal Point

Jln S ultan Az lan S hah 11900 S g Nibong Penang, Malaysia
http://dreamc atc
enquiry@ dreamc atc
+604 640 7111 / 7112
+604 640 7110
Advanc ed Mic rosoft Exc el 02/08/2019


SBL-Khas 1000111188

In today's fas t- paced, technical bus ines s environment world, numbers meant everything. So it
is of utmos t importance that we the us ers , are able to manage the data - s tatis tics , planning,
reporting efficiently. We learn how we are doing and dis cover our next cours e of action by
s tudying and interpreting numbers . That explains why we need to mas ter the incredibly
powerful tool - Micros oft Excel.

Micros oft Excel is the s tandard s preads heet application for both the bus ines s world and
pers onal us e. We will teach you intermediate to advanced features of Micros oft Excel s o that
you become s kilful in us ing the Excel s oftware.

What You Will Learn

At the end of this cours e you will be able to:

Boos t Excel reporting expertis e in bus ines s , finance, and accounting.

Perform automated reconciliation for s peedy weekly and monthly reporting.
Leverage on new feature in Excel in Bus ines s Analytic.
Organize data better for better and fas ter analys is .
Record and Run Macro to perform repetitive tas ks and generate reports .

Who Should Attend

This cours e is ideal for anyone who needs to maintain data within s preads heet, be it
accounts , cus tomer information, Sales and Marketing, Adminis tration, Procurement, Human
Res ources , Bus ines s Development, Engineering or even the hous ehold budget. Everyone who
needs to us e Excel at work and bus ines s .


Participants s hould have s ome working experience us ing Micros oft Excel.

Course Methodology

Face-to-face learning with demons trations and practical hands -on.

Course Duration

2 day(s ), 9am - 5pm

Course Structure

Data Linking & Consolidation

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Often we are working with multiple workbooks . This topic illus trates ways in linking and
cons olidating data with eas e.

Linking Workbooks
Create a Link Formula by Pas te Link
Creating a 3-D Formula
Cons olidate Data within Same Workbook
Cons olidate Data from Multiple Workbooks

Tables Sorting & Filtering

Tables provide an effective way in organizing our data in Excel. With right s etup, it is a good
s ource in churning out different reports .

Managing Tables and Data

Table Overview
Table Terms
Tips for Setting Up a Table
Creating Tables
Sorting Data
Sorting Data: Sort Buttons
Sorting Data: Soft Dialog Box
Sorting in Accordance to a Cus tom Order
Sorting in Accordance a Formatting Criterion

Data Filter & Analysis

Long lis t of data does not s erve good purpos e until we are able to zoom into s pecific details
we want. From there, we perform further analys is .

Us ing Table Filter

Us ing Cus tom AutoFilter
Turning off AutoFilter
Us ing Advanced Filter
Turning off Advanced Filter
Copying an Advanced Filter Res ult to Another Location
Adding Subtotals
Adjus ting Views with Subtotals
Copying Subtotal Data
Removing Subtotals
Checking for Duplicates
Grouping & Outlining Data
Viewing Grouped and Outlined Data
Us ing the Text to Columns Feature
Us ing Slicers (Excel 2010 onwards )

Pivot Table

PivotTable has many built-in functions to make analys ing data as eas y as few clicks . This topic
covers on aggregating data as eas y as 123.

Ins erting a PivotTable

Choos ing Fields and Grouping Data
Changing the Data Dis played and Refres hing the PivotTable
Applying a Style to Your Pivot Table
Creating a Pivot Chart from a Pivot Table
Creating a Pivot Chart from Data
Us ing Slicers (Excel 2013 onwards )

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Delete PivotTable

What-If Analysis

One of the good decis ion approaches is cons ider potential ris ks . What-If analys is provide good
ground for s uch ris k evaluation on different s cenario.

Us ing Goal Seek to Solve Simple Decis ion Model

Us ing Solver to Solve Complex Decis ion Model
Keeping Different Situations in Scenario Manager
Creating a Summary Report from Various Scenarios

Using Lookup Functions

Right management and proces s ing of the data is the key to uncover meaningful information
from data. This topic s hows us how to us e lookup functions to retrieve additional details
els ewhere.

Us ing approximate match in VLOOKUP

Us ing exact match in VLOOKUP
Us ing MATCH to compare differences between two lis ts of data
Us ing MATCH & INDEX to overcome limitation of VLOOKUP

Using Logical Functions

At times , we need perform certain criteria checking before deciding. This topic s hows us how
to us e logical checking to handle our data.

Us ing IF, AND, OR



Chart s eems the final output of any analys is . However it is not the end to make the chart eas y
to read and interpret. This topic s hows the techniques to make chart meaningful and
pres entable.

Creating Chart
Modify a Chart
Adding and Removing Chart Elements (titles , legend, gridlines )
Moving Chart to a Chart Sheet
Combo Chart (i.e. bar chart with line chart)
Delete Chart
Adding and Delete Sparklines (Excel 2010 onwards )

Using Macro

Many routine tas ks in Excel can be automated without really knowing VBA programming. The
topic will s how us ways to record a us able Macro.

Automate Simple Tas ks in Excel

Recording a Macro
Running a Macro
As s ign/ Remove Macro to a Shortcut Key
Deleting a Macro
Saving a Workbook containing Macros

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Course Instructor(s)

Ms Irene Lau

Ms Irene Lau Sze Peng has been an IT trainer s ince the year 2000, and an IT Project
Coordinator/Cons ultant s ince 2005. She holds a B.Sc. (Hons ) in Computing and Information
Sys tems . She als o obtained a Graduate Diploma in IT, and a Higher Diploma in Computer
Studies . Her areas of expertis e are Windows XP/Vis ta/7/8/8.1/10, Micros oft Applications
(Project, Vis io, Acces s , Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Outlook), VBA, Vis ual Studio, SQL Server, Mac
OSX, Final Cut Pro, and many others .

Irene has conducted and coordinated various IT projects for the indus try, including companies
like Dell, Philips , Wes tern Digital, Os ram, and Hotayi. While with her previous company,
Foxconn China, s he managed various s oftware projects and technical implementation for
Hewlett Packard’s Container Data Center and Servers , as well as Apple’s iPad.

Irene is a very pas s ionate trainer, and enjoys tremendous ly the interaction with her clas s
participants . With 13 years of experience in s oftware development, and as an IT project
cons ultant in the training indus try, Irene’s key areas of expertis e include:

1. Micros oft Windows XP/Vis ta/7/8/8.1/10

2. Micros oft Office 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016
3. Office VBA
4. Vis ual Studio 2010
5. Micros oft SQL Server
6. Mac OSX
7. iWorks
8. Final Cut Pro
9. Adobe Photos hop
10. Micros oft Sharepoint

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Administrative Details

Programme Logistics

Duration: 2 day(s ), 9am - 5pm

Date: 04 - 05 Nov 19
Venue: Dream Catcher Cons ulting Sdn Bhd, Penang

Morning break, lunch and tea break will be provided throughout the cours e duration. Cours e
Manual and Certificate of Attendance will be provided.

Your Investment

Price per SST Price per Pax

Pax (6%) incl SST
Regular fee RM1,000.00 RM60.00 RM1,060.00
Early bird dis count for regis tration before 07-Oct-
RM900.00 RM54.00 RM954.00
2019. N/A for SBL KHAS
- RM1,000.00 RM60.00 RM1,060.00

Additional cos t may incur for cus tomization or extra material reques t. Cours e fee is 100%
claimable from PSMB (SBL s cheme) in accordance to PSMB guidelines .

3 Easy Steps to Register

Phone +604 640 7111 / 7112

Fax registration form to +604 640 7110
Email registration form to regis ia

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Method of Payment

Cros s ed cheque / bank draft made in favour of DREAM CATCHER CONSULTING SDN BHD.
Regis tration form
together with payment to be couriered to :

Dream Catcher Cons ulting Sdn Bhd

303-4-5 & 303-4-6
Block B, Krys tal Point
Jln Sultan Azlan Shah
11900 Sg Nibong
Penang, Malays ia

Payment mus t be received no later than 10 working days before the cours e commences . An
undertaking may be accepted in cas es where payment is delayed. However all payments mus t
be made before the cours e commences .
Closing registration date is 21-Oct-2019.

Refund and Cancellation

Fees will only be refunded in full for cancellation received in writing more than 10 working days
prior to the commencement date. Subs titute attendee(s ) will be accepted at no extra charge.


Dream Catcher Cons ulting Sdn Bhd res erves the right to change the ins tructors , date and to
vary/cancel the programme s hould unavoidable circums tances aris e. All effort will be taken to
inform participants of the changes . Upon s ending the regis tration form, you are deemed to
have read and accepted the terms .


call us at +604 640 7111 / 7112 or email us at ia

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Registration Form

Course Title Advanc ed Mic rosoft Exc el

Course Date 04 - 05 Nov 19
Location Dream Catc her Consulting S dn Bhd, Penang

(Emails are required to ensure notification of any changes reach the participant)
No. Name Job Title Department Email Mobile Number

Total Amount
(Emails are required to ensure notific ation of any c hanges reac h the partic ipant)
S ubmitted by:
Company Name:
Company Address:
Contac t Person: Designation:
Dept: Phone:

Please c omplete this form with an authorised signature below and fax to fax registration form to +604
640 7110 or email to email egistration form to register@ dreamc atc Call us at phone +604 640
7111 / 7112 for any enquiry
S ignature:
* Please print full name (authorised signature) if you submit via email
Name: Designation:
Dept: Date:

This registration is invalid without a signature. Payment must be made no later than 10 working days
before the c ourse c ommenc es. An undertaking may be ac c epted in c ases where payment is delayed,
However all payment must be made before the c ourse c ommenc es. Partic ipants who registered but did
not attend will be invoic ed ac c ordingly. Fees will only be refunded in full for c anc ellation rec eived in
writing more than 10 working days prior to the c ommenc ement date. S ubstitute attendee(s) will be
ac c epted at no extra c harge.
Please send payment with this form to
Dream Catc her Consulting S dn Bhd
303-4-5 & 303-4-6
Bloc k B, Krystal Point
Jln S ultan Az lan S hah
11900 S g Nibong
Penang, Malaysia
Enc losed c heque/bank draft no ____________________ made in favour of DREAM CATCHER CONS ULTING

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