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A Perspective of Braided Hairstyles PDF

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Capturing Braided Hairstyles

Liwen Hu† Chongyang Ma† ⇤ Linjie Luo‡ Li-Yi Wei§ Hao Li†

University of Southern California ‡
Adobe Research §
The University of Hong Kong

(a) input photo (b) input mesh (c) extracted structure (d) output strands (e) another view of (a) (f) another view of (d)

Figure 1: Capturing a five-strand Dutch braid. We capture the braided hairstyle (a) using a Kinect sensor and obtain an input mesh with a local 3D
orientation for each vertex (b). Based on the information provided by the example patches in a database, we extract the centerlines (c) of the braid structure to
synthesize final output strands (d). (e) and (f) show the input reference photo and our output strands from another viewpoint.

Abstract 1 Introduction
From fishtail to princess braids, these intricately woven structures Whether as a fashion statement or an indicator of social status,
define an important and popular class of hairstyle, frequently used braided hairstyles for both men and women have remained prevalent
for digital characters in computer graphics. In addition to the in many cultures for centuries. It is no surprise that digital
challenges created by the infinite range of styles, existing modeling storytellers frequently use characters with braids, ranging from
and capture techniques are particularly constrained by the geometric casual ones to meticulously styled updos. In both film and game
and topological complexities. We propose a data-driven method production, the hairstyles of digital humans need to be carefully
to automatically reconstruct braided hairstyles from input data designed as they often reflect a unique personality of the character.
obtained from a single consumer RGB-D camera. Our approach Typically, reference photographs or 3D scans of real actors are used
covers the large variation of repetitive braid structures using a as a starting point for the digitization. While sophisticated hair
family of compact procedural braid models. From these models, modeling tools [Choe and Ko 2005; Yuksel et al. 2009] have been
we produce a database of braid patches and use a robust random introduced to improve the workflow of digital artists, significant
sampling approach for data fitting. We then recover the input braid effort is still required to create digital hair models that accurately
structures using a multi-label optimization algorithm and synthesize match the input references. In feature films, modeling the hairstyle
the intertwining hair strands of the braids. We demonstrate that a of a single character can take up to several weeks for an artist.
minimal capture equipment is sufficient to effectively capture a wide
range of complex braids with distinct shapes and structures. To facilitate the digitization of complex hair models, important
advancements in 3D hair capture [Paris et al. 2008; Luo et al. 2013;
Hu et al. 2014] have recently emerged to further reduce the manual
CR Categories: I.3.5 [Computer Graphics]: Computational
effort of digital artists. Even though sophisticated hardware is
Geometry and Object Modeling—Geometric algorithms;
necessary, these techniques can capture a wide spectrum of real
world hairstyles using geometric and physics-driven priors for hair
Keywords: hair capture, braids, data driven reconstruction structural analysis. However, these structural analyses become
problematic for constrained hairstyles such as braids since their
Links: DL PDF priors cannot properly model the intertwined topologies of braids.
⇤ Corresponding author: A great variety of complex braids can be generated by repeatedly
applying several basic rules [Coefield 2013]. For instance, the most
common basic braids with 3 strands (Figure 2a are generated by
repeatedly crossing the current middle strand under the outside one
(left or right) in an interleaved fashion. Other braid styles extend the
basic one by varying the number of strands, crossing over or under,
or merging extra hair strands after each crossing. More complex
braids include the Princess Anne style (Figure 14, bottom). These
basic rules are generalized and systematically studied in braid theory
[Artin 1947] as the generators for a braid group Bn with n strands.
Although in theory, an infinite number of braids exist in Bn , braided
hairstyles in daily life are typically limited to a couple of styles where
1 1 1 1
1 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 3 1 2 3

(a) 4-strand basic braid (b) 4-strand fishtail

(a) basic braid Figure 3: Representing common braid styles by braid words in braid theory.
As shown above, the 4-strand basic braid can be written as 1 3 2 1 and
4-strand fishtail as 1 2 3 1 .

4-strand Fishtail can be represented as 1 2 3 1 (Figure 3). These

representations can be generalized to n-strand braids: n-strand basic
braids as ⇧i odd i ⇧i even i 1 and fishtails as ⇧i n2 i ⇧i> n2 i 1 . In
a similar spirit, our procedural braid models use periodic sinusoidal
functions to model the braid strands as they are woven down.
(b) Five-strand Dutch braid

Figure 2: Making braids. Top: a three-strand basic braid; bottom: a Hair modeling. A long line of research has been devoted to hair
five-strand Dutch braid for Figure 1. Individual steps of making each braid modeling as surveyed in [Ward et al. 2007]. Pure manual editing
style are shown from left to right. remains a popular choice for experienced artists to create hair models
from scratch for maximum flexibility. To avoid the daunting task of
manipulating individual hair fibers, these systems usually provide
each strand is symmetric to another for simplicity and aesthetics. some kinds of geometric proxy, such as guide strands or polygonal
surfaces for more intuitive design and manipulation of hair [Choe
In this paper, we develop the first 3D hair reconstruction framework and Ko 2005; Fu et al. 2007; Wither et al. 2007; Yuksel et al.
that enables the acquisition of wide range of different braided 2009; Ghoniem and Museth 2013]. Further realism can be achieved
hairstyles. In addition to greatly increasing the space of capturable through physical simulation as a post-process [Selle et al. 2008;
hair variation, our system requires only a commodity depth sensor as Derouet-Jourdan et al. 2013]. While it is possible to manually
input, producing results comparable to existing high-end hair capture create braided hairstyles from scratch as demonstrated in [Yuksel
techniques. Inspired by the simplistic generative rules of braids in et al. 2009], complex and realistic ones are very difficult and time
both theory and practice, we use a family of compact procedural consuming to produce (often requiring up to several weeks for a
models based on sinusoidal functions to represent common braided skilled artist).
hairstyles. These procedural models can be used to fit the braid
structures to the input data and resolve the structural ambiguities
caused by occlusion. We show that our system can faithfully recover Hair capture. To reduce the amount of manual labor required,
complex intertwined patterns and generate structurally plausible a common approach is to directly capture real hairstyles and
braided hair models. We adopt a patch-based fitting algorithm based reconstruct 3D hair models [Wei et al. 2005; Paris et al. 2008;
on random sampling and perform structure analysis to connect them Jakob et al. 2009; Herrera et al. 2012; Luo et al. 2012; Luo et al.
into consistent braids. Finally, we synthesize output strands in the 2013; Echevarria et al. 2014; Hu et al. 2014]. One well-established
braid structures and combine with the remaining hair by diffusing pipeline consists of first capturing the raw hair geometry through
the 3D orientation fields. Since our system only requires a consumer passive or active stereo techniques, then computing the orientation
level depth sensor such as Microsoft’s Kinect, we can greatly reduce fields, and finally producing the hair strands following the geometry
the cost of the acquisition hardware as compared to previous multi- and input orientation field[Luo et al. 2012; Luo et al. 2013; Hu et al.
view stereo systems (e.g. [Luo et al. 2013; Hu et al. 2014]). 2014]. However, these approaches are not designed for constrained
hairstyles, and typically fail on braided hairstyles, producing wrong
hair strand connections during the reconstruction.
Contributions. In summary, our contributions are:
There are also a number of hybrid approaches in existence that
• A novel hair reconstruction framework for braided hairstyles attempt to combine the flexibility and robustness of manual modeling
capable of extracting complex intertwined structures; with the accuracy and efficiency of capturing techniques. For
• A family of compact procedural braid models that represent a example, the methods by [Chai et al. 2012; Chai et al. 2013; Yu
wide range of common braided hairstyles. et al. 2014] allow the users to manually sketch over input images
and/or videos to guide the modeling and editing process. However,
• A robust patch-based braid fitting and analysis approach that as pointed out in [Yu et al. 2014], capturing and modeling braids
addresses flexible braid patterns. remain a major challenge, especially for the more complex structures.
Even manual sketching techniques over captured 3D data have had
2 Previous Work limited success in reconstructing constrained hairstyles and only
the digitization of very simple ponytails has been demonstrated [Hu
Braid theory. Braid theory [Artin 1947] is an abstract geometric et al. 2014].
theory that studies the topology of braids as mathematical groups.
In an n-strand braid group Bn , each braid can be represented by Structure-aware shape processing. Our proposed technique is
a braid word concatenating the generators { i } and their inverse related to existing structure-aware shape processing methods used
{ i 1 }. There are n 1 generators in Bn in total. For example, for modeling man-made objects. A survey can be found in [Mitra
the common 3-strand basic braid can be represented as 1 2 1 ; the et al. 2014]. By leveraging prior knowledge from existing databases,
(a) input photos (c) 2D orientation maps (f) database

(b) input mesh (d) 3D orientation field (e) cleaned mesh (g) fitting result (h) labeling result (i) extracted structure (j) output strands

Figure 4: Overview of our system pipeline. More detailed descriptions are in Section 3.

different approaches have been proposed to analyze and reconstruct

indoor scenes [Nan et al. 2012; Shao et al. 2012; Kim et al. 2012],
component-based models [Li et al. 2011; Shen et al. 2012], and
dense foliage [Bradley et al. 2013]. Compared to prior methods
[Li et al. 2010; Huang et al. 2013] that recover 1D structures from
point cloud data, our approach can handle multiple interleaved 1D
structures such as braids.

3 Overview
The overview of our pipeline is shown in Figure 4. Our input (a) basic braid: centerlines and gradually expanding patches
is a point cloud with normals and local hair orientations at each
point for the captured hairstyle. The point cloud can be derived
from the vertices of a mesh reconstructed by a consumer depth
camera [Newcombe et al. 2011] or directly from multi-view
stereo [Furukawa and Ponce 2010]. The local 3D orientation for
each point (Figure 4d) is computed by maximizing the consistency of
projected directions across a set of 2D orientation maps (Figure 4c)
as in [Luo et al. 2013]. We manually remove the non-hair part from
the point cloud (Figure 4e). This is the only mandatory manual step
of our entire pipeline.
We generate a database of a variety of example patches via
procedural braid models (Figure 4f, Section 4). Each patch is a (b) four-strand braid (c) five-strand dutch braid (d) fishtail braid
group of surface tubes with their centerlines. We then adopt a fitting
method based on random sampling to align the input point cloud Figure 5: Database preparation. (a) shows the centerlines of a three-strand
with the patches in the database and derivate a set of candidate braid (left), two intermediate results of the patch expanding process (middle
examples matching the braided part (Figure 4g, Section 5). To two), and the final expanded patch (right). (b), (c) and (d) show the expanded
speed up computation, users can optionally perform the following patches for a four-strand braid, a five-strand dutch braid and a fishtail braid
two types of manual input: (1) choosing a braid example from the respectively.
database based on visual observation, and (2) providing a rough
initial scale which narrows the search range.
Next, we compute the optimal subset of the candidate patches centerlines are symmetric to each other and have repeating patterns
to disjointly cover the input braid via multi-label optimization that can be characterized by periodic sinusoidal functions. Basic
(Figure 4h), and extract the structure of the braided part as the braids (Figure 2a) can be described by three centerlines {Li , i =
connected centerlines of the covering braid patches (Figure 4i, 0, 1, 2} in its natural frame as follows:
Section 6). Finally, we follow the recovered braid structure with
the rest of the unbraided hair region to synthesize the output strands L0 : x = a sin (t) , y = t, z = b sin (2t)
guided by a diffused 3D orientation field (Figure 4j, Section 7). L1 : x = a sin (t + 2⇡/3) , y = t, z = b sin (2 (t + 2⇡/3)) (1)
L2 : x = a sin (t + 4⇡/3) , y = t, z = b sin (2 (t + 4⇡/3))
4 Procedural Model
where the y is the braiding direction, and a and b are two constants
Inspired by the hair braiding process and braid theory, we use a that determine the shape of the braid. Other braids can be similarly
few intertwining centerlines to represent the braid structures. These modeled according to how the strands are woven. We provide a
few more procedural braid models as shown in Appendix A.1. Note
that the procedural forms are by no means exhaustive: users can
provide additional parametric forms either procedurally (as above)
or manually (e.g. sketching a few curves via 3D authoring tools).
In order to model the strand thickness in real braids, we augment the
procedural model by expanding the centerlines to tubes. To compute
the proper radius of these tubes, we expand an initially small radius
until inter-tube penetrations occur.
We use each procedural model to generate a segment of the target
braid as an example patch Pe and collect them into a single database
D (Figure 5). Each patch in the database is a set of helical tubes
with local orientation defined at each vertex vi 2 Pe . The vertex
(a) (b) (c)
orientation is defined to be along the direction of the centerline.
Figure 6: Comparison between fitting with rigid ICP and non-rigid ICP.
5 Patch Fitting Here we show (a) input mesh and the fitted patches with rigid ICP and
non-rigid ICP in (b) and (c) respectively.
Given the input geometry of the captured hair, our goal is then
to identify the local braid structure of the hairstyle by fitting
braid patches from the database to the point cloud. There are a braid, we also introduce a tail patch for each example patch in
two major challenges we need to address here. First, almost all the database. Each tail patch is automatically created by linearly
braided hairstyles in real life exhibit rich variations in terms of type, tapering the example patch towards the end such that the width and
orientation, and size. For example, braids can have different numbers the thickness of the tubes are halved compared to the beginning
of strands, and the orientation and the size of each knot can change along the y-axis. See Figure 4f for a concrete example.
along the braids. Second, the input geometry is usually very noisy
and largely occluded due to hair and body contacts.
6 Structure Analysis
We first align the input point cloud C with each braid patch in
the database D to collect a few candidate matches using a fitting Our goal in this section is to select the optimal set of fitted patches
approach based on random sampling similar to [Bradley et al. 2013; from the candidate set and extract the coherent braid structure of the
Hu et al. 2014]. Specifically, for each example patch Pe 2 D, input hairstyle. The process is visualized in Figure 7.
we apply the fitting algorithm N times, each time starting from a
random initial position, orientation, and scale for the patch. The The patch fitting step (Section 5) produces a set of fitted patches
initial position of the example patch is determined by randomly {Pf }. Each fitted patch covers a subset of points {vc } in the input
sampling a point on the captured surface, and the initial orientation point cloud C if vc is within a distance threshold to some vertex
of the patch is computed from a randomly normalized quaternion. v̂e 2 Pf . We collect all the vertices {vc } covered by at least one
The initial scale is computed by randomly scaling between 0.9 ⇠ 1.1 fitted patch Pf , and consider them as the braided part Cb of C,
of an estimated scale, which is obtained by manually scaling and whose structure can be analyzed by the procedural braid models
matching the braid patches to the braids in the input point cloud. in the database. Since {Pf } may be redundant and overlap with
Here, we use a simple interactive tool by drawing three lines on each other, one vc can be covered by multiple fitted patches (see
the mesh surface to indicate the x, y, z scales. Note that since we Figure 7b). We need to select a subset of the fitted patches so that
adopt a strategy based on random sampling, we only need a roughly we can connect them together to form a complete and clean structure
estimated scale for our fitting algorithm to work and this has to be for the braided part.
done only once for a given example patch. We found that satisfactory We formulate the structure analysis task as a multi-label problem.
results are obtained for N = 100 in all our examples. Specifically, for each point vi 2 Cb , we choose a single label li
Next, we compute the optimal transformation T to align the scaled which corresponds to a fitted patch Pf,i by minimizing the following
patch Pe with C via Iterative Closest Point (ICP) method [Besl and energy function:
McKay 1992]. To take into account the variations of braids in the X X
input hairstyle and to achieve better fitness, we adopt both, a rigid E Cb , {li } = E d vi , l i + E s vi , v j , l i , l j (3)
and non-rigid ICP [Li et al. 2009] approach to deform Pe . (An i i,j2N (i)

example comparison is shown in Figure 6.) The fitting error is The first term in Equation 3 is a data term to ensure that each point
computed as: vi is assigned to a label such that it is covered by the corresponding
fitted patch Pf,i :
E C, Pf
X (
= |p(vc,i ) p(v̂e,i )|2 + ↵ |o(vc,i ) o(v̂e,i )|2 (2) E vi , Pf,i if Pf,i covers vi
Ed vi , l i = (4)
i 100 otherwise
where p and o indicate the position and orientation of the corre-
where E vi , Pf,i is the fitting error computed based on Equation 2.
sponding point; Pf = T(Pe ) the fitted patch; v̂e,i the transformed
We also ensure that a sufficiently large penalty factor is used (100).
position of the vertex in Pf with closest point vc,i 2 C, and ↵
The second term in Equation 3 is a smoothness term that tries to
a constant weight which is fixed to be 100 for all of our results.
assign the same label to vertices that are within a distance threshold
Empirically, we have found that good results can be obtained with
and have similar local orientations:
30 iterations of rigid ICP followed by 30 iterations of non-rigid ICP.
Note that the tail of the braid are usually tapered and can cause large 0 if li = lj
E s vi , v j , l i , l j = (5)
errors when fitting the braid patches. To faithfully fit the tail of 100 otherwise
(a) without fuzziness (b) with fuzziness
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 8: Adding fuzziness [Choe and Ko 2005] over the final output

Discussion. An alternative way to obtain the structure of the

braided part is to connect these selected surface patches {Pf }
directly using a mesh composition approach [Huang et al. 2012]. We
found that connecting the centerlines first, followed by expanding
the surface with non-rigid ICP is easier to implement and produces
good results in all our cases.

7 Strand Synthesis
(e) (f) (g) (h)
After extracting the braid structure of the input hair, we synthesize
Figure 7: Illustration of our structure analysis algorithm. Here we show full hair strands in both the braided and unbraided parts. The
(a) input mesh; (b) candidate patches collected during the fitting stage; (c) unbraided part consists of the points C that are not covered by
colorized visualization of labeling result on input mesh; (d) patches selected the fitted braid patches in the braid obtained in the fitting step in
by the labeling step; (e) centerlines of the selected patches; (f) connected Section 5.
centerlines; (g) surface expanded from the connected centerlines; (h) fitted
surface after non-rigid ICP. We first synthesize the strands on the unbraided part by growing
bidirectionally from the uncovered points based on the local
orientations as described in [Luo et al. 2013]. These synthesized
strands are then used to build a 3D orientation field using the method
The energy function in Equation 3 can be efficiently minimized of [Wang et al. 2009] and diffused into the entire output volume
using a graph-cuts algorithm [Delong et al. 2012]. See Figure 7c for as in [Paris et al. 2008]. During this diffusion process we consider
a color visualization of the labeling result on the input mesh. the centerline directions in the braided parts to ensure continuity
with the unbraided parts. Next, we determine the root positions by
Based on the labeling result, we can select an optimal subset of fitted randomly sampling a user-specified region on a manually prepared
patches {Pf } whose corresponding labels have been assigned to scalp. Finally we grow the output strands from the roots following
certain points in Cb (Figure 7d). Now we need to connect different the 3D orientation field. Once a strand grows into the braided part,
sets of centerlines for adjacent patches to generate a complete braid i.e. one of the volumetric tubes obtained in Section 6, we compute
structure. We pose this task as an assignment problem. Specifically, the barycentric coordinates of the entry point with respect to the
we consider all possible matching combinations of the centerlines cross section of the tube, and interpolate all subsequent growing
for every two adjacent patches. For each possible combination, we positions using the same barycentric coordinates along the tube.
compute an assignment cost as the average distance between the
corresponding points in the overlapping regions of all the combined To further improve the visual realism of the reconstruction results,
pairs of centerlines. The overlapping region is defined to be the we introduce some fuzziness into the sample positions of the final
points on one centerline within a distance threshold from the other strands using the method of [Choe and Ko 2005] (See Figure 8).
centerline. If the overlapping region for any pair of centerlines has
less than two points, the assignment cost is infinite since there is 8 Results
insufficient overlap. We use the Hungarian algorithm [Kuhn 1955]
to compute the optimal assignment and smoothly connect the two Capture setup. Our algorithm supports different capturing sys-
sets of centerlines based on the optimal combination. The final tems, and does not require precise control of the environments.
connected centerlines represents the structure of the entire braided Except for the basic braid case in Figure 14 which is captured using
part of the input hairstyle (Figure 7f). a multi-view stereo (as shown in Figure 9b), all other results are
obtained by slowly moving a hand-held Kinect camera around the
Finally, we expand the connected centerlines using the same method
targets (as shown in Figure 9a) for realtime geometry reconstruction
for the database described in Section 4, in order to obtain the surface
using KinectFusion [Newcombe et al. 2011].
of the volumetric tubes for the braid (Figure 7g). To further improve
the fitness to the input hairstyle, we use the non-rigid ICP algorithm
to align the expanded surface with the captured geometry. The Hairstyles. To show the effectiveness of our method, we have
deformed surface represents the reconstructed volumetric tubes for tested our framework with a variety of different braided hairstyles.
the braided part of input hair (Figure 7h). As illustrated in Figure 1 and 14, our method can successfully
Implementation. The input hairstyles shown in this paper are
manually woven and styled, taking several minutes for an inexperi-
enced person per hairstyle. The most time-consuming stage in our
pipeline is the input pre-processing part. Computing a 3D orientation
field from a set of 2D images takes about 40 minutes, while manual
clean-up of the mesh takes about half an hour. The patch fitting
step requires five minutes of computation for one patch using 100
different initial poses (parallelized on four cores and eight threads).
In our implementation, all the numbers length related measurements
are in millimeters and all angles are in radians. We compute the
(a) Hand-held Kinect (b) Multi-view stereo distance in Section 6 according Section 5, and set the threshold to
100 in all our results except 200 for Figure 11c and Figure 11d. The
Figure 9: Our capture setups. grid size for an orientation field in Section 7 is set to 1mm, and
building a vector field takes about five minutes. The number of final
output strands ranges from 30K to 50K. All the other computations
can be done within seconds (on a 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7 and 16 GB
RAM machine).

9 Discussion and Limitations

We have introduced a data-driven framework to reconstruct large

varieties of complex braided hairstyles. Even with a consumer level
input photo our result [Luo et al. 2013] [Hu et al. 2014] RGB-D camera (Kinect) as input, we can generate compelling results
on par with existing state-of-the-art multi-view stereo techniques.
Figure 10: Comparisons with state-of-the-art hair capture methods.
Our method is robust against parameter selection and can produce
plausible reconstructions even when examples in the database are
completely different from the input braids.
reconstruct complex braided hairstyles with different numbers
of strands per braid, different numbers of braids, different braid As a data-driven approach, the effectiveness of our method and
geometry (varying width and thicknesses with global twist and the quality of our reconstruction results is determined by the input
bending), and different topology (e.g., the merged style at the bottom data, including both capture accuracy as well as the prior braided
of Figure 14). structures in the database. We cannot ensure that the recovered
structure fully complies with the input hairstyles, especially when
Comparisons. In Figure 10 we compare our method with two the captured data is noisy and incomplete. Furthermore, the tail
state-of-the-art hair capture techniques [Luo et al. 2013; Hu et al. part of a braid often exhibits highly irregular deformations. We
2014], using the same input point cloud and orientation field. Luo have incorporated additional patch tapering heuristics to improve
et al. [2013] connects hair threads via geometric heuristics. Such the visual appearance of the results (see Figure 13 for a failure case).
heuristics often fail when there are significant occlusions in braids,
causing broken hair threads in the final reconstruction. Hu et Similar to prior methods on hair capture [Luo et al. 2013; Echevarria
al. [2014] uses database of example strands from pre-simulation et al. 2014], our method requires the user to manually segment
and user sketches to produce better customized hair connections. the hair parts from the captured geometry. Fully automatic hair
However, the strand groups can still yield incorrect topological segmentation techniques based on data-driven and orientation
configuration due to potential ambiguity in the orientation fields, e.g. field analysis could significantly reduce the manual effort in the
at adjacent segments coming from different braids. In contrast, our reconstruction process.
approach produces structurally correct strands for braided hairstyles
by leveraging our procedurally generated patches. Another limitation of our method is the need of specifying a rough
scale for the example patches in the database. Inappropriate scaling
Evaluations. To evaluate the robustness of our algorithm (see factors could lead to inaccurate reconstructions since the example
Figure 11), we reconstruct the same input hairstyle of a fishtail patches can fail to fit the captured input geometry. One solution
braid (Figure 11a) using different example patches. Specifically, we is to enumerate more examples of different scales in the database,
restrict the number and type of example patches within the database but the computational cost can increase significantly. It would be
and first check if our method produces smaller fitting errors for more interesting to adopt an analysis method such as [Huang et al. 2014]
suitable patches. We also see if our technique generates plausible to automatically extract the scaling factors by detecting the repetitive
results even with examples that are different from the captured input. and near-regular structure in the braided hairstyles.
As demonstrated, our method can successfully distinguish between
different example patches based on the fitting errors. Moreover While a large range of braided hairstyles are covered by our approach,
plausible reconstructions can be obtained even without structurally there are still certain types that are difficult to handle. For instance,
correct examples in the database. Figure 12 further demonstrates a French rope braid has clusters of strands that twist around the
the robustness of our method against the estimated scale of example centerline, causing the local orientation of hair strands to no longer
patches. Specifically, we uniformly scale the example patches in follow the centerline of the cluster. Here, our database generation
Figure 4f by different factors s before running our patch fitting and can be extended with additional procedural rules. We leave the
structure analysis algorithm. As shown in Figure 12, our method construction of a universal hairstyle database as future work. Such a
produces good results with a wide range of estimated scales. database could be obtained through manually designed priors (e.g.
[Yuksel et al. 2009]) and parametric forms as proposed in this work.
(a) input (b) fishtail: E = 66.86 (c) 3-strand: E = 87.09 (d) 4-strand: E = 98.52 (e) fishtail & 3-strands: E = 68.36

Figure 11: Comparisons with different example patches. We fit a fishtail braid (a) using different example patches in our database (b) - (e); shown in each are
the example patch(es), the extracted structure, the output strands, and the fitting error E computed via Section 5.

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rendering code; Kyle Olszewski and Jessica Rossky for proofreading;
Ecco Studios for the multi-view stereo capture; and the reviewers G HONIEM , A., AND M USETH , K. 2013. Hair growth by means of
for their valuable suggestions. This project was supported in part sparse volumetric modeling and advection. In SIGGRAPH ’13
by the USC’s Integrated Media Systems Center (IMSC), the general Talks, 34:1–34:1.
research fund Dynamic Element Textures (HKU 717112E), Adobe
Systems, Intel, NVIDIA, and Pelican Imaging. H ERRERA , T. L., Z INKE , A., AND W EBER , A. 2012. Lighting
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basic braid
four-strand braid
five-strand braid
two basic braids
French braid
Princess Anne

Figure 14: Reconstruction results of different braided hairstyles. From left to right: original photo, 2D orientation map, input mesh to our core algorithm,
labeling result, extracted structure, and rendering of final strands from two different viewing points.
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A Appendix
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L I , H., A DAMS , B., G UIBAS , L. J., AND PAULY, M. 2009. Robust
single-view geometry and motion reconstruction. ACM Trans. The centerlines of a typical five-strand Dutch braid (Figure 5c) can
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reconstruction and manipulation using arterial snakes. ACM Trans. L1 : x = a sin (t + 2⇡/5) , y = t, z = b sin (4 (t + 2⇡/5))
Graph. 29, 6, 152:1–152:10. L2 : x = a sin (t + 4⇡/5) , y = t, z = b sin (4 (t + 4⇡/5)) (6)
L I , Y., W U , X., C HRYSATHOU , Y., S HARF, A., C OHEN -O R , D., L3 : x = a sin (t + 6⇡/5) , y = t, z = b sin (4 (t + 6⇡/5))
AND M ITRA , N. J. 2011. Globfit: Consistently fitting primitives L4 : x = a sin (t + 8⇡/5) , y = t, z = b sin (4 (t + 8⇡/5))
by discovering global relations. ACM Trans. Graph. 30, 4, 52:1–
52:12. Replacing the factor 4 for z coordinate in Equation 6 above will
lead to a fishtail-like braid (Figure 5d). The centerlines of a typical
L UO , L., L I , H., PARIS , S., W EISE , T., PAULY, M., AND four-strand braid (Figure 5b) can be described as:
RUSINKIEWICZ , S. 2012. Multi-view hair capture using
orientation fields. In CVPR, 1490–1497. L0 : x = a sin (t) , y = t, z = b · f (t)
L UO , L., L I , H., AND RUSINKIEWICZ , S. 2013. Structure-aware L1 : x = a sin (t + ⇡/2) , y = t, z = b · f (t + 1⇡/2)
hair capture. ACM Trans. Graph. 32, 4, 76:1–76:12. L2 : x = a sin (t + ⇡) , y = t, z = b · f (t + ⇡)
M ITRA , N. J., WAND , M., Z HANG , H., C OHEN -O R , D., K IM , V., L3 : x = a sin (t + 3⇡/2) , y = t, z = b · f (t + 3⇡/2)
AND H UANG , Q.-X. 2014. Structure-aware shape processing. In where
ACM SIGGRAPH 2014 Courses, 13:1–13:21. (
sin(2t) if 2n⇡  t < 2n⇡ + ⇡, n 2 Z
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sin(4t) otherwise
approach for cluttered indoor scene understanding. ACM Trans.
Graph. 31, 6, 137:1–137:10.
In general, the following term describes the centerlines {Li } of a
N EWCOMBE , R. A., I ZADI , S., H ILLIGES , O., M OLYNEAUX , D., braid with odd number of clusters:
S., AND F ITZGIBBON , A. 2011. Kinectfusion: Real-time dense Li : x = a sin (t + i⇡/n) , y = t, z = b sin (m (t + i⇡/n))
surface mapping and tracking. In IEEE ISMAR, IEEE. (9)

PARIS , S., C HANG , W., KOZHUSHNYAN , O. I., JAROSZ , W., where m is an even number smaller than n. The centerlines {Li } of
M ATUSIK , W., Z WICKER , M., AND D URAND , F. 2008. Hair a braid with even number of clusters are slightly more complex and
photobooth: Geometric and photometric acquisition of real can be described in a closed form as below:
hairstyles. ACM Trans. Graph. 27, 3, 30:1–30:9. Li : x = a sin (t + i⇡/n) , y = t, z = b · f (t + i⇡/n) (10)
S ELLE , A., L ENTINE , M., AND F EDKIW, R. 2008. A mass spring
model for hair simulation. ACM Trans. Graph. 27, 3, 64:1–64:11. ⇢
sin((n 2)t) if 2m⇡  t < 2m⇡ + ⇡, m 2 Z
S HAO , T., X U , W., Z HOU , K., WANG , J., L I , D., AND G UO , B. f (t) =
2012. An interactive approach to semantic modeling of indoor sin(n · t) otherwise
scenes with an rgbd camera. ACM Trans. Graph. 31, 6, 136:1– (11)
136:11. In both Equation 9 and Equation 10, i = 0, 1, ..., n 1, while n is
S HEN , C.-H., F U , H., C HEN , K., AND H U , S.-M. 2012. Structure an odd number and an even number respectively. Please note that
recovery by part assembly. ACM Trans. Graph. 31, 6, 180:1– the parametric forms above only cover a subset of possible braids
180:11. and there are many more possibilities in practice.

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