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Sentence Connector

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A paper containing sentences of one short pattern bores both the writer and the reader for two

1. Repetition of a single, simple sentence pattern draws attention to itself, not to

the ideas in the paper.
2. Simple, short sentences cannot show the reader the many relationships that
exist among ideas of different importance.

If you read through a paper you've written and notice that you've written sentences
in a single, short pattern, ask yourself the following questions. Your answers can help
you revise the sentences to express your ideas more clearly and to add variety to
your paper.

• Do adjacent sentences contain the same subject and/or the same verb?

If so, you can combine two or more short, simple sentences in a single, concise

o Join the sentences by omitting a repeated subject.

Radio advertisements are broadcast daily or weekly.

Radio advertisements reach a wide audience.

Radio advertisements are broadcast daily or weekly

and reach a wide audience.

o Join the sentences by omitting repeated subjects and verbs and by

using adjectives.

The city council conducted a study of public

Original transportation. The study was lengthy. The study
was detailed.

The city council conducted a lengthy, detailed study

of public transportation.
o Join the sentences by omitting repeated subjects and verbs and by
using adverbs.

The negotiators worked to gain approval for the

Original contract. The negotiators worked at a steady pace.
However, they worked slowly.

The negotiators worked steadily but slowly to gain

approval for the contract.

• Do adjacent sentences contain ideas of equal importance?

If so, use coordination.

o Join the sentences with a coordinating conjunction preceded by a

comma. The seven coordinating conjunctions create different

relationships between two ideas.

o and shows addition; it has the same meaning as in addition, along with

The strike divided the town, and it strained labor-management relations.

o but shows contrast; it has the same meaning as however, except, on the
other hand

Negotiators resolved the strike, but the town remained divided.

o for shows logical consequence; it has the same meaning as because,the

reason why

Coping with environmental issues is a necessary part of industrial

studies, for industries affect the environment.

o so shows logical consequence; it has the same meaning as as a

result, therefore

Industries affect the environment, so coping with environmental issues is a

necessary part of industrial studies.

o nor shows addition of a negative point

The environment cannot sustain constant resource depletion, nor can it
recover quickly from wide-scale resource extraction.

o or shows choice

Businesses can design their own programs for recording statistical

data, or they can use purchased, pre-designed programs.

o yet shows contrast

More secondary schools are implementing programs designed to increase

teenagers' awareness of the dangers of drinking and driving, yet alcohol-
related traffic accidents continue to be one of the leading causes of death for
people between the ages of fifteen and twenty-two.

o Join the sentences with a semicolon. A semicolon needs complete

sentences on either side of it that have complete meaning and can
stand by themselves. Use a semicolon when you want to keep two
closely related ideas in one sentence.

Ethnobotanists study plants and plant products that

Original contribute to human culture. They study past,
present, and potential uses of such plants.

Ethnobotanists study plants and plant products that

Revision contribute to human culture; they study past,
present, and potential uses of such plants.

o Join the sentences by using a semicolon with a transitional word and a

comma. Some common transitional words are:

o however has the same meaning as but

The actress's performance electrified the audience; however, lighting and

sound problems diminished the play's overall impact.

o furthermore has the same meaning as in addition

The project required extensive research; furthermore, budget cuts reduced
the available funds.

o instead has the same meaning as rather

Neither bold colors nor heavy lines made the painting striking; instead, the
sheer size of the canvas drew attention.

o consequently has the same meaning as as a result

The speech required preparation and an in-depth analysis of the

situation; consequently, the student surveyed the population on the issue.

o nevertheless has the same meaning as however

The recently established bio-social theory helps us see the evolution of human
behavior with a new perspective; nevertheless, few scientists endorse it.
• Do adjacent sentences contain ideas of unequal importance?
If so, you can join them by subordination, making one or more ideas in a
sentence depend on the idea that is most important to you.

• Join a statement that expresses a complete thought and can stand on

its own (an independent clause) with a statement that cannot stand on
its own (a dependent clause) and that depends on the independent
clause to complete its meaning.

An Aside: Use the following punctuation rule when combining dependent and
independent clauses. You can use a subordinator to make one clause
dependent upon another.

If you place the dependent clause before the independent clause, use a comma.


Do not use a comma if you place the dependent clause after the
independent clause.
Subordinators can be used to signal one of the following relationships
between two ideas:

• when, until, after, as soon as,before, ever since, as, and whileshow a
relation that indicates time
• because, since show a relation that indicates causality
• though, although, even though, and while express concession and
contrast of ideas
• of, as if, provided that, unless, as though show condition
• where indicates place
• so that shows result
• whichever, whenever, wherever,whoever indicate general possibility
• more or less than shows comparison of ideas

The two countries reached an agreement on trade

Original policies. They then were able to complete their
peace treaty.

After the two countries reached an agreement on

Revision trade policies, they were able to complete their
peace treaty.

The statistics in the proposal were inaccurate. It was

this that made the proposal fail.

The proposal failed because its statistics were


Equipment failures and labor strikes delayed the

Original submarine's completion. Naval engineers continued
the project.

Although equipment failures and labor strikes

Revision delayed the submarine's completion, naval
engineers continued the project.

Original Video game manufacturers plan to impose a rating

system to indicate violence. The ratings system will
be ineffectual without an accompanying plan for

Unless video game manufacturers issue an

Revision accompanying plan for enforcement, their ratings
system will be ineffectual.

The author wanted people of all income levels to be

able to read her book. To achieve this, she
stipulated that the book be sold for under five

So that people of all income levels would be able to

Revision read her book, the author stipulated that the book
be sold for under five dollars.

The male hornbill builds a nest for his mate. He

Original chooses a nest site that will protect her and her
chicks from predators.

The male hornbill builds a nest for his

Revision mate where she and her chicks will be protected
from predators.

The program's format allows individual users to

Original make changes. This can be done each time users
encounter problems in implementing the program.

The program's format allows individual users to

Revision make changes whenever they encounter problems
implementing the program.

The beginner's manual contains few technical

Original terms. However, the advanced manual contains

The advanced manual contains more technical

terms than the beginner's manual.

• Use which, that, who, whom, where,and when to subordinate one set
of facts to another set or to add information about a person, place,
thing, or concept in your sentence.
• who, whom, whose, and that are used for one or more persons
• that and which are used for one or more things
• which is used to introduce an entire explanatory clause
• where and when are used for a place or time respectively

Peter Tchaikowsky, a Russian composer, lived from

1840 to 1893. He composed Peter and the Wolf.

Peter Tchaikowsky, a Russian composer who lived

from 1840 to 1893, composed Peter and the Wolf.

Peter and the Wolf is often performed for audiences

Original of children. The composition uses different
instruments to represent different characters.

Peter and the Wolf, which uses different

Revision instruments to represent different characters, is
often performed for audiences of children.

The judges scored the performances using a new set

of standards. This different method of scoring
resulted in unanticipated victories for several new

The judges scored the performance using a new set

Revision of standards, which resulted in unanticipated
victories for several new competitors.

A press conference is an ideal place to find out

information. Many journalists meet, discuss, and
question current political issues at a press

A press conference, where many journalists meet,

Revised discuss, and question current issues, is an ideal place
to find out information.


Directions (01-15): In the question given below few sentences are given which are grammatically correct and
meaningful. Connect them by the word given above the statements in the best possible way without changing
the intended meaning. Choose the best possible combination as your answer accordingly from the options to
form a correct, coherent sentence.


(A) I admire King Jordan because he is the first deaf president of Gallaudet.

(B) All in all, there is not much to dislike about the man, except he is too perfect!

(C) I admire him because he is a great long distance runner.

(D) He is a dedicated family man.

(a) Only A-B

(b) Only A-C

(c) Only B-D

(d) Only A-D

(e) Only B-C

S1. Ans.(b)
Sol. (A-C) I admire King Jordan because he is the first deaf president of Gallaudet. Besides that, I admire him
because he is a great long distance runner.


(A) The school has a preschool program where both deaf and hearing children learn together.

(B) At St. Rita School for the Deaf, a private school, there is a dress code that mandates how the students are to

The boys must wear a pair of pants and dress shirts.

(C) It has a strong academic program.

(D) Texas School for the Deaf is perfectly located.

(a) Only A-B

(b) Only A-C

(c) Only D-C

(d) Only B-D

(e) Only D-B

S2. Ans.(c)
Sol. (D-C) Texas School for the Deaf is perfectly located. Moreover, it has a strong academic program.

(A) He jumped along with another suspect after police surrounded them on Wednesday night.

(B) A rowdy, wanted in a murder case, died after he jumped from the third floor of a Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance
Board building in Tiruvottiyur.

(C) The idea of attending the play at Gallaudet is nice.

(D) The Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research conference is scheduled at the same time.

(a) Only A-B

(b) Only A-C

(c) Only B-C

(d) Only A-D

(e) Only C-D

S3. Ans.(e)
Sol. (C-D) The idea of attending the play at Gallaudet is nice. However, the Theoretical Issues in Sign Language
Research conference is scheduled at the same time.


(A) They arrived at the station before noon and left on the bus before I arrived.

(B) They are demanding a CBI probe into the alleged paper leak in the Combined Graduate-Level examination.

(C) Candidates have been protesting outside the SSC office here.

(D) I looked for Mary and Samantha at the bus station.

(a) Only A-B

(b) Only B-C

(c) Only C-B

(d) Only D-A

(e) Only B-A

S4. Ans.(d)
Sol. (D-A) I looked for Mary and Samantha at the bus station but they arrived at the station before noon and left on
the bus before I arrived.


(A) The insurers of the two vessels had agreed to give a bank guarantee for the amount.

(B) The dispute over the remaining amount claimed by the Department of Fisheries shall be determined later.

(C) The labeling is a complex and controversial issue that has no bearing on my thesis, I will pass it by.
(D) Presently, labeling of GMO content isn't a requirement.

(a) Both B-A & D-C

(b) Only B-A

(c) Only D-C

(d) Only A-B

(e) Only C-D

S5. Ans.(a)
Sol. (B-A) The dispute over the remaining amount claimed by the Department of Fisheries shall be determined later
since the insurers of the two vessels had agreed to give a bank guarantee for the amount.
(D-C) Presently, labeling of GMO content isn't a requirement and since labeling is a complex and controversial
issue that has no bearing on my thesis, I will pass it by.


(A) I went to football practice as usual.

(B) The director had scolded her for not being punctual at the office.

(C) I was in so much pain I didn’t want to get up in the morning.

(D) Ramika left for the office as soon as she reached the Bangalore

(a) Only A-C

(b) Only C-A

(c) Both C-A & D-B

(d) D-B

(e) None of the above

S6. Ans.(b)
Sol. (C-A) I was in so much pain I didn’t want to get up in the morning. Nevertheless, I went to football practice as


(A) England has the best language schools.

(B) It has the worst weather.

(C) The Ramagya Organization has inaugurated a community centre on the top floor of the same building.

(D) The Ramagya Organization had earlier set up an old age home to show up the kindness.

(a) Only B-A

(b) Both A-B & B-A

(c) Only A-B

(d) Only C-D

(e) Only D-C

S7. Ans.(c)
Sol. (A-B) England has the best language schools. On the other hand, it has the worst weather.


(A) They soon decided to be part of the credit equally and to be fair enough.

(B) The same will soon make you the gem of this company.

(C) Your feminine sensibilities would be considered as the strongest part of your character.

(D) They had fought a lot over the matter of completion of the assignment.

(a) Only A-D

(b) Only A-B

(c) Only B-C

(d) Only C-B

(e) Only D-A

S8. Ans.(e)
Sol. (D-A) Although they had fought a lot over the matter of completion of the assignment, they soon decided to be
part of the credit equally and to be fair enough.


(A) To go far and attending that monotonous session.

(B) I didn’t want to take a side in the argument.

(C) Jyoti can go for a movie and have the best of happy moments she can spend with her parents.

(D) I put my headphones on and listened to some smooth jazz.

(a) Only B-D

(b) Both B-D & A-C

(c) Only A-C

(d) Only C-A

(e) Only D-B

S9. Ans.(b)
Sol. (B-D) I didn’t want to take a side in the argument. Instead, I put my headphones on and listened to some smooth
(A-C) Instead of going far and attending that monotonous session, Jyoti can go for a movie and have the best of
happy moments she can spend with her parents.


(A) It made the king to think how a little child can go so deep to express himself to the best.

(B) You can’t go out with everyone who fancies you.

(C) You can’t give your phone number to every man who asks for it.

(D) The fantasies of the little prince was so beautifully formed that it left the king surprised.

(a) Only B-C

(b) Only A-B

(c) Only C-B

(d) All are correct

(e) None of the above

S10. Ans.(c)
Sol. (C-B) You can’t give your phone number to every man who asks for it. Likewise, you can’t go out with
everyone who fancies you.


(A) The number of miraculous self-healings will rise.

(B) Her appearance was never believed to be happen so soon.

(C) Her sudden appearance as the best writer actually proved to be the rise of the phoenix.

(D) We’re going to experience some meteor showers in the next few days.

(a) Only A-D

(b) Both A-B & D-A

(c) Only A-B

(d) Only B-C

(e) Only D-A

S11. Ans.(e)
Sol. (D-A) We’re going to experience some meteor showers in the next few days. Therefore, the number of
miraculous self-healings will rise.

(A) It is very hot.

(B) He has a really good taste in fashion.

(C) We’re going to experience some meteor showers in the next few days.

(D) Hyderabad is one of the most beautiful historical cities.

(a) Only B-C

(b) Only A-D

(c) Only B-D

(d) Only C-B

(e) Both C-B & D-A

S12. Ans.(e)
Sol. (C-B) He may be the best-dressed man around. Indeed, he has a really good taste in fashion.
(D-A) Hyderabad is one of the most beautiful historical cities. Indeed it is very hot.


(A) Starting your own IT company may be the one of the best things you can do right now.

(B) He said a student had to stick to the discipline in the school.

(C) Asked whether a school could impose such restrictions.

(D) For opening a pet shop, it’s hard to say the same thing.

(a) Only A-D

(b) Only D-A

(c) Only A-B

(d) Only B-C

(e) None of the above

S13. Ans.(a)
Sol. (A-D) Starting your own IT company may be the one of the best things you can do right now. With respect to
opening a pet shop, it’s hard to say the same thing.

Q14. AND

(A) They soon began to show her anger on them.

(B) They said that the issue had been sorted out.

(C) Mr. Thomson on entering the room realized that the children had created a great mess as everything was at sixes
and sevens.
(D) The school authorities refused to comment on the matter.

(a) Only D-B

(b) Only A-B

(c) Only B-D

(d) Only B-C

(e) Only A-C

S14. Ans.(a)
Sol. (D-B) The school authorities refused to comment on the matter, and said that the issue had been sorted out.


(A) Meeting my boss at the pub was an interesting experience.

(B) It was a disaster.

(C) If the school found that there has been indecent behaviour on the part of certain students.

(D) The school authorities are within their rights to take appropriate action.

(a) Only A-B

(b) Only B-A

(c) Only C-D

(d) Only D-C

(e) None of the above

S15. Ans.(a)
Sol. (A-B) Meeting my boss at the pub was an interesting experience. In brief, it was a disaster.

Directions (01-15): In the question given below two statements are given which are grammatically correct and
meaningful. Connect them by choosing the word given below the statements in the best possible way without
changing the intended meaning. Choose the best possible word as your answer accordingly from the options
to form a correct, coherent sentence.

Q1. (I) The police said that Ravi Gowda was an accused in two cases of theft.
(II) The robbery registered in Kavoor police station limits.
(a) although
(b) but
(c) though
(d) and
(e) None of the above

S1. Ans.(d)
Sol. 'and' will connect the sentences - The police said that Ravi Gowda was an accused in two cases of theft and
robbery registered in Kavoor police station limits.
Q2. (I) I require of a visitor that he be not actually starving.
(II) He may have the very best appetite in the world.
(a) as
(b) but
(c) although
(d) though
(e) meanwhile

S2. Ans.(d)
Sol. 'though' will connect the sentences-I require of a visitor that he be not actually starving, though he may have the
very best appetite in the world.

Q3. (I) We were waiting for the food to arrive.

(II) We were happy to sit and chat in the relaxing surroundings.
(a) often
(b) seldom
(c) While
(d) meanwhile
(e) and

S3. Ans.(c)
Sol. 'While' will connect the sentences-While waiting for the food to arrive, we were happy to sit and chat in the
relaxing surroundings.

Q4. (I) The prince answered nothing.

(II) She looked at him significantly, awaiting a reply.
(a) still
(b) until
(c) unless
(d) but
(e) while

S4. Ans.(d)
Sol. 'but' will connect the sentences- The prince answered nothing, but she looked at him significantly, awaiting a

Q5. (I) It was unintelligible why he had told it, or why it had to be told in Russian.
(II) Anna Pavlovna and the others appreciated Prince Hippolyte's social tact in so agreeably ending Pierre's
unpleasant and unamiable outburst.
(a) still
(b) until
(c) along with
(d) nevertheless
(e) however

S5. Ans.(a)
Sol. 'still' will connect the sentence-Though it was unintelligible why he had told it, or why it had to be told in
Russian, still Anna Pavlovna and the others appreciated Prince Hippolyte's social tact in so agreeably ending Pierre's
unpleasant and unamiable outburst.

Q6. (I) The staff officer standing in front pointed out something to the general.
(II) He looked through his field glass.
(b) meanwhile
(c) but
(d) moreover
(e) though

S6. Ans.(b)
Sol. 'Meanwhile' will connect the sentences - Meanwhile, the staff officer standing in front pointed out something to
the general, who looked through his field glass.

Q7. (I) The wood appeared to be cherry.

(II) It could use a coat of wax, it still had a deep luster.
(a) though
(b) unless
(c) however
(d) still
(e) although

S7. Ans.(d)
Sol. 'although' will connect the sentences- The wood appeared to be cherry, and although it could use a coat of wax,
it still had a deep luster.

Q8. (I) The engineers said the bridge was now safe.
(II) No one wanted to risk crossing it.
(a) moreover
(b) still
(c) though
(d) although
(e) however

S8. Ans.(e)
Sol. 'however' will connect the sentences- The engineers said the bridge was now safe, however, no one wanted to
risk crossing it.

Q9. (I) The abandoned kittens were too young to eat solid food.
(II) We needed to bottle feed them every two hours.
(a) though
(b) although
(c) hence
(d) however
(e) none of the above

S9. Ans.(c)
Sol. 'hence' will connect the sentences- The abandoned kittens were too young to eat solid food' hence we needed to
bottle feed them every two hours.

Q10. (I) The woodman stirred the fire.

(II) The flames leaped high and the sparks flew out of the roof hole.
(a) still
(b) until
(c) unless
(d) although
(e) but

S10. Ans.(b)
Sol. 'until' will connect the sentences- The woodman stirred the fire until the flames leaped high and the sparks flew
out of the roof hole.

Q11. (I) I was only doing as the Canadians do,

(II) I was in their country, and besides, I honor England's good queen.
(a) meanwhile
(b) still
(c) till
(d) while
(e) unless

S11. Ans.(d)
Sol. 'while' will connect the sentences- I was only doing as the Canadians do, while I was in their country, and
besides I honor England's good queen.

Q12. (I) She was loud and obnoxious.

(II) I found her fun to be around.
(a) on the other hand
(b) likewise
(c) along with
(d) nevertheless
(e) however

S12. Ans.(d)
Sol. 'nevertheless' will connect the sentences- She was loud and obnoxious, nevertheless, I found her fun to be
(a) on the other hand

Q13. (I) Obviously it had been a long time.

(II) She had seen or talked to Mr. Cade.
(a) Moreover
(b) hence
(c) since
(d) but
(e) and

S13. Ans.(c)
Sol. 'since' will connect the sentences- Obviously it had been a long time since she had seen or talked to Mr. Cade.

Q14. (I) My dog refused to gnaw on the bone I bought her.

(II) She chews on my shoes.
(a) besides
(b) though
(c) instead
(d) and
(e) while

S14. Ans.(c)
Sol. 'instead' will connect the sentences- My dog refused to gnaw on the bone I bought her, instead she chews on my

Q15. (I) We are justified in concluding, therefore, that among the Greeks and Romans.
(II) The examination of the liver was the basis of divination in the case of the sacrificial animal.
(a) likewise
(b) although
(c) though
(d) and
(e) but

S15. Ans.(a)
Sol. 'likewise' will connect the sentences- We are justified in concluding, therefore, that among the Greeks and
Romans likewise the examination of the liver was the basis of divination in the case of the sacrificial animal.

Directions (01-15): In the question given below two statements are given which are grammatically correct and
meaningful. Connect them by choosing the word given below the statements in the best possible way without
changing the intended meaning. Choose the best possible word as your answer accordingly from the options
to form a correct, coherent sentence.

Q1. (I) It is the kind of high-quality product

(II) Manipur needed for a change of image, from that of a militancy-mauled State to an investment destination
(a) because
(b) as
(c) that
(d) moreover
(e) hence

Show Answer

S1. Ans.(c); that- It is the kind of high-quality product that Manipur needed for a change of image, from that of a
militancy-mauled State to an investment destination

Q2.(I) Connectivity is a big challenge

(II) Unreliable courier services prevent us from taking online orders.
(a) so that
(b) as
(c) though
(d) although
(e) however

Show Answer

S2. Ans.(b); as- Connectivity is a big challenge, as unreliable courier services prevent us from taking online orders.

Q3.(I) There is no place for political discrimination in the vision for a united India
(II) It is improper to use the terms Congress-free India or Sangh-free India
(a) and
(b) because
(c) as
(d) if
(e) though

Show Answer

S3. Ans.(a); and- There is no place for political discrimination in the vision for a united India and it is improper to
use the terms Congress-free India or Sangh-free India

Q4.(I) Online games have become the go-to resort for an increasing number of people
(II) It’s not all fun and games online, as many of those who are addicted have been victims of cyberbullying
(a) and
(b) also
(c) though
(d) however
(e) but

Show Answer

S4. Ans.(e); but- Online games have become the go-to resort for an increasing number of people. But it’s not all fun
and games online, as many of those who are addicted have been victims of cyberbullying.

Q5.(I) The psychologically disturbed black African narrator of the book

(II) He has moved to London from Zimbabwe, often makes fun of other immigrants doing nursing-type jobs.
(a) although
(b) though
(c) it
(d) who
(e) which

Show Answer

S5. Ans.(d); who- The psychologically disturbed black African narrator of the book, whohas moved to London from
Zimbabwe, often makes fun of other immigrants doing nursing-type jobs.

Q6.(I) An interesting debate ensued amongst eminent public intellectuals

(II) It sparked off by Harsh Mander’s lament at the increasing invisiblisation of Indian Muslims in our public sphere
(a) ultimately
(b) gradually
(c) untimely
(d) recently
(e) constantly

Show Answer

S6. Ans.(d); recently- Recently, an interesting debate ensued amongst eminent public intellectuals, sparked off by
Harsh Mander’s lament at the increasing invisiblisation of Indian Muslims in our public sphere.

Q7.(I) Also, that liberals and communitarians can never intersect

(II) Any apparent convergence is proof that one or the other ideologies has been grossly misinterpreted
(a) so that
(b) hence
(c) not only
(d) moreover
(e) although

Show Answer

S7. Ans.(a); so that- Also, that liberals and communitarians can never intersect so thatany apparent convergence is
proof that one or the other ideologies has been grossly misinterpreted.

Q8.(I) Liberalism has no timeless

(II) Fixed content, an unchanging core
(a) although
(b) in fact
(c) instead
(d) so that
(e) nevertheless

Show Answer

S8. Ans.(b); in fact- In fact, liberalism has no timeless, fixed content, an unchanging core.

Q9.(I) Betting strongly on Indian bonds last year

(II) Foreign investors are cutting their holdings as a tumbling rupee erodes their returns and economic risks cloud
the outlook of a once-hot emerging market play
(a) lately
(b) untimely
(c) after
(d) further
(e) instead

Show Answer

S9. Ans.(c); after- After betting strongly on Indian bonds last year, foreign investors are cutting their holdings as a
tumbling rupee erodes their returns and economic risks cloud the outlook of a once-hot emerging market play.

Q10.(I) There have been markets that performed better like Thailand
(II) Thailand has seen strong currency performance, supported by its robust current account fundamentals
(a) which
(b) when
(c) whose
(d) why
(e) what

Show Answer

S10. Ans.(a); which- There have been markets that performed better like Thailand, whichhas seen strong currency
performance, supported by its robust current account fundamentals.
Q11.(I) The second consecutive day on Monday
(II) The Twin Cities experienced rain, which threw life out of gear for sometime
(a) so that
(b) that
(c) also
(d) for
(e) untimely

Show Answer

S11. Ans.(d); for- For the second consecutive day on Monday, the Twin Cities experienced rain, which threw life
out of gear for sometime.

Q12.(I) His involvement, in both the book and the film

(II) Sacheri realised that he could delve deeper into the thoughts of his characters in the novel.
(a) though
(b) through
(c) although
(d) from
(e) also

Show Answer

S12. Ans.(b); through- Through his involvement, in both the book and the film, Sacheri realised that he could
delve deeper into the thoughts of his characters in the novel.

Q13.(I) A torch singer is brutally murdered at the Nile Hilton

(II) The evidence points to a politically connected billionaire, the case is closed
(a) though
(b) but
(c) and
(d) when
(e) so that

Show Answer

S13. Ans.(d); when- When a torch singer is brutally murdered at the Nile Hilton and the evidence points to a
politically connected billionaire, the case is closed.

Q14.(I) It is too early to predict the return of the Golden Age of Egyptian cinema
(II) There are some encouraging films.
(a) when
(b) which
(c) whom
(d) whose
(e) while
Show Answer

S14. Ans.(e); while- While it is too early to predict the return of the Golden Age of Egyptian cinema, there are some
encouraging films.

Q15.(I) Exactly 20 years ago,

(II) At Easter, I visited Egypt.
(a) gradually
(b) almost
(c) ultimately
(d) nevertheless
(e) though

Show Answer

S15. Ans.(b); almost- Almost exactly 20 years ago, at Easter, I visited Egypt.

Directions (01-15): In the question given below few sentences are given which are grammatically correct and
meaningful. Connect them by the word given above the statements in the best possible way without changing
the intended meaning. Choose the best possible combination as your answer accordingly from the options to
form a correct, coherent sentence.


(I) I should make too good a target for the French,

(II) I am afraid I should hardly be able to climb onto a horse.

(III) There was further concern whether the regulations would adversely impact poor villagers,

(IV) As animal markets are predominantly in the countryside.

(a) (I)-(II)

(b) (II)-(III)

(c) (III)-(IV)

(d) (IV)-(I)

(e) (II)-(IV)

Show Answer

S1. Ans.(a) Sol. I should make too good a target for the French, besides I am afraid I should hardly be able to climb
onto a horse.


(I) For mental illnesses:

(II) We should be able to cure them to the extent the person in question would wish them to be.
(III) From all accounts, the visit went well but it will take pragmatism and patient nurturing on both sides

(IV) To restore the trust and confidence.

(a) (II)-(III)

(b) (III)-(IV)

(c) (II)-(IV)

(d) (I)-(II)

(e) (IV)-(I)

Show Answer

S2. Ans.(d) Sol. Likewise for mental illnesses, we should be able to cure them to the extent the person in question
would wish them to be.


(I) I absolutely must see him

(II) Painful it may be for me

(III) Good governance is not only about regulating human and economic activities

(IV) But also about avoiding perceptions of sectarianism.

(a) (III)-(IV)

(b) (IV)-(I)

(c) (I)-(II)

(d) (II)-(III)

(e) (I)-(III)

Show Answer

S3. Ans.(c) Sol. I absolutely must see him, however painful it may be for me.


(I) My salary is really low

(II) I find the work incredibly rewarding.

(III) Caution ahead of key macroeconomic numbers and mixed sentiment in other Asian markets is likely

(IV) To sway investor mood today

(a) (II)-(IV)

(b) (I)-(II)
(c) (IV)-(I)

(d) (III)-(IV)

(e) (I)-(III)

Show Answer

S4. Ans.(b) Sol. My salary is really low, nevertheless I find the work incredibly rewarding.


(I) Throughout the middle ages

(II) The word alba was somewhat loosely used

(III) Investors are cautious ahead of consumer price

(IV) Inflation data due later in the day

(a) both (I)-(II) & (III)-(IV)

(b) (III)-(IV)

(c) (IV)-(I)

(d) (II)-(III)

(e) (I)-(II)

Show Answer

S5. Ans.(e) Sol. Throughout the middle ages, moreover, the word alba was somewhat loosely used.


(I) He actually smiled

(II) It was so brief that she questioned whether she had imagined it.

(III) The technical administration of the elections was transparent

(IV) And there was a wide range of candidates to choose from.

(a) (II)-(IV)

(b) (IV)-(III)

(c) (I)-(IV)

(d) (I)-(II)

(e) both (I)-(II) & (IV)-(III)

Show Answer

S6. Ans.(d) Sol. He actually smiled, though it was so brief that she questioned whether she had imagined it.


(I) She had always wanted children

(II) This wasn't the way she had intended to start a family

(III) Certainly this could happen

(IV) The odds are remote

(a) (I)-(III)

(b) (II)-(IV)

(c) both (I)-(II) & (III)-(IV)

(d) (III)-(IV)

(e) (I)-(IV)

Show Answer

S7. Ans.(c) Sol. She had always wanted children, although this wasn't the way she had intended to start a family.
Certainly this could happen, although the odds are remote.


(I) The prince answered nothing

(II) She looked at him significantly, awaiting a reply

(III) This is in addition to imposing controls on the media

(IV) And tampering with the judicial system

(a) (I)-(II)

(b) (II)-(III)

(c) (III)-(IV)

(d) (I)-(IV)

(e) (I)-(III)

Show Answer

S8. Ans.(a) Sol. The prince answered nothing but she looked at him significantly, awaiting a reply.

(I) The technical administration of the elections was transparent

(II) There was a wide range of candidates to choose from

(III) However, although these major tasks of nation-building are the duty of the States

(IV) the resources to finance them are substantially controlled by the Centre

(a) both (I)-(II) & (III)-(IV)

(b) (I)-(II)

(c) (I)-(III)

(d) (III)-(IV)

(e) (II)-(III)

Show Answer

S9. Ans.(b) Sol. The technical administration of the elections was transparent and there was a wide range of
candidates to choose from


(I) The abandoned kittens were too young to eat solid food

(II) We needed to bottle feed them every two hours

(III) A century

(IV) We can look back on the methods of torture with shock

(a) both (I)-(III) & (II)-(IV)

(b) (II)-(IV)

(c) (I)-(III)

(d) both (I)-(II) & (III)-(IV)

(e) (I)-(II)

Show Answer

S10. Ans.(d) Sol. The abandoned kittens were too young to eat solid food, hence we needed to bottle feed them
every two hours. A century hence we can look back on the methods of torture with shock


(I) My dog refused to gnaw on the bone I bought her

(II) She chews on my shoes

(III) It assumes that India is pre-destined to follow the path of industrialisation

(IV) That the Western world and East Asia have taken

(a) (II)-(IV)

(b) both (I)-(II) & (II)-(IV)

(c) (III)-(IV)

(d) (I)-(III)

(e) (I)-(II)

Show Answer

S11. Ans.(e) Sol. My dog refused to gnaw on the bone I bought her instead she chews on my shoes!


(I) They were all dressed up

(II) She assumed they were going to church together.

(III) It is crucial to identify

(IV) Where decision makers can achieve the most good.

(a) (II)-(III)

(b) (III)-(IV)

(c) (I)-(II)

(d) both (I)-(II) & (III)-(IV)

(e) (II)-(IV)

Show Answer

S12. Ans.(c) Sol. Since they were all dressed up, she assumed they were going to church together.


(I) Telling the truth to them

(II) Peter prefers to deceive the family and receive the credit

(III) Oli cleverly exploited by donning the mantle of nationalism

(IV) And making significant electoral gains

(a) (II)-(IV)

(b) (I)-(II)

(c) (II)-(III)
(d) (IV)-(III)

(e) (I)-(III)

Show Answer

S13. Ans.(b) Sol. Rather than telling the truth to them, Peter prefers to deceive the family and receive the credit


(I) He will break the news

(II) Deceive the family

(III) In New Delhi too, there has been a growing realisation

(IV) That time had come to make a new beginning with Nepal

(a) (II)-(IV)

(b) (III)-(IV)

(c) (I)-(IV)

(d) (I)-(II)

(e) both (I)-(II) & (III)-(IV)

Show Answer

S14. Ans.(d) Sol. He will either break the news or deceive the family


(I) He will break the news

(II) Receive the credit

(III) Pragmatism led to the visit taking place

(IV) And the unscripted one-on-one meeting between the two leaders would have helped in clearing the air about
key concerns on both sides

(a) (I)-(II)

(b) (II)-(III)

(c) (III)-(IV)

(d) (I)-(IV)

(e) (I)-(III)
Show Answer

S15. Ans.(a) Sol. He will not only break the news but also receive the credit

Directions (01-15): In the question given below two statements are given which are grammatically correct and
meaningful. Connect them by choosing the word given below the statements in the best possible way without
changing the intended meaning. Choose the best possible word as your answer accordingly from the options
to form a correct, coherent sentence.

Q1. (I) The country requires a minimum wage.

(II) Workers paid below the poverty line have an added cost on society

(a) still

(b) but

(c) because

(d) though

(e) although

Show Answer

S1. Ans.(c) Sol. The country requires a minimum wage because workers paid below the poverty line have an added
cost on society.

Q2. (I) The sky had grown darker again

(II) The wind made queer sobbing sounds as it swept over the valley

(a) but

(b) though

(c) till

(d) and

(e) instead

Show Answer

S2. Ans.(d) Sol. The sky had grown darker again and the wind made queer sobbing sounds as it swept over the

Q3. (I) If it were stigmatized, and public opinion dramatically

(II) And pervasively changed, that would force policy change

(a) moreover
(b) however

(c) still

(d) but

(e) and

Show Answer

S3. Ans.(b) Sol. However, if it were stigmatized, and public opinion dramatically and pervasively changed, that
would force policy change.

Q4. (I) He was respectful of her concerns

(II) They didn't see eye-to-eye on any of it - except the fact that they both wanted another child

(a) and

(b) nevertheless

(c) however

(d) though

(e) but

Show Answer

S4. Ans.(e) Sol. He was respectful of her concerns, but they didn't see eye-to-eye on any of it - except the fact that
they both wanted another child.

Q5. (I) Texting while driving is dangerous

(II) It’s illegal in some states

(a) moreover

(b) however

(c) still

(d) but

(e) instead

Show Answer

S5. Ans.(a) Sol. Texting while driving is dangerous. Moreover, it’s illegal in some states.

Q6. (I) I could not shut my eyes to the force and weight of their arguments

(II) And I saw plainly that I must abandon--'s scheme as impracticable.

(a) but

(b) though

(c) although

(d) still

(e) instead

Show Answer

S6. Ans.(d) Sol. Still I could not shut my eyes to the force and weight of their arguments, and I saw plainly that I
must abandon--'s scheme as impracticable.

Q7. (I) She had a lantern

(II) The cellar was still eerily dark

(a) but

(b) though

(c) although

(d) still

(e) nevertheless

Show Answer

S7. Ans.(c) Sol. Although she had a lantern, the cellar was still eerily dark.

Q8. (I) He had studied hard for this test

(II) He failed to get an A

(a) although

(b) though

(c) still

(d) but

(e) and

Show Answer

S8. Ans.(b) Sol. Though he had studied hard for this test, he failed to get an A.

Q9. (I) In one week

(II) we will celebrate the coronation

(a) still

(b) but

(c) though

(d) although

(e) hence

Show Answer

S9. Ans.(e) Sol. In one week hence, we will celebrate the coronation.

Q10. (I) The blizzard grounded all the flights

(II) She would not be able to fly home for the holidays

(a) therefore

(b) however

(c) moreover

(d) instead

(e) nevertheless

Show Answer

S10. Ans.(a) Sol. The blizzard grounded all the flights. Therefore, she would not be able to fly home for the

Q11. (I) The economy was poor this year

(II) Our sales were strong

(a) not only....but also

(b) instead

(c) nevertheless

(d) either....or

(e) and

Show Answer

S11. Ans.(c) Sol. The economy was poor this year, nevertheless our sales were strong.
Q12. (I) His voice was quiet and confident, and she felt like a visitor in his throne room

(II) A woman talking to a stranger chained to her basement wall

(a) instead

(b) rather than

(c) but

(d) and

(e) still

Show Answer

S12. Ans.(b) Sol. His voice was quiet and confident, and she felt like a visitor in his throne room rather than a
woman talking to a stranger chained to her basement wall.

Q13. (I) He was withdrawn and somber

(II) Even picking at his food

(a) however

(b) and

(c) still

(d) but

(e) instead

Show Answer

S13. Ans.(e) Sol. Instead he was withdrawn and somber, even picking at his food.

Q14. (I) Teacher sends you her kind remembrances, and father and mother

(II) Send their regards.

(a) still

(b) but

(c) also

(d) and

(e) though

Show Answer
S14. Ans.(c) Sol. Teacher sends you her kind remembrances, and father and mother also send their regards.

Q15. (I) If you're concerned about a messed up head, shave it all off or

(II) Comb over the scars

(a) not only....but also

(b) either....or

(c) moreover

(d) but

(e) therefore

Show Answer

S15. Ans.(b) Sol. If you're concerned about a messed up head, either shave it all off or comb over the scars.

Directions (01-15): In the question given below two statements are given which are grammatically correct and
meaningful. Connect them by choosing the word given below the statements in the best possible way without
changing the intended meaning. Choose the best possible word as your answer accordingly from the options
to form a correct, coherent sentence.

Q1. (I) Being stressful

(II) Excessive use of computers can be harmful to your health
(a) nevertheless
(b) however
(c) moreover
(d) in addition to
(e) on the other hand

Show Answer

S1. Ans.(d) Sol. In addition to being stressful, excessive use of computers can be harmful to your health.

Q2. (I) The music was loud

(II) It was enjoyable
(a) however
(b) nevertheless
(c) moreover
(d) in addition to
(e) instead of

Show Answer

S2. Ans.(b) Sol. The music was loud. Nevertheless, it was enjoyable.

Q3. (I) The gurgling stream

(II) The howling wind added to the charm of place
(a) as long
(b) further more
(c) along with
(d) moreover
(e) however

Show Answer

S3. Ans.(c) Sol. The gurgling stream along with the howling wind added to the charm of place.

Q4. (I) Sara would not marry him

(II) He proposed to her
(a) even if
(b) as though
(c) although
(d) and
(e) still

Show Answer

S4. Ans.(a) Sol. Sara would not marry him even if he proposed to her.

Q5. (I) Every child’s face is different from every other

(II) Every child’s pattern of development is different
(a) however
(b) furthermore
(c) as though
(d) as well
(e) in the same way

Show Answer

S5. Ans.(e) Sol. Every child’s face is different from every other. In the same way, every child’s pattern of
development is different.

Q6. (I) In most cities, there are less traffic jams during mid-day
(II) There is less traffic on Sundays
(a) therefore
(b) similarly
(c) because
(d) still
(e) but

Show Answer

S6. Ans.(b) Sol. In most cities, there are less traffic jams during mid-day. Similarly there is less traffic on Sundays.

Q7. (I) He looked through the keyhole he saw a strange sight

(II) It was the big bearded watchman of the flats shivering in a woman's dressing gown
(a) when
(b) why
(c) nevertheless
(d) still
(e) as well as

Show Answer

S7. Ans.(a) Sol. When he looked through the keyhole he saw a strange sight. It was the big bearded watchman of
the flats shivering in a woman's dressing gown.

Q8. (I) Satyajit Ray was one of the greatest film makers of the world
(II) He was also a writer of detective stories
(a) because
(b) furthermore
(c) not only…but also
(d) either…or
(e) but

Show Answer

S8. Ans.(b) Sol. Satyajit Ray was one of the greatest film makers of the world. Furthermore, he was also a writer
of detective stories.

Q9. (I) The old man cared for the puppy

(II) She was his baby
(a) even if
(b) as well
(c) but
(d) as though
(e) and

Show Answer

S9. Ans.(d) Sol. The old man cared for the puppy as though she was his baby.

Q10. (I) We can paint our house red or white

(II) We must select a good painter
(a) but
(b) as well as
(c) along with
(d) because
(e) moreover

Show Answer

S10. Ans.(a) Sol. We can paint our house red or white but we must select a good painter.
Q11. (I) I’ve asked you a thousand times not to leave your dirty socks on the floor
(II) You keep doing it
(a) because
(b) so
(c) yet
(d) moreover
(e) furthermore

Show Answer

S11. Ans.(c) Sol. I’ve asked you a thousand times not to leave your dirty socks on the floor.Yet, you keep doing it.

Q12. (I) I don’t think Sean has serious behavioral problems.

(II) I’ll talk to him first thing in the morning.
(a) because
(b) since
(c) either…or
(d) not only…but also
(e) nonetheless

Show Answer

S12. Ans.(e) Sol. I don’t think Sean has serious behavioral problems. Nonetheless, I’ll talk to him first thing in the

Q13. (I) House prices have gone up this year

(II) Car prices seem to be stagnating
(a) but
(b) in contrast
(c) still
(d) hence
(e) although

Show Answer

S13. Ans.(b) Sol. House prices have gone up this year. In contrast, car prices seem to be stagnating.

Q14. (I) You can’t give your phone number to every man who asks for it
(II) You can’t go out with everyone who fancies you
(a) still
(b) nevertheless
(c) but
(d) likewise
(e) because

Show Answer
S14. Ans.(d) Sol. You can’t give your phone number to every man who asks for it. Likewise, you can’t go out with
everyone who fancies you.

Q15. (I) She’s an excellent photographer

(II) Her paintings are works of art
(a) correspondingly
(b) but
(c) still
(d) because
(e) rather than

Show Answer

S15. Ans.(a) Sol. She’s an excellent photographer. Correspondingly, her paintings are works of art.

Directions (01-15): In the question given below two statements are given which are grammatically correct and
meaningful. Connect them by choosing the word given below the statements in the best possible way without
changing the intended meaning. Choose the best possible word as your answer accordingly from the options
to form a correct, coherent sentence.

Q1. (l) The basic minimum salary of Rs. 20,000 had been protected, by increasing the number of categories of

(ll) The nurses had been cheated out of the salary structure that had been promised to them in the draft

(a) but

(b) while

(c) although

(d) and

(e) in spite of

S1. Ans. (b)

Sol. ‘while’ will connect the sentences. While the basic minimum salary of Rs. 20,000 had been protected, by
increasing the number of categories of hospitals, the nurses had been cheated out of the salary structure that had
been promised to them in the draft notification.

Q2. (l) Some of them manage to wriggle past the security cover.

(ll) The rest are stopped by a tough-looking police officer.

(a) and

(b) since

(c) but

(d) meanwhile
(e) unless

S2. Ans. (c)

Sol. ‘but’ will connect the sentences. Some of them manage to wriggle past the security cover, but the rest are
stopped by a tough-looking police officer.

Q3. (l) It was the same thing I have been hearing for an hour now

(ll) from some ten years earlier.

(a) since

(b) meanwhile

(c) while

(d) and

(e) but

S3. Ans. (d)

Sol. ‘and’ will connect the sentences. It was the same thing I have been hearing for an hour now and from some ten
years earlier.

Q4. (l) Ten years ago, when I came to India after leaving the United States for good.

(ll) My parents told me Indian citizens were the most responsible people in the whole world.

(a) until

(b) and

(c) although

(d) since

(e) None

S4. Ans. (e)

Sol. Ten years ago, when I came to India after leaving the United States for good, my parents told me Indian citizens
were the most responsible people in the whole world.

Q5. (l) A government undertaking.

(ll) The railways balance a structural way of working with instant response in case of need.

(a) Although

(b) despite

(c) in spite of

(d) since
(e) meanwhile

S5. Ans. (a)

Sol. ‘although’ will connect the sentences. Although a government undertaking, the railways balance a structural
way of working with instant response in case of need.

Q6. (l) However, these are reforms that can be adopted.

(ll) Simultaneous elections are not held.

(a) although

(b) as if

(c) so that

(d) when

(e) even if

S6. Ans. ()
Sol. ‘even if’ will connect the sentences. However, these are reforms that can be adopted even if simultaneous
elections are not held.

Q7. (l) The sudden snowfall.

(ll) This winter has been warmer than the previous ones.

(a) instead of

(b) even if

(c) and

(d) despite

(e) although

S7. Ans. (d)

Sol. ‘despite’ will connect the sentences. Despite the sudden snowfall, this winter has been warmer than the previous

Q8. (l) Such a law comes into force.

(ll) No State law should be used to give an impression that there is an eviction drive against a particular

(a) although

(b) even if

(c) until

(d) since
(e) none

S8. Ans. (c)

Sol. ‘until’ will connect the sentences. Until such a law comes into force, no State law should be used to give an
impression that there is an eviction drive against a particular community.

Q9. (l) Working with that group gave me a theoretical and ideological base.

(ll) It did not provide me the feeling of associating with a party that has a national presence.

(a) despite

(b) though

(c) in spite of

(d) since

(e) none

S9. Ans. (b)

Sol. ‘though’ will connect the sentences. Though working with that group gave me a theoretical and ideological
base, it did not provide me the feeling of associating with a party that has a national presence.

Q10. (l) The reality could be more complex than each of the scenarios depicted here.

(ll) They are a good starting point.

(a) and

(b) since

(c) despite

(d) but

(e) meanwhile

S10. Ans. (d)

Sol. ‘but’ will connect the sentences. The reality could be more complex than each of the scenarios depicted here,
but they are a good starting point.

Q11. (l) These lineages are spread far and wide across India today.

(ll) They vary significantly in their distribution.

(a) even if

(b) and

(c) since

(d) though
(e) despite

S11. Ans. (d)

Sol. ‘though’ will connect the sentences. These lineages are spread far and wide across India today, though they vary
significantly in their distribution.

Q12. (l) There is no more food left.

(ll) There is plenty of drinks.

(a) nevertheless

(b) but

(c) however

(d) and

(e) none

S12. Ans. (c)

Sol. ‘however’ will connect the sentences. There is no more food left. However there is plenty of drinks.

Q13. (l) I was the college-topper all through my undergraduate course in Ayurveda.

(ll) I discovered towards the end that I had not quite understood the fundamentals of ayurveda’s theoretical

(a) meanwhile

(b) since

(c) although

(d) but

(e) and

S13. Ans. (c)

Sol. ‘although’ will connect the sentences. Although I was the college-topper all through my undergraduate course
in ayurveda, I discovered towards the end that I had not quite understood the fundamentals of ayurveda’s theoretical

Q14. (l) I love this work and shall continue with it.

(ll) The career-smothering academic ambience I’m surrounded with.

(a) unless

(b) although

(c) since

(d) in spite of
(e) nevertheless

S14. Ans. (d)

Sol. Use ‘in spite of’ to connect the two sentences. I love this work and shall continue with it in spite of the career-
smothering academic ambience I’m surrounded with.

Q15. (l) My mother gave me the world.

(ll) I took away hers.

(a) since

(b) although

(c) while

(d) in spite of

(e) even if

S15. Ans. (c)

Sol. Use ‘while’. While my mother gave me the world, I took away hers.

Directions (01-15): In the question given below two statements are given which are grammatically correct and
meaningful. Connect them by choosing the word given below the statements in the best possible way without
changing the intended meaning. Choose the best possible word as your answer accordingly from the options
to form a correct, coherent sentence.

Q1. (l) Beck told me about an interesting shift in thinking that occurred.

(ll) She worked at a science museum.

(a) since

(b) but

(c) while

(d) meanwhile

(e) although

S1. Ans.(c)

Sol. Beck told me about an interesting shift in thinking that occurred while she worked at a science museum.

Q2. (l) A burning desire to make a difference.

(ll) He didn’t know where to begin.

(a) Meanwhile

(b) Although
(c) but

(d) Despite

(e) nevertheless

S2. Ans. (d)

Sol. Despite a burning desire to make a difference, he didn’t know where to begin.

Q3. (l) The extent of poverty reduction over the period 2009-10 to 2011-12 is very high by historical

(ll) It is not altogether implausible.

(a) in spite of

(b) despite

(c) though

(d) meanwhile

(e) and

S3. Ans. (c)

Sol. Though the extent of poverty reduction over the period 2009-10 to 2011-12 is very high by historical standards,
it is not altogether implausible.

Q4. (l) She did not provide details of their conditions.

(ll) Asked for continued prayers for their recovery.

(a) despite

(b) and

(c) though

(d) but

(e) nevertheless

S4. Ans. (d)

Sol. She did not provide details of their conditions but asked for continued prayers for their recovery.

Q5. (l) The proverb does not allude directly to the beauty of life.
(ll) It nonetheless describes happiness, like the cherry blossom, as something short-lived.

(a) despite

(b) thus

(c) but

(d) and

(e) although

S5. Ans. (e)

Sol. Although the proverb does not allude directly to the beauty of life, it nonetheless describes happiness, like the
cherry blossom, as something short-lived.

Q6. (l) . Attempts to restore normalcy have been hampered.

(ll) The government and angry protesters continue to trade accusations.

(a) as

(b) while

(c) since

(d) though

(e) whereas

S6. Ans. (a)

Sol. Attempts to restore normalcy have been hampered as the government and angry protesters continue to trade

Q7. (l) A leader of the protest movement has been charged with threatening the security of the state.

(ll) Some followers face criminal investigation.

(a) meanwhile

(b) although

(c) since

(d) while

(e) None

S7. Ans. (d)

Sol. A leader of the protest movement has been charged with threatening the security of the state, while some
followers face criminal investigation.

Q8. (l) Progressive taxes may be justified given the wide disparities in income levels in India.

(ll) The principle of simplicity is being compromised.

(a) despite

(b) since

(c) although

(d) while

(e) None

S8. Ans. (d)

Sol. While progressive taxes may be justified given the wide disparities in income levels in India, the principle of
simplicity is being compromised.

Q9. (l) A strike by farmers in Maharashtra continues to affect normal life.

(ll) The State government’s announcement of an end to the strike last week.

(a) whereas

(b) since

(c) despite

(d) as

(e) until

S9. Ans. (c)

Sol. A strike by farmers in Maharashtra continues to affect normal life, despite the State government’s
announcement of an end to the strike last week.

Q10. (l) The court has noted that the Act provides for the selection committee to make appointments.

(ll) When it is truncated due to a vacancy.

(a) as

(b) even

(c) since

(d) despite
(e) None

S10. Ans. (b)

Sol. The court has noted that the Act provides for the selection committee to make appointments even when it is
truncated due to a vacancy.

Q11. (l) Developing countries hold less than half the overall quota at the moment.

(ll) With their rapidly increasing economic heft they have demanded a greater share — with limited success.

(a) and

(b) but

(c) since

(d) though

(e) as

S11. Ans. (d)

Sol. Though developing countries hold less than half the overall quota at the moment, with their rapidly increasing
economic heft they have demanded a greater share — with limited success.

Q12. (l) On several other fronts, the final laws haven’t changed much from their draft versions.

(ll) Industry red-flagging several provisions.

(a) besides

(b) although

(c) since

(d) whereas

(e) despite

S12. Ans. (e)

Sol. On several other fronts, the final laws haven’t changed much from their draft versions, despite industry red-
flagging several provisions.

Q13. (l) Companies would still have to reveal the extent of their financing of parties.

(ll) No longer have to name their preferred parties.

(a) and
(b) but

(c) since

(d) while

(e) although

S13. Ans. (b)

Sol. Companies would still have to reveal the extent of their financing of parties, but no longer have to name their
preferred parties.

Q14. (l) Such attackers do not have any contact with terrorist groups.

(ll) It makes it difficult for intelligence communities to detect them.

(a) despite

(b) although

(c) however

(d) If

(e) while

S14. Ans. (d)

Sol. If such attackers do not have any contact with terrorist groups, it makes it difficult for intelligence communities
to detect them.

Q15. (l) This is the third year in a row that they can look forward to a high output for a variety of crops.

(ll) Fiscal realities have come in the way of realising higher farm incomes.

(a) despite

(b) although

(c) besides

(d) since

(e) while

S15. Ans. (b)

Sol. This is the third year in a row that they can look forward to a high output for a variety of crops, although fiscal
realities have come in the way of realising higher farm incomes.
Directions (01-15): In the question given below few sentences are given which are grammatically correct and
meaningful. Connect them by the word given above the statements in the best possible way without changing
the intended meaning. Choose the best possible combination as your answer accordingly from the options to
form a correct, coherent sentence.


(I) We are justified in concluding, therefore, that among the Greeks and Romans

(II) The examination of the liver was the basis of divination in the case of the sacrificial animal

(III) This is the crux of the draft Cauvery water management scheme filed in the Supreme Court on Monday during
the short pause between polling

(IV) And counting in the crucial Karnataka Assembly elections

(a) (II)-(III)

(b) (I)-(II)

(c) (III)-(IV)

(d) (I)- (IV)

(e) (II)-(IV)

Show Answer

S1. Ans.(b) Sol. (I)-(II): We are justified in concluding, therefore, that among the Greeks and Romans likewise the
examination of the liver was the basis of divination in the case of the sacrificial animal.


(I) I should make too good a target for the French

(II) Those which the astronomers use

(III) I am afraid I should hardly be able to climb onto a horse

(IV) There are a great many instruments

(a) (II)-(IV)

(b) (I)-(II)
(c) (I)-(III)

(d) both (I)-(III) & (IV)-(II)

(e) (IV)-(II)

Show Answer

S2. Ans.(d) Sol. (I)-(III): I should make too good a target for the French, besides I am afraid I should hardly be able
to climb onto a horse.
(IV)-(II): There are a great many instruments besides those which the astronomers use.


(I) We have also submitted the concerned report in the Supreme Court

(II) If you'd told me about it earlier, I could've been free

(III) The Delhi police has filed the chargesheet on medico legal and psychology analysis

(IV) Tomorrow I have plans to go back

(a) (II)-(IV)

(b) (IV)-(III)

(c) (I)-(II)

(d) (II)-(III)

(e) (I)-(III)

Show Answer

S3. Ans.(a) Sol. (II)-(IV): If you'd told me about it earlier, I could've been free. However,tomorrow I have plans to
go back


(I) As per the agreement, the consultancy will have the responsibility of planning, designing, and management of
each project

(II) Any portion of the underground rhizome when broken off is capable of producing a new plant

(III) The difficulty of eradicating them when once established

(IV) The contract period is for the next three years

(a) (I)-(IV)

(b) both (II)-(III) & (I)-(IV)

(c) (II)-(IV)

(d) (III)-(IV)
(e) (II)-(III)

Show Answer

S4. Ans.(e) Sol. (II)-(III): Any portion of the underground rhizome when broken off is capable of producing a new
plant; hence the difficulty of eradicating them when once established.


(I) The school uniform was an unattractive green

(II) I must tell you that we are alive

(III) The headmaster refused to consider changing it to another color

(IV) That we reached home safely, and that we speak of you daily, and enjoy your interesting letters very much

(a) (IV)-(II)

(b) both (I)-(III) & (II)-(IV)

(c) (III)-(I)

(d) (I)-(II)

(e) (III)-(IV)

Show Answer

S5. Ans.(b) Sol. (I)-(III): The school uniform was an unattractive green, nevertheless, the headmaster refused to
consider changing it to another color.
(II)-(IV): Nevertheless, I must tell you that we are alive,--that we reached home safely, and that we speak of you
daily, and enjoy your interesting letters very much.


(I) I try very hard not to force issues

(II) I find it very difficult to avoid them

(III) It was strange being in Quinn's room

(IV) The only remnants of him were his machines

(a) (I)-(III)

(b) both (I)-(III) & (II)-(IV)

(c) both (I)-(II) & (III)-(IV)

(d) (IV)-(II)

(e) (II)-(III)
Show Answer

S6. Ans.(c) Sol. (I)-(II): Although I try very hard not to force issues, I find it very difficult to avoid them.
(III)-(IV): It was strange being in Quinn's room although the only remnants of him were his machines.


(I) Alex had presented the issue as responsibility

(II) Field inspection will be conducted and status reports will be prepared

(III) The consultants will deploy their staff in the city within a month

(IV) Not money

(a) (III)-(II)

(b) (I)-(III)

(c) (IV)-(II)

(d) (I)-(IV)

(e) bot (I)-(III) & (IV)-(II)

Show Answer

S7. Ans.(d) Sol. (I)-(IV): Still, Alex had presented the issue as responsibility, not money.


(I) In business transactions Alex was frugal with his money

(II) When it came to his family, he was generous

(III) She was dull and inattentive

(IV) I tried hard to teach her my sign language

(a) (I)-(IV)

(b) (I)-(III)

(c) (IV)-(II)

(d) (I)-(IV)

(e) both (I)-(II) & (IV)-(III)

Show Answer

S8. Ans.(e) Sol. (I)-(II): In business transactions Alex was frugal with his money, but when it came to his family,
he was generous.
(IV)-(III): I tried hard to teach her my sign language, but she was dull and inattentive.

(I) As per the agreement, the consultancy will have the responsibility of planning, designing, and management of
each project

(II) His lips seeking hers urgently all the while

(III) The contract period is for the next three years

(IV) He assisted her

(a) (IV)-(II)

(b) (II)-(III)

(c) (I)-(III)

(d) (III)-(IV)

(e) (IV)-(I)

Show Answer

S9. Ans.(a) Sol. (IV)-(II): Instead, he assisted her, his lips seeking hers urgently all the while.


(I) He actually smiled

(II) It was so brief that she questioned whether she had imagined it

(III) I encountered some severe storms

(IV) I was never cast away nor distressed in any weather

(a) (II)-(I)

(b) (IV)-(I)

(c) both (I)-(II) & (IV)-(III)

(d) (IV)-(III)

(e) (I)-(III)

Show Answer

S10. Ans.(c) Sol. (I)-(II): He actually smiled, though it was so brief that she questioned whether she had imagined
(IV)-(III): I was never cast away nor distressed in any weather, though I encountered some severe storms.


(I) But his thoughts--the simplest, clearest

(II) The DPS leader said auto-rickshaw drivers had drawn his attention to the harassment

(III) they were facing at the hands of the authorities, at several places during his padayatra

(IV) And most terrible thoughts--would give him no peace

(a) (IV)-(I)

(b) (I)-(IV)

(c) (II)-(III)

(d) (III)-(IV)

(e) (I)-(II)

Show Answer

S11. Ans.(b) Sol. (I)-(IV): But his thoughts--the simplest, clearest, and therefore most terrible thoughts--would give
him no peace.


(I) When at the pond

(II) He is incredibly handsome

(III) I wished sometimes to add fish to my fare for variety

(IV) The new professor is smart and

(a) both (I)-(III) & (IV)-(II)

(b) (I)-(II)

(c) both (I)-(IV) & (II)-(III)

(d) (II)-(III)

(e) (III)-(IV)

Show Answer

S12. Ans.(a) Sol. (I)-(III): Moreover, when at the pond, I wished sometimes to add fish to my fare for variety.
(IV)-(II): The new professor is smart and, moreover, he is incredibly handsome.

Q13. AND

(I) The accident did a hell of a job

(II) The long coma and operations further messed him up

(III) The Bill conflates the definition of migrants, people who shift voluntarily, with that of refugees

(IV) Who are forced to do so under duress giving them a claim to humanitarian protection.
(a) (IV)-(III)

(b) (II)-(III)

(c) (I)-(II)

(d) (I)-(III)

(e) (I)-(IV)

Show Answer

S13. Ans.(c) Sol. (I)-(II): The accident did a hell of a job and the long coma and operations further messed him up.

Q14. YET

(I) When Carmen's father died, she thought she was alone in the world

(II) He would want to know

(III) If he did, he might try to drive in on icy highways

(IV) All these people had been there for her

(a) (II)-(IV)

(b) (I)-(II)

(c) both (IV)-(II) & (III)-(I)

(d) (IV)-(III)

(e) both (I)-(IV) & (II)-(III)

Show Answer

S14. Ans.(e) Sol. (I)-(IV): When Carmen's father died, she thought she was alone in the world, yet all these people
had been there for her.
(II)-(III): He would want to know, yet if he did, he might try to drive in on icy highways.


(I) He found what he was looking for on the bottom shelf

(II) Other oversized volumes

(III) The smell of cigarette smoke and beer clung to his clothes

(IV) A whiff of malt whisky

(a) (IV)-(I)

(b) (III)-(IV)

(c) (II)-(III)

(d) both (I)-(II) & (III)-(IV)

(e) (I)-(III)

Show Answer

S15. Ans.(d) Sol. (I)-(II): He found what he was looking for on the bottom shelf, along withother oversized
(III)-(IV): The smell of cigarette smoke and beer clung to his clothes, along with a whiff of malt whisky

Directions (01-15): In the question given below two statements are given which are grammatically correct and
meaningful. Connect them by choosing the word given below the statements in the best possible way without
changing the intended meaning. Choose the best possible word as your answer accordingly from the options
to form a correct, coherent sentence.

Q1. (I) Mr. Shashi Verma is a verified person in the chargesheet

(II) He was always available during the investigation

(a) because

(b) but

(c) and

(d) still

(e) though

Show Answer

S1. Ans.(c) Sol. Mr. Shashi Verma is a verified person in the chargesheet and he was always available during the

Q2. (I) The central leadership should undertake the exercise in consultation with party MLAs, MPs and other senior

(II) His appeal apparently had no takers

(a) still

(b) but

(c) so that

(d) instead

(e) until

Show Answer

S2. Ans.(b) Sol. The central leadership should undertake the exercise in consultation with party MLAs, MPs and
other senior leaders, but his appeal apparently had no takers.
Q3. (I) Several instances of mismatch in the photograph appearing on the passbooks and the actual photographs of
the beneficiaries have also come to the notice of the officials concerned

(II) There are reports about the mistakes in the entries made in the passbooks relating to the beneficiary details

(a) thus

(b) nevertheless

(c) when

(d) because

(e) while

Show Answer

S3. Ans.(e) Sol. While there are reports about the mistakes in the entries made in the passbooks relating to the
beneficiary details, several instances of mismatch in the photograph appearing on the passbooks and the actual
photographs of the beneficiaries have also come to the notice of the officials concerned.

Q4. (I) His thoughts were severed

(II) He was with her physically and attached emotionally

(a) but

(b) yet

(c) and

(d) though

(e) unless

Show Answer

S4. Ans.(b) Sol. He was with her physically and attached emotionally, yet his thoughts were severed.

Q5. (I) Its famous cakes

(II) The bakery also makes delicious breads and cookies

(a) and

(b) though

(c) but

(d) besides

(e) while
Show Answer

S5. Ans.(d) Sol. Besides its famous cakes, the bakery also makes delicious breads and cookies.

Q6. (I) The temperature felt more like November

(II) The calendar claimed the month was May

(a) however

(b) therefore

(c) but

(d) since

(e) hence

Show Answer

S6. Ans.(a) Sol. The calendar claimed the month was May. However, the temperature felt more like November.

Q7. (I) It has easy access to the highway

(II) This house is on the best street in the neighborhood

(a) hence

(b) though

(c) but

(d) still

(e) furthermore

Show Answer

S7. Ans.(e) Sol. This house is on the best street in the neighborhood. Furthermore, it has easy access to the

Q8. (I) The players were my heroes

(II) My dad was my hero because he was the coach.

(a) so that

(b) and

(c) therefore

(d) moreover

(e) since
Show Answer

S8. Ans.(c) Sol. The players were my heroes, therefore, my dad was my hero because he was the coach.

Q9. (I) And reduce their reliance on imported oil

(II) Many governments intend to develop new energy-efficient transportation technology

(a) instead

(b) thus

(c) but

(d) since

(e) because

Show Answer

S9. Ans.(b) Sol. Many governments intend to develop new energy-efficient transportation technology
and thus reduce their reliance on imported oil.

Q10. (I) For the fact that they were wearing seat belts

(II) They would have been badly injured

(a) thus

(b) therefore

(c) since

(d) and

(e) but

Show Answer

S10. Ans.(e) Sol. They would have been badly injured but for the fact that they were wearing seat belts.

Q11. (I) It is a large, open-air farm with a robot assigned to make each turnip

(II) Be all that it can be

(a) instead

(b) so that

(c) hence

(d) however
(e) but

Show Answer

S11. Ans.(a) Sol. Instead, it is a large, open-air farm with a robot assigned to make each turnip be all that it can be.

Q12. (I) They knew who had painted it

(II) They knew the painting was a forgery

(a) because

(b) therefore

(c) moreover

(d) thus

(e) nevertheless

Show Answer

S12. Ans.(c) Sol. They knew the painting was a forgery. Moreover, they knew who had painted it.

Q13. (I) Bill has been in trouble with the police

(II) He earns an honest penny these days by driving a van

(a) but

(b) and

(c) because

(d) though

(e) although

Show Answer

S13. Ans.(e) Sol. Although Bill has been in trouble with the police, he earns an honest penny these days by driving
a van.

Q14. (I) I did manage to get into one minibus but it broke down on the way to the hotel

(II) There was not one air-conditioned room on the tour and there were not enough minibuses for all the passengers

(a) though

(b) and

(c) but
(d) still

(e) however

Show Answer

S14. Ans.(d) Sol. There was not one air-conditioned room on the tour and there were not enough minibuses for all
the passengers. Still, I did manage to get into one minibus but it broke down on the way to the hotel.

Q15. (I) Without the About sponsorship retrovirus's presence now

(II) You might not have been born.

(a) nevertheless

(b) however

(c) no sooner

(d) therefore

(e) furthermore

Show Answer

S15. Ans.(a) Sol. Nevertheless, without the About sponsorship retrovirus's presence now , you might not have been

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