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Declaration of Trust

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This Declaration of Trust, made and executed this          day of ____________________
2020 at __________________________________, by and between:

    ________, of legal age, _________, single/married, with residence and postal

address at ____________________________Philippines hereinafter referred to as
the "TRUSTOR".

- and -
___________________________________________________________, of
legal age, __________________, single/married, with residence and postal address
at ________________________________________________________________
hereinafter referred to as the "TRUSTEE".

WHEREAS, the TRUSTEE appears in the stock and Transfer Book of
____________________________________ a corporation organized and existing under Philippine
Laws as the registered owner of____________________________________SHARES OF THE
CAPITAL STOCK of the said Corporation (The “SHARE”) on the strength of a Deed of Assignment
dated _______________________ notarized by Notary Public ______________________ under
Doc No. _____, Page No. ____, Book No. _____ Series of 2020 executed by and between the
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby agree as follows:
1. The TRUSTEE hereby acknowledges:

1.1 The absolute title and ownership of the TRUSTOR over the property;
1.2 His role as TRUSTEE and agent of TRUSTOR to hold naked title to the SHARE for
and in behalf of the TRUSTOR;

2. The TRUSTEE and the TRUSTOR agree that any/all income, dividend whether cash,
stock or property and other fruits derived from or earned on the SHARE shall be for the
exclusive account and benefit of the TRUSTOR, and the TRUSTEE shall deliver the
same to the TRUSTOR, or to whomsoever the latter may designate.

3. With respect to the income referred to in part 2, the TRUSTOR warrants and hereby
undertakes to hold the TRUSTEE free and harmless from liability for any and all taxes
that may be due therein.
4. Taxes due on the SHARE shall be paid by TRUSTOR.

5. Director’s fee and other amounts received by way of compensation for services rendered
by TRUSTEE to the Corporation shall be for the account for the account of and benefit of

6. The TRUSTEE hereby agrees, as it hereby agrees to transfer the SHARE in favor of the
TRUSTOR or any of his designated nominees or beneficiaries upon TRUSTOR’s
instruction and the Corporate Secretary of the Corporation is hereby requested to cause
the transfer of the SHARE form the TRUSTEE to TRUSTOR or his duly designated
nominees/beneficiaries upon receipt of a written request from the TRUSTOR.

7. The TRUSTOR shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the TRUSTEE and/or his
representatives from and against any losses, liabilities, damages, claims, actions,
judgments, cost and expenses arising from or as a consequence of the TRUSTEE’s
holding on the SHARE in trust for the TRUSTOR, and for all acts performed by the
TRUSTEE pursuant to the instructions of the TRUSTOR.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands on the date and
at the place first above written.
______________________________ _______________________________
Signed in the presence of:

  _____________________  Witnesses _____________________

Republic of the Philippines)
City of ________________) S.S
BEFORE ME, a notary for and in the City of __________________, personally appeared:


known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Deed of
Assignment through the document indicated below their name and acknowledged to me that the
same is their free and voluntary act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on this ______________________ at City of


Doc.  No.______; NOTARY PUBLIC

Page No.______;
Book No.______;
Series of 2020.

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