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3ms-Lesson-Plan-Sequence-One 2018

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Squence One

Me , My abilities, My Interests and My


Prepared by : Sadika Ch

Level: Ms 3 Sequence:01 Lesson:01 I listen and do
Level : 3ms
Lesson Focus: Language learning

Learning Objective : By the end of the lesson, my learners will be able to demonstrate their ability to act out a dialogue talking
about their own interests using what…..? how often …? Frequency adverbs ( never _ always )
2 – fill in a profile
Target Competencies : interact – interpret– produce

Domains: Oral – Written – Both

target structures: wh question / frequency adverb

Materials: flash cards / / pictures / course book 11 / 12

Cross-curricular Competencies: Core values :
1--Intellectual competency: 1- Valuing reading and learning in general
The learner can express himself and talk about his interests
He can use his previous knowledge to relate pictures to names 2- Respecting the other choices and interests
He can understand and interpret verbal and non verbal messages 3- Being polite
2. Methodological competency:
The learner can work with his partner
He can asses his work and his peers
He can use strategies for listening and interpreting oral discourse
He can develop effective study methods ,mobilize his recourses efficiently and
manage his time rationally
3. Communicative competency:
- He can play roles to communicate appropriately
4. Personal and social competencies:
He is keen on promoting the work of his peers
He socializes through oral or written exanges Prepared by: Sadika ch

Time Framework Focus Materials/Aids M .I ***
Procedure / teacher’s task Objectives
T greets and welcomes learners and asks them
to let their desks cleared ( nothing on) LL respond
Warm T asks one of the lls to write the date on the T/Ls To reinforce the
Ll clear them up previous lexis Board + marker .
up: board
5 Step one: whole class discussion
T /Ls
T : when you finish school what do you do ? Lls: playing games ..
T : great … well done chatting play football
watching tv To familiarize
Step two : oral (Race Board ) lls with the new
T sets on the board the following task vocabs
I match the word with the right picture
T : you can take the marker and pass to the
board Lls match






T may help them to understand the words

Step two : To prepare Ls
T : take your books please on page 11 for listening face
look at the picture then answer the and help them to
interpret the Course book
questions picture
1- What does the picture T/Ls
represent ?
2- Is he Algerian ?
3- Does he like reading ? Lls: a boy V+A
No he is Japanese
T : take your pencils now you’re going Yes he does
to listen to the Japanese student
introducing himself then you complete
the profile
Task 4 page 11: I listen and fill
in the profile . To listen and fill
in a profile

Profile Lls listen and fill in the

First name :…… profile
Surname :……………..
Age :…………………..
Nationality :……………
During Hometown :……………. Coursebook .
listening Country :……………….
10 Interests : ……………...
Manga : anime
Sudoku : teens songs
Karaoke : video games
Books about wild

T : now compare your answer with T/Ls

your partner
T : stop now please let’s correct
T : fabulous excellent !!!
T : turn the page now you are going to
listen to an interview and tick the
answer that suits you
Task 6 page 12 : I listen to the T/Ls
interview and tick the answer that To reinforce peer
correction and
suits me the best cooperative
T : now listen again and write the Lls: listen and do the tasks learning V+A
question in task 6
T : ok now compare your answer with
your partner
T: let’s correct together
T : great excellent
Step one :
T : you are going to work in pairs ask Lls write the questions To conduct
and answer your partner interview with a
What do you like reading?
How often do you read? Exercise bbok
What kind of music do you listen to ?
…………………………… .
What kind of games do you like ?
Step two :
T : now use your friend’s answer and
write a short paragraph about him To transform
My friend ………………. Is keen of … information
he always ……….. and …..never ….. into a short
Post T : stop now let’s correct together
listening T reports the best paragraph on the T/Ls
T : please now copydown the lesson
-Written Phase : ( Reference)

Profile My friend ………………. Is keen of

… he always ……….. and …..never
First name :……ENZO……. …..
Surname :……………..
Age :…………………..
Nationality :……………
Hometown :…………….
Country :……………….
Interests : ……………...
Manga : Anime
Sudoku : Teens songs
Karaoke : Video games
Books about wild

- Reflection :

What worked What hindered Action points

………………………………….. …………………………………. …………………………………..
………………………………..... …………………………………… …………………………………..

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