Assignment 50 Portfolio
Assignment 50 Portfolio
Assignment 50 Portfolio
Year module
Dear Student
This tutorial letter contains the portfolio template to be used to complete assignment 50 for PTEAC2Y
(Teaching practice for SP (grades 7 - 9).
Please read the instructions and guidelines carefully and thoroughly before attempting to complete the
portfolio. This portfolio counts 80% of your final mark for PTEAC2Y. Also, read the attachment for
information regarding lesson plans.
Your future and your career depend on quality teaching practice and timely submission of the
portfolio. You must submit the portfolio as soon as you finished your practical teaching period of 25
school days. Since this is a non-venue-based examination and you are expected to do it every day. In the
interest of quality assessment, we have to stagger the submissions so that they do not all come to us for
marking at the end of the year. If you do not complete the portfolio during the Teaching Practice period and
do not submit it on the last day of your teaching practice you will be penalized in the following way: If it
reaches us two weeks late – minus 10%, three weeks late – minus 20%, four weeks late 30% and so on. IT
ON TIME. You might think that these measures are harsh, but we work with huge numbers of portfolios
and expect you to take responsibility for your work and to make sure you follow the guidelines as you are
also expected to instill the same skills to learners.
PLEASE NOTE: The school visit is a very important part of your training as you get advice and support that
is valuable for your preparation as a teacher. The mark you receive for the school visit does however not
count towards your marks for this course, as at this stage we cannot yet guarantee that every
student can be visited. If it happens that you are not visited your marks will not be affected in any
If you have any queries regarding the portfolio (read your tutorial letters before you ask questions),
you can contact me at:
Ms Thabisile Maphumulo
012 4294550 (work)
This is a non-venue-based exam called portfolio. It has to be completed on each day you are at school
(every day). You should learn as much as possible from your mentor and other teachers as well as from the
learners. During Teaching Practice (TP), you are expected to comply with all the school rules and policies
e.g. leave policy, code of conduct etc. Read this document thoroughly before you start your TP. For this
module, you can do TP at SP (grades 7- 9) only.
This document is the teaching portfolio template and must please be completed fully and submitted as one
document with comprehensive evidence of each aspect inserted at the appropriate sections. PLEASE DO
This portfolio is a structured portfolio and you must use the portfolio template we provided. All aspects of
the portfolio are compulsory except where it is indicated that something can be included for additional
marks. You are expected to complete all activities for each aspect of the portfolio that is compulsory.
Where applicable you have to include documentary evidence. Attach the evidence at the appropriate
section in the portfolio. For instance, if you want to include a copy of the school’s disciplinary code you
attach it where the disciplinary code is discussed.
The portfolio also includes lesson plans that you have to complete and present. You can present as many
lessons as you are allowed to by the school but at least five of these lessons need to be assessed by your
mentor. Mentors will give you a mark and feedback and will sign the assessments. You also need to get the
assessed lesson plans stamped with the official school stamp.
After completing the portfolio you need to sign the declaration form at the end and you must also get it
signed by the mentor and the school principal. This also needs to be stamped with the official school stamp.
It is best to complete your portfolio electronically and submit it online. The electronic template is available
online. All online assignments and online portfolios must be submitted as pdf documents. NO WORD
DOCUMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. After submitting it please check that everything was downloaded and
that it appears correctly on the system. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS IN THE
PORTFOLIO BEFORE SUBMITTING IT. No additional information can be added later. DO NOT SUBMIT
Always keep a backup of your portfolio. I have heard all the hard luck stories (some true and some very
innovative inventions) about laptops being stolen from cars, from homes, from schools and everywhere else
you can think of and from crashed computers, viruses, etc. These things happen, and you should KEEP
BACKUPS ALL THE TIME. If you send a hard copy you must submit this whole document and evidence
must be attached to the pages where it is relevant. Send the portfolio by courier or registered mail. Shops
and the postal service are not reliable. ALWAYS KEEP A COPY. PORTFOLIOS CANNOT BE REMARKED
If you do not receive an SMS that your portfolio has been received please contact assignments immediately
and make sure what the problem is. If your portfolio is submitted early, you will have an opportunity to
attend to problems.
If you add substantial amounts of colourful, interesting and credible evidence you must please reduce the
size of your artifacts to keep within the maximum size of documents that can be submitted online or rather
make use of the e-portfolio option.
Negative marking will be used when sections of the portfolio are not completed. For instance, if we require
you to keep a diary and you do not submit it, you will not only loose the 20 marks allocated to it, you will be
given minus 20. That goes for all sections not completed fully and comprehensively in the portfolio. It is
virtually impossible to make any changes or additions after submission and we need enough time to do
quality assessment. If you do your bit and follow the guidelines I promise you that I will do anything in my
power to assist you with challenges regarding your teaching practice and your portfolios that might crop up.
The following could be reasons why students fail their practical teaching: Non-submission, late
submission or failure of assignments, late submission of portfolios, lack of credible evidence, poor
quality of lesson plans, poor quality of answers, failure to complete all sections of the portfolio
comprehensively (including meaningful reflections), cheating (with school stamps, signatures,
copying of the work of other students, submitting the work of teachers instead of your own, not
attending all practical teaching days).
Portfolios are examination equivalents and are not sent back to the students. The portfolio results are
released in December. Please do not include anything valuable or anything that you will need again.
Make sure you get a SMS confirming that the portfolio has been received by Unisa and is registered
on the assessment system. You can also check this on myUnisa on your student record. If there are
challenges, contact assignment section. Do not wait until the results come out before you check
You cannot claim later that you did submit it if you did not receive this confirmation. If no
confirmation is received it means that your submission was not received by Unisa. You will
then have to resend a copy. It is highly recommended to submit your portfolio online to
avoid problems that can lead to resending assignments.
Portfolios are submitted immediately after completion. This means your due date is based on when you
finish your teaching practice. The 30th of September is for students who will complete their teaching practice
at the end of the third term. No portfolios received after 30 September 2020 will be marked! All
portfolios received after the due date will be returned to you and you will have to reregister and
repeat your teaching practice module the following year. Make sure that you send the portfolio on
time and that is has been received by Unisa.
Except for all the other modules you have already completed as preparation for teaching practice and
information already contained in the tutorial letters and the portfolio, it is recommended that you consult
chapter one in the recommended book Teaching practice perspectives and frameworks which you can
request from the library (see tutorial letter 101).
Chapter one is titled “A positive and enriching teaching practice experience” and its purpose is to make
available additional information to orientate you regarding teaching practice. It covers topics like: why
teaching practice is done, how to prepare for it, how to do your observations, what to expect and what will
be expected from you, such as student classroom behaviour and student school behaviour.
It is not essential to your teaching practice but might help to allay some doubts you have and to answer
some questions on things you are not sure of.
One of the biggest challenges students seem to encounter when preparing and presenting their lessons is
planning and implementation of assessments. Most students lose a lot of marks because of the poor
assessments they include in their lesson plans and some just do not complete the assessment sections.
This is despite the fact that they completed the “Teacher as assessor” module successfully.
To refresh your memory on what is required when planning assessments, you could read chapter 10:
Assessment in practical teaching. Practical advice is given regarding all the types of assessments you will
encounter at school and you will also find a section on the assessments you yourself will undergo during
teaching practice.
Quite a lot of reflection is built into your portfolio. To learn more about reflection you could consult chapters
11 and 12 while in chapter 7 there are useful sections on lesson presentation that you might benefit from.
You are also encouraged to read other books and articles on teaching practice to equip you better on
teaching and learning environment.
The success of your teaching practice is mostly in your hands and if you approach it with an energetic and
positive attitude it can be a very satisfying and enriching experience. Go and show them out there that you
are going to be a professional teacher when you start teaching!
The purpose of this portfolio is to demonstrate and give evidence that you completed a successful teaching
practice period of 25 full school days in the Senior Phase (grades 7-9).
It is therefore important that you find links between school practices (including their associated
activities) and your studies (including disciplinary knowledge and skills). You must do this in every
section of the portfolio.
This portfolio will have a whole-school perspective (understanding your role as teacher in the school). As
student you are expected to familiarise yourself with the full range of activities that are associated with a
functional school. You not only have to observe these activities but are expected to take part in as many of
them as is possible. You are also expected to look at these activities critically and to comment on their
purpose, functionality, outstanding features and possible shortcomings where applicable.
For guidelines regarding preparation and submission as an e-portfolio please go to myUnisa and
look under additional sources where the procedure is explained in full.
courier to Assignments
Second floor, OR Tambo building
Unisa, Leyds Street Muckleneuk, 0003
Assignments may be couriered free of charge by handing them in at any branch of Skynet
hand it in personally at Assignments, Second floor, OR Tambo building Unisa, Leyds Street
Muckleneuk, 0003
hand it in at a regional office and ask them to acknowledge receipt
post it at a Unisa post-box
Submit it online or as an e-portfolio (highly recommended)
Mark one box next to senior phase subject (grade 7-9) for which you
prepared this portfolio
Minus ................%
Contents Pages
Student Declaration Form 9
1. Mentor teacher page 10
1.1 Mentor teacher report 11
2. Whole school evaluation 13
2.1 Description of classroom and picture or photo 13
2.2 Time tables 14
2.3 Subject policy copy 15
2.4 Subject teaching plan copy 15
2.5 Classroom management 16
2.6 Classroom register copy 18
2.7 Your participation in extra-mural activities/school activities and evidence 19
2.8 Attendance of a training course 20
2.9 Assessment activities 21
2.10 Marks records sheets 22
9. Declaration form 84
You need to include a completed and signed copy of this form when you submit
Assignment 50 for this module. Assignments without the form will be cancelled and
returned unmarked
The Department of Curriculum and Instructional Studies places specific emphasis on integrity
and ethical behaviour with regard to the preparation of all written work submitted for academic
Although your lecturers can provide you with information about reference techniques and
guidelines to avoid plagiarism, you also have a responsibility to fulfil in this regard. Should you at
any time feel unsure about the requirements, you must consult your lecturers before you submit
any assignment.
You are guilty of plagiarism when you extract information from a book, article, web page or fellow
student without acknowledging the source and submit it as your own work. In truth, you are
stealing someone else’s property. You may not use another student’s work. You may not allow
anyone to copy or use your work with the intention to submit it as his/her own.
Students who are guilty of plagiarism will forfeit all credit for the work concerned. Plagiarism is a
serious violation of the University’s regulations and may lead to expulsion.
The under-mentioned declaration must accompany written assignments. Your assignment will
be cancelled and returned unmarked if you do not include a fully completed and signed
declaration form.
Module: PTEAC2Y
Declare that…
1. I understand what plagiarism entails and am aware of the University’s policy in this regard.
2. I declare that this assignment is my own, original work. Where I used someone else’s work,
whether a printed source, the internet or any other source, I give the proper acknowledgement
and include a complete reference list.
3. I did not use another current or previous student’s work, submitting it as my own.
4. I did not allow and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of submitting it as
his or her own work.
Signature Date:
Please hand this letter to your mentor to read on your first day at the school:
Dear mentor
Thank you very much for agreeing to support and guide this student from Unisa. It is only possible for our
students to get acquainted with the realities of teaching under the supervision of experienced top teachers.
What you do for our students is irreplaceable and inestimable in their preparation to become teachers.
Could we please request you to assist us with the following?
Please dedicate some time each week to formally meet with the student to discuss her/his progress during
the past week and schedule for the following week.
Please allow the student to observe all the lessons you present and write a short report on 25 of them (as
in the report form included in this portfolio under section 4). Please control that this is done regularly.
Please assist the student in working through the portfolio systematically to enable her/him to
comprehensively complete it in the 25 days at the school.
Please control that the portfolio is comprehensively completed (including all attachments) at the end of the
25 days.
Please assist the student with lesson preparation for lessons she/he has to present.
Please assist the student to present as many lessons as possible under your supervision.
Please assess five of the lessons that must be presented and included in this portfolio.
Please provide feedback and make suggestions for improvement of these five lessons.
Please write a short report on the behaviour and activities of the student during the Practical Teaching
period on the following page.
Please include contact details with your report if we need to make contact with you regarding any aspect of
the Practical Teaching (it may also be the school contact details).
Please contact me if there is any indistinctness regarding what is expected of you or regarding what the
student must do.
Please contact me regarding any misbehavior or unethical actions by the student (e.g. if the student comes
late or is absent without a good reason or if the student does not cooperate or if the student does not
prepare properly for the lessons she/he must present).
Ms TB Maphumulo
012 429 4550(Work)
Thank you very much for agreeing to help and guide the student.
Thabisile Maphumulo
Name: ………………………………………………………………….……….………………………………..…..
Qualifications: ……………………………………………………………….………………………………
Training as mentor (by whom and how much/ formal/informal, accredited or not)
Was the general conduct of the student irreproachable (on time, conduct according to school
requirements for teachers)?
Was the level of subject knowledge of the student sufficient for the presentation of lessons?
Did the student make use of your suggestions and recommendations to improve her/his work?
Did the student prepare properly when she/he had to present lessons?
Did the student work regularly/ continuously on her/his portfolio?
Did the student complete her/his portfolio during the Practical Teaching period? YES/NO
Strong points of the student/ good qualities and good work done:
Aspects on which student still have to improve to be ready to enter education as a beginner
Classroom – where is the school? (Name school and choose type: urban well
resourced, rural well resourced, private well resourced, FET college, urban less well
resourced, rural less well resourced, private less well resourced).
Available resources and facilities (store room, electricity, media such as smart board, computer,
Reflection: Is this classroom a learning space that is conducive to quality teaching and learning
and does it represent a safe and attractive environment? Explain your answer and attach photo‘s
or a sketch to demonstrate your answer.
Evidence: Picture/photo of classroom
2.2 Time tables
National Curriculum (attach a copy of the first page of your subject curriculum to indicate that
you have access to it – you can download it from
Guidelines: Attach pages of your subject-teaching plan. They can be obtained from the
HOD or Subject Head or mentor teacher.
Reflection: Does the teaching plan provides enough information for a new teacher beginning
at the school to know what is expected from her/him as subject teacher? Explain your answer
and give examples.
Improvements: Suggest improvements to the guidelines that you think can support beginner
teachers in your subject.
Integration with studies: Identify links between school practices for your subject and your
disciplinary knowledge. Give examples.
How compatible is the conceptual knowledge you gained about teaching and learning with the
contextual knowledge you gained (e.g. in your subject didactics) and in practice? Give
2.5 Classroom management
The purpose of this part of the portfolio is to familiarise yourself with classroom management
practices of the teacher where you are placed for your teaching practices and to reflect on its
functionality/ effectiveness.
A. Management style of mentor teacher: Describe the classroom management style (from
laissez-faire to authoritarian – see your module on management) of the teacher and reflect
on it by answering the following questions:
Does this style work well for the teacher? Explain your answer.
What sort of classroom management style will you exhibit once you begin teaching? Explain
your choice by amongst others explaining why you think yours will be most effective.
Goals and expectations: Do the teacher set goals and communicate expectations to learners?
Explain/give examples/attach document if available (e.g. is there a classroom pledge, etc.).
Classroom Organisation: How is the classroom organised/set-up (you can attach a sketch)?
Do you find it effective? Explain your answer.
What can teachers do when learners disrupt teaching and learning? Elaborate on measures
taken for repeat offenders or extreme un-acceptable behaviour.
Is there a reward for good behaviour/ motivation for positive behaviour (e.g. credit system)?
Describe what it entails.
Reflection: Give your ideas for improvement of any aspect above.
D. Handling of cash flow: Explain how the teacher manages payments. Does the teacher
accept form of payment and hand it over or do learners pay directly at the financial office?
Which exist to control payments made. It is safe and monitored with records. Are safety
measures adequate in your opinion?
Reflection: Do you think you have learned enough regarding classroom management from this
experience to manage a classroom on your own? Explain your answer
Absenteeism management: Explain how the daily presence or absence of learners is managed.
What is the average percentage for absence per week for the class of the teacher you were
placed with? Is this good or bad and why?
What was done to improve on it? Is there something you can suggest in this regard?
Reflection: Explain how extra-mural activities fit into your responsibilities as a teacher.
How much time (on average) are teachers at this school spend on such activities?
PLEASE NOTE: This section is not compulsory, but you will get additional marks if you
participated in any of the above and reported on it. You also have to provide evidence to
qualify for the additional marks.
What did you learn from your involvement and did you find it valuable to your preparation
to become a teacher?
Reflection: Can this learning be linked to your studies? Explain and give examples.
Give examples of assessments conducted by the teacher that you think worked well. Explain
Describe one assessment task you planned for one of your lessons you conducted that you
think was very successful. Explain why it worked so well/better than others did.
Which aspects of assessment activity where you involved in during your time at the school, if at
all? (e.g., marking, invigilating, etc.). Describe what you did and provide evidence.
Reflection: Is the assessment practice of the subject in line with what you studied in the
assessment module? Explain your answer and give examples.
2.10 Marks Record Sheets (Attach evidence of assessment conducted and show knowledge
and application of methods of assessment in one task) e.g. test/project/role play/oral
presentation/design and make
Teaching in the senior phase – grades 7-9 (observing, planning, presenting and linking
with your subject didactics)
The purpose of this part of the portfolio is to demonstrate your ability to plan and present your
ow n lessons. These model lessons should contain all aspects that are included in the template
we provided.
This part of your portfolio is the most important and counts 60% of your portfolio mark. You are
urged to plan and present as many lesson plans, as the school will allow you. For portfolio
purposes, you have to include at least five lesson plans that you developed yourself. Of course,
the mentor can guide and assist in the planning, but the final product needs to be your own.
Please make sure that you do the following for each of the five lessons:
Fill in the lesson plan template with your planning
Present the lesson
Request the mentor to assess your presentation and to give you a mark and some
Complete the reflection/own assessment template
Get the lesson stamped with the official school stamp
Attach all media, assessment tasks, etc. that you used as evidence. If it is too big, for
the portfolio photograph it or photocopy it and reduce the size.
There are five senior phase (grades 7 - 9) lesson plan templates that should be used in
planning; presentation and assessment of lessons. These templates follow on the next
PLEASE NOTE: Only lessons for one senior phase subject (your specialisation/subject
didactics) may be submitted for this portfolio. If you submit lesson plans from any other
phase or subject, you will fail this module and will have to redo it next year.
Make sure that all aspects are completed fully and that you attach teaching and
learning aids, assessments, etc.
You must know why you are going to present the lesson (objectives) You must know where the lesson fits
into the curriculum
You must know what content will be attended to in the lesson
You must know how you will present the lesson (method or lesson type) You must
know what you will use to present the lesson (aids and materials) You must know
what must be prepared to be able to facilitate the lesson
You must know what your contribution and that of learners will be during the lesson
You must know if learners understand the new content, skills and values
You must know how you are going to give learners the opportunity to apply or demonstrate the new
content, skills and values
PLEASE NOTE: All learning materials and assessment instruments used must be attached to
the lesson – it forms part of the lesson preparation and must be added. Without such
evidence, you could at most receive one third of the total marks for the lesson.
4. Teaching Methods (Name and motivate the teaching methods you will be using in
this lesson).
Methods or lesson types (e.g. practical, experimental, fieldwork, direct instruction, question-and-
answer, active learning, etc.) – motivate your choice.
5. Teaching support aids and learning materials: Aids and materials: (smart board,
PowerPoint slides, overheads, black/green board, DVD, pictures, objects, maps, models,
instruments, textbook, etc.). Attach evidence.
6. Lesson content: Name five aspects of the lesson content that will be attended to.
Explain what you have to prepare to be able to facilitate the lesson (e.g. to prepare for an
experiment you have to set up the instruments).
Teacher’s activities Learner’s activities
1 1
2 2
3 3
8.3 Assessment: Monitoring the understanding of new subject matter during the lesson.
How will you assess the understanding of new content? Use as informal assessment
strategy. This is about the understanding of what was learned.
8.4 Classroom assessment activity: (Indicate which assignment/task/activity is given to
learners). The assessment task must be fully developed and must be attached here. This
is about the application of what was learned.
8.5 Extension tasks: (alternative activities for learners with learning difficulties and
additional activities for fast learners - compulsory).
Write brief critical notes regarding the following aspects of your lesson:
1 2 3 4 5
Not acceptable Needs Acceptable but can Above average Excellent
0%-29% improvement still improve 70%-89% 90%-100%
30%-49% 50%-69%
(By Mentor/ Subject- experienced- senior educator/ SMT member)
1 2 3 4 5
Not acceptable Needs Acceptable but Above average Excellent
improvement can still improve
1 2 3 4 5
Introduction/start (interesting/relevant)
Constructive feedback and suggested improvements if applicable/needed.
4. Teaching Methods (Name and motivate the teaching methods you will be using in
this lesson).
Methods or lesson types (e.g. practical, experimental, fieldwork, direct instruction, question-and-
answer, active learning, etc.) – motivate your choice.
5. Teaching support aids and learning materials: Aids and materials: (smart board,
PowerPoint slides, overheads, black/green board, DVD, pictures, objects, maps, models,
instruments, textbook, etc.). Attach evidence.
6. Lesson content: Name five aspects of the lesson content that will be attended to.
7. Lesson preparation before presentation
Explain what you have to prepare to be able to facilitate the lesson (e.g. to prepare for an
experiment you have to set up the instruments).
Teacher’s activities Learner’s activities
1 1
2 2
3 3
8.3 Assessment: Monitoring the understanding of new subject matter during the lesson.
How will you assess the understanding of new content? Use as informal assessment
strategy. This is about the understanding of what was learned.
8.4 Classroom assessment activity: (Indicate which assignment/task/activity is given to
learners). The assessment task must be fully developed and must be attached here. This is
about the application of what was learned.
8.5 Extension tasks: (alternative activities for learners with learning difficulties and
additional activities for fast learners - compulsory).
Write brief critical notes regarding the following aspects of your lesson:
1 2 3 4 5
Not acceptable Needs Acceptable but can Above average Excellent
0%-29% improvement still improve 70%-89% 90%-100%
30%-49% 50%-69%
1 2 3 4 5
Not acceptable Needs Acceptable but Above average Excellent
improvement can still improve
1 2 3 4 5
Introduction/start (interesting/relevant)
Constructive feedback and suggested improvements if applicable/needed.
4. Teaching Methods (Name and motivate the teaching methods you will be using in
this lesson).
Methods or lesson types (e.g. practical, experimental, fieldwork, direct instruction, question-and-
answer, active learning, etc.) – motivate your choice.
5. Teaching support aids and learning materials: Aids and materials: (smart board,
PowerPoint slides, overheads, black/green board, DVD, pictures, objects, maps, models,
instruments, textbook, etc.). Attach evidence.
6. Lesson content: Name five aspects of the lesson content that will be attended to.
Explain what you have to prepare to be able to facilitate the lesson (e.g. to prepare for an
experiment you have to set up the instruments).
Teacher’s activities Learner’s activities
1 1
2 2
3 3
8.3 Assessment: Monitoring the understanding of new subject matter during the lesson.
How will you assess the understanding of new content? Use as informal assessment
strategy. This is about the understanding of what was learned.
8.4 Classroom assessment activity: (Indicate which assignment/task/activity is given to
learners). The assessment task must be fully developed and must be attached here. This
is about the application of what was learned.
8.5 Extension tasks: (alternative activities for learners with learning difficulties and
additional activities for fast learners - compulsory).
Write brief critical notes regarding the following aspects of your lesson:
1 2 3 4 5
Not acceptable Needs Acceptable but can Above average Excellent
0%-29% improvement still improve 70%-89% 90%-100%
30%-49% 50%-69%
(By Mentor/ Subject- experienced- senior educator/ SMT member)
1 2 3 4 5
Not acceptable Needs Acceptable but Above average Excellent
improvement can still improve
1 2 3 4 5
Introduction/start (interesting/relevant)
Constructive feedback and suggested improvements if applicable/needed.
4. Teaching Methods (Name and motivate the teaching methods you will be using in
this lesson).
Methods or lesson types (e.g. practical, experimental, fieldwork, direct instruction, question-and-
answer, active learning, etc.) – motivate your choice.
5. Teaching support aids and learning materials: Aids and materials: (smart board,
PowerPoint slides, overheads, black/green board, DVD, pictures, objects, maps, models,
instruments, textbook, etc.). Attach evidence.
6. Lesson content: Name five aspects of the lesson content that will be attended to.
7. Lesson preparation before presentation
Explain what you have to prepare to be able to facilitate the lesson (e.g. to prepare for an
experiment you have to set up the instruments).
Teacher’s activities Learner’s activities
1 1
2 2
3 3
8.3 Assessment: Monitoring the understanding of new subject matter during the lesson.
How will you assess the understanding of new content? Use as informal assessment
strategy. This is about the understanding of what was learned.
8.5 Extension tasks: (alternative activities for learners with learning difficulties and
additional activities for fast learners - compulsory).
Write brief critical notes regarding the following aspects of your lesson:
1 2 3 4 5
Not acceptable Needs Acceptable but can Above average Excellent
0%-29% improvement still improve 70%-89% 90%-100%
30%-49% 50%-69%
1 2 3 4 5
Not acceptable Needs Acceptable but Above average Excellent
improvement can still improve
1 2 3 4 5
Introduction/start (interesting/relevant)
Constructive feedback and suggested improvements if applicable/needed.
4. Teaching Methods (Name and motivate the teaching methods you will be using in
this lesson).
Methods or lesson types (e.g. practical, experimental, fieldwork, direct instruction, question-and-
answer, active learning, etc.) – motivate your choice.
5. Teaching support aids and learning materials: Aids and materials: (smart board,
PowerPoint slides, overheads, black/green board, DVD, pictures, objects, maps, models,
instruments, textbook, etc.). Attach evidence.
6. Lesson content: Name five aspects of the lesson content that will be attended to.
Explain what you have to prepare to be able to facilitate the lesson (e.g. to prepare for an
experiment you have to set up the instruments).
Teacher’s activities Learner’s activities
1 1
2 2
3 3
8.3 Assessment: Monitoring the understanding of new subject matter during the lesson.
How will you assess the understanding of new content? Use as informal assessment
strategy. This is about the understanding of what was learned.
8.4 Classroom assessment activity: (Indicate which assignment/task/activity is given to
learners). The assessment task must be fully developed and must be attached here. This
is about the application of what was learned.
8.5 Extension tasks: (alternative activities for learners with learning difficulties and
additional activities for fast learners - compulsory).
Write brief critical notes regarding the following aspects of your lesson:
1 2 3 4 5
Not acceptable Needs Acceptable but can Above average Excellent
0%-29% improvement still improve 70%-89% 90%-100%
30%-49% 50%-69%
(By Mentor/ Subject- experienced- senior educator/ SMT member)
1 2 3 4 5
Not acceptable Needs Acceptable but Above average Excellent
improvement can still improve
1 2 3 4 5
Introduction/start (interesting/relevant)
Constructive feedback and suggested improvements if applicable/needed.
4. Teaching Methods (Name and motivate the teaching methods you will be using in
this lesson).
Methods or lesson types (e.g. practical, experimental, fieldwork, direct instruction, question-and-
answer, active learning, etc.) – motivate your choice.
5. Teaching support aids and learning materials: Aids and materials: (smart board,
PowerPoint slides, overheads, black/green board, DVD, pictures, objects, maps, models,
instruments, textbook, etc.). Attach evidence.
6. Lesson content: Name five aspects of the lesson content that will be attended to.
7. Lesson preparation before presentation
Explain what you have to prepare to be able to facilitate the lesson (e.g. to prepare for an
experiment you have to set up the instruments).
Teacher’s activities Learner’s activities
1 1
2 2
3 3
8.3 Assessment: Monitoring the understanding of new subject matter during the lesson.
How will you assess the understanding of new content? Use as informal assessment
strategy. This is about the understanding of what was learned.
8.5 Extension tasks: (alternative activities for learners with learning difficulties and
additional activities for fast learners - compulsory).
Write brief critical notes regarding the following aspects of your lesson:
1 2 3 4 5
Not acceptable Needs Acceptable but can Above average Excellent
0%-29% improvement still improve 70%-89% 90%-100%
30%-49% 50%-69%
1 2 3 4 5
Not acceptable Needs Acceptable but Above average Excellent
improvement can still improve
1 2 3 4 5
Introduction/start (interesting/relevant)
Constructive feedback and suggested improvements if applicable/needed.
Lesson observations
Complete at least one lesson observation sheet (on the following pages) for every day you are
at the school:
Dairy/reflective journal
Write at least a paragraph per day regarding the activities you are involved in and what their
importance (or not) are in your learning to become a teacher.
At the end of the 25 days of practical teaching you must reflect on your notes and write a report
of 1000 words on the whole experience in terms of its contribution to your preparation as a
teacher. You may also make suggestions on what can be done to improve on the practical
teaching experience to make sure it is useful and meaningful.
Attach your reflective dairy and your report after this page as evidence.
PLEASE NOTE: students who do not complete this section or who leave out part of it will be
marked negatively. Not only will you lose the allocated marks, but you will be penalized and
lose double that and will receive a negative mark.
How are learners settled down/ silenced? (eg is there a sign or instruction?)
How is discipline maintained during the lesson? (eg, put your hand up to ask a question)
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (e.g. announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
How is discipline maintained during the lesson? (e.g., put your hand up to ask a question)
Established routines which facilitate good management? (e.g. no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (e.g. announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
How are learners settled down/ silenced? (eg is there a sign or instruction?)
How is discipline maintained during the lesson? (eg, put your hand up to ask a question)
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
How are learners settled down/ silenced? (eg is there a sign or instruction?)
How is discipline maintained during the lesson? (eg, put your hand up to ask a question)
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
How are learners settled down/ silenced? (eg is there a sign or instruction?)
How is discipline maintained during the lesson? (eg, put your hand up to ask a question)
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
How are learners settled down/ silenced? (eg is there a sign or instruction?)
How is discipline maintained during the lesson? (eg, put your hand up to ask a question)
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
How are learners settled down/ silenced? (eg is there a sign or instruction?)
How is discipline maintained during the lesson? (eg, put your hand up to ask a question)
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
How are learners settled down/ silenced? (eg is there a sign or instruction?)
How is discipline maintained during the lesson? (eg, put your hand up to ask a question)
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
How are learners settled down/ silenced? (eg is there a sign or instruction?)
How is discipline maintained during the lesson? (eg, put your hand up to ask a question)
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
How are learners settled down/ silenced? (eg is there a sign or instruction?)
How is discipline maintained during the lesson? (eg, put your hand up to ask a question)
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
How are learners settled down/ silenced? (eg is there a sign or instruction?)
How is discipline maintained during the lesson? (eg, put your hand up to ask a question)
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
How are learners settled down/ silenced? (eg is there a sign or instruction?)
How is discipline maintained during the lesson? (eg, put your hand up to ask a question)
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
How are learners settled down/ silenced? (eg is there a sign or instruction?)
How is discipline maintained during the lesson? (eg, put your hand up to ask a question)
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
How are learners settled down/ silenced? (eg is there a sign or instruction?)
How is discipline maintained during the lesson? (eg, put your hand up to ask a question)
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
How are learners settled down/ silenced? (eg is there a sign or instruction?)
How is discipline maintained during the lesson? (eg, put your hand up to ask a question)
Established routines which facilitate good management? (eg no walking about)
How is the lesson started? (eg announcement of topic/ questions)
Teaching method(s) that were used and when they were used during the lesson? (see
attachment to portfolio)
Teaching/ learning aids and materials used during the lesson? (see lesson plans)
Teacher activities before, during and after the lesson? (eg prepare for experiment)
Learner activities during the lesson? (active learning)
Aspects of assessment as part or after the lesson? (eg worksheet)
What did you learn from this observation?
Record all the events of 25 days that happened inside and outside the classroom. Follow the calendar
Describe practices about the subject that you consider good and helpful to the teachers (to
support them, to make things easier, to make things run smooth) and to ensure quality teaching,
assessment and learning, to support learners, to involve parents, etc.
Reflection: Describe good practices about the subject related to the accommodation of student
teachers for practical teaching that ensures a positive and meaningful experience for them.
Describe practices at the school that you think can be improved (you may complete this section
after the mentor and school principal signed your portfolio so that you can be honest about it).
Reflection: Describe how the school mentor teachers might go about accommodating
student teachers for practical teaching to ensure a meaningful and positive learning
experience for them.
The purpose of this declaration form is to try to ensure the authenticity of this portfolio and the
practical teaching it was based upon. Please complete and sign this declaration form. It must
also be signed by the mentor teacher and the school principal. Persons making false
statements may be prosecuted.
Signature ………………………………………………………..
Signature …………………………………………………………
Signature ……………………………………………………..
CRITERIA Lecturer’s
1.Mentor teacher page Report /10
3. Five lesson plans and evidence Each fully completed lesson plan /600
80x5 =400
5.Diary /40
9.Declaration form Each signature 170
Student =10
Mentor= 20
Principal = 20
School Stamp = 20
(MANDATORY)- Portfolio will not be
assessed without the stamps and
10. Neatness /10
TOTAL /1000
Lesson introduction
What you do here will depend largely on the type of lesson presented, the subject matter to be
covered, the learning activities planned for learners, and so on. Try to focus the
learners' attention on the theme by recall of existing knowledge, surprising them or doing
something unusual (or letting them do something unusual). Try to make them want to know
more or want to master a skill. This will launch the learners on a voyage of discovery, to which
they will look forward with anticipation.
The main part of the lesson / new knowledge/skills and values/learning opportunities
This should contain an indication of the type of lesson (or a combination of various types) that is
planned, and the activities of both teacher and learners should be clearly set out. The following
are a few of the types of lessons you could consider:
Question-and-answer lesson
This type of lesson features questions, which the learners are required to answer. Avoid this
where possible, unless you combine it with the screening of a video, slides/transparencies,
photos or similar aids on which the learners are questioned (or can ask questions) about what
they have seen or observed.
You could also make this type of lesson interesting by holding a quiz (preferably in teams to
avoid hurting the slow learners' pride). It is also a good way of doing revision.
Practical lesson
This type of lesson requires the learners to undertake some or other kind of practical activity.
Activities could take the form of
an individual activity (facilitated by the teacher) such as telling a story or drawing a
a group activity (facilitated by the teacher) in which a group discusses a topic and
arrives at a group decision or makes a group presentation
a class activity (facilitated by the teacher) in which, for instance, the whole class
works on a project together and produces a final product
an activity involving both class and teacher (teacher participates) such as drawing
a map together or making a sand model
Of course, a combination of activities is also possible. This type of lesson demands thorough
preparation and planning by the teacher.
During this type of lesson the teacher assumes the role or character of someone else
and asks the learners to similarly play the parts of other characters. It could
involve simply giving a visual representation of events or it could take the form of a
dialogue, a debate, a narrative, et cetera. For example, someone (including the learners)
could dress up in period costume and play the part (parts) of a historical character like Vasco de
Gama - dialogue may be (prepared and) included.
Learner-centered presentation
In this type of lesson the focus is on learners who, as it were, provide the contents of the lesson.
All the teacher does is complement, guide and correct where necessary. (This may naturally
also be seen as a practical lesson.)
An example of this type of lesson is that in which learners prepare to "show and tell" by bringing
along something which is related to the theme. They then recite/tell/explain something about
the object.
This type of lesson features two groups debating the merits of an issue (which could be an
issue that directly affects them). Of course, such a lesson requires thorough preparation
and the maintenance of discipline or control. It is particularly appropriate to a discussion of
Outdoor lesson
The aim of an outdoor lesson is not simply to vary things for learners, but also to
illustrate/do something which would be difficult to accomplish inside a classroom. In the
grounds of a school there are always signs of erosion and climatological activity (such as
wind, clouds and precipitation).
Excursions/field work
Facts taught during a lesson or series of lessons are applied or observed in practice. Examples
would be visits to a natural phenomenon, a mine or an industry, or cleaning a polluted stream,
recording data and soon.
Narrative lesson
In this type of lesson the subject matter is conveyed by means of a narrative. While this could
be very boring (particularly to older learners), it could be made highly interesting with the use of
attractive teaching aids. Finger or hand puppets increase the interest in a narrative (especially
for young learners), but slides, photos, pictures et cetera can be equally useful (particularly for
older learners).
Discussion lesson
This type of lesson takes the form of a discussion of a theme/issue/problem by learners and
teacher. It works especially well with older learners when the discussion is about a matter
which affects their daily lives and about which they have something to say (the more
controversial the better since this elicits a greater variety of views and opinions). This calls
for very thorough preparation on the part of teachers if they are to guide the lesson
We are deliberately not discussing every type of lesson here, in order to give you the
freedom to research and use other types on your own. For instance, you could consider
group work, panel discussions, case studies, experimentation, guided discovery and numerous