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Career Caravan Helps Students On Their Career Path

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Career Caravan helps students on their

career path
Posted on July 25, 2019   byTagum City Information Office

Tagum City, Davao del Norte – To prepare students for a digital-ready workforce, the  Department of Education (DepEd), in

partnership with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

(TESDA) , the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the City Government of Tagum,  launched this year’s

Regional Career Caravan in Tagum City last July 18, 2019 at the Tagum City National Trade School.

The event is held annually as a means of providing the students with information that would help them in making informed

choices in relation to their career path and opportunities and featured several activities, including different competitive

events for students such as the Search for Career Ambassador and Ambassadress, Jazz chants competition, and display

of career showrooms by different colleges in Tagum, among others.

In his message, Atty. Jason Balais, the Asst. Regional Director of DOLE XI, highlighted Tagum City’s creation of a

department that houses both education and employment that ensures the straightforward relation between education and

employment. This is a manifestation that Tagum is preparing its human resource from education to employment to be

productive citizens not just of the city but also in the entire country.

DepEd Tagum City Schools Division Superintendent Nelson Lopez, meanwhile, stressed the importance for the youth to

get exposed to the advanced technology to become relevant since the demands made by different industries for

computerization is high, which necessitates the alignment of their skills and knowledge to what the demands are. 

Celnie Tandoc, a Grade 10 Tagum City National Trade School student-beneficiary of the caravan shared how the event

impacted her life, stating that as she will soon be moving to Senior High School, the talks and lectures that were conducted

during the caravan have been useful in her decision-making, enabling her to become more informed on what career path to

choose and deciding if the same is good for her.

The caravan was also graced by the members of the 8th Tagum City Council led by Councilor Alderson Rellon who chairs

the council’s Education Committee and represented Tagum City Mayor Allan Rellon, DEPED’s Dr. Warlito Hua, PEESO

Manager Rogeneth Llanos, TCNTS Principal Mario Gregorio, Ed.D., and other stakeholders.

The Regional Career Caravan was held in time for the Career Guidance Advocacy Week implemented by the DOLE under

its Career Guidance Advocacy Program (CGAP) which is included as a regular program of DEPED Ziyarah Manalo/CIO


Careers – Aims & Objectives

Aims & Objectives
Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) is a progressive journey
from KS3 (Year 7) to KS5 (Year 13).

The aims at Urmston Grammar are:

 For students to develop positive attitudes towards study and work

 For students to evaluate their own strengths and to build on their own areas for
 To help students fully engage in career planning
 For students to understand and develop the skills that are required to be successful in
their future pathway
 To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of opportunities at key transition
points and translate these effectively into appropriate decisions and actions
 To provide students with the relevant careers information, advice and guidance that are
suitable for their personal needs

The school aims to provide equal opportunities of access to careers information, advice
and guidance for all students.

We use student feedback to inform the development of the careers education


Career Guidance and Counseling Programs

What is a Career Guidance and Counseling Program?
It is a comprehensive, developmental program designed to assist individuals in making and
implementing informed educational and occupational choices. A career guidance and
counseling program develops an individual's competencies in self-knowledge, educational
and occupational exploration, and career planning.

Why is Career Guidance and Counseling Key to the Delivery of Vocational-Technical

Career guidance and counseling programs help individuals acquire the knowledge, skills, and
experience necessary to identify options, explore alternatives and succeed in society. These
programs better prepare individuals for the changing workplace of the 21st century by:

 teaching labor market changes and complexity of the workplace

 broadening knowledge, skills, and abilities
 improving decision making skills
 increasing self-esteem and motivation
 building interpersonal effectiveness
 maximizing career opportunities
 improving employment marketability and opportunities
 promoting effective job placement
 strengthening employer relations

Who Benefits from Career Guidance and Counseling Programs?

Everyone benefits--youth and adults, male and female, disabled, disadvantaged, minorities,
limited English proficient, incarcerated, dropouts, single parents, displaced homemakers,
teachers, administrators, parents and employers.

Where are Career Guidance and Counseling Programs offered?

Everywhere--elementary, junior and senior high schools, community colleges, technical
institutes, universities, career resource centers, correctional facilities, community-based
organizations, human services agencies, community and business organizations, skill clinics,
employment and placement services.

Where is Career Guidance and Counseling Working?

During 1997-1998, four career guidance programs were selected as exemplary in the
following sites:

 Dorchester District Two Career Development Initiatives, Summerville, SC

 La Crosse Central High School Guidance/Career Center, La Crosse, WI
 Lewis and Clark Community College: Career and Employment Services, Godfrey, IL
 Rich South High School: Horizon Program, Richton Park, IL

Additionally, States implementing the National Career Development Guidelines have many

success stories.

What are the Key Components of Successful Career Guidance and Counseling Programs?

 A planned sequence of activities and experiences to achieve specific competencies

such as self-appraisal, decision making, goal setting, and career planning
 Accountability (outcome oriented) and program improvement (based on results of
process/outcome evaluations)
 Qualified leadership
 Effective management needed to support comprehensive career guidance programs
 A team approach where certified counselors are central to the program
 Adequate facilities, materials, resources
 Strong professional development activities so counselors can regularly update their
professional knowledge and skills
 Different approaches to deliver the program such as outreach, assessment, counseling,
curriculum, program and job placement, follow-up, consultation, referral

What does the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act Highlight
about Career Guidance and Counseling Programs?

 Ensures qualified leadership and supervision

 Continues expenditures for program support
 Ensures program quality and effectiveness
 Requires career development and activities for special populations
 Promotes counselor training and retraining
 Encourages elimination of sex bias and stereotyping
 Strengthens tech prep programs through recruitment, retention and placement

What are some Opportunities for Career Guidance Counselors under the Perkins Act?
Counselors have opportunities to participate in an education and training system that
integrates academic and vocational education, to encourage individuals' greater
participation in further education by articulating secondary and post-secondary education, to
renew their commitment to servicing the most at-risk or disadvantaged of our society, to
promote program outcomes and performance measures, and to respond to business and



The student informaon sheet is being used to gather
pernenti n f o r m a  o n   a b o u t   t h e   G r a d e   7   s t u d e n t s   a n d   t r a n s f e r e e s regarding their
educaonal background, personal informaon,family background, movaons, health and others.D
istribuon, Retrieval and Filing of Student Informaon Sheet1.1
The Guidance Counselor coordinates with the class advisersfor the distribuon and retrieval of the SIS
The informaon sheets shall then be forwarded to theguidance oce.
The guidance Counselor les and organizes the SIS. Filling up the InformaonSheet3
 week of June
The Guidance Counselor conducts Individual/Roune Interviewfor basic informaon gathering,
history taking, establishing agood rapport and encourages students to visit the
guidanceoces.1 . 1 T h e G u i d a n c e   c o u n s e l l o r   c o o r d i n a t e   w i t h   t h e   s u b j e c t teachers to
ensure a systemac scheduling of individualinterview sessions and informs the students through
callslips/appointment slip.1.2Interview sessions per student may take 10 to 20
minutes.  I n d i v i d u a l   I n t e r v i e w   J u l y   t o   F e b r u a r y

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