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H-S81-HS EN54 Manual June 2014 LS10114

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The document discusses the limitations of fire alarm and emergency communication systems and that they do not guarantee protection from fire or life safety events. It also provides guidelines for proper detector placement and calculations for power supply and battery sizing.

A fire alarm system may not provide timely or adequate warning for reasons such as smoke not reaching detectors that are behind walls or on other floors. The system also does not assure protection against property damage or loss of life from a fire.

Smoke particles may not reach detectors if there are barriers like closed doors, if they stratify and remain near the floor, or if they are blown away by air outlets before reaching detectors.




P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A • ECN 15-xxx • 6/19/2015

Fire Alarm & Emergency Communication System Limitations
While a life safety system may lower insurance rates, it is not a substitute for life and property insurance!
An automatic fire alarm system—typically made up of smoke (caused by escaping gas, improper storage of flammable materi-
detectors, heat detectors, manual pull stations, audible warning als, etc.).
devices, and a fire alarm control panel (FACP) with remote notifi- Heat detectors do not sense particles of combustion and alarm
cation capability—can provide early warning of a developing fire. only when heat on their sensors increases at a predetermined
Such a system, however, does not assure protection against rate or reaches a predetermined level. Rate-of-rise heat detec-
property damage or loss of life resulting from a fire. tors may be subject to reduced sensitivity over time. For this
An emergency communication system—typically made up of reason, the rate-of-rise feature of each detector should be tested
an automatic fire alarm system (as described above) and a life at least once per year by a qualified fire protection specialist.
safety communication system that may include an autonomous Heat detectors are designed to protect property, not life.
control unit (ACU), local operating console (LOC), voice commu- IMPORTANT! Smoke detectors must be installed in the same
nication, and other various interoperable communication meth- room as the control panel and in rooms used by the system for
ods—can broadcast a mass notification message. Such a the connection of alarm transmission wiring, communications,
system, however, does not assure protection against property signaling, and/or power. If detectors are not so located, a devel-
damage or loss of life resulting from a fire or life safety event. oping fire may damage the alarm system, compromising its abil-
The Manufacturer recommends that smoke and/or heat ity to report a fire.
detectors be located throughout a protected premises following Audible warning devices such as bells, horns, strobes,
the recommendations of the National Fire Protection Association speakers and displays may not alert people if these devices
Standard 72-2002 (NFPA 72-2002), manufacturer's are located on the other side of closed or partly open doors or
recommendations, State and local codes, and the are located on another floor of a building. Any warning device
recommendations contained in the Guide for Proper Use of may fail to alert people with a disability or those who have
System Smoke Detectors, which is made available at no charge recently consumed drugs, alcohol, or medication. Please note
to all installing dealers. This document can be found at http:// that: A study by the Federal • An emergency communication system may take priority over
Emergency Management Agency (an agency of the United a fire alarm system in the event of a life safety emergency.
States government) indicated that smoke detectors may not go
off in as many as 35% of all fires. While fire alarm systems are • Voice messaging systems must be designed to meet intelligi-
designed to provide early warning against fire, they do not bility requirements as defined by NFPA, local codes, and
guarantee warning or protection against fire. A fire alarm system Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).
may not provide timely or adequate warning, or simply may not • Language and instructional requirements must be clearly dis-
function, for a variety of reasons: seminated on any local displays.
Smoke detectors may not sense fire where smoke cannot • Strobes can, under certain circumstances, cause seizures in
reach the detectors such as in chimneys, in or behind walls, on people with conditions such as epilepsy.
roofs, or on the other side of closed doors. Smoke detectors • Studies have shown that certain people, even when they hear
also may not sense a fire on another level or floor of a building. a fire alarm signal, do not respond to or comprehend the
A second-floor detector, for example, may not sense a first-floor meaning of the signal. Audible devices, such as horns and
or basement fire. bells, can have different tonal patterns and frequencies. It is
Particles of combustion or “smoke” from a developing fire the property owner's responsibility to conduct fire drills and
may not reach the sensing chambers of smoke detectors other training exercises to make people aware of fire alarm
because: signals and instruct them on the proper reaction to alarm sig-
• Barriers such as closed or partially closed doors, walls, chim- nals.
neys, even wet or humid areas may inhibit particle or smoke • In rare instances, the sounding of a warning device can cause
flow. temporary or permanent hearing loss.
• Smoke particles may become “cold,” stratify, and not reach A life safety system will not operate without any electrical
the ceiling or upper walls where detectors are located. power. If AC power fails, the system will operate from standby
• Smoke particles may be blown away from detectors by air batteries only for a specified time and only if the batteries have
outlets, such as air conditioning vents. been properly maintained and replaced regularly.
• Smoke particles may be drawn into air returns before reach- Equipment used in the system may not be technically compat-
ing the detector. ible with the control panel. It is essential to use only equipment
listed for service with your control panel.
The amount of “smoke” present may be insufficient to alarm
smoke detectors. Smoke detectors are designed to alarm at var- Telephone lines needed to transmit alarm signals from a prem-
ious levels of smoke density. If such density levels are not cre- ises to a central monitoring station may be out of service or tem-
ated by a developing fire at the location of detectors, the porarily disabled. For added protection against telephone line
detectors will not go into alarm. failure, backup radio transmission systems are recommended.
Smoke detectors, even when working properly, have sensing The most common cause of life safety system malfunction is
limitations. Detectors that have photoelectronic sensing cham- inadequate maintenance. To keep the entire life safety system in
bers tend to detect smoldering fires better than flaming fires, excellent working order, ongoing maintenance is required per the
which have little visible smoke. Detectors that have ionizing-type manufacturer's recommendations, and UL and NFPA stan-
sensing chambers tend to detect fast-flaming fires better than dards. At a minimum, the requirements of NFPA 72-2002 shall
smoldering fires. Because fires develop in different ways and be followed. Environments with large amounts of dust, dirt, or
are often unpredictable in their growth, neither type of detector is high air velocity require more frequent maintenance. A mainte-
necessarily best and a given type of detector may not provide nance agreement should be arranged through the local manu-
adequate warning of a fire. facturer's representative. Maintenance should be scheduled
monthly or as required by National and/or local fire codes and
Smoke detectors cannot be expected to provide adequate warn- should be performed by authorized professional life safety sys-
ing of fires caused by arson, children playing with matches tem installers only. Adequate written records of all inspections
(especially in bedrooms), smoking in bed, and violent explosions should be kept.

2 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Installation Precautions
Adherence to the following will aid in problem-free installation with long-term reliability:
WARNING - Several different sources of power can be Like all solid state electronic devices, this system may
connected to the fire alarm control panel. Disconnect all operate erratically or can be damaged when subjected to light-
sources of power before servicing. Control unit and associ- ning induced transients. Although no system is completely
ated equipment may be damaged by removing and/or insert- immune from lightning transients and interference, proper
ing cards, modules, or interconnecting cables while the unit is grounding will reduce susceptibility. Overhead or outside aerial
energized. Do not attempt to install, service, or operate this wiring is not recommended, due to an increased susceptibility
unit until manuals are read and understood. to nearby lightning strikes. Consult with the Technical Ser-
CAUTION - System Re-acceptance Test after Software vices Department if any problems are anticipated or encoun-
Changes: To ensure proper system operation, this product tered.
must be tested in accordance with NFPA 72 after any pro- Disconnect AC power and batteries prior to removing or
gramming operation or change in site-specific software. Re- inserting circuit boards. Failure to do so can damage circuits.
acceptance testing is required after any change, addition or Remove all electronic assemblies prior to any drilling, filing,
deletion of system components, or after any modification, reaming, or punching of the enclosure. When possible, make
repair or adjustment to system hardware or wiring. All compo- all cable entries from the sides or rear. Before making modifi-
nents, circuits, system operations, or software functions known cations, verify that they will not interfere with battery, trans-
to be affected by a change must be 100% tested. In addition, former, or printed circuit board location.
to ensure that other operations are not inadvertently affected,
at least 10% of initiating devices that are not directly affected Do not tighten screw terminals more than 9 in-lbs. Over-
by the change, up to a maximum of 50 devices, must also be tightening may damage threads, resulting in reduced terminal
tested and proper system operation verified. contact pressure and difficulty with screw terminal removal.

This system meets NFPA requirements for operation at 0-49º This system contains static-sensitive components.
C/32-120º F and at a relative humidity 93% ± 2% RH (non- Always ground yourself with a proper wrist strap before han-
condensing) at 32°C ± 2°C (90°F ± 3°F). However, the useful dling any circuits so that static charges are removed from the
life of the system's standby batteries and the electronic com- body. Use static suppressive packaging to protect electronic
ponents may be adversely affected by extreme temperature assemblies removed from the unit.
ranges and humidity. Therefore, it is recommended that this Follow the instructions in the installation, operating, and pro-
system and its peripherals be installed in an environment with gramming manuals. These instructions must be followed to
a normal room temperature of 15-27º C/60-80º F. avoid damage to the control panel and associated equipment.
Verify that wire sizes are adequate for all initiating and indi- FACP operation and reliability depend upon proper installation.
cating device loops. Most devices cannot tolerate more than a Precau-D1-9-2005
10% I.R. drop from the specified device voltage.

FCC Warning
WARNING: This equipment generates, uses, and can Canadian Requirements
radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits
used in accordance with the instruction manual may for radiation noise emissions from digital apparatus set
cause interference to radio communications. It has been out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Cana-
tested and found to comply with the limits for class A dian Department of Communications.
computing devices pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 of
FCC Rules, which is designed to provide reasonable Le present appareil numerique n'emet pas de bruits radi-
protection against such interference when devices are oelectriques depassant les limites applicables aux appa-
operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this reils numeriques de la classe A prescrites dans le
equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interfer- Reglement sur le brouillage radioelectrique edicte par le
ence, in which case the user will be required to correct ministere des Communications du Canada.
the interference at his or her own expense.

©2015 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is strictly prohibited.

H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015 3

Software Downloads
In order to supply the latest features and functionality in fire alarm and life safety technology to our customers, we make
frequent upgrades to the embedded software in our products. To ensure that you are installing and programming the latest
features, we strongly recommend that you download the most current version of software for each product prior to
commissioning any system. Contact Technical Support with any questions about software and the appropriate version for a
specific application.

Documentation Feedback
Your feedback helps us keep our documentation up-to-date and accurate. If you have any comments or suggestions about our
online Help or printed manuals, you can email us.
Please include the following information:
•Product name and version number (if applicable)
•Printed manual or online Help
•Topic Title (for online Help)
•Page number (for printed manual)
•Brief description of content you think should be improved or corrected
•Your suggestion for how to correct/improve documentation
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Please note this email address is for documentation feedback only. If you have any technical issues, please contact Technical

4 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Table of Contents
General Information................................................................................................................ 14
Related Documentation.......................................................................................................................................14
Important Notices ...............................................................................................................................................14
Section 1: General Description.............................................................................................. 15
1.1: Architecture of the System ..........................................................................................................................15
1.2: Mechanical Structure ...................................................................................................................................16
H-S81-HS/1R .......................................................................................................................................17
H-S81-HS/2R .......................................................................................................................................18
H-S81-HS/1-10R ..................................................................................................................................19
H-S81-HS/U .........................................................................................................................................19
1.3: General Features ..........................................................................................................................................21
1.3.1: Mechanical Properties .......................................................................................................................21
H-S81-HS/L & H-S81-HS/M ...............................................................................................................21
H-S81-HS/1R .......................................................................................................................................21
H-S81-HS/2R .......................................................................................................................................21
H-S81-HS/1-10R & H-S81-HS/1-6R & H-S81-HS/U .........................................................................22
1.3.2: Electrical Characteristics ...................................................................................................................22
1.3.3: Reference Standards ..........................................................................................................................22
1.3.4: Climatic Conditions...........................................................................................................................22
1.3.5: Mechanical Conditions ......................................................................................................................23
1.3.6: Electromagnetic Compatibility (CE) .................................................................................................23
1.4: Safety and Availability of the H-S81-HS System........................................................................................23
1.4.1: Possible Configurations of the H-S81-HS System ............................................................................24
“Mono” Configuration..........................................................................................................................24
“Duplex” Configuration .......................................................................................................................24
1.5: Safety-Related Modules in the H-S81-HS System ......................................................................................25
1.5.1: Central Unit .......................................................................................................................................25
1.5.2: Digital Input Modules........................................................................................................................25
1.5.3: 4-20mA Input Modules .....................................................................................................................26
1.5.4: Output Modules .................................................................................................................................26
1.5.5: Loop Modules....................................................................................................................................26
1.5.6: Central Unit Safety Switch-off ..........................................................................................................27
1.5.7: Central Unit Safety Shut-down..........................................................................................................27
1.6: Communication Network Between Control Panels .....................................................................................27
1.7: Communication Protocol for Supervisory Systems.....................................................................................29
1.8: OPC Server ..................................................................................................................................................29
1.9: Programming ...............................................................................................................................................30
Section 2: Parts of the H-S81-HS System............................................................................. 32
2.1: Power Supply Set.........................................................................................................................................32
2.1.1: S81-PU001-X Power Supply Set.......................................................................................................32
Technical Features................................................................................................................................32
2.1.2: PU-A0005-1 Power Supply Module..................................................................................................34
Technical Features................................................................................................................................34
Internal Connections.............................................................................................................................34
2.1.3: PU-A0004-1 Battery Charger Module ..............................................................................................35
Technical Features................................................................................................................................35
Internal Connections.............................................................................................................................35
2.1.4: S81-PU002 Power Supply Set...........................................................................................................36
Technical Features................................................................................................................................37
Power Supply Unit Section ..................................................................................................................37

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Table of Contents

Battery Charger Section........................................................................................................................37

Cooling Unit .........................................................................................................................................37
Protections ............................................................................................................................................37
Reference Standards .............................................................................................................................37
Possible Configurations ........................................................................................................................38
2.1.5: PU-A0007-1 Drawer with Slots.........................................................................................................38
Internal connections..............................................................................................................................39
2.1.6: PU-A0008-1 Power Supply Module..................................................................................................40
Technical Features ................................................................................................................................41
2.1.7: PU-A0009-1 Battery Charger Module...............................................................................................41
Technical Features ................................................................................................................................42
2.1.8: S81-PU003-1 Power Supply Set........................................................................................................42
Technical Features ................................................................................................................................43
Technical Features of the S81-PU003 Power Supply Set ....................................................................43
2.2: Central Unit Rack ........................................................................................................................................44
2.2.1: S81-E2003-1 ......................................................................................................................................44
Technical Features ................................................................................................................................44
Internal Connections.............................................................................................................................44
2.2.2: S81-U1002-1......................................................................................................................................46
Technical Features ................................................................................................................................46
Status Indications..................................................................................................................................46
Connections ..........................................................................................................................................46
2.2.3: S81-U1006-1......................................................................................................................................47
Technical features.................................................................................................................................47
Status Indications..................................................................................................................................47
Internal connections..............................................................................................................................48
2.3: I/O Rack .......................................................................................................................................................49
2.3.1: S81-E2001-2 ......................................................................................................................................49
Technical features ................................................................................................................................49
Internal connections..............................................................................................................................50
2.3.2: S81-E2004-1 ......................................................................................................................................50
Technical Features ................................................................................................................................50
Internal Connections.............................................................................................................................51
2.3.3: S81-E2002-1 ......................................................................................................................................52
Description ...........................................................................................................................................52
Technical features ................................................................................................................................52
2.4: I/O modules..................................................................................................................................................52
2.4.1: S81-F3002-1 & S81-F3002-2 ............................................................................................................53
Technical Features ...............................................................................................................................53
Status Indications..................................................................................................................................53
Field Connection...................................................................................................................................54
Connections ..........................................................................................................................................54
Standard Connection Diagrams ............................................................................................................55
2.4.2: S81-F4001-1 & S81-F4001-2 ............................................................................................................56

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Table of Contents

Technical Features................................................................................................................................56
Status Indications..................................................................................................................................56
Threshold Setting..................................................................................................................................57
Zero Point Calibration ..........................................................................................................................58
End of Scale Calibration.......................................................................................................................58
Field Connections.................................................................................................................................58
Connections ..........................................................................................................................................59
Standard Connection Diagrams............................................................................................................59
2.4.3: S81-F4002-1 & S81-F4002-2............................................................................................................60
Description ...........................................................................................................................................60
Technical Features................................................................................................................................60
Status Indications..................................................................................................................................60
Three-Digit Display..............................................................................................................................60
Threshold Setting..................................................................................................................................61
Zero Point Calibration ..........................................................................................................................61
End of Scale Calibration.......................................................................................................................62
Field Connections.................................................................................................................................62
Connections ..........................................................................................................................................63
Standard Connection Diagrams............................................................................................................63
2.4.4: S81-F4003-1 & S81-F4003-2............................................................................................................64
Description ...........................................................................................................................................64
Technical Features................................................................................................................................64
Status Indications..................................................................................................................................64
Threshold Setting..................................................................................................................................65
Zero Point Calibration ..........................................................................................................................65
End of Scale Calibration.......................................................................................................................65
Field Connections.................................................................................................................................65
Connections ..........................................................................................................................................66
Standard Connection Diagrams............................................................................................................66
2.4.5: S81-F5001-1 & S81-F5001-2............................................................................................................67
Description ...........................................................................................................................................67
Technical Features................................................................................................................................67
Status Indications..................................................................................................................................67
Field Connections.................................................................................................................................68
Connections ..........................................................................................................................................68
Standard Connection Diagrams............................................................................................................69
2.4.6: S81-F5002-1 ......................................................................................................................................69
Description ...........................................................................................................................................69
Technical Features................................................................................................................................69
Status Indications..................................................................................................................................69
Field Connections.................................................................................................................................70
Connections ..........................................................................................................................................71
2.4.7: S81-F5003-1 ......................................................................................................................................71
Description ...........................................................................................................................................71
Technical Features................................................................................................................................71
Status Indications .................................................................................................................................71
Field Connections.................................................................................................................................72
Connections ..........................................................................................................................................73
Standard Connection Diagrams............................................................................................................73
2.4.8: S81-F5004-1 & S81-F5004-2............................................................................................................74
Description ...........................................................................................................................................74

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Table of Contents

Technical Features ................................................................................................................................74

Status Indications..................................................................................................................................74
Configurations ......................................................................................................................................74
Field Connections .................................................................................................................................75
Connections ..........................................................................................................................................75
Standard Connection Diagrams ............................................................................................................76
2.4.9: S81-F6001-1 ......................................................................................................................................76
Technical Features ................................................................................................................................76
Status Indications..................................................................................................................................77
Virtual channels ....................................................................................................................................77
Field Connections .................................................................................................................................78
2.4.10: S81-F6002-1 ....................................................................................................................................79
Technical Features ................................................................................................................................79
Logic Functions ....................................................................................................................................79
Field Connections .................................................................................................................................81
2.4.11: S81-F7002-1 ....................................................................................................................................81
Technical Features ................................................................................................................................81
Status Indications..................................................................................................................................81
Field Connections .................................................................................................................................82
Connections ..........................................................................................................................................83
Standard Connection Diagrams ............................................................................................................83
Supported Devices ................................................................................................................................84
2.4.12: S81-F7007-1 ....................................................................................................................................84
Technical Features ................................................................................................................................84
Status Indications..................................................................................................................................85
Field Connections .................................................................................................................................86
Connections ..........................................................................................................................................86
Standard Connection Diagrams ............................................................................................................87
Supported Devices ................................................................................................................................87
2.4.13: S81-F7009-1 ....................................................................................................................................88
Technical Features ...............................................................................................................................88
Status Indications..................................................................................................................................88
Field Connections .................................................................................................................................89
Connections ..........................................................................................................................................89
Standard Connection Diagrams ............................................................................................................90
Supported devices.................................................................................................................................90
2.4.14: S81-F7010-1 ....................................................................................................................................91
Technical Features ................................................................................................................................91
Status Indications..................................................................................................................................91
Field Connections .................................................................................................................................92
Connections ..........................................................................................................................................93
Standard Connection Diagrams ............................................................................................................93
Supported Devices ................................................................................................................................94
2.4.15: S81-F7011-1 ....................................................................................................................................95

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Table of Contents

Technical Features................................................................................................................................95
Status Indications..................................................................................................................................95
Field Connections.................................................................................................................................96
Connections ..........................................................................................................................................96
System Architecture .............................................................................................................................97
Supported Devices................................................................................................................................97
2.4.16: S81-F7006-1 ....................................................................................................................................98
Description ...........................................................................................................................................98
Technical Features................................................................................................................................98
Status Indications .................................................................................................................................98
Field Connections...............................................................................................................................100
Connections ........................................................................................................................................100
Standard Connection Diagrams..........................................................................................................100
2.4.17: S81-F7008-1 ..................................................................................................................................101
Description .........................................................................................................................................101
Technical Features..............................................................................................................................101
Status Indications ...............................................................................................................................101
Field Connections...............................................................................................................................102
Connections ........................................................................................................................................102
Standard Connection Diagrams..........................................................................................................102
S81-MOD-BIL Weighing Module .....................................................................................................103
Technical Features..............................................................................................................................103
Assembly ............................................................................................................................................103
Programming the Weighing Module Address....................................................................................103
Weighing Module Reset .....................................................................................................................103
2.5: Termination modules .................................................................................................................................104
2.5.1: S81-T8002-1....................................................................................................................................104
Description .........................................................................................................................................104
Technical Features .............................................................................................................................104
Status Indications................................................................................................................................104
Internal Connections...........................................................................................................................104
Field Connections...............................................................................................................................105
2.5.2: S81-T8004-1....................................................................................................................................105
Description .........................................................................................................................................105
Technical Features..............................................................................................................................105
Status Indications................................................................................................................................105
Internal Connections...........................................................................................................................106
Field Connections...............................................................................................................................107
Standard Connection Diagrams..........................................................................................................108
2.5.3: S81-T8007-2....................................................................................................................................108
Description .........................................................................................................................................108
Technical features...............................................................................................................................108
Status Indications ...............................................................................................................................108
Field connections................................................................................................................................109
2.5.4: S81-T8008-1....................................................................................................................................109
Description .........................................................................................................................................109
Technical Features..............................................................................................................................109
Status Indications................................................................................................................................109
Internal Connections...........................................................................................................................109
Field Connections...............................................................................................................................110
Standard Connection Diagrams..........................................................................................................110
2.6: Blank Panels ..............................................................................................................................................110
2.6.1: Description.......................................................................................................................................111

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Table of Contents

2.7: Cables.........................................................................................................................................................112
Section 3: Installation........................................................................................................... 113
3.1: Positioning of the Control Panel ................................................................................................................113
3.2: Measures for Installation in Compliance with the EC Standard................................................................113
3.3: Mounting the H-S81-HS-1R, H-S81-HS-2R, H-S81-HS-L, & H-S81-HS/M Control Panels ..................114
3.4: Positioning the H-S81-HS-1/10R & H-S81-1/U Control Panels...............................................................115
3.5: Layout of S81-HS/L Internal Parts ............................................................................................................116
3.6: Layout of S81-HS/M Internal Parts ...........................................................................................................117
3.7: Layout of H-S81-HS/1R & H-S81-HS/2R Internal Parts ..........................................................................118
3.8: Layout of H-S81-HS/1-10R Internal Parts ................................................................................................119
3.9: Cable Entry ................................................................................................................................................120
3.10: Earth Grounding Instructions...................................................................................................................120
3.11: Connection to AC Main ...........................................................................................................................120
3.12: Battery Connection ..................................................................................................................................120
3.12.1: Replacement of Battery Fuses .......................................................................................................121
3.13: Instructions for the Connection of Field Devices ....................................................................................121
3.13.1: Balanced Input Cables ...................................................................................................................121
3.13.2: 4-20 mA Analog Input Cables .......................................................................................................121
3.13.3: Addressable Loop Cables ..............................................................................................................122
3.13.4: 25 VDC Power Cables...................................................................................................................122
3.13.5: Output Cables ................................................................................................................................122
Section 4: Start-Up and Fault Management ....................................................................... 123
4.1: Start-Up......................................................................................................................................................123
4.1.1: Required Materials...........................................................................................................................123
4.1.2: Preliminary Checks..........................................................................................................................123
4.1.3: Checks on Cables from Field Devices.............................................................................................123
Balanced Input Cables (S81-F3002 Modules)....................................................................................123
Analog Input Cables (S81-F4001, S81-F4002, S81-F4003 Modules) ...............................................123
Addressable Loop Cables (S81-F7002, S81-F7007, S81-F7009, S81-F7010 Modules) ...................123
Audible Alarm Device Control Cables (S81-F5003 Modules) ..........................................................124
Solenoid Control Cables (S81-F5001, S81-F5004 Modules).............................................................124
25 VDC Power Cables........................................................................................................................124
4.1.4: Start..................................................................................................................................................124
4.1.5: Functional Tests...............................................................................................................................124
4.2: Management of Faults................................................................................................................................125
4.2.1: Power Supply Set Fault ...................................................................................................................125
4.2.2: Central Unit Fault ............................................................................................................................125
4.2.3: I/O Module Fault .............................................................................................................................125
4.2.4: Replacing One Module of the S81-PU001 Power Supply Set ........................................................125
4.2.5: Replacing One Module of the S81-PU002 Power Supply Set ........................................................125
4.2.6: Battery Replacement........................................................................................................................126
4.2.7: Replacement of the CPU .................................................................................................................126
4.2.8: I/O Module Replacement.................................................................................................................126
4.2.9: Replacement of Fuses ......................................................................................................................127
4.2.10: Repair of a Faulty Module .............................................................................................................127
4.2.11: Customer Service and Training .....................................................................................................127
Section 5: Maintenance........................................................................................................ 128
5.1: Cabinet .......................................................................................................................................................128
5.2: Batteries .....................................................................................................................................................128
5.3: Field Devices .............................................................................................................................................128
5.4: Functional Tests .........................................................................................................................................128
Section 6: Application Notes ............................................................................................... 130
6.1: Notes for the Development of Systems in Compliance with the EN54-2 / EN54-4 Standard ..................130
6.2: Notes for the Development of Systems in Compliance with the EN12094-1 Standard ............................130

10 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Table of Contents

6.2.1: Processing of signals and indicators................................................................................................131

6.2.2: Compulsory Functions.....................................................................................................................131
6.2.3: Optional Functions ..........................................................................................................................131
6.2.4: Light Indicators................................................................................................................................132
6.2.5: Monitored Inputs .............................................................................................................................132
6.2.6: Monitored Outputs...........................................................................................................................132
6.2.7: Non-monitored Outputs...................................................................................................................132
6.2.8: Receiving and Processing Inbound Actuation Signals ....................................................................133
6.2.9: Transmission of the Release Signal.................................................................................................133
6.2.10: Actuation of Alarm Devices ..........................................................................................................133
6.2.11: Main Voltage Detection Signal .....................................................................................................133
6.2.12: “Activated” Condition ...................................................................................................................133
6.2.13: “Released” Condition ....................................................................................................................133
6.2.14: Resetting the “Activated” and “Released” Conditions..................................................................134
6.2.15: Fault Condition ..............................................................................................................................134
6.2.16: Out of Service Condition...............................................................................................................134
6.2.17: Release Signal Delay .....................................................................................................................134
6.2.18: Signal Representing Extinguishing Agent Flow ...........................................................................134
6.2.19: Emergency Hold ............................................................................................................................135
6.2.20: Activation of a Secondary Release Sequence................................................................................135
6.2.21: Manual Only Mode (Aut-Off) .......................................................................................................135
6.2.22: Actuation Commands for System Internal Equipment..................................................................135
6.2.23: Releasing Signals to the Reserve Cylinders ..................................................................................136
6.2.24: Actuation Commands to Equipment Outside the System .............................................................136
6.2.25: Emergency Shutdown Devices......................................................................................................136
6.2.26: Activation of Alarm Devices with Different Signals ....................................................................136
6.3: Notes for the development of systems in compliance with ATEX directive .............................................136
6.4: Notes for the Installation of Systems in Compliance with the CEI 79-2 Standard ...................................137
6.5: Notes on I/O Module Redundancy ............................................................................................................137
6.5.1: I/O Module Redundancy .................................................................................................................138
6.5.2: I/O Modules for Which Redundancy is Not Possible......................................................................138
6.5.3: I/O Modules for Which Redundancy is Possible With Restrictions ...............................................138
6.5.4: I/O Modules for Which Redundancy is Possible Without Restrictions ..........................................139
Section 7: Operating Instructions ....................................................................................... 140
7.1: Operator Interface ......................................................................................................................................140
7.1.1: Visual Indicators..............................................................................................................................140
7.1.2: Buttons.............................................................................................................................................142
7.2: Fire Alarm Section Menu (Safety) ............................................................................................................143
7.3: Access to Functions ...................................................................................................................................144
7.4: Operations at Access Level 1 ....................................................................................................................144
7.4.1: Local Buzzer Silencing....................................................................................................................145
7.4.2: Delay Override ................................................................................................................................145
7.4.3: Overview of Zones with Ongoing Fire Alarm.................................................................................145
7.4.4: Overview of Zones with Active Fire Pre-alarms.............................................................................146
7.4.5: Overview of Zones Under Supervisory Condition ..........................................................................146
7.4.6: Overview of Zones with Active Gas Alarm ....................................................................................146
7.4.7: Overview of Trouble Zones ............................................................................................................146
7.4.8: Overview of System Faults..............................................................................................................147
7.5: List .............................................................................................................................................................148
7.5.1: Configured Zones ............................................................................................................................148
7.5.2: Disabling..........................................................................................................................................148
7.5.3: Events Log.......................................................................................................................................148
7.5.4: Alarm Log........................................................................................................................................149
7.6: Operations at Access Level 2 ....................................................................................................................149

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Table of Contents

7.6.1: Sounder Silencing ............................................................................................................................149

7.6.2: Control Panel Reset .........................................................................................................................150
7.6.3: Evacuation .......................................................................................................................................150
7.7: Disable/Enable ...........................................................................................................................................150
7.7.1: Zone Sensors....................................................................................................................................150
7.7.2: Zone Outputs ...................................................................................................................................150
7.7.3: Single Devices .................................................................................................................................150
7.7.4: Panel Sounder ..................................................................................................................................150
7.8: Management...............................................................................................................................................151
7.8.1: Loop Reset ......................................................................................................................................151
7.8.2: Date and Time Changing .................................................................................................................151
7.8.3: Test ..................................................................................................................................................152
Control Panel Test ..............................................................................................................................152
Zone Test ............................................................................................................................................152
7.8.4: Language..........................................................................................................................................152
7.9: Operations at Access Level 3.....................................................................................................................153
7.10: Configuration ...........................................................................................................................................153
7.10.1: 4-20mA Modules ...........................................................................................................................153
7.10.2: Fire Extinguishing Modules ..........................................................................................................154
7.10.3: Communications ............................................................................................................................155
Printer .................................................................................................................................................155
Host Computer....................................................................................................................................156
TCP-IP ................................................................................................................................................157
7.10.4: Standard Options ...........................................................................................................................158
7.10.5: Change Password...........................................................................................................................159
7.11: Event Displaying......................................................................................................................................159
7.11.1: Disabled Condition ........................................................................................................................160
7.11.2: Trouble Condition..........................................................................................................................161
7.11.3: Fire Pre-alarm Condition ...............................................................................................................162
7.11.4: Fire Alarm Condition.....................................................................................................................162
7.11.5: Supervisory Condition ...................................................................................................................163
7.11.6: Gas Alarm Condition .....................................................................................................................163
7.12: Burglar Alarm Section (Security) ............................................................................................................164
7.13: Access to Operator Functions ..................................................................................................................164
7.14: Operations at Access Level 1...................................................................................................................165
7.15: Operations at Access Level 2...................................................................................................................165
7.16: Exclude/Include .......................................................................................................................................166
7.16.1: Zone ...............................................................................................................................................166
7.16.2: Single Devices ...............................................................................................................................166
7.17: List ...........................................................................................................................................................166
7.17.1: Configured Zones ..........................................................................................................................166
7.17.2: Zone Status ....................................................................................................................................167
7.17.3: External Tamper Status..................................................................................................................167
7.17.4: Disabling........................................................................................................................................167
7.17.5: Event History .................................................................................................................................167
7.17.6: Alarm History ................................................................................................................................167
7.18: Operations at Access Level 3...................................................................................................................167
7.19: Disable/Enable .........................................................................................................................................168
7.19.1: Individual Devices .........................................................................................................................168
7.19.2: Local Sounder ................................................................................................................................168
7.20: Test ...........................................................................................................................................................168
7.21: Configuration ...........................................................................................................................................169
7.21.1: Time Code .....................................................................................................................................169
7.21.2: Holidays .........................................................................................................................................170
7.21.3: Standard Options ...........................................................................................................................171
7.21.4: Change Password...........................................................................................................................172
7.22: Notes on CPU Redundancy .....................................................................................................................172

12 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Table of Contents

Appendix A: Parts List ......................................................................................................... 173

A.1: Steelwork ..................................................................................................................................................173
A.2: Power Supply Sets ....................................................................................................................................173
A.3: Central Unit Rack .....................................................................................................................................174
A.4: I/O Rack ....................................................................................................................................................174
A.5: I/O Modules ..............................................................................................................................................174
A.6: Termination Modules ................................................................................................................................175
A.7: Blank Panels .............................................................................................................................................175
A.8: Cables........................................................................................................................................................175
Appendix B: Compatible Devices........................................................................................ 176
B.1: Hochiki Conventional Detectors ...............................................................................................................176
B.2: Hochiki Addressable Devices ...................................................................................................................176
B.3: Honeywell Addressable Devices ..............................................................................................................177
B.4: Safety Bus Addressable Devices...............................................................................................................177
B.5: Apollo Addressable Devices .....................................................................................................................177
B.6: System Sensor Addressable Devices ........................................................................................................178
B.7: Visual and Audible Alarm Devices...........................................................................................................179
Appendix C: Power Supply Set Dimensions ...................................................................... 180
C.1: H-S81-HS Control Power Consumption...................................................................................................180
C.2: Power Consumption of Hochiki Conventional Detectors.........................................................................180
C.3: Power Consumption of Hochiki Addressable Devices .............................................................................181
C.4: Power Consumption of Honeywell Addressable Devices ........................................................................181
C.5: Power consumption of Safety Bus Addressable Devices .........................................................................182
C.6: Power consumption of Apollo Addressable Devices................................................................................182
C.7: Power consumption of System Sensor Addressable Devices ...................................................................184
C.8: External Load Power Consumption ..........................................................................................................185
C.9: Calculation of Total System Power Consumption ....................................................................................185
C.10: Calculation of Battery Capacity ..............................................................................................................185
Appendix D: Adhesive Labels ............................................................................................. 187
D.1: CPR Adhesive Label.................................................................................................................................187
D.1.1: Adhesive Nameplate.......................................................................................................................188

H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015 13

General Information

Related Documentation
For specific and detailed information on the H-S81-HS panel and system, please refer to following

Document number Name

ST-058-IT Installation and user manual (this manual)
ST-071-IT Safety Manual
ED-Cxxxxx-Fyy-Rz Wiring diagram (specific to each control panel)
ST-015-IT Programming software PRO-S81
ST-021-IT Graphic supervisory program IRIDE
ST-057-IT Honeywell OPC Server
ST-007-IT Modbus RTU protocol

CPU Central processing unit
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
I/O Input/output
PSU Power supply unit
TCP/IP Network protocol
START-UP System start-up
c.c.s. Monitoring & signaling system
d.e.c. Monitoring & automatic delay electronic device
a.d.a. Power supply equipment

Important Notices
Notices throughout this manual inform the reader of practices and conditions, which will affect
physical safety, occupant safety, and equipment performance. Notices appear as:

NOTE: Useful information to help operate the H-S81-HS Panel.





14 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Section 1: General Description
This chapter provides a general description of the H-S81-HS control panel, listing the system’s
main technical features.

1.1 Architecture of the System

The H-S81-HS control panel is a high technology product created for controlling safety-related sys-
tems and equipment. It is characterized by easy configuration and programming, combined with
excellent reliability and system diagnosis. The H-S81-HS is similar to a “safety PLC” and can be
configured and programmed for carrying out, in compliance with applicable standards, integrated
safety functions such as:
• fire detection
• gas detection
• burglar alarm
• technological control
The H-S81-HS can also interact with other control panels of the same type and with supervisory
systems via both standard and proprietary protocols such as TCP/IP Ethernet, Modbus RTU, or
OPC Server.
Each system includes a power supply set, a processing unit (which is also the user interface), and
the I/O modules controlling field devices. Both the processing unit and the I/O modules are located
on 19 inch racks. There are two ways of connecting modules and field devices:
• The first solution, available in the versions S81-HS/L e S81-HS/M, uses 8 terminal blocks,
with 18 screw terminals each, to directly connect cables from field devices.
• The second solution, available in all other versions, consists in the use of multipolar cables
directly connected to bus back through a DIN41618 connector. This solution allows for a
redundant module termination.
The H-S81-HS system has a modular structure. The processing rack includes two CPUs and an
operator interface panel. Each CPU can be connected to a maximum of 10 racks, with up to 13 I/O
modules each, for a total amount of 130 modules. I/O modules can be installed on the racks without
any limitations, according to the requirements of the specific system under consideration.

Figure 1.1 System Architecture

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General Description Mechanical Structure

1.2 Mechanical Structure

All models are installed in a steel cabinet with double door:
• H-S81-HS/L Base + 8 I/O modules in a wall mount cabinet
• H-S81-HS/M Base + 8 I/O modules in a wall mount cabinet
• H-S81-HS/1R Base rack + 1 rack with 13 slots for I/O modules in a wall mount cabinet
• H-S81-HS/2R Base rack + 2 racks with 13 slots, each, for I/O modules in a wall mount cabinet
• H-S81-HS/10R Base rack + up to 10 racks with 13 slots, each, for I/O modules in a free standing cabinet
• H-S81-HS/U Base rack + up to 6 racks with 13 slots, each, for I/O modules in a free standing cabinet

The H-S81-HS/L model is a modular unit consisting of one display and a 3-unit high anodized alu-
minum rack for installing two CPUs, one rack controller and 8 slots for I/O modules. Cards and
power supply units are installed inside a steel cabinet with double door. The 8 slots allow for instal-
lation of I/O cards as selected to match the requirement of the installation. Each I/O module is con-
nected to field devices through a 18 terminals block.

Figure 1.2 H-S81-HS/L

The H-S81-HS/M model is identical to H-S81-HS/L and is certified for marine application.

16 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Mechanical Structure General Description

The H-S81-HS/R model is a modular unit consisting of two 19” 3-unit high anodized aluminum
racks; they will be installed in a steel cabinet with revolving rack and acrylic glass door. The first
rack includes the Base with one or two CPUs, the operator interface display and the keyboard. The
second rack is composed by one rack controller and 13 slots for installation of I/O modules. They
will be arranged by type and number according to the requirements of the system to be protected.
Each module is connected to field devices by a flat cable and an electronic terminal block fitted on
a DIN bar at the bottom of the switchboard; alternatively, modules can be connected to field
devices by pre-wired connectors connected to electromechanical terminal blocks.

Figure 1.3 H-S81-HS/1R

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General Description Mechanical Structure

The H-S81-HS/R model is a modular unit consisting of three 19” 3-unit high anodized aluminum
racks; they will be installed in a steel cabinet with revolving rack and acrylic glass door. The first
rack includes the Base with one or two CPUs, the operator interface display and the keyboard. The
other two racks are composed by one rack controller and 13 slots for installation of I/O modules.
They will be arranged by type and number according to the requirements of the system to be pro-
tected. Each module is connected to field devices by a flat cable and an electronic terminal block
fitted on a DIN bar at the bottom of the switchboard; alternatively, modules can be connected to
field devices by pre-wired connectors connected to electromechanical terminal blocks.

Figure 1.4 H-S81-HS/2R

18 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Mechanical Structure General Description

The H-S81-HS/1-10R model is a modular unit to install up to 11 19” 3-unit high anodized alumi-
num racks; they will be installed in a steel cabinet with revolving rack and acrylic glass door. The
first rack includes the Base with one or two CPUs, the operator interface display and the keyboard.
The other racks are composed by one rack controller and 13 slots for installation of I/O modules.
They will be arranged by type and number according to the requirements of the system to be pro-
tected. Each module is connected to field devices by a flat cable and an electronic terminal block
fitted on a DIN bar at the bottom of the switchboard; alternatively, modules can be connected to
field devices by pre-wired connectors connected to electromechanical terminal blocks. This panel
is also available in a UL Listed version.

Figure 1.5 S81-HS/1-10R

The S81-HS/U model is identical to S81-HS/1-10, but allows for installation of maximum 6 I/O

NOTE: For this version of the panel, refer to the latest Installation and Operation Manual.

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General Description Mechanical Structure

The following table summarizes the main characteristics of each model.

S81-HS/M S81-HS/L S81-HS/1R S81-HS/2R S81-HS/1÷10R S81-HS/U

Width 500mm 500mm 600mm 600mm 800mm 800mm
Height 600mm 600mm 700mm 1100mm 2100mm 2100mm
Depth 250mm 250mm 400mm 400mm 800mm 800mm
N° of I/O Racks 1 1 1 2 1÷10 1÷6
Max number of I/O 8 8 13 26 130 78
Redundancy of I/O No 1 No 1 No 1 Yes Yes No
RINA/MED EN 54-2 EN 54-2 EN 54-2 EN 54-2 UL 864
EN 54-2 EN 54-4 EN 54-4 EN 54-4 EN 54-4 IEC 61508/2010
Approvals EN 54-4 EN 12094-1 EN 12094-1 EN 12094-1 EN 12094-1
EN 12094-1 IEC 61508/2010 IEC 61508/2010 IEC 61508/2010 IEC 61508/2010
IEC 61508/2010
S81-PU001-3 S81-PU001-1 S81-PU001-1 S81-PU001-1 S81-PU001-1 S81-PU001-2
S81-PU001-2 S81-PU001-2 S81-PU001-2 S81-PU001-4
Installable power
S81-PU001-4 S81-PU001-4
supply units
Maximum battery 18Ah 18Ah 26Ah 40Ah 120Ah 120Ah

1 It is possible to install S81-F7011-1 cards without redundancy of rack and rack controller.

System Status
Rear LEDs
Connections Display

Base Rack

CPU boards and

LAN ports.

I/O Racks
(1-10, 19” racks)

Rack Controller

13 I/O modules
per each rack

Figure 1.6 Module Rack

20 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

General Features General Description

1.3 General Features

• Serial communication interface: 2 x RS232
• Ethernet communication interface: 10/100 BaseT with RJ45 connector
• Maximum number of programmable zones: 300 fire alarm zones + 300 burglar alarm zones
• Maximum number of programmable points per zone: 99 inputs 99 outputs 99 links
• Exportable local variables via network: Max. 250
• Importable remote variables via network: Max. 999
• System variables (Local): 64
• Maximum number of I/O modules (H-S81-HS/L): 8
• Maximum number of I/O modules (H-S81-HS/M): 8
• Maximum number of I/O modules (H-S81-HS/2R): 26
• Maximum number of I/O modules (H-S81-HS/1-10R): 130
• Maximum number of I/O modules (H-S81-HS/U): 78
• Time slots with holiday management: 10 (with 10 intervals each)
• CPU redundancy: Standard
• I/O bus redundancy: Optional (Only in 2R, 1-10, and 1-6R versions)
• Module redundancy: Optional (Only in 2R, 1-10, and 1-6R versions)
• Hot swap capability: Available for all modules
• Centralization between control panels: Via LAN network with RCP protocol
• Supervisory system: Max. three supervisors per control panel
• Management of time slots: 10 categories with management of holidays
• Default outputs: 16 SPDT contacts
• Default inputs: 10 opto-isolated inputs
• Available protocols: MODBUS RTU

NOTE: In order to comply with the requirements of EN54-2 standard, a maximum of 32

detectors and/or fire alarm buttons can be set in each zone of the area-1.

1.3.1 Mechanical Properties

H-S81-HS/L & H-S81-HS/M
• Cabinet type Metal, with transparent door and revolving inner door
• Color RAL 7035
• Protection degree IP354
• Type of installation Wall-mounted
• Dimensions H=750mm W=500mm D=250mm

• Cabinet type Metal, with transparent door and revolving inner door
• Color RAL 7035
• Protection degree IP30
• Type of installation Wall-mounted
• Dimensions H=700mm W=600mm D=400mm

• Cabinet type Metal, with transparent door and revolving inner door
• Color RAL 7035
• Protection degree IP30
• Type of installation Wall-mounted
• Dimensions H=1100mm W=600mm D=400mm

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General Description General Features

H-S81-HS/1-10R & H-S81-HS/1-6R & H-S81-HS/U

• Cabinet type Metal, with transparent door and revolving inner door
• Color: RAL 7032
• Protection degree IP30
• Type of installation: Free-standing installation
• Dimensions: H=2100mm W=800mm D=800mm

1.3.2 Electrical Characteristics

• Supply voltage 110-240 V~ (-15% + 10%)
• Nominal frequency of the power supply 50-60Hz
• Power supply set output voltage 25VDC ±2%

1.3.3 Reference Standards

The H-S81-HS system was developed complying with the requirements of the following Interna-
tional standards:
Reference standard Description
EN-54-2:1997 & A1:2006 Fire detection and fire alarm systems
Part 2: Control and indicating equipment
EN-54-4: 1997 & A1:2002 & A2:2006 Fire detection and fire alarm systems
Part 4: Power supply equipment
EN-12094-1:2004 Fixed firefighting systems. Components for gas extinguishing systems.
Requirements and test methods for electrical automatic control and delay devices
EN-60950-1:2001 Information technology equipment – Safety - part 1:
General requirements
CEI 79-2:1998 & Ab2000 Italian standard. Anti-burglary systems, intrusion detection, anti-theft and anti-
aggression. Particular requirements for equipment.
IEC-61508 Edition 2.0 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related
Directive 94/9/CE Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive
atmospheres (ATEX)
Directive 99/92/CE Minimum requirements for improving the safety and health protection of workers
potentially at risk from explosive atmospheres
Solas 74 as amended: Reg. II-2/7, RINA Rules for the Certification of Marine Equipment in accordance with European
Reg. X/3, 2000HSC Code 7, ESS Directive 96/98/EC and Subsequent Amendments
Code 9 and IMO MSC.1 / Circ. 1242
UL 864 Standard for Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems
UL 2017 General Purpose Signaling Devices and Systems

1.3.4 Climatic Conditions

The table below summarizes the climatic conditions for H-S81-HS system operation and storage.
The climatic conditions refer to the whole system.
Parameter Allowed range Notes
Operating temperature -5 - 50°C
Storage temperature -40 - 85°C
Operating humidity 5 - 95% RH Non-condensing
Storage humidity 5 - 95% RH Non-condensing

22 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Safety and Availability of the H-S81-HS System General Description

NOTE: The operating temperature inside an electronic device significantly affects the duration of
its useful life. High operating temperatures and sharp temperature increases will significantly
reduce electronic device life. It is extremely important that the environmental operating conditions
are within the allowed ranges.



1.3.5 Mechanical Conditions

The table below summarizes the type of mechanical tests undergone by the H-S81-HS system.
Standard Test Test Levels
IEC 68-2-6 Vibration sinusoidal test (endurance) Frequency range: 10-150Hz
Acceleration amplitude: 0.5g
Number of axis: 3
Number of sweep cycles: 20 per axis
IEC 817 Impact test Impact energy: 0.5J
Number of impact per point: 3

1.3.6 Electromagnetic Compatibility (CE)

The H-S81-HS system has been designed and tested for resisting to standard levels of radiated and
conducted electromagnetic interference, and electrostatic discharges. The table below lists the types
and levels of the tests undergone by the H-S81-HS system.
Basic Standard Date Title Noise Immunity Tests
EN 61000-4-2 2009 Electrostatic discharge immunity test 6 kV contact discharge
8 kV air discharge
EN 61000-4-3 2006 Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic
A1 2008 field immunity test 10 V/m, 80 MHz-2 GHz, 80% AM
A2 2010
EN 61000-4-4 2004 Electrical fast transients/bursts immunity test 2 kV power supply
A1 2010 1 kV signal lines
EN 61000-4-5 2006 Surge immunity test 2 kV common mode
1 kV differential mode
EN 61000-4-6 2009 Conducted disturbances induced by radio-
10 V, 150 kHz-80 MHz, AM
frequency fields immunity test
EN 61000-4-11 2004 Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage 60% 200ms
variations immunity test 100% 100ms
EN 61000-6-4 2007 Emission standard for industrial environment *



1.4 Safety and Availability of the H-S81-HS System

The H-S81-HS system is intended for use in applications requiring a high safety level, together
with high system availability. According to the required safety and availability levels, different
H-S81-HS system configurations can be provided.

H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015 23

General Description Safety and Availability of the H-S81-HS System

1.4.1 Possible Configurations of the H-S81-HS System

“Mono” Configuration
This solution includes the duplicated central unit and the I/O modules in a single configuration.

Figure 1.7 “Mono” Configuration

“Duplex” Configuration
This solution is characterized by a redundant configuration for both the central unit and the I/O
modules. Module redundancy increases system availability. In case of error or failure of a module
in “duplex” configuration, the broken module is automatically put in safety condition (OFF)
whereas the redundant one keeps operating. I/O module redundancy is possible only with safety
related modules.

Figure 1.8 “Duplex” Configuration

24 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Safety-Related Modules in the H-S81-HS System General Description

1.5 Safety-Related Modules in the H-S81-HS System

This paragraph describes the measures undertaken by safety related modules in order to guarantee
the required reliability of the various applications.

1.5.1 Central Unit

The CPU features an external watchdog circuit that activates in case of failure. In standard operat-
ing conditions, the CPU cyclically tests the memory, internal voltage values and the status of RAM
lithium batteries. Should it detect any faults, the module would set in safety condition. If there is a
redundant CPU, the new CPU will carry out the monitoring functions without any interruptions.
The broken CPU can be replaced without the need of switching off the system.

1.5.2 Digital Input Modules

Safety-related digital input modules feature a circuit allowing to simulate the opening and closing
of each channel. During operation, channels are cyclically tested. It a redundant module exists, the
control panel keeps operating and gathering data from this module, guaranteeing maximum system
availability. The broken module can be replaced without the need of switching off the system.

Figure 1.9 Digital Input Test

H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015 25

General Description Safety-Related Modules in the H-S81-HS System

1.5.3 4-20mA Input Modules

4-20mA safety-related input modules feature two separated measuring circuits per input channel.
The two measured current values are, hence, compared between them and in case of difference
between the two values the channel is set in failure condition. It a redundant module exists, the con-
trol panel keeps operating and gathering data from this module, guaranteeing maximum system
availability. The broken module can be replaced without the need of switching off the system.

Figure 1.10 Analog Input Test

1.5.4 Output Modules

Safety-related output modules feature two control drivers connected in series. During operation, the
output channels are cyclically tested by reversal of output status for some hundreds of microsec-
onds. In case of difference between channel set status and the measured one, the whole module is
excluded from operation and its outputs are put in safety condition. (Shut-down) If a redundant
module exists, the control panel keeps operating and gathering data from this module, guaranteeing
maximum system availability. The broken module can be replaced without the need of switching
off the system.

Figure 1.11 Digital Output Test

1.5.5 Loop Modules

The Safety Bus control module S81-F7011-1 is based on a microprocessor certified for safety
application up to SIL3, equipped with a safety architecture using the “safe island” philosophy. The
basic concept involves a balance between application of hardware diagnostics and software diag-
nostics to manage functional safety while balancing cost concerns. In the “safe island” approach, a

26 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Communication Network Between Control Panels General Description

core set of elements are allocated continuously operating hardware safety mechanisms. This core
set of elements – including CPU, flash memory, SRAM and associated interconnect structures – is
needed to guarantee the correct execution of software. Once the correct execution of software is
ensured, software-based diagnostics can be applied to check other device elements, such as periph-

1.5.6 Central Unit Safety Switch-off

During operation, central units cyclically test the main 25V and local 3.3V power supply voltage
values. If one of these values is not within the allowed range, a safety switch-off sequence is carried
out in order to put the whole system in safety condition. During this sequence, the following opera-
tions are carried out:
 Activation of the main FAULT and SYSTEM FAULT outputs.
 Deactivation of the main RUN output.
 Deactivation of the RUN LED on the CPU
 PANEL SHUT-OFF indication on the display
In this condition, output status is frozen. Restart the system to clear this condition.
• Allowed 25V voltage range: 18.5 - 32VDC (A warning condition is reported with voltage
values <22.5 V and >29.5.)
• Allowed 3.3V local voltage range: 3.15 - 3.6VDC (This function is carried out by an external
reset circuit with voltage values >3.15 V.)
In the configurations with redundant CPU, if the sequence is carried out only by the primary CPU,
the secondary one signals primary CPU failure and starts controlling the system without any inter-
ruption of system operation. If, instead, the sequence is carried out only by the secondary CPU, the
primary one signals secondary CPU failure and keeps carrying out its functions.

1.5.7 Central Unit Safety Shut-down

In case of critical failures during operation, the central unit will carry out a safety shut-down
sequence in order to put the whole system in safety condition. The following failures will cause a
safety shut-down:
• Error in checking memory content (Flash/Ram).
• Internal hardware failure
Restart the system to clear this condition.
In the configurations with a redundant CPU, if the sequence is carried out only by the primary
CPU, the secondary one signals primary CPU failure and starts controlling the system without any
interruption of system operation. If, instead, the sequence is carried out only by the secondary CPU,
the primary one signals secondary CPU failure and keeps carrying out its functions.

1.6 Communication Network Between Control Panels

By using CPU Ethernet interface, the logic status of the rules (Checked/Not checked) can be
exchanged between several control panels. Control panels are divided into two categories: Master
(receiving) and Slave (transmitting). Each control panel in the network can be indifferently slave
only, master only or slave/master. Slave control panels send to Master ones all the sate changes of
the rules set as remote in master control panel. For every panel can be imported up to 999 remote
rules and can be exported up to 250 local rule. A maximum of 32 control panels can be connected
to each other in a network. Master control panels receive and process the sate changes sent from
slave control panels, and cyclically check the connection with the Slave control panels connected to
them. When the system is switched on, Master control panels request the IP address from the Slave
ones existing in the configuration. Therefore, they send them the message identification code (ID

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General Description Communication Network Between Control Panels

code). This code is generated random and is dynamically changed every minute and compared with
the one included in the messages from the Slave control panel for message validation. If the code of
a received message is not valid, the message is rejected. Master control panels make a new sub-
scribe to Slave control panels every hour, for checking the existence of any configuration changes.
If Slave control panel response is correct, the Master control panel will wait for the status changes
from Slave control panels. During operation, the Master control panel cyclically tests the efficiency
of the connection to Slave control panels, and, in case of disconnection, signals it on the display.
Signal propagation time between the various control panels may vary according to network traffic.
However, in case of dedicated networks it will not exceed two seconds. Control panel network can
be made of copper or optical fiber by using the proper converters allowing a redundant loop con-
nection able to support a possible failure or fiber break.

Figure 1.12 Communication Network Between Control Panels

Error Messages of the Communication Network:

The following error messages concerning communication networks can be shown on control panel
Message Type Control Panel Error Type
ID xxx Communication failure 100 Master The master cannot communicate with the slave
ID xxx Communication failure 101 Master Remote rule referred to the control panel
ID xxx Communication failure 5 Slave The slave cannot communicate with the master
ID xxx Remote rule nnn undefined Master Undefined remote rule

28 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Communication Protocol for Supervisory Systems General Description

1.7 Communication Protocol for Supervisory Systems

H-S81-HS systems can be connected to IRIDE supervisory system via LAN network or point-to-
point serial connection. A maximum of 2 supervisors per control panel can be configured on the
LAN network, and one on Host serial port. In both cases, a dedicated protocol is used. The connec-
tion between control panels and supervisors can be made of copper, optical fiber or copper/fiber
(mixed), for meeting different needs. For using IRIDE supervisory program, please refer to the spe-
cific manual ST-021-IT.

Figure 1.13 Control Panel Remote Monitoring

1.8 OPC Server

Thanks to the program OPC Server, any Windows OPC Client applications (Scada/DCS, supervi-
sors, control or other applications) can communicate to H-S81-HS series control panels featuring
V2.0.0 or higher software version. The OPC Client application can interact with all variables made
available by the control panel following the modes defined by the OPC standard. By using the pro-
gram OPC Server, clients can access the following data:
• Alarms
• Analog value measurements

H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015 29

General Description Programming

• Device status indications

• Control panel status indications
• Communication status indications
For using the program OPC Server, please refer to the specific manual ST-057-IT.

Figure 1.14 Example of Connection with OPC Server

1.9 Programming
H-S81-HS system programming is carried out through a personal computer in OFF-LINE mode by
means of a specific configuration program. After completing the configuration and checking that
the entered data are correct, data can be transferred to the central unit. Once they have been trans-
ferred, the central unit replaces the old configuration with the new one and re-initializes the system.
If there are two CPUs, the configuration is transferred to both at the same time. For using the con-
figuration program Pro-S81, please refer to the specific manual ST-015-IT.

30 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Programming General Description

Figure 1.15 Configuration Program

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Section 2: Parts of the H-S81-HS System
This chapter provides a detailed description of all the parts making up the H-S81-HS system.

2.1 Power Supply Set

The H-S81-HS control panel can be equipped with the following power supply sets:
• S81-PU001-x power supply set for base plate installation.
• S81-PU002-x power supply set for rack installation.
• S81-PU003-1 power supply set for H-S81-HS/M version.

NOTES: The power supply set S81-PU002-x can only be used in H-S81-HS/1-10R, H-S81-HS/1-6R
and H-S81-HS/U versions.
The power supply set S81-PU003-1, can only be used in the H-S81-HS/M version.

2.1.1 S81-PU001-X Power Supply Set

This is a power supply set to be fitted on a base plate. It consists of a maximum of 4 x 25 Watt
power supply units, PU-A0005-1 model, plus one PU-A0004-1 battery charger module able to sup-
ply a 2 or 4 ampere adjustable battery charge current. Power supply units are connected in parallel,
up to a maximum of four units amounting to a total of 16 amperes. Under normal operating condi-
tions, a simplified test is carried out every 30 seconds in order to check the proper presence of the
batteries. A full test, instead, is carried out every hour in order to check electrical connections and
battery efficiency. During battery trickle charge, battery voltage is compensated automatically
according to the temperature. In case of mains voltage failure, batteries are automatically switched
to the load without any interruptions. Should the full charge stage exceed 24 hours, the power sup-
ply unit will signal a battery fault. In case of primary power supply failure, the system will shut bat-
teries down when the on-load voltage is lower than 18VDC in order to avoid damaging the
batteries. The set features three open collector outputs for replicating the various types of faults to
the alarm control panel, along with a RS232 port for the connection to a supervisory system.

Figure 2.1 S81-PU001 Power Supply Set

Technical Features
• Input voltage: 110-240V~ (-15% - 10%)
• Max input current: See table on page 33
• Free-air operating temperature: -5°C - 50°C
• Relative humidity: 93% non-condensing
• Protection degree: IP20
• Nominal output voltage: 25VDC
• Max. output current: 4A/8A/16A
• Protections: Line fuse T6.3A H 250V (5x20)
• Battery voltage: 26.2 to 28.7 VDC, compensated automatically
• VBAT Ripple: < 100mV pK-pK at maximum current
• Resistance to mains voltage dips: >=20mS at maximum current (with PU-A0005)
• Maximum battery current: 4A

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Power Supply Set Parts of the H-S81-HS System

• Protections: Over-voltage, short circuit and battery reverse polarity

• Reference standards: EN54-4
• EC reference standards: EN50081-2 & EN50082-2 (industrial environment)
• Safety: EN60950 (CEI-74-2)
Technical features of the S81-PU001 power supply set according to the different configurations:

Features S81-PU001-1 S81-PU001-2 S81-PU001-4

Number of PU-A0005-1 power supply units 1 2 4
Power supply voltage 110-240V~ 110-240V~ 110-240V~
Rated frequency 50-60Hz 50-60Hz 50-60Hz
Max. input current at 110V~ 1.6A 3.3A 6.4A
Max. input current at 240V~ 0.79 A 1.8 A 3.2A
Nominal output voltage 25VDC ±2% 25VDC ±2% 25VDC ±2%
Max. residual ripple 266mV 704mV 704mV
Minimum output voltage 18.9VDC 18.9VDC 18.9VDC
Max. output current 4A 8A 16A
Maximum battery resistance 1.5 Ω 1.5 Ω 1.5 Ω
Max. battery current 2A 4A 4A
Maximum battery capacity 26Ah 26Ah 65Ah

1 Full load output voltage with low batteries in case of main voltage failure
2 Current for the loads plus the current required by the control panel.
3 Internal resistance of the batteries and relevant circuits (Cables, terminals, fuses, etc.)

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System Power Supply Set

2.1.2 PU-A0005-1 Power Supply Module

It is a universal switching power supply unit able to provide a maximum current of 4A at 25VDC.
It is used in combination with the PU-A0004-1 battery charger in compliance with EN54-4 stan-
dard provisions. The power supply unit features a circuit for load distribution which allows the par-
allel connection of multiple power supply units, up to a maximum of four units.
Technical Features
• Input voltage: 110-240V~ (-15% - 10%)
• Max. absorbed current at 110V~: 1.6A
• Max. absorbed current at 240V~: 0.79A
• Free-air operating temperature: -5°C - 50°C
• Relative humidity: 93% non-condensing
• Frequency: 50-60 Hz
• Power factor (W/VA): 0.6 Typical
• Efficiency: > 80%
• Protection degree: IP20
• Dimensions: 200mm x 110mm x 60mm
• Insulation between input and output: >2 MΩ (500VDC)
• Insulation between input and ground: >2 MΩ (500VDC)
• Dielectric strength between input and output: 3000 VAC for 1 minute
• Dielectric strength between input and ground: 1500 VAC for 1 minute
• Output voltage: 25VDC
• Max. output current: 4A
• Ripple: <266mV
• Protections: Line Fuse, over-current, short circuit

Internal Connections
Tag. Terminal Name Function
M1 L input Phase (protected by internal fuse)
TB1 M2 N input Neutral
M3 PE Earth
Tag. Terminal Name Function
M1 RL-COM1 Status relay 1 common
M2 RL-NO1 Status relay 1 NO
TB2 M3 RL-COM2 Status relay 2 common
M4 RL-NO2 Status relay 2 NO
M5 SHARE (+) Signal for load distribution
Tag. Terminal Name Function
M1 - V. OUT Output voltage negative
M2 - V. OUT Output voltage negative
M3 +V. OUT Output voltage positive
M4 +V. OUT Output voltage positive



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Power Supply Set Parts of the H-S81-HS System

2.1.3 PU-A0004-1 Battery Charger Module

This is a UPS able to control and charge two 12 Volt batteries with a maximum capac-
ity of 65Ah. Battery maximum charge current can be set through a dip-switch on the
module. Under normal operating conditions, a simplified test is carried out every 30
seconds in order to check the proper presence of the batteries. A full test, instead, is
carried out every hour in order to check electrical connections and battery efficiency.
During battery trickle charge, battery voltage is compensated automatically according
to the temperature. In case of mains voltage failure, batteries are automatically
switched to the load without any interruptions. Should the full charge stage exceed 24
hours, the power supply unit will signal a battery fault. In case of primary power sup-
ply failure, the system will shut batteries down when the on-load voltage is lower than
18VDC in order to avoid damaging the batteries. The set features three open collector
outputs for replicating the faults to the alarm control panel, two inputs for monitoring
the power supply units and one RS232 port for the connection to a supervisory system.
It can be used together with one or more PU-A0005-1 power supply units. In this case,
the resulting power supply set will be fully compliant with the EN54-4:1997/A2:2006

Technical Features
• Input voltage 22-28 VDC
• Free-air operating temperature -5°C - 50°C
• Relative humidity 93% non-condensing
• Efficiency > 83%
• Protection degree IP20
• Dimensions 200mm x 110mm x 60mm
• Flammability UL94V2
• Battery voltage 26.2 to 28.7 VDC, compensated automatically
• Battery current (1/2/4A) Adjustable through dip switch
• VBAT Ripple < 100mV pK-pK at maximum current
• Resistance to main voltage dips >=20mS at maximum current (with PU-A0005)
• Maximum battery circuit resistance 1.5 ohm
• Maximum battery capacity 65 Ah
• Maximum current to batteries Limited automatically
• Current to the load protected by 20A internal fuse

Internal Connections
Terminal block Terminal Name Function
M1 PSU1 Fault Open collector output - power supply unit section fault
TB1 M2 PSU2 Fault Open collector output - battery charger section fault
M3 Charge Status Battery charge status output (energized during the full charge stage).
Terminal block Terminal Name Function
M1 AND-Failure Input of voltage failure to all power supply sets
TB2 M2 OR-Failure Input of voltage failure to one power supply set
M3 -V Out M1 and M2 input common

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System Power Supply Set

Terminal block Terminal Name Function

M1 - V. Bat Battery negative
M2 +V. Bat Battery positive
M3 - V. Load Negative of power supply to the Load
M4 +V. Load Positive of power supply to the Load

2.1.4 S81-PU002 Power Supply Set

This power supply set is able to supply a maximum current of 32 amperes, duplicated to the load,
and to control and charge two 12 Volt batteries with maximum capacity of 120Ah. Battery maxi-
mum charge current is 6 amperes. Under normal operating conditions, a simplified test is carried
out every 30 seconds in order to check the proper presence of the batteries. A full test, instead, is
carried out every hour in order to check electrical connections and battery efficiency. During bat-
tery trickle charge, battery voltage is compensated automatically according to the temperature. In
case of mains voltage failure, batteries are automatically switched to the load without any interrup-
tions. Should the full charge stage exceed 24 hours, the power supply unit will signal a battery fault.
In case of primary power supply failure, the system will shut batteries down when the on-load volt-
age is lower than 18VDC in order to avoid damaging the batteries. The set features seven open col-
lector outputs for replicating the various types of faults to the alarm control panel, along with a
RS232 port for the connection to the configuration program Test-PUA009. Ho-swapping is possi-
ble for both the 4 AC/DC converters and the battery charger (Hot Plug).

Figure 2.2 S81-PU002 Power Supply Set - Front View

Figure 2.3 S81-PU002 Power Supply Set - Rear View

36 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Power Supply Set Parts of the H-S81-HS System

Technical Features
• Dimensions (H x W x D): 178 x 482 x 355mm
• Input voltage: 110-240V~ (-15% - 10%)
• Max. input current: See table on page 38
• Free-air operating temperature: -5°C - 50°C
• Relative humidity: 93% non-condensing
• Input voltage frequency: 50-60 Hz
• Power factor (W/VA): 0.6 Typical
• Protection degree: IP20
• Insulation between input and output: >2 M Ω (500VDC)
• Insulation between input and ground: >2 M Ω (500VDC)

Power Supply Unit Section

• VLOAD voltage: 25VDC ±2%
• VLOAD maximum current: 32A duplicated
• VLOAD ripple: < 110mV pK-pK at maximum current

Battery Charger Section

• Battery voltage: 26.2 - 28.7 VDC compensated automatically
• Resistance to mains voltage dips: >=20mS at maximum current
• Maximum battery current: 6A
Internal resistance of the batteries and of the relevant circuits
• Maximum battery resistance:
(Cables, terminals, fuses, etc.)

Cooling Unit
• Type of cooling Forced ventilation (3 fans)
• Fan absorption 100mA per fan
• Fan average life at 40° C 80,000 hours

• Line Fuse: T10A H 250V (5x20)
• Protections: Over-voltage, short circuit and battery reverse polarity

Reference Standards
• EN54-4
• EN50081-2
• EN50082-2
• EN60950 (CEI-74-2)

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System Power Supply Set

Possible Configurations
Features S81-PU002-2 S81-PU002-4
Number of PU-A0008-1 power supply units 2 4
Power supply voltage 110-240V~ 110-240V~
Rated frequency 50-60Hz 50-60Hz
Max. input current at 110V~ 6A 12A
Max. input current at 240V~ 2.7A 5.25A
Nominal output voltage 25VDC ±2% 25VDC ±2%
Max. residual ripple <115mV <115mV
1 18.9VDC 18.9VDC
Minimum output voltage
Min. output current 2 8A duplicated 20A duplicated
Max. output current 2 12A duplicated 32A duplicated
Maximum battery resistance 3 0.1 Ω 0.05 Ω
Max. battery current 6A 6A
Maximum battery capacity 2x12V 120Ah 2x12V 120Ah

1 Full load output voltage with low batteries in case of mains voltage failure
2 Current for the loads plus the current required by the control panel
3 Internal resistance of batteries and relevant circuits. (Cables, terminals, fuses, etc.)

2.1.5 PU-A0007-1 Drawer with Slots

It is a 19 inch rack that can contain a PU-A0009-1 battery charger module and up to four
PU-A0008-1 power supply modules. It features ventilation, consisting in three fans with a diameter
of 120 mm. The terminal blocks for power supply and status replication connection are located on
slot back.

Figure 2.4 S81-PU002 Power Supply Set Slot

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Power Supply Set Parts of the H-S81-HS System

Figure 2.5 S81-PU002 Power Supply Set Connections

Internal connections
 Line- 1 input voltage
Tag Faston Name Function
F1 L1 Primary power supply 1 phase
1 F2 N1 Primary power supply 1 neutral
F3 PE1 Primary power supply 1 earth

 Line- 2 input voltage

Tag Terminal Name Function
F1 L2 Primary power supply 2 phase
2 F2 N2 Primary power supply 2 neutral
F3 PE2 Primary power supply 2 earth

NOTE: The PU-A0008-1 modules installed in slot 2 and 3 are connected to line 1
network input. The PU-A0008-1 modules installed in slot 4 and 5 are connected to line 2
network input.

 Main earth
Tag Screw Name Function
3 V1 PE Rack earthing

 Cooling fans
Tag Terminal Name Function
M1 S Fan speedometer signal
4-5-6 M2 -V Fan power supply negative
M3 +V Fan power supply positive

 Output voltage
Tag Terminal Name Function
M1 +VLOAD Supply voltage positive
M2 -VLOAD Supply voltage negative
M3 +VBAT Battery positive
M4 -VBAT Battery negative

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System Power Supply Set

 Open collector replications

Tag Terminal Name Function
M1 PSU1-Fault Primary power supply failure
M2 PSU2-Fault Secondary power supply failure
M3 Fault Internal failure
M4 Battery status Battery status (charge/supply)
M5 Charge Status Battery charge status (full charge/trickle charge)
M6 Rip.1 Programmable output
M7 Rip.2 Programmable output
M8 GND External temperature probe display
M9 +S External temperature probe positive
M10 -S External temperature probe negative

 RS 232
Tag Pin Name Function
1 N.C. Not used
2 Txd RS232 data transmission
3 Rxd RS232 data reception
4 N.C. Not used
9 5 GND RS232 common
6 N.C. Not used
7 N.C. Not used
8 N.C. Not used
9 N.C. Not used

2.1.6 PU-A0008-1 Power Supply Module

It is a switching power supply unit with universal input able to pro-
vide a maximum current of 20A at 25VDC. It is placed in a 19 inch
rack slot and used in combination with the PU-A0009-1 battery char-
ger in compliance with EN54-4 standard. The power supply unit fea-
tures a circuit for load distribution which allows the parallel
connection of multiple power supply units, up to a maximum of four
units. Module hot swapping is allowed (Hot Plug). On the front panel
there are: two green LEDs signaling the proper presence of input and
output voltage; a yellow LED that lights up in case of failure; and a
button for shutting the module down before hot-swapping.

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Power Supply Set Parts of the H-S81-HS System

Technical Features
• Input voltage: 110-240V~ (-15% -10%)
• Free-air operating temperature: -5°C - 50°C
• Relative humidity: 93% non-condensing
• Input voltage frequency: 50-60 Hz
• Power factor (W/VA): 0.6 Typical
• Efficiency: > 80%
• Protection degree: IP20
• Dimensions: 128mm x 96mm x 250mm
• Flammability: UL94V2
• Insulation between input and output: >2 MΩ (500VDC)
• Insulation between input and ground: >2 MΩ (500VDC)
• Dielectric strength between input and output: 3000 VAC for 1 minute
• Dielectric strength between inputs and ground: 1500 VAC for 1 minute
• VLOAD voltage: 25VDC ±2%
• VLOAD current: 20A
• Max. starting current: 25A
• VLOAD ripple: < 110mV pK-pK at maximum current
• VLOAD output stability: > 1%
• Line Fuse: T10A H 250V (5x20)
• Protections: Over-voltage, short circuit



2.1.7 PU-A0009-1 Battery Charger Module

This is a UPS able to control and charge two 12 Volt batteries with a maxi-
mum capacity of 120Ah. Battery maximum charge current can be set through
a dip-switch on the module. Under normal operating conditions, a simplified
test is carried out every 30 seconds in order to check the proper presence of
the batteries. A full test, instead, is carried out every hour in order to check
electrical connections and battery efficiency. During battery trickle charge,
battery voltage is compensated automatically according to the measured tem-
perature. During the full charge stage, instead, it is kept at 27.6VDC In case of
mains voltage failure, batteries are automatically switched to the load without
any interruptions. Should the full charge stage last more than 24 hours, the
battery charger will signal a battery fault. In case of primary power supply
failure, the system will shut batteries down when the on-load voltage is lower
than 18VDC in order to avoid damaging the batteries. The set features seven
open collector outputs for replicating the various types of faults, several inputs
for monitoring power supply module and cooling fan status, and one RS232
port for the connection to a supervisory system. It is used together with one or
more PU-A0008-1 power supply units. In this case, the resulting power supply
set is fully compliant with the EN54-4:1997/A2:2006 standard.

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System Power Supply Set

Technical Features
• Input voltage: 22-28 VDC
• Max. absorbed current: 8A
• Free-air operating temperature: -5°C - 50°C
• Relative humidity: 93% non-condensing
• Efficiency: > 83%
• Protection degree: IP20
• Dimensions: 128mm x 40mm x 250mm
• Flammability: UL94V2
• Battery voltage: 26.2 to 28.7 VDC, compensated automatically
• Battery current: (4/6A) Adjustable through dip switch
• VBAT Ripple: < 100mV pK-pK at maximum current
• Resistance to mains voltage dips: >=20mS at maximum current (with PU-A0008)
• Maximum battery capacity: 120 Ah
• Maximum current to batteries: Limited automatically
• Current to the load: 50A External fuse
• Protections: Over-voltage, short circuit, and battery reverse polarity
• CPD reference standards: EN54-4
• EC reference standards: EN50081-2 and EN50082-2 (industrial environment)

2.1.8 S81-PU003-1 Power Supply Set

This power supply set can only be installed in the H-S81-HS/M version. It is fitted on the base
plate. It consists of one 240 watt AC/DC power supply, model SDR-240-24, plus one PU-A0004-1
battery charger module able to supply a 2 or 4 ampere adjustable battery charge current.

Figure 2.6 Power Supply Set S81-PU003

42 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Power Supply Set Parts of the H-S81-HS System

Technical Features
• Input voltage 110-240V~ (-15% - 10%)
• Max. input current: see table
• Free-air operating temperature -5°C - 50°C
• Relative humidity 93% non condensing
• Protection degree IP20
• VLOAD voltage 25VDC
• VLOAD current 10A
• Battery voltage 26.2 to 28.7 VDC, compensated automatically
• VBAT Ripple < 100mV pK-pK at maximum current
• Resistance to mains voltage dips >=20mS at maximum current (with PU-A0008)
• Maximum current to batteries 4A
• Protections Over-voltage, short circuit and battery reverse polarity
• CPD reference standards EN54-4
• EC reference standards EN50081-2 and EN50082-2 (industrial environment)
• Safety EN60950

Technical Features of the S81-PU003 Power Supply Set

Features S81-PU003-1
Number of SDR-240-24 1
Power supply voltage 88 ~ 264VAC, 124 ~ 370VDC
Rated frequency 47 ~ 63Hz
Max. input current at 110V~ 2.6A
Max. input current at 240V~ 1.3 A
Nominal output voltage 25VDC ±1%
Max. residual ripple 100mVp-p
Minimum output voltage 18.9Vdc
Max. output current 2 8A
Maximum battery resistance 1.5 Ω
Max. battery current 2A
Maximum battery capacity 18Ah

1 Full load output voltage with low batteries in case of mains voltage failure
2 It is the current for the loads plus the current required by the control panel.
3 Internal resistance of the batteries and of the relevant circuits. (Cables,
terminals, fuses, etc.)

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System Central Unit Rack

2.2 Central Unit Rack

The central unit includes a central processing unit (CPU) with the relevant bus, the display module
and the module for default I/O control. It has the function of processing the data received from the
modules and controlling the operator interface and the communication with supervisory systems.

Figure 2.7 Central Unit Rack

2.2.1 S81-E2003-1
It is the interface between the two CPUs and the other peripheral devices making up the system.

Figure 2.8 S81-E2003-1 Bus

Technical Features
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95%(RH) non-condensing

Internal Connections
 TB1 & TB2: +V/-V
These two Faston terminals are used for supply voltage connection
TAG Function Cable color
TB1 25VDC power supply positive Red
TB2 25VDC power supply negative Black

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Central Unit Rack Parts of the H-S81-HS System

 J1: Default I/O

It is a connector for a 14-pole flat cable allowing the connection to the module S81-T8004-1
(default I/O).

 J2 & J3: LVDS Bus Loop Link

They are 2 RJ45 connectors for category 5 cable allowing to connect the CPU to the two peripheral
modules. This is a closed loop connection, thus allowing to increase system reliability. The J2 con-
nector (Bus-IN) must be connected to the BUS-OUT terminal of the last rack, whereas the J3 con-
nector (Bus-OUT) must be connected to the BUS-IN terminal of the first rack.

Figure 2.9 RJ45 UTP Connection Cable

 J4 & J5: Printer/Debug / Host Computer

Two connectors for 10-pole flat cable, allowing the connection of a 40 or 80 column serial printer
and of a PC for configuration data transfer. Use the S81-CFT10/2 cable for connecting to the PC.

J4 Connector DB9 Female

Pin Signal Signal Pin
1 DTR  DCD 1
3 TXD  RXD 2
5 RXD  TXD 3
7 DCD  DTR 4
9 GND  GND 5
2 DTR  DSR 6
4 CTS  RTS 7
6 RTS  CTS 8
8 RI 9
10 NU
Figure 2.10 RS232 Connections

 J6: Display
A connector for 20-pole flat cable, allowing the connection to the S81-U1006 display module.

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System Central Unit Rack

2.2.2 S81-U1002-1
This module is system central unit. Besides the micro-controller, the module
includes the following elements: Flash memory, buffered static Ram, watch-
dog circuit and Ethernet controller. The CPU module can be used in both sin-
gle and redundant configuration. In this last case, two CPUs operating in
parallel are used. Both CPUs process the information received from the mod-
ules, but only one of the two CPUs runs the commands. In case of failure of
the primary CPU, the other one keeps on carrying out all the tasks without any
interruption of the machine cycle.
Technical Features
• Safety rating: applicable up to SIL3
• Micro-controller: Renesas H8-2318 at 25Mhz
• RAM memory: 4 MB, lithium battery buffered
• FLASH memory: 2 MB
• Ethernet Output: 10/100BaseT with RJ45 connector
• Watch Dog: external
• Redundancy YES
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 70mA
• Operating temperature: -5°C - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30°C - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• Hot swap capability: yes

Status Indications
The module front panel includes four LEDs indicating the following conditions:

LED Mode Indication

Link ⊗ Ethernet connection link present

(Green) − No Ethernet connection link
Activity ∅ Data transmission/receipt on the Ethernet port
(Green) − No activity on the Ethernet port
⊗ Primary CPU
∅ Secondary CPU
− Blocked CPU
Wdo − Operating CPU
(Yellow) ⊗ Blocked CPU
∅ = flashing ⊗ = steady on − = off

On module front panel there is an 8-pole RJ45 connector, enabling module connection to the Ether-
net network. Through this port, connections with maximum length of 100 mm can be carried out
using category 5 cables.

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Central Unit Rack Parts of the H-S81-HS System

2.2.3 S81-U1006-1
The display module is the interface between the control panel and the operator. It includes a LED-
backlit graphic display with 30 lines of 52 characters each, 19 LEDs, 23 buttons, and one buzzer.

Figure 2.11 S81-U1006-1

Technical features
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 70mA
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• LCD resolution: 320 x 128 pixels
• Backlighting: LED
• Hot swap capability: yes

Status Indications
The front panel includes 14 LEDs with the following functions:

LED Mode Indication

∅ Non acknowledged alarm condition
Alarm (Red)
⊗ Acknowledged alarm condition
General Trouble (Yellow) ∅ General trouble condition
Device Trouble (Yellow) ∅ Sensors/actuators trouble
Sounder Trouble (Yellow) ∅ Alarm sounder trouble
PSU1 Trouble (Yellow) ∅ Primary power supply trouble
PSU2 Trouble (Yellow) ∅ Secondary power supply trouble
Ground Fault (Yellow) ∅ Earth leakage
System Trouble (Yellow) ∅ System trouble
Zone Testing (Yellow) ∅ Ongoing zone test
General disable (Yellow) ⊗ General disable condition
Device disable (Yellow) ⊗ Disabled sensors/actuators
Sounder disable (Yellow) ⊗ Disabled alarm sounder
Output Delay (Yellow) ⊗ Activation delay timer on
Voltage detection (Green) ⊗ Primary voltage detection
∅ = flashing ⊗ = steady on

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System Central Unit Rack

Module rear panel includes 5 LEDs with the following functions:

LED Indication
LD15 (Yellow) Currently not used
LD16 (Yellow) Currently not used
CPU-A Link (Green) Steady on when the communication Link with CPU-A is present
CPU-B Link (Green) Steady on when the communication Link with CPU-B is present
S81-T8004-1 Link Steady on when the communication Link with S81-T8004-1 is present

Button Description of buttons Level Description of the function

Local Buzzer Silencing 1-2-3 Deactivates the local buzzer

System sounder silencing 2-3 Silencing of system fire alarm sounders

Control panel reset 2-3 Resets the control panel

Evacuation command 2-3 Activates system fire alarm sounders

Delay time reset 1-2-3 Cancels output delay timer

Selection cancel 1-2-3 To cancel an operation or to go back to the previous page

Enter key 1-2-3 Confirms a selection made when navigating through operator cycle menus

Arrows for selecting menu direction 2-3 They enable the navigation through operator cycle menus

0-9 key numbers 1-2-3 They are used for entering parameters and access passwords

Scroll 1-2-3 It allows to view the complete list in operator cycle menu

F1 key 1-2-3 It allows to access directly the main page of the active access level

Internal connections
 BR1 & BR2: +V/-V

These two Faston terminals are used for supply voltage connection
TAG Function Cable Color
BR1 25VDC power supply positive Red
BR2 25VDC power supply negative Black

 J2
A connector for 20-pole flat cable, allowing the connection to S81-E2003-1 Bus module.

 J3
A 4-pole connector supplying power to the LEDs for display backlighting.

 J5
A 10-pole connector connecting the membrane keyboard to the display.

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I/O Rack Parts of the H-S81-HS System

2.3 I/O Rack

Up to ten expansion racks can be connected to an H-S81-HS base. Each can include up to thirteen
I/O modules. Position 14 is reserved for the S81-E2002-1 rack controller.

Figure 2.12 I/O Rack - Front View

2.3.1 S81-E2001-2
This module includes the thirteen modules and the rack controller. Module-field device connections
are carried out by using 3-meter long pre-wired cables. Using this bus, systems with redundant I/O
modules are possible.

Figure 2.13 S81-E2001-2 - Rear View

Technical features
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• Maximum number of I/O modules: 13
• Field connections: Multi-conductor cables

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O Rack

Internal connections
Pre-wired cables are used in this case to connect the rack to the terminal block. Standard cable
length is 2 meters. The cable type and the relevant connections depend on the type of module to be

Figure 2.14 Multi-conductor Cable Connections

2.3.2 S81-E2004-1
This module is used in the H-S81-HS/L and H-S81-HS/M versions. 8 slots for I/O modules, 1 slot
for the rack controller and 2 slots for CPUs are grouped in one row. Connections between I/O mod-
ules and field devices are achieved with screw terminals mounted on the PCB. This bus doesn’t
allow installation of redundant I/O modules (except for S81-F7011-1 Safety bus controller).

Figure 2.15 S81-E2004-1

Technical Features
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non condensing
• Maximum number of I/O modules: 8
• Field connections: 8 terminal blocks with 18 screw terminals each
• Maximum current on terminals BR1 - BR8 500mA protected with autoresettable fuse

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I/O Rack Parts of the H-S81-HS System

Internal Connections
This bus uses 8 terminal blocks, with 18 screw terminals each, to directly connect cables from field
The table below shows connections on screw terminals for each type of I/O module.

F7007, F7006
Block F3002 F4001 F4002 F4003 F5001 F5002 F5003 F5004 F6001 F7011
F7009, F7008
M1 +L1-in +L1-in +L1-in +L1-in +L1-Out +L1-Out +L1-in +L1-Out - +Loop Out 232-TX +Link-1
M4 -L1-in +L1-in +L1-in +L1-in +L1-Out +L2-Out +L1-in +L1-Out - +Loop Out 232-TX +Link-1
M7 +L2-in GND GND +L2-in +L2-Out +L3-Out +L2-in +L2-Out - -Loop Out 232-RX -Link-1
M10 -L2-in GND GND +L2-in +L2-Out +L4-Out -L2-in +L2-Out - -Loop Out 232-RX -Link-1
M13 +L3-in - +L2-in +L3-in +L3-Out +L5-Out +L3-in +L3-Out - +Loop In GND Sch Link-1
M16 -L3-in - +L2-in +L3-in +L3-Out +L6-Out -L3-in +L3-Out - +Loop In GND Sch Link-1
M2 +L4-in - GND +L4-in +L4-Out +L7-Out +L4-in +L4-Out - -Loop In +RS485 -
M5 -L4-in - GND +L4-in +L4-Out +L8-Out -L4-in +L4-Out - -Loop In +RS485 -
M8 +L5-in +L1-Out +L1-Out +L5-in +L5-Out +L9-Out +L5-in - - - -RS485 +Link-2
M11 -L5-in +L1-Out +L1-Out +L5-in +L5-Out +L10-Out -L5-in - - - -RS485 +Link-2
M14 +L6-in GND GND +L6-in +L6-Out +L11-Out +L6-in - - - GND -Link-2
M17 -L6-in GND GND +L6-in +L6-Out +L12-Out -L6-in - - - GND -Link-2
M3 +L7-in - +L2-Out +L7-in +L7-Out +L13-Out +L7-in - - - - Sch Link-2
M6 -L7-in - +L2-Out +L7-in +L7-Out +L14-Out -L7-in - - - - Sch Link-2
M9 +L8-in - GND +L8-in +L8-Out +L15-Out +L8-in - - - - -
M12 -L8-in - GND +L8-in +L8-Out +L16-Out -L8-in - - - - -
M15 +25V +25V +25V +25V +25V +25V +25V +25V +25V +25V +25V +25V

Table 2.1 Field Connection on S81-E2004-1

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

2.3.3 S81-E2002-1
This module is the rack controller. It allows the information exchange between
CPUs and rack modules. It controls 13 point-to-point links to rack modules
and two closed loop links for the communication to the two CPUs.
Technical features
• Safety rating: applicable up to SIL3
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 20mA
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing

Status Indications
Module front panel includes eight LEDs with the following functions:

LED Indication
A-IN Link (green) Steady on when CPU-0 loop input link is present
A-OUT Link (green) Steady on when CPU-0 loop output link is present
B-IN Link (green) Steady on when CPU-1 loop input link is present
B-OUT Link (green) Steady on when CPU-1 loop output link is present
Run (green) Flashes during operation
FLT1 (yellow) Steady on in case of local interrupt
FLT2 (yellow) Steady on in case of CPU-A loop interrupt
FLT3 (yellow) Steady on in case of CPU-B loop interrupt

Modules are configured by means of a 4-way dip switch used to set the number of racks from 1 to
10, according to the table below:
SW1-1 SW1-2 SW1-3 SW1-4 Rack No.

2.4 I/O modules

The following I/O module types are available:
Part Number Description Notes
S81-F3002-1 8 monitored input module for conventional detectors Redundancy not possible
S81-F3002-2 8 monitored input module for conventional detectors Redundancy possible
S81-F4001-1 Module with 1 x 4-20mA analog input Redundancy not possible
S81-F4001-2 Module with 1 x 4-20mA analog input Redundancy possible
S81-F4002-1 Module with 2 4-20mA analog inputs Redundancy not possible
S81-F4002-2 Module with 2 4-20mA analog inputs Redundancy possible
S81-F4003-1 Module with 8 x 4-20mA analog inputs Redundancy not possible
S81-F4003-2 Module with 8 x 4-20mA analog inputs Redundancy possible

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

S81-F5001-1 Module with 8 x 500mA monitored outputs for solenoids Redundancy not possible
S81-F5001-2 Module with 8 x 500mA monitored outputs for solenoids Redundancy possible
S81-F5002-1 Module with 16 x 250mA non monitored outputs Redundancy not possible
S81-F5003-1 Module with 8 x 250mA monitored outputs for sounders Redundancy not possible
S81-F5004-1 Module with 4 x 2A monitored outputs for solenoids Redundancy not possible
S81-F5004-2 Module with 4 x 2A monitored outputs for solenoids Redundancy possible
S81-F6001-1 Module with 8 outputs for fire extinguishing system control Redundancy not possible
S81-F6002-1 Logic module Redundancy not possible
S81-F7002-1 Loop control module with ESP protocol Redundancy not possible
S81-F7006-1 Modbus RTU Master/Slave module Redundancy not possible
S81-F7007-1 Loop control module with SSP protocol Redundancy not possible
S81-F7008-1 Control modules for weighing modules Redundancy not possible
S81-F7009-1 Loop control module with XP95/Discovery protocol Redundancy not possible
S81-F7010-1 Loop control module with System Sensor protocol Redundancy not possible
S81-F7011-1 Loop control module with Safety Bus protocol Redundancy possible

2.4.1 S81-F3002-1 & S81-F3002-2

Eight balanced input module for conventional safety related sensors. All chan-
nels can be reset individually and are tested every 30 seconds during operation.
This module is suitable for controlling detection systems with conventional
lines and can be used in systems with already existing detection lines for con-
trolling automatic fire extinguishing systems with double enable logic or
intrinsically safe systems. It is also used for controlling all the devices typical
of fire extinguishing systems (pressure switches, discharge buttons, etc.). This
module can be duplicated in fault tolerant systems; in this case, the two mod-
ules shall be placed on adjacent racks in the same position. In this configura-
tion, the eight detection lines are connected to both modules.
Technical Features
• Safety rating: applicable up to SIL3
• Redundancy: S81-F3002-2 model
• Alarm threshold: 2 programmable thresholds on 255 levels
• Line short circuit current >115mA
• Channel test: every 30 seconds
• Intrinsic Safety Barriers allowed: uZ680+ Pepperl & Fuchs
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 14mA
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• Hot swap capability: yes

Status Indications
Each one of the eight channels on the front panel includes two status LEDs providing the following
Indications Line LEDs 1-8 in SAFETY mode Indications Line LEDs 1-8 in SECURITY mode
Input channel status
Yellow LED Red LED Yellow LED Red LED
Normal − − − −
Disabled ⊗ − ⊗ −
Trouble ∅ − ∅ −
Tampering −−− −−− − ∅
Pre-alarm − ∅ −−− −−−
Alarm − ⊗ − ⊗
Key to symbols: ⊗= steady on LED; − = LED off, ∅= flashing LED, −−−= function not available

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

By using the configuration program ProHS81, the following parameters can be set for each input
Allowed values in
Function Allowed values in SAFETY mode
Operating mode: Latching-NO, Latching-NC, Non-Latching-NO, Latching-NC
Alarm verification function Yes/No Disabled
Pre-alarm threshold 10-250 Fixed threshold
Alarm threshold 10-250 Fixed threshold
Channel status with line short circuit Trouble / Alarm Tampering
Type of indication Fire, Supervisory, Gas, Trouble, Hidden, Burglar Alarm, Hidden
Buzzer Only
Automatic alarm reset Yes/No N0
Enable/Disable channel status export to Hosts No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232 No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
Enable/Disable commands from Hosts on the channel No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232 No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232

Field Connection
Connection between an I/O module and field devices depends on the type of bus used.

 S81-E2004-1 Bus
The module is internally connected to one of the 8 terminal blocks
with 18 screw terminals mounted on the PCB.

 S81-E2001-2 Bus
The module is connected to the field terminal block by the S81-CCT6 16-
conductor multi-polar cable. For S81-F3002-2 module redundant connec-
tion, use the S81-CCT1R cable.

Function Termination with S81-E2004-1 Termination with S81-E2001-2

detection line 1 +L1 1 1 White

-L1 4 2 Brown
detection line 2 +L2 7 3 Green
-L2 10 4 Yellow
detection line 3 +L3 13 5 Gray
-L3 16 6 Pink
detection line 4 +L4 2 7 Blue
-L4 5 8 Red
detection line 5 +L5 8 9 Black
-L5 11 10 Violet
detection line 6 +L6 14 11 Gray/pink
-L6 17 12 Red/blue
detection line 7 +L7 3 13 White/green
-L7 6 14 Brown/green
detection line 8 +L8 9 15 White/yellow S81/CCT1R
-L8 12 16 Yellow/brown
+25V (500mA max.) +25V 15
0V 0V 18
Figure 2.16 Field connections

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

Standard Connection Diagrams

Figure 2.17 Standard Connection Diagram of NO/NC Contacts

Figure 2.18 Standard Connection Diagram of Conventional Detectors

Figure 2.19 Standard Connection Diagram of the Intrinsic Safety Barrier

Figure 2.20 Standard Connection Diagram for Burglar Alarm

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

2.4.2 S81-F4001-1 & S81-F4001-2

Safety related module with 1 x 4-20mA analog input and two programmable
thresholds. It can control the following transducer types: explosion sensors, air
quality sensors, oxygen sensors, temperature sensors, 4-20mA general sensors.
The channel is continuously tested during operation. The module features a 4-
20mA output that provides the current value measured on the input. This ana-
log value can be transferred to a DCS by means of the S81-F7006-1 Modbus
RTU module. This module can be duplicated in fault tolerant systems; in this
case, the two modules shall be placed on two adjacent racks in the same posi-
tion. In this configuration, the detection lines is connected to both modules.
Technical Features
• Safety rating: applicable up to SIL3
• Redundancy: S81-F4001-2 model
• Alarm threshold: 2 programmable thresholds
• Channel test: continuously tested
• Measuring range 0-24mA
• Line short circuit condition: with current >23.5mA
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 35mA
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• Hot swap capability: yes

Status Indications
Module front panel includes three LEDs, a graphic LED bar, and a three-digit display.
2nd Level 1st Level Fault/Disabled
Input channel status
Red LED Red LED Yellow LED
Normal − − −
Disabled − − ⊗
Trouble − − ∅
Pre-alarm ⊗ ⊗ −
Alarm ⊗ − −
Key to symbols: ⊗= steady on LED; − = LED off; ∅= flashing LED

 LED Bar
It indicates the 0-100% percentage of the measured value.

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

 Three-Digit Display

The three-digit display generally shows the measured value in the programmed format. Moreover,
it shows some fault codes according to the following table.
No. Channel Status
--- Initialization stage
F00 Module/channel not configured
F01 Line opening (current <1mA)
F02 Over-current (current >23.5mA)
F03 Internal test failed
Fx.x Device trouble 1
E00 Memory data error CRC
+/-999 Measured value

1 For current values lower than the set trouble threshold and exceeding 1mA, the
display will show the value of the measured current in mA preceded by letter F. Please
refer to the manual of the connected device for identifying the type of anomaly.

NOTE: The 3-digit display on module front panel does not provide the operator with fundamental
information and does not comply with the standard EN-54-2.

By using the configuration program ProHS81, the following parameters can be set for each input
Function Allowed values
Operating mode Latching/Non latching, UP/Down, NM
Mode of analog value transfer to Hosts Upon request/Automatic in case of change
Unit of measure of the channel Ppm, %LEL, %O2, mA, °C, RH, V, bar, db, rpm
Zero Point of the measuring range -999 - 999
End of scale of the measuring range -999 - 999
Pre-alarm threshold -999 - 999
Alarm threshold -999 - 999
Lower trouble threshold 1.0 - 3.8mA
Alarm delay 0 - 255 seconds
Type of indication Fire, Supervisory, Gas, Trouble, Hidden, Buzzer Only
Automatic alarm reset Yes/No
Enable/Disable status export via ModBus Yes/No
Enable/Disable channel status export to Hosts No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
Enable/Disable commands from Hosts on the channel No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
It defines the format of the analog value sent via ModBus, mA, mA tenth, VI, VI tenth, converter points
and automatically via Host

Threshold Setting
The following parameters can be set for each module through the configuration program or directly
on the control panel in the operator cycle, access level 3:
• Pre-alarm threshold.
• Alarm threshold
• Current value below which a trouble condition is signaled
• Calibration mixture concentration value for end of scale calibration

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

Zero Point Calibration

Calibrate the zero point as reported below:
• Disable the channel of the module to be calibrated from the operator cycle.
• Enter the diagnosis cycle of the module to be calibrated.
• Make sure that no gas is present near the sensor to be calibrated.
• Press the “1” key to calibrate the zero point.
• The new zero value is stored in the memory of the module.
• Press “0” to cancel the operation.
• Exit the module diagnosis cycle and enable the channel.

NOTE: The zero point can be calibrated only with zero values ranging between 3 and 5mA.

End of Scale Calibration

Calibrate the end of scale as follows:
• Disable the channel of the module to be calibrated from the operator cycle.
• Enter the diagnosis cycle of the module to be calibrated.
• Apply gas to the sensor according to the percentage set during configuration.
• Wait for the gas value measured by the module to stabilize.
• Press the key “3” to calibrate the end of scale.
• The new value is stored in the memory of the module.
• Press “2” to cancel the operation.
• Exit the module diagnosis cycle and enable the channel.

NOTE: The end of scale can be calibrated only if the current value measured by the module is
±3mA than the set calibration value.

Field Connections
Connection between an I/O module and field devices depends on the type of bus used.

 S81-E2004-1 Bus
The module is internally connected to one of the 8 terminal
blocks with 18 screw terminals mounted on the PCB.

 S81-E2001-2 Bus
The module is connected to the field terminal block by the S81-
CCT2 2-conductor multi-polar cable. For a module redundant
connection, use the S81-CCT2R cable.

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

Function Termination with S81-E2004-1 Termination with S81-E2001-2
+ Input signal 1 +L1-in 1 1 White
+ Output signal 1 +L1-out 8 2 Brown
9 S81/CCT2R
+25V (500mA max.) +25V 15
0V 0V 18
Figure 2.21 Field Connections

Standard Connection Diagrams

Figure 2.22 Standard Connection Diagram

NOTE: Gas detection is not covered by the standards EN 54-2, EN-54-4 and EN 12094-1.

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

2.4.3 S81-F4002-1 & S81-F4002-2

Safety related module with 2 x 4-20mA analog inputs and two thresholds to be
programmed on the module through the operator cycle. The following trans-
ducer types can be connected to this module: Explosion Sensors, Air Quality
Sensors, Oxygen Sensors, Temperature Sensors, 4-20mA General Sensors. The
channel is continuously tested during operation. The module features 4-20mA
outputs that provide the current value measured on the input. The analog value
of each channel can be transferred to a DCS by means of the S81-F7006-1
Modbus RTU module. This module can be duplicated for fault tolerant sys-
tems; in this case, the two modules shall be placed on two adjacent racks in the
same position. In this configuration, the two detection lines are connected to
both modules.
Technical Features
• Safety rating: applicable up to SIL3
• Redundancy: S81-F4002-2 model
• Alarm threshold: 2 programmable
• Channel test: continuously tested
• Measuring range 0-24mA
• Line short circuit condition: with current >23.5mA
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 60mA
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• Hot swap capability: yes

Status Indications
Module front panel includes three LEDs and a three-digit display for each channel.
2nd Level 1st Level Fault/Disabled
Input channel status
Red LED Red LED Yellow LED
Normal − − −
Disabled − − ⊗
Trouble − − ∅
Pre-alarm ⊗ ⊗ −
Alarm ⊗ − −
Key to symbols: ⊗= steady on LED; − = LED off; ∅= flashing LED

Three-Digit Display
The three-digit display generally shows the measured value in the programmed format. Moreover,
it shows some fault codes according to the following table.
No. Channel Status
--- Initialization stage
F00 Module/channel not configured
F01 Line opening (current <1mA)
F02 Over-current (current >23.5mA)
F03 Internal test failed
Fx.x Device trouble 1
E00 Memory data error CRC
+/-999 Measured value

1 For current values lower than the set trouble threshold and exceeding 1mA, the display
will show the value of the measured current in mA preceded by letter F. Please refer to
the manual of the connected device for identifying the type of anomaly.

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

NOTE: The two 3-digit displays on module front panel do not provide the operator with
fundamental information and do not comply with the standard EN-54-2.

By using the configuration program ProHS81, the following parameters can be set for each input
Function Allowed values
Operating mode Latching/Non latching, UP/Down, NM
Mode of analog value transfer to Hosts Upon request/Automatic in case of change
Unit of measure of the channel Ppm, %LEL, %O2, mA, °C, RH, V, bar, db, rpm
Zero Point of the measuring range -999 - 999
End of scale of the measuring range -999 - 999
Pre-alarm threshold -999 - 999
Alarm threshold -999 - 999
Lower trouble threshold 1.0 - 3.8mA
Alarm delay 0 - 255 seconds
Type of indication Fire, Supervisory, Gas, Trouble, Hidden, Buzzer Only
Automatic alarm reset Yes/No
Enable/Disable status export via ModBus Yes/No
Enable/Disable channel status export to Hosts No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
Enable/Disable commands from Hosts on the channel No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
It defines the format of the analog value sent via ModBus, mA, mA tenth, VI, VI tenth, converter points
and automatically via Host

Threshold Setting
The following parameters can be set for each module through the configuration program or directly
on the control panel in the operator cycle, access level 3:
• Pre-alarm threshold.
• Alarm threshold.
• Current value below which a trouble condition is signaled.
• Calibration mixture concentration value for end of scale calibration.
Zero Point Calibration
Calibrate the zero point as reported below:
• Disable the channel of the module to be calibrated from the operator cycle.
• Enter the diagnosis cycle of the module to be calibrated.
• Make sure that no gas is present near the sensor to be calibrated.
• Press the “1” key to calibrate the zero point of the channel 1.
• Press “0” to cancel the operation for the channel 1.
• Press the “5” key to calibrate the zero point of the channel 2.
• Press the “4” key to cancel the operation for the channel 2.
• Exit the module diagnosis cycle and enable the channel.

NOTE: The zero point can be calibrated only with zero values ranging between 3 and 5mA.

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

End of Scale Calibration

Calibrate the end of scale as follows:
• Disable the channel of the module to be calibrated from the operator cycle.
• Enter the diagnosis cycle of the module to be calibrated.
• Apply gas to the sensor according to the percentage set during configuration.
• Wait for the gas value measured by the module to stabilize.
• Press the key “3” to calibrate the end of scale for channel 1.
• Press “2” to cancel the operation for channel 1.
• Press the key “7” to calibrate the end of scale for channel 2.
• Press “6” to cancel the operation for channel 2.
• Exit the module diagnosis cycle and enable the channel.

NOTE: The end of scale can be calibrated only if the current value measured by the module is
±3mA than the set calibration value.

Field Connections
Connection between an I/O module and field devices depends on the type of bus used.

 S81-E2004-1 Bus
The module is internally connected to one of the 8 terminal blocks
with 18 screw terminals mounted on the PCB.

 S81-E2001-2 Bus

The module is connected to the field terminal block by the S81-CCT7 4-conductor
multi-polar cable. For a module redundant connection, use the S81-CCT7R cable.

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

Function Termination with S81-E2004-1 Termination with S81-E2001-2
+ Input signal 1 +L1-in 1 1 White
+Input signal 2 +L2-in 13 2 Brown
+ Output signal 1 +L1-out 8 3 Green
17 S81/CCT7
+ Output signal 2 +L2-out 3 4 Yellow
9 S81/CCT7R
+25V (500mA max.) +25V 15
0V 0V 18
Figure 2.23 Field Connections

Standard Connection Diagrams

Figure 2.24 Standard Connection Diagram

NOTE: Gas detection is not covered by the standards EN 54-2, EN54-4, and EN 12094-1.

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2.4.4 S81-F4003-1 & S81-F4003-2

Safety related module with 8 x 4-20mA analog inputs and two thresholds to be
programmed on the module through the operator cycle. The following trans-
ducer types can be connected to this module: Explosion Sensors, Air Quality
Sensors, Oxygen Sensors, Temperature Sensors, 4-20mA General Sensors. The
channels are continuously tested during operation. The analog value of each
channel can be transferred to a DCS by means of the S81-F7006-1 Modbus
RTU module. This module can be duplicated in fault tolerant systems; in this
case, the two modules shall be placed on two adjacent racks in the same posi-
tion. In this configuration, the eight detection lines are connected to both mod-
Technical Features
• Safety rating: applicable up to SIL3
• Redundancy: S81-F4003-2 model
• Alarm threshold: 2 programmable thresholds for each channel
• Channel test: continuously
• Measuring range 0-24mA
• Line short circuit condition: with current >23.5mA
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 13mA
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• Hot swap capability: yes

Status Indications
Module front panel includes two status LEDs for each one of the eight channels.
Indications Line LEDs 1-8
Input channel status
Red LED Yellow LED
Normal − −
Disabled − ⊗
Trouble − ∅
Pre-alarm − −
Alarm ⊗ −
Key to symbols: ⊗= steady on LED; − = LED off; ∅= flashing LED

By using the configuration program ProHS81, the following parameters can be set for each input
Function Allowed values
Operating mode Latching/Non latching, UP/Down, NM
Mode of analog value transfer to Hosts Upon request/Automatic in case of change
Unit of measure of the channel Ppm, %LEL, %O2, mA,°C, RH, V, bar, db, rpm
Zero Point of the measuring range -999 - 999
End of scale of the measuring range -999 - 999
Pre-alarm threshold -999 - 999
Alarm threshold -999 - 999
Lower trouble threshold 1.0 - 3.8mA
Alarm delay 0 - 255 seconds
Type of indication Fire, Supervisory, Gas, Trouble, Hidden, Buzzer Only
Automatic alarm reset Yes/No
Enable/Disable status export via ModBus Yes/No
Enable/Disable status export to Hosts No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
Enable/Disable commands from Hosts on the channel No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
It defines the format of the analog value sent via ModBus, mA, mA tenth, VI, VI tenth, converter points
and automatically via Host

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

Threshold Setting
The following parameters can be set for each module through the configuration program or directly
on the control panel in the operator cycle, access level 3:
• Pre-alarm threshold.
• Alarm threshold.
• Current value below which a trouble condition is signaled
• Calibration mixture concentration value for end of scale calibration
Zero Point Calibration
Calibrate the zero point as reported below:
• Disable the channel of the module to be calibrated from the operator cycle.
• Enter the diagnosis cycle of the module to be calibrated.
• Disconnect the channel to be calibrated (1-8).
• Make sure that no gas is present near the sensor to be calibrated.
• Press the “1” key to calibrate the zero point of the channel.
• The new zero value is stored in the memory of the module.
• Press “0” to cancel the operation for the channel.
• Exit the module diagnosis cycle and enable the channel.

NOTE: The zero point can be calibrated only with zero values ranging between 3 and 5mA.

End of Scale Calibration

Calibrate the end of scale as follows:
• Disable the channel of the module to be calibrated from the operator cycle.
• Enter the diagnosis cycle of the module to be calibrated.
• Disconnect the channel to be calibrated (1-8).
• Apply gas to the sensor according to the percentage set during configuration.
• Wait for the gas value measured by the module to stabilize.
• Press the key “3” to calibrate the end of scale for the channel.
• Press “2” to cancel the operation for the channel.
• Exit the module diagnosis cycle and enable the channel.

NOTE: The end of scale can be calibrated only if the current value measured by the module is
±3mA than the set calibration value.

Field Connections
Connection between an I/O module and field devices depends on the bus type.

 S81-E2004-1 Bus
The module is internally connected to one of the 8 terminal blocks
with 18 screws mounted on the PCB.

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

 S81-E2001-2 Bus

The module is connected to the field terminal block by the S81-CCT3 8-conductor
multi-polar cable. For a module redundant connection, use the S81-CCT3R1 cable.

Function Termination with S81-E2004-1 Termination with S81-E2001-2
+ Input signal 1 +L1-in 1 1 White
+ Input signal 2 +L2-in 7 2 Brown
+Input signal 3 +L3-in 13 3 Green
+Input signal 4 +L4-in 2 4 Yellow
+Input signal 5 +L5-in 8 5 Gray
+Input signal 6 +L6-in 14 6 Pink
+Input signal 7 +L7-in 3 S81-E2004-1 7 Blue
9 S81/CCT3R1
+Input signal 8 +L8-in 8 Red
+25V (500mA max.) +25V 15
0V 0V 18
Figure 2.25 Field Connections

Standard Connection Diagrams

Figure 2.26 Standard Connection Diagram

NOTE: Gas detection is not covered by the standards EN 54-2, EN 54-4, and EN 12094-1.

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

2.4.5 S81-F5001-1 & S81-F5001-2

8 x 500 mA monitored control channel module. This is especially suited to
control automatic fire extinguishing systems, and can be used both for con-
trolling directional and releasing solenoid valves and evacuation visual and
audible alarm devices. During operation, each channel is cyclically tested by
the module through reversal of output signal for approximately 200 hundreds
of microseconds. In case of difference between the set signal and the measured
one, the control panel promptly signals a fault. Several channels can be con-
nected in parallel in order to increase the output current. This module can be
duplicated in fault tolerant systems; in this case, the two modules shall be
placed on adjacent racks in the same position. In this configuration, the eight
output lines are connected to both modules.
Technical Features
• Safety rating: applicable up to SIL3
• Redundancy: S81-F5001-2 model
• Channel test: every 2 seconds
• Max. output current: 500mA
• Automatic output protection: Yes
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 35mA
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• Hot swap capability: yes

Status Indications
Each one of the eight channels on the front panel includes two status LEDs
Indications 1-8 Out LEDs
Output Channel Status
Off − −
Disabled ⊗ −
Trouble ∅ −
Active − ⊗
Key to symbols ⊗= steady on LED; − = LED off; ∅= flashing LED

By using the configuration program ProHS81, the following parameters can be set for each output
Function Mode
Operating mode Continuous-Normally Energized, Continuous-Normally de-
energized, Intermittent, Pulsing-1, Pulsing-2, ISA-1A Alarm
Sequence, Delayed on activation, Delayed on enabling, Delayed on
Timing 1 to 255 seconds/minutes (only for pulsing and intermittent modes)
Output type Normal / Sounder
Output status in case of CPU fault Frozen in the last status / Off
Enable/Disable status export to Hosts No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
Enable/Disable commands from Hosts No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
on the channel

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

Field Connections
Connection between an I/O module and field devices depends on the type of bus used.

 S81-E2004-1 Bus
The module is internally connected to one of the 8 terminal blocks
with 18 screw terminals mounted on the PCB.

 S81-E2001-2 Bus
The module is connected to the field terminal block by the S81-CCT3 8-conductor
multi-polar cable. For a module redundant connection, use the S81-CCT3R cable.

Function Termination with S81-E2004-1 Termination with S81-E2001-2
+ Output 1 +L1 1 1 White
+ Output 2 +L2 7 2 Brown
+ Output 3 +L3 13 3 Green
+ Output 4 +L4 2 4 Yellow
+ Output 5 +L5 8 5 Gray
+ Output 6 +L6 14 6 Pink
+ Output 7 +L7 3 7 Blue
9 S81/CCT3R1
+ Output 8 +L8 8 Red
+25V (500mA max.) +25V 15
0V 0V 18
Figure 2.27 Field Connections

NOTE: To avoid excessive voltage drops, it is recommended to connect outputs bridging two
terminals on Bus S81-E2004-1 (1-4, 7-10, 13-16, etc.).

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

Standard Connection Diagrams

Figure 2.28 Standard Connection Diagram

NOTE: The module can control resistive or inductive loads with a maximum current of 500mA. If
the module is used for controlling filament lamps, the maximum load power cannot exceed 4W.

2.4.6 S81-F5002-1
Module with sixteen non-monitored 250mA open collector outputs. It is also
used together with the S81-T8007-2 16-relay module.
Technical Features
• Redundancy: No
• Channel test: No
• Max. output current 250mA
• Automatic output protection No
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 10mA
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• Hot swap capability: yes

Status Indications
Each one of the sixteen channels on the front panel includes a status LED.
Indications 1-16
Output Channel Status Out LEDs
Channel under normal condition −
Enabled channel ⊗
⊗= steady on LED; − = LED off

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By using the configuration program ProHS81, the following parameters can be set for each output
Function Mode
Operating mode Continuous-Normally Energized, Continuous-Normally de-energized, Intermittent,
Pulsing-1, Pulsing-2, ISA-1A Alarm Sequence, Delayed on activation, Delayed on
enabling, Delayed on deactivation
Timing 1 to 255 seconds/minutes (only for pulsing and intermittent modes)
Output type Normal / Sounder
Output status in case of CPU fault Frozen in the last status / Off
Enable/Disable status export to Hosts No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
Enable/Disable commands from Hosts on No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
the channel

Field Connections
Connection between an I/O module and field devices depends on the type of bus used.

 S81-E2004-1 Bus
The module is internally connected to one of the 8 terminal blocks
with 18 screw terminals mounted on the PCB.

 S81-E2001-2 Bus
The module is connected to the field terminal block by the S81-CCT1 16-conductor
multi-polar cable.

 S81-E2004-1 or S81-E2001-2
In both cases, the module can be
connected to the S81-T8007-2 16-
relay termination board.

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

Termination with
Function Termination with S81-E2004-1 Termination with S81-E2001-2
- Output 1 -L1 1 1 White 1 K1 relay
- Output 2 -L2 4 2 Brown 2 K2 relay
- Output 3 -L3 7 3 Green 3 K3 relay
- Output 4 -L4 10 4 Yellow 4 K4 relay
- Output 5 -L5 13 5 Gray 5 K5 relay
- Output 6 -L6 16 6 Pink 6 K6 relay
- Output 7 -L7 2 7 Blue 7 K7 relay
- Output 8 -L8 5 8 Red 8 K8 relay
- Output 9 -L9 8 9 Black 9 K9 relay
- Output 10 -L10 11 10 Violet 10 K10 relay
- Output 11 -L11 14 11 Gray/pink 11 K11 relay
- Output 12 -L12 17 12 Red/Blue 12 K12 relay
- Output 13 -L13 3 13 White/Green S81/CCT1 13 K13 relay
- Output 14 -L14 6 14 Brown/Green 14 K14 relay
- Output 15 -L15 9 15 White/Yellow 15 K15 relay
- Output 16 -L16 12 16 Yellow/Brown 16 K16 relay
+25V (500mA max.) +25V 15 17 White/Gray 17 +25V
0V 0V 18
Figure 2.29 Field Connections

2.4.7 S81-F5003-1
Module with 8 x 250 mA monitored output channels for sounder control. Out-
puts are controlled by two virtual channels for allowing both continuous and
intermittent output control. Line is monitored by polarity reversal.
Technical Features
• Redundancy: No
• Channel test: No
• Max. output current 250mA
• Automatic output protection: Yes
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 38mA
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• Hot swap capability: yes

Status Indications
Each one of the eight channels on the front panel includes two status LEDs.
Indications 1 - 8 Out LEDs
Output channel status
Off − −
Disabled ⊗ −
Trouble ∅ −
Active − ⊗
Key to symbols ⊗= steady on LED; − = LED off; ∅= flashing LED

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

By using the configuration program ProHS81, the following parameters can be set for each output
Function Mode
Operating mode Continuous-Normally Energized, Continuous-Normally de-energized, Intermittent,
Pulsing-1, Pulsing-2, ISA-1A Alarm Sequence, Delayed on activation, Delayed on
enabling, Delayed on deactivation, ANSI-S3.41, March
Timing 1 to 255 seconds
Output type Normal / Sounder
Output status in case of CPU fault Frozen in the last status / Off
Enable/Disable status export to Hosts No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
Enable/Disable commands from Hosts on No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
the channel

Field Connections
Connection between an I/O module and field devices depends on the type of bus used.

 S81-E2004-1 Bus
The module is internally connected to one of the 8 terminal blocks
with 18 screw terminals mounted on the PCB.

 S81-E2001-2 Bus
The module is connected to the field terminal block by the S81-CCT1 16-conductor
multi-polar cable.

 S81-T8008-1
Should 500 mA per line not be enough, it is possible to
connect the optional module S81-T8008-1 to module S81-
F5003-1. The former will add 4 x 2A @ 24 VDC polarity
reversal outputs.

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

Function Termination with S81-E2004-1 Termination with S81-E2001-2 Termination with
Output 1 +L1 1 1 White +L1 K1 Relay
-L1 4 2 Brown -L1 K2 Relay

Output 2 +L2 7 3 Green +L2 K3 Relay

-L2 10 4 Yellow -L2
Output 3 +L3 13 5 Gray +L3 K1 Relay
-L3 16 6 Pink -L3 K2 Relay

Output 4 +L4 2 7 Blue +L4 K3 Relay

-L4 5 8 Red -L4
Output 5 +L5 8 9 Black
-L5 11 10 Violet S81/CCT1

Output 6 +L6 14 11 Gray/Pink

-L6 17 12 Red/Blue
Output 7 +L7 3 13 White/Green
-L7 6 14 Brown/Green
Output 8 +L8 9 15 White/Yellow
-L8 12 16 Yellow/Brown
+25V (500mA max.) +25V 15 +25V +25V
0V 0V 18 0V 0V
Figure 2.30 Field Connections

Standard Connection Diagrams

Figure 2.31 Standard Connection Diagram

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

2.4.8 S81-F5004-1 & S81-F5004-2

4 x 2A monitored control channel module. This is especially suited to control
automatic fire extinguishing systems, and can be used both for controlling
directional and releasing solenoid valves and evacuation visual and audible
alarm devices. During operation, each channel is cyclically tested by the mod-
ule through reversal of output signal for approximately 200 hundreds of
microseconds. In case of difference between the set signal and the measured
one, the control panel promptly signals a fault. Several channels can be con-
nected in parallel in order to increase the output current. This module can be
duplicated in fault tolerant systems; in this case, the two modules shall be
placed on adjacent racks in the same position. In this configuration, the eight
output lines are connected to both modules.
Technical Features
• Safety rating: applicable up to SIL3
• Redundancy: S81-F5004-2 model
• Channel test: every 2 seconds
• Max. output current 2A
• Automatic output protection: Yes
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 20mA
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• Hot swap capability: yes

Status Indications
Each one of the eight channels on the front panel includes two status LEDs.
Indications 1 - 4 Out LEDs
Output channel status
Off − −
Disabled ⊗ −
Trouble ∅ −
Active − ⊗
Key to symbols ⊗= steady on LED; − = LED off; ∅= flashing LED

By using the configuration program ProS81, the following parameters can be set for each output
Function Mode
Operating mode Continuous-Normally Energized, Continuous-Normally de-energized, Intermittent,
Pulsing-1, Pulsing-2, ISA-1A Alarm Sequence, Delayed on activation, Delayed on
enabling, Delayed on deactivation
Timing 1 to 255 seconds/minutes (only for pulsing and intermittent modes)
Output type Normal / Sounder
Output status in case of CPU fault Frozen in the last status / Off
Enable/Disable status export to Hosts No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
Enable/Disable commands from Hosts No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
on the channel

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

Field Connections
Connection between an I/O module and field devices depends on the type of bus used.

 S81-E2004-1 Bus
The module is internally connected to one of the 8 terminal blocks
with 18 screw terminals mounted on the PCB.

 S81-E2001-2 Bus
The module is connected to the field terminal block by the S81-CCT4 4-conductor
multi-polar cable. For a module redundant connection, use the S81-CCT4R cable.

Function Termination with S81-E2004-1 Termination with S81-E2001-2
+ Output 1 +L1 1 1 White
+ Output 2 +L2 7 2 Brown
+ Output 3 +L3 13 3 Green
+ Output 4 +L4 2 4 Yellow
9 S81/CCT4R
+25V (500mA max.) +25V 15
0V 0V 18
Figure 2.32 Field Connections

NOTE: To avoid excessive voltage drops, it is recommended to connect outputs bridging two
terminals on bus S81-E2004-1 (1-4, 7-10, 13-16, etc.).

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

Standard Connection Diagrams

Figure 2.33 Field Connections

NOTE: The module can control resistive or inductive loads with a maximum current of 2A.
Should the module be used for controlling filament lamps, the maximum load power shall not
exceed 10W.

2.4.9 S81-F6001-1
This module is used for controlling the logic and indications of a certain fire
extinguishing zone in compliance with the requirements of the EN12094-1 stan-
dard. It controls ten output variables and seven input variables. It controls some
fire extinguishing system typical logics, such as discharge delay and reset inhibit
time. This module checks the status of the inputs and outputs physically located
on other modules by using virtual channels.
Technical Features
• Safety rating: applicable up to SIL3
• Redundancy: Yes
• Max. output current 250mA
• Automatic output protection: No
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 10mA
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• Hot swap capability: yes

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

Status Indications
The front panel includes 8 status LEDs with the following functions:
LED Indication
Activated (Red LED) Steady on under “activated” condition. It goes out in case of reset.
Released (Red LED) Steady on under “released” condition. It goes out in case of reset.
Fault (Yellow LED) Flashing in case of trouble in the fire extinguishing zone.
Disabled (Yellow LED) Steady on if a fire extinguishing zone is disabled
Inhibit (Yellow LED) Steady on under “inhibit” condition.
Hold (Yellow LED) Steady on under “Hold” condition.
Aut. Off (Yellow LED) Steady on under “Automatic exclusion” condition
Res. Bank (Yellow LED) Steady on when the reserve bank is selected

Virtual channels
The module controls the following variables:
Variable Type Description
V1 In “Activated” condition
V2 In Main primary discharge
V3 In Reserve primary discharge
V4 In Main secondary discharge
V5 In Reserve secondary discharge
V6 In Intermittent audible indications
V7 In Continuous audible indications
V1 Out Manual activation
V2 Out Automatic activation
V3 Out Automatic exclusion
V4 Out Emergency hold
V5 Out Release inhibition
V6 Out Reserve bank
V7 Out Secondary discharge
V8 Out Triggered system
V9 Out General trouble
V10 Out General disable

By using the ProS81 configuration program, the following parameters can be set for each virtual
Function Type Mode
Operating mode Sensors NO
Activates/alarmed condition Sensors Non Latching
Type of indication Sensors Fire, Supervisory, Gas, Trouble, Hidden,
Buzzer Only
Operating mode Actuators Continuous-Normally De-energized
Output type Actuators Normal
Enable/Disable status export to Hosts Sensors/Actuators No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
Enable/Disable commands from Hosts Sensors/Actuators No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
on the channel

The following parameters can be set for each module through the configuration program or directly
on the control panel in the operator cycle, access level 3:
Parameter Mode
Release delay time 0-60 seconds
Reset inhibit time 1-30 minutes
Hold operating mode Mode-A / Mode-B

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

Field Connections
This module does not feature any field connections, and therefore requires no terminations.

Figure 2.34 Fire Extinguishing System

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

2.4.10 S81-F6002-1
Logic module able to control 100 S-R flip flops, 100 toggles, and 100 timers.
Timers can be configured for two operating modes (Mode-A and Mode-B).
Technical Features
• Redundancy: Yes
• Maximum number of S-R flip flops: 100
• Maximum number of logic Toggles: 100
• Maximum number of Timers: 100
• Timer range: 0-255 seconds
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 9mA
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• Hot swap capability: yes

Status Indications
The front panel includes four LEDs with the following functions:
LED Indication
F1 (Green LED) Steady on if a logic function input variable is active
F2 (Green LED) Steady on if a logic function output variable is active
F3 (Green LED) Flashing during Timer count.
Disabled (Yellow LED) Steady on if an input or output variable is disabled

By using the ProHS81 configuration program, the following parameters can be set for each virtual
Parameter Type Mode
Type Sensors Flip Flop / Toggle / Timer
Mode Sensors A / B (Only for Timer types)
Alarm delay Sensors 0-255 seconds (Only for Flip Flop and Timer types)
Type of indication Sensors Fire, Supervisory, Gas, Trouble, Hidden, Buzzer Only
Enable/Disable status export to Sensors/Actuators No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
Enable/Disable commands from Sensors/Actuators No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
Hosts on the channel

NOTE: Logic function virtual inputs are set in output zones, whereas logic function virtual
outputs are set in zone sensors.

Logic Functions
The following time diagrams describe in detail the operation of the various logic functions of the

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

 S-R Flip Flop Function

 Toggle Function

 Timer Function (Mode-A)

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

 Timer Function (Mode-B)

Field Connections
This module does not feature any field connections, and therefore requires no terminations.

2.4.11 S81-F7002-1
Control module for addressable devices using Hochiki ESP protocol. This mod-
ule can control up to a maximum of 127 fire detection modules including: smoke,
heat, combined detectors, alarm buttons, control modules, visual and audible
alarm devices.
Technical Features
• Redundancy: No
• Maximum number of devices per loop: 127
• Loop maximum current 400mA
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 90mA
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• Hot swap capability: yes

Status Indications
The front panel includes 8 LEDs with the following functions:
LED Indication
Active (Red LED) Steady on if an input is under alarmed/activated condition
Disabled (Yellow LED) Steady on if an input or an output is disabled
Fault (Yellow LED) Flashing in case of Fault condition
Loop Fault (Yellow LED) Flashing in case of loop short circuit or open loop
Log on Fault (Yellow LED) Flashing in case of difference between the detected devices
and the programmed ones.
Service (Yellow LED) Flashing in case of in case of smoke detectors with dirty lenses
TX Pol. (Green LED) It lights up every time data are transmitted from the module to
loop devices.
RX Pol. (Green LED) It lights up every time data from loop devices are received

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

By using the configuration program ProHS81, the following parameters can be set for each point of
the single devices, according to the relevant type:
Parameter Type Mode
Operating mode Sensors Latching-NO, Latching-NC, Non-Latching-NO, Non-Latching-NC
Sensitivity Sensors 3 sensitivity levels to be selected
Measuring range Sensors See table
Pre-alarm threshold Sensors According to the selected measuring range
Alarm threshold Sensors According to the selected measuring range
Type of indication Sensors Fire, Supervisory, Gas, Trouble, Hidden, Buzzer Only
Automatic alarm reset Sensors Yes/No
Operating mode Actuators Continuous-Normally Energized, Continuous-Normally De-energized,
Intermittent, Pulsing
Timing Actuators 1 to 15 seconds (only for pulsing and intermittent modes)
Output type Actuators Normal / Sounder
Sounder tone Actuators 7 selectable tones
Sounder volume Actuators 50,55,60,70,78,80,85,88,90,93,94,95,98 decibels
Enable/Disable status export to Sensors/Actuators No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
Enable/Disable commands Sensors/Actuators No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
from Hosts on the channel

The following measuring ranges, with the relevant thresholds, can be selected for the 4-20mA
S81-Mod-AN module:
Measuring Pre-alarm
Alarm Threshold
range Threshold
0-10 ppm 0.0-10.0 0.0-10.0
0-20 ppm 0.0-20.0 0.0-20.0
0-50 ppm 0-50 0-50
0-100 ppm 0-100 0-100
0-200 ppm 0-200 0-200
0-100% LEL 0-100 0-100
0-25% O2 0.0-25.0 0.0-25.0
15-25% O2 15.0-25.0 15.0-25.0
4-20 mA 4.0-20.0 4.0-20.0
0-100°C 0-100 0-100

Field Connections
Connection between an I/O module and field devices depends on the type of bus used.

 S81-E2004-1 Bus
The module is internally connected to one of the 8 terminal blocks
with 18 screw terminals mounted on the PCB.

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

 S81-E2001-2 Bus

The module is connected to the field terminal block by the S81-CCT4 4-conductor
multi-polar cable.

Function Termination with S81-E2004-1 Termination with S81-E2001-2
+Loop Out +Lout 1 1 White
-Loop Out -Lout 7 2 Brown
+Loop In +Lin 13 3 Green
-Loop In -Lin 2 4 Yellow
3 S81-E2004-1
+25V (500mA max.) +25V 15
0V 0V 18
Figure 2.35 Field Connections

NOTE: To avoid excessive voltage drops, it is recommended to connect outputs bridging two
terminals on bus S81-E2004-1 (1-4, 7-10, 13-16, etc.).

Standard Connection Diagrams

Figure 2.36 Loop standard connection diagram

NOTE: For compliance with EN 54-2, at least one short circuit isolator must be installed every 32
devices and/or manual call points (pullstations).

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

Supported Devices
This module can control the following types of Hochiki Europe addressable devices:
Part Number Description Type ProHS81 Notes
ALG-E, ALG-EN Photoelectric Smoke Sensor ALG-E Powered by the loop
ATG-E Heat Sensor ATG-E Powered by the loop
ACB-E, ACB-EW, ATJ-EN Multi Heat Sensor ACB-E Powered by the loop
AIE-E Ionization Smoke Sensor AIE-E Powered by the loop
ACA-E, ACC-EN Smoke/Heat Multi Sensor ACA-E Powered by the loop
S81-Mod-An 4-20mA Analog Module CHQ-AN Requires external power supply
CHQ-CP, HCP-E, HCP-W Manual Call Point CHQ-CP Powered by the loop
CHQ-MZ,CHQ-SZM Single Zone Module CHQ-MZ Powered by the loop
CHQ-Z, CHQ-DZM Dual Zone Module CHQ-Z Requires external power supply
CHQ-SIM Single Input Module CHQ-SIM Powered by the loop
CHQ-S, CHQ-DIM Dual Input Module CHQ-S Powered by the loop
CHQ-R, CHQ-DRC Dual Relay Controller CHQ-R Requires external power supply
CHQ-B, CHQ-DSC Dual Sounder Controller CHQ-B Powered by the loop
CHQ-PCM Plant Control Module CHQ-PCM Powered by the loop
YBO-BS Base Sounder YBO-BS Powered by the loop
CHQ-BS Base Sounder (Old type) CHQ-BS Powered by the loop
YBO-BSB Base Sounder Beacon YBO-BSB Powered by the loop
CHQ-WS2 Wall Sounder CHQ-WS2 Powered by the loop
CHQ-WSB Wall Sounder Beacon CHQ-WSB Powered by the loop
CHQ-AB Addressable Beacon CHQ-AB Powered by the loop
CHQ-ARI Remote Indicator CHQ-ARI Powered by the loop
CHQ-POM Powered Output Module CHQ-POM Powered by the loop
CHQ-SOM Single Output Module CHQ-SOM Powered by the loop
FB-1 Fire Beam Detector FB-1 Powered by the loop

2.4.12 S81-F7007-1
Control module for addressable devices using the SSP protocol. The module is
able to control up to 127 addressable modules and is mainly used for controlling
technological signals. This type of module shall not be used to connect fire detec-
tion devices.
Technical Features
• Redundancy: No
• Number of devices per loop: 127
• Loop maximum current: 250mA
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 70mA
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• Hot swap capability: yes

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

Status Indications
The front panel includes 8 LEDs with the following functions:
LED Indication
Active (Red) Steady on if an input is under alarmed/activated condition
Disabled (Yellow) Steady on if an input or an output is disabled
Fault (Yellow) Flashing in case of Fault condition
Loop Fault (Yellow) Flashing in case of loop short circuit or open loop
Log on Fault (Yellow) Flashing in case of difference between the detected devices and the programmed ones.
Service (Yellow) Flashing in case of in case of smoke detectors with dirty lenses
TX Pol. (Green) It lights up every time data are transmitted from the module to loop devices.
RX Pol. (Green) It lights up every time data from loop devices are received

By using the configuration program ProHS81, the following parameters can be set for each point of
the single devices, according to the relevant type:
Parameter Type Mode
Operating mode Sensors Latching-NO, Latching-NC, Non-Latching-NO, Non-Latching-NC
Measuring range Sensors See table
Pre-alarm threshold Sensors According to the selected measuring range
Alarm threshold Sensors According to the selected measuring range
Type of indication Sensors Fire, Supervisory, Gas, Trouble, Hidden, Buzzer Only
Automatic alarm reset Sensors Yes/No
Operating mode Actuators Continuous-Normally Energized, Continuous-Normally De-energized,
Intermittent, Pulsing
Timing Actuators 1 to 255 seconds (only for pulsing and intermittent modes)
Enable/Disable status export to Sensors/Actuators No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
Enable/Disable commands from Sensors/Actuators No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
Hosts on the channel

The following measuring ranges, with the relevant thresholds, can be programmed for S81-Mod-
AI020, S81-Mod-AV010 analog modules:
Measuring Range Pre-alarm Threshold Alarm Threshold
0-255 Bit 0-255 0-255
0-10 ppm 0.0-10.0 0.0-10.0
0-20 ppm 0.0-20.0 0.0-20.0
0-50 ppm 0.0-50.0 0.0-50.0
0-100 ppm 0-100 0-100
0-200 ppm 0-200 0-200
0-500 ppm 0-500 0-500
0-999 ppm 0-999 0-999
0-100%LEL 0-100 0-100
0-25%O2 0.0-25.0 0.0-25.0
15-25%O2 15.0-25.0 15.0-25.0
4-20 mA 4.0-20.0 4.0-20.0
0-100°C 0-100 0-100
0-150°C 0-150 0-150
0-10 V 0.0-10.0 0.0-10.0

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

Field Connections
Connection between an I/O module and field devices depends on the type of bus used.

 S81-E2004-1 Bus
The module is internally connected to one of the 8 terminal blocks
with 18 screw terminals mounted on the PCB.

 S81-E2001-2 Bus
The module is connected to the field terminal block by the S81-CCT4 4-conductor
multi-polar cable.

Function Termination with S81-E2004-1 Termination with S81-E2001-2
+Loop Out +Lout 1 1 White
-Loop Out -Lout 7 2 Brown
+Loop In +Lin 13 3 Green
-Loop In -Lin 2 4 Yellow
+25V (500mA max.) +25V 15
0V 0V 18
Figure 2.37 Field Connections

NOTE: To avoid excessive voltage drops, it is recommended to connect outputs bridging two
terminals on bus S81-E2004-1 (1-4, 7-10, 13-16, etc.).

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

Standard Connection Diagrams

Figure 2.38 Standard Connection Diagram of Technological Controls

Supported Devices
This module can control the following types of addressable devices:
Part Number Description Type Pros-81 Notes
S81-Mod-DI Module with 8 non monitored inputs DI Requires external power supply
S81-Mod-AIT Module with 4 monitored inputs AIT Requires external power supply
S81-Mod-AI020 Module with 1 x 4-20 mA input AI020 Requires external power supply
S81-Mod-AV010 Module with 1 x 0-10V input AV010 Requires external power supply
S81-Mod-DO Module with 8 open collector outputs DO Requires external power supply
S81-Mod-DISP 255 message display module DISP Requires external power supply 1

1 A maximum of 64 modules can be installed in a loop.

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

2.4.13 S81-F7009-1
Control module for addressable devices using XP95/Discovery Apollo protocol.
This module can control up to a maximum of 127 fire detection modules includ-
ing: smoke, heat, combined detectors, alarm buttons, control modules, visual
and audible alarm devices.
Technical Features
• Redundancy: No
• Number of devices per loop: 127
• Loop maximum current: 400mA
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 90mA
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• Hot swap capability: yes

Status Indications
The front panel includes 8 LEDs with the following functions:
LED Indication
Active (Red) Steady on if an input is under alarmed/activated condition
Disabled (Yellow) Steady on if an input or an output is disabled
Fault (Yellow) Flashing in case of Fault condition
Loop Fault (Yellow) Flashing in case of loop short circuit or open loop
Log on Fault (Yellow) Flashing in case of difference between the detected devices and the programmed ones.
Service (Yellow) Flashing in case of in case of smoke detectors with dirty lenses
TX Pol. (Green) It lights up every time data are transmitted from the module to loop devices.
RX Pol. (Green) It lights up every time data from loop devices are received

By using the configuration program ProHS81, the following parameters can be set for each point of
the single devices, according to the relevant type:
Parameter Type Mode
Operating mode Sensors Latching-NO, Latching-NC, Non-Latching-NO, Non-Latching-NC
Sensitivity Sensors 5 sensitivity levels to be selected
Type of indication Sensors Fire, Supervisory, Gas, Trouble, Hidden, Buzzer Only
Automatic alarm reset Sensors Yes/No
Operating mode Actuators Continuous-Normally Energized, Continuous-Normally De-energized,
Intermittent, Pulsing
Timing Actuators 1 to 15 seconds (only for pulsing and intermittent modes)
Output type Actuators Normal / Sounder
Sounder tone Actuators 15 selectable tones
Sounder volume Actuators 7 selectable volume levels
Polling LED Sensors/Actuators Enable/Disable LED lighting up during polling

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

Enable/Disable status export to Sensors/Actuators No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232

Enable/Disable commands from Sensors/Actuators No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
Hosts on the channel

Field Connections
Connection between an I/O module and field devices depends on the type of bus used.

 S81-E2004-1 Bus
The module is internally connected to one of the 8 terminal blocks
with 18 screw terminals mounted on the PCB.

 S81-E2001-2 Bus
The module is connected to the field terminal block by the S81-CCT4 4-conductor
multi-polar cable.

Function Termination with S81-E2004-1 Termination with S81-E2001-2
+Loop Out +Lout 1 1 White
-Loop Out -Lout 7 2 Brown
+Loop In +Lin 13 3 Green
-Loop In -Lin 2 4 Yellow
14 S81/CCT4
3 S81-E2004-1
+25V (500mA max.) +25V 15
0V 0V 18
Figure 2.39 Field Connections

NOTE: To avoid excessive voltage drops, it is recommended to connect outputs bridging two
terminals on bus S81-E2004-1 (1-4, 7-10, 13-16, etc.).

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

Standard Connection Diagrams

Figure 2.40 Loop Standard Connection Diagram

NOTE: For compliance with EN 54-2, at least one short circuit isolator must be installed every 32
devices and/or manual call points (pullstations).

Supported devices
This module can control the following types of Apollo addressable devices:
Part Number Description Type Pros-81 Notes
55000-600 XP95 Optical smoke detector X-OSD Powered by the loop
55000-500 XP95 Ionization smoke detector X-ISD Powered by the loop
55000-268 /273 XP95 Reflective Beam X-RB Powered by the loop
55000-885 XP95 Multi-sensor detector X-HSM Powered by the loop
55000-400 XP95 Heat detector (Standard) X-HD Powered by the loop
55000-401 XP95 Heat detector (High Temperature) X-HHD Powered by the loop
55100-905 XP95 Manual Call Point X-MCP Powered by the loop
XPA-CB-12034-APO XPander Optical smoke detector P-OSD Powered by the loop
XPA-CB-11170-APO XPander Heat detector (Standard) P-HD Powered by the loop
XPA-CB-11171-APO XPander Heat detector (High Temperature) P-HHD Powered by the loop
XPA-CB-13032-APO XPander Multi-sensor detector P-HSM Powered by the loop
XPA-IN-14011-APO XPander Input/Output Unit P-IOU Powered by the loop
XPA-MC-14006-APO XPander Manual Call Point P-MCP Powered by the loop
XPA-CB-14003-APO XPander Sounder/Beacon & Sounder Base P-SB Powered by the loop
XPA-IN-14007-APO XPander Loop Interface P-LI Powered by the loop
55000-640 XP95 I.S. Optical smoke detector X-OSD Powered by the loop
55000-540 XP95 I.S. Ionization smoke detector X-ISD Powered by the loop
55000-440 XP95 I.S. Heat detector (Standard) X-HD Powered by the loop
55100-940 XP95 I.S. Manual Call Point X-MCP Powered by the loop
55000-847 Standard Input/Output Unit X-IOU Powered by the loop
55000-875 Standard Mains Input/Output Unit X-MIO Powered by the loop
55000-843 Standard Switch Monitor X-SM Powered by the loop
55000-841 Standard Switch Monitor Plus X-SMP Powered by the loop
55000-845 Standard Zone Monitor X-ZMU Powered by the loop
55000-852 Standard Sounder Control Unit X-SCU Requires external power supply
55000-803 Din Rail Input/Output Unit X-IOU Powered by the loop
55000-797 Din Rail Main Input/Output Unit X-MIO Powered by the loop
55000-822 Din Rail Switch Monitor X-SM Powered by the loop
55000-821 Din Rail Switch Monitor Plus X-SMP Powered by the loop
55000-760 Din Rail mini Switch Monitor X-MSM Powered by the loop
55000-812 Din Rail Zone Monitor X-ZMU Powered by the loop
55000-182 Din Rail Sounder Control Unit X-SCU Requires external power supply

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

55000-773MAR Marine Din Rail Zone Monitor X-ZMU Powered by the loop
55000-772MAR Marine Din Rail Switch Monitor Plus X-SMP Powered by the loop
55000-181MAR Marine Din Rail Sounder Control Unit X-SCU Requires external power supply
58000-600MAR Discovery Marine Optical smoke detector D-OSD Powered by the loop
58000-400MAR Discovery Marine Heat detector D-HD Powered by the loop
58000-700MAR Discovery Marine Multi-sensor detector D-HSM Powered by the loop
58100-940MAR Discovery Marine Manual Call Point D-MCP Powered by the loop
58100-975MAR Discovery Marine W.P. Manual Call Point D-MCP Powered by the loop
58000-600 Discovery Optical smoke detector D-OSD Powered by the loop
58000-500 Discovery Ionization smoke detector D-ISD Powered by the loop
58000-700 Discovery Multi-sensor detector D-HSM Powered by the loop
58000-300 Discovery Carbon Monoxide detector D-CMD Powered by the loop
58000-305 Discovery Heat/Carbon Monoxide multi-sensor D-HCM Powered by the loop
58000-400 Discovery Heat detector D-HD Powered by the loop
58100-908 Discovery Manual call Point Red D-MCP Powered by the loop
58100-950 Discovery W.P. Manual call Point Red D-MCP Powered by the loop
45681-393 Discovery Sounder/Beacon Base D-SBB Powered by the loop
58000-005 Discovery Open Area Sounder/Beacon D-ASB Powered by the loop
55000-295 Intelligent Dual IR Flame detector ATEX X-FD Powered by the loop
55000-021 Intelligent Triple IR Flame detector ATEX X-FD Powered by the loop

2.4.14 S81-F7010-1
Control module for addressable devices using System Sensor protocol. This
module can control up to a maximum of 188 fire detection modules including:
smoke, heat, combined detectors, alarm buttons, control modules, visual and
audible alarm devices.
Technical Features
• Redundancy: No
• Operating modes: Configuration via software.
• Number of devices per loop: 99 modules & 99 sensors
• Loop maximum current: 500mA
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 39mA
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• Hot swap capability: yes

Status Indications
The front panel includes 8 LEDs with the following functions:
LED Indication
Active (Red LED) Steady on if an input is under alarmed/activated condition
Disabled (Yellow LED) Steady on if an input or an output is disabled
Fault (Yellow LED) Flashing in case of Fault condition
Loop Fault (Yellow LED) Flashing in case of loop short circuit or open loop
Log on Fault (Yellow LED) Flashing in case of difference between the detected devices and the programmed ones.

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

Service (Yellow LED) Flashing in case of in case of smoke detectors with dirty lenses
TX Pol. (Green LED) It lights up every time data are transmitted from the module to loop devices.
RX Pol. (Green LED) It lights up every time data from loop devices are received

By using the configuration program ProHS81, the following parameters can be set for each point of
the single devices, according to the relevant type:
Parameter Type Mode
Operating mode Sensors Latching-NO, Latching-NC, Non-Latching-NO, Non-Latching-NC
Sensitivity Sensors 5 or 9 sensitivity levels to be selected
Polling priority for call points Sensors Normal, High
Unit of measure of the channel Sensors Ppm, %LEL, %O2, mA,°C, RH, V, bar, db, rpm
Zero Point Sensors -500 - 500
End of scale Sensors -500 - 500
Pre-alarm threshold Sensors -500 - 500
Alarm threshold Sensors -500 - 500
Lower trouble threshold Sensors 1.0 - 3.8mA
Type of indication Sensors Fire, Supervisory, Gas, Trouble, Hidden, Buzzer Only
Automatic alarm reset Sensors Yes/No
Operating mode Actuators Continuous-Normally Energized, Continuous-Normally De-energized,
Intermittent, Pulsing
Timing Actuators 1 to 15 seconds (only for pulsing and intermittent modes)
Output type Actuators Normal / Sounder
Polling LED Sensors/Actuators Enable/Disable LED lighting up during polling
Enable/Disable status export to Sensors/Actuators No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
Enable/Disable commands Sensors/Actuators No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
from Hosts on the channel

Field Connections
Connection between an I/O module and field devices depends on the type of bus used.

 S81-E2004-1 Bus
The module is internally connected to one of the 8 terminal blocks
with 18 screw terminals mounted on the PCB.

 S81-E2001-2 Bus
The module is connected to the field terminal block by the S81-CCT4 4-conductor
multi-polar cable.

92 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

Function Termination with S81-E2004-1 Termination with S81-E2001-2
+Loop Out +Lout 1 1 White
-Loop Out -Lout 7 2 Brown
+Loop In +Lin 13 3 Green
-Loop In -Lin 2 4 Yellow
14 S81/CCT4
3 S81-E2004-1
+25V (500mA max.) +25V 15
0V 0V 18
Figure 2.41 Field Connections

NOTE: To avoid excessive voltage drops, it is recommended to connect outputs bridging two
terminals on bus S81-E2004-1 (1-4, 7-10, 13-16, etc.).

Standard Connection Diagrams

Figure 2.42 Loop standard connection diagram

NOTE: For compliance with EN 54-2, at least one short circuit isolator must be installed every 32
devices and/or manual call points (pullstations).

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

Supported Devices
This module can control the following types of System Sensor addressable devices:
Addresses Type
Part Number Description
Used Pro-S81
CMA1-I Module with 1 output with isolator 1 CON/FORC
M701E Module with 1 output with isolator 1 CON/FORC
MMA1-I Module with 1 input with isolator 1 MON3
M710E Module with 1 input with isolator 1 MON3
M720E Module with 2 inputs with isolator 2 MON3
CMA11 Module with 1 input & 1 output 2 MON3/CON/FORC
M721E Module with 2 inputs & 1 output 3 MON3/FORC
CMA22 Module with 2 inputs & 2 outputs 4 MON3/CON/FORC
CMX-10RM Module with 5 inputs & 5 outputs 10 MON3/FORC
MCX-55M Module with 5 inputs & 5 outputs 10 MON3/FORC
MMX-10M Module with 10 inputs 10 MON3
CMX-10RM Module with 10 relay outputs 10 FORC
M710ECZ Module with 1 input for conventional detectors 1 SCON
M710ECZR Module with 1 input for conventional EExd detectors 1 SCON
MMT Module for 4-20mA analog interface with 1 channel 1 TEC2
IIG4N Module for 4-20mA analog interface with 4 channels 4 TEC2
M700KW Outdoor red alarm button with isolator 1 PULL
M700KI Red alarm button with isolator 1 PULL
M700KACI-FG-B Blue alarm button with isolator 1 PULL
M700KACI-FG-B Yellow alarm button with isolator 1 PULL
ABS32/PW-I Addressable sounder base with isolator 1 HORN
ABSB32/PW/RD-I Addressable sounder base & beacon with isolator 1 HORN
AWB/RD-I Addressable beacon 1 HORN
AWS32/R/RD-I Electronic sounder with beacon with isolator 1 HORN
AWS32/R-I Electronic sounder with isolator 1 HORN
NFXI-SS-W Addressable sounder base with isolator 1 HORN
NFXI-BSF-WC Addressable sounder base & beacon with isolator 1 HORN
NFXI-WF-RR Addressable beacon 1 HORN
NFXI-WS-R Electronic sounder with isolator 1 HORN
NFXI-WSF-RR Electronic sounder & beacon with isolator 1 HORN
NFXI-OPT Optical smoke sensor with isolator 1 PHOT
NFXI-TDIFF Rate of rise & fixed 58°C temperature heat detector with isolator 1 TH58
NFXI-TFIX58 58°C heat sensor with isolator 1 TH58
NFXI-TFIX78 78°C heat sensor with isolator 1 TH78
NFXI-SMT2 Optical/rate of rise heat detector with isolator 1 OMNI
NFXI-SMT3 Optical smoke, heat and flame IR detector with isolator 1 OMNI
SDX-751CTEM Optical smoke, heat, CO and flame IR detector with isolator 1 OMNI
7251 PINNACLE Laser smoke detector 1 PINN
SDX-751ME Optical smoke sensor 1 PHOT
FDX551REM Rate of rise heat detector 1 TH58
FDX-551HTE 78°C heat sensor 1 TH78
FDX-751-TEMI Optical/rate of rise heat detector 1 OMNI
IDX751AE Intrinsically safe optical sensor 1 PHOT
WL-NTM Radio translator -- WTR
WL-CM SERIE Wireless output modules with one non monitored contact 1 WFORC
WL-MM SERIE Wireless input modules 1 WMON3
WL-MCP Wireless alarm button 1 WPULL
WL-D100 Wireless optical smoke sensor 1 WPHOT
WL-D200 Wireless optical/rate of rise heat detector 1 WTH58
WL-D350 Wireless 58°C heat sensor 1 WTH58
WL-SDN Wireless electronic sounder 1 WHORN

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

2.4.15 S81-F7011-1
Control module for addressable devices (remote I/O) using Safety Bus based on
CAN communication ring. The module can control up to 64 detection and control
Technical Features
• Redundancy: yes
• Operating modes: Configuration via software
• Number of devices per loop 64
• Supply voltage: 22-29Vdc
• Quiescent current: 70mA
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non condensing
• Hot swap capability: yes

Status Indications
The front panel includes 8 LEDs with the following functions:
Tag Mode Indication
Off Out of service
Run (Green LED) Blinking Slave mode
Steady on Master Mode
Disabled (Yellow LED) Steady on At least one channel/point disabled
Fault (Yellow LED) Blinking Fault in the devices line
Log. On Fault (Yellow LED) Blinking Discrepancy between configured and installed devices
Device Fault (Yellow LED) Blinking At least one device fault
Ring Fault (Yellow LED) Blinking Communication ring open
Link-1 Fault (Yellow LED) Blinking Communication fault on link-1
Link-2 Fault (Yellow LED) Blinking Communication fault link-2

By using the configuration program ProHS81, the following parameters can be set for each point of
the single devices, according to the relevant type:
Parameter Type Mode
Operating mode Sensors Latching-NO, Latching-NC, Non-Latching-NO, Non-
Alarm verification function Sensors Enabled/Disabled
Unit of measure of the channel Sensors 4-20mA Ppm, %LEL, %O2, mA, °C, RH, V, bar, db, rpm
Zero Point Sensors 4-20mA -1000 - 1000
End of scale Sensors 4-20mA -1000 - 1000
Pre-alarm threshold Sensors 4-20mA -1000 - 1000
Alarm threshold Sensors 4-20mA -1000 - 1000
Lower trouble threshold Sensors 4-20mA 1.0 - 3.8mA

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

Higher trouble threshold 4-131mA

Type of indication Sensors Fire, Supervisory, Gas, Trouble, Hidden, Buzzer Only
Automatic alarm reset Sensors Yes/No
Operating mode Sensors Continuous-Normally Energized, Continuous-Normally
de-energized, Intermittent, Pulsing-1, Pulsing-2, ISA-1A
Alarm Sequence, Delayed on activation, Delayed on
enabling, Delayed on deactivation, S341, March
Timing Actuators 1 to 255 minutes/seconds (only for pulsing and
intermittent modes)
Output type Actuators Normal / Sounder
Fail safe status Actuators Off, Freeze
Enable/Disable status export to Actuators No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
Enable/Disable commands Sensors / No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
from Hosts on the channel Actuators

Field Connections
Connection between an I/O module and field devices depends on the type of bus used.

 S81-E2004-1 Bus
The module is internally connected to one of the 8 terminal blocks
with 18 screw terminals mounted on the PCB.

 S81-E2001-2 Bus
The module is connected to the field terminal block by the S81-CCT8 3-conductor
multi-polar cable. For module redundant connection, use the S81-CCT8R cable.

Function Termination with S81-E2004-1 Termination with S81-E2001-2
+Link 1 +Lk1 1 1 Yellow
-Link 1 -Lk1 7 2 Black
Shield Link 1 Sch-Lk1 13 3 Shield
+Link 2 +Lk1 8 1 Yellow
-Link 2 -Lk1 14 2 Black
3 S81-E2004-1 S81/CCT8
Shield Link 2 Sch-Lk1 3 Shield
6 S81/CCT8R
+25V (500mA max.) +25V 15
0V 0V 18
Figure 2.43 Field Connections

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

System Architecture
System is composed by one (or two in redundancy) control module and a maximum of 64 address-
able I/O modules. Connection between modules is single fault (short circuit or open circuit) tolerant
closed loop.

Figure 2.44 System Architecture

Supported Devices
This module can control the following types of Safety Bus addressable devices:
Part Number Description Safety related
SB-SIM 8 supervised input module yes
SB-SIM-GM 8 supervised input module with ground leakage detection yes
SB-AIM 8 4-20mA input module yes
SB-SCM 8 supervised output module for solenoids yes
SB-NCM 8 supervised output module for sounder control No
SB-ECM 8 supervised input and 8 supervised output for extinguishing release module yes
SB-PRG Hand held Programmer for SB modules -

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

2.4.16 S81-F7006-1
Communication module with Modbus RTU Master/slave protocol. It features
two outputs providing independent connections: a RS485 Half Duplex connec-
tion, and a RS232 connection. It controls the following Modbus variables:
• 512 Boolean input variables (32 16-bit words)
• 512 Boolean output variables (32 16-bit words)
• 1024 16-bit analog variables.
• Analog variables report the values of the 4-20mA analog modules, S81-F4001,
S81-F4002, S81-F4003 types.
Technical Features
• Redundancy: No
• Operating modes: Master/Slave.
• Interface: N°1 RS232 + N°1 RS485
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 14mA
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• Hot swap capability: yes

Status Indications
The front panel includes 8 LEDs with the following functions:
LED Indication
ACTIVE (Red LED) Steady on if an input variable is active
DISABLED (Yellow LED) Steady on if an input or output variable is disabled
FAULT (Yellow LED) Flashing in case of communication fault. (Master mode only)
MASTER (Green LED) Steady on in Master operating mode.
TX RS232 (Green LED) It lights up every time data are transmitted on the RS232 port
RX RS232 (Green LED) It lights up every time data are received on the RS232 port
TX RS485 (Green LED) It lights up every time data are transmitted on the RS45 port.
RX RS485 (Green LED) It lights up every time data are received on the RS45 port.

By using the ProHS81 configuration program, the following parameters can be set for each virtual
Parameter Type Mode
Operating mode Sensors Latching-NO, Latching-NC, Non-Latching-NO, Non-Latching-NC
Type of indication Sensors Fire, Supervisory, Gas, Trouble, Hidden, Buzzer Only
Operating mode Actuator Continuous-Normally Energized, Continuous-Normally De-energized,
Intermittent, Pulsing
Timing Actuator 1 to 15 seconds (only for pulsing and intermittent modes)
Output type Actuators Normal / Sounder
Enable/Disable status export to Hosts Sensors/Actuators No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
Enable/Disable commands from Sensors/Actuators No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
Hosts on the channel

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

The module includes 2 x 8-way dip switches required for setting the communication parameters.

 SW1: Modbus Address Configuration

SW1 dip switch configures module Modbus address in the 1-255 range. In Slave mode, it defines
module Modbus address, whereas in master mode it defines the address of the Slave peripheral
devices to which commands are to be sent. The address 00 is not allowed.
SW1-1 Modbus address Weight 1 (on = Active)
SW1-2 Modbus address Weight 2 (on = Active)
SW1-3 Modbus address Weight 4 (on = Active)
SW1-4 Modbus address Weight 8 (on = Active)
SW1-5 Modbus address Weight 16 (on = Active)
SW1-6 Modbus address Weight 32 (on = Active)
SW1-7 Modbus address Weight 64 (on = Active)
SW1-8 Modbus address Weight 128 (on = Active)

 SW2: Modbus Parameter Configuration

The 1-2-3 dips of SW2 switch configure the Baud rate according to the table below:
SW2-1 SW2-2 SW2-3 Baud Rate
Off Off Off 1200
On Off Off 2400
Off On Off 4800
On On Off 9600
Off Off On 19200
On Off On 38400
Off On On 57600
On On On 115200

The 4-5 dips of the SW2 switch configure parity and stop bit number
SW2-4 SW2-5 Parity
Off Off No parity
On Off Even
Off On Odd
On On Not allowed

The 6-7-8 dips of the SW2 switch configure the following options:
On 2 stop bits
Off 1 stop bit
On Module in Master mode
Off Module in Slave mode
On Freezes the last acquired status in case of Slave disconnection 1
Off Puts all entities in communication fault trouble condition in case of Slave disconnection1

1 Only for Master mode

Moreover, the module includes a Jumper for allowing the 120 ohm termination resistor on the
RS485 line.
On RS485 primary line termination added
Off RS485 primary line termination removed

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

Field Connections
Connection between an I/O module and field devices depends on the type of bus used.

 S81-E2004-1 Bus
The module is internally connected to one of the 8 terminal blocks
with 18 screw terminals mounted on the PCB.

 S81-E2001-2 Bus
The module is connected to the field terminal block by the S81-CCT6 6-conductor
multi-polar cable.

Function Termination with S81-E2004-1 Termination with S81-E2001-2
RS232 TX Data 232-TX 1 1 White
RS232 RX Data 232-RX 7 2 Brown
RS232 GND GND 13 3 Green
RS485+ +RS485 2 4 Yellow
RS485- -RS485 8 5 Gray S81/CCT6
RS485 GND GND 14 6 Pink
3 S81-E2004-1
+25V (500mA max.) +25V 15
0V 0V 18
Figure 2.45 Field Connections

Standard Connection Diagrams

Figure 2.46 RS232/RS485 Standard Connection Diagram

NOTE: For additional details on the use of this module, please refer to the specific document
ST-007-IT-R1 RTU Modbus Protocol.

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

2.4.17 S81-F7008-1
This module, used together with S81-MOD-BIL cylinder weighing modules,
allows to monitor cylinder load status and to signal even the slightest extinguish-
ing gas leakage without delay.
Technical Features
• Redundancy: No
• Operating modes: Master/Slave.
• Interface to field devices: RS485
• Load cells on bus: 32
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 14mA
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• Hot swap capability: yes

Status Indications
The front panel includes 8 LEDs with the following functions:
LED Indication
ACTIVE Flashing in case of pre-alarm. On Steady in case of load cell alarm.
DISABLED Steady on if a load cell is disabled.
FAULT Flashing in case of load cell trouble
MASTER Not used (steady light)
TX RS232 Not used (off)
RX RS232 Not used (off)
TX RS485 It lights up every time data are transmitted on the RS45 port.
RX RS485 It lights up every time data are received on the RS45 port.

Thanks to the configuration program ProHS81, the following parameters can be set for each load
Parameter Type Mode
Operating mode Sensors Latching-NO, Latching-NC, Non-Latching-NO, Non-Latching-NC
Pre-alarm threshold Sensors 1-3000 hg
Alarm threshold Sensors 1-3000 hg
Alarm indication mode Sensors Fire, Supervisory, Gas, Trouble, Hidden, Buzzer Only
Enable/Disable status Sensors No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
export to Hosts
Enable/Disable Sensors No, TCP1, TCP2, RS232
commands from Hosts on
the channel

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System I/O modules

Field Connections
Connection between an I/O module and field devices depends on the type of bus used.

 S81-E2004-1 Bus
The module is internally connected to one of the 8 terminal blocks
with 18 screw terminals mounted on the PCB.

 S81-E2001-2 Bus
The module is connected to the field terminal block by the S81-CCT6 6-conductor
multi-polar cable.

Function Termination with S81-E2004-1 Termination with S81-E2001-2
RS485+ +RS485 2 1 Yellow
RS485- -RS485 8 2 Gray
11 S81/CCT6

RS485 GND GND 14 3 Pink

3 S81-E2004-1
+25V (500mA +25V 15
0V 0V 18
Figure 2.47 Field Connections

Standard Connection Diagrams

Figure 2.48 RS485 Standard Connection Diagram

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I/O modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

NOTE: Connect a 120 Ohm, ¼ watt resistor between L+ and L- terminals on the weighing end
module to balance the RS485 bus.

S81-MOD-BIL Weighing Module

The S81-MOD-BIL module, together with the S81-F7008-1 module, allows to monitor cylinder
load status and to signal even the slightest extinguishing gas leakage without delay. The weighing
module communicates with the control module through the RS485 bus that accepts up to 32 mod-
ules. Two thresholds, pre-alarm and alarm, can be set per weighing module when programming.
Technical Features
• Support Material: Steel
• Supply voltage: 22-28VDC
• Typical absorption: 36mA typical
• Protection class: IP 30
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Measuring range: 0 - 3000 hg
• Maximum load: 300 Kg
• Compatible control modules: S81-F7008-1
• RS485 bus maximum length: 1000 meters

Install the weighing module to the floor with the relevant base by using the four fixing holes on the
lower section of the support. Before tightening the fixing nuts, make sure that cylinder base plate is
perfectly level. Do not install the module outdoor.
Programming the Weighing Module Address
In order to program the address of weighing modules follow the procedure below:
1. Enter the module diagnosis cycle.
2. Select the Program Device Address menu.
3. Set the desired address using the ↑ and ↓ keys.
4. Press Enter.

NOTE: During this stage, only the weighing module to which address has to be
assigned must be connected to the bus.

Weighing Module Reset

In order to reset the weighing modules, follow the procedure below:
1. Enter the module diagnosis cycle.
2. Select the Devices menu.
3. Go to the weighing module to be reset using the arrows.
4. Press Enter.

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System Termination modules

2.5 Termination modules

I/O modules may be terminated by using termination modules or by directly using a multi-conduc-
tor cable, depending on the bus type in use.
Module PN Description For I/O Module
S81-T8002-1 RS232 / Current loop converter S81-E2003-1
S81-T8004-1 Default I/O Card S81-E2003-1
S81-T8007-2 16 Relays Card S81-F5002-1
S81-T8008-1 4 Relays Card S81-F5003-1

2.5.1 S81-T8002-1
This module transforms the remote Host serial
output signal from RS232 to current loop with
galvanic insulation. The module is passive and
therefore needs an actively operating converter
on the other end. With this module it is possible
to connect a remote Host computer to a maximum
distance of 2,000 meters.

Technical Features
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 30mA
• Current loop maximum distance: 2,000 meters at 9,600 bps
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• Dimensions: W 57 x H 77 x D 50 mm

Status Indications
The module includes 5 x SMD LEDs with the following functions:
LED Indication
Power Steady on when supply voltage is detected
RX-232 On when data are received on the RS232 port
TX-232 On when data are transmitted on the RS232 port
RX-CL On when data are received on the current loop
TX-CL On when data are transmitted on the current loop

Internal Connections
 J1: RS232
Connection of RS232 serial line. Connect to the J5 connector of module S81-E2003-1 using the
S81-C232/2 cable.

 BR1: Power Supply

These 3 terminals connect supply voltage (+25VDC) and earth.
Tag Function Cable Color
∅ M1 25VDC power supply positive Red
∅ M2 25VDC power supply negative Black
∅ M3 Earth Yellow/Green

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Termination modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

Field Connections
 BR2: Current loop
These 4 terminals connect
Tag Function Cable Color
∅ M1 RX data input positive White
∅ M2 RX data input negative Brown
∅ M3 TX data output positive Green
∅ M4 TX data output negative Yellow

2.5.2 S81-T8004-1
This module controls 10 digital inputs, 16 open col-
lector outputs, one SPDT relay contact for fault
indication, and a local sounder 250mA monitored
output for Fire alarm functions. Moreover, the mod-
ule checks the primary power supply voltage for
any earth leakage. It can be combined with module
S81-T8001-1 to get 16 x 250mA open collector
outputs, or with modules S81-T8007-1 and S81-
T8007-2 to get 16 x SPDT contacts.

Technical Features
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 100mA
• Max. current of open collector outputs 250mA, non protected
• Max. current of local sounder output 250mA, protected electronically
• Fault indication relay max current 2A, 30VDC
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• Dimensions: W 135 x H 77 x D 50 mm

Status Indications
The module includes 2 green LEDs with the following functions:

LED Indication
Power (Green LED) Steady on when supply voltage is detected
Link (Green LED) Steady on when the link for communication with module S81-U1006-1 is present

The module includes a 1-way dip-switch used to enable the ground fault check on the supply volt-
SW1 Description
On Supply voltage ground fault (earth leakage) check enabled
Off Supply voltage ground fault (earth leakage) check disabled

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System Termination modules



Internal Connections

Figure 2.49 S81-T8004-1 Interconnections

 TB1-TB2-TB3 Power supply

These three Faston connectors are used to connect supply voltage and earth.
TAG Function Cable Color
TB1 25VDC power supply positive Red
TB2 25VDC power supply negative Black
TB3 Earth Yellow/Green

 J1 to J1 on S81-E2003-1
It is a connector for 14-pole flat cable, allowing connection to the S81-E2003-1 Bus module. Con-
nect using S81-CFT14/2 cable.

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Termination modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

 J2 to J1 on S81-T8001-1, J1 on S81-T8007-1 or J1 on S81-T8007-2

It is a connector for 20-pole flat cable, allowing connection to the S81-T8001-1 termination module
or to the 16-relay modules S81-T8007-1 and S81-T8007-2. Connect using S81-CFT20/05 cable.
S81-T8007-1 Function Type Notes
∅ M1 K1 Supervisory Normally de-energized
∅ M2 K2 Alarm Normally de-energized
∅ M3 K3 General trouble Normally energized
∅ M4 K4 Disabling Normally de-energized
∅ M5 K5 External buzzer Normally de-energized
∅ M6 K6 Gas Normally de-energized
∅ M7 K7 Alarm Normally energized
∅ M8 K8 Tampering Normally energized
∅ M9 K9 Trouble Normally energized
∅ M10 K10 External sounder Normally energized
∅ M11 K11 Currently not used Normally energized
∅ M12 K12 Running System Normally energized
∅ M13 K13 System fault Normally energized
∅ M14 K14 Power supply fault Normally energized
∅ M15 K15 CPU fault Normally energized
∅ M16 K16 Control panel reset Pulsing on reset

Field Connections
 BR1 Terminal Block
It is a 12-way terminal block to connect the ten default inputs and the local fire alarm sounder.
BR1 Function Type Notes
∅ M1 Remote buzzer silencing input Safety N.O.
∅ M2 Remote sounder silencing input Safety N.O.
∅ M3 Remote control panel reset input Safety N.O.
∅ M4 Remote evacuation control input Safety N.O.
∅ M5 Battery status input (supply/charge) System 0V during charge
∅ M6 PSU1 primary power supply trouble input System N.C.
∅ M7 PSU2 secondary power supply trouble input System N.C.
∅ M8 Battery charge status (Full charge/Trickle) System 0V full charge
∅ M9 External Fault Input Safety N.C
∅ M10 Revolving door tamper input Security N.C
∅ M11 Local sounder/buzzer output + Safety max. 250mA
∅ M12 Local sounder/buzzer output - Safety max. 250mA
M13 NC Fault contact System 2A 30VDC max.
M14 C Fault contact System 2A 30VDC max.
M15 NO Fault Contact Safety 2A 30VDC max.
M16 + Power supply to card * +25VDC
M17 - Power supply to card * +25VDC
M18 Ground * For ground leakage detection



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Parts of the H-S81-HS System Termination modules

Standard Connection Diagrams

Figure 2.50 – Inputs and Local Sounder Output Standard Connection Diagram

2.5.3 S81-T8007-2
It is used with S81-E2001-2 type bus to
terminate S81-F5002-1 modules. It fea-
tures 16 x 4A 30Vdc SPDT output con-
tacts to be used for the connection of
SELV circuits only. It is also used
together with the S81-T8004-1 module.

Technical features
• Supply voltage: 22-29Vdc
• Quiescent current: 0mA
• Contact type: SPDT
• Contact capacity: 4 A 30Vdc
• Assembly: on DIN bar
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non condensing
• Dimensions: W 170 x H 77 x D 50 mm

Status Indications
The module includes 16 green LEDs for relay status indication:
LED Condition
LED1 - LED16 It lights up when relay coil is active

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Termination modules Parts of the H-S81-HS System

Field connections
K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8















SPDT contacts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
NC = Normally closed
NO = Normally open K9 K10 K11 K12 K13 K14 K15 K16
COM = Common
















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Relay K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 K10 K11 K12 K13 K14 K15 K16 C

Terminals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Activation input BR5



2.5.4 S81-T8008-1
This module is used together with module
S81-F5003-1 and allows to control up to 4 sound-
ers with a maximum absorption of 2A each.
Technical Features
• Supply voltage: 22-29VDC
• Quiescent current: 0mA
• Max. output current 2A - current protected
• Assembly: on DIN bar
• Operating temperature: -5 - 50°C
• Storage temperature: -30 - 80°C
• Maximum humidity: 95% (RH) non-condensing
• Dimensions: W 78 x H 77 x D 50 mm

Status Indications
The module includes 4 green LEDs for output status indication:
LED Condition
LED1 - LED4 (Green LEDs) They light up when outputs are active

Internal Connections
 BR1 Terminal Block
2-way terminal block for power supply connection.
Tag Function Notes
∅ M1 25VDC power supply positive Red
∅ M2 25VDC power supply negative Black

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System Blank Panels

 BR2 Terminal block

8-way terminal block for the connection of cables coming from module S81-F5003-1.
Tag Function Notes
∅ M1 + Input 1 From S81-F5003-1 module Output +
∅ M2 - Input 1 From S81-F5003-1 module Output -
∅ M3 + Input 2 From S81-F5003-1 module Output +
∅ M4 - Input 2 From S81-F5003-1 module Output -
∅ M1 + Input 3 From S81-F5003-1 module Output +
∅ M2 - Input 3 From S81-F5003-1 module Output -
∅ M3 + Input 4 From S81-F5003-1 module Output +
∅ M4 - Input 4 From S81-F5003-1 module Output -

Field Connections
 BR3 Terminal block
8-way terminal block for output connection to field devices.
Tag Function Notes
∅ M1 + Output 1
∅ M2 - Output 1
∅ M3 + Output 2
∅ M4 - Output 2
Maximum current 2A
∅ M1 + Output 3
∅ M2 - Output 3
∅ M3 + Output 4
∅ M4 - Output 4

Standard Connection Diagrams

Figure 2.51 Sounder Standard Connection Diagram

2.6 Blank Panels

They close empty module slots in the rack.

110 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Blank Panels Parts of the H-S81-HS System

2.6.1 Description
This is a series of front panels used to close empty module slots on I/O racks and on the central unit

Figure 2.52 Blank Panels

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Parts of the H-S81-HS System Cables

2.7 Cables
Possible connections according to module type:
Termination with
Module PN Description
S81-F3002-1 Module with 8 x 22VDC monitored inputs S81-CCT1
S81-F3002-2 Module with 8 x 22VDC monitored inputs S81-CCT1R
S81-F3002-3 Module with 8 x 12VDC monitored inputs S81-CCT1
S81-F4001-1 Module with 1 x 4-20mA analog input S81-CCT2
S81-F4001-2 Module with 1 x 4-20mA analog input S81-CCT2R
S81-F4002-1 Module with 2 x 4-20mA analog inputs S81-CCT7
S81-F4002-2 Module with 2 x 4-20mA analog inputs S81-CCT7R
S81-F4003-1 Module with 8 x 4-20mA analog inputs S81-CCT3
S81-F4003-2 Module with 8 x 4-20mA analog inputs S81-CCT3R1
S81-F5001-1 Module with 8 x 500mA monitored outputs S81-CCT3
S81-F5001-2 Module with 8 x 500mA monitored outputs S81-CCT3R
S81-F5002-1 Module with 16 x 250mA open collector outputs S81-CCT1
S81-F5003-1 Module with 8 x 500mA monitored outputs for sounders S81-CCT1
S81-F5004-1 Module with 4 x 2A monitored outputs S81-CCT4
S81-F5004-2 Module with 4 x 2A monitored outputs S81-CCT4R
S81-F6001-1 Module for fire extinguishing systems EN-12094-1 Not available
S81-F6002-1 Logic module Not available
S81-F7002-1 Loop module with ESP protocol S81-CCT4
S81-F7006-1 Modbus RTU Master/Slave module S81-CCT6
S81-F7007-1 Loop module with SSP protocol S81-CCT4
S81-F7008-1 Control module for scales S81-CCT6
S81-F7009-1 Loop module with XP95/Discovery protocol S81-CCT4
S81-F7010-1 Loop module with System Sensor protocol S81-CCT4
Loop module with Safety Bus protocol -single S81-CCT8
Loop module with Safety Bus protocol - redundant S81-CCT8R

112 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Section 3: Installation
This chapter provides all the necessary information for proper product installation.

NOTE: All operations described in this chapter must be carried out by certified personnel.

3.1 Positioning of the Control Panel

Before positioning the H-S81-HS control panel, please refer to the environmental specifications for
proper product operation described in Section 1.3. The control panel must be located in a properly
monitored area and in a place granting easy access to the staff.

NOTE: All the parts used in H-S81-HS systems are selected depending on the relevant intended
use and are suitable for operating in compliance with the technical specifications and the relevant
environmental conditions therein specified.

3.2 Measures for Installation in Compliance with the EC

For proper system installation on the cabinet, undertake the following measures:
• Use only power supply sets certified for the product.
• Lay power cables and terminating cables of field devices on two separate paths.
• Use shielded cables to connect field devices and I/O modules.
• Follow all the instructions provided for system earthing.
• In case of permanent installation, the electrical system of the building must be provided with a
(magnetothermal/differential) disconnect device, easy to be accessed and with the following
Max. Absorbed Current at Electrical
Power Supply Set Type of Protection
110VAC Characteristics
S81-PU001-1 1.6A 6A-400VAC
S81-PU001-2 3.3A 10A-400VAC
S81-PU001-4 6.4A 12A-400VAC
differential switch
S81-PU002-2 6A 12A-400VAC
S81-PU002-4 12A 20A-400VAC

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Installation Mounting the H-S81-HS-1R, H-S81-HS-2R, H-S81-HS-L, & H-S81-HS/M Control Panels

3.3 Mounting the H-S81-HS-1R, H-S81-HS-2R, H-S81-HS-L, &

H-S81-HS/M Control Panels
The control panel must be located in an easily accessible
place, well signaled and protected against fire. To mount
the cabinet to the wall (H-S81-HS-1R, H-S81-HS-2R)
use the four tabs provided. To mount it to masonry walls,
use Fisher-like nylon expansion anchors of at least 8mm.

Figure 3.1 Wall Mounting

Furthermore, should the
cabinet be fixed next to a
corner wall, the minimum
distance from the latter
must be 650 mm, so to
allow for front panel open-
ing. Moreover, the instal-
lation height must
guarantee display clear
visibility and easy access
by operators.
Figure 3.2 Position of Cabinet

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Positioning the H-S81-HS-1/10R & H-S81-1/U Control Panels Installation

3.4 Positioning the H-S81-HS-1/10R & H-S81-1/U Control

The control panel must be located in an easily accessible place, well signaled and protected against
fire. Place the cabinet on a dead level floor after providing a suitable housing for cable entry.

Figure 3.3 Free-Standing Cabinet

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Installation Layout of S81-HS/L Internal Parts

3.5 Layout of S81-HS/L Internal Parts

The picture below shows the typical layout of the parts located on the base plate of H-S81-HS/L
type control panels. In this specific configuration, main AC input is connected to TB0 terminal,
field device cables are connected to eight terminal blocks BR1-BR8.

• CB PU-A0004-1 Battery charger

• AL PU-A0005-1 Power supply unit
• SR0 S81-T8004-1 Default I/O
• FR AC filter
• TB0 Main AC input
• BR Filed terminal blocks
• SB Earth bar of shields
• EB Safety earth bar

Figure 3.4 H-S81-HS/L Internal Plate

116 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Layout of S81-HS/M Internal Parts Installation

3.6 Layout of S81-HS/M Internal Parts

The picture below shows the typical layout of the parts located on the base plate of H-S81-HS/M
type control panels. In this specific configuration, main Ac input is connected to TB0 terminal,
field device cables are connected to eight terminal blocks BR1-BR8.

• AL SDR-240-24 Power supply unit

• FR AC filter
• BR Filed terminal blocks
• TB0 Main AC input
• SB Earth bar of shields
• EB Safety earth bar

Figure 3.5 H-S81-HS/M Internal Plate

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Installation Layout of H-S81-HS/1R & H-S81-HS/2R Internal Parts

3.7 Layout of H-S81-HS/1R & H-S81-HS/2R Internal Parts

The picture below shows the typical layout of the parts located on the base plate of H-S81-HS/1R
and H-S81-HS-2R type control panels. In these two versions main AC input is connected to termi-
nal TB0, field device cables are connected to I/O modules on TB terminals. Cable trays identified
as 230VAC are used only for AC main supply.

• AL PU-A0005-1 Power Supply Unit

• FR AC Filter
• SR1 Internal Sounder
• IG1 AC Main Switch
• IG2 DC Main Switch
• S1 Battery Disconnect Switch
• TB1 24VDC distribution
• SR0 S81-T8004-1 Default I/O
• TB Field terminals
• TB0 AC main terminals
• SB Earth bar of shields

Figure 3.6 H-S81-HS/1R/2R Internal Plate

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Layout of H-S81-HS/1-10R Internal Parts Installation

3.8 Layout of H-S81-HS/1-10R Internal Parts

The picture below shows the typical layout of the parts located on the base plate of the H-S81-
HS/1-10R type control panels. In this version main AC input is connected to terminal TB0, field
device cables are connected to I/O modules on TB terminals. Cable trays identified as 230VAC are
used only for AC main supply.

• G1 Main AC switch-1
• IG2 Main AC switch -2
• IG3 Internal light switch
• IG4 Aspirating fans switch
• IG5 Main DC switch
• SR1 Internal sounder
• Q1 Battery disconnect switch
• TB1 24VDC distribution
• SR0 S81-T8004-1 Default I/O
• SW1 Ethernet Switch
• TB Field terminals
• TB0 AC Main terminals
• SB Earth bar of shields

Figure 3.7 H-S81-HS/1-10R Internal Plate

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Installation Cable Entry

3.9 Cable Entry

For cable entry use the proper plates located on the cabinet bottom and already drilled to house
cable connectors. For the entry of the main supply cable, use the proper cable connector on the right
side of the pre-drilled plate.

NOTE: Use only cable connectors with V1 or higher flammability rating.

3.10 Earth Grounding Instructions

To improve the electromagnetic compatibility, H-S81-HS systems are equipped with two separate
earth connection types. The earth bar marked with BT is for earthing the cabinet, racks, and power
supply set. It must be connected to PE. The earth bars marked with BS are for grounding the shields
of the cables from field devices and must be connected to IE.

NOTE: If the system has no IE connection, BS earth bars must be connected to the earth bar BT.

3.11 Connection to AC Main

The main supply cable must preferably pass through the relevant cable tray. Use a three-conductor
cable (phase – neutral – earth) for main connection.

Figure 3.8 AC Power Terminal Block

With the IG1, IG2 and IG3 switches set to the OFF position, remove the protection cover of TB01
terminal block and connect the power cable. Connect the Phase to terminals 1 and 4, the Neutral to
terminals 2 and 5, and the Earth to terminals 3 and 6. Then, place the protection cover back on
TB01 terminal block.

NOTE: The connection to AC main shall be carried out in full compliance with the national
regulations in force.

3.12 Battery Connection

There must be a secondary power source (battery) to power the system in case of primary mains
supply failure. The H-S81-HS control panel can charge two 12V sealed lead batteries connected
together in series, with a maximum capacity of 120 Ah. Refer to the spreadsheet of the paragraph to

120 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Instructions for the Connection of Field Devices Installation

calculate the proper capacity of the batteries to be used. Open S1 disconnect switch, connect the red
cable marked with +B to the positive pole of the batteries and the black cable marked with –B to the
negative pole of the batteries; then close S1 disconnect switch.

Figure 3.9 Internal Batteries

NOTES:The two batteries shall have the same Ah capacity.

Do not connect the batteries in parallel to obtain higher capacity.
Fix the batteries with plates provided or double-sided tape.

3.12.1 Replacement of Battery Fuses

To replace battery protection fuses, open the disconnect switch S1, remove the blown fuses and
replace them with two equivalent or identical ones; then close the disconnect switch S1 again.

NOTE: Batteries can power the control panel only after the primary mains voltage is supplied.

3.13 Instructions for the Connection of Field Devices

All the interconnecting cables of field devices must be duly identified and terminated with suitable
end ferrules (the end of a stranded conductor must not be consolidated with a soft soldering in the
places where the conductor is subject to contact pressure). During wiring, make sure to keep the
cables of field devices (Inputs/Outputs) and the power cables separate.

3.13.1 Balanced Input Cables

For this type of signal we recommend using shielded twisted cables CEI EN 50200 2 x 1 mm2.

3.13.2 4-20 mA Analog Input Cables

For this type of signal we recommend using shielded twisted cables CEI EN 50200 3 x 1.5 mm2. In
this case, please take utmost care when selecting the conductors to avoid that the voltage drop along
the cable may prevent the connected devices from operating.

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Installation Instructions for the Connection of Field Devices

3.13.3 Addressable Loop Cables

For these types of signal we recommend using shielded twisted pair cables CEI EN 50200 2 x 1
mm2. Cable section depends on the length, and on the number and type of installed devices. How-
ever, total cable resistance must not exceed 40 Ohms, cable capacity must be below 1 µF and
inductance below 1 mH. The table below shows the minimum cable section required according to
loop length.
Loop Length Type of Cable AWG Type
≤ 1000 meters 2 x 1 mm2 16AWG Belden 9575
≤ 1500 meters 2 x 1.5 mm2 16AWG Belden 9575
≤ 2000 meters 2 x 2.5 mm 2
14AWG Belden 9581
≤ 3000 meters 2 x 4 mm2 12AWG Belden 9583

NOTE: In case of closed loops, cable length is the overall length from starting to end point. Multi-
conductor cables cannot be used for loop connection.

3.13.4 25 VDC Power Cables

For control panel to field device power supply, we recommend using shielded twisted pair cables
CEI EN 50200 2 x 1 mm2. Please take utmost care when selecting the conductors to avoid that the
voltage drop along the cable may prevent the connected devices from operating.

3.13.5 Output Cables

For the connection between control panel and outputs (sounders, solenoid valves, panels) we rec-
ommend using flame-resistant, shielded twisted pair cables CEI EN 50200. Also in this case, check
the voltage drop on the cable and increase its section, if necessary.

NOTE: Use the relay contacts on S81-T8006 and S81-T8007 relay termination modules only
with Safety Extra Low Voltages.

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Section 4: Start-Up and Fault Management
This section describes the different stages of system start up and explains the operation to be car-
ried out to reset the various system faults.

NOTE: All operations described in this chapter must be carried out by skilled staff, adopting all
suitable protective measures against Electro Static Discharges.

4.1 Start-Up
This paragraph describes the operations to be carried out upon first system startup.

4.1.1 Required Materials

To carry out all the start up stages properly, the equipment below is required:
• Digital multimeter
• 1 x 0-20 mA current generator to simulate analog sensors

4.1.2 Preliminary Checks

1. Make sure that the earth connections are made properly. Check also that system earth
resistance does not exceed 20 Ohms.
2. Carry out a visual inspection of the connections on the terminal block inside the switchboard;
in particular, check the polarity of battery and power cables.
3. Make sure that all the modules are properly installed into the racks with their fixing screws

4.1.3 Checks on Cables from Field Devices

NOTE: Before carrying out these checks, disconnect the cables by opening the terminal blades
or disconnecting the flat cable connectors from the termination modules to avoid damaging I/O

Balanced Input Cables (S81-F3002 Modules)

1. Make sure that both conductors (+L/-L) are insulated from the earth.
2. Disconnect the shield from the shield bar and make sure it is insulated from the earth.
3. Make sure that the resistance between the positive and negative of the line is of approximately
5600 Ohms.
Analog Input Cables (S81-F4001, S81-F4002, S81-F4003 Modules)
1. Make sure that the conductor (+L/-L) is insulated from the earth.
2. Make sure that the positive and negative (+25V/-25V) of the power supply are insulated from
earth ground.
3. Disconnect the shield from the shield bar and make sure it is insulated from the earth.
Addressable Loop Cables (S81-F7002, S81-F7007, S81-F7009, S81-F7010
1. Make sure that the 4 conductors (+Lout/-Lout and +Lin/-Lin) are insulated from the earth.
2. Disconnect the shield from the shield bar and make sure it is insulated from the earth.
3. Make sure that there is no short circuit between terminals +Lout and -Lout.
4. Make sure that there is no short circuit between terminals +Lin and -Lin.

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Start-Up and Fault Management Start-Up

Audible Alarm Device Control Cables (S81-F5003 Modules)

1. Make sure that both conductors (+L/+L) are insulated from the earth.
2. Make sure that the resistance between the positive and negative of the line is of approximately
5600 Ohms.
Solenoid Control Cables (S81-F5001, S81-F5004 Modules)
1. Make sure that both conductors (+L/-L) are insulated from the earth.
2. Make sure that the resistance between terminals +Lout and +Lin exceeds 40 Ohms.
25 VDC Power Cables
1. Make sure that both conductors (+L/-L) are insulated from earth ground.

4.1.4 Start
1. Make sure that the disconnect switch supplying 25 VDC voltage to the system and field
devices is disabled.
2. Activate the disconnect switch S1 that connects the batteries to the power supply set.
3. Activate the main switch powering the power supply set.
4. Use a voltmeter to measure the Vload voltage from the power supply set and check that it is
5. Use a voltmeter to measure the Vbat voltage from the power supply set and check that it is
27VDC approximately.
6. Activate the disconnect switch supplying field devices and the system and wait for
initialization cycle conclusion.
7. During this stage, possible faults, if any, will be shown on the central unit display.
8. Cut power supply set power. Make sure that central unit display shows the message: “Primary
voltage fault”.
9. Use a voltmeter to measure the Vload voltage on bus bars and check that it is 25VDC.
10. Supply voltage to the power supply set. Fault condition must reset.
11. Disconnect battery positive. Make sure that the central unit display shows the message:
“Secondary voltage fault” within 30 seconds.
12. Connect battery positive again. Fault condition must reset.

4.1.5 Functional Tests

Functional tests aim to check all system features and its compliance with customer requirements.
Utmost care must be taken in checking the logics of the extinguishing zones to make sure that the
system carries out the required operations in case of fire alarm.

NOTE: Before carrying out any functional test, disconnect all the solenoids controlling the
extinguishing systems. If necessary, replace the solenoids with a 25 VDC, 2Watt bulb to check the
proper implementation of the logics.

The functional test of a safety system is deemed to be 100% valid if the following points are com-
plied with:
1. All inputs are tested in all of their possible operating statuses.
2. All outputs are tested in all of the statuses defined by the application program.
3. All program logical paths are tested.
4. All preset delays are checked.
5. All combinations of digital signal permutations are checked - fault conditions included.

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Management of Faults Start-Up and Fault Management

4.2 Management of Faults

This paragraph describes the behavior of system H-S81-HS when the various faults occur.

4.2.1 Power Supply Set Fault

The fault of the power supply set is detected by the central unit during operation. Fault type and
details are shown on the display. Before replacing a module of the power supply set, carefully read
the instructions in Sections 4.2.4, 4.2.5, and 4.2.6.

4.2.2 Central Unit Fault

In case of fault of one of the two CPUs, the system will keep operating without any interruptions.
The faulty CPU is indicated on the display. To this end, please note that “CPU-0” on the display
indicates the CPU in the left slot and “CPU-1” the right one. The faulty CPU can be replaced
during system operation following the instructions in Section 4.2.7.

4.2.3 I/O Module Fault

The fault of one I/O module is detected by the central unit during operation. The position of the
faulty module and the relevant fault type are shown on the display. The faulty I/O module can be
replaced during system operation following the instructions in Section 4.2.8.

4.2.4 Replacing One Module of the S81-PU001 Power Supply Set

Before replacing a module of the S81-PU001 power supply set, the system must be powered down.
This is why this operation requires complete system shutdown.
To replace one module of the S81-PU001 set, operate as follows:
1. Open the disconnect switch S1 that connects the batteries to the power supply set.
2. Deactivate the main switch powering the control panel.
3. Deactivate the external and internal disconnect switches supplying the primary power supply.
4. Use a voltmeter to make sure that no voltage is present on input terminals.
5. Disconnect the wires connected to the faulty module.
6. Remove the 4 fixing screws securing the module to the base plate.
7. Remove the faulty module and mount the new one by tightening the 4 screws.
8. Make the connections following the instructions of the wiring diagram.
9. Activate the disconnect switches that supply the primary power supply, inside and outside the
10. Use a voltmeter to measure the Vload voltage from the power supply set and check that it is
11. Use a voltmeter to measure the Vbat voltage from the power supply set and check that it is
12. Activate the disconnect switch S1 that connects the batteries to the power supply set.
13. Activate the main switch supplying power to the control panel.

4.2.5 Replacing One Module of the S81-PU002 Power Supply Set

The replacement of the modules making up the S81-PU002 power supply set can be made during
operation and does not require system shutdown. To replace the PU-A0009-1 battery charger mod-
ule operate as follows:
1. Open the disconnect switch S1 that connects the batteries to the power supply set.
2. Unscrew the four screws on the front panel.

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Start-Up and Fault Management Management of Faults

3. Firmly remove the module from the rack using the handle on the front panel.
4. Set the two dip-switches on the new module in exactly the same way as those on the faulty one.
5. Insert the new module in the rack and tighten the 4 fixing screws on the front panel.
6. Use a voltmeter to measure the Vbat output voltage and check that it is 27VDC approximately.
7. Activate the disconnect switch S1 that connects the batteries to the power supply set.
To replace one PU-A0008-1 power supply module operate as follows:
1. Press the shutdown button on the front panel with a screwdriver.
2. Unscrew the four screws on the front panel.
3. Firmly remove the module from the rack using the handle on the front panel.
4. Insert the new module in the rack and tighten the 4 fixing screws on the front panel.

NOTE: Avoid any contact with the tracks and internal parts of the removed module since the
energy stored in electrolytic capacitors can cause serious injury to people.

4.2.6 Battery Replacement

To replace lead batteries operate as follows:
1. Open the disconnect switch S1 that connects the batteries to the power supply set.
2. Disconnect +B and -B cables from battery terminals.
3. Replace the batteries with two identical batteries of the same model.
4. Connect +B and -B cables to battery terminals, paying attention not to reverse the polarity.
5. Close the S1 disconnect switch.

4.2.7 Replacement of the CPU

The replacement of one of the CPUs can be made during operation and does not require system
shutdown. To replace the S81-U1002-1 central unit operate as follows:
1. Fully unscrew the two screws on the front panel making sure that they are completely free.
2. Firmly remove the faulty module using the handle on the front panel.
3. Remove the new module from the package taking care not to touch the electronic components.
4. Insert the new module firmly and tighten the two fixing screws on the front panel.
5. Wait for some seconds (time depending on the configuration file dimensions) until the fault
indication disappears from the display.

NOTE: During the synchronization of the new module, all new events will be blocked and no
action will be carried out by the control panel until the fault resets.

4.2.8 I/O Module Replacement

The replacement of I/O modules can be made during operation and does not require system shut-
down. To replace one I/O module operate as follows:
1. Fully unscrew the two screws on the front panel making sure that they are completely free.
2. Firmly remove the faulty module using the handle on module front panel.
3. Remove the new module from the package taking care not to touch the electronic components.
4. Insert the new module firmly and tighten the two fixing screws on the front panel.
5. Wait for some seconds until the fault indication disappears from the display.

126 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Management of Faults Start-Up and Fault Management

4.2.9 Replacement of Fuses

Fuses must be replaced exclusively with fuses of the same type and value. See the table below for
fuse types.
Location Type Value
Fuse for PU-A0005-1 power supply unit 5x20 ultra fast glass fuse T6,3A H250V
Fuse for PU-A0008-1 power supply unit 5x20 ultra fast glass fuse T10A H250V
Battery fuse disconnect switch for S81-PU0001 10x38 fuse link 20A-G
Battery fuse disconnect switch for S81-PU-0002 10x38 fuse link 50A-G

4.2.10 Repair of a Faulty Module

The repair of a faulty module must be carried out by the manufacturer only. Send faulty modules to
Honeywell for repair, together with a brief description of the type of fault.

4.2.11 Customer Service and Training

The customer service of Honeywell can support the final user during design, development and test-
ing of H-S81-HS-type systems. Furthermore, specific training courses on this product can be orga-
nized on request at our premises. For any technical information, please use the following contacts:
Honeywell Industrial Training Center
Ph. 713-577-1510

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Section 5: Maintenance
System and equipment maintenance must be carried out by skilled staff at regular intervals.

5.1 Cabinet
The cabinet of the H-S81-HS control panel does not require special maintenance. However, we rec-
ommend cleaning and/or replacing the air intake filters located on the cabinet side walls at regular
intervals and, moreover, periodically checking that the terminals connecting the cables from field
devices are properly tightened.

5.2 Batteries
The cabinet contains two dry batteries to power the system in case of primary power supply fault.
The lifetime of these batteries is of approximately 4 years. We recommend checking them every six
months according to the manufacturer's instructions in order to assess their operating capacity.

5.3 Field Devices

For the maintenance of field devices (gas, flame or smoke detectors, etc.) please refer to the rele-
vant product manuals.

5.4 Functional Tests

Carry out the following operations in the following order:
1. Make sure that the green LED “Voltage detection” on the Display module is steady on and all
other LEDs are off.
2. Run the “Control Panel Test” procedure in the operator cycle and check that the control panel
carries out all the operations shown on the display correctly (LED switching on, buzzer
activation, etc.)
3. Cut the mains power from the control panel and check the following conditions:
• The “Primary Voltage Fault” message is shown on the display.
• The yellow LED “General fault” flashes.
• The yellow LED “PSU1 fault” flashes.
• The buzzer operates intermittently.
• The relay “General fault” (K3) is activated.
• The relay “Power supply fault” (K14) is activated.
4. Use a voltmeter to measure the voltage at battery ends and check that it does not go below
24VDC. Otherwise, replace the batteries.
5. Connect the mains power to the control panel and check the following conditions:
• The “Primary Voltage Fault” message on the display resets.
• The yellow LED “General fault” resets.
• The yellow LED “PSU1 fault” resets.
• The buzzer switches off.
• The relay “General fault” (K3) is deactivated.
• The relay “Power supply fault” (K14) is deactivated.

128 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Functional Tests Maintenance

6. Activate the alarm of a device controlling only visual/audible alarm devices and check what
• The alarm message is shown on the display.
• The red LED “Alarm” flashes.
• The buzzer operates steadily.
• The relay “General fault” (K2) is activated.
• Activation of field sounders connected to the alarm.
7. Press the “buzzer silencing” button and check the following conditions:
• The red LED “Alarm” is steady on.
• The buzzer switches off.
8. Enter level 2 password, press the “Sounder silencing” button and check what follows:
• Field sounders connected to the alarm deactivate.
9. Press the “Reset” button and check what follows:
• • The alarm message shown on the display resets.
• • The red LED “Alarm” resets.
• • The relay “General fault” (K2) is deactivated.



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Section 6: Application Notes
This chapter contains some instructions to be followed for the development of systems that comply
with the requirements of European standards.

6.1 Notes for the Development of Systems in Compliance

with the EN54-2 / EN54-4 Standard
EN 54-2 standard compliant fire detection systems must comply with the following provisions:
• Use only power supply sets certified and approved for this type of equipment.
• No more than 32 detectors and/or alarm buttons must be configured per zone.
• Each conventional detection line (S81-F3002 modules) can be connected to max 32 detectors
and/or alarm buttons.
• Each 4-20mA detection line (S81-F4001, S81-F4002, S81-F4003 modules) can be connected
to one fire detector only.
• The 7-segment display on S81-F4001 and S81-F4002 modules does not provide the operator
with fundamental information and does not comply with standard EN-54-2.
• Each loop line (S81-F7002 modules) can be connected to max 512 detectors and/or alarm
• One short circuit isolator must be installed every 32 detectors and/or alarm buttons on loop
lines (S81-F7002-1, S81-F7009-1, S81-F7010-1).
• Systems with more than 512 detectors and/or alarm buttons must have redundant CPUs.
• The maximum number of modules for addressable devices in the different configurations must
not exceed the values shown in the table below:
Configuration Max No. of loop modules
H-S81-HS/L 8
H-S81-HS/M 8
H-S81-HS/1R 13
H-S81-HS/2R 26
H-S81-HS/1-10R 64

6.2 Notes for the Development of Systems in Compliance

with the EN12094-1 Standard
The inputs and outputs of fire extinguishing systems must be always monitored by the following
types of modules:
• S81-F3002: 8 monitored input module for monitoring buttons, pressure valves, selectors, etc.
• S81-F4001: 1 x 4-20mA input module for monitoring flame, heat detectors, etc.
• S81-F4002: 2 x 4-20mA input module for monitoring flame, heat detectors, etc.
• S81-F4003: 8 x 4-20mA input module for monitoring flame, heat detectors, etc.
• S81-F5001: 8 monitored output module for solenoid control and monitoring.
• S81-F5004: 4 monitored output module for solenoid control and monitoring.
• S81-F5003: 8 output module for visual and audible alarm device control and monitoring
• S81-F5002: 16-relay output module for controlling blockages, replications, etc.
• S81-F6001: Module gathering the visual signals of one extinguishing zone

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Notes for the Development of Systems in Compliance with the EN12094-1 Standard Application Notes

The S81-F3002, S81-F4001, S81-F4002, S81-F4003, S81-F5001, and S81-F5004 modules can be
used in redundant configuration to increase system availability. The maximum number of fire
extinguishing modules in the various configurations must not exceed the values shown in the table
Max No. of fire
Configuration extinguishing modules
H-S81-HS/L 2
H-S81-HS/M 2
H-S81-HS/1R 6
H-S81-HS/2R 12
H-S81-HS/1-10R 64

6.2.1 Processing of signals and indicators

The H-S81-HS system receives and shows the signals relating to the different extinguishing zones.
The central unit processes the logics. The information is sent to the display unit. Both compulsory
and optional functions are carried out by the modules as described in Sections 6.2.2 and 6.2.3.

6.2.2 Compulsory Functions

The H-S81-HS system can carry out the following compulsory functions:
• Receiving and processing the Sequence Start signal from the detection module
• Monitoring of one monitored input line for manually operated equipment
• Monitoring and control of output lines for solenoid control
• Monitoring and control of output lines for visual/audible alarm devices
• Unequivocal visual indication of the various statuses
• Control of a fault open collector output
• Control of an open collector output and visual indication of the released status

6.2.3 Optional Functions

• The H-S81-HS system can carry out the following optional functions:
• Control of release delay
• Signal representing extinguishing agent flow
• Emergency hold
• Activation of a secondary flooding sequence
• Manual only mode (Aut-Off)
• Actuation commands to equipment inside the system
• Release signals to reserve cylinders
• Actuation commands to equipment outside the system
• Emergency shutdown
• Activation of alarm devices with different signals

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Application Notes Notes for the Development of Systems in Compliance with the EN12094-1 Standard

6.2.4 Light Indicators

Each extinguishing zone shall be provided with a S81-F6001-1 module that gathers all the main
indications relating to a single extinguishing zone. The front panel of said module shall include
eight LED indicators signaling the following statuses:
Function Color Label Notes
“Activated” condition Red Activated Compulsory
“Released” condition Red Released Compulsory
Fault condition Yellow Fault Compulsory
Out of service condition Yellow Disabled Compulsory
Emergency shutdown Yellow Inhibit Optional
Emergency hold Yellow Hold Optional
Only manual mode Yellow Automatic-Off Optional
Reserve bank selection Yellow Reserve bank Optional
Monitoring of part status 1 Yellow Optional

1 This option can be used as an alternative to an optional function.

Detailed information concerning alarm, trouble and out of service conditions are shown on the con-
trol panel display.

6.2.5 Monitored Inputs

Use S81-F3002 modules for controlling the following devices:
• Inputs for manual actuation devices (manual discharge buttons)
• Inputs for devices indicating extinguishing agent flow, such as pressure switches or flow
switches (PSH)
• Inputs for devices monitoring part status (valve position or weight monitoring devices)
• Inputs for discharge sequence extension (HOLD)
• Inputs for devices allowing to switch from Manual/Automatic to Manual only operation
• Inputs for devices allowing to select MAIN/RESERVE

NOTE: A maximum of 5 manual discharge buttons and a maximum of 5 Emergency Hold

devices can be connected per fire extinguishing zone.

6.2.6 Monitored Outputs

Use S81-F5001, S81-F5004 modules for monitoring and controlling the following devices:
• Releasing device control outputs (solenoids, deluge valves, etc.)
• Outputs for controlling equipment inside the system (pilot cylinders, etc.)
Use S81-F5003 modules for monitoring and controlling the following devices:
• Outputs for visual and audible alarm device control (TOA)

6.2.7 Non-monitored Outputs

S81-F5002 type modules, combined with the termination module S81-T8007, can monitor the out-
puts controlling equipment external to the system (door release, ventilation stop, etc.)

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Notes for the Development of Systems in Compliance with the EN12094-1 Standard Application Notes

6.2.8 Receiving and Processing Inbound Actuation Signals

The system is able to receive an automatic actuation signal from the detection modules and a man-
ual actuation signal from the manual actuation devices connected to S81-F3002 type modules.

NOTE: After receiving the actuation signal “Activated” condition), no disabling operation can be
carried out in the relevant fire suppression zone.

6.2.9 Transmission of the Release Signal

After receiving the actuation signal, the system transmits the signal to releasing devices (sole-
noids). Signal transmission (actuation) only affects the selected bank (main/reserve).

6.2.10 Actuation of Alarm Devices

After receiving the actuation signal, the system transmits the signal to Alarm devices.

NOTE: Alarm devices can be silenced at access level 2 (sounder silencing) only after the
“released” condition has activated.

6.2.11 Main Voltage Detection Signal

The main voltage detection signal relates to the whole system (Power-ON LED on the display).

6.2.12 “Activated” Condition

The system sets in “Activated” condition within one seconds from the receipt of inbound actuation
signals. After setting the “Activated” condition, the d.e.c. always activates alarm devices within
one second. The “Activated” condition is signaled by:
• Activation of local audible indication
• Activation of the “Activated” zone steady light indicator on module S81-F6001
• Intermittent activation of alarm device control output. (TOA)

6.2.13 “Released” Condition

The “released” condition is activated when the signal relating to extinguishing agent flow (PSH) is
received or when releasing devices (EV) output is activated. When programming, the user can
decide how to set the “released” condition. The “released” condition is signaled by:
• Activation of the “released” zone steady light indicator on module S81-F6001
• Activation of the output for “released” condition replication.
• Continuous activation of alarm device control output. (TOA)
If the “released” condition is activated further to the receipt of the signal relating to extinguishing
agent flow without the d.e.c. being in the “Activated” condition (Manual release by mechanical
command) the local sounder is also activated.

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Application Notes Notes for the Development of Systems in Compliance with the EN12094-1 Standard

6.2.14 Resetting the “Activated” and “Released” Conditions

The “activated” and “released” conditions are reset by means of the manual Reset command at
access level 2 (Reset Panel).

NOTE: The reset of the “activated” and “released” conditions can be inhibited for a certain time,
adjustable from 1 to 30 minutes. This time is set for each fire extinguishing zone in the operator
cycle at access level 3 or by Pro-S81 configuration program.

6.2.15 Fault Condition

The system can recognize and signal the following fault conditions:
• Interruption of the automatic actuation signal from the central unit (Alarm Module Fault)
• Interruption or short circuit of all monitored input and output lines
• Internal power supply faults
• System faults
• Wrong program running and/or corrupted memory
Faults are signaled as explained below:
• Activation of local audible indication
• Activation of the “Fault” steady light indicator on control panel display
• Detailed information on the fault type and total number of faults on control panel display
• Activation of the output for Fault condition replication

6.2.16 Out of Service Condition

All inputs and outputs relating to the fire extinguishing zones can be enabled/disabled individually
or altogether at access level 2. Any disabling will not be affected by the reset command (Reset).
The “Released” condition is not activated when in “out of order” condition, unless the signal of
extinguishing agent flow is received. (PSH) The condition of “out of order” is indicated at access
level 1 on the S81-F6001 modules by cumulative visual alarm device. The details of all exclusions
are visible at access level 1 on control panel display.

NOTE: If a function and/or a transmission medium to actuators is enabled when an alarm is

active, the extinguishing agent will be discharged only after the set discharge delay time.

6.2.17 Release Signal Delay

The system can delay the release command for a variable time of 0 to 60 seconds. This time is set
for each fire extinguishing zone in the operator cycle at access level 3 or by Pro-S81 configuration

6.2.18 Signal Representing Extinguishing Agent Flow

The system features inputs for receiving the signal that represents extinguishing agent flow (PSH).
If this signal is received without the “Activated” condition, the “Released” condition activates.
Therefore, all relevant outputs will be activated.

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Notes for the Development of Systems in Compliance with the EN12094-1 Standard Application Notes

6.2.19 Emergency Hold

The system features inputs for receiving the emergency hold signal. (Hold). Two possible modes
exist for this function:
Release control outputs are not activated until the emergency hold device is active. When the emer-
gency hold device deactivates, after the release delay time, the release control outputs activate
immediately (EV).
Release control outputs are not activated until the emergency hold device is active. The release
delay time is reset every time the emergency hold device is released. After the emergency hold
input is activated, the system carries out the following operations:
• Activation of local audible indication (if previously silenced)
• Activation of the HOLD steady light indicator on module S81-F6001
• Activation of the output for emergency hold replication

NOTE: The fault condition of the emergency hold input line will inhibit the activation of releasing
control outputs.

6.2.20 Activation of a Secondary Release Sequence

The system can control a secondary release sequence. This sequence is activated by manual device.
The secondary flooding sequence is activated only in the following cases:
• Primary release sequence is over (“released” condition)
• Sounders have not been silenced
• System has not been reset
• Secondary sequence manual actuation input is active.

NOTE: The secondary releasing control output is activated immediately after the activation of
the manual actuation input without any delay.

6.2.21 Manual Only Mode (Aut-Off)

The system features inputs for receiving the signal switching the operating mode from
manual only to automatic/manual and vice versa. After this input is activated, the system
carries out the following operations:
• Activation of the Aut-Off steady light indicator on module S81-F6001
• Activation of the output for Manual only operation replication. (Aut-Off)

NOTE: During the manual only operation, a fire extinguishing zone can be activated only by
means of the manual actuation device (PB).

6.2.22 Actuation Commands for System Internal Equipment

The system can control equipment located inside the fire extinguishing zone. E.g. Pilot cylinders,
visual alarm devices, etc. The modules to be used for these purposes are:
• S81-F5003: for controlling visual and audible alarm devices
• S81-F5001, S81-F5004: for controlling solenoids, valves, etc.

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Application Notes Notes for the development of systems in compliance with ATEX directive

6.2.23 Releasing Signals to the Reserve Cylinders

The system features inputs for receiving the signal that switches the releasing command from the
main bank to the reserve one and vice versa. After these inputs are activated, the system carries out
the following operations:
• Activation of the “Reserve Banks” steady light indicator on module S81-F6001
• Activation of the output for Reserve Bank replication.

6.2.24 Actuation Commands to Equipment Outside the System

The system can control equipment located outside the fire extinguishing zone. E.g. Door closing,
ventilation stop, etc. The modules to be used for these purposes are S81-F5002 module combined
with the termination module S81-T8007.

6.2.25 Emergency Shutdown Devices

The system features inputs for receiving the signal from emergency shutdown devices. If these
devices are actuated under standby and “activated” conditions, the release control signal will be
inhibited until this condition is active and until the “activated” condition is reset. The fault condi-
tion of the emergency shutdown input line will inhibit the activation of fire suppression control out-

6.2.26 Activation of Alarm Devices with Different Signals

The d.e.c. can control the output of alarm devices by means of two different signals: This is why the
control output of alarm devices is activated intermittently during the warning time (pre-discharge)
and continuously during the “released” or emergency hold conditions.

6.3 Notes for the development of systems in compliance with

ATEX directive
For systems in compliance with ATEX directive connected to intrinsic Safety devices (ex-i) the fol-
lowing prescription shall be followed:
Input Cables
Input cables for Ex-i circuits shall be identified with a plate or by coloring the surroundings with
RAL-5015 color. Ex-i inputs shall be clearly identified.
Internal Cables
Connection of internal cables to intrinsic safety barriers is executed in compliance with the stan-
dard EN60079-11, with one side dedicate to Ex-i circuit only and the other side for non Ex-i con-
nections. Connection of Ex-I circuit shall be done with isolated cables and only single cable
terminal is permitted. Ex-I cables cannot be grouped or routed with non Ex-i cables, and ex-i and
non-ex-i cables shall be separated. Minimum distance between two conductors shall be 8mm. Min-
imum isolation grade shall be higher than 1.5kV for non Ex-i cables and higher than 0,5kV fro Ex-i
Internal Connections
Trays for Ex-i circuits shall be identified with one of the following methods:
• Cables with blue color insulation (if the there aren’t other cables of this color in the cabinet)
• Blue color for Cable trays used for Ex-i cables
• Grouping or bundling of Ex-i cable with cable ties identified with blue color plate
• Section for power circuit cables shall be minimum 1.5 mm2

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Notes for the Installation of Systems in Compliance with the CEI 79-2 Standard Application Notes

• Minimum distance between Ex-i circuits and non Ex-i circuits shall be 50mm
• Ground connection shall be in compliance with EN60079-14

Figure 6.1 S81-HS-1R/2R ATEX Internal Plate

6.4 Notes for the Installation of Systems in Compliance with

the CEI 79-2 Standard
Should the system be required to carry out burglar alarm functions, too, please consider what fol-
• The cabinet shall be equipped with a micro-switch placed on the revolving door connected to
the 24h surveillance opening of the termination module S81-T8004-1.
• The clamping screws of the cable entry plate must be tamper proof.
• S81-Mod-AIT input modules shall be installed in a tamper proof housing with protection
rating IP30 or higher.
• In order to guarantee the safety systems IMQ certification, the functions NON-LATCHING
and NORMALLY OPEN must not be enabled for the S81-F7007-1 module.

6.5 Notes on I/O Module Redundancy

Safety related modules can be duplicated, in order to increase system availability. In this case, the
two modules must be positioned on different racks and their channels must be configured in the
same way. In case of redundant module, the channels of both modules are seen by the control panel
independently for the purposes of logic processes and diagnosis. The module redundancy of
H-S81-HS systems is based on the following principles:

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Application Notes Notes on I/O Module Redundancy

• An I/O module is considered as faulty by the central unit if it does not respond to bus LVDS
polling or further to three consecutive failed tests on at least one of the channels.
• If one of the two modules is faulty, the other one will become effective for logic processing.
Therefore, logics on redundant channels shall always be OR, and never AND.
The S81-F7011-1 module can be redundant without configuring the field devices twice.

6.5.1 I/O Module Redundancy

I/O module redundancy means the possibility to connect a field user to two modules at the same
time. Therefore, redundancy in this document refers to I/O modules only, and not to field devices.
With respect to this, we would remind that complete redundancy (modules + field devices) is possi-
ble for all I/O modules without restrictions. The I/O modules of the H-S81-HS system can be
divided into three categories:
• Redundancy not possible
• Redundancy possible, with restrictions
• Redundancy without restrictions

6.5.2 I/O Modules for Which Redundancy is Not Possible

Redundancy is not possible for these modules:
• S81-F5002-1 Module with 16 non monitored outputs
• S81-F5003-1 Module with 8 monitored outputs with polarity reversal for audible alarm devices
• S81-F6001-1 Control module for fire extinguishing systems
• S81-F6002-1 Logic module
• S81-F7002-1 ESP protocol control module
• S81-F7006-1 Modbus RTU Master/Slave module 1
• S81-F7007-1 SSP protocol control module
• S81-F7008-1 Control module for scales
• S81-F7009-1 Apollo protocol control module
• S81-F7010-1 System Sensor protocol control module
1 The module S81-F7006 cannot be duplicated, but features two independent communi-
cation lines, one RS485 and one RS232; therefore, the communication to the DCS can
be considered redundant.

6.5.3 I/O Modules for Which Redundancy is Possible With

Redundancy is possible for the modules below, with some restrictions or precautions:
S81-F3002-2 Module with 8 safety related monitored inputs
These modules can be redundant, even though with the following restrictions:
• To isolate an input line, both channels connected to that line shall be isolated.
• In the supervisory system, each sensor shall be represented by two different items.
• Modules shall be placed on adjacent racks and in the same position.
• Duplicated channels shall be configured in the same way.
S81-F4001-2, S81-F4002-2, S81-F4003-2 4-20mA safety related modules
These modules can be redundant, even though with the following restrictions:
• To isolate an input line, both channels connected to that line shall be isolated.
• In the supervisory system, each sensor shall be represented by two different items.
• Modules shall be placed on adjacent racks and in the same position.
• Duplicated channels shall be configured in the same way.

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Notes on I/O Module Redundancy Application Notes

S81-F5001 S81-F5004-2 Safety related output modules

These modules can be redundant, even though with the following restrictions:
• To isolate an output line, both channels connected to that line shall be isolated.
• In the supervisory system, each actuator shall be represented by two different items.
• Modules shall be placed on adjacent racks and in the same position.
• Duplicated channels shall be configured in the same way.

6.5.4 I/O Modules for Which Redundancy is Possible Without

Redundancy is possible for the module below, without any restriction or limitation.
S81-F7011-1 Loop control module with Safety Bus protocol for safety related addressable module

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Section 7: Operating Instructions
This chapter provides all the information necessary for the operator to carry out main operations on
the H-S81-HS control panel. This section includes some basic operations, such as:
• Silencing the control panel
• Silencing the sounders
• Resetting the control panel
• Displaying multiple events
• Enabling/disabling a system section
• Viewing the zone and device statuses
• Testing the control panel or the zones.
• Setting date and time
• Configuring control panel parameters

7.1 Operator Interface

The operator interface of the H-S81-HS control panel includes: a graphic display, 14 indicator
LEDs, and a 23-key keyboard.

Figure 7.1 Operator Interface

7.1.1 Visual Indicators

ALARM LED (fire alarm function)
It flashes when an alarm status is received from one input defined as fire when programming. It is
steady on if Control panel silencing is commanded. It goes out in case of reset.
GENERAL TROUBLE LED (burglar/fire alarm function)
It flashes in case of any troubles. It turns on steady after pressing Local Buzzer Silencing. It goes
out when the cause of the problem is solved or further to the reset command if the cause has ceased
to exist.
DEVICE TROUBLE LED (fire alarm function)
It flashes in case of sensor or actuator (other than sounders) troubles. It turns on steady after press-
ing Local Buzzer Silencing. It goes out when the cause of the problem is solved or further to the
reset command if the cause has ceased to exist.

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Operator Interface Operating Instructions

SOUNDER TROUBLE LED (fire alarm function)

It flashes in case of troubles of actuators defined as sounders. It turns on steady after pressing Local
Buzzer Silencing. It goes out when the cause of the problem is solved or further to the reset com-
mand if the cause has ceased to exist.
PSU1 TROUBLE LED (burglar/fire alarm function)
It flashes in case of primary power supply fault. It turns on steady after pressing Local Buzzer
Silencing. It goes out automatically when the cause is solved.
PSU2 TROUBLE LED (burglar/fire alarm function)
It flashes in case of secondary power supply fault. It turns on steady after pressing Local Buzzer
Silencing. It goes out automatically when the cause is solved.
GROUND FAULT (LEAKAGE TROUBLE) LED (burglar/fire alarm function)
It flashes in case of voltage leakage to ground. It turns on steady after pressing Local Buzzer
Silencing. It goes out automatically when the cause is solved.
SYSTEM TROUBLE LED (burglar/fire alarm function)
It flashes in case of system fault. It turns on steady after pressing Local Buzzer Silencing. It goes
out automatically when the cause is solved.
ONGOING ZONE TEST LED (fire alarm function)
It flashes when a zone is set to test mode. It goes out automatically when the test is completed.
GENERAL DISABLE LED (fire alarm function)
It is steady on in case of any disable relating to area 1 (Safety).
DEVICE DISABLE LED (fire alarm function)
It is steady on in case of sensor or actuator (other than sounders) disable in area 1.
SOUNDER DISABLE LED (fire alarm function)
It is steady on in case of disable of an actuator defined as sounder in area 1.
OUTPUT DELAY LED (fire alarm function)
It flashes during the delay time count for the activation of one area 1 actuator. It goes out automati-
cally when this count is over or when the delay override button is pressed.
AC POWER LED (burglar/fire alarm function)
It is steady on when primary supply voltage is detected (PSU1). It goes out in case of primary sup-
ply voltage failure.
The back of the module includes three LEDs with the following functions:
Green LED: CPU-A Link
Steady on in presence of communication link to CPU-0.
Green LED: CPU-B Link
Steady on in presence of communication link to CPU-1.
Green LED: T8004-1 Link
Steady on in presence of communication link to default I/O module.

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Operating Instructions Operator Interface

7.1.2 Buttons
Local Buzzer Silencing (fire alarm function)
It operates at access level 1 or higher, and switches off only the local buzzer relating to fire
alarm functions. The display shows a message informing that the buzzer has been silenced, which
is stored in the event history and sent to any peripheral devices (host/printer).
Control Panel Reset (fire alarm function)
At access level 2 or higher, it resets all currently active control panel alarms or troubles in
area 1. The display shows a message informing that reset has been completed, which is stored in the
event history and sent to any peripheral devices (host/printer). This function can be activated only
after silencing local buzzer and sounders.
Scroll (fire/burglar alarm function)
It operates at access level 1 or higher, and allows to scroll all currently active alarms or trou-
bles of the selected zone of area 1 in chronological order, viewing the details of each event. It also
operates in the history sub-menus of both area 1 and 2.
Sounder Silencing (fire alarm function)
It operates at access level 2 or higher, and deactivates the default sounder monitored output
and all the outputs defined as sounder when configuring the system. The display shows a message
informing that sounders have been silenced, which is stored in the event history and sent to any
peripheral devices (host/printer). This function can be activated only after silencing the local
Delay override (fire alarm function)
It operates at access level 1 or higher, and cancels the activation delay time of the actuators
of configured area 1, where a delay time count is active at that moment.
Evacuation (fire alarm function)
At access level 2 or higher, it immediately activates the default sounder monitored output
and all the outputs defined as sounder in system configuration. The display shows a message
informing that evacuation has been completed, which is stored in the event history and sent to any
peripheral devices (host/printer).
Esc (fire/burglar alarm function)
It operates in the various operator menus, and cancels the digital keys or selected menus on
the display. It routes back to the previous menu.
Enter (fire/burglar alarm function)
It operates in the various operator menus, and confirms the digital keys or selected menus
on the display.
Up arrow (fire/burglar alarm function)
It is used to select vertically the menu options or to scroll upward.
Down arrow (fire/burglar alarm function)
It is used to select vertically the menu options or to scroll downward.
Right arrow (fire/burglar alarm function)
It is used to select menu options horizontally.
Left arrow (fire/burglar alarm function)
It is used to select menu options horizontally.

142 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Fire Alarm Section Menu (Safety) Operating Instructions

Function (fire/burglar alarm function)

It allows to access directly the menu of the access level active when it is pressed
1/9 number keys (fire/burglar alarm function)
They are used to select password digits and to enter new data in the menus of the operator cycle

7.2 Fire Alarm Section Menu (Safety)

The following picture represents the tree diagram of the menus available in the fire alarm section.

Figure 7.2 Structure of the Fire Alarm Section Menu

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Operating Instructions Access to Functions

7.3 Access to Functions

There are four different access levels for the fire alarm section.
• Level 1: accessible to the PUBLIC
• Level 2: accessible to the USER
• Level 3: accessible to the MAINTENANCE PERSON
• Level 4: for the MANUFACTURER only
Level 1 does not require any password and is accessed by pressing F1; Level 2 or 3 require the rel-
evant passwords. Control panels are supplied with the following default passwords that can be
changed in the operator cycle:
Access level Prefix Password
Area 1 Level 2 (safety) 1 51729
Area 1 Level 3 (safety) 1 61841

The following table shows the required access levels for carrying out the main functions of the fire
alarm section.
OPERATOR ACTIVITIES Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Local Buzzer Silencing ✔ ✔ ✔
Ongoing timer override ✔ ✔ ✔
Alarm, trouble and fault viewing ✔ ✔ ✔
Sounder silencing ✔ ✔
Alarm/trouble reset ✔ ✔
Sounder activation (evacuation) ✔ ✔
Access to View menu ✔ ✔ ✔
Access to Enable/Disable menu ✔ ✔
Access to Management menu ✔ ✔
Access to Configuration menu ✔

7.4 Operations at Access Level 1

After the initialization cycle, when the system is in standby mode, the display shows the status of
the control panel, as show in the following picture.

Figure 7.3 Standby Mode

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Operations at Access Level 1 Operating Instructions

7.4.1 Local Buzzer Silencing

Press the button Local Buzzer Silencing. The last line of the display will show a confirmation mes-
sage for two seconds.

7.4.2 Delay Override

Press the button Delay override. This operation is allowed only if the Delayed Output LED is on,
and cancels any ongoing activation delay.

7.4.3 Overview of Zones with Ongoing Fire Alarm

In case of active alarms, a page is displayed as shown in the picture below.

Figure 7.4 List of Zones with Active Fire Alarms

This page allows to view:
• The total number of zones with active fire alarms
• The name and number of the first zone with active fire alarm
• The name and number of any other zone with active fire alarm
• The name and number of the last zone with active fire alarm.
Go to the central line using the arrow buttons and use the Scroll to view the chronological sequence
of the alarmed zones.

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Operating Instructions Operations at Access Level 1

For viewing the list of alarmed devices, go to the relevant zone and press Enter.

Figure 7.5 Details of Zones with Active Fire Alarms

This page shows:

• The total number of alarmed zones
• The name and number of the first alarmed zone
• The name and number of the first sensor of the alarmed zone.
• The current number and the total number of alarmed zone sensors.
The complete list of alarmed sensors can be viewed by using the Scroll button.

7.4.4 Overview of Zones with Active Fire Pre-alarms

The overview of zones with active fire pre-alarm is the same as that of the zones with active fire

7.4.5 Overview of Zones Under Supervisory Condition

The overview of the zones under “supervisory” condition is the same as that of the zones with
active fire alarms.

7.4.6 Overview of Zones with Active Gas Alarm

The overview of the zones with active gas alarms is the same as that of the zones with active fire

7.4.7 Overview of Trouble Zones

The overview of the trouble zones is the same as that of the zones with active fire alarms.

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Operations at Access Level 1 Operating Instructions

7.4.8 Overview of System Faults

In case of one or more system faults, the following page will be displayed.

Figure 7.6 System Faults

In case of several different events, the sequence of all event pages can be seen by pressing Esc. In
all cases, after one minute of idle time, the system will display the page with the alarms with higher
priority. During this stage, any new events having higher priority will be immediately shown on the
display. The presence of events with lower priority will be signaled as shown in the picture below.

Figure 7.7 Events with Lower Priority

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Operating Instructions List

7.5 List
By pressing F1 at access level 1, the overview page will be displayed as shown in the picture

Figure 7.8 Main Menu at Access Level 1

7.5.1 Configured Zones

To view the complete list of the programmed zone in area 1. The complete list of sensors and actu-
ators can be viewed for each zone.

7.5.2 Disabling
To view the list of disabled zones and devices.

7.5.3 Events Log

To view the history of the last 250 events. The following information is shown for each event:
• Progressive number
• Date and time of occurrence
• The name and number of the zone to which it is related
• The type of device to which it is related
• The type of event.

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Operations at Access Level 2 Operating Instructions

User can move through the history following the chronological order using the Arrow keys.

Figure 7.9 Event History

7.5.4 Alarm Log

To view the history of the last 100 fire, gas and supervisory alarms. The overview is the same as the
event history.

7.6 Operations at Access Level 2

By entering level 2 password, preceded by the prefix 1, the main menu shown below is accessed.

Figure 7.10 Main Menu at Access Level 2

The control panel will automatically exit the selected access level after an idle time of one minute.
The following operations are allowed at access level 2:

7.6.1 Sounder Silencing

The actuation of the Sounder silencing button will cause all actuators defined as sounders to deacti-
vate. This button can be used only in case of alarm, after silencing the local buzzer.

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Operating Instructions Disable/Enable

7.6.2 Control Panel Reset

Acting on the Reset button, the alarm condition of latching sensors will reset, as well as the troubles
of those types requiring a reset. This function can be activated only after silencing local buzzers and

7.6.3 Evacuation
The actuation of the Evacuation button will cause all actuators configured as sounders to activate

7.7 Disable/Enable
By selecting this option in the main menu, the enable/disable stage is accessed, as shown in the pic-
ture below.

Figure 7.11 Enable/Disable

7.7.1 Zone Sensors

Select this option to enable/disable all the sensors of one zone.

7.7.2 Zone Outputs

Select this option to enable/disable all the outputs of one zone.

7.7.3 Single Devices

Select this option to enable/disable a single sensor or actuator.

7.7.4 Panel Sounder

Select this option to enable/disable the local panel sounder.

NOTE: In compliance with the EN12094-1 standard, no disabling is possible in fire extinguishing
zones during the discharge activation sequence.

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Management Operating Instructions

7.8 Management
By selecting this option from the main menu, the “management” stage is accessed, as shown in the
picture below.

Figure 7.12 Management Menu

7.8.1 Loop Reset

Select this option to reset the loop for S81-F7002 and S81-F7007 type modules. If the module does
not exist, or is of a different type, an error message is displayed. Loop reset is required to reset a
short circuit condition or to temporarily remove the Logon Fault signal.

7.8.2 Date and Time Changing

By selecting this option, the system date/time setting page is displayed. This step allows to change
the various parameters. If the entered value is not allowed, an error message is displayed.

Figure 7.13 Changing Date/time

It allows setting of the time of control panel clock in the hour/minute format
It allows setting of the control panel date in the day/month/year format.

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Operating Instructions Management

Time Zone
It allows setting of the difference from the reference time zone in the +/- hours/minutes format.
Solar/DST Time
It allows the setting of automatic switching between solar time and DTS at 2 a.m. on the last Sun-
day of March, and from DST to solar time at 2 a.m. on the last Sunday of October.
Time Synch.
It allows the synchronization of the system clock. The following options are available:
• Disabled No synchronization of system clock
• NTP Server Synchronization via NTP Server
• TCP-1 Host Synchronization via Host-1 with supervisory protocol
• TCP-2 Host Synchronization via Host-2 with supervisory protocol
• SERIAL Host Synchronization via serial Host with supervisory protocol

This parameter sets the IP address of the NTP server. If the NTP server is external to the local net-
work, the gateway has to be configured in the Communications – TCP/IP menu.

7.8.3 Test
Select this option to access the Test Menu. In this stage, it is possible to test a zone or the control
Control Panel Test
If this option is selected, the control panel will perform the following operations:
• LCD display test
• Front panel LEDs lighting up
• Local buzzer activation for 2 seconds
• All module LEDs lighting up
• Keyboard test
Zone Test
This option allows to test one zone. To test one zone, first of all select the desired zone from the list.
Only one zone at a time can be tested. When a zone is being tested, the relevant LED lights up on
the front panel. A zone cannot be tested if it is in the isolated alarm, pre-alarm or trouble status.
When a zone is in test mode, the control panel automatically resets alarmed sensors after 5 seconds
and does not activate the outputs. The zone test mode is automatically exited after 2 hours, or by
manually disabling the zone test from the same menu. During the test, the main page displays the
remaining time.

7.8.4 Language
In this option, it is possible to change in sequence the three installed languages by pressing Enter.
The three languages must be downloaded to the panel using ProHS81 programming software.

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Operations at Access Level 3 Operating Instructions

7.9 Operations at Access Level 3

By entering level 3 password, preceded by the prefix 1, the main menu shown below is accessed.

Figure 7.14 Main Menu at Access Level 3

In this stage, in addition to the same options of access level 2, the Configuration menu options are

7.10 Configuration
By selecting this option from the main menu, the configuration stage is accessed, as shown in the
picture below.

Figure 7.15 Configuration

7.10.1 4-20mA Modules

By selecting this option, the thresholds of S81-F4001, S81-F4002 and S81-F4003 type modules
can be changed. First of all, enter the rack number and the position of the module whose thresholds
are to be changed. If the module does not exist, or is of a different type, an error message is dis-
played. In case of S81-F4002 or S81-F4003 type modules, first of all enter the number of the chan-
nel whose thresholds are to be changed. Then, the screen below will be displayed:

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Operating Instructions Configuration

Figure 7.16 4-20mA Modules

The first line shows module type and position and channel number. The second line shows the
alarm threshold, with the unit of measure. The third line shows the pre-alarm threshold, with the
unit of measure. The fourth line shows the lower trouble threshold in milliamperes. The fifth line
shows the gas percentage of the calibration mixture. On the bottom of the screen, the allowed range
for each one of the 4 adjustable parameters is displayed. After changing the values, go to the field
Update Parameters and press Enter for sending the new parameters to the module.

7.10.2 Fire Extinguishing Modules

Selecting this option, the stage of fire extinguishing zone parameter adjustment for S81-F6001 type
modules will be accessed. First of all, enter the rack number and the position of the module whose
parameters are to be changed. If the module does not exist, or is of a different type, an error mes-
sage is displayed. If the entered module exists and the relevant type is correct, the screen below will
be displayed.

Figure 7.17 Fire Extinguishing Zones

The first adjustable parameter is the release delay. A value range of 0 to 60 can be set. The second
parameter is the inhibit time of release activation and sequence start conditions reset. A value range
of 1 to 30 can be set. The third parameter is the operating mode of the Hold function. In mode A,
the Hold condition does not interrupt the discharge delay time count; in mode B the Hold condition
resets the discharge delay time; in mode C, the Hold condition interrupts the discharge delay time
count 10 seconds before it is over. Parameters can be changed by using the arrow buttons as fol-

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Configuration Operating Instructions

• The Up arrow increases the set value by one point.

• The Down arrow decreases the set value by one point.
• The Right arrow increases the set value by five points.
• The Left arrow decreases the set value by five points.

7.10.3 Communications
By selecting this option, the user will access the communication peripheral device configuration
stage, as shown in the picture below:

Figure 7.18 Communications

By selecting this option, a sub-menu will be accessed where the printer can be configured, as
shown in the picture below:

Figure 7.19 Printer

In order to change the parameters use the Up/Down buttons. Press Esc to exit and go back to the
previous menu. Below are the allowed field values and their meaning:
Printer Selection of printer type
• Disab.: Serial printer disabled.
• 40 col.: Serial printer enabled for 40 column printing.
• 80 col.: Serial printer enabled for 80 column printing.

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Operating Instructions Configuration

Mode To configure the printing mode in the operating cycle.

• Reduced: Only alarmed/activated events and fault conditions are printed;
• Complete: All events are printed.

Baud Rate: To configure the bit rate of the serial port. (Allowed values: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200).

Data Bits: To configure the data bit number of the serial communication. Allowed values are: 7 and 8.

Stop Bits: To configure the stop bit number of the serial communication. Allowed values are: 1 and 2.

Parity: To configure the parity control of the serial communication. Allowed values are: No (no parity),
Odd (off parity) and Even (even parity).
Handshake: To configure the handshake type of the serial communication. Allowed values are: Xon/Xoff,
Rts/Cts, and None.

Host Computer
By selecting this option, a sub-menu will be accessed where the communication parameters of the
Host computer peripheral device can be configured, as shown in the picture below:

Figure 7.20 Host Computer

In order to change the parameters use the Up/Down buttons. Press Esc to exit and go back to the
previous menu. Below are the allowed field values and their meaning:
• Disab.: Host computer peripheral device with serial protocol disabled.
• Enabl.: Host computer peripheral device with serial protocol enabled.

ID Identification of control panel number if several systems are to be centralized. It must be a

progressive number from 1 to 99. This parameter is used by both the serial communication
protocol and by the TCP/IP communication protocol.

Baud Rate To configure the bit rate of the serial port. (Allowed values: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200).

Data Bits To configure the data bit number of the serial communication. Allowed values are: 7 and 8.

Stop Bits To configure the stop bit number of the serial communication. Allowed values are: 1 and 2.

Parity To configure the parity control of the serial communication. Allowed values are: No (no parity),
Odd (off parity) and Even (even parity).

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Configuration Operating Instructions

Handshake To configure the handshake type of the serial communication. Allowed values are: Xon/Xoff,
Rts/Cts, and None.

By selecting this option, a sub-menu will be accessed where the communication parameters of the
TCP/IP protocol can be configured, as shown in the picture below:

Figure 7.21 TCP/IP

In order to change the parameters use the Arrow and Number keys and confirm pressing Enter.
Press Esc to exit and go back to the previous menu. Below are the allowed field values and their
Host To enable/disable Host TCP/IP communication protocol.

Red. Com. Host To define if the TCP/IP Host is redundant or not.

Host Port To define the communication port used by the TCP/IP Host.

Network Port To define the communication port used by the TCP/IP Network protocol.

Panel IP To identify panel IP address.

Master 1 IP To identify Host-1 IP address.

Master 2 IP To identify Host-2 IP address.

Gateway IP To identify the IP address of the access point to geographical networks (VAN).

Netmask To define the range of a host in an IP network in order to reduce network traffic and simplify
the research of a certain IP address.

NOTE: Values and mean that the relevant function is disabled.

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Operating Instructions Configuration

7.10.4 Standard Options

This option allows to display standard configuration parameters as shown in the picture below. In
order to change the parameters use the Arrow and Number keys and confirm by pressing Enter.
Press Esc to exit and go back to the previous menu.

Figure 7.22 Standard Options

International Standard This parameter can be changed from the operator cycle and indicates the
international standard used by the control panel. It can be: EN for control panels
intended for the European market, or UL864 for the control panels for the US

Number of CPUs It defines the number of CPUs installed in the control panel (1-2)

Calibration Time This parameter sets the calibration time of analog smoke detectors. The default
setting is 4.00 am.

LCD Backlight This parameter sets the operating mode of display backlighting.
• On: Display backlight always on;
• Off: Display backlight always off;
Display backlight switches off automatically after an idle time of one minute. (default
• Timed:

LCD Background This parameter defines the behavior of the LCD background.
• Light: Text is dark on a light gray background
• Dark: Text is light gray on a dark background

Audible indication It defines the operating mode of the internal sounder. By selecting the Fire Sounder
Mode the internal sounder is activated in case of fire alarm or further to the
evacuation command. By selecting the Buzzer Mode the sounder is activated
simultaneously to the local Buzzer.

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Event Displaying Operating Instructions

7.10.5 Change Password

This option allows to change user passwords. First of all, select the access level for password
changing. After selecting the desired level, the screen shown in the following picture will be dis-

Figure 7.23 Change Password

In this stage, the new password has to be entered twice. It shall include 5 numbers followed by
Enter. For safety reasons, entered numbers will be shown as #.

7.11 Event Displaying

Below you will find the description of how events are displayed during the various operating stages
of the control panel.
Initialization Cycle
It is run upon system start and after Area/Zone transfer through the program Pro-S81.
The initialization cycle includes the following stages:
Hardware Verification
The main CPU checks secondary CPU and Display module operation.
Module Verification
The main CPU checks that bus modules operate properly and are correct.
Module Software Version Verification
The main CPU checks the compatibility between software version and configured modules.
Module Initialization
The main CPU sends the configuration parameters of all programmed devices to each module.
Module Enable
The main CPU enables module operation.
Clock Synchronization
The main CPU synchronizes system clock to check time slot status.

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Operating Instructions Event Displaying

Figure 7.24 Initialization

If during initialization a system fault is detected -e.g. a faulty module- the local buzzer will be acti-
vated intermittently, whereas the display will show the type of fault as shown in the following pic-

Figure 7.25 System Fault

By pressing Enter, the control panel will carry out the following operations:
• The “General trouble” LED flashes.
• The “System Trouble” LED flashes.
• The relays, General and System Trouble, are deactivated.
By selecting not to continue by using the arrows, the control panel will stop and remain stopped
until it is started again.

7.11.1 Disabled Condition

When a device is disabled, the control panel carries out the following operations:
• The General Disable LED lights up steadily.
• The Device Disable LED lights up steadily.
• The Sounder Disable LED lights up steadily. (Only if the output type is Sounder)
• The General Disable relay activates.

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Event Displaying Operating Instructions

Figure 7.26 Disabled Condition

7.11.2 Trouble Condition

When a trouble condition is detected, the control panel carries out the following operations:
• The intermittent local buzzer activates.
• The General Trouble LED flashes.
• The Device Trouble LED flashes (only if the trouble affects a device).
• The System Trouble LED flashes (only if the trouble affects the system).
• The Sounder Trouble LED flashes (only if the trouble affects a Sounder type output).
• The General Trouble and/or System Trouble relays deactivate, according to the type of

Figure 7.27 Trouble Condition

Press Esc to view the trouble details.

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Operating Instructions Event Displaying

7.11.3 Fire Pre-alarm Condition

In case of fire pre-alarm condition, the control panel carries out the following operations:
• The intermittent local buzzer activates.

Figure 7.28 Fire Pre-alarm Condition

Press Esc to view the details of the fire pre-alarm.

7.11.4 Fire Alarm Condition

In case of fire alarm condition, the control panel carries out the following operations:
• The continuous local buzzer activates.
• The local sounder activates.
• The Alarm LED flashes.
• The Fire Alarm relay activates.

Figure 7.29 Fire Alarm Condition

Press Esc to view the details of the fire alarm.

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Event Displaying Operating Instructions

7.11.5 Supervisory Condition

When a supervisory condition is detected, the control panel carries out the following operations:
• The intermittent local buzzer activates.
• The Supervisory relay activates.

Figure 7.30 Supervisory Condition

Press Esc to view the details of the supervisory.

7.11.6 Gas Alarm Condition

In case of gas alarm condition, the control panel carries out the following operations:
• The intermittent local buzzer activates.
• The Gas Alarm relay activates.

Figure 7.31 Gas Alarm Condition

Press Esc to view the details of the gas alarm.

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Operating Instructions Burglar Alarm Section (Security)

7.12 Burglar Alarm Section (Security)

The following picture represents the tree diagram of the menus available in the burglar alarm sec-

Figure 7.32 Structure of the Burglar Alarm Section Menu

7.13 Access to Operator Functions

There are three different access levels for the burglar alarm section. Level 1 access does not require
any password. Level 2 or 3 require the relevant passwords. Control panels are supplied with the fol-
lowing default passwords that can be changed in the operator cycle:
Access level Prefix Password
Burglar alarm Level 2 (Area-2) 2 22213
Burglar alarm Level 3 (Area-2) 2 74512

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Operations at Access Level 1 Operating Instructions

The following table shows the required access levels for carrying out the main functions of the fire
alarm section.
Operator Activities Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Access to Inclusion/Exclusion menu  
Access to View menu  
Access to Enable/Disable menu 
Access to Test menu 
Access to Configuration menu 

The burglar alarm section of the H-S81-HS control panel complies with IMQ first level. The func-
tions for viewing and controlling this section do not interfere with those of the fire alarm section,
which have higher priority.

7.14 Operations at Access Level 1

At access level 1, no operations are allowed in the burglar alarm section.

7.15 Operations at Access Level 2

By entering level 2 password, preceded by the prefix 2, the main menu shown below is accessed:

Figure 7.33 Main Menu at Access Level 2

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Operating Instructions Exclude/Include

7.16 Exclude/Include
By selecting this option from the main menu, the exclusion/inclusion stage is accessed.

Figure 7.34 Exclusion/Inclusion

7.16.1 Zone
Select this option to exclude/include all the sensor of one zone at level 2.

7.16.2 Single Devices

Select this option to exclude/include single sensors at level 2.

7.17 List
Select this option to access the overview functions of the operator cycle. The items of the sub-menu
can be selected using the Up/Down arrows followed by Enter or by pressing the number key of the
desired operation.

Figure 7.35 View

7.17.1 Configured Zones

For viewing the complete list of the programmed zone in area 2. The complete list of sensors and
actuators can be viewed for each selected zone.

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Operations at Access Level 3 Operating Instructions

7.17.2 Zone Status

To view zone status. The list of alarm, tamper and trouble zones can be shown, with the relevant
details. In this page, the overview modes are the same of area 1, with the additional feature that
zone statuses are displayed under normal conditions. If there is at least one included zone, the
Included Zones message is displayed. Otherwise, the Excluded Zones message is shown.

7.17.3 External Tamper Status

To view the external tamper status. It can be Normal, Active or Disabled. If it is disabled, the
remaining time before automatic enabling is shown. In this page, external tamper reset is possible.

7.17.4 Disabling
To view the list of disabled zones and devices. Disabling overview is the same of that of area 1.

7.17.5 Event History

To view the history of the last 250 events.

7.17.6 Alarm History

To view the history of the last 100 alarms. History overview is the same of that of area 1.

7.18 Operations at Access Level 3

By entering level 3 password, preceded by the prefix 2, the main menu shown below is accessed.

Figure 7.36 Main Menu at Access Level 3

The Exclusion/Inclusion and List options are the same as those of level 2.

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Operating Instructions Disable/Enable

7.19 Disable/Enable
By selecting this option from the main menu, the enable/disable stage is accessed.

Figure 7.37 Disable/Enable

7.19.1 Individual Devices

Select this option to enable/disable a single sensor or actuator.

7.19.2 Local Sounder

Select this option to enable/disable the local sounder

7.20 Test
This option allows to test one or more sensors. To test a sensor, first select the desired zone from the
list. When a device is being tested, the relevant alarm/tamper/trouble events will be recorded and
sent to the peripheral devices, but will cause no activation in control panel logics. This function is
used, for instance, for monitoring a sensor.

NOTE: Only 10 devices can be tested at the same time. The test mode can be manually
removed from the same menu.

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Configuration Operating Instructions

7.21 Configuration
By selecting this option from the main menu, the configuration menu is accessed.

Figure 7.38 Configuration

7.21.1 Time Code

This option sets the validity periods for 10 intervals of the 10 time slot categories. First of all, select
the category number and desired interval:

Figure 7.39 Time Slots

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Operating Instructions Configuration

Values not allowed are signaled by an error message. By entering correct values, the overview page
of the selected interval is displayed:

Figure 7.40 Time Slots

In this stage, use the number keys followed by Enter for changing the data of the various fields.
The entered values not included in the allowed range will be rejected and the cursor will place
again in the same field. Lines are structured as follows: The first line shows the standard and tem-
porary start time of the interval. The second line shows the standard and temporary end time of the
interval. The third line shows the validity period of the interval. The fourth line is the type of activ-
ity carried out in the interval. The fifth line is the entering warning time in minutes. If it is zero, no
warning will be sent to the control panel. After entering all the parameters, go to Update parame-
ters? and confirm using Enter.

7.21.2 Holidays
This options sets the holiday periods valid for 10 intervals of the 10 time slot categories. First of all,
select the month where to add or remove a holiday:

Figure 7.41 Holidays

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Configuration Operating Instructions

After selecting the month, by using the up/down buttons, and confirming with the Confirm button,
the display will show a window with the days of the selected month:

Figure 7.42 Holidays

7.21.3 Standard Options

This option allows the display of standard configuration parameters relating to the burglar alarm
section. In order to change the parameters use the Arrow and Number keys and confirm by pressing
Enter. Press Esc to exit and go back to the previous menu.

Figure 7.43 Standard Options

Event Printing
This parameter enables/disables the printout of the events relating to the Burglar alarm section.
Enter Time
This parameter sets zone entering time. Value ranging between 0 and 10 minutes.
Output Reset Time
This parameter sets the reset time of the default outputs of the burglar alarm section. Value ranging
between 1 and 10 minutes.

NOTE: This time must be kept >/3 minutes in order to comply with IMQ level 2.

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Operating Instructions Notes on CPU Redundancy

7.21.4 Change Password

The password changing mode for level 2 and 3 passwords of the burglar alarm section is the same
as that of the fire alarm section.

7.22 Notes on CPU Redundancy

The left CPU module (CPU-0) is the primary one (steady green LED “Run” on) whereas the right
one (CPU-1) is secondary (green LED “Run” flashing). Each operation carried out by the primary
CPU is carried out in parallel also by the secondary CPU. In this way, in case of fault of one of the
two CPUs, the other one will keep operating without any interruptions. The faulty CPU is indicated
on the display of system fault list. CPU hot swapping is allowed (hot plug).

Figure 7.44 CPU Redundancy

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Appendix A: Parts List
The tables below list the modules, expansion modules and devices making up the H-S81-HS sys-
tem, sorted by product type.

A.1 Steelwork
Part Number Description Notes
S81-CB000 Cabinet for H-S81-HS/L & H-S81-HS/M panels (wall mount) H750mm, W500mm, D250mm
S81-CB001 Cabinet for H-S81-HS/1R panel (wall mount) H700mm, W600mm, D400mm
S81-CB002 Cabinet for H-S81-HS/2R panel (wall mount) H1100mm, W600mm, D400mm
S81-CB003 Cabinet for H-S81-HS/1-10R panel (free-standing) H2100mm, W800mm, D800mm

A.2 Power Supply Sets

Part Number Description Notes
S81-PU001-1 Power supply set with one PU-A0005-1 module 25V-4A
S81-PU001-2 Power supply set with two PU-A0005-1 modules 25V-4A
S81-PU001-4 Power supply set with four PU-A0005-1 modules 25V-16A
PU-A0005-1 125Watt Power supply unit module for S81-PU001
SDR-240-24 Power supply set 240Watt for S81-PU003 For marine version H-S81-HS/M
PU-A0004-1 Battery charger module for S81-PU001 Maximum current 4A
S81-PU002-2 Power supply set with two PU-A0008-1 modules
S81-PU002-4 Power supply set with four PU-A0008-1 modules
PU-A0007-1 Slot with cooling unit for S81-PU002
PU-A0008-1 500Watt Power supply unit module for S81-PU002
PU-A0009-1 Battery charger module for S81-PU002 Maximum current 6A
EN2090-16-06 AC filter 115/250VAC, 16A, 50/60Hz
EN2090-4-06 AC filter 115/250VAC, 6A, 50/60Hz For H-S81-HS/L and H-S81-HS/M panels
B84115-E-B110 115/250Vac 10A 50/60Hz line trap
LS502 Disconnect switch with fuses for batteries
FS20 10x38 20A fuse For battery disconnect switch
FS50 10x38 50° fuse For battery disconnect switch
F6.3 Ultra rapid 5x20 6.3A fuse For PU-A0005-1
F10 Ultra rapid 5x20 10A fuse For PU-A0008-1
SK12-18 12V 18Ah batteries
SK12-26 12V 26Ah batteries
SK12-65 12V 65Ah batteries
SK12-120 12V 120Ah batteries

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Parts List Central Unit Rack

A.3 Central Unit Rack

Part Number Description Notes
S81-CU001-1 Central unit with 19 inch 3 unit aluminum slot
S81-U1002-1 Central processing unit
S81-E2003-1 Two slot bus for central unit
S81-U1006-1 Operator interface unit
S81-T8004-1 Default I/O module
S81-T8002-1 RS232/Current loop converter module
S81-U0000-1 Blank panel for central unit Used only in systems with single CPU
S81-CFT20/05 Flat cable for termination module 5 centimeters long
S81-CFT10/2 Flat cable for serial connection 2 meters long
S81-CFT14/2 Flat cable for S81-T8004-1 module connection 2 meters long
EDS-205 24VDC MOXA Ethernet Switch 5 x 10/100BaseT ports

A.4 I/O Rack

Part Number Description Notes
S81-EU001-1 Expansion rack with 19 inch 3 unit aluminum slot
S81-E2001-1 13 slot bus for flat cable termination I/O module redundancy not allowed
S81-E2001-2 13 slot bus for multi-conductor cable termination I/O module redundancy allowed
S81-E2004-2 13 slot bus for H-S81-HS/L and H-S81-HS/M panels
S81-E2002-1 Controller rack module
S81-F0000-1 Blank panel

A.5 I/O Modules

Part Number Description Notes
S81-F3002-1 8 monitored input module Redundancy not possible
S81-F3002-2 8 monitored input module Redundancy possible
S81-F4001-1 Module with 1 x 4-20mA analog input Redundancy not possible
S81-F4001-2 Module with 1 x 4-20mA analog input Redundancy possible
S81-F4002-1 Module with 2 x 4-20mA analog input Redundancy not possible
S81-F4002-2 Module with 2 x 4-20mA analog input Redundancy possible
S81-F4003-1 Module with 8 x 4-20mA analog input Redundancy not possible
S81-F4003-2 Module with 8 x 4-20mA analog input Redundancy possible
S81-F5001-1 Module with 8 x 500mA monitored outputs Redundancy not possible
S81-F5001-2 Module with 8 x 500mA monitored outputs Redundancy possible
S81-F5002-1 Module with 16 x 250mA non monitored outputs Redundancy not possible
S81-F5003-1 Module with 8 x 250mA monitored Redundancy not possible
S81-F5004-1 Module with 4 x 2A monitored outputs for solenoids Redundancy not possible
S81-F5004-2 Module with 4 x 2A monitored outputs for solenoids Redundancy possible
S81-F6001-1 Fire extinguishing module Redundancy possible
S81-F6002-1 Logic module Redundancy possible
S81-F7002-1 Loop control module for ESP addressable devices Redundancy not possible
S81-F7006-1 Modbus RTU Master/Slave module Redundancy not possible
S81-F7007-1 Control module for Honeywell bus Redundancy not possible
S81-F7008-1 Control module for scales Redundancy not possible
S81-F7009-1 Control module for Apollo bus Redundancy not possible
S81-F7010-1 Control module for System Sensor bus Redundancy not possible
S81-F7011-1 Loop control module with Safety Bus Protocol Redundancy possible

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Termination Modules Parts List

A.6 Termination Modules

Part Number Description Notes
S81-T8002-1 Passive current loop/RS232/converter module DIN bar installation
S81-T8004-1 Default I/O module DIN bar installation
S81-T8007-2 Module with 16 x 4A 30 VDC relays for S81-CCT1 cable DIN bar installation
S81-T8008-1 Module with 4 x 2A 30 VDC relays for sounder control DIN bar installation

A.7 Blank Panels

Part Number Description Notes
S81-U0000-1 Blank panel with holes for Ethernet cables Takes the place of one module
S81-F0000-1 Aluminum blank panel Takes the place of one module

A.8 Cables
Part Number Description Length
S81-CTT1 16x0.22 cable for non duplicated modules 5 meters
S81-CTT1R 16x0.22 cable for duplicated modules 5 meters
S81-CTT2 2x0.5 cable for non duplicated modules 5 meters
S81-CTT2R 2x0.5 cable for duplicated modules 5 meters
S81-CTT3 8x0.5 cable for non duplicated modules 5 meters
S81-CTT3R 8x0.5 cable for duplicated modules 5 meters
S81-CTT3R1 8x0.5 cable for duplicated modules 5 meters
S81-CTT4 4x0.5 cable for non duplicated modules 5 meters
S81-CTT4R 4x0.5 cable for duplicated modules 5 meters
S81-CTT6 6x0.5 cable for non duplicated modules 5 meters
S81-CTT7 4x0.5 cable for non duplicated modules 5 meters
S81-CTT7R 4x0.5 cable for duplicated modules 5 meters
S81-CTT8 3x0.5 shielded cable for non-redundant modules 5 meters
S81-CTT8R 3x0.5 shielded cable for redundant modules 5 meters
S81-CFT10/2 10-way flat cable for Host connection 2 meters
S81-CFT14/2 14-way flat cable 2 meters
S81-CFT20/05 20-way flat cable 5 centimeters
S81-CFT20/2 20-way flat cable 2 meters
S81-CVSC4 8-way RJ cable 19cm
S81-CVSC5 8-way RJ cable 36cm
S81-CVSC12 8-way RJ cable 60cm

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Appendix B: Compatible Devices
The tables below list the field devices compatible with H-S81-HS control panel, sorted by product

B.1 Hochiki Conventional Detectors

Part Number Description Notes
SLR-E3N Smoke detector
DCD-AE3 60° combined heat detector
DFJ-AE3 60°C fixed temperature heat detector to be used with S81-F3002 modules
DFJ-CE3 90°C fixed temperature heat detector
DRD-E IR flame detector

B.2 Hochiki Addressable Devices

Part Number Description Notes
ALG-E, ALG-EN Photoelectric Smoke Sensor
ATG-E Heat Sensor
ACB-E, ACB-EW Multi Heat Sensor
AIE-E Ionization Smoke Sensor
ACA-E Smoke/Heat Multi Sensor
S81-Mod-An 4-20mA Analog Module
CHQ-CP, HCP-E, HCP-W Manual Call Point
CHQ-MZ, CHQ-SZM Single Zone Module
CHQ-Z, CHQ-DZM Dual Zone Module
CHQ-SIM Single Input Module
CHQ-S, CHQ-DIM Dual Input Module
CHQ-R, CHQ-DRC Dual Relay Controller
To be used with S81-F7002-1 modules
CHQ-B, CHQ-DSC Dual Sounder Controller
CHQ-PCM Plant Control Module
YBO-BS Base Sounder
CHQ-BS Base Sounder (Old type)
YBO-BSB Base Sounder Beacon
CHQ-WS2 Wall Sounder
CHQ-WSB Wall Sounder Beacon
CHQ-AB Addressable Beacon
CHQ-ARI Remote Indicator
CHQ-POM Powered Output Module
CHQ-SOM Single Output Module
FB-1 Fire Beam Detector

176 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Honeywell Addressable Devices Compatible Devices

B.3 Honeywell Addressable Devices

These devices are to be used with S81-F7007-1 modules.
Part Number Description
S81-Mod-DI Module with 8 non monitored inputs
S81-Mod-AIT Module with 4 monitored inputs 1
S81-Mod-AI020 Module with 1 x 4-20mA analog input
S81-Mod-AV010 Module with 1 x 0-10V analog input
S81-Mod-DO Module with 8 open collector outputs
S81-Mod-DISP 255 programmable message display
S81-Mod-PRG Programmer for addressable modules

1 The addressable modules listed in this table do not bear the IMQ Safety Systems
mark, except for S81-Mod-AIT module, which complies with CEI 79-2 standard.

B.4 Safety Bus Addressable Devices

These devices are to be used with S81-F7011-1 modules.
Part Number Description
SB-SIM 8 supervised input module
SB-SIM-GM 8 supervised input module with ground leakage detection
SB-AIM 8 4-20mA input module
SB-SCM 8 supervised output module for solenoids
SB-NCM 8 supervised output module for sounder control
SB-ECM 8 supervised input and 8 supervised output for extinguishing release module
SB-PRG Hand held Programmer for SB modules

B.5 Apollo Addressable Devices

These devices are to be used with S81-F7009-1 modules.
Part Number Description
55000-600 XP95 Optical smoke detector
29600-242 XP95 Optical Beam detector
55000-268 XP95 Reflective Beam detector 5-50m
55000-500 XP95 Ionization smoke detector
55000-885 XP95 Multi-sensor detector
55000-400 XP95 Heat detector (Standard)
55000-401 XP95 Heat detector (High Temperature)
55100-905 XP95 Manual Call Point
55000-640 XP95 I.S. Optical smoke detector
55000-540 XP95 I.S. Ionization smoke detector
55000-440 XP95 I.S. Heat detector (Standard)
55100-940 XP95 I.S. Manual Call Point
XPA-CB-12034-APO XPander Optical smoke detector
XPA-CB-11170-APO XPander Heat detector (Standard)
XPA-CB-11171-APO XPander Heat detector (High Temperature)
XPA-CB-13032-APO XPander Multi-sensor detector
XPA-IN-14011-APO XPander Input/Output Unit
XPA-MC-14006-APO XPander Manual Call Point
XPA-CB-14003-APO XPander Sounder/Beacon & Sounder Base
XPA-IN-14007-APO XPander Loop Interface
55000-847 Standard Input/Output Unit
55000-875 Standard Mains Input/Output Unit
55000-843 Standard Switch Monitor

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Compatible Devices System Sensor Addressable Devices

55000-841 Standard Switch Monitor Plus

55000-845 Standard Zone Monitor
55000-852 Standard Sounder Control Unit
55000-803 Din Rail Input/Output Unit
55000-797 Din Rail Main Input/Output Unit
55000-822 Din Rail Switch Monitor
55000-821 Din Rail Switch Monitor Plus
55000-760 Din Rail mini Switch Monitor
55000-812 Din Rail Zone Monitor
55000-182 Din Rail Sounder Control Unit
55000-773MAR Marine Din Rail Zone Monitor
55000-772MAR Marine Din Rail Switch Monitor Plus
55000-181MAR Marine Din Rail Sounder Control Unit
58000-600MAR Discovery Marine Optical smoke detector
58000-400MAR Discovery Marine Heat detector
58000-700MAR Discovery Marine Multi-sensor detector
58100-940MAR Discovery Marine Manual Call Point
58100-975MAR Discovery Marine W.P. Manual Call Point
58000-600 Discovery Optical smoke detector
58000-500 Discovery Ionization smoke detector
58000-700 Discovery Multi-sensor detector
58000-300 Discovery Carbon Monoxide detector
58000-305 Discovery Heat/Carbon Monoxide multi-sensor
58000-400 Discovery Heat detector
58100-908 Discovery Manual call Point Red
58100-950 Discovery W.P. Manual call Point Red
45681-393 Discovery Sounder/Beacon Base
58000-005 Discovery Open Area Sounder/Beacon
55000-295 Intelligent Dual IR Flame detector ATEX
55000-021 Intelligent Triple IR Flame detector ATEX

B.6 System Sensor Addressable Devices

These devices are To be used with S81-F7010-1 modules.
Part Number Description
CMA1-I Module with 1 output with isolator
M701E Module with 1 output with isolator
MMA1-I Module with 1 input with isolator
M710E Module with 1 input with isolator
M720E Module with 2 inputs with isolator
CMA11 Module with 1 input + 1 output
M721E Module with 2 input + 1 output
CMA22 Module with 2 inputs + 2 outputs
CMX-10RM Module with 5 inputs + 5 outputs
MCX-55M Module with 5 inputs + 5 outputs
MMX-10M Module with 10 inputs
CMX-10RM Module with 10 relay outputs
M710ECZ Module with 1 input for conventional detectors
M710ECZR Module with 1 input for conventional EExd detectors
MMT Module for 4-20mA analog interface with 1 channel
IIG4N Module for 4-20mA analog interface with 4 channels
M700KW Red alarm button for outdoor installation
M700KI Red alarm button
M700KACI-FG-B Blue alarm button
M700KACI-FG-B Yellow alarm button
ABS32/PW-I Addressable sounder base
ABSB32/PW/RD-I Addressable sounder base + beacon

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Visual and Audible Alarm Devices Compatible Devices

AWB/RD-I Addressable beacon

AWS32/R/RD-I Electronic sounder with beacon
AWS32/R-I Electronic sounder
NFXI-SS-W Addressable sounder base
NFXI-BSF-WC Addressable sounder base + beacon
NFXI-WF-RR Addressable beacon
NFXI-WS-R Electronic sounder
NFXI-WSF-RR Electronic sounder + beacon
NFXI-OPT Optical smoke sensor
NFXI-TDIFF Rate of rise + fixed 58°C temperature heat detector
NFXI-TFIX58 58° heat sensor
NFXI-TFIX78 78° heat sensor
NFXI-SMT2 Combined optical/rate of rise heat detector
NFXI-SMT3 Combined smoke/heat/IR flame detector
SDX-751CTEM Combined smoke/heat/CO/IR flame detector
7251 PINNACLE Laser smoke detector
SDX-751ME Optical smoke sensor
FDX551REM Rate of rise heat detector
FDX-551HTE 78° heat sensor
FDX-751-TEMI Combined optical/rate of rise heat detector
IDX751AE Intrinsically safe optical sensor
WL-NTM Radio translator
WL-CMW Wireless SPD single contact output module
WL-CM Wireless SPD single contact output module
WL-CMBB Wireless output modules
WL-MMB Wireless input module
WL-MCP Wireless alarm button
WL-D100 Wireless optical smoke sensor
WL-D200 Combined wireless optical/rate of rise heat detector
WL-D350 Wireless 58° C heat sensor
WL-SDN Wireless wall sounder with 3 selectable tones
WL-STR Wireless red beacon
WL-SS Wireless sounder + beacon
WL-IND Wireless remote alarm repeater

B.7 Visual and Audible Alarm Devices

These devices are to be used with S81-F5003-1 modules.
Part Number Manufacturer Description
5965-CSA CSA-COOPER Combined Beacon/Sounder
SOLEX 11 FULLEON 10 cd beacon
SOLEX 15 FULLEON 15 cd beacon
EVA 50 KROMA-MEC EX-d Beacon
ETH 20 MD KROMA-MEC EX-d Sounder
XB-11 MEDC EX-d Beacon
XB-12 MEDC EX-d Beacon

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Appendix C: Power Supply Set Dimensions
Use the tables below for checking the size of the power supply set and of the batteries.

C.1 H-S81-HS Control Power Consumption

Standby Alarm Total Alarm
Part Number Description Qty. standby
current Current current
PU-0001 Power supply set 1 6A 1 6A 6A 1 6A
1 1
PU-0002 Power supply set 1 8A 8A 8A 8A
H-S81-HS Base Central unit rack + S81-T8004-1 1 0.230A 0.230A 0.300A 0.300A
H-S81-HS I/O I/O rack + rack controller 0.050A 0.050A
S81-F3002 8 monitored input module 0.014A 0.048A
S81-F4001 Module with 1 x 4-20mA input 0.035A 0.050A
S81-F4002 Module with 2 x 4-20mA input 0.060A 0.050A
S81-F4003 Module with 8 x 4-20mA input 0.013A 0.050A
S81-F5001 Module with 8 x 500mA monitored outputs 0.035A 0.038A
S81-F5002 Module with 16 x 250mA non monitored outputs 0.010A 0.013A
S81-F5003 Module with 8 monitored outputs for sounders 0.038A 0.041A
S81-F5004 Module with 4 x 2A monitored outputs 0.020A 0.023A
S81-F6001 Fire extinguishing module 0.010A 0.013A
S81-F6002 Logic module 0.009A 0.012A
S81-F7002 Control module for ESP bus 0.090A 0.094A
S81-F7006 Modbus RTU Master/Slave module 0.014A 0.017A
S81-F7007 Control module for Honeywell bus 0.070A 0.074A
S81-F7008 Control module for scales 0.014A 0.017A
S81-F7009 Control module for Apollo bus 0.090A 0.094A
S81-F7010 Control module for System Sensor bus 0.039A 0.042A
S81-F7011 Loop control module with Safety Bus protocol 0.067A 0.067A
Total current Standby (A1) Alarmed (B1)

1 Power supply set standby current and current with alarmed control panel is considered with the battery charger
at maximum current supply condition (low batteries).

C.2 Power Consumption of Hochiki Conventional Detectors

Standby Alarm Total Alarm
Part Number Description Qty. standby
current Current current
SLR-E3N Smoke detector 0.00004A 0.04000A
DCD-AE3 60°C combined heat detector 0.00004A 0.04000A
DFJ-AE3 60°C fixed temperature heat detector 0.00004A 0.04000A
DFJ-CE3 90°C fixed temperature heat detector 0.00004A 0.04000A
DRD-E IR flame detector 0.00007A 0.04000A
NO contact Normally open contact 0.00400A 0.02600A
NC contact Normally closed contact 0.02600A 0.00400A
Total current Standby (A2) Alarmed (B2)

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Power Consumption of Hochiki Addressable Devices Power Supply Set Dimensions

C.3 Power Consumption of Hochiki Addressable Devices

Standby Alarm Total Alarm
Part Number Description Qty. standby
current Current current
ALG-E, ALG-EN Photoelectric Smoke Sensor 0.00040A 0.00910A
ATG-E Heat Sensor 0.00036A 0.01900A
ACB-E, ACB-EW, ATJ-EN Multi Heat Sensor 0.00035A 0.01900A
AIE-E Ionization Smoke Sensor 0.00031A 0.01900A
ACA-E, ACC-EN Smoke/Heat Multi Sensor 0.00045A 0.01900A
S81-Mod-An 4-20mA Analog Module 0.00022A 0.00500A
CHQ-CP, HCP-E, HCP-W Manual Call Point 0.00025A 0.00500A
CHQ-MZ,CHQ-SZM Single Zone Module 0.00026A 0.02200A
CHQ-Z, CHQ-DZM Dual Zone Module 0.00033A 0.03000A
CHQ-SIM Single Input Module 0.00015A 0.00015A
CHQ-S, CHQ-DIM Dual Input Module 0.00028A 0.00430A
CHQ-R, CHQ-DRC Dual Relay Controller 0.00030A 0.01600A
CHQ-B, CHQ-DSC Dual Sounder Controller 0.00034A 0.00800A
CHQ-PCM Plant Control Module 0.00030A 0.00200A
YBO-BS Base Sounder 0.00080A 0.01600A
CHQ-BS Base Sounder (Old type) 0.00080A 0.01600A
YBO-BSB Base Sounder Beacon 0.00025A 0.02100A
CHQ-WS2 Wall Sounder 0.00020A 0.00800A
CHQ-WSB Wall Sounder Beacon 0.00020A 0.00800A
CHQ-AB Addressable Beacon 0.00024A 0.00430A
CHQ-ARI Remote Indicator 0.00030A 0.00450A
Total current Standby (A3) Alarmed (B3)

C.4 Power Consumption of Honeywell Addressable Devices

Standby Alarm Total Alarm
Part Number Description Qty. standby
current Current current
S81-Mod-DI Module with 8 non monitored inputs 0.00025A 0.01000A
S81-Mod-AIT Module with 4 monitored inputs 0.00025A 0.01000A
S81-Mod-AI020 Module with 1 x 4-20 mA input 0.00025A 0.01600A
S81-Mod-AV010 Module with 1 x 0-10V input 0.00025A 0.01000A
S81-Mod-DO Module with 8 open collector outputs 0.00025A 0.01000A
S81-Mod-DISP 255 message display module 0.03000A 0.05000A
Total current Standby (A4) Alarmed (B4)
(A) both channels alarmed

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Power Supply Set Dimensions Power consumption of Safety Bus Addressable Devices

C.5 Power consumption of Safety Bus Addressable Devices

Total Alarm
Standby Alarm
Part Number Description Qty. Standby Total
current Current
current current
SB-SIM 8 supervised input module 0.077A
SB-SIM-GM 8 supervised input module with ground 0.077A
leakage detection
SB-AIM 8 4-20mA input module 0.067A
SB-SCM 8 supervised output module for solenoids 0.093A
SB-NCM 8 supervised output module for sounder 0.081A
SB-ECM 8 supervised input and 8 supervised output 0.094A
for extinguishing release module
Total current Standby (A5) Alarmed (B5)

C.6 Power consumption of Apollo Addressable Devices

Standby Alarm Alarm Total
Part Number Description Qty. standby
current Current current
55000-600 XP95 Optical smoke detector 0.00034A
55000-500 XP95 Ionization smoke detector 0.00028A
55000-268 /273 XP95 Reflective Beam 0.0050A 0.009A
55000-885 XP95 Multi-sensor detector 0.00050A
55000-400 XP95 Heat detector (Standard) 0.00025A
55000-401 XP95 Heat detector (High Temperature) 0.00025A
55100-905 XP95 Manual Call Point 0.00010A
55000-640 XP95 I.S. Optical smoke detector 0.00034A
55000-540 XP95 I.S. Ionization smoke detector 0.00030A
55000-440 XP95 I.S. Heat detector (Standard) 0.00030A
55100-940 XP95 I.S. Manual Call Point 0.00023A
55000-847 Standard Input/Output Unit 0.00125A
55000-875 Standard Mains Input/Output Unit 0.00125A
55000-843 Standard Switch Monitor 0.00125A
55000-841 Standard Switch Monitor Plus 0.00125A
55000-845 Standard Zone Monitor 0.0040A 0.011A
55000-852 Standard Sounder Control Unit 0.00195A
55000-803 Din Rail Input/Output Unit 0.0012A
55000-797 Din Rail Main Input/Output Unit 0.0015A
55000-822 Din Rail Switch Monitor 0.00073A
55000-821 Din Rail Switch Monitor Plus 0.00073A
55000-760 Din Rail mini Switch Monitor 0.00020A
55000-812 Din Rail Zone Monitor 0.0040A 0.0110A
55000-182 Din Rail Sounder Control Unit 0.00150A
55000-773MAR Marine Din Rail Zone Monitor 0.0040A 0.0110A
55000-772MAR Marine Din Rail Switch Monitor Plus 0.00073A
55000-181MAR Marine Din Rail Sounder Control Unit
58000-600MAR Discovery Marine Optical smoke detector 0.00030A 0.0035A
58000-400MAR Discovery Marine Heat detector 0.00040A 0.0035A
58000-700MAR Discovery Marine Multi-sensor detector 0.00040A 0.0035A
58100-940MAR Discovery Marine Manual Call Point
58100-975MAR Discovery Marine W.P. Manual Call Point 0.00010A 0.0040A
58000-600 Discovery Optical smoke detector 0.00030A 0.0035A

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Power consumption of Apollo Addressable Devices Power Supply Set Dimensions

58000-500 Discovery Ionization smoke detector 0.00030A 0.0035A

58000-700 Discovery Multi-sensor detector 0.00040A 0.0035A
58000-300 Discovery Carbon Monoxide detector 0.00030A 0.0035A
58000-305 Discovery Heat/Carbon Monoxide 0.00040A 0.0035A
58000-400 Discovery Heat detector 0.00040A 0.0035A
58100-908 Discovery Manual call Point Red 0.00010A 0.0040A
58100-950 Discovery W.P. Manual call Point Red 0.00010A 0.0040A
45681-393 Discovery Sounder/Beacon Base 0.00035A
58000-005 Discovery Open Area Sounder/Beacon 0.00035A
55000-295 Intelligent Dual IR Flame detector ATEX
55000-021 Intelligent Triple IR Flame detector ATEX 0.00220A 0.0042A
Total current Standby (A5) Alarmed (B5)

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Power Supply Set Dimensions Power consumption of System Sensor Addressable Devices

C.7 Power consumption of System Sensor Addressable

Standby Alarm Alarm Total
Part Number Description Qty. standby
current Current current
CMA1-I Module with 1 output 0.00041A
M701E Module with 1 output
MMA1-I Module with 1 input 0.00040A
M710E Module with 1 input 0.00031A
M720E Module with 2 inputs 0.00034A
CMA11 Module with 1 input + 1 output 0.00050A
M721E Module with 2 inputs + 1 output 0.00034A
CMA22 Module with 2 inputs + 2 outputs
CMX-10RM Module with 5 inputs + 5 outputs
MCX-55M Module with 5 inputs + 5 outputs
MMX-10M Module with 10 inputs 0.0027A
CMX-10RM Module with 10 relay outputs 0.0030A
M710ECZ Module with 1 input for conventional detectors
M710ECZR Module with 1 input for conventional detectors, EExd
MMT 1 channel 4-20mA analog module
IIG4N 4 channel 4-20mA analog module 0.010A
M700KW Red alarm button for outdoor installation 0.00035A 0.0060A
M700KI Red alarm button 0.00035A 0.0060A
M700KACI-FG-B Blue alarm button 0.00035A 0.0060A
M700KACI-FG-B Yellow alarm button 0.00035A 0.0060A
ABS32/PW-I Addressable sounder base 0.0020A
ABSB32/PW/RD-I Addressable sounder base + beacon 0.0050A
AWB/RD-I Addressable beacon 0.0025A
AWS32/R/RD-I Electronic sounder with beacon 0.0050A
AWS32/R-I Electronic sounder 0.0030A
NFXI-SS-W Addressable sounder base 0.00015A
NFXI-BSF-WC Addressable sounder base + beacon 0.00022A
NFXI-WF-RR Addressable beacon 0.00012A
NFXI-WS-R Electronic sounder 0.00012A
NFXI-WSF-RR Electronic sounder + beacon 0.00012A
NFXI-OPT Optical smoke sensor 0.00025A
NFXI-TDIFF Rate of rise + fixed 58°C temp. heat detector 0.00020A
NFXI-TFIX58 58° heat sensor with isolator 0.00020A
NFXI-TFIX78 78° heat sensor with isolator 0.00020A
NFXI-SMT2 Optical/rate of rise heat detector 0.00025A
NFXI-SMT3 Optical smoke/ heat/flame IR detector 0.00020A
SDX-751CTEM Optical smoke/ heat/CO/flame IR detector 0.00020 0.0070A
7251 PINNACLE Laser smoke detector 0.00023A 0.00033A
SDX-751ME Optical smoke sensor 0.00030A 0.0070A
FDX551REM Rate of rise heat detector 0.00015A 0.0050A
FDX-551HTE 78° heat sensor 0.00015A 0.0050A
FDX-751-TEMI Optical/rate of rise heat detector
IDX751AE Intrinsically safe optical sensor
Total current Standby (A6) Alarmed (B6)

184 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

External Load Power Consumption Power Supply Set Dimensions

C.8 External Load Power Consumption

Standby Alarm Alarm Total
Part Number Description Qty. standby
current Current current
Visual and audible alarm devices
Gas detectors
Flame detectors
Replication relays
Other loads
Total current Standby (A7) Alarmed (B7)

C.9 Calculation of Total System Power Consumption

Description Total standby current Total alarm current

H-S81-HS control panel absorption (A1) (B1)

Max. sensor absorption (A2) (B2)
Absorption of Addressable Devices (A3+A4+A5+A6+A7) (B3+B4+B5+B6+B7)
Absorption of External Loads (A8) (B8)
Total current Standby (A9) Alarmed (B9)

The table below indicates the power supply sets that can be used according to the total alarmed sys-
tem current calculated.
Total current with
Power supply sets to be used Power supply sets to be used in
alarmed control
in mono configuration duplex configuration
<4A S81-PU001-1 S81-PU001-2, S81-PU002-2
<8A S81-PU001-2 S81-PU001-4, S81-PU002-2
<16A S81-PU001-4 S81-PU002-2
<20A N/A S81-PU002-4

NOTE: Use the suitable power supply set according to the total current calculated with alarmed

C.10 Calculation of Battery Capacity

According to the European and US standards, the operating time of H-S81-HS control panel with
primary voltage failure is:
• Standby: 24 h
• Alarm: 5 minutes = 0.083 h

H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015 185

Power Supply Set Dimensions Calculation of Battery Capacity

Use the following table to calculate the capacity of the batteries to be used.
• Calculate battery capacity in standby A10[Ah]=(A9) x 24 [Hours].
• Calculate battery capacity in alarm condition B10[Ah]=(B9) x 0.083 [Hours].
• Calculate battery maximum capacity [Ah]=A10+B10
• Multiply the total capacity by a safety factor of 1.2. The result of the multiplication will be the
minimum required battery capacity.
• Select a battery type with capacity equal or higher that the calculated one, referring to the table
at the bottom of the page
Total System Standby Current= (A9) A
x Standby Time 24 Hours
Standby Battery Capacity= (A10) Ah
Total Alarm Current= (B9) A
x Alarm Time 0.083 Hours
Alarm Battery Capacity= (B10) Ah
Total Calculated Battery Capacity= A10+B10 Ah
x Derating Factor= 1.2
Battery Size Needed= C Ah

The table below shows the lead battery type to be used according to the calculated capacity
Part Number Description
6FM40-X 12 V - 40 Ah batteries
6FM65-X 12 V - 65 Ah batteries
6FM120-X 12 V - 120 Ah batteries

186 H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015

Appendix D: Adhesive Labels

D.1 CPR Adhesive Label

H-S81-HS Installation & Operation Manual — P/N LS10114-000HI-E:A 6/19/2015 187

Adhesive Labels CPR Adhesive Label

D.1.1 Adhesive Nameplate

Figure D.1 Nameplate Labels

NOTE: According to 051-CPR-0423 protection degree is IP-30.

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Honeywell International Inc.
Industrial Fire Protection
12 Clintonville Road
Northford, CT 06472-1610 Honeywell Industrial Training Center
+1 203-484-7161 9401 Bay Area Boulevard #400
fax: +1 203-484-7118 Pasadena, TX 77507 LS10113-000HI-E
6/19/15 +1 713-577-1510 © 2015 Honeywell International Inc.

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