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Part 5 Incomplete Sentences

Objective: Improving you knowledge of suffixes and prefixes

Tactic #1
Learning common suffixes can help you to identify nouns and verbs. Questions that require you to
select an appropriate noun or verb form are common in the TOEIC test. Learning to recognize noun
and verb suffixes will help you to choose the right one.

1. Test tactic: Verb and noun suffixes

A. The words below feature some of the most common suffixes used with nouns and verbs. For
each word decide whether it is a noun or a verb.
cooperation N V simplify N V security N V
criticize N V quickness N V widen N V
partnership N V activate N V assistance N V
department N V celebration N V realize N V

B. Now look at the list of suffixes and mark whether each is a noun or verb suffix.

-tion/-sion N V -ise/-ize N V
-en N V -ity N V
-ness N V -ate N V
-(i)fy N V -ment N V
-ship N V -ance/-ence N V

C. For each sentence below, first decide if it requires a noun or verb, then choose the best
word of the correct type to fill in the blank.
investigation identify elevate repetitiveness criticize
document internship renovate pendence soften

1. The stockholders have called for a(n) ...... to find out where the money went.
2. Newspapers are starting to ...... the prime minister's actions.
3. Doing a(n) ...... is a good way for students to get work experience.
4. Miller Manufacturing's ...... on one supplier caused serious problems when that company
went bankrupt.
5. A consultant was hired to ...... the company's main weaknesses and suggest solutions.
6. Bill realized he had forgotten to bring a key ...... to the meeting.
7. The company spent millions to ...... its main office in order to impress its customers.
8. The sculptor intended to ...... the statue by placing it on a pedestal so that people could
see it more easily.
9. Many people dislike the ...... of working on a factory assembly line.
10. Cyclists often use special pads to ...... the seat for long-distance rides.

Unit 19 | Reading Part 5 Incomplete Sentences 59

Part 5 Incomplete Sentences
Tactic #2
Being able to guess the meaning of unknown words is important for all parts of the test.
Learning common prefixes can help you guess the meaning of words you don't know.

2. Test tactic: Use prefixes to help decide the best answer

A. Look at the list of some of the most common prefixes below. Match the prefix to the
meaning on the right.

1. dis discomfort (n), discontinue (v) a. badly or wrongly …

un unable (adj), unfasten (v) b. not …
non non-fiction (adj), non-political (adj) c. between …
im-/in-/ir/il- inconvenient (adj), illegal (adj) d. joint or together …
2. co- co-founder (n), cooperate (v) e. again or back …
3. sub- submarine (n), subsection (n) f. below, under …
g. too much …
4. inter- interaction (n), international (adj)
5. re- re-organization (n), review (v/n)
6. over- overwork (v), overpriced (adj)
7. mis- mislead (v), misunderstanding (n)

B. Now use your understanding of prefixes to help you choose the best word to complete
each sentence.
1. The company's bid was rejected because the quality of their a. misheard
work was ................ . b. disconnect
2. Jake Thomson and Phil Greene ................ the project, each c. unwrap
d. impatient
looking after one team.
e. co-supervise
3. There is a(n) ................ in each room to allow all the staff to f. overpaid
communicate easily, even between different floors. g. remove
4. A plumber was called to ................ the blockage from the h. non-refundable
pipe. i. intercom
5. After I returned from the shop, I realized I had ................ for j. sub-standard
my new radio.
6. The woman thought she had ................ the clerk when he told
her the price of the room.
7. He didn't pay his phone bill so they came to ................ his
8. The glass was so fragile that it broke even before we had a
chance to ................ it.
9. I often get very ................ if there is heavy traffic when I am
in a hurry.

10. Since the gift had been bought on sale it was ................ .

Unit 19 | Reading Part 5 Incomplete Sentences 60

Part 5 Incomplete Sentences
3. Tactic practice
Use the tactics you have practiced to answer the following questions.
1. The two presidents maintained a close 4. The machine could become dangerous if
.......... despite their rival businesses. it is ...........
(A) friendly (A) circumscribed
(B) friend unit (B) restrung
(C) friendship (C) dismantled
(D) friends (D) mishandled
2. Efforts were made to .......... train track 5. He transferred from the parent company
width across Europe in the late twentieth to one of its smaller .......... .
century. (A) partnerships
(A) standard (B) subsidiaries
(B) standards (C) conglomerates
(C) standardization (D) multinationals
(D) standardize
6. To resolve their differences, they
3. The program seems easy to use, but the employed an .......... to deal with the two
interface needs to be .......... . sides.
(A) simplified (A) investigation
(B) simply (B) intermediary
(C) simplest (C) assistance
(D) simplification (D) advice

Now apply what you have learnt at the actual test speed with questions 1-12.
Recommended Time: 6 minutes (or less)
Try the 2-pass method to help you make the most of the time available. Try to spend no more than
about 30 seconds on each item. If you don't know the answer, guess and move on.
1. The addition of steel girders was designed to 4. He was known in the business for his ..........
.......... the roof support beams. attitude and astute business sense.
(A) strong (A) positive
(B) strongly (B) internal
(C) strength (C) preventative
(D) strengthen (D) artificial
2. Disagreements over the .......... of the design 5. The public's .......... to the advertising
eventually led to a court case. campaign was very encouraging.
(A) own (A) reaction
(B) ownership (B) suggestion
(C) owning (C) interjection
(D) owned (D) submission
3. It is essential to .......... fully on the operation of
the machinery in order to avoid accidents.
(A) concentration Go on to the next page
(B) concentrating
(C) concentrate
(D) concentrates

Unit 19 | Reading Part 5 Incomplete Sentences 61

Part 5 Incomplete Sentences

6. Visitors to this part of the facilities must show 11. Gift giving is considered standard
proper .......... . amongst hosts, and guests should feel no
(A) identity .......... to return the favor.
(B) identify (A) oblige
(C) identification (B) obliged
(D) identifying (C) obliges
7. Plans to .......... the highway from four to six (D) obligation
lanes were blocked by the local government. 12. Tax .......... is available for those earning
(A) wide less than the statutory minimum who
(B) width have dependents.
(C) widely (A) refund
(D) widen (B) relief
8. The meeting will have to be ......... . to a later (C) identification
date. (D) awareness
(A) arranged
(B) rescheduled
(C) planned
(D) prepared
1 (A) (B) (C) (D)
9. Your free six-month .......... to Word Of The 2 (A) (B) (C) (D)
Day includes online definitions and 3 (A) (B) (C) (D)
pronunciation clues. 4 (A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) prescription 5 (A) (B) (C) (D)
(B) subscription 6 (A) (B) (C) (D)
(C) designation 7 (A) (B) (C) (D)
(D) participation 8 (A) (B) (C) (D)
10. Smart travelers research the prices of local 9 (A) (B) (C) (D)
hotels to ensure that they do not .......... when 10 (A) (B) (C) (D)
traveling abroad. 11 (A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) pay 12 (A) (B) (C) (D)
(B) repay
(C) underpay
(D) overpay

Unit 19 | Reading Part 5 Incomplete Sentences 62

Part 6 Text Completion
Objective: Choosing the correct part of speech: adjectives and adverbs

Tactic #1
Learn suffixes to help you identify adjectives and adverbs. Some questions on the TOEIC test
require you to select an appropriate adjective or adverb. Learning common suffixes will help you to
identify these types of words.

1. Language building: Adjective and adverb endings

The sentences below use some common adjective and adverb endings found in the TOEIC test.
Choose the correct adjective or adverb to complete each sentence.
1. We selected this hotel because the rooms are ........... . (comfortable/ comfortably)
2. We have ........... problems in our Tokyo office. (serious/seriously)
3. New recruits are expected to listen ........... during training. (attentive/attentively)
4. Our sales have been ........... good in the last three months. (consistent/consistently)
5. The response to the new commercial has been ........... . (wonderful/wonderfully)
6. The contract ........... stated that delivery would be free. (specific/specifically)

Follow up: With a partner think of two or three other words for each of the adjective and adverb
endings below.

-able (-ible) : …………………………………………………………………………
-ous : …………………………………………………………………………
-ive : …………………………………………………………………………
-ent (-ant) : …………………………………………………………………………
-ful : …………………………………………………………………………
-ic : …………………………………………………………………………
-ly : …………………………………………………………………………

Tactic #2
Understand the use of comparative and superlative forms of adjectives. Knowing how these are
formed can help you choose the right answer.

2. Test tactic: Be aware of correct comparative and superlative forms.

A. Look at some examples of common comparative and superlative forms.

... as high as the market will support.

... more difficult than we first expected.
... faster than the competition.
... the cheapest product.
... his/their/my greatest problem .
... the most important thing.

Unit 20 | Reading Part 6 Text Completion 63

Part 6 Text Completion
Use the examples on page 74 to help you choose the best word to complete the sentences.
1. The ........... (good/better/best) thing about the offer is the price.
2. This system uses the ........... (advanced/more advanced/most advanced) technology on the
3. This department may not be as ........... (big/bigger/biggest) as some of the others, but its
budget is much ........... (large/larger/the largest).
4. They are our ........... (important/more important/most important) customers by far.
5. The old distributor's delivery was much ........... (fast/faster/fastest) than the new one.
6. Most attendees felt the first presenter was ........... (informative/most informative/more
informative) than the second one.

B. With your partner, make comparative and superlative sentences about the means of
transportation below.
A train isn't as fast as an airplane.
Buses are cheaper than trains.
car train ship airplane motorcycle
(fast, cheap/expensive, convenient, etc.)

3. Tactic practice
Use the tactics you have practiced to answer the followinf questions.
Questions 1 – 3 refer to the following article.

High among the many triumphs of man's courage and spirit is Walter Orake's
and Olivier Vogel's ................ climb to the summit of Mount Everest without
1. (A) amazement
(B) amazing
(C) amazingly
(D) amazed
oxygen tanks in 1967.
Although several attempts to climb Everest without additional oxygen had been
made in the past, none had been successful. Orake and Vogel began moving
cautiously up the south ridge towards the summit, which they reached after a
grueling climb at 10:30. They lingered ................ on the summit and then began
2. (A) highly
(B) shortly
(C) briefly
(D) quickly
the tiring climb down the mountain. They said it was the ................ test of
3. (A) great
(B) greater
(C) greatest
(D) greatly
endurance they had ever experienced.

Unit 20 | Reading Part 6 Text Completion 64

Part 6 Text Completion
Now apply what you have learnt at the actual test speed with questions 1-12.
Recommended Time: 9 minutes (or less)
Try the 2-pass method to help you make the most of the time available. Try to spend no more than
about 30 – 40 seconds on each item. If you don't know the answer, guess and move on.

Question 1 – 3 refer to the following article.

Classic Film Archive Coming Soon

National Pictures has recently announced the re-release of some of the most
famous films of the 1930s and 1940s, including Corsini's Roma Viva Roma, the
original 1937 version of The Angry Man, and the classic Drums Along The
Zambezi. These are some of the most respected and talked-about films of
the ................ days of talking pictures.
1. (A) early
(B) final
(C) happy
(D) long
National Pictures reported that the original prints have been re-mastered
and ................ restored to modern digital standards by experienced film
2. (A) care
(B) careful
(C) carefully
(D) caring
technicians to maintain the charm and flavor of the original prints. More
information on these, and other films from National Pictures, can be found on
their Web site, along with screen shots and ordering details. To access the
complete ................ of restored films, and order your own set, log on to
3. (A) costs
(B) sample
(C) movie
(D) catalog today.

Go on to the next page

Unit 20 | Reading Part 6 Text Completion 65

Part 6 Text Completion
Question 4 – 6 refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Phanom,

Thank you very much for your interest in becoming a dealer for our "Iron Duke"
mountain bike. As you are probably aware, this is our latest model, and is by far
the ................ we have ever built.
4. (A) strong
(B) stronger
(C) strongest
(D) strongly
We believe it is this proven durability, along with its stylish design, that has allowed it
to quickly gain such popularity ................ the cycling community.
5. (A) within
(B) into
(C) about
(D) of
In answer to your question regarding how the Iron Duke has done in Asia, I can tell
you that all of our retail partners there have reported that this year's sales of the
model have been ................ . In fact, some of our dealers managed to sell their
6. (A) impressive
(B) worrying
(C) disappointing
(D) encouraged
entire stock in the first month after delivery.
I am including a full dealer reference package. Please don't hesitate to contact me if
you have any further questions or would like to place an order.
Yours sincerely,

Wallace Minkly
Wallace Minkly
Asia Sales Representative
Avenger Cycle

Unit 20 | Reading Part 6 Text Completion 66

Part 6 Text Completion
Question 7 – 9 refer to the following letter.

Dear Oleg,
I am writing to let you know that on July 17 we are going be having a party to
celebrate the launch of our new GX99 line of mobile phones. This ................ held
7. (A) is
(B) had been
(C) was
(D) will be
in the Ambassador Room in the Dolton Grand hotel.
If you are free on this evening I would be very happy if you could join us. Your help
in promoting the GX50 series was invaluable and we expect that with your input,
the new line will be even ................ successful than last year.
8. (A) extra
(B) very
(C) more
(D) most
I really hope you will be able to make the party as I expect that it will be
an impressive one. In ................ case, I will give you a call next week to set up
9. (A) no
(B) any
(C) every
(D) some
a meeting to finalize the designs for the January campaign.
Best regards and talk to you soon,


Unit 20 | Reading Part 6 Text Completion 67

Part 6 Text Completion
Question 10 – 12 refer to the following letter.

Dear Barnaby,
I have just returned from my visit to the Taiwan office and I must say I am impressed
with the local marketing team. They are all very motivated and ................ about the
10. (A) enthusiasm
(B) enthusiast
(C) enthusiastic
(D) enthusiastically
new line of evening wear from our Paris collection.

One issue did arise regarding the details of sales plan. I think we may want to move
more ................ on the introduction than we had originally planned.
11. (A) quick
(B) quickly
(C) quicker
(D) quickness
We have information that our largest competitor has also gone with a darker and
more conservative pattern this year. I am worried that this will make both product
lines seem very ................ .
12. (A) modern
(B) expensive
(C) innovative
(D) similar
We know they generally debut their line in May. As our image is based upon setting
trends and being unique, I think we should push our release date up to March.
Please consider this option and let's discuss it more fully when we meet on Monday.


Unit 20 | Reading Part 6 Text Completion 68

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