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AIESEC's Ultimate Kit To B2B Marketing - 3122018 PDF

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The key takeaways from the document are the different stages of the B2B marketing funnel including pre-attraction, attraction, consideration, and experience & post experience. It also discusses various online and offline marketing channels as well as tips for collecting feedback.

The document discusses the different stages of the B2B marketing funnel as pre-attraction, attraction, consideration, and experience & post experience. The pre-attraction stage involves understanding the market and potential customers, while attraction includes online and offline channels to engage prospects. Consideration involves nurturing leads through email marketing. The final stage is experience & post experience which focuses on collecting feedback.

Some of the online marketing channels discussed include content marketing through blogs, e-books and case studies. Other channels mentioned are LinkedIn for both social media engagement and lead generation, as well as search engine optimization and advertising.

“To be 2 be or not to be 2 be”

TheSummit, 2018
AIESEC’s Ultimate Kit
to B2B Marketing
The complete guide for any entity starting off in B2B Marketing.
This document is intended for internal use only and
shall not be distributed outside of AIESEC.
0. Intro 2

1. Pre-Attraction 3
Wanna get started in B2B Marketing? 3
B2B JDs 4
How to use POP and EXPA for B2B 5
Market Understanding 7
Customer Interviews 8
User Persona 10

2. Attraction 12
The Funnel & The Flow 13
Channels 14
The role of National landing pages if you have them 15

Content Marketing 17
E-Books 19
Case Studies with Current Partners 21
LinkedIn 22
LinkedIn as Social Media 22
LinkedIn for Lead Generation 23
Advertising 26
SEO 27
How to sell AIESEC 28
Features to highlight when selling POP 28
How to capitalize on business events 29

3. Consideration 30
Email Marketing 31

4. Experience & Post Experience 32

Collecting Stories 33
0. Intro

This document is a sum of all the This document is the result

information you need to know of hard work during
about B2B marketing and the THE SUMMIT, happening in
processes we do for acquiring Montreal, Canada, 2018,
leads. please feel free to reach out
to the creators of this documents,
Inside you will find multiple you will find the contacts at the
frameworks and guidelines end of the document.
on what activities you could
implement or improve in your
entity, with the objective of
improving our results.
1. Pre-Attraction
Wanna get started in B2B Marketing?
Be clear on the role of B2B first!

B·2·B Mar·ke·ting
/’bi tu bi ‘mɑrkətɪŋ/

B2B marketing refers to the activities and techniques and best

practices used by companies or organizations with products and
service to sell to other businesses.

In AIESEC, B2B marketing refers to the activities we perform with the

objective of attracting companies, startups and NGOs to become our

B2B Marketing does not refer to the actions performed by entities

in order to attract a higher number of applicants to their own


Attract, convert and retain partners for all
incoming products of AIESEC.

MC VP B2B Marketing LC VP B2B Marketing

# sign-ups in POP # sign-ups in POP
# employees and organizations # employees and organizations
# opportunities drafted, opportunities for review, opens, in progress, accepted # opportunities drafted, opportunities for review, opens, in progress, accepted
% conversion rates % conversion rates
# of reach on online channels # lending page visitors
# lending page visitors # testimonials
# of content created and published
Pre-Attraction Customer understanding in their market
Creation of sales materials User persona creation
Understanding and network education about POP
Support running of customer interviews
User persona creation Attraction
Content line creation based on user persona and focus sub products of Networking events
each product. Ensure lead generation to the national landing page or POP
Use referrals and materials from previous partners to showcase.
Attraction Align activities with global message, value proposition and branding
B2B Social media channels management
Content based on content line creation
Landing page management/creation and from there link to POP Preparation & Experience
Regularly review and optimize the campaigns Showcasing of the experience
Use referrals and materials from previous partners to showcase.
SEO strategy Post-Experience
Align activities with global message, value proposition and branding
Gathering of showcasing materials from the experience, referrals,
testimonials, videos, etc...
Lead nurturing and email marketing to convert

Preparation & Experience

Ensure showcasing of the experience

Gathering of showcasing materials from the experience, referrals,
testimonials, videos, etc...


How to use POP and EXPA for B2B
What is POP?
Partners Opportunities Portal, or POP for short, is our platform for
organizations, through which they can manage their own opportunities
and selection processes.

All organizations who we work with should be signing up on POP, and

creating their opportunities on that platform. That way, we, as AIESECers,
don’t need to spend effort copying the JDs our partners send us into our
platform - they can just put it directly, by themselves! And we don’t need
to be a middleman in the selection process either - POP helps the partner
schedule interviews and choose their shortlist themselves (as long as
that’s what they want).

How does it look for a partner?

When a partner first goes to POP, they create a personal account for
themselves - for instance, Anna Smith.

Then Anna can either connect her account to the organization

she’s a part of, or she can create a new organization from scratch
in the platform. After this, she’s ready to create an opportunity.

She can choose from GV, GT or GE, and fill out her
opportunity details.

When she’s ready to open, she can click

“Submit for review”.

Now - as usual - your MC will

need to go to EXPA, check that the
opportunity is ready to launch,
and open it to the world!

And how does it look to me as an AIESECer?

If we now check EXPA, Anna shows up as an employee, and her Click to see if you
organization is also visible under Organizations. have any Opp waiting
to be reviewed
If Anna opens an opportunity on POP, she is automatically made
Opportunity Manager of that opportunity, and you can also add yourself,
your MCVP or more opportunity managers from your LC or MC.


How to use POP and EXPA for B2B

Ok ok, what are the changes I Why don’t we just manage

Wait, I’m an MCVP
should know about? opportunities and selection for
What do I need to do? our partners, like before?
If you’re having offline sales meetings, you don’t Good questions!
Hey there, MCVP! In terms of POP, you’re need to create Organizations and Opportunities
responsible to: on EXPA anymore! You can just show the We think that going forward, allowing our
1. Make sure that you have LC Allocations set
up on your Committee on EXPA. This is really
organization how they can do it themselves on
POP. Of course, you should still check up on
partners to use our simple tools and benefit
from our big talent pool will allow us to be more
important, so the system knows which LC to them to make sure it happens. customer centric and faster, while being able to
assign a new lead to.
focus on what we’re truly good at - developing
It could also happen that an organization leadership in young people.
2. Always make sure to check opportunities
opened by your partners that they are error-free
organically goes to POP and creates themselves
an account. Now they will show up under
and match our opportunity posting guidelines. POP is a game-changing step in becoming a
Employees and/or Organizations, and you will true platform organization and a great tool to
need to follow up with them ASAP to make sure scale our operations.
3. Make sure your LCs know how to use POP well
enough to explain it to new partners - and that
they know what they’re doing, and they end up
all your existing partners are on the platform! opening an opportunity!

I’m a visual learner.

How can I see how POP works myself?
Check out this YouTube playlist to see all the features
behind POP.


Market Understanding
With market understanding is starting the whole Pre-Attraction.

You should understand your market even before understanding your customers or
potential customers, doing interviews with them and creating personas or finding your
focus subproducts.

Market Research
Primary research Secondary research
Conduct your research through the outlined methods. Be sure Look through previous reports from other institutions to see
your sampling size is appropriate, questions unbiased, and what answers are already out there on the subject. No need to
results are reliable. waste resources to get information that’s already available.

External navigation: Research product competitors (Who can be your main treats?)
Research small, medium and big sized companies, startup market

(to understand what kind and type of companies is in your market) Internal navigation

- Analyse previous sign ups

What are the types of companies or industries growing the most in your - Industries or subproducts that companies are signing up for
country/city/region? (What is the potential market you can reach) - Analyse your current and previous customers
- Industries, subproducts of your leads and partners
Research about hubs, business incubators, accelerators and Innovation Labs - Analyse who are the employees that are creating a profile in POP (CEOs, HR
(to understand what kind of corporations you might do to reach more partners, leaders of specific departners,...)
organizations at once) - Channels they are coming from
- Sub-product analysis LC wise (timelines, performance);
Understand which industries recruit the most (especially internationally) - E2E analysis LC and sub-product wise;
(Where could be the trainees needed the most?) - Global S&D (entities, sub-products, timelines);
- Process time and conversion rates.
Understand recruiting timeline of your partners, companies in your market

Marketing plus operations task: Understand subproduct market You can also use different frameworks, such as
Choose your focus subproduct In order to start building the best strategy, you Value Proposition Canvas, to understand your
need to understand the sub-product market you customer, their main pains and gains (based on
Based on your entity history, global S&D and want to focus on. You can use different research sub-products) and think about what are gain
your market strengths and potential choose methods: Interviews with current and potential creators and pain relievers, products and services
which sub-product are you going to focus on. customers, focus groups, survey, etc. we could offer?

Next steps to capitalize on these learnings: User persona...

Customer Interviews What is customer interview?
Customer interviews are a common mechanism for gathering the voice of the customer
(VOC). Customer interviews are usually conducted one-on-one with an individual
customer or with a small number of people from the same business or family unit.

How to conduct customer interviews?

Tips on conducting customer interviews:
List people you’re going to interview. You can choose:
Ask person to record the interview, so you`ll be focus on listening • People who have chosen to buy your solution
to the person and not taking notes • People who have chosen not to buy anything
• People who bought from competitors
Try to make the interview into the conversation/dialog more. Do not include just promoters but also detractors
Stay on topic
Prepare yourself. Read the questions you`ll ask carefully and make sure you understand them.
In the end Say Thank You and Send a Follow-Up Thank You Note
Invite your customer for the interview via email or any other communication channel
you both used. You can chose to do interview via phone or hangout/skype, what is best
Don’ts: suitable for you or your interviewee.

Don’t ask leading questions and push your interviewee ideas or Conduct customer interview for not more then 20 minutes one and gather the output
excuses, instead of asking “So you think AIESEC is expensive,
of all interviews that you or other members from your entity did.
right?” ask “What do you think about the price of your
internship?” When to run Customer interviews
Don’t talk, only ask questions
Doing customer interviews is not something you should do continuously during whole
Don’t refer to any AIESEC terminology, use simple language term, but on moments when you want:

To create user persona for your entity

Have you seen Global User Persona and now you want to adapt it to your market? Run
Useful links: customer interviews to better understand your local and national reality.

Resources can help you to conduct best customer Interviews: Before creating a campaign or content lines
Before you start with attraction campaign focused on organisations or you want
The Rules for Customer Interviews
to create new content lines then run customer interviews, so you can make sure
Common Customer Interview Mistakes: everything you’re going to do is going to bring results. If you already have content you
can test the opinion, impression during customer interviews.

Validate assumption
Are you preparing new strategy, want to focus on new channel? Run customer
interviews to make sure you’re making your decision based on reality and data.
Topics and questions you can ask during Customer Interviews
Intro questions Behaviours/Motivators/Attitudes
What is your name? How can you describe yourself in several words?
What is your surname? What motivates you in life and why?
Interview time and date What is your communication preference (ex., email, messenger etc.)
Email (optional)
Phone (optional) Goals/Wishes
For customers:
Why did you decide to hire international talent?
Background/Job/Personal What was your expectations from working with the intern/
For how many years do you work? AIESEC?
In what industry of the company? What would you like to improve form your experience?
What is your current job level?
What is your education level? Potential customers
To what job level do you aspire? What could make you hire an international for your openings?
What would you expect from an international employee?

Demographics/Age/Country Challenges/Frustrations
What is your gender? What are top 3 main obstacles that stop you from hiring
What is your age? international talent?
What is your monthly income (optional)? What does frustrate you when you thinking about hiring?
What is your country of living
Why wouldn’t you hire an exchange participant through AIESEC?

Sources of information
What publications, blogs or social media networks do you pay
attention to?
Do you belong to any social, professional or networking groups?
Do you attend any events, conferences? Which?
What information formats do you engage with the most?
How did you find out about AIESEC?


User Persona/Buyer Persona/Customer Persona
A user persona is a fictional representation of your ideal
customer that you always improve based on learning

The User Persona Creation framework will help you define the
most important details about your customer and will help you
target them better through the content you create.

Follow the framework and define one by one all the section.

You can find a template here, please duplicate it and fill the
details in your own tool.

Here's a 6 Steps Guide to Create your own Customer



Check the Global Customer Personas Here!
2. Attraction

lead generation
The Funnel & The Flow
The goal of marketing is to lead your target audience down a
funnel - from being strangers who have never heard of your CONS
product, all the way to being your customers, and attracting PREP
new customers for you. POST

B2B is no different - only that the target audience is

organizations, not people. It all starts with finding the right
organizations to bring to the top of your funnel.

This is called lead generation - creating the first interest in our

products from our audience.

In AIESEC, we usually generate B2B leads through online and

offline marketing activities. Both of these methods, equally
valid and important, aim to convert organizations to sign up on
POP - and to open an opportunity there. Once they’re on the
platform, managing their customer flow becomes simple and
many processes become automated.



I’m a visual learner.

Social Media
- Linkedin


- Blog

- Ebooks

I should do??
- Case studies
#of Employees
#of Organizations
Paid Ads
- Google Ads #of Opportunities Opened
- Facebook Ads

- Linkedin Ads

Also, here you can access the

infographic on a higher resolution

LinkedIn Lead


+Offline followup
Organizations Marketing
and sales meeting


- Business events
- Networking events
- Meetups
Let’s get into more details...
One big difference in lead generation between B2C and B2B audiences
lies in the channels we use for each. When we try to promote to young
people, we usually go where they spend time — Facebook or Instagram Data & Metrics
for example. When we promote B2B, we need to use other channels to For each phase of the customer flow there are certain metrics we need to
reach our audience. This includes: monitor throughout the process, to make sure we are moving forward in
the flow, and downward through the funnel!
Offline channels overview
- Cold calling - researching organizations and their phone numbers to To measure the effectiveness of your activities, always look at your
reach out via phone conversion rates. The most important ones are:
Stranger > Visitor (new visitors to your national landing page or POP)
- Cold emails - same as cold calling but via email
Visitor > Employee sign up on POP (how many of those visitors sign up)
- Event attendance - networking at events within your ecosystem can
be a great way to generate interest in our products Sign up > Employee assigned to organization (how many of
those sign ups complete the onboarding process and link / create their
To get contact details for offline reachout, LinkedIn can be a great strategy to get organization)
a first contact and follow up on the lead. Feel free to find channels like these in
your local market. Employee with organization > Opened first opportunity (how
many of those linked employees open a first opportunity)

Online channels overview

Of course, absolute numbers are also important. Make sure you keep
- LinkedIn - both as a social media network, and a means to directly
your eye on
reach out to prospects
# clicks and impressions of your ads
- Email marketing - both for cold emails and newsletters
# impressions / reach / downloads of your content
- Paid advertising - on LinkedIn, but also on Google and Facebook, # cold calls and offline approaches
depending on your target persona and product
# visitors on POP / your national landing page

- Content marketing - ebooks and other goodies - you can promise a # employees / organizations on POP
piece of useful content in exchange for the contact or sign up of a lead
# open opportunities (from POP)
Online and offline lead generation can also be mixed to attract people in
the best way. For instance, you can get a phone number from your content
marketing strategy, and then call them and meet them offline.
The role of National landing pages

As POP is not currently translated To effectively lead to POP, there should

to different languages yet, it may be be buttons to “sign up” or “get started”
advantageous for you to convert your throughout - starting from the very top,
leads to a national landing page, capable down to the last part of the page.
of giving more information about the
product and platform, and than linking to The wording across the pages should also
the POP sign up form. mention certain keywords repeatedly.
(These should be the same keywords
Besides being able to promote in your that you use in your ads, as this will make
local language, there are a number of your ad quality score increase!)
other benefits this can yield:
The page should mention the main value
1. If you have Google Ad Grants, propositions of becoming an AIESEC
you will only be able to run Google Ads partner, as well as using POP.
for pages under your national domain (i.e.,, PRO TIP: You can create several landing
pages, each of which is more tailored to
To take advantage of remarketing, you certain parts of the value proposition.
need to be able to place a Pixel on the Then, you can set up several ads, also
page. This is most easy to do on your own tailored to those parts of the value
national page. proposition, and which lead to their
respective landing page.
2. You can use this to highlight
your national focus products For instance, you could have a Google Ad
targeted at CEOs (who care especially
3. You can use this for content about business growth) that mentions
marketing (e.g. blogs in your local the word growth in the headline and that
language, ebooks you are using to collect leads to a landing page on your national
emails, etc.) website, which especially focuses on
AIESEC talent’s ability to grow their
A national landing page should be under business. It’s important to show the
aiesec.xx/partners or right content to the right people, if you
aiesec.xx/organizations, want to convert them to Opens!
or a similar URL.

Content direction and content lines based on persona

Creating your content lines and the content you are publishing based

on the personas is an important process. A useful framework for defining the content you should be
posting is the following:
It improves the value you are offering through your content to your You can find a template here in the persona definition template
current audience but in the same time it attracts more businesses
that are part of our ideal personas towards our brand, leading ideally
to more leads and more customers.

2 Completing the framework can lead to easily identity

the main topics you are talking about, helping you
define the content lines to use in your social media

Use this framework to define your content lines:
Content Line Purpose Description CTA #Hashtags

ie. International


Content Marketing

As an integral part of our marketing flow, content creation remains How to master Content marketing?
a strong focus point when it comes to implementing social media
strategy, whether on a global or national level. 1. Review your current use of content marketing in B2B
Doing SWOT analysis
What is content marketing
First, select 3-4 major internal strategic strengths and
Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on weaknesses in your current content marketing efforts.
creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content
to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, You want to identify what’s working well and what weaknesses you have.
to drive profitable customer action. If you have yet to begin content marketing for your
entity, you can still complete this. For example,
Types of content based on Hubspot: one of your strengths may be expertise in a topic
your target audience is extremely interested in, and a
weakness could be a lack of a dedicated resource to
begin producing that content for you.

What kind of things you have to change and where to take action?

2. Define content marketing objectives and KPIs:

Define goals of sign ups but also website visitors, people reached, engaged,
followers on social media, number of people coming back to your website/landing
page, results of ads, increase conversions, amount of content you create etc.

3. Define content line based on this and based on personas

4. Create content calendar

Important to keep in mind: AIESEC’s tagline and external messages

We mobilize youth and like-minded organizations to achieve the SDGs.

We empower youth to become more employable by working with organizations
across the world.
We enable young people to live an experience which will help shape a better
future for themselves and others.
How do we blog? Remember, we are writing for companies, startups and NGOs, so
adapt your style and what you express to best fit what our desired
Writing is, like any creative endeavor, a process through which audience wants to read.
you find a voice to express statements about the things you
Especially in blog writing, make sure to follow AIESEC’s brand
care about.
voice and produce content that is daring, relatable, conversational,
inclusive, relevant and activational.
In becoming a better writer, you shouldn’t aim to copy someone
else’s writing style, but to develop your own and learn how Express your ideas simply, clearly and well documented –
to produce content that best transmits our organizational remember that we are writing for organizations that run
message. operations in the business world. Our content should give them an
added value.

An easy checklist for anything you write

Things you can write: blogs, articles, ebooks, white papers,
presentations, study cases, etc.. You are not limited to Bring different perspectives – use at least 1 quote or reference
what to write, until it gives added value to organizations
Use an objective tone in all organizational statements
we target and talks about something connected to what we
do. Don’t take any position towards external topics on behalf of the

Make sure your piece has a clear CTA

Our recommendation is to link your blogs always to POP and
to other articles either in your own blog, or the global blog When writing about hard facts, verify that your source is 100% reliable
ecosystem for Organizations.
Relate your text content to the visuals you use
If you need content ideas, check HubSpot’s blog ideas generator
for more blog post ideas Use AIESEC blue for highlighting words or phrases

No matter the type of content we produce, it is absolutely vital Write at least 400 words per blog
to make sure all external material is properly and clearly sourced,
as to avoid any copyright issues. When blogging, make sure all Make sure your text has no grammar mistakes
your facts, statements and ideas, as well as all other additional
material, such as graphics and videos, are directly linked to their Make sure the quality of accompanying visuals is full HD
original and you don’t appropriate any content that is not yours.
The material you use should always come from a reliable, up to Use at least two visuals per blog, apart from the feature image
date source.



What is the idea of creating ebooks to capture emails? What is the idea of creating ebooks to capture emails?
In the book Dotcom secrets was presented model known as value ladder
Time needed: 10-15 hours or more, depending on how in depth you explore a
which is advising how to get new leads in online environment.
Human resources needed: HR to write it and design it
Basically first thing you should offer to your target is free, in our case we
offer to download an ebook. The topic should have added value for our
Write the ebook on topic that is valuable enough for your potential customer.
target, so they download and read it.
Example of topics:
- The complete guide to recruiting international talent
As part of downloading you gather emails, that you can use later on (final
- The Ultimate Shortlisting Checklist for Startups
product). In our case we are going to use the content of the Ebook also
to explain AIESEC, what are we doing, how and how can we help to grow Example of ebooks
their business. So the next thing we offer is to partner with AIESEC and
Make sure you also design the ebook, because at the end it’s not only about the content.
take EPs. Of course make sure to align it with AIESEC brand.

Create the plugin in your landing page to capture emails How to connect mailchimp and plugin Rainmaker?
Go to your national Mailchimp account
Create new list
What do you need? Landing page and access to wordpress Go to Profile > Extras > API keys
Time needed: 2 hours for plugin Create a key and copy paste it
Human resources needed: NST for making the landing page and connection of the plug in. Rainmaker is going to ask you what do you want to get your subscribers. If
you chose Mailchimp and will add the API key, then you easily chose the list you want
To embed pop up window to your website you have to download two (free)
plugins to your Wordpress: Create the pop up window in Icegram:
Icegram (helps you create the popup) Open Icegram plugin in Wordpress
Rainmaker (helps you create the form to gather emails) Add New Campaign
You can select design of any popup window you like from hundreds of free
In Rainmaker you can create the form to gather emails: templates. Don’t chose only based on design but also what kind of subscription
Open Rainmaker plugin in Wordpress form you want.
Chose what questions you’re going to ask in the form, it can be name of Select after how many seconds you want the popup window to appear
the person, name of the organization, email and others. (it can be 1 second)
Design the form Design your popup window also with text
In the option of “Form” you don’t have to fill anything, just select Rainmaker
Create form actions- message one will see after submitting the form
form you already did.
Link the form with database (after person gives us email it goes to Decide and select on which landing pages do you want to see the popup
external database, best option is Mailchimp). window


CONTENT MARKETING Good job, with Step 2 you just created popup window on your landing page! Where the
email that they give you goes to list in Mailchimp.


Setting an automatic email in Mailchimp that is send right after

they give us email (with the Ebook)

What do you need? Access to Mailchimp
Human resources needed: NST help us with text and design

Go to your national Mailchimp account

Create new campaign > chose Email > Automated > Welcome
new subscribers

Select the list you connected with plugin in Wordpress

Design your email in Mailchimp

Set the trigger (when the email should be send, the best option
“Immediately after subscribers join your list”, anyway it takes
around 3-5 minutes)

Why is good to use Mailchimp? We can easily measure results

(how many people we have in the database, how many emails we
send and also open rate).
Check out this example from AIESEC in Mexico>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Amazing! With this we finished our last step.

So After any person goes to our landing page they see the popup window, they
are informed we have Ebook they can download, simply just give us email.

After they give us email, they get to mailing list in Mailchimp and they receive
automatic email with the Ebook.
Case Studies with Current Partners
When you’re thinking about investing in a product or
service, what’s the first thing you do?
Format of case studies
Usually, it’s one or both of the following: Showcase organizations that already used your product. You can combine storytelling of
- You’ll likely ask your friends whether they’ve tried the product or your partner and also trainees and showcase the whole experience.
service, and if they have, whether they would recommend it, or - Check video from AIESEC in Mexico
- You’ll probably do some online research to see what others are saying - Check video from AIESEC in Austria
about said product or service. - More videos from Global Partners on the AIESEC International Youtube channel
Nowadays, 9 out of 10 people are looking at online product reviews, posts on
social networks, and so on, before making a purchasing decision. Blog articles
In form of interview with questions or simple sharing of experience of your partner. They
can more describe the pains they had and how did the product help them, so other
Most customers know that a little online research could spare them from a bad
partners can. TATA sharing about cooperation with AIESEC
experience and poor investment of your budget.

How can we do that in AIESEC? Case Studies could be an example. Testimonials for the website or for sales meetings
On your partners landing page you can use referrals from your partners sharing their
experience (ie. like on the GT page). You can use these testimonial from current
Objectives of Case Studies: partners to share during sales meetings as well.

1 Increase credibility - Showcasing successful stories with your current partners

shows there are already companies buying your product that are satisfied and
would recommend product to others. Using more familiar names of partners is
Live stream
Capitalize on your PR partnerships and using external channels to get to new partners.
See how AIESEC in Austria used this!
even better.

List of partners
Explain the product easily from someone who used the product already. Partner
can have different perspective and mention pain relievers and gain creators Showing organizations you work with on your website or email signature and show to
from their own perspective. your potential partners.

3 Tell the story - Storytelling is very powerful not only from youth to youth, but
also from partners to tell stories to other partners.

What are the questions you can ask your current partners?

What is company about?

How is your cooperation with AIESEC? How long? Newsletter
What are the current ways to search for talents? If you’re sending newsletters, lead nurturing emails or any other emails to your potential
Why have you decided to hire talents with AIESEC? partners, make sure you include case studies to better explain the product.
What are the characteristics of trainees you’re looking for to your company?
What are the most important reason to work with international talent?
Would you recommend or repeat the experience? AIESEC | ORG MKT | 21
LinkedIn as Social Media
The purpose of having a company page for you entity should be to engage higher Learnings from AIESEC in Turkey’s Plan
seniority and raise interest in what we offer for organizations.
The major change they had was to transform their partner’s page in national
LinkedIn can be a great channel to start making your brand more known between website in a way that leads to POP.
local companies. It is not a fast ROI strategy, but with the right strategy and targeting
the right persona, great results will follow.
The main strategy they are using to attract organizations to their national
The platform drives a big percentage of B2B social media leads. Companies such website is LinkedIn.
as HubSpot use LinkedIn to republish blog posts, maximizing the number of people
reading and sharing their teams’ ideas. “We are specifically sharing Turkish posts to target the customers as It might
be difficult for Turkish companies to speak fluent English and because we
Other ideas could be publishing about current partnerships with testimonials in a might capture easier their attention if it’s in Turkish.” - Alihan Bolat, MC VP
format of case studies or posts related to recruitment that would attract companies. AIESEC in Turkey

LinkedIn provides a perfect venue for publishing insightful, shareable content that’s This is a strategy
tailored to your network. that allows to be
done with low
How could do in your entity? Take an example
from AIESEC in Turkey Feel free to
AIESEC in Turkey uses a national website which is explore this and
implement it in
In their current flow, they are trying to attract organizations to your entity.
and leading them to for further steps.
Most of their marketing activities are based on attracting to You can get
inspiration on
This is how your Ideal Flow should look like: content types
Step 1: Leading partners to partners’ page and styles on the
from LinkedIN posts in your local language. On the landing Global linkedin
page, your CTA buttons should lead to POP. business page.
Step 2: After signing up, make sure to contact the

Step 3: Convert them through meetings or phone. The

objective is to move them through the
Flow fast and efficient.
Step 4: Sign contract.

Step 5: Open Opportunity on POP (by partner)


LinkedIn for Lead Generation
Lead generation is the process of attracting and converting strangers 2. Find company profile in Linkedin one by one

and prospects into someone who is interested in your company’s

products or services. How to do that?

I. Solidify Your Target Market

Have 1 – 3 user personas that represent your ideal partner. Be sure
to include everything you need to know to target them effectively.

TIP: Use the User Persona creation template

II. Source Target Lead Profiles

This requires more work but will bring great results

1. Research for focus list of companies based on:

Previous partners
3. Go to employees page
User personas

Ideas for searching companies in Linkedin for iGT:

Go to jobs page
Set location and put keywords in “Search job” based on
target sub product

Filter by job type (Part time/Full time/Internship etc.)

Filter by experience level (internship/entry level/Associate)

Additional filter can be industry

Apply filters

Go one by one and source leads

Qualify them

Add to your CRM


4. Filter decision makers by position (decision maker in
company) and open one by one 6. Add them in your CRM (spreadsheet/ Hubspot etc)

Here’s a template you can use. Duplicate it and enjoy!

Use boolean search in Linkedin to optimize search of
Guide: Using-boolean-search-on-linkedin

PRO Guide: how-to-boolean-search-like-a-pro

5. Connect with profiles with personalized message/pitch 7. Send follow up message to your lead if:
a. Lead connected > follow up
b. Lead answered on pitch > answer

8. Set reminders to follow up not connected leads every 3 days.

9. Track performance through:

# number of replied
# connected
# arranged meetings


You can use this extension to add scrapp leads to your spreadsheet

You can grab email from leads by using these extensions:

Extension 1
Extension 2


How to write follow up message
The tone and structure of your “first contact” with a prospect will define the rest of the relationship. This is particularly
important when you have to directly approach the prospect without a referral

LinkedIn found that the best social sellers (including Linkedin people) use this three-paragraph format


Look at your prospect’s profile for a common connection Briefly state why you’ve reached out to this Always close with an action – either
or an interesting talking point,and use this as the “opener” particular person, and what you or your business requesting a meeting or providing your
of your message. Leading with this will demonstrate an can do to help. availability for a conversation.
interest in them as a person, and make them far more
receptive than if they were to receive a straight-up sales Prospects expect to do business via LinkedIn, so This is the best way to ensure a response
pitch. this sort of subject matter is more than acceptable. and start building the relationship
Some good talking points are: However, be sure to phrase this in terms of the
Sports or community activities (check out the benefit you can bring to the prospect.
prospect’s background image and Interests sections)
Similar education history The more specific or accurate your analysis of their
Posts they’ve written on LinkedIn Longform challenges, the better. And show what’s in it for
Be authentic about your interest. It’s easy to them: Demonstrations of personal value have twice
detect fake enthusiasm on social media. as much impact as business value.

What about actually writing your message?

Copywriting tips:
Use a compelling subject line. Start a conversation
Be different. Referencing common interests or a specific Asking questions or sharing common details about your experience
challenge the prospect’s facing are good starting points. Try to not only encourages a response, but also proves that you know
elicit the curiosity of the prospect. what you’re talking about – whether it’s data analytics or sports.

Make it about them. Keep it short.

Focus on benefits to the prospect, discuss their interests, and refer The average online reader’s attention span is about eight
to their awards or achievements on their LinkedIn profile to build seconds, so your messages should be no more than 100 words
rapport. Using inclusive language (“we” versus “I”) can also help. or so.


Ads are an essential part of growing your digital strategy. The second biggest ad network is Facebook’s. Your target audience - be
it CEOs, HR managers, or department managers, is most probably on
Although they require financial investment, this investment is completely Facebook — although it might not be the place they expect to see work-
scalable to your resources - even a small ads budget will generate leads related ads.
and the ROI will be ensured only through your follow-up.
But with the right approach, you can still generate leads here. Why?
Google is the world’s largest advertising
platform! Advertising with Google can add 1. Paid reach doesn’t depend on your organic page likes. Even if you
a lot to your visibility and reach. page is followed by young people, targeting your ads to professionals
will still work fine!
The first thing you need to know is as 2. You can make sure you tailor your ads to the audience. If you know your audience is
non-profits, some entities are entitled convinced by data, buzzwords or professional language, use this in your ad creative.
to 10,000 USD of search ad credits per
month! If you are on the list, there’s literally 3. Especially if you are promoting for GE partners, they are often quite open to
no excuse for not using this. To get this grant, you need to approaches on Facebook
apply for it, which is not a simple process - make sure you
follow the instructions exactly! 4. Make sure you create more than one ad, and divide your budget across them. After
the first period, you will see which ad works better and you can deactivate the others.
Once you have an account, you can set up your ads structure.

Follow these tips for the best results:

1. Make many different ads that use different
Remarketing is a conversion method where you can collect all the visitors of a site who didn’t
keywords, and promote different benefits. The ad that is most
convert all the way down the customer flow, and target ads to them. This is usually done by
relevant will be the one that shows.
putting some kind of pixel code on the relevant site, which identifies your users and reports
back to your ad platform - be it Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, or another.
2. Fill out as much extra information as possible -
including sitelink extensions, callout extensions, and
Since implementing this for your national ad accounts requires the ability to add code to your
site, this is most viable by implementing a national landing page.
3. You aren’t allowed to use single-word keywords
with ad grants, so don’t follow the automatic keyword
Note: Google Ad Grants only allows search ads, which are not compatible with remarketing.
suggestions. Create meaningful, targeted relevant keywords,
However, you can create a second, paid account, and run remarketing from there.
which match the wording you use on your landing page!
On LinkedIn and Facebook, you can create a pixel for your ad account, copy and paste it to
4. Learn how to do ads properly at https://landing.
your website code, and the ad platform will start to collect the users. After you build up some It shouldn’t be something you set
audience, you can use it to create the audience for an ad campaign. For instance, you can
up once and leave behind!
create an ad to the effect of “Open an opportunity now!” to show to people who came to your
landing page, but didn’t ever click the “sign up” button.
Although LinkedIn ads are more
expensive per impression, the network Another benefit of having a pixel on your page, is that you can listen in to what your visitors
itself is more tailored to the audience are doing after they click on your ad — meaning that you can find out where the bottleneck lies
we are targeting. in your conversion. Through this kind of tracking, you can be sure your ads are really working,
and people are not just clicking on them and closing the page. If you have multiple ads running,
Many B2B-based companies use LinkedIn ads to gain relevant you can quickly see which one converts better, and increase its budget or shut down the
impressions. The procedure of ad creation, ad formats, and low-performing ones. For Google Ad Grants accounts, this is possible, by connecting your ad
other features are very similar to Facebook. account to your Google Analytics account and setting up some goals!
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the online
visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine’s unpaid
results—often referred to as “natural”, “organic”, or “earned” results.
3 Headings
A great guide to SEO
To optimize your content for both in terms of readability and SEO, you
should structure your content by adding several heading
Anything you write, will be indexed by search engines. What you need to
do, is to plan what keywords you will be shown up for, and for this you a. Add 1 H1 / Header 1 tag(s) to your page.
need to check and prepare your texts constantly before publishing. b. Add your keyword 1 time(s) within an H1 / Header 1 tag.
c. Not all H1 tags have the minimum number of words in it.
Step by Step guide to SEO d. Use at least 2 words in each H1 / Header 1 tag.
e. Add 2 H2-H6 tag(s) to your page.
f. Add your keyword 2 time(s) in your H2-H6 tags.
1 Page Title
Think of a catchy title that will trigger a user to click on your page
when it’s listed in the search engine, but also cover the content of
4 Main Content
the page (stay relevant) a. A number of words on the Page should be at least 409.
a. Add minimum 7 characters in your Page Title. (minimum is 300 words)
b. Add your keyword at least 1 time(s) in your Page Title. b. Based on a current number of words on your page, add
c. Add 4 word(s) in your Page Title. your keyword 1 times in the page.
Additional resources c. Add your keyword within first 50 words of your page.
d. Consider adding one or more images to your page
Kickass Headline Generator – Write engaging titles like a boss e. Consider adding one or more links to external sites on
51 Headline Formulas to Skyrocket Conversions (And Where to Use Them) your page
How to Write Better Headlines [Infographic] f. Consider adding one or more links to other pages on your
401+ Ridiculously Useful Power Words to Increase Conversions website

2 5 Miscellaneous
Page Description Small tricks to optimize your content
a. Add at least one strong (bold) tag(s) to your page.
It’s shown in search engines and it will tell the search engines
b. Add or put your keyword/synonym 1 time(s) in strong
and users what is the page about, so provide a good description
(bold) tags.
of your content and make sure it’s following the content as well
c. Add 1 italic tag(s) to your page.
as containing the focused keyword.
d. Add or put your keyword/synonym 1 time(s) in italic tags.
a. Add 30 characters to your Page Description.
b. Add your keyword 1 time(s) in your Page Description.
c. Add at least 2 words to your Page Description.


In general are not responsibilities of Marketing but in the end this
is the ultimate guide for any entity that wants to do B2B activities.

How to sell AIESEC Beginners guide to Cold Calling

30 seconds pitch Here you can find five simple steps to make a cold call super effective, while
AIESEC is a global organization that focuses on developing keeping it interesting for your possible partner.
youth leadership. We believe that by mobilizing young people
to participate in cross-cultural exchanges, they will be able to 1. Create confidence
develop the qualities and skills needed to positively contribute in Hi my name is XYZ from AIESEC and I’m reaching out because (name of the
their communities and achieve peace. This is something that our contact/event where you meet someone that link you to this person) introduce
membership of 50 000 young people in over 120 countries and me to you.
territories strive for every day.
2. Raise curiosity
AIESEC is the world’s largest youth organization, and I’m calling XYZ to
Features to highlight when selling POP explore if you would be a good fit to start a partnership between us.
Organizations can search for the right people and have more
3. Give context
options to select the right candidates
What we do in a sentence is we provide organizations with YXZ (description of
Organizations can create their own opportunity more aligned to product/AIESEC in 30 seconds pitch)
their expectations and needs
4. Ask for permission
Organization can create their own shortlist of candidates and Does this in general sounds interesting to you?
manage their selection process faster
5. Ask questions
Organization can finish whole process online including signing the What are your main issues in XYZ process?
contract and payment How do you currently solve XYZ problem?
Organization can communicate with candidates through the 6. Schedule Next steps
Great. Sounds like this could a good fit. Let me send you some info and we can
Stay always updated with automatic notifications in case of schedule a meeting for XYZ (day and hour) to discuss all your questions, etc.
changes in the process What’s the best email to send you information and the calendar invite?


How to capitalize on business events
Trade Shows, Conferences, Networking events = events are
very important

Tips for attending events (Pre-event):

• Check your news.
• Events happen everywhere, you need to have an event planning tool in place
• Event planning should happen from 2 weeks to one month prior to the event.
(Printing Business cards - portfolio - pitch trainings - role playing - get speaking
• Try to get the list of attendees & speakers prior as well
(most events have apps/pages for that like Crowdcompass)
• Plan your target by having a spreadsheet
• Stalk the fuck out of them.
• If you can contact your desired leads before the event that would be great (be
careful of the email/message you send)

Tips for attending events (During):

• Attend sessions.
• Dress accordingly.
• Take your materials.
• Don’t preach, just listen to what they have to say (define needs)
• Gather information.
• Do your elevator pitch, get a business card and give yours.
• Try to leave something memorable that sets you apart.
• Attend parties and have a drink but don’t get drunk.

Tips for attending events (After-event):

• Add the leads to your CRM tool within 24 hours

• Add them on LinkedIn if they’re 2nd degree connection.
• Don’t take too long to act and don’t do it instantly either.
• Send your MQL emails (work with your marketing people).
• Personalise your email.
• Personalise your portfolio.
• Everybody will be following up so you have to stand out.


3. Consideration

Email Marketing
Lead Nurturing


Lead Nurturing - Learnings from AIESEC in Brazil but the same logic can be applied for the Consideration stage
Email Marketing
Drip Marketing

Lead nurturing is the process of developing relationships with buyers at every

stage of the sales funnel, and through every step of the buyer's journey. It First attract your leads with a content strategy about the main
focuses marketing and communication efforts on listening to the needs of issues your persona has. For example, this could be an email
prospects, and providing the information and answers they need. about employer branding.

Before we continue, one important note: POP is already sending automatic

Then you need to continue to nurture your customer about his/
email based on important changes in the process. See it in detail here! her pain points and how to solve them.
You could send an email every week, so they don’t forget about
What every entity should focus on is setting up a drip email campaign to you.
organizations that subscribe to their mailing list or subscribe for notifications
from them or even to leads that did not open an oportunity yet. You can collect emails through your national website. For
instance, AIESEC in Brazil has three main sources.
Notification bar at the top of each B2B page on the
Sidebar next to B2B blog articles
Footer bar at the end of each B2B page of the website

How your lead nurturing should look like

One of the most crucial steps in closing the sales cycle is educating your prospects
and giving them the information they need in their current state of the buyer's
journey. If you only send one lead nurturing email, this should be your main objective. You can use Mailchimp or any other email automation platforms
to create and automate these emails. Examples of emails you could
How to educate prospects: include in your flow are
In the Awareness phase: Include blog articles related to leads, interests, 1. What is AIESEC and what we do with organizations? -
Provide them with latest trends and industry statistics. Call to action: check our blog and sign up
In the Consideration phase: Invite them to a webinar about your 2. Why internationalizing an organization is important and
product, perhaps a demo. how AIESEC can help them.- Call to action: check our blog and sign
In the Decision phase: Share customer success stories, product reviews. up
3. How Partners Opportunities Portal can dramatically
simplify their youth recruitment processes - Call to action: sign up to
Take an example from the two strategies AIESEC in Brazil use: find out
Educational email content – These are general educational emails 4. Understanding more about work and the millennial
that feature content demonstrating the value AIESEC can offer. generation. - Call to action: check our blog and sign up
5. How AIESEC can help them grow their business with a
Email newsletter – The primary purpose of this type of emails is to pool of great talents - Call to action: sign up
give your audience something they need to enhance their skills and/or grow 6. Show them a partners video talking about their experience
their business, and they respond by giving you their attention. It’s a mutually with AIESEC - Call to action: sign up
beneficial exchange that serves both parties.
4. Experience & Post Experience
Collecting stories


Collecting stories

& Who should the story be about?

What should they talk about? Few steps on how to collect stories:
1. Define responsible person on local level, embed it to the JD
Partner (NGO, School, Company, Startup,..)
More specifically the person working with our EP. 2. Have goal for collecting stories for MC and LC level (Peru
have this as part of membership criteria to collect - 40% of ICX EPs
They should talk about how the EP helped them, How was the and 10% of partners needs to deliver stories)
partnership with AIESEC, etc…
3. Set the expectation during sales and preparation (we want
and need stories, why)
Exchange Participant
4. Teach EPs to share (explain why and how to do it)
Should talk about how was working with the company, what did
they learn, how they see this program, etc... 5. Build a system of stories collection during and after the
Format of stories to collect: 6. Engage and create incentive system to make it easier
Social media posts Don't forget

Leadership development should be one of the topics of stories
Testimonial Make sure you have permission to use the stories afterwards (GDPR
Pictures and other restriction by country).
Anything else that you could use. Always start with why, explain why they should give you the stories



Julian Koßmann
MC VP Marketing 18'19
AIESEC in Austria

Mariana Doncel
MC VP B2B Marketing 18'19

AIESEC's Ultimate Kit Hynek Salák

MC VP B2B Marketing 18'19

to B2B Marketing AIESEC in Mexico

The complete guide for any entity starting off in B2B Marketing

Alihan Bolat
MC VP BXP 18'19
AIESEC in Turkey

Tamas Viski
AI VP Product Marketing for Organizations 18'19

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