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SST Quiz Mid Term

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1. Scientists use the Taco scale to measure hurricane intensity?

a. True
b. False
2. The very center of a hurricane is called the eye.
a. True
b. False
3. Hurricanes are large cyclonic storms with winds not rising above 74 miles per hour.
a. True
b. False
4. Category 5 hurricanes are the most destructive.
a. True
b. False
5. The strongest part of the Hurricane is called the EYE.
a. True
b. False
6. Violent, whirling wind that moves in a narrow path over land, forming a highly destructive
funnel is called a                               .
a. hurricane
b. earthquake
c. thunderstorm
d. tornado

11. Hurricanes get their energy/heat from seawater.

c. True
d. False
12. What is a large, swirling storm that forms over warm, tropical water called?
a. hurricane
b. tornado
c. blizzard
d. hailstorm
13. Which natural disaster comes from powerful thunderstorms that originate over land?
a. hurricane
b. cyclone
c. tornado
d. typhoon
14. What is the name of the storm that originates over the Indian Ocean?
a. Hurricane
b. Typhoon
c. Cyclone
d. Tornado
15. What do you call a storm that forms over the Atlantic Ocean?
a. Tornado
b. Typhoon
c. Hurricane
d. Cyclone
16. Dry land surfaces heated unevenly by the Sun produce convective rolls of air. If these rolls
get tilted upright, then a                                can form.
a. tornado
b. dust devil
c. water spout
d. snow tornado
17. Whirling funnel-shaped cloud over land with very low pressure at the funnel's bottom.
a. cyclone
b. anti-cyclone
c. water spout
d. tornado
18. What does the Saffir-Simpson scale measure?
a. Tornadoes
b. Cyclones
c. Typhoons
d. Hurricanes

19. A storm surge is

a. a period of heavier rain.
b. a large swell in the ocean by the shore.
c. a sudden increase in electrical power to your home.
d. a crowd of people going to stock up on groceries.
20. A Hurricanes name is never used more than once.
e. True
f. False

21. The other name of a Tropical Cyclone is ______________________ or _________________

22 An intense circular storm that originates over warm tropical oceans are characterized by
___________________, __________________________ & ______________________.
23. A __________________ _________________ draws energy from the sea surface. It gets its
strength as long as it remains over _______________ ______________.

24. A tropical cyclone generates winds ____km or ____miles per hour.

25. Accompanying strong winds are torrential rains in a tropical cyclone a devastating
phenomenon occurs known as a ____________________ _________________ causing the
elevation of the sea surface.

26. The devastating combination of strong winds, torrential rains and rising sea levels makes
_________________ a serious hazard for those living in ____________ areas, and
_______________ regions of the world.

27. In the Northern Hemisphere, during late summer to fall, the chances of ______________ is
very high.

28. In the ________________ hemisphere, in the months of _________ to _________, the

chances of cyclones occurring is very high.

29. Storms occurring in the North Atlantic & Eastern North Pacific are known as ____________.

30. Storms occurring in the Western North Pacific near Japan, China or the Philippines are
known as ____________.

31. Storms occurring in the Western South Pacific & Indian Ocean are known as ____________.

32. Storms occurring around Australie are known as ____________.

33. In the Northern Hemisphere, hurricanes occur in the months of __________ to

______________ and _____________ to _________________. Tropical Cyclones occur in the
months of _______________ to _____________. And, Typhoons occur in the month of
______________ to _________________.

34. In the Southern Hemisphere, Tropical Cyclones occur in the months of _________________
to ________________.

35. The invisible force that appears to deflect wind is called the _______________ effect.

36. ___________________ _________________ are disorganized clusters of thunderstorms with

no rotation and are also known as Tropical Waves or Easterly Waves.

37. Easterly Waves are also known as ______________ waves. They move from _______ to

38. Winds in a hurricane blow in a __________ ______________ direction.

39. The calm center of a storm is called the ______________.

40. Cyclones generally start out at _________________.

41. Can hurricanes hit land with a powerful smack? Y or N? What can be the impact of such a
smack on the town?

42 Category 5 storms move as quickly as 300 km/h or 180 m/h.

43. What does this picture below depict?

44. A tropical cyclone is also called a 1. Earthquake 2. Typhoon 3. Hurricane 4. Blizzard 5.


45. A barometer is used to measure 1. Humidity 2. Rainfall 3. Air Pressure 4. Wind Direction

46. The higher the latitude, the ____________ the climate.

47. The ____________ climatic zone is near the equator.

48. This graph shows the ______________ over a period of one year.

49. In the mid-latitude zones, the temperature is described as being ___________________.

50. What are 5 factors that influence CLIMATE? PWTTL

51. The climate at the poles is described as having a _____________ climate.

52. A ___________ or ___________ measures wind direction.

53. A ______________ measure humidity.

54. A __________ ___________ measures precipitation.

55. ________________ is the measure of the amount of heat in the air.

56. __________________ is any form of water that falls to the Earth from clouds.

57. The amount of water vapour in the air is known as _____________________.

58. The ________________ is the most important influence on the Earth’s weather and climate

59. ___________________is the long term average of weather.

60. Name 8 types of natural disasters? TTEFVWW

61. Name 8 types of man made disasters?

62. Tropical Cyclones generally originate over _______________ and near _________ areas.
This is the climactic zone around the __________________ which falls between the Tropic of
____________________ in the ___________ hemisphere and the Tropic of
_______________________ in the _______________ hemisphere.

63. Tropical cyclones are known as _______________ in the area of the Indian Ocean.

64. The ______________ climactic region receives the most solar radiation every day due to the
direct rays of the sun.

65. The movement of wind is determined by __________ pressure and ___________ pressure

66. The center of every hurricane or cyclone is an area of LOW pressure which attracts cool air
because we know that air moves from areas of high pressure to low pressure. This forms the eye
of the storm. It is characterized by warm air that rises upwards. The space created is filled by
cool air rushes in also forming warm moist air. This continues again and again creating the eye
of the storm. This creates a counter clockwise spin in the Northern Hemisphere and the opposite
in the Southern Hemisphere.

67. Storms dissipate near land. This is called the ____________ of a cyclone.
68. The diameter of a storm is between 600-1200 kms over the bay of Bengal, arabian sea and
Indian ocean and they move 300-500 km per day.

69 What type of pressure system is a tropical storm?

High-pressure system
Low-pressure system
Medium-pressure system
Tropical storms form when water is at what minimum temperature?
Which of the following is NOT a risk posed to human settlements by hurricanes?
Flooding of coastlines
Destruction of buildings
When does a tropical storm begin to lose energy?
When the tropical storm reaches the equator
When the tropical storm reaches land
When the temperature of the water is above 27°C

How will climate change have an effect on tropical storms?

Tropical storms will become more frequent
Tropical storms will become less frequent
Tropical storms will become more intense/powerful
Which method can help track and predict tropical storms?
Satellite images


1. Climate:

a. Changes every few years

b. Takes hundreds of years to change

c. Never changes

d. Changes daily

2. Weather:

a. Changes every few years

b. Takes hundreds of years to change

c. Never changes

d. Changes daily

3. Write 3 examples of weather: __________________, __________________,


4. Write 3 examples of climate: __________________, __________________,


Part 2:
Directions: Read the sentence and circle if it describes weather or climate.

1. Today it rained a lot.

2. Weather Climate

3. Greece is very hot in the summer.

4. Weather Climate

5. Italy has warm summers and mild winters.

6. Weather Climate

7. Every day was sunny last week.

8. Weather Climate

9. Bali has a wet and a dry season.

10. Weather Climate

1. Explain the difference between climate and weather.

2. Choose 1 natural disaster.Explain how it occurs, how it can affect

humans and other wildlife and what we can do to protect against it.

1. Label where precipitation, evaporation, condensation, surface runoff, transpiration, and


a. latitude b. Tropic of Cancer c. tilt d. weather

e. climate f. longitude g. Tropic of Capricorn h. Prime Meridian
i. revolution j. equator
Matching: Match the letters for the following terms to the correct definitions.
__1. The atmospheric conditions of an area on a given day.
__2. The weather patterns in an area over an extended period of time.
__3. The Earth rotates on its axis at a 23.5 degree angle. Causes changes in seasons.
__4. Northernmost point that receives direct sunlight. Line of latitude at 23.5 degrees N.
__5. Southernmost point that receives direct sunlight. Line of latitude at 23.5 degrees S.
__6. Line of latitude at 0 degrees. Separates the Earth into Northern and Southern
__7. Line of longitude at 0 degrees. Separates the Earth into Eastern and Western
__8. Horizontal lines that are part of the grid system used to find the absolute location. Also
known as parallels. Measured in degrees N and S.
__9. Vertical lines that are part of the grid system used to find the absolute location. Also
known as meridians. Measured in degrees E and W.
__10. The Earth travels around the Sun. One trip takes approximately 365 1/4 days.

a. feathery and white clouds (that may be followed by

_______ 1. weather
b. frozen water that forms in layers and falls from clouds
_______ 2. cumulus
in the form of precipitation

c. water that falls to the ground as rain, sleet, hail or snow

_______ 3. cirrus
_______ 4. stratus d. amount of moisture in the air
_______ 5. e. theconditionoftheatmosphere at a specific time and
cumulonimbus place

_______ 6. humidity f. the measure of the weight of gases in the atmosphere

_______ 7. air g. dark, low level clouds that sometimes cover the whole
(barometric) pressure sky; little sunlight gets through the cloud layers
_______ 8. h. puffy, cotton-like clouds that form when warm air rises
precipitation and reaches a level of cool air
_______ 9. sleet i. frozen/liquid water that falls as precipitation
j. clouds known to cause thunderstorms (heavy rain,
_______ 10. hail
strong winds, hail and can cause tornadoes)

4. The climate of where people live affects their lives. Can you think of 3
examples for each climate zone?

Polar Temperate Tropical

(Remember: think of the weather and temperature in each climate zone. For example, what are their
houses built out of, what kinds of clothes they would wear, what kind of food they eat and can grow,
hobbies they may have, and much more.)

a) I would spend more time outside in Temperate and Tropical

climates T/F
b) If going to a Polar climate I would pack my swimsuit.
c) In a Temperate climate, there can be all kinds of weather like sun,
rain, and snow. T/F

d) I will see Penguins in a Tropical climate.

e) I can fish in any climate zone. T/F
f) People who live in Tropical climates have more fresh fruit and
vegetables than people who live in Polar climates.

6. Which climate zone would you rather live in and why?

Directions: Match each word with its definition. (1 point each)

1. ________________ - measures the speed of wind

2. ________________ - the condition of the air outside

3. ________________ - shows the wind’s direction

4. ________________ - measures temperature

5. ________________ - a great flow of water that rises and spreads over land

6. ________________ - a spinning column of air with high wind speeds

7. ________________ - measures the amount of rainfall

8. ________________ - measures air pressure

9. ________________ - the blanket of air that surrounds the Earth

10. _______________ - powerful high windstorm with heavy rains that forms over
warm ocean water.
Hurricanes are categorized using the ____________-_____________ scale. A
category __
hurricane would cause little to some damage whereas a Category ___ would
extreme and devastating damage.

What three conditions are needed for hurricane development?

Describe the 5 stages of hurricane development.





5. Tornadoes and Hurricanes Test

1. A ______________________ is a low-pressure system

that forms over tropical oceans.
2. A ______________________ is an area of organized
convection that originates in the tropics. It has no eye or
3. A ______________________ has a wind speed
between 39 mph and 73 mph.
4. A ______________________ is a cyclone that has a
maximum wind speed of 38 mph.
5. Warm ocean waters need to be at least _______F in order
for required hurricane conditions to formulate.
6. Hurricanes are at least how far away from the equator?
7. _________________ is the rate of wind speed or
direction change with altitude.
8. A _______________ is a brief, intense storm produced
by rapidly rising clouds.
9. _________________ is a huge electrical discharge.
10. A ________________ is issued when severe weather
has been sighted.
11. A ________________ is a violent, whirling wind that
moves in a narrow path over land.
12. The ______________ of a hurricane is the circular area
of calm, relatively light winds at the center of a hurricane.
Word Bank (questions 1-12)

Lighting wind shear tropical storm

tropical disturbance
tornado 300 miles warning
tropical depression
hurricane thunderstorms eye 80
13. The ______________ is the ring surrounding the eye
that contains the highest wind speeds.
14. The eye of the hurricane is the area of the
____________ pressure.
15. ______________ are bands of heavy rain that spiral
outward from the storm’s center.
16. ____________ is the nickname of the 53rd Weather
Reconnaissance Squadron of the Air Force Reserve.
17. Naming hurricanes began in what year?
18. The ____________ uses wind speed to rate the strength
of hurricanes.
19. Hurricanes can be tracked using _______________,
radar, and hurricane hunters.
20.The Atlantic hurricane season lasts from
______________ to ____________.
21. Most hurricanes occur from ___________ to
22. Trade winds cause hurricanes to move ___________ to
___________ near the equator.
23. As hurricanes move north, they begin to turn back to the
24. _________________ is the rising wall of water that
comes ashore with a hurricane. It causes the most damage
and is responsible for 90% of deaths.

Word Bank (questions 13-24)

Lowest 1953 June 1 - Nov. 30

storm surge
Aug. - Oct. East to West rainbands
Hurricane Hunters
eyewall satellites Saffir-Simpson east

What is the Coriolis Force? Use the images below to help you.

Name these four common weather tools. What do they record and how do
they do it?
• What is the temperature of this thermometer in
degrees Celsius?

2. Use the word box to answer

A,B,C, D



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