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Mushroom Cultivation Guide

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The document discusses various tree species that can be used for mushroom cultivation and factors like bark thickness and sapwood ratio. It also provides tips for growing different mushroom varieties like oyster, shiitake and reishi mushrooms.

Some factors to consider when selecting tree species include bark thickness, sapwood to heartwood ratio, and preferred local species. Hardwood trees like oak, beech, maple, poplar and basswood are commonly used but their bark thickness should also be considered. Softwoods can also be used for some mushroom varieties.

Oyster mushrooms are one of the easiest mushrooms to grow. They prefer broadleaf shade with spots of light and should be harvested young, in clusters when slightly dry. For cultivation, some growers suggest partially burying logs vertically in soil to retain moisture.

D Acres of New Hampshire

Organic Farm & Educational Homestead


A Guide to Outdoor Mushroom Log Cultivation:

Highlighting shiitake, reishi, and tree oyster mushrooms
Sustainable Forestry and Selecting Tree Species

Managing a woodlot requires selective thinning in order to maintain a healthy forest. Mushroom
cultivation works hand-in-hand with sustainable forestry in that the felled trees are by-products of necessary
cutting that allows preferred species space to thrive. To put it simply, we are not cutting down trees so that we
can grow mushrooms; it is actually a fringe benefit. Inoculating felled trees with mushroom spawn is a valuable
alternative to using this wood for firewood and wood crafting.
It is best to locate your logs in various sites. Site variety will ensure that you do not fell all of your logs
in an area overrun with competitor fungi. In this manner you may be insuring a greater degree of success. It is
much less labor intensive if you find a location close to where you have cut down the trees you will be using for
your mushroom log cultivation.
Trees should be cut in late winter or early spring when the sapwood is rich in sugars. Once felled, the
logs should not be in contact with the ground. This prevents contamination by bacteria and other fungi. Storage
can be achieved by stacking the logs to be used in cultivation on top of other fresh logs or gravel. It is best
to inoculate in the late winter or early spring. February and March, if you can get an early start, is ideal. You
definitely want to introduce the mushroom spawn to the logs within two months of felling the trees in order to
optimize the internal moisture content of the logs and decrease the chances of contamination. Once the trees are
cut into 40-inch lengths, they should be inoculated as soon as possible, optimally within three weeks, as waiting
will allow competitor fungi to contaminate the logs as well. A diameter of 3-6 inches is suggested for ease in
handling. If possible, it is preferable to keep the logs in shade during the pre-inoculation period.
The mushroom species we have chosen to cultivate all grow on hardwood trees, though there are also
a few species that proliferate on softwoods. It is important to use the tree species available to you, as a by-
product of managing your woodlot. If possible however, it is preferable to use trees with a thick outer bark
and a higher ratio of sapwood to heartwood. Denser trees will take longer to decompose, thereby continuing to
produce mushrooms for a longer period of time. Oak is often suggested for use in log cultivation. However,
because it is a preferred species at D Acres we use primarily beech and red maple instead. Other possible
species are poplar, cottonwood, ash, and basswood. Birch and alder can also be used, however the bark of these
trees is easily damaged.

Species Selection and Site Location

Here at D Acres, we are experimenting with the natural culture approach to mushroom cultivation. We
are attempting to create an environment where the selected species will naturally thrive, requiring a minimum
of maintenance aside from occasional watering. When designing a mushroom habitat it is important to consider
site location, topography, sun exposure, and the trees species available.
By locating your mushrooms in a watershed area, you can reduce the time needed to water, provided
there is sufficient rainfall. A gentle slope enables the water runoff to provide moisture without overloading the
area. An ideal situation includes bordering plants or shrubs. This creates a mutually beneficial relationship with
the plants; plants providing the necessary shade and the mushrooms providing nutrients and increased moisture
retention. North facing slopes that allow for sufficient shade and moisture are optimal choices. Protection from
the wind is also an important consideration, as wind will contribute to loss of moisture. It is also favorable to
attempt to recreate the habitat where the mushroom is generally found growing. These attempts to make the
mushrooms “at home” in their selected environment will aid in producing the proper growth parameters. Also,
certain mushroom species have relationships with certain tree species that we don’t fully understand; therefore
one should attempt to accomodate this when determining the proper site. Finally, it is important to keep in
mind how you can make the task of watering your logs as easy as possible. If you have a stream, pond, or other
water source on your property you may want to situate your mushroom site cloes by. It is useful to have a large
container or barrel filled with fresh water for deep soakings if a natural water source is not a possibility.
Identification and Contamination

It is important to be able to identify the mushroom you are cultivating, as other mushroom species may
contaminate your logs. The forest abounds with fungi and you may find many other mushrooms growing in
the immediate vicinity that could either take over the logs or co-exist with the species you are cultivating. If
possible, clear the area of debris harboring other species and try not to set up your operation where there is an
obvious population of another mushroom. A mushroom identification guide is recommended to prevent the
ingestion of toxic species, as well as to enlighten you about other edible fungi you may come across. (Extreme
caution is recommended when collecting mushrooms in the wild. It is best to attend a mushroom walk
conducted by a knowledgeable mycologist before eating something you think you have identified. There are
many look-a-likes and a mistake can be fatal!)

Log Cultivation

Unless you are able to inoculate immediately after felling, it is important to soak the logs to ensure
proper internal moisture content. Using clean, fresh water, submerge the logs for 24 hours a few days before
you plan to inoculate, allowing for a day or two for the bark to dry.
There are two options when buying spawn (the material impregnated with the mycelium). Plug spawn
is often easier for beginning mushroom cultivators because it only requires a mallet for inoculation. These
hardwood plugs carry the mycelium in the outer grooves and can be easily tapped into a hole drilled to a depth
of 1 inch with a 5/16-inch drill bit.
Sawdust spawn requires the use of an inoculation tool. This tool is used by jabbing the end into the
sawdust spawn to pick up a slug of spawn. The tool is then placed over the hole, and lightly packs in the spawn.
Sawdust spawn requires ¾ inch deep holes, drilled with a 7/16 inch bit. If you plan on inoculating over 125
logs, an inoculation tool is a more cost effective option than the plug spawn. Because inoculation tools can be
pricey, we bought some copper pipe, a bolt to fit snugly inside the pipe, and a spring and made our own at a
fraction of the cost.
Drilling the 40-inch logs in a pattern that begins 2
inches from the end of the log, with holes spaced 6 inches
apart, ending 2 inches before the other end, works well.
The next row is then started 2-3 inches from the initial
row, depending on the diameter of the log, and drilled
in a diamond pattern off-setting the holes. The drill bits
should be sterilized with alcohol beween logs to prevent
spreading contamination that may have occurred in some
of the logs. It is helpful to create a storyboard, or guide,
to help you with this spacing during the drilling process.
After the holes are plugged, the logs are then sealed
with cheese wax at each inoculation site for optimal
moisture retention and to prevent contamination by insects
and other fungi. The wax melts at 145 degrees Fahrenheit
and should not be allowed to get too hot. Take note when
the wax has started to cool, as maintaining the proper temperature ensures the wax is sufficiently bonded to the
log. Some growers do not suggest sealing the ends because it is more difficult for the log to absorb moisture
in future soakings and does not allow for excess water to drain off properly. However, sealed ends may retain
enough moisture to allow you to dead stack the logs in ricks for 3 months before the first necessary soaking.
Feel free to experiment with sealing or not sealing the ends to see which method you prefer.
A production line set up using saw horses and connecting planks is great when you have a team together
for log cultivation. This work station will enable you to station the drillers at one end, who can then pass the
logs onto people equipped with the spawn and inoculation tools. The inoculated logs can then reach the end of
the assembly line for site waxing. It is also helpful if you do have a large work posse to have people passing the
logs to the drillers, as well as others who can tag and stack the finished logs.

Experimentation and Documentation

Expert mycologists suggest experimenting with various methods to discover what works for you, in your
climate, using available materials. There are a variety of methods of inoculation and stacking, as well as small
differences in the way people go about specific parts of the process. In order to find out what works best with as
little input as far as labor and materials, experiment with different methods.
Tagging your logs with the appropriate tree species, strain, and date is also an important part of the
process. You may find a particular tree species more favorable to log cultivation. Site variety may also teach
you that your logs produce better in one location over another. I suggest keeping extensive records of when
you cut your trees and logs, as well as any details about inoculation and watering cycles. Any observations are
important to document, as they will only benefit your future cultivation strategies.

Stump Cultivation and Other Inoculation Techniques

Stumps are an excellent growing medium because their roots are still intact and
able to take care of their own moisture needs. It is important that stumps are located
in a shady environment, such as a ravine or small valley. The presence of mosses,
lichen, and ferns are a good indicator that the site will be beneficial to mushroom
growth. However, avoiding sites already occupied by other fungi is important to reduce
contamination and maximize moisture content. It is best to inoculate stumps in late
winter or early spring before the wild mushrooms start popping up. Some have found
an increased success rate by girding the stump with a chainsaw. This shallow cut
around the base of the stump may aid in reducing contamination by wild species.
There are several techniques of stump cultivation. The tops of
stumps can be drilled and plugged in the same manner described for log cultivation, being sure
to seal the inoculation sites with cheese wax. Another method involves cutting wedges out of
the sides of the stump, applying the sawdust spawn to the now exposed surface, then fastening
the wedge back onto the inoculated site with a few nails. I would also recommend sealing the
cracks with wax.
Alternatively, it is also possible to cut the stump into sections and
apply a ring of spawn around the edges, and then fasten the sections back on
top of the stump in layers. This is very similar to a method used for indoor
cultivation in which 6-inch diameter discs are inoculated and sandwiched
together with tack nails. The discs are then stored in a large plastic bag to retain moisture and
These methods can all be applied to log cultivation as well. The ends of logs can be
inoculated with sawdust spawn and covered with aluminum foil or a sock, or a cross-section can
be inoculated and nailed back together
It is also possible to buy biodegradable chainsaw oil, infused with spores, in order to
inoculate stumps as you cut. The result is more mushrooms with less effort and the rate of
decomposition is greatly increased. You simply dilute the spore oil with other biodegradable
lubricants before use.

Some cultivators prefer to do deep, rather than frequent soakings, meaning they allow the logs to soak
for 24 hours once every week or two, or when necessary. Others recommend watering with a sprinkler twice a
day. We feel that the deep soakings are more effective and a better use of water. Most growers suggest 45-60%
internal log moisture content, allowing the bark to dry between soaking. Oftentimes a spring or fall rain will
stimulate the fruit body (the scientific term for mushroom) to develop. Some research suggests allowing this
development to occur naturally for the first fruiting. Commercial operations often employ a method referred
to as forced fruiting that simulates fall and spring conditions. Forced fruiting speeds up the process and cycles
logs through a watering schedule to produce mushrooms all year round. Forced fruiting will encourage faster
fruit body development and decomposition of the substrate material (or growing medium). Therefore, the logs
will produce more over a shorter span of time. The natural culture philosophy favors allowing nature to run
its course. The advantage to growing outdoors is that the logs will benefit from natural weather conditions.
While the logs may take longer initially to produce, they will continue their production for many years. We are
taking all methods into consideration and attempting to manage our cultivation operation with a minimum of
We have set up a watering schedule for the various sites in order to experiment with the amount of
input necessary for successful cultivation in terms of labor and time geared toward watering. Different sets of
logs will receive a deep soaking treatment ranging in frequency from one week to one month. Others that are
sealed on the ends with wax and crib stacked will not be soaked again for a few months after inoculation. It is
important to consider rainfall and other location specific needs that may arise and adjust accordingly. Also, in
early spring, before the deciduous hardwoods start to leaf out, some locations may receive more sun than when
the canopy develops into the spring and summer. Be flexible. Ultimately, we are looking to discover how much
input is necessary for success in order to assess the possibilities of expanding our cultivation operation.
If you are concerned about the internal log moisture content, there are expensive probes that you can
purchase or you can do a simple test, in which you take a sample from one of the smaller diameter logs. Saw
off a one-inch thick disc (the ends will be drier than the rest of the log, so you want to get an internal sample)
and record the weight. After it has dried out, weigh it again. The percentage of moisture in the log will be the
difference between these weights divided by the wet weight. (Hint: A microwave will speed up this drying

Shiitake Mushrooms ((Lentinula edodes)

Evergreens provide the ideal shade for shiitake log cultivation. Shiitakes grow naturally on Asian oaks
and beeches. For cultivation purposes they will also grow on other hard woods including oak, sweetgum,
poplar, cottonwood, eucalyptus, alder, ironwood, beech, birch, willow, and many other non-aromatic broadleaf
trees. At D Acres, we are primarily using red maple and beech. Poplar, ash, and rock maples may also be good
choices. Keep in mind that denser trees will often produce for up to
six, even ten years, while trees that decompose more rapidly with last
for about three years.
Shiitakes should be harvested when the margins of the caps are
still 80% inrolled for optimum quality, though this practice will
reduce the subsequent yield. Shiitake gills bruise easily. Outdoor-
grown shiitakes often have brown spots due to insects; therefore
it is important to watch for bacteria in damaged areas. Remember
to cut mushrooms flush with the log to keep bacterial growth from
occurring on remaining stems.
Paul Stamets, the mushroom guru of the Northwest, suggests
waxing the inoculation sites and the ends of the shiitake logs, or billets, and crib-stacking them in ricks. The
logs are then covered with a tarp. It is important that the bark is dry before crib stacking and that the logs do
not get exposed to the rain during this period as mold may be encouraged to form. After 6-12 months (though
other growers say to wait only three months), the logs are soaked and lined up, lean-to fashion. Logs that are
not producing shiitakes within a year are removed. The Mushroom People at The Farm in Tennessee suggest
initially stacking lean-to style and watering everyday during dry spells. They suggest crib stacking during
the resting stage of the logs if you are attempting to force fruit for daily harvests. When considering this
information, it is important to think about the climatic differences when determining the course of action that is
appropriate in the Northeast. Chances are internal log moisture in New England falls somewhere in between the
content of logs in Washington and that in Tennessee. It may be a safer bet to soak within three months or less in
order to be sure the mycelium does not dry out and die. Another option is to deep soak every one to two weeks.

The Tree Oyster Mushroom ((Pleurotus ostreatus)

Oyster mushrooms are the easiest and least expensive to grow. They
are thought to have the potential to revitalize the economies of rural areas
and developing countries. The Tree Oyster generally pops up in lowland,
hardwood forests in the spring and fall mainly on cottonwoods, oaks, alders,
maples, aspens, ash, beech, birch, elm, willows, and poplars. They enjoy
broadleaf shade with spots of light. These mushrooms should be harvested
young, in clusters, when the surface of the mushroom is slightly dry. Tree
Oysters are quick to spoil and produce abundant spores after this optimal
time, to which many report an allergic reaction. For cultivation some
growers suggest burying a quarter of the log standing vertically in sandy
soil to aid in retaining moisture. Pleurotus ostreatus will continue to grow
through the winter.

Reishi Mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum)

Ganoderma lucidum grow on oaks and other hardwoods, however, there are two other very similar
species in this family, the Ganoderma tsugae, that one may find growing on hemlocks, or the Ganoderma
oregonense, which is found on a variety of conifers. In the
Northeast, Ganoderma lucidum is most common to maple groves,
though it is less frequently found in temperate climates. The
reishi is purportedly a little more difficult to grow than the oyster
or shiitake mushrooms. In China and Japan, reishi logs are
shallowly buried, horizontally in a shady, naturally moist location.
In this case, only the tops of the logs are drilled and inoculated.
By covering a patch with hoop-frames, plastic, and a shade cloth,
you can ensure proper shade and less evaporation. These logs will
take 6 months to 2 years to produce the first flush of mushrooms,
however, they will continue to produce for 4 to 5 years. It is
also possible to inoculate smaller logs and place them in nursery
pots, which are filled with pasteurized sawdust and topped with
soil. Large cultivators fill greenhouses with these pots, though I
think they would also make nice houseplants. The logs should be
watered fairly frequently to keep them sufficiently moist.
References and Supplies

Mushroom Cultivation and Supplies:

Paul Stamets’ Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms is an excellent resource. He also
offers growing kits, spawn, equipment, and other mushroom products through Fungi
The Mushroom People in Tennessee have a catalog with a variety of spawn offered at reasonable
prices. They have a phone line open to questions and a staff with many helpful
Mary Ellen Kozak & Joe Krawczyk. Growing Shiitake Mushrooms in a Continental Climate
J.S. Chilton and Paul Stamets. The Mushroom Cultivator
Perter Oei. Mushroom Cultivation
Bob Harris. Growing Wild Mushrooms

Field Guides:
David Arora. Mushrooms Demystified
David Arora. All That the Rain Promises and More…
Gary Lincoff. The Audobon Field Guide to North American Mushrooms
George Barron. Mushrooms of Northeast North America: Midwest to New England
Alan E. Bessette, Arleen R. Bessette, and David W. Fisher. Mushrooms of Northeastern North

Medicinal Mushrooms:
Christopher Hobbs. Medicinal Mushrooms
Kenneth Jones. Shiitake, the Healing Mushroom
Terry Willard, M.D. Reishi Mushroom
Ken Jones. Reishi: Ancient Herb

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