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Her Name Is Zainab

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Her name is Zainab, she is the frist daughter from the most noble When ‘Abd ‘Ash arrived

Abd ‘Ash arrived at Makkah, Zainab welcomed him happily.

human being Muhammad and her mother named Khadijah binti Khuwailid. But, he came with sadness and sorrow on his face. Zainab asked him “ are
Grew up in this family Zainab became a nice women, married to her aunt’s you okay my husband? He answered, I came for a farewell, oh Zainab”.
son Abdul Ash. And from this marriage they got their frist child named Ali Zainab’s face changed and she asked “where are you going? “he answered,
and his little sister named Umamah. They were living happily together when “it’s not me who will go, but you Zainab. Your father has asked me to return
a big event in human history occurred . zainab’s father , Muhammad, was you back to him. Because Islam didn’t permit us to be together. And I
appointed by Allah to be a prophet of Islam. When Zainab heard the news wouldn’t break my promise”. Zainab was shocked and dropped to the ground.
she was very happy and converted to Islam. But not with Abul ‘Ash, he Her heart was drown in sorrow, because she had to leave her lover.
didn’t want to convert.. Zainab tried very hard to convince her husband, she
said ”oh my dear husband, I only wanted the good and happiness for you, Six years has passed, Zainab lived in a deep longing for her husband.
please accept Islam. Really, my father has received revelation from the sky. Suddenly something happened without expectation. ‘Abd ‘Ash and his trade
He is not a liar”. The ‘Abd ‘Ash said “ it is not that I didn’t believe in your carvan(kafilah dagang) were on their way back from Syam to Makkah, when
father, but I didn’t want to be called as a traitor. A traitor that leave his they were passing near Madinah, the Muslimin guerilla troops cut their
religion for his woman”. Zainab was very sad and hurted, she could only ask opportunity, he ran away. And when the darkness of the night was covering.
Allah to open her husband’s heart. He went to Zainab’s home secretly, Zainab was shocked to saw him on the
door and she asked, have you converted to Islam? ‘Abd ‘Ash answered, “no, I
Then the time got hard for muslimin to live in Makkah, they were came to hide my self. The Muslimin had took Quraisy’s wealth. Please,
tortured and their wealth was taken. And some of the Quraisy tried to incite protect me Zainab”. So, he hide in Zainab’s house. When the dawn came,
‘Abd ‘Ash by saying “oh ‘Abd ‘Ash return your wife to her father, and we Zainab informed all the Muslimin that ‘Abd ‘Ash was under her protection
will let you marry any woman you want “. But his love for Zainab was pure. and asked her father to return all Quraisy’s wealth to ‘Abd ‘Ash and he
So, he answered “ no, I won’t let her go, and I will never replace her with any returned it.
woman in the world”. And when the muslimin left Makkah and went to
Madinah, Zainab stay in Makkah, she staid beside her husband. ‘Abd ‘Ash went to Makkah and brought all of the wealth and returned
it to the owners and said “ oh Quraisy, are there any of you whose right I
Came the battle of Badr, where all the men of Quraisy including ‘Abd haven’t returned yet?” and they answered “no one really, you are and honest
‘Ash were forced to fight against the muslimin. The muslimin were 313 person” then he said “if I have returned all of your rights, I bear witness that
facing the Quraisy and they were 1000 . zainab was very anxious for the there is no God but Allah and the Muhammad is the Messanger of Allah”.
safety of her husband and father. Until she heard about Islam’s victory. She
was really for her dad. But, how about her husband? Then, she got the news Then he came back to Madinah, he came back to Zainab who has
that her husband was arrested. So, she sent her precious necklace, a gift from been waiting for him patiently. So, they lived together one more time. And
her mother as a compensation. When Rasululllah shallahu alaihi wasallam they lived even happier than before, because no day were under the same
saw Zainab’s necklace, he was touched and realized ‘Abd ‘Ash without any believe and religion.
compensation but he required him to leave Zainab and returned her to her But the happiness didn’t last long after year Zainab passed away and
father. left her husband forever.

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