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Pokemon Ranger Jumpchain 

By FreyrAnon and DBAnon 

Version 1.0 
Welcome to the world of Pokemon! However, this time we’re adding a twist. Instead of 
going about collecting Gym Badges to become the champion, you’re getting a job! 
Working as a Pokemon Ranger, your goal is to help others in everyday life. This can vary 
from normal tasks such as finding a lost child, to the far end of stopping an entire forest 
fire by yourself or taking on evil organizations bent on world domination. All in a day’s 
work, right? 
You didn’t think you’d be off on your own though, did you? Here, have 1000CP. 
Roll 1d8 for your location. If you would like you choose your location, you may pay 50CP 
1. Fiore: The original setting of this series, Fiore is a somewhat tropical region full of 
verdant flora and fauna. Boasting one of the higher Ranger populations in this 
series, a base in multiple sections of the region oversee the peace. However, a 
strange outfit known as the Go-Rock Squad has begun mass brainwashing of 
2. Almia: A colder region in which the second game of this series is set, Almia is also 
the home of Pokemon Ranger Academy. It is here that many students learn their 
posts before being transferred to other regions, as well as where the Ranger HQ is 
situated. Yet strange men in odd black uniforms have been seen capturing 
pokemon as of late... 
3. Oblivia: The setting for the third game of this series, Oblivia is a chain of islands 
inhabited largely by the elderly and those looking to live out peaceful lives. 
However, the shadow of the Pokemon Pinchers looms over the horizon... 
4. Lucky Pick! You can choose any of the above regions to start out it. 
Gender can be changed freely without cost, and age is set by the background. However, 
you may spend 50CP to change this. 
Rookie: Fresh from Ranger School, you’re about to be assigned to a region in order to 
receive field training to what likely will be your post for the next several years. Plucky 
and full of energy, you’ll be inexperienced but ready to learn. Of course, you could also 
choose to forgo that entirely and be dropped into the world, free of position and 
Roll 1d5+13 for age. 
Veteran: You’ve been in this position for years, and possibly even reached the fabled 
heights of Top Ranger. The everyday chaos of being a Pokemon Ranger is second nature 
to you now, and something you’ve grown used to over the years. While things may have 
slowed down, and you might even have a family at this age, by no means does that make 
you any less capable than you were before. 
Roll 1d10+20 for age. 
Operator: While you did attend Ranger School, you’ve taken a different path than many. 
Instead you’ve entered the technical side of the operation. Being an Operator can mean 
many things, from simple maintenance of Capture Stylers, PR management, or managing 
the dispatch of Rangers across the globe. Just because you aren’t directly contributing, 
doesn’t make you any less important. 
Roll 1d5+15 for age. 
Criminal: All this do gooding, respecting nature junk, it makes you sick to your stomach. 
There’s only one rule that you abide by, and that’s the law of the strong. To you Pokemon 
are simply a means to an end, and you intend to exploit them for as much profit as you 
Roll 1d10+20 for age. 
100CP Perks are free to their origin/race. 
*General Perks 
Impeccable Posing (Free)- Oddly enough, a strange tradition here is known as the ‘Ranger 
Pose’. It consists of various dramatic movements, followed by a pose as a sign of 
accepting or completing an important mission. But why is it that EVERYONE here is so 
good at posing? Regardless, you have the coordination to spin around, do a backflip, and 
then hold a pose without breaking your head open or getting dizzy. This also comes with 
the creativity to come up with newer and cooler poses. Have to impress your ranger 
friends, after all. 
*Rookie Perks 
Fresh from the Academy (100CP, Free Rookie)- While most people are quick to forget all 
of what they learned in school, you know better. Working for the government, especially 
as a Pokemon Ranger, requires you to know many rules and regulations alongside more 
practical knowledge. You yourself are well versed in and memorized on the codes that 
Pokemon Rangers operate on, as well as how to tackle most natural disasters through the 
application of Friend Pokemon (theoretically). Just remember that this doesn’t double for 
One With Nature (200CP, Discount Rookie)- Some might say that the most essential 
quality a Ranger might have is a natural affinity towards the natural world. Ultimately, a 
Ranger is a guardian of such places and being unable to adapt to such areas could spell 
the difference between mission success and failure. It is fortunate, then, that you fall into 
the ‘good’ side of this dynamic. You find yourself comfortable in almost any biome, able 
to traverse difficult terrain with ease. In addition, you’ll find most wild Pokemon will be 
more tolerable to your presence than others. Just don’t go approaching a Primeape after 
this, or you’ll just be asking for it. 
Silent Charismatic (400CP, Discount Rookie)- Most people would find somebody who can 
only nod or shake their head to be somewhat unnerving, or downright creepy. But why is 
it that when you do it, everyone stands in awe? You have a certain charisma about 
yourself that causes your actions to impact much larger than words. Your grim 
determination as you quietly tear through all the criminals in your path is like a rallying 
cry, bringing others to your side both literally and metaphorically as they gather 
underneath your determination to succeed in your endeavors. 
Guardian Signs (600CP, Discount Rookie)- One day, the impossible happened to you. Upon 
being challenged by a Legendary or Mythical Pokemon, you captured it and successfully 
earned its respect. It emblazoned a special mark into your very soul, a symbol that 
represents and calls upon itself. As such, you’ve earned yourself a special privilege. Upon 
learning the ‘symbol’ of a Pokemon, you can jump high into the sky, drawing the symbol 
with your capture styler. Summoned at your command, your friend will meet you at the 
bottom. At your disposal until their dismissal, these Partnered Pokemon can do anything 
from providing transportation to using Powerful Poke-Assists in captures. Post-Jump, this 
can be used on equally powerful beasts on par with the Legendary/ Mythical pokemon 
from this world. 
*Veteran Perks 
Years on the Job (100CP, Free Veteran)- Just because you’re getting on in your years 
doesn’t mean you’ve become any less capable. If anything, that makes you even better at 
doing your job. Working for such a long time as a Pokemon Ranger has given you the 
experience as to how to react against danger, as well as getting ahead of criminal 
elements to stop them in their tracks before they can pose a danger to the public. A 
Pokemon Ranger protects the peace, after all. 
TARGET CLEAR!! (200CP, Discount Veteran)- You aren’t just fit. You’re swole, a wall of 
human muscle that most would probably be intimidated by if you walked into a room. 
However, this isn’t just for show. Utilizing your muscular might in your pursuit of justice, 
you have perfect your own version of “Target Clear” using your own body. By this, I 
mean that you are fully capable of body slamming others unconscious, even smashing 
through metal doors if you don’t mind the bruising afterwards. Just remember that you 
need to be coherent if you intend to save the world afterwards. 
Voice of Experience (400CP, Discount Veteran)- Being a Pokemon Ranger isn’t just about 
saving the world. Sometimes, it’s about saving just a single person. You’ve seen so many 
people go wrong in your career, and letting another go down a dark path just doesn’t sit 
right with you. Emboldened by this, you have the power to reach out to your opposition 
and speak with them on an honest and level playing field. Where most times a criminal 
might ignore you and proceed to attack for your naivety, if you put in earnest effort they 
would be willing to listen to your point of view. While this doesn’t always result in people 
switching sides on the spot, if done enough times the introspection induced on the other 
party is often enough to help them change their lives for the better. 
Man in Command (600CP, Discount Veteran)- It’s a beautiful day outside, and you’re 
enjoying time with your family at your house. Suddenly a man bursts into your house, 
screaming that the entire forest is burning down. You have five minutes to solve this 
before the situation becomes untenable. Quietly setting your cup down, you proceed to 
solve this issue with the same calm and precision as though you were guiding a lost child 
to their parents. After all, isn’t that all in a days work for a Pokemon Ranger? 
What this really translates to is the nerves of steel and instinct to be flexible in the face of 
imminent crisis without losing your head. Even when inflicted with significant injury 
your head will always remain clear if you move towards attempting to solve the 
problems at hand, your brain becoming a font of ideas to prevent disaster until the crisis 
is resolved. 
*Operator Perks 
Listened in Class (100CP, Free Operator): To become an Operator means that one not only 
knows how to be a Ranger, but to provide a specific service to the Ranger Union. 
Whether it’s simple engineering, technology production, or field research, you’ve gained 
the skills to qualify for a specialty Operator position. 
Percussive Maintenance (200CP, Discount Operator): At times you’ll find something 
broken, and you just won’t be able to figure out what’s wrong with it. When that 
happens...just give it a good old fashioned whack! While most Operators would advise 
heavily against such maneuvers, when it comes to you this actually works. Smacking a 
computer on the fritz sorts out the error message, while slapping a rude employee across 
the face might show them that a bad attitude isn’t exactly a great thing to have. Don’t do 
this too many time though, or you’ll start breaking things for real. 
Uncoverer of the Ancients (400CP, Discount Operator): When artifacts are lost to time, 
often they’re never discovered again. Whether this means they’ve been hidden or 
destroyed depends, but many times the only time they appear again is in folklore or 
traces that lead to dead ends. Not for you, however. You have a sixth sense when it comes 
to research on and discovering ancient ruins and settlements, along with the technology 
of said places. In addition, you also have the skilled to expertly recreate said artifacts 
from its own components if you find them destroyed when you finally get your hands on 
Global Ranger (600CP, Discount Operator): Effectively Hastings’ right hand, you’ve been 
promoted to Second in Command at Ranger HQ. With a considerable amount of Ranger 
forces at your disposal, it is your duty and privilege to move large forces of personnel to 
combat disaster across the world. Aside from attaining this position, you also have the 
skill to run an organization of this size along with a knack for data collection that would 
make even the best spies weep in envy. In future jumps, you’ll be offered a high ranking 
position within a similar organization to the Rangers with all the privileges it would 
*Criminal Perks 
Poke-Poaching (100CP, Free Criminal)- People don’t understanding how dangerous a 
Pokemon Poacher is until you realize that they people subdue and break the wills of 
dangerous creatures for a living. One slip up can cause serious injuries, or even worse. 
You however are well versed in the art of illegal capture, able to deduce whether a given 
Pokemon would be a valuable asset to attempt to subdue or one that’ll end you up in the 
hospital given the chance. 
When You’re a Flunky (200CP, Discount Criminal)- You’ve got to know teamwork, because 
otherwise you won’t get work done worth a damn. After all, the higher ups aren’t going 
to bother allocating much resources to what they see as another replaceable cog in the 
great machine. To that end, you’re great at teamwork even when the composing 
personalities are far less than ideal. Even if ultimately those involved might not be all 
that capable on their own, together you can make yourself a fighting force enough to 
make even an experienced Ranger pause. 
Kindly Old Man (400CP, Discount Criminal)- You, professional criminal and mastermind? 
I think not. After all. How could someone so kindly and innocent commit such dastardly 
deeds? That’s what people think of you, at least. You are extremely skilled at living a 
double life, being able to maintain entirely different personalities when interacting with 
different people and being able to hide traces of your criminal career with astonishing 
ease. Don’t ever get too cocky though, as overwhelming evidence will reveal your farce 
for what it truly is. 
Admin (600CP, Discount Criminal)- You, a low level team member? No, you’re something 
much greater than that. You’re an Admin, one of the key leaders within whatever 
criminal organization you purport yourself to be a part of. Aside from the wealth, status 
and connections such a position gives you, it also comes with the skill to manage a 
criminal organization without any major splintering factions. It’s even possible you could 
start one of your own, given the chance... 
100CP Items are free to their origin. 
*Rookie Items 
Capture Styler (100CP, Free Rookie)- The Standard issue Capture Styler, given to rookies 
upon their graduation from the academy. About the size of a 90’s era mobile phone, 
when activated it sends out a Capture Disc to encircle a Pokemon with the help of 
PokeAssists granted by Partner Pokemon. While normally these are a step down from 
Fine Stylers, due to them being granted to Top Rangers, you’ll find that it’s even more 
durable than one and just as lightweight. 
Charging Station (200CP, Discount Rookie)- While you could always find a Pachirisu out 
in the wild to recharge your Capture Styler, sometimes you aren’t that lucky. This device 
thankfully takes care of that issue for you. This particularly garish piece of machinery is 
perfect for restoring your Styler back to full charge in a matter of seconds, and works 
similarly to any other tech you possess on the same technological level as a Styler. 
Jumper School (400CP, Discount Rookie)- So it seems that you were a bit more attached to 
your schooling days that most realized, hmm? Luckily enough for you, you’ll get to keep 
your own special memento of those times. In future jumps the Ranger School will follow 
you, educating aspiring Hopefuls into Rangers to do good in the world just as you have. If 
you’d prefer that the school teaches something else, you may choose to instead base it on 
a different profession. 
Quaint Village (600CP, Discount Rookie)- A small village, newly established with residents 
happy to start life in a new lands. You yourself get a cute little cottage here, but what’s 
more important is the land itself. Following you through other jumps, Pokemon will live 
here even if they do not exist in other worlds and caught be caught just as though you 
were still in this universe. In addition, if you bond strongly enough with a Pokemon at 
any point here to become a Partner Pokemon you may leave them at the Partner Farm in 
the far south of this village and they will be able to follow you without taking a 
companion slot. 
*Veteran Items 
Fine Styler (100CP, Free Veteran)- A special type of Capture Styler granted only to Top 
Rangers, this one consists of an arm console where the Capture disc is docked alongside 
of a partial glove which wirelessly connects to the Capture Disc. Aside from being 
incredibly agile when compared to the normal Capture Styler, it possesses the ability to 
charge higher amounts of your feelings through the line by keeping the disc still for a 
moment. Just be sure that it doesn’t get hit, alright? 
Cliffside Home (200CP, Discount Veteran)- It seems that all your scrimping and savings 
have payed off big, time. While this particular home doesn’t have to be on a cliffside per 
say, it automatically does so with an amazing view of the coast below. Two stories high 
and lovingly furnished, it’s the perfect place to come back to after a long day and simply 
relax in peace. It also seems to repel dust naturally, making upkeep much easier than it 
should be. 
Full Upgrade (400CP, Discount Veteran)- I see that you really invested into your job, 
hmm? With this you’ll receive a small chip containing every single upgrade possible to 
integrate into the modern Capture Styler. Once installed, this causes a major boost to 
durability and performance, as well as Synchronization with partner Pokemon. Post 
jump you’ll receive another one of these, which when used on any technology will boost 
it to be the absolute cutting edge of what it can possible be. 
Ancient Ruins (600CP, Discount Veteran)- Upon entering this jump, you are given a map 
to a curious and hidden temple deep within an uninhabited jungle. Within this Jungle is 
an imposing pyramid, within which four great trials are presented to you. Each is more 
challenging than the last, and to pass all four would show a true display of grit and skill. 
At the same time, however, this makes it an excellent place to train in the art of 
Capturing Pokemon even for the best of Rangers. Post jump this can be changed towards 
other professions, such as “Hunters” or “Knights”, with the trials inside being changed to 
*Operator Items 
Technician’s Toolkit (100CP, Free Operator)- People underestimate just how often it is that 
a Ranger’s equipment is damaged in the capture process. And what happens if it breaks? 
Or needs upgrades? These things don’t exactly use a standard screwdriver, you know. 
Thankfully, this is where the Technician’s Toolkit comes in. Fit with all the specialty tools 
needed to maintain Capture equipment and more, no self-respecting Operator could be 
seen without this. 
Impressive Seafarer (200CP, Discount Operator)- Lent from Ranger HQ permanently to 
aid you in your efforts, this sister ship to the Union is just as seaworthy as its sibling. 
While made in the shape of a ship from the 1800’s, this ship sails just as smoothly as any 
modern day vessel and is incredibly fuel-efficient to boot. In addition, its cargo hold can 
hold human and Pokemon alike with relative comfort and minimal cramping. In a pinch, 
you could stuff an entire island’s worth of creatures inside before it starts getting too 
crowded. If you somehow manage to wreck the ship, it will show up in the warehouse a 
week later good as new. 
Battle Simulator (400CP, Discount Operator)- Originally named some much more 
unwieldy by an aspiring scientist, you’ve come into a strange laptop with the name 
“Nema” inscribed onto the case. When booted up, this laptop opens a portal to which a 
digital recreation of a large nondescript island. On this island exists simulacrum each 
representing challenging foes you have faced in your lifetime, each standing passively 
until approached to battle. As dying is impossible in this world, you may use this space to 
train as much as you like before exiting once again. However, due to it being a 
simulation, you cannot use this to harvest any materials or bring back captured 
Ranger HQ (600CP, Discount Operator)- The home of all Pokemon Rangers, this 
multi-story building is the hub of all activity across the world and handles dispatching of 
Rangers to regions where they are in need. Staffed with several Pokemon Rangers and 
Operators, as well as a few Top Rangers, they will give you all the power you need to do 
good across this world and others in the future. In addition, Ranger HQ will adapt to 
become able to capture the animals of the current world should Pokemon not exist in 
that universe. 
*Criminal Items 
Theft Equipment (100CP, Free Criminal) Any criminal worth their salt in the Ranger 
dominated regions needs the ability to capture large amounts of Pokemon, fast. 
Thankfully you have just the equipment for that. Whether you possess the illegal Power 
Stylers of the Go-Rock Squad, or the gauntlets of the Pokemon Pinchers, through using 
these tools you are able to emit brainwashing waves which can enrage and bring 
Pokemon under your control. You can even choose to have this manifest into strange 
shapes, such as a violin or a suit of armor. 
Bait and Switch (200CP, Discount Criminal)- Sometimes there’s enough Pokemon to bag 
that you simply can’t get them all yourself. For those times, these vaguely egg shaped 
cages will do the trick just fine. When properly baited and left alone, these traps will 
gather Pokemon until they foolishly enter the case to grab the bait. At this time, the cage 
will slam shut and brainwash the Pokemon until they become your (unwilling) servants. 
Pretty useful, huh? Careful though, because a Pokemon with a powerful enough Cutting 
technique can destroy these from the outside. You get ten to start with, and more will be 
supplied if any are destroyed. 
Z.Z Flyer (400CP, Discount Criminal)- A curious device resembling a flying saucer with 
two lever on the top for controls, Z.Z Flyers are some of the best pieces of equipment an 
enterprising criminal could ask for. Capable of flying as fast as a Staraptor, and in-built 
with defensive laser technology, it also has a low powered brain-washing device for 
taking over Pokemon when flying through the sky. Since you’re buying it here, you can 
choose your own unique color and if it is destroyed you’ll get a new one in a week. 
Doomsday Device (600CP, Discount Criminal)- Really? Really? You need that much 
power? Alright, but it won’t be easy. Upon entering this world, you’ll come into 
possession of a certain map. This map details the locations of an ancient super-weapon, 
in disuse after its activation in a calamity long since past. It will be a challenge to find 
this, and even more so to find the five pieces of the armor needed to control it. But once 
you do… 
Shaped like a pinecone with several protrusions, alone with four large cannons in each 
direction, this Sky Fortress is all but impenetrable save the most skilled flyers. Possessing 
a labyrinthine inner structure, it is easily defendable by even a semi-competent team 
while featuring many traps and doors to keep you safe from enemies. Did I mention that 
the main cannon can blow away entire ISLANDS, if you don’t mind the absurdly long 
recharge? Because it can. 
Direct Import (Free/100CP/300CP): Have some friends you’d like to take along? You can 
import up to eight companions for free with this option, each receiving 300CP and the 
ability to take drawbacks for more points. For 100CP this fund increases to 500CP and for 
300CP this becomes 800. 
Canon Companion (100CP): Did you meet somebody you’d like to take on your 
adventures? For 100CP each you will soon meet and be put in a situation to befriend a 
character from the series, and at the end of these ten years you can propose to them that 
they join you on your adventures. Should they accept, they will become your companion.  
Partner Pokemon (Free all) Everyone from all walks of life has a specific Pokemon that 
they’ve bonded with over some length of time. Whether that was through friendship or 
force...well, you know how it happened. Regardless, you may select any Base evolution 
Pokemon so long as they are not Legendary or Mythical. This Pokemon is now your 
Partner, and will follow you through hell or high water. This Pokemon incredibly 
resistant to brainwashing (or against friendship conveying technology if you DID 
brainwash it) and is skilled in providing assistance in the capture of Pokemon. It is also 
possible for it to evolve, although doing so is uncommon in these regions. Doesn’t take a 
companion slot, but you can import it in future jumps to take one if you wish. 
You may take as many drawbacks as you want, but do try and be reasonable. 
+100CP Pest Control- Bugs! Bugs everywhere! It seems that you’re a natural 
attractor of Bug Pokemon, and unlike the normal ones these seem to be gunning 
straight for you. While never much of a hassle to capture (or dispatch) you’ll find 
them showing up at the most inopportune times to ruin your day. I hope you 
don’t wear too nice clothes, they’ll get covered in String Shot more often than you 
+100CP Trainee- Perhaps you’ve yet to begin your journey? You’ll start off in 
Trainer School (or its equivalent), graduating in about a year from the beginning 
of the jump. While you yourself probably won’t mind this as much, there are 
other forces that aren’t exactly willing to wait… 
+100CP Go Fetch- People really think that you have nothing better to do, don’t 
you? Whether it’s your superior or random people off the street, others are quick 
to offer you menial ‘sidequests’ with little to no reward for doing so. What’s 
worse is that you have an extremely hard time saying no, and if you do their 
disappointed reaction would be enough to break your heart. Woe is you. 
+200CP On Call- There’s trouble brewing, and only you can stop it. At least, that’s 
what your superiors tell you. Whenever something major occurs fate will have it 
that you’re the only person that your perspective organization can call upon to 
stop it. Expect a lot of dangerous situations on both sides of the fight, as being 
present in so many missions will be sure to eventually put you in precarious 
+200/400CP Marked- It seems that you’ve done well enough that the opposing 
Team has taken an interest in you, and not a good one. As a Ranger Teams will 
actively seek to make your life difficult, and as a Criminal Rangers will always 
right on your tail to release your Pokemon and foil your plans. For the 400CP 
variant, the organization you’re fighting against is actively gunning for you, 
putting out entire teams simply for your subjugation. 
+300CP Untrustworthy- In this game the power of friendship is important, and 
you simply don’t have it. Whether its your personality or something wrong with 
your very soul, you’ll find it hard to bond with others and Pokemon avoid you 
like the plague. Those you do manage to befriend will be fickle and quick to flee, 
helping you less than they might otherwise before running as fast as they can. 
+300CP It Just Keeps Happening: So you’ve beaten Beat Blue Eyes? Here comes 
Red Eyes to help them. Beat those two, and Purple Eyes shows up. Beat him, and 
you face the Society. Beat THEM, and Purple Eyes hijacks them and takes control 
of a doomsday weapon. What’s the lesson of this? Well, expect to always find an 
even bigger boss, and even bigger stakes behind each person you beat. Trust me, 
it’ll never get easier. 
+400CP Wiped- You’ve always worked for these people. Right? Of course that’s 
right. But sometimes you wake up to nightmares of a life you didn’t live, and you 
feel like eyes are watching you wherever you go. What could it be… 
Whichever side you play for is in fact not your real origin, you are actually a 
person from the opposing team who was captured and psychically manipulated 
into working for their cause. While extremely difficult to do, if you chase the 
pieces of your old past you may eventually be able to recover your memories and 
discover the secrets of your change. However, few within your organization will 
truly trust you due to being aware of your situation and surveillance will always 
be heavy no matter how much you earn their trust. Good luck Jumper, you’ll 
need it. 
+400CP Total Victory- The evil Team has won, and the region has fallen. Now 
under their complete control, the destruction of any or all Rangers in the area has 
caused them to rise as the tyrannical new leaders who oppress all in the name of 
their goals. As their only opposer, you must destroy this organization (or rise to 
the top of it) by the end of this Jump or you’ll fail your chain. 
+1000CP Judgement (Cannot take other Drawbacks)- Arceus has gazed upon his 
world, and he is displeased. He has given you one order: restore the value of 
humanity in his eyes. Succeed, and he will be pleased. Descending to the world 
once more, he will help to guide it into a new age before sending a lesser clone of 
himself with you in your travels. Succeed, and the consequences will be dire. 
Using his Judgement, he will destroy both the world and you without chances of 
rebirth or revival. Don’t mess up. 
How was your work here? Was it hard, or more of a vacation? Regardless, I hope you 
With your ten years over, you have a choice to make. 
● Go Home- Maybe all the hard work got to you, or perhaps you’re just done. It’s 
time to head home, and you can take all you’ve earned here with you as bonus. 
● Protector- Something about this world has enchanted you, and it’s something you 
wish to keep. Stay here, with all you’ve gained. 
● To New Lands- Off to save the world in a new land? Very well. Take all that you 
have and continue on your journey. 
-Special Thanks to DBAnon and English, who both helped me come up with ideas for this 
-Wanking helps. 
0.1- Jump was started. 
0.2- Additions made to perks, fluff added in origins. 
0.3-Finished Criminal Perkline, added more items. 
1.0- The Jump was finished. Now Jumpable. 

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