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Python Programming Basics

Copyright 2018 © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

 Python is an easy-to-learn and functional programming language.

 Python has an effective advanced data structure and enables simple

and rapid object-oriented programming.

 With its beautiful syntax, dynamic types and good interpretability,

Python has become an ideal language in terms of scripting and
developing apps on most platforms.

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 After completing this course, you will be able to:

 Understand the compilation environment and installation

process of Python.

 Master the data structure, data types, conditional statements,

loop statements, functions, and modules of Python.

 Apply the Python programming basics to actual scenarios.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 3

1. Introduction to Python
2. Lists and Tuples

3. Strings

4. Dictionaries

5. Conditional and Looping Statements

6. Functions

7. Object-Oriented Programming

8. Date and Time

9. Regular Expressions

10. File Manipulation

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 4

History of Python
 Python is one of the achievements of free software.

 Python is purely free software and both its source code and interpreter
comply with the GNU General Public License (GPL) protocol.

Founder Guido van Rossum

When and Where Created in Amsterdam during Christmas in 1989.

Meaning of Name A big fan of Monty Python's Flying Circus

Origin Influenced by Modula-3, Python is a descendant of ABC that

would appeal to Unix/C hackers.

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Origin of Python
 Guido van Rossum:

 Master of Mathematics

 Master of Computer Science

 Philosophy of Python:

 Python is engineering but not art.

 There should be one, and preferably only

one, obvious way to do it.

 Simple is better than complex, and explicit is

better than implicit.

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What is Python?
 Python is a programming language.

 Python is a general-purpose and advanced programming language.

 Python applies to programming in many fields:

 Data science

 Writing system tools

 Developing applications with graphical UIs

 Writing network-based software

 Interacting with databases

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Python VS Other Languages (1)

 Python VS C:
 Python is dynamic while C is static.
 Memory is managed by the developer in C but by the interpreter in Python.
 Python has many libraries but C has no standard library for a hybrid tuple
(Python list) and a hash table (Python dictionary).
 Python cannot be used to write a kernel but C can.
 C or C++ extends Python functions based on the Python APIs.

 Python VS SHELL:
 Python has simple syntax and is easy to transplant.
 Shell has a longer script.
 Python can reuse code and embraces simple code design, advanced data
structure, and modular components.

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Python VS Other Languages (2)

 Python VS Java:

 Python is dynamic while Java is static.

 Python supports object-oriented and function-based programming while

Java supports object-oriented programming only.

 Python is simpler than Java, and typically applies to quick prototyping.

 Python and Java enable multiple programmers to develop a large

project together step by step.

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Development Environment of Python
 VIM: mainly for Linux

 IDLE: integrated development environment

 Sublime Text: a lightweight editing tool

 Eclipse: chargeable

 Eric4: powerful, based on PyQT4

 Boa: similar to IDE (wxPython) of Delphi

 WingIDE: shared software

 Other editors: notepad++, editplus…

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Advantages of Python (1)
 Simple: Python is an ideal programming language of simplicity.
 Easy-to-learn: few key words, simple structure, and explicit syntax
 Open-source: Python is one of Free/Libre and Open-Source Software (FLOSS).
 Interpretability: Python program does not need to be compiled into binary code, and can
be directly run from source code.
 Transplantability: Python has been transplanted to multiple platforms thanks to its open-
source nature.
 The platforms include Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, Macintosh, Solaris, OS/2, Amiga,
AROS, AS/400, BeOS, OS/390, z/OS, Palm OS, QNX, VMS,Psion, Acom RISC OS,
VxWorks, PlayStation, Sharp Zaurus, Windows CE, and even Symbian and Android
developed by Google based on Linux.
 Scalability: If you want to speed up running of some key code or keep some algorithms
not open, you can write some programs using C or C++ and use them in Python.

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Advantages of Python (2)
 Advanced language: When you write a program in Python, you do not need to consider
the underlying-layer details, like how to manage the memory that your program uses.
 Embedded: Python can be embedded in a C or C++ program to provide scripting to
program users.
 Object-oriented: Python supports both process-oriented programming and object-
oriented programming. In a process-oriented language, a program is built from a
process or a function that is merely reusable code. In an object-oriented language,
programs are built from the combination of data and functionality.
 Rich libraries: The Python standard library is huge. It can help you with all kinds of work,
including regular expressions, document generation, unit tests, threads, databases, Web
browsers, CGI, FTP, e-mail, XML-RPC, HTML, WAV files, password systems, GUI, TK,
and other system-related operations.

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Features of Python Statements
 Dynamic: Objects (like attributes and methods) can be changed during execution.
 Python uses indentation instead of a pair of curly braces {} to divide a block of
 Multiple statements on one line are separated by “;”.
 The symbol used for commenting out a line is #, and doc string ("... ") is used to
comment out multiple lines.
 Variables do not need type definitions.
 Functional Programming (FP) is available.

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Popularity Ranking

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Differences Between Python 2 and
Python 3 (1)
 Python 3 cannot be backwards compatible with Python 2, which requires people to
decide which version of the language is to be used.

 Many libraries are only for Python 2, but the development team behind Python 3 has
reaffirmed the end of support for Python 2, prompting more libraries to be ported to
Python 3.

 Judging from the number of Python packages that are supported by Python 3,
Python 3 has become increasingly popular.

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Differences Between Python 2 and
Python 3 (2)
 print function

 Unicode

 Integer division

 Exceptions

 Xrange

 Data type

 Inequality operator

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Installing Python (1)
 For Linux users:
 Download the Python package and install it.
$tar –zxf python3.6.4.tar.gz
$cd Python3.6.4
$make && make install
 Create soft connections.
$mv /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/python.bak
$ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3.6.4
 Verify installation.
$python –V

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Installing Python (2)
 For Windows users:
 Download the official Python setup program.
 Select the latest Python Windows installer to download the .exe
installation file.
 Double-click the setup program, Python-3.x.exe.
 Add environment variables: Choose My Computer > Properties >
Advanced > Environment Variables, and enter your Python
installation location in path.
 Verify installation: Start > Program > Python 3.x > Start Python
command line, and then enter: print("Hello World"). If the output is
"Hello World", it indicates that the installation was successful.

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Starting Python
 Start Python on Linux:

 Start Python on Windows:

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Executing a Python Program
 Using command lines:
 On Linux:
 Enter a Python command in the Linux command line.

 On Windows:
 Enter a Python command on the DOS prompt.

 Using scripts:
 Store Python Statements in a script file and execute it in the command

Input: python

Output: hello world !

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 Vim is a lightweight IDE.

 If you do not install too many plug-ins or plug-in performance is

good, using VIM for development has a low requirement on

 Vim can achieve a consistent programming experience on local and

remote servers.

 Vim has an editing speed of "what you think is what you have”.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 21

1. Introduction to Python

2. Lists and Tuples

3. Strings

4. Dictionaries

5. Conditional and Looping Statements

6. Functions

7. Object-Oriented Programming

8. Date and Time

9. Regular Expressions

10. File Manipulation

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 22

 A list is an ordered set of elements that you can add and delete at
any time.

 The element types in the list can be different. You can access each
element in the list by index. The first digit of the index starts from 0,
and the reverse index starts from -1.

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Common Operations on Lists
 Access

 Update (append and insert)

 Delete elements (del)

 Operator on list script (+/*)

 List interception

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Functions of Python Lists
 cmp(list1, list2),

 len(list)

 max(list)

 min(list)

 list(seq)

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Methods of Python Listing
 list.append(obj)
 list.count(obj)
 list.extend(seq)
 list.index(obj)
 list.insert(index, obj)
 list.pop(obj=list[-1])
 list.remove(obj)
 list.sort([func])
 list.reverse()

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 Tuple is expressed using ().

 Like a list, a tuple cannot be modified once initialized, and the

elements need to be identified when a tuple is defined.

 A tuple does not have the append () or insert () method, nor can it be
assigned to another element. It has the same fetching methods as a

 Because a tuple is unchangeable, the code is more secure. Therefore,

if possible, use a tuple instead of a list.

 A tuple is simple to create. You only need to add elements to

parentheses and separate them with commas.

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Common Operations on Tuples
 Access

 Modify (tuple calculation)

 Delete (del tuple)

 Tuple operators (+,*)

 Tuple index and interception

 No-close separator

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Embedded Functions of Tuples
 cmp(tuple1, tuple2)

 len(tuple)

 max(tuple)

 min(tuple)

 tuple(seq)

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 29

1. Introduction to Python

2. Lists and Tuples

3. Strings
4. Dictionaries

5. Conditional and Looping Statements

6. Functions

7. Object-Oriented Programming

8. Date and Time

9. Regular Expressions

10. File Manipulation

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 30

Definition of a String
 In Python, a string is a sequence of 0 or more characters, and a string is
one of several sequences built in Python.

 In Python, strings are unchangeable, and are similar to string constants in

the C and C++ languages.

 Python strings may be expressed using single quotes, double quotes and
triple quotes, as well as escape characters, raw strings, and so on.

 name='JohnSmith‘

 name="Alice“

 name="""Bob"""

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 31

String Formatting (1)
 Python supports the output of formatted strings. Although a
complex expression may be used, the most basic use is to insert a
value into a string with the string format character %s.

 String formatting in Python is accomplished by the string formatting

operator (%), and its string conversion type table and its formatting
operator auxiliary instructions are shown in the following tables.

Input: print(“My name is %s and age is %d !” %(‘AI', 63))

Output: My name is AI and age is 63 !

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String Formatting (2)

Format Description

%c Character and its ASCII code

%s String
%d Signed integer (decimal)
%u Unsigned integer (decimal)
%o Unsigned integer (octal)
%x Unsigned integer (hexadecimal)
%X Unsigned integer (hexadecimal upper-case letters)
%e Floating number (scientific counting method)
%E Floating number (scientific counting method, E replacing e)
%f Floating number (decimal point sign)
%g Floating number (%e or %f, depending on a value)
%G Floating number (similar to %g)
%p Pointer (print memory address of a value using hexadecimal)

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String Formatting (2)
 Auxiliary commands for formatting operators:

Symbol Function

* Defines width or precision of the decimal point.

- Aligns to the left.

+ Displays + before a positive value.

<sp> Displays space before a positive value.

Displays 0 before an octal number or 0x or 0X before a hexadecimal value (depending on whether x

or X is used).

0 Adds 0 instead of default space before numbers.

% %% outputs a single %.

(var) Maps variables (dictionary arguments).

m.n m means the minimum width and n means the number of digits after the decimal point.

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String Operators
 Python does not have dedicated Char type and one character is a string
with a length of 1. Python strings are not changeable and do not end with
’\0’. A string is the sequence of a character and is stored in memory as

P y t h o n

Superscript 0 1 2 3 4 5

Subscript -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1

 In Python, subscripts start from 0. -1 indicates the subscript of the last

value in the sequence, 1 indicates the subscript of the second character, -2
indicates the subscript of the second to last character, and so on.

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String Methods
 You need to know the most useful built-in function of Python, dir, before
learning more about functions. You can use the dir function to check the
attributes and methods of Python strings.

>>> dir('')
['__add__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__ge__',
'__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__getnewargs__', '__getslice__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__',
'__le__', '__len__', '__lt__', '__mod__', '__mul__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__',
'__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__rmod__', '__rmul__', '__setattr__', '__str__', 'capitalize', 'center',
'count', 'decode', 'encode', 'endswith', 'expandtabs','find', 'index', 'isalnum', 'isalpha', 'isdigit',
'islower', 'isspace', 'istitle', 'isupper', 'join', 'ljust', 'lower', 'lstrip', 'partition', 'replace', 'rfind', 'rindex',
'rjust', 'rpartition', 'rsplit', 'rstrip', 'split', 'splitlines', 'startswith', 'strip', 'swapcase', 'title', 'translate',
'upper', 'zfill']

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String Modules
 In addition to the above mentioned attributes and methods, Python strings
also have a string module. You can also use the dir function to check
attributes and methods of the string module.

>>> import string

>>> dir(string)
[‘Template’, ‘_TemplateMetaclass’, ‘__builtins__’, ‘__doc__’, ‘__file__’, ‘__name__’, ‘_float’,
‘_idmap’, ‘_idmapL’, ‘_int’, ‘_long’, ‘_multimap’, ‘_re’, ‘ascii_letters’, ‘ascii_lowercase’,
‘ascii_uppercase’, ‘atof’, ‘atof_error’, ‘atoi’, ‘atoi_error’, ‘atol’, ‘atol_error’, ‘capitalize’, ‘capwords’,
‘center’, ‘count’, ‘digits’, ‘expandtabs’, ‘find’, ‘hexdigits’, ‘index’, ‘index_error’, ‘join’, ‘joinfields’,
‘letters’, ‘ljust’, ‘lower’, ‘lowercase’, ‘lstrip’, ‘maketrans’, ‘octdigits’, ‘printable’, ‘punctuation’,
replace‘, ’rfind‘, ’rindex‘, ’rjust‘, ’rsplit‘, ’rstrip‘, ’split‘, ’splitfields‘, ’strip‘, ’swapcase‘, ’translate‘, ’upp
er‘, ’uppercase‘, ’whitespace‘, ’zfill‘]

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 37

1. Introduction to Python

2. Lists and Tuples

3. Strings

4. Dictionaries
5. Conditional and Looping Statements

6. Functions

7. Object-Oriented Programming

8. Date and Time

9. Regular Expressions

10. File Manipulation

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 38

 A dictionary is another variable container model and can store any type of

 Each key value of the dictionary is separated with a colon “:" key value pairs
are separated by a comma "," and the entire dictionary is included in the
curly braces "{}".

 The key is generally unique, and the type of the key is unchangeable. If the
key repeats, the last key-value pair replaces the previous one. Key values
do not need to be unique, and can take any data type.

 A dictionary has the following format:

 d = {key1 : value1, key2 : value2 }

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Python Dictionary Operations
 Access

 Modify

 Delete

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Built-in Functions of Dictionaries

Function Meaning

cmp(dict1,dict2) Compares elements between dictionaries.

len(dict) Counts elements in a dictionary, or total number of keys.

str(dict) Outputs printable string expressions of a dictionary.

type(variable) Returns the types of input variables, and returns dictionary types if the
variables are dictionaries.

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Built-in Methods of Dictionaries

Method Description

has_key(x) Returns the value if the dictionary has a key x.

keys() Returns a key list of the dictionary.

values() Returns a value list of the dictionary.

items() Returns a tuple list. Each tuple includes a key and value pair of the dictionary.

clear() Clears all items in the dictionary.

copy() Returns a copy of the higher-layer structure of the dictionary. It does not copy the embedded
structure but only reference to the structure.

update(x) Updates the dictionary with key values in dictionary x.

get(x[,y]) Returns key x. It returns none if key x is not found and returns y if y is provided and x is not
pop() Deletes the value of a given key in the dictionary. It returns the deleted value and key value has
to be provided; otherwise, it returns the default value.
popitem() Randomly returns and deletes a key and value pair in the dictionary.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 42

1. Introduction to Python

2. Lists and Tuples

3. Strings

4. Dictionaries

5. Conditional and Looping Statements

6. Functions

7. Object-Oriented Programming

8. Date and Time

9. Regular Expressions

10. File Manipulation

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 43

if Statements
 Python supports three control structures: if, for, and while, but it does not
support switch statements in the C language.

 In Python programming, if statements are used to control execution of

control programs, and the basic form is:

Judging condition 1:

Statement 1…

Judging condition 2:

Statement 2…
Judging condition 3:

Statement 3…

Statement 4…

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while Statements
 The while statement in the Python language is used to execute a loop
program that, under certain conditions, loops through a program to handle
the same tasks that need to be repeated.
 When the condition of a while statement is never a Boolean false, the loop
will never end, forming an infinite loop, also known as a dead loop. You
can use the break statement in a loop to force a dead loop to end.
 How to use a while statement:

count = 0

while (count < 9):

print("The count is:", count)
count = count + 1

print("Good bye!")

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for Statements
 In the Python language, the for loop can traverse any items of a sequence,
such as a list, a dictionary, or a string.
 The for statement is different from a traditional for statement. The former
accepts an iterative object (such as a sequence or iterator) as its
argument, and one element is iterated each time.

for num in nums:

if num == 1:
elif num == 2:
print('break not triggered')

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Loop Nesting
 Python allows one loop to be nested in another loop.

 Syntax of for loop nesting:

for iterating_var in sequence:

for iterating_var in sequence:

 Syntax of while loop nesting:

while expression:
while expression:

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break and continue
 A break statement ends the entire loop, and if a break statement is
triggered, the loop else is not executed.
 A continue statement ends the ongoing iteration of the loop, and
begins the next iteration.
 If you use a nested loop, the break statement stops executing the
deepest loop and starts executing the next line of code.
 The continue statement tells Python to skip the remaining
statements of the current loop to proceed to the next round of
 Both the break and continue statements are available in the while
and for loops.
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 48
1. Introduction to Python

2. Lists and Tuples

3. Strings

4. Dictionaries
5. Conditional and Looping Statements

6. Functions
7. Object-Oriented Programming

8. Date and Time

9. Regular Expressions

10. File Manipulation

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Python Functions
 A function is a code segment that is organized, reusable, and used
to implement a single function or associated functions.

 Functions can improve the modularity of applications and reuse of


 Python provides a number of built-in functions, such as print(). You

can also create your own functions, which are called user-defined

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Defining a Function
 Define a function with the following rules:

 The function code block begins with a def keyword, followed by the function
name and parentheses ().

 Any incoming arguments and independent variables must be placed in the

middle of the parentheses. Parentheses can be used to define arguments.

 The first line of the function can selectively use the document string to hold
the description of the function.

 The function content starts with a colon and indents.

 return[expression] ends a function, and selectively returns a value to the

caller. Returning without an expression is equivalent to returning none.

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Calling a Function
 Defining a function gives only the function a name, specifies the
arguments contained in the function, and the code block structure.

 After the basic structure of this function is complete, you can

execute it through another function call, or you can execute it
directly from the Python prompt.

# Define a function
def test(str):
“print any incoming string"
return str;

# Call a function
test(“I want to call a user-defined function!”);
test(“call the same function again");

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Transferring Arguments
 In Python, a type belongs to an object, and a variable is of no type.

a = [1,2,3]
a = "Huawei"

 In the above code, [1,2,3] is the list type, "Huawei" is a string type,
and the variable a is of no type, which is only a reference (a pointer)
to an object, and can be a list type object, or a string type object.

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Argument Types
 The following are the formal argument types you can use when calling a
Python function:
 Essential argument: The essential arguments must pass in the function in the
correct order, and the number of arguments for calling should be the same as
 Keyword argument: Keyword arguments and functions are called closely, and
function calling uses keyword arguments to determine the values of incoming
 Default argument: When a function is called, if the value of the default argument
is not transferred, it is considered that a default value is used.
 Indefinite length argument: You may need a function to handle more arguments
than those originally stated. These arguments are called indefinite arguments and
are not named when they are stated.

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Anonymous Functions
 Python uses lambda to create anonymous functions:
 lambda is only an expression, and its function body is much simpler
than def.

 The body of lambda is an expression, not a block of code. Only limited

logic can be encapsulated in lambda expressions

 A lambda function has its own namespace and cannot access

arguments outside of its own argument list or in the global namespace.

 Although a lambda function may seem to write only one line, it is not
the same as the C or C ++ inline function, which is designed to call
small functions without consuming stack memory and therefore
increases operational efficiency.

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Global Variables and Local Variables
 A variable defined within a function has a local scope and is called
a local variable, and a variable defined beyond a function has a
global scope and is called a global variable.

 Local variables can only be accessed within the stated function,

and global variables are accessible within the entire program.

 When a function is called, all variable names stated within the

function are added to the scope.

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OS-Related Calling and Functions - sys
 System-related Information module sys.

 SYS.ARGV passes arguments from outside the program to the program.

 Sys.stdout, Sys.stdin, and Sys.stderr represent the standard input and output, the file object of
error output, respectively.

 Sys.stdin.readline () reads a line from the standard input and sys.stdout.write ("a") outputs a on
the screen.

 Sys.exit () exits the program.

 Sys.modules is a dictionary that holds all imported modules.

 Sys.platform Gets the running OS environment.

 Sys.path is a list that indicates the path to identify modules.

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OS-Related Calling and Functions - os
 os.environ contains the mapping between environment variables; os.environ["Home"] can get the value
of the environment variable Home.

 os.chdir (dir) changes the current working directory; os.chdir(‘d:\\outlook’).

 os.getcwd() gets the current directory.

 os.getegid () gets a valid group ID; Id;os.getgid () gets a valid group ID.

 os.getuid () gets a user ID; os.geteuid() gets a valid user ID.

 os.setegid () os.setegid () Os.seteuid () Os.setuid ().

 os.getgruops () gets a list of user group names.

 os.getlogin () gets the user login name.

 os.getenv () gets the environment variable.

 os.putenv () sets the environment variable.

 os.umask () sets the current permission mask and returns the previous permission mask. It is valid in
Unix and windows.

 os.system (cmd) uses system calls to run the cmd command.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 58

1. Introduction to Python

2. Lists and Tuples

3. Strings

4. Dictionaries
5. Conditional and Looping Statements

6. Functions

7. Object-Oriented Programming
8. Date and Time

9. Regular Expressions

10. File Manipulation

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 59

Object-Oriented Programming
 Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a program design philosophy. OOP takes
objects as the basic units of a program, and an object contains data and functions
that manipulate data.
 Process-oriented programming treats a computer program as a series of command
sets, that is, the sequential execution of a set of functions. In order to simplify
program design, process-oriented programming divides functions into sub functions,
that is, to reduce the system complexity by cutting block functions into smaller
 OOP treats computer programs as a collection of objects, and each object can
receive messages from other objects and process them. The execution of a
computer program is a series of messages passing between objects.
 In Python, all data types can be treated as objects, and objects can be customized.
The custom object data type is the concept of class in OOP.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 60

Object-Oriented Design Philosophy
 The idea of object-oriented design (OOD) derives from nature,
because the concepts of class and instance are natural.

 Class is an abstract concept. For example, our definition of class

“student” refers to the concept of student, and instances refer to
specific students such as Bart Simpson and Lisa Simpson.
Therefore, the object-oriented design philosophy is to abstract
classes and create instances according to classes.

 OOD has a higher abstraction than function because a class

contains data and methods of manipulating data.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 61

Relationship Between OOD and OOP
 OOD does not specifically require OOP languages. Actually, OOD can be
implemented by a purely structured language, such as C, but if you want to construct
data types that have the nature and characteristics of objects, you need to do more
work on the program. When OO features are built into a language, OOP will be more

 On the other hand, an OOP language does not necessarily force you to write OO-
related programs. For example, C++ can be taken as "better C"; Java, in turn,
requires that everything be classes, and that a source file corresponds to a class
definition. In Python, however, classes and OOP are not necessary for daily
programming. Although it was designed from the outset to be object-oriented and
structured to support OOP, Python does not qualify or require you to write OO code in
your application.

 OOP is a powerful tool, and no matter whether you are ready to enter, learn,
transition, or turn, OOP can be arbitrarily controlled.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 62

Common Python OOP Terms
 Abstract/Implementation

 Encapsulation/Interface

 Composition

 Derivation/Inheritance/Inheritance Structure

 Generalization/Specialization

 Polymorphism

 Introspection/Reflection

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 63

 A class is a data structure that can be used to define objects, which combine data
values with behavioral characteristics. A class is a real-world abstract entity that
appears in a programmatic fashion. Instances materialize these objects. As an
analogy, a class is a blueprint or a model used to produce real objects (instances).

 In Python, a class statement is similar to a function statement, with a corresponding

keyword in the first line, followed by a body of code as its definition, as follows:

def functionName(args):
‘function documentation string'

class ClassName(object):
‘Click class documentation string’

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 64

 Inheritance is a way to create a class. In Python, a class can inherit from one or
more parent classes. The original class is called a base class or a superclass.

 If there are several classes, and the classes have common variable attributes and
function properties, then you can extract these variable properties and function
properties as the base class properties. The special variable properties and function
properties are defined in this class so that the base class's variable properties and
function properties are accessible only if the base class is inherited. This increases
the scalability of code.

 Abstraction is the extraction of similar parts.

 A base class is a class that abstracts the properties that are common to multiple

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 65

Composition and Derivation
 Once a class is defined, the goal is to use it as a module and embed the objects into
your code, mixed with other data types and logic execution streams. There are two
ways to use classes in your code.
 The first way is the composition, which allows different classes to be mixed and added
to other classes to add functionality and code reusability. You can create an instance
of your own class in a larger class and implement some other properties and methods
to enhance the original class object.
 The other way is derivation, which means that a subclass derives a new property on
the basis of inheriting the parent class. A subclass may have a unique object that its
parent class does not have, or a subclass defines an object with a name repeated in
the parent class. A subclass is also called a derivation class.
 When there are significant differences between classes, composition behaves well;
but when you design the same class with different functions, derivation is a more
reasonable choice.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 66

 One of the more powerful aspects of OOP is the ability to use a well-defined class,
extend it, or modify it without affecting other snippets of code that use existing
classes in the system. OOD allows a class feature inheritance by a descendant
class or subclass. These subclasses inherit their core properties from the base
class (or ancestor class, superclass). Also, these derivations may be extended to
multiple generations.

 Related classes in a hierarchical derivation (or vertically adjacent to a class tree

diagram) are of parent and subclass relationships. These classes deriving from the
same parent class (or horizontally adjacent to the class tree diagram) are sibling
relationships. The parent class and all high-level classes are considered ancestors.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 67

 By default, properties are "public" in Python and can be accessed by the module in which the
class resides and by other modules that import the module in which the class resides. Many OO
languages add some visibility to the data, providing only the function to access its values.

 Most OO languages provide access control characters to qualify the access of member functions.

 Double underline (__)

 Python provides a preliminary form for the privacy of class elements (properties and
methods). Properties that start with a double underline are "confusing" at run time, and
therefore direct access is not allowed. Actually, it will precede the first name with an
underscore and a class name.

 Single underline (_)

 For simple module-level privatization, you only need to use a single underline character
before the property name. This prevents the properties of the module from being loaded with
the "from mymodule import *". This is strictly based on the scope, and therefore this is also
true for functions.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 68

1. Introduction to Python

2. Lists and Tuples

3. Strings

4. Dictionaries
5. Conditional and Looping Statements

6. Functions

7. Object-Oriented Programming

8. Date and Time

9. Regular Expressions

10. File Manipulation

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 69

Getting the Current Date and Time
 Let’s see how to get the current date and time.

>>> from datetime import datetime

>>> now = # Get the current datetime
>>> print(now)
2015-05-18 16:28:07.198690
>>> print(type(now))
<class ‘datetime.datetime’>

 Note that datetime is a module, and it also contains a datetime class. Only
the class imported by from datetime import datetime is the datetime class.
If you import only the import datetime, you need to refer to the full name
datetime.datetime. DateTime.Now () returns the current date and time, with
the type datetime.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 70

Converting datetime to timestamp
 In a computer, time is represented by numbers.

 We refer to the January 1, 1970 00:00:00 utc+00:00 time zone as epoch time, which is recorded as 0 (a negative
timestamp for before 1970), and the current time is the number of seconds relative to epoch time, called timestamp.
You can take that timestamp = 0 = 1970-1-1 00:00:00 utc+0:00. The corresponding Beijing time is: timestamp = 0 =
1970-1-1 08:00:00 utc+8:00. The value of the visible timestamp has nothing to do with the time zone, because once
the timestamp is determined, the UTC time is determined, and time in any timezone after conversion is determined.
That is why the current time that the computer stores is represented by timestamp. Because timestamps of the
computers around the world are the same at any given time, only the timestamp () method needs to be called to
convert a datetime type to timestamp.

>>> from datetime import datetime

>>> dt = datetime(2015,4,19,12,20) #Create using specified datetime
>>> dt.timestamp() #Convert datetime into timestamp

 Note that Python's timestamp is a floating-point number. If there are decimal places, the decimal places represent the
number of milliseconds.

 The timestamp of some programming languages, such as Java and JavaScript, uses integers to represent the
number of milliseconds, in which case a floating-point representation of Python can only be achieved by dividing the
timestamp by 1000.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 71

Converting timestamp to datetime
 To convert timestamp to datetime, use the fromtimestamp () method provided by datetime:

>>> from datetime import datetime

>>> t = 1429417200.0
>>> print(datetime.fromtimestamp(t))
2015-04-19 12:20:00

 Note that timestamp is a floating-point number, and it does not have the concept of a time zone,
but datetime has a time zone. Local time refers to the time zone set by the current operating
system. For example, the Beijing time zone is East 8, then local time: 2015-04-19 12:20:00. That
is, the time of the utc+8:00 time zone: 2015-04-19 12:20:00 utc+8:00. At the moment Greenwich
Standard Time and Beijing time offset by 8 hours. That is, time in utc+0:00 time zone should be:
2015-04-19 04:20:00 utc+0:00. Timestamp can also be converted directly to time in the UTC
standard time zone:
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> t = 1429417200.0
>>> print(datetime.fromtimestamp(t)) # local time
2015-04-19 12:20:00
>>> print(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t)) # UTC time
2015-04-19 04:20:00

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 72

Converting Local Time to UTC Time
 Local time is the time when the system sets the timezone. For example, Beijing time
is the UTC+8:00 time zone, and UTC time refers to the time of the utc+0:00 time
zone. A datetime type has a time zone attribute tainfo, but the default is None, and
therefore it is impossible to identify a time zone of the datetime, unless you force a
time zone for the datetime.
>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
>>> tz_utc_8 = timezone(timedelta(hours=8)) #create time UTC+8:00
>>> now =
>>> now
datetime.datetime(2015, 5, 18, 17, 2, 10, 871012)

>>> dt = now.replace(tzinfo=tz_utc_8) #force time zone as UTC+8:00 >>> dt

datetime.datetime(2015, 5, 18, 17, 2, 10, 871012, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(0, 28800)))

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 73

1. Introduction to Python

2. Lists and Tuples

3. Strings

4. Dictionaries
5. Conditional and Looping Statements

6. Functions

7. Object-Oriented Programming

8. Date and Time

9. Regular Expressions
10. File Manipulation

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 74

Regular Expressions (1)
 A regular expression is a string of characters and special symbols that describe a
pattern's repetition or multiple characters, and therefore a regular expression can
match a series of strings with similar characteristics in a pattern.

 Regular expressions provide the basis for advanced text pattern matching,
extraction, and/or text-style search and replace functions.

 Python supports regular expressions by using the re modules in the standard library.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 75

Regular Expressions (2)
 A regular expression is a special sequence of characters that can help you easily
check whether a string matches a pattern.

 The re module enables the Python language to have full regular expression

 The re module also provides functions that are identical to those of the methods,
which use a pattern string as their first argument.

 The compile function generates a regular expression object based on a pattern

string and an optional flag argument. This object has a series of methods for regular
expression matching and substitution.

 match attempts to match a pattern from the starting position of the string, and match
() returns none if the start position match succeeds.

 search scans the entire string and returns the first successful match.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 76

Matching Process for Regular Expressions
 The approximate matching process for regular expressions is to match characters
between regular expressions and texts. If each character matches, the match
succeeds, and the match fails if there is any character match failure.

Regular expression engine Objects obtained after the regular

expression engine compiles
expression strings, including
Regular expression text Compile information on how to match

Regular expression objects

Results obtained after the regular
Text to be matched expression objects match texts,
Match including the successful match
information, like matched strings,
Matching result groups and indexes in the text

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 77

re Modules
 Python provides support for regular expressions by using the re module.
 The general step in using re is to compile the string form of a regular expression
into a pattern instance, and then use the patterns instance to process the text and
get the matching result (a match instance), and finally use the match instance to
get the information and do other things.

import re

# Compile a regular expression into a patten object

pattern = re.compile(r'hello')

# Match text with pattern and return none if no match

match = pattern.match('hello world!')

if match:
# Get group information using match

# Output

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 78

re Module Functions and Regular
Expression Object Methods
Function/Method Description Example

Compiles a regular expression res = re.compile(".*")

compile(pattern,flag=0) pattern using any optional flag and print"abcd").group() abcd
returns regular expression objects.
match(pattern,string,flag=0) Matches from the start of string. res = re.match(".*","abcdxxxx")
search(pattern,string,flag=0) Matches from any position of string. res =".*",“xxxabcdxx") abcd
findall(pattern,string,flag=0) Finds all regular expression patterns res = re.findall("a", "abdadafaf") ['a','a','a','a']
in strings and returns a list.
finditer(pattern,string,flag=0) Finds all regular expression patterns res = re.finditer("a", "abdadafaf")
in strings and returns an iterator. print a
split(pattern,string,max=0) Splits a string into a list by regular re.split(",","li,yang,zhao") ['li','yang','zhao']
expression pattern.
sub(pattern,repl,string,count=0) Counts the positions with repl res = re.sub(",","-","l,y,z") l-y-z
regular expressions in strings.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 79

Common Object Matching Methods
Function/Method Description Example Result
group(num=0) Returns the entire match Print(re.match(“.*”,“abcdxxxx”).group()) abcdxxxx
object or a numbered group.
groups(default=None) Returns a tuple with all Print("(\w\w\w)-(\d\d\d)","abc-
groups. 123").groups()) ('abc', '123')
Returns a dictionary with all res ="(?P<lamb>\w\w\w)-
groupdict(default=None) matched named groups (?P<num>\d\d\d)","abc-123") {'lamb':'abc', 'num':
(names are key values). Print(str(res.groupdict())) '123'}
re.i,re.IGNORECASE res"abc","aBcxx",re.I)
Ignore the upper and lower Print( aBc
Performs matching by using res ="\w\w\w","aBcxx",re.L)
re.L,re.LOCAL \w, \W,\b,\B,\s,\S based on Print( aBc
the local language
Respectively matches start res ="^aB","aBcxx",re.M)
re.M,re.MULTILINE and end of target strings with Print( aB
^ and $, but not exact start
and end of strings.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 80

 This method is the factory method of the pattern class, which is used to compile a regular
expression in a string as a patterns object. The second argument flag is a matching pattern,
which can be used by bitwise or operator ' | ', meaning that it takes effect at the same time, such
as re.I | re.M. Alternatively, you can specify patterns in the regex string, such as
e.compile('pattern', re.I | re.M), which is equivalent to re.compile(‘(?im)pattern’).

 Optional values:
 re.I(re.IGNORECASE): ignores case

 M(MULTILINE): multi-line mode, changing behavior of’^’ and ’$’.

 S(DOTALL): dot all match mode, changing behavior of’.’

 L(LOCALE): makes predefined string classes \w \W \b \B \s \S depend on setting of a current area.

 U(UNICODE): makes predefined string classes \w \W \b \B \s \S \d \D depend on character properties defined

by unicode.

 X(VERBOSE): verbose mode. In this mode, regular expressions can be multi-lined, space characters are
ignored, and comments can be added.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 81

 A pattern object is a compiled regular expression that can be matched to a search
by a series of methods provided by pattern.

 Pattern cannot be directly instantiated and must be constructed using re.compile().

 Pattern provides several readable properties for getting information about an


 pattern: an expression string used during compilation.

 flags: a matching pattern for compilation, which has a digital form.

 groups: the number of groups in an expression.

 groupindex: A dictionary with the alias of an alias group in an expression as the

key and the group number as the value. Groups with no alias are excluded.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 82

match (1)
 The match object is a matching result that contains a lot of information about the match, and you
can use the readable properties or methods provided by match to get that information.

 Match attributes:
 string: The text to be used for matching.
 re: The pattern object used for matching.
 pos: The index in which the regular expression begins the search. The value is the same as
the argument with the same name for the Pattern.match () and Pattern.seach () method.
 endpos: The index in which the regular expression ends the search. The value is the same
as the argument with the same name for Pattern.match () and Pattern.seach () methods.
 lastindex: The index of the last captured group in text. If no groups are captured, it will be
 lastgroup: The alias of the last captured group. If this group has no alias or is not a captured
group, it will be none.

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match (2)
 match methods:
 group([group1, ...]): Gets a string that is intercepted from one or more groups, and returns a tuple when
multiple arguments are specified. group1 can use the number or alias, and number 0 represents the entire
matched substring. It returns group(0) if no argument is filled, none for groups without string interception, and
the last intercepted substring for groups with repeated string interceptions.
 groups([default]): Returns intercepted strings of all groups in a tuple form. It is equivalent to calling
group(1,2,... last). default indicates that a group with no intercepted string is substituted with this value, and it
defaults to none.
 groupdict ([default]): Returns a dictionary with the alias of an alias group as the key and the substring
intercepted from the group as the value. A group without alias is excluded. default has the same meaning.
 start ([group]): Returns the start index (the index of the first character of the substring) of the intercepted
substring in string for the specified group. group defaults to 0.
 end ([group]): Returns the end index (the index of the last character of the substring + 1) of the intercepted
substring in string for the specified group. group defaults to 0.
 span ([group]): Returns (start(group), end (group)).
 expand (template): Converts a matched group into a template and returns the conversion result. In template,
id or g<id>, g <name> can be used for reference, but number 0 cannot be used. id<id> is equivalent to g<id>,
but \10 will be considered as the 10th group. If you want to express \1 followed by character ' 0 ', you can only
use /g<1>0.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 84

Special Symbols and Characters -
Symbols (1)
Symbol Description Matched Expression

literal Matches literal values of text“foo”,”xxxfooxxx”) foo

re1|re 2 Matches regular expressions“foo|bar”,”xxxfooxxx”) foo
re1 or re2.
. Matches any character“b.b”,”xxxbobxxx”) bob
(except \n).
^ Matches string start."^b.b", "bobx xx") bob

$ Matches string end."b.b$","xx xbob") bob

* Matches regular expressions res="bob*","bobbo") Bobb

that appear none or many res1=".*","bobboddd") bobboddd
times (from string start).
+ Matches regular expressions res="bob+","xxxxbobbbbob") bobbbb
that appear once or many

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 85

Special Symbols and Characters -
Symbols (2)
Symbol Description Matched Expression
? Matches regular"bob?","bobbod") bob
expressions that do not
appear or appear once.
{N} Matches regular"bob{2}","bobbbbod") bobb
expressions that appear N
{M,N} Matches regular"bob{2,3}","bobbbbod") bobbb
expressions that appear
M to N times.
[…] Matches any character res="[b,o,b]","xxbobxx") b
from a character set.

[..X-Y..] Matches any character in res="[a-z]","xxbobxx") x

the x to y range.
[^…] Does not match any res="[^a-z]","xx214bobxx") 2
character in a string,"[^2,x,1]","xx214bobxx") 4
including those in a range.

(*|+|{})? Matches non-greedy res=".[+|?]?[1-9]","ds4b") s4

versions of symbols that
appear frequently or

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 86

Special Symbols and Characters -
Character Description Matched Expression
\d Any decimal number (\D does"xx\dxx","oxx4xxo") xx4xx
not match any decimal number).
\w Matches any letter or number (\W"xx\w\wxx","oxxa4xxo") xxa4xx
means no match).
\s Matches any space character (\S"xx\sxx","oxx xxo") xx xx
means no match).
\b Matches any letter boundary (\B"\bthe","xxx the xxx") the
means reverse).
\N Matches saved sub-group.

\c Matches any special character c"\*","x\*x") *

one by one.
\A(\Z) Matches string start (or end)."\ADear","Dear Mr.Li") Dear

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 87

1. Introduction to Python

2. Lists and Tuples

3. Strings

4. Dictionaries
5. Conditional and Looping Statements

6. Functions

7. Object-Oriented Programming

8. Date and Time

9. Regular Expressions

10.File Manipulation

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 88

Python File Manipulation
 File manipulation is of great importance to programming languages, and
information technologies will be meaningless if data cannot be persistently
read, saved, or used.

 Common types of file manipulation include opening and closing files,

reading and writing files, and backing up files.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 89

File Manipulation (1)
 Opening a file
‘file name’,’access mode’)
 Common access modes:

Access Description

r Opens a file only for reading.

w Opens a file only for writing.

a Opens a file only for addition.

rb Opens a file using the binary format only for reading.

wb Opens a file using the binary format only for writing.

ab Opens a file using the binary format only for addition.

r+ Opens a file for reading.

w+ Opens a file for writing.

a+ Opens a file for addition.

rb+ Opens a file using the binary format for reading.

wb+ Opens a file using the binary format for writing.

ab+ Opens a file using the binary format for addition.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 90

File Manipulation (2)
 Writing data:

f = open(“name.txt”,“w”)

 Reading data:

f = open(“name.txt”,“r”)

lines = f.realines()
for line in lines:

 Closing a file:


Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 91

Renaming Files in a Batch
 Get the target folder:
 dirName = input(“enter specified folder:”).

 Get names of files in the target folder:

 fileNames = dirName.listdir(dirName).

 os.chdir(dirName).

 Rename
 for name in fileNames.

 os.rename(name,“zhangsan”+name).

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 92

Other File Manipulation Functions
 Writing and reading files:

 f.write("a") f.write (str) writes a string f.writeline (). f.readlines () is similar to the following read

 reads all. (size) reads characters of the size number from a file.

 f.readline() reads a line, and returns an empty string to the file end. f.readlines() reads all,
and returns a list. Each element of the list represents a row containing the " \n” \.

 f.tell() returns the current file read location.

 (off, where) locates the file read/write location. off represents an offset, a positive
number means offset to the file end, and a negative number means offset to the file start.

 where: 0 means counting from the beginning, 1 means counting from the current position,
and 2 means counting from the end.

 f.flush() flushes the cache.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 93

1. Python is an object-oriented programming language. Which of the following are
Python objects? ( )

A: function

B: module

C: number

D: string

2. Which of the following are not Python file object manipulations? ( )

A: open

B: delete

C: read

D: write

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 94

Summary of the Chapter
 This course focuses on the Python language and its basic syntax, such as
the Python compilation environment and installation of digital expressions,
variables, statements, strings, access to user input, functions, modules and
other common operations.

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 95

More Information
 Official site:
 Python Standard Library

 References

 Learning Python

 Python Standard Library

 Programming Python

Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Page 96

Recommended for Learning
 Huawei e-learning site:

 Huawei knowledge base on the support website:


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