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Flutter - Reducing The Risk

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The article discusses the causes of flutter which include elastic properties, inertia effects, and aerodynamic effects. It also discusses ways to reduce flutter risk such as proper control surface balancing and not exceeding redline speeds.

Flutter is caused by a combination of elastic properties, inertia effects, and aerodynamic effects interacting in a way that extracts energy from the airstream. The natural frequencies of different aircraft structures can combine to cause flutter if certain speeds are exceeded.

There are two main types of flutter testing: ground vibration testing and flight testing where attempts are made to induce flutter up to 11% above redline speed. Ground vibration testing can identify potential flutter modes while flight testing verifies the design is free from flutter.

Reducing the Risk of

Its causes and potentially catastrophic effects


58 DECEMBER 2003

egend has it that the famed Wisconsin air racer Steve Wittman
used to check his racing airplanes for flutter by making high-
speed passes just above frozen Lake Winnebago. His reasoning was
that if he experienced flutter, he could quickly land and slide to a
stop on the lake.
You won’t find any flight-test manual recommending this proce-
dure, but in the 1930s, as racers pushed the performance envelope,
Sport Aviation 59
Whether you’re building your own design or someone
else’s, you need to do what you can to ensure that
your airplane will never experience this destructive


designers knew that flutter was a The amplitude of oscillation (at the inches hang over the edge. While
dangerous thing, even though they critical flutter speed) following an holding it down, pull up and release
may not have completely under- initial disturbance will be main- the overhanging end. You will see
stood it. Flight-testing was the main tained. At a higher speed these and hear the yardstick oscillate.
way they had to show that their amplitudes will increase.” Repeat the experiment with a 12-
designs were free from flutter. You’ll probably not want to use inch overhang and you’ll see and
Fortunately, a lot of research has this definition when explaining to hear that it oscillates at a lower fre-
been done since then, enabling your spouse why a flag flutters in a quency.
designers and builders to reduce the stiff breeze! However, this long defi- Each type of motion that an
risk of potentially catastrophic flut- nition describes the causes of flutter, object experiences is called a mode,
ter. so let’s dig them out to see what and it usually takes two or more
Let’s take a look at some of the roles they play and how to mini- modes acting together to have flut-
causes of flutter and how to reduce mize the risk. The three factors that ter. The yardstick experiment is an
the risk of it. A new spreadsheet to can combine together and cause example of a bending mode. We
help estimate the amount of control flutter are: could have also twisted and released
surface balance needed is available ■ Elastic properties of the struc- the yardstick and it would have
for download from the EAA website ture oscillated at some torsional frequen-
at Just click on the EAA ■ Inertia effects cy—an example of a torsion mode.
Sport Aviation cover and scroll down ■ Aerodynamic effects An airplane’s fuselage, wing, and
to the December links. tail surfaces can all oscillate in these
Elastic Properties: Most objects two modes. An airplane’s critical
What Causes Flutter are flexible and will oscillate, or flutter speed is a function of the nat-
The FAA defines flutter as: “The vibrate, at their natural frequency if ural frequency of its various parts,
unstable, self-excited oscillation of acted on by a force. This natural fre- and all things being equal, a higher
an airfoil and its associated struc- quency is a function of the object’s natural frequency leads to a higher
ture, caused by a combination of geometry, weight, and material critical flutter speed. It is the design-
aerodynamic, inertia, and elastic properties. You can demonstrate er’s goal to ensure that critical flut-
effects in such a manner as to this with the following experiment. ter speed for each of the possible
extract energy from the airstream. Put a yardstick on a table and let 6 flutter modes is higher than the
60 DECEMBER 2003
maximum dive speed of the air-
Conventional fuselages with tail
surfaces attached directly to the
tailcone are usually pretty stiff in
bending and torsion. This is good,
because higher stiffness leads to a
higher natural frequency. A pod
and boom fuselage, on the other
hand, tends to be more flexible
because the boom has a smaller
smaller cross section. Designers
who use a pod and boom arrange-
ment should keep this in mind and
try to use as stiff a boom as possible.
Moveable control surfaces and
trim tabs increase the number of
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modes, and the list of possible
mode combinations that could active matrix LCD. Positioning, data link weather, traffic and
cause flutter gets long quickly. terrain, all on an affordable high-resolution and user-friendly
Fortunately, the interaction of display. Optional VFR GPS. Give us a call at 1-877-712-2386
these different modes is pretty well
understood, and following good or 1-913-712-2613 or visit our website
design and building practices can at
minimize the risk of flutter. for more information.
An airplane’s structural material
also helps determine the airframe’s
elastic properties. Researchers have
pulled, bent, and twisted the differ-
ent materials we use to build air-
planes in order to determine their
limits. Two of these material prop-
erties are the modulus of elasticity
and the shear modulus. Each is a
measure of a material’s “springi-
ness,” with the first indicating how
much the material will bend and
the second how much it will twist
when a load is applied. A higher
modulus means higher stiffness,
which is desirable for reducing the
risk of flutter.
Some materials have modulus
values much higher than others.
For example, fiberglass is a strong
material, but its modulus values are
less than 50 percent than the values
of aluminum. This means that a
fiberglass wing designed to the
same strength levels as an alu-
minum wing would be roughly
twice as flexible.
One reason why composite air-
craft have the plies of glass on the
skins and spar webs oriented at
roughly 45 degrees is to help
For more information, visit SPORT AVIATION on the Web at
Sport Aviation 61
improve their torsional stiffness. surfaces is important for reducing trol surfaces—they’re aluminum!
Carbon fiber has much higher mod- the risk of flutter, so it is desirable to
ulus values than fiberglass, which is skin them with something that is Inertia Effects: Inertia is the
one reason why it’s often used on light and stiff. From a cost and resistance of an object to change
the control surfaces and wing skins weight standpoint, aluminum and direction and the heavier the object,
of high-performance composite air- plywood are hard to beat. The next the higher the inertia. Inertia effects
craft. time you see the largely composite depend on the weight and location
The torsional stiffness of control Cirrus SR-22, take a look at its con- of the airplane’s individual pieces.
These effects are actually
Figure 1 closely tied to the airplane’s
elastic characteristics. You
can see this by repeating the
yardstick experiment and
attaching a pair of vise grips
to the overhanging end.
With the added mass the
Wing Accelerating Up yardstick will now vibrate at
a much lower frequency
than before. Without the
vise grips, when the yard-
stick reaches its maximum
deflection, it immediately
Steady Flight wants to spring back in the
opposite direction. With the
vise grips, the yardstick is
not as anxious to change
directions and consequently
results in a lower oscillating
frequency. This is not good;
Wing Accelerating Down we want the natural frequen-
cy to be higher, not lower.
An aviation example
would be installing outboard
Figure 2 fuel tanks (either internally
or as tip tanks). Like the vise
grips, the tanks would alter
Hinge Line the wing’s natural frequency
and could reduce the critical
flutter speed. A T-tail is
another “vise grip” example.
Designers using this configu-
CG of Part X ration must ensure that both
the vertical fin and tailcone
(or boom) are as stiff as pos-
sible to reduce the possibility
of the fuselage fluttering in
Y torsion and the vertical fin in
bending. T-tail sailplanes
often have the horizontal tail
mounted to the forward part
+ X Direction of the vertical fin to put it
ahead of the fin’s elastic axis
and thereby reduce the ten-
dency of flutter.
Axis Line So far our discussion
about inertia effects has been
62 DECEMBER 2003
limited to the airplane’s fixed struc-
ture, but we can’t forget the rudder,
elevator, and ailerons. Their inertia
effects play a critical role in whether
the airplane will have flutter prob-
lems. To see why, look at Figure 1.
The middle airfoil represents the
outboard portion of a wing in
steady flight. The circle on the
aileron represents its center of grav-
ity, which on unbalanced control
surfaces is usually aft of the hinge
line. Let’s assume the airplane
encounters a strong upward ther-
mal that suddenly deflects the wing
upward. Recalling that inertia is the
resistance of an object to change
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the aileron would tend to lag using FAA TIS technology — the new, free Traffic Information
behind the upward moving wing, as Service. Call 1-877-712-2386 or 1-913-712-2613 or visit our
shown in the top of Figure 1.
website at
To the oncoming air, the lagging
aileron looks like a deflected flap, for more information.
which increases its lift and a ten-
dency to twist the wing’s outboard
section. At some point the wing’s
stiffness will stop this deflection
and the wingtip will rebound in a
downward motion. The aileron
again lags behind the wing, as
shown in the bottom of the figure,
and the upward deflected aileron Quieter • Safer • Painless
will decrease the lift and increase
the tendency to twist the leading “To fly over 19,000 miles in 81 hours
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ness again prevails and sends the never experienced such seat comfort.”
wing springing back upward.
“The difference in comfort and sound
This combined bending and tor-
sion motion will eventually damp-
levels since Oregon Aero worked their
en out if the airplane is flying magic on my helmet and headset is
below the critical flutter speed for nothing short of fantastic!”
this type of interaction. If the air- photo courtesy B. Bohannon Bruce Bohannon
plane is flying above this speed, the
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oscillation will feed on the energy
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Sport Aviation 63
When it comes to preventing control surface flutter,
there are two types of control surface balance to consider:
static and dynamic.


dients of the flutter recipe. The air Reducing the Risk of Flutter diameter push/pull tubes has an
rushing past an airplane in flight Whether you’re building your own advantage over a cable system.
provides a large source of energy, design or someone else’s, you need Reference 1 recommends that
which an oscillating wing or con- to do what you can to ensure that with one aileron clamped to the
trol surface can tap into. This ener- your airplane will never experience wing, the total free play at the trail-
gy source is proportional to the air- this destructive phenomenon. Years ing edge of the other aileron should
speed squared, so a slow airplane of research and cumulative flight not exceed a distance equal to 2.5
will have a reduced tendency to experience have provided us with percent times the average aileron
flutter. (Notice I didn’t say zero ten- good recommendations for reduc- chord (measured aft of the hinge
dency.) ing the risk of flutter. line). Excessive slop in the aileron
Wind gusts and buffeting due to control system can aggravate the
separated flow can also provide a Aerodynamic: The aerodynamic condition shown in Figure 1.
pulsing force to initiate flutter. As shape of the control surface can Similarly, the total free play in
long as these disturbances happen influence an airplane’s tendency to trim tabs should also not exceed 2.5
below the critical flutter speed, flutter. Control surfaces with flat or percent times the average trim tab
aerodynamic forces and structural concave sides are more flutter resist- chord. The trim tabs should also be
stiffness should dampen any result- ant than those with convex (slight- irreversible, meaning that they
ing oscillations out. At higher alti- ly bulging) contours. Another trick should only move by using the trim
tudes the air is less dense and con- some designers use to reduce the wheel or switch, not by applying a
sequently the aerodynamic damp- risk of control surface flutter is to load to the tab itself. Finally, the
ening is also reduced. Also, an air- bevel the trailing edge slightly. interconnection between elevator
plane flying at high altitude and surfaces should be as torsionally stiff
high airspeed can start experienc- Control System Rigidity: Free as possible. Using a large diameter
ing compressibility over portions play in the control system should be elevator interconnect tube is a way
of the wing or tail due to the local reduced to a minimum. Hinges and to help achieve this.
flow reaching a high Mach num- control connections should not
ber. This can result in aerodynamic have excess slop, and control cables Control Surface Balance: The
buffeting that can cause control should be at their proper tension. most effective way to reduce the risk
surfaces downstream to start From a potential flutter standpoint, of control surface flutter is to use an
vibrating. a control system that uses large appropriate amount of control sur-
64 DECEMBER 2003
face balance. Flaps are normally not essary balancing weight in the sur- of vibration, and you may recall
balanced because of their inboard face’s leading edge or on an extend- that it usually takes two modes
location, but the ailerons, elevator, ed arm. Designers, however, like interacting to start flutter.
and rudder often have some adding weight to their airplanes as Another way to reduce the
amount of leading edge balance much as pilots like paying user’s amount of balance weight is to
weights. fees, so they often try to make the design the control surface to be stat-
It’s true that some airplanes control surfaces as light as possible. ically underbalanced and ensure
don’t have any leading edge bal- This is one reason why so many that it has a proper amount of
ance weights on their control sur- World War II fighters, like the F4U dynamic balance. Reference 3 states
faces, and they don’t have flutter Corsair, had fabric covered control that this is okay as long as the max-
problems. Often they are slower air- surfaces. imum dive speed is less than 300
planes with fabric-covered control A control surface is dynamically mph. Above this speed, it recom-
surfaces whose center of gravity balanced about an axis (like the cen- mends that all control surfaces be
tends to be close to the hinge line. terline through an airplane) if an both statically and dynamically bal-
But, just because some “slow” air- angular acceleration about this axis anced.
planes haven’t had flutter problems does not tend to cause the control Dynamic balance depends on the
doesn’t mean that others won’t, so surface to rotate about its hinge weight of each control surface part,
designers of slow airplanes can’t line. For example, if a wing is oscil- as well as their center of gravity’s
just assume their designs will be lating up and down in bending, the location with respect to the hinge
flutter free. outer portion of the wing is experi- line and axis of rotation. The
The FAA’s predecessor, the CAA, encing a larger angular acceleration amount of dynamic balance can be
provided information (References 1- than the inner portion. If the determined experimentally (as
3) that is still useful to help design- aileron is not dynamically balanced, shown in Reference 1) or calculated
ers estimate the amount of control this wing flapping can cause the if you know the weight and CG
surface balance needed to reduce aileron to start rotating about its locations of each of the parts. Figure
the risk of flutter. The FAA still hinge line. Now there’s two modes 2 shows the dimensions needed to
allows Reference 1 to be used for
certified airplanes, provided that it
meets a whole slew of criteria (see
FAR 23.629 for more details).
When it comes to preventing
control surface flutter, there are two
types of control surface balance to
consider: static and dynamic. Static
balance deals with whether a con-
trol surface balances about its hinge
line. A surface is completely bal-
anced if it’s balanced about its hinge
line. It’s underbalanced if its trailing
edge is heavy and overbalanced if its
leading edge is heavy. This is the
type of balancing that most builders
or restorers are familiar with, and
the plans or manual for their air-
plane should provide information
on how the control surfaces are to
be balanced. Don’t forget that
repainting your airplane can change
the balance on its control surfaces
due to the added weight of the
paint, so be sure that they are prop-
erly balanced before flying.
Because a control surface’s struc-
ture is mostly aft of its hinge line,
airplanes that require static bal-
anced surfaces often locate the nec-
For more information, visit SPORT AVIATION on the Web at
Sport Aviation 65
estimate the dynamic balance of a should, for preliminary design pur- equipment vibrates various parts of
control surface, which can then be poses, make sure the control sur- an airplane at different frequencies.
calculated using the following equa- faces are both statically and The results can be used to identify
tion: dynamically balanced. Then it the possible flutter modes and fre-
would still be advisable to seek out quencies and also to correlate
Dynamic Balance Coefficient = an experienced flutter expert to dynamic computer models.
Σ Part Weight x X x Y run a ground vibration test on your The second involves diving the
design. Modern structural analysis airplane to a speed 11 percent faster
Σ Part Weight x X x X programs can also be useful to do than the redline speed while,
The top half of the equation is preliminary flutter estimates for according to FAR 23.629, “proper
called the product of inertia and the unconventional designs. and adequate attempts” to induce
bottom half the mass moment of We saw that locating the balance flutter have been made. See
inertia. The Σ symbol represents the weight at the tip will usually result References 5 and 6 for more infor-
total sum for each part in the con- in the least amount of weight mation on both of these types of
trol surface. X values are positive for needed, but such an installation tests.
distances aft of the hinge line, and Y does require that the control sur- Flutter is serious business, but
values are positive when they are face be very stiff in torsion. Some your chances of ever experiencing
above (or outboard) the axis line. A designers instead prefer to locate it can be reduced by using good
control surface is dynamically bal- the balance weight in the outboard design practices, or by following
anced when the sum in the top of portion of the leading edge. the designer’s or manufacturer’s
the equation is equal to zero. A neg- Wherever the location, it is balance requirements for your air-
ative coefficient means the surface extremely important to make sure plane, and finally by flying at or
is overbalanced and a positive coef- that the balance weight attach below redline speed. Design, build,
ficient when it is underbalanced. structure is both strong and stiff. A and fly safely!
According to the equation, when balance weight attached to a flimsy
a balance weight is located out at arm can end up causing more
the tip, the value of X times Y is problems than it solves. The FAA More at
very negative, and consequently is a requires that the attach structure
very effective way to make the top for balance weights be able to sup-
Click on the EAA Sport Aviation
part of the equation equal to zero. port that weight times the follow- cover and scroll down to the
When the balance weights are out- ing LIMIT load factors: December links.
board, the result can be a control ■ 24 g normal to the plane of
surface that is dynamically balanced the control surface References
yet statically underbalanced. ■ 12 g fore and aft Airframe and Equipment
However, there is a limit to the ■ 12 g parallel to the hinge line Engineering Report #45,
amount of static underbalance that These should be the minimum “Simplified Flutter Prevention
a control surface should have, even limits for homebuilt airplanes also. Criteria for Personal Type
with the correct amount of dynam- Finally, if you’re building a Aircraft.”
ic balance, and Reference 3 recom- proven design and can verify that Civil Aeronautics Manual
mends that the center of gravity the designer or manufacturer has (CAM) 04, “Airplane
should never be aft of 15 percent of demonstrated that the airplane is Airworthiness,” 1944,
the control surface chord. free from flutter at least 11 percent http://dotlibrary.specialcollec-
Through flight experience and above redline speed (VNE), don’t
testing in the 1930s through the change the control surface balance ANC-12, Vibration and Flutter
1950s, researchers determined the weight or their locations. If you do, Prevention Handbook, 1948.
acceptable amount of dynamic bal- you might inadvertently increase Aircraft Vibration and Flutter,
ance for the various control sur- the risk of flutter in an otherwise Freberg, C. and Kemler, E., John
faces, which are presented in safe design. Don’t second-guess the Wiley and Sons, 1944.
References 1–3. Note that these cri- designer unless you know what “The New Look on the Turner
teria are based on airplanes using you are doing! T-40 and Thorp T-18”, Thorp,
construction methods popular in John and Turner, Eugene, EAA
that era and having “convention- Flutter Testing Sport Aviation, August 1969.
al” tail surfaces and fuselages. There are two types of testing Understanding Flutter, Thorp,
Those interested in designing an used to check if an airplane will John and Sunderland, Lu, EAA
all-composite airplane—one with have flutter problems. The first is a Sport Aviation, September 1976.
pod and boom fuselage or a T tail— ground vibration test, where special
66 DECEMBER 2003

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