Echelmeyer 2008
Echelmeyer 2008
Echelmeyer 2008
Abstract - Robotics-logistics can be understood as the field product life cycle, which add new features to the products by
of activities in which applications of industrial robot-technologies means of value added actions of the production or service
are offered and demanded in order to ensure the optimization of areas. The so called entities of these networks can be
internal material flows. According to a survey conducted by described as logistic factories. From a macroscopic
BIBA in 2007, the area of robotics-logistics has great need for perspective their field of activities and their operational
sequences cover three areas: the input of commodities and
Robotics-Logistics activities can be classified in several scenarios
as unloading / loading of goods and palletizing / depalletizing of goods, the provision of value added services (the so called
goods. Possible scenarios for research and development activities through put) and output to the next station of the supply chain.
within theses fields are given. A closer view of a logistic factory shows a variety of different
processes. Business processes significantly characterize the
Index Terms – Robotic-Logistics, Automation operative corporate task of an organization. As a result,
I. INTRODUCTION processes vary in different countries, between different
branches and also between different companies within one
Since 1950 more and more automated applications have
branch. Therefore the efficient implementation of productive
been implemented in the area of logistics. They have taken
business processes is especially important for a strong
over internal tasks such as transport, handling, storage and
competitive position. The term logistic factory describes
packaging, especially in tasks where the intelligence of the
companies that only carry out logistic activities (i.e.
system did not play as important a role [1]. For example
distribution or warehousing) or those with mostly classical
conveying smalls via long ranges or lifting them onto other
production that have logistic functions (i.e. component
levels are typical applications of the early automation.
manufacturing, assembly or food production, etc.) [4].
Further applications were the palletizing of consumer
Within the research institute BIBA at the University of
goods like cans and boxes with simple handling equipment.
Bremen scientists have the vision of the future factory of
Parallel to this the automation in production processes
logistics in which the material flow and information flow of a
proceeded in a faster way. The automotive industry was using
logistic factory is optimized. The future factory of logistics
industrial robots since then for a large variety of tasks. They
has three main areas of activity, which are important for an
took over heavy labor such as welding or moving and placing
institute of any university to give contribution to the objective:
parts. For this reason the focus of industrial robots was on the
• Research and development
automobile and supplier industry until a couple of years ago,
• Consulting
but with progresses in technology in recent years the industrial
• Education of students
robots now offer new possibilities. In the meantime they have
The research and development of the future factory of
found their way into nearly every field including logistics. [2]
logistics is mainly concerned with robotics-logistics and
The increased implementation of industrial robot
informatics-logistics. Robotics-logistics can be understood as
technology in logistics offers great potential for the
the field of activities in which applications of industrial robot-
optimization of transport and handling frequencies as a result
technologies are offered and demanded in order to ensure the
of continuous automation throughout the logistics network
optimization of internal material flows.
First an overview is given to define the wording for III. ROBOTICS-LOGISTICS
automation in logistics, which starts with logistic networks
Before Robotics-Logistics is focused in detail, it is
and ends with robotic-logistics. In the second section a
necessary to mark Robotics-Logistics off with adjacent
detailed description of the challenges and driving forces to
logistics areas as service logistics and intralogistics.
enforce the automation of logistic processes.
“Service logistics include the complete planning, controlling,
II. ROBOTICS-LOGISTICS IN THE FIELD OF LOGISTICS realization and testing of all institution internal and
overlapping flow of goods and personnel“[5]. It provides
A logistic network describes the way of a product from its
process and customer-oriented solutions and necessary
origins to the finished product and recycling after its use.
potential factors for complete and partial systems for service
Various organizations and companies are involved in this
providers and their networks. A noticeable growth has been combination of different information- and operation
registered in the logistic service market (3.5 percent) and also technologies.
in the whole logistics market (2.1 percent) [6]. 3. The rearrangement of resources which leads to a
”Intralogistics includes [...] the organization, control, humanization of workstations.
realization and optimization of internal material flow and A. Potentials of Robotics-Logistics
logistics, information flow and stock turnover for industry, Regarding the increasing competition and ever scarcer
commerce and public institutions” is the official definition by resources, industrial robot technology can be an instrument to
the Industrial Union of Material Handling and Logistic exhaust innovation potentials. For service logisticians it offers
Systems and of the intralogistics forum of the VDMA [7]. further potential in connection with other technologies, for
This area includes a variety of technologies and the market example progressive value added services. Furthermore, the
shows that the turnover of German intralogistic manufacturers implementation of robot systems can lead to an innovative
has increased by 8.3 percent in 2006 in comparison with the company image which can provide a competitive advantage in
previous year [8]. the long run.
To resume, the robotic-logistics market is a field of Besides the increase in process efficiency the industrial
application that both demands, and provides the service of robot technology can make work places more humane and
industrial robot technology for the purpose of internal material enable a redistribution of resources. In theory robots can be
flow optimization. implemented in areas involving tasks with extreme physical
According to a survey conducted by BIBA in 2007 [9], strain. They relieve the worker by continuously moving heavy
the area of robotics-logistics has great need for modernization. loads or operating in awkward environments or working
Automation solutions are needed desperately and the conditions for example in cold or dangerous areas.
determination to invest in this area is high. The RoboScan Consequently this would result in a higher efficiency and a
study also shows a central meaning for new technologies. greater flexibility, better ergonomic working conditions and a
Technical components, for example image processing, minimisation of salary and operating expenses.
automatic identification of objects and the combination of
robotics with advanced sensor technology, are required.
The knowledge is widespread that robot-technologies As stated in section 1 robotics-logistics is part of the
can be used for the optimization of internal material flow in research activities within the future factory of logistics. This
comparison to the application of robot-technologies. section shall give an overview of the subareas in robotics-
Participants of the study have given insight to their logistic logistics.
processes: Automation of logistic processes is mostly concerned
1. 41 percent of the questioned logisticians are making use with handling of goods, which can be classified by the shape
of robot systems in their working field, mainly due to non- and properties of the goods [10]:
existing market solutions. 1. Palletized goods: handled with a fork lifter which is
2. Keeping the future in mind, more than 60 percent of the driven directly into the container or swap body. Further
logisticians plan to implement robot solution, which shows a processing is either depalletizing or direct transfer into swap
broad utilization field for research and development activities, bodies or containers for redistribution.
as well as for the services of suppliers and advisors. 2. Not standardized: goods are unloaded manually. Their
3. The demand for full automation is rather small, only a processing is in dependence of their properties (shape, size,
quarter of the interviewees view fully automation in single weight) and is therefore individual.
areas as a possible option. 3. Loose standardized mass goods: which are mainly
4. Discussions in reference to innovation ability such as a consumable goods, and goods, which are transported in jute or
trigger for a long term change of processes as well as a sisal sacks e.g. coffee beans, are unloaded manually. After
precursor in technology applications only play a secondary unloading they are often processed on conveyor belts or
role in the overall valuation of the application of robot- palletized.
technology. Therefore, handling of loose, standardized mass goods
5. 42 percent of the interviewees stated that automation has a high potential for being automated as on the on hand the
plays a very important role and furthermore, 91 percent of the packaging is standardized and the subsequent processes are
logisticians indicate that they are already using automation similar. Robotics-Logistics is mainly focused on the
solutions in their field of work. standardized mass goods.
The results clearly show that industrial robot- Furthermore, unloading of palletized goods with a fork lifter
technologies are the driving force behind a number of events: is already very efficient and unloading of not standardized
1. The standardization of packaging as well as of processes, goods is impossible by means of universal technical systems.
which in turn makes it a driving force for the application of In order to ensure the optimization of internal material flow
new decentralized controlling systems. Robotics-Logistics activities can be classified in several
2. The optimal use of technologies and resources within scenarios.
logistics, as these processes can only be used most ideally in a
A. Scenario 1: Unloading containers is a relocation of piece good handling from the
In regard to the Status Quo of the automation in logistics, harbour into the surroundings of the harbour. Piece goods,
over 50 percent of the market participants declared that the which have been stored manually in nets into the hatchway,
areas of incoming and outgoing goods are already partially are nowadays stored in Container Freight Stations.
automated. Packing of bulky and heavy piece good is done often
Nowadays consumable goods are mainly produced in with fork lifters, which possibilities to manoeuvre inside of a
Asia. The transportation of these goods leads to an increasing container are small as containers have their opening on the
flow of goods. Mostly they are packed in standardized slender side. This causes time consuming loading and
packaging and loaded in standardized carriers as containers, suboptimal utilization of container space.
swap bodies and ULDs. The main idea for part-automatic loading of containers is
The demand of ergonomic working places and the to compose and secure the complete content of the container
pressure to provide efficient processes, causes a request of before loading. Therefore, the container content is put on a
technical systems for automatic unloading of containers. At loading device in front of the container, the content is secured
first glance, it may be surprising that a container filled with and afterwards it is pushed into the container. The loading
loosely stored parcels poses a challenge for a robot. But in the device is lowered and pulled out of the container when it
classic area of robot application, which are production reaches the bottom. The loading device, which is going to be
processes in the automotive industry, robots are involved in designed, developed and built as a prototype in one of BIBA’s
repetitive activities and work with exactly the same parts. The research projects is the basis for optimized processes within
different sizes and composition of packages make it extremely the area of container loading.
difficult to introduce automation in this area. Hence, most The optimization of the material flow gives the
packages are still unloaded and transshipped by humans. Over opportunity for fast reaction times due to the possibility of
the past six years a consortium from business and research buffers for complete freight. This has an effect on the
communities have developed a parcel robot. This robot was processing time in combination with higher quality of storing.
put into daily service in the spring of 2007. Another advantage of using a loading device is the possibility
The parcel robot is the first intelligent system that to put the goods from all sides onto the device. Furthermore,
automatically unloads containers and swap bodies that are the storage capacities are used better and the time of the
filled with loose parcels (Fig. 1). In the past, this work was containers at the loading places is reduced. New opportunities
always done manually. Once a parcel robot has a container from the loading device arise the need of an appropriate
positioned in front of it, it independently works out the best software system.
unloading sequence. It removes the parcels one after the other The software shall take dynamic loading planning into
and places each onto a conveyor belt. In principle, it is similar account. To achieve this, the loading device is equipped with
to the job performed by a human worker. sensors to acquire data from incoming goods. The acquired
data, which could be freight consolidation or information for
subsequent production processes, are used for the planning of
the loading process. Furthermore, the data are integrated in
control systems for container loading, which is responsible for
sending data to subsequent processes. This results in
optimized overall processes, i.e. short term break-down of
planned goods or incoming but not scheduled goods. By
having a flexible software system these events can be
integrated into the loading plans dynamically. The impuls for
computing a new loading plan might be implemented either
event-based or in predefined cycles.
Event-based adaption of loading processes might be in
dependence of product types, which are only loaded if a
defined amount of goods is reached. In contrast to event-based
adaption of loading processes time-based adaption of loading
processes is similar to existing solutions.
Fig. 1: Parcel Robot
The parcel robot consists essentially of the following C. Scenario 3: Palletizing
components: a chassis, a telescopic conveyor belt, a 3-D laser In the intralogistics robots are mainly used for palletising
scanner and an interchangeable gripping system - consisting and packaging (Fig. 2). Especially the branches of food and
of an articulated arm and a grabber. beverage industry with layer handling, the chemical and
pharmaceutical industry with handling of chemicals, the
B. Scenario 2: Loading plastics industry with demoulding of castings and the wood-
A significant amount of containers are unloaded and working industry with handling of bulk goods are typical
loaded within the harbour areas. Loading and unloading of
users of robot-based systems for supporting the internal flow
of materials. Portal robots are typical solutions for the
requirements to the packaging, high speed palletising and
handling of heavy loads. One the other hand more and more
specialised solutions are available on the market; a couple of
robot provider offer special palletising and packaging robots.
ABB for example offers a very fast pick&place robot or
robots with four axes, aluminium arms, high load and high
range for loading of trays, bottles and bags.
On the other hand there is still the question whether
special solutions are really necessary. For most of the
applications standardised designs can be installed in a cheaper
way. Often the work space of a 6-axis vertical articulated arm-
robot can be increased by a seventh axis. On the other hand a
Cartesian robot is not only adequate but offers in plenty cases
a lot of advantages; mostly its cubic workspace conforms to
the problem if the arrangement of the pallets is parallel or Fig. 3: Robot Cell light
rectangular to the conveyor. The moved elements are placed D. Scenario 4: Depalletizing
above its work spaces. This way the robot does not obstruct A special scenario is smalls rolled in euro palettes. In
itself. A Cartesian robot can move across its workspace and general they are depalletized manually. This work done
reaches every position directly. implies a physical strain due to stereotype rotating
The fact is, that portal robots are the cheapest solutions movements. The Robot Cell Light intends to substitute this
for conventional material handling. If the complexity of the work and increase the humanity of work. The construction of
tasks increases to labelling or packaging, or the flexibility has the cell is optimized and reduced to the basic requirements of
to increase because of a larger variety of goods is handled the task. The combination of simple and reliable components
with the same system, a combination of the speed of the of robotic technology demonstrates a novel principle of robot
Cartesian robots and the flexibility 6-axis vertical articulated systems. The system will be produced cost-efficient. The
arm-robots has to be combined. cieompact character of the cell generates a high mobility of it
(for instance by a fork lifter) and the universal gripping
system creates a multifunctional application.
This and the fact of needing only an electric power supply
allows the system to be integrated in a lot of different
companies very fast.
Though automation of production processes is already
proceeded very far, there are still many fields in which
automation of logistic processes is not achieved with standard
solutions. We have presented the field of activity for robotic-
logistics each illustrated with an example.
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