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A Simple Guide To Writing Letters in French

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Ways to make writing letters in French a lot easier for you with tips on how to write
formal (business) letters as well as personal letters.Before we proceed with the lesson, a key
thing to remember is that letters in French tend to be more formal than those in English. Even
personal correspondence, which can have an informal tone in English, is still several notches
more formal when written in French.
I. Greetings/ Salutations
To begin your letter, you need the proper salutation and the correct title of the person
you are writing to.For personal correspondence, you can choose between the following
scenarios and salutations:
If you know the person, you can use the following:
Cher Monsieur------------Dear sir
Cher Monsieur--------Dear Mr
Chère Madame-----------Ma’am
Chère Madame--------Dear Mrs
Chère Mademoiselle--------------Dear Miss
Chers amis--------------My dear Friends
Mon cher Pierre---------------My dear pierre
Ma très chère Louise---------------My Dearest lousie
For personal correspondence where you do not know the person you are writing to, you can
choose from the following:
Monsieur------------- Sir
Madame---- Ma’am
Madame----------- Mrs.
Mademoiselle----------- Miss
Messieurs------------- Sirs
For business letters, salutations are very formal and includes the recipient’s title as needed.
You may use the following salutations:
Monsieur, Madame------- Sir, Ma’am
Messieurs---------------- sirs
Monsieur ------------Mr
Monsieur le Directeur-------Directort
Monsieur le Ministre---------Minister

II. How to close your letter

Just like the salutations, you will also need to use the correct closing at the end of
your letter.For personal letters to friends and family, you may close it using the following
Je vous envoie mes amicales pensées. Best wishes.
Recevez, je vous prie, mes meilleures amitiés. Yours sincerely.
Je vous adresse mon très amical souvenir. Kindest regards.
Cordialement (à vous ) ----------- Sincerely (yours)
Votre ami dévoué(e) -----------Your devoted friend
Chaleureusement ------------With warm regards; Warmly
Bien amicalement ----------------Sincerely; In friendship
Amitiés -----------Best wishes, All the best
Bien à vous, Bien à toi -------------Best wishes
À bientôt !--------- See you soon!
Affectueusement ----------Fondly
affectueuses pensées -------------With fond thoughts
Please note that the translations are not exactly the same, but more or less mean the same
For formal/ business letters, use the following for closing.
Bien à vous-----------Yours truly
The two mentioned above are not too formal, and could be used for less formal situations.
Meilleures salutations------------Best regards
Salutations distinguées-----------Sincerly
Je vous prie d’agréer, <insert the same title you used in your greetings> l’expression de mes
sentiments distingués.
Please accept,______, the expression of my highest consideration.
Je vous prie d’agréer, <insert the same title you used in your greetings> l’expression de mes
meilleures salutations.
Please accept,______ , the expression of my best regards.
Again, please take note that the above translations are more or less the equivalent expressions
in English.
III. Some examples
The first one is a personal letter and the second is a business letter.
Example 1: Personal Letter
Chère Mademoiselle,
C’est avec plaisir que je vous écris. L’envie me prend soudainement de vous conter
l’une de mes nombreuses aventures...
Je vous envoie mes bien amicales pensées. À bientôt !
Dear Miss,
It is with pleasure that I’m writing to you. The urge suddenly takes me to tell you of
one of my many adventures …
Best wishes. See you soon!
Example 2: Business Letter
Je me permets de vous écrire concernant l’offre de poste...
Je vous prie d’agréer, Monsieur, l’expression de mes sentiments distingués.
Allow me to write you about the job’s offer.
Please accept, sir, the expression of my highest consideration.
IV. Additional Tips
Here are more tips in writing letters in French.
 In writing formal letters, always use “vous” and never “tu”.
 For personal letters, you may use “tu” but only with people you are in tu terms with.
 A properly worded and formatted letter will make your content sound credible. So
take note of the correct form.
 Write the return address at the top left of the page
 The recipient’s address will be placed below it to the right side.
 Under it, place the town or city where the letter is being sent followed by the date.

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