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Synology Usenet Automation

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This is the first part of a series showing you how to setup Usenet Automation using

Docker on a Synology NAS.

I have been using the Synology community packages for quite some time as they were
convenient to install from package manager but with recent iterations of DSM these
packages quite often fail to install or even run, and its never clear what low level system
changes they are making. So now that Docker is available for most Intel based
Diskstation’s I decided to jump ship.

In this first guide I will take you through getting SABnzbd up and running within Docker.

What is Docker?

Docker is an open platform for developers and sysadmins to build, ship, and run
distributed applications, these application are distributed as Containers.

What is a Container?

A container is kind of what it says on the box, it contains everything that is required to
run a particular application. you simply download a pre packaged image someone has
already built and it will run within Docker, this means it makes no changes to your
system and can easily be backed up if you even need to move it elsewhere.

Onto the Guide

This guide makes some assumptions that you have a general knowledge of the DSM
interface and how to do the basics.

What I will be covering

1. Installing Docker
2. Getting PGID and PUID
3. Downloading the Images
4. Setting up Sabnzbd

Installing Docker

First things first you need to head into Package Center and search for Docker, install it
to which ever volume you want, I personally have my apps on a dedicated SSD which
keeps things snappy.
When you first open docker you will be asked if you want to read the help guides, you
can choose if you want to do this. You will then be greeted by the overview tab, this will
give you some overall usage stats for CPU and Memory, and once installed it will list
running containers, my 412+ has been upgraded to 2Gb of RAM when it was my main

Before we proceed any further with downloading and installing containers we need to
make sure any shares we have are setup and ready.


In the previous versions of these guides I used a long winded approach to getting your
ID information, I have since found a much easier approach.

You will need to SSH into your Diskstation using ‘Putty’ or an equivalent program.

Open up Putty, the only thing you need to enter is the IP address of your NAS and
select the SSH radio button.
Click on open, you will get a prompt asking if you trust the key, if this is the first time you
have used SSH, just press OK or accept.

Enter the login information for you Synology user account, you will not be able to see
the password as you type it, I use a very long one so I just paste it in from my password
manager. (right click acts as paste in putty)

Once logged in type ‘id’ without the quotes and this will show your UID(aka PUID) which
in my case is 1026 and the GID(aka PGID) which is 101 for an administrator

Downloading the Image

Head back into Docker and click on the Registry tab on the left hand side, the registry is
where you search all of the available docker images on In the search box
enter SABnzbd.
Click on the image made by Linux| as this will always be kept up to date. Click
on Download.

After a few seconds the image will begin downloading this can be tracked in the ‘image’
tab, once the download has completed you will get a system message and the little blue
animation to the right will stop.

Setting up SABnzbd 

Now we have our image downloaded we are ready to start setting up,  click on ‘Launch’
in the section at the top of the window. This doesn’t actually launch the app the wording
is a little misleading, it essentially launches the settings.
The initial screen you are greeted with allows you to change the container name
and resource restrictions, In this case I am leaving this all at its default.

Click on Advanced Settings, on the first screen you see enable auto restart as this will
mean SABNZBD will automatically start up if you ever reboot your NAS.

‘Port Settings’

The port settings are extremely important, do not leave them to Auto as you will have to
look up the port number every single time the container is restarted and it will screw with
all your other containers as they will not be able to talk to each other.

Change the local ports to something you will remember as long as its between 32768 –
61000, for this tutorial I am using the ports below.

Local Port = 32700

Container Port = 8080 (SAB’s Non SSL Port)

Local Port = 32701

Container Port = 9090 (SAB’s SSL Port)

Press Next..

Then click on volumes, we are now going to set up the shares we want to mount.
SABNzbd only needs access to two folders.

Under the ‘Docker’ share on your Diskstation create a folder called ‘sabnzbd’ this is
important as your configuration files will be stored here. We do the same thing for all the
other guides.

And then also add your downloads folder, this can be where ever you want to download
your files. It should look like the screenshot below.

Environment Variables (PGID, PUID and Timezone)

Next we are going to setup a couple of Environment variables this is the user details we
took note of earlier in the guide, this allows the Docker image to have the right access to
the shares we just added. In addition we are also required to set the timezone for the
container you can find a list of zones on

In the environment tab enter the details as shown in the screenshot, but change them to
whatever yours were noted as.

PGID, PUID and TimeZone

Click OK and this will take you back to the summary screen we saw earlier.

All Done!

Once you have entered all the details click OK to go back to the summary screen press
Next, we are ready to roll, tick the  ‘Run this container….’ box and hit apply. after a few
seconds you will see the container running in the container tab. open up a browser
window and enter the IP address of your NAS followed by the port number used for the
Non SSL port.

Up and running

You should see the SAB wizard so you can start to configure as you normally would.

If you have any questions please feel free to comment below.

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