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Definition Of Exposition

Exposition text is a paragraph development in writing where the contents express an idea,

provide an explanation or understanding by using a short, concise, and accurate writing style.

Exposition text is divided into 2, namely Analytical Exposition and Hortatory Exposition.

1. Analytical Exposition

Analytical Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer‘s idea about the phenomenon


2. Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory exposition is a type of exposition text that begins with a statement containing

the problem / issue which is used as the theme of the writing, then supported by various

arguments / statements and supporting evidence that can direct the reader to the writer's

point of view and closed with suggestions or recommendations from the author what

should be done or happened related to the problem or issue presented at the beginning.

B. About The Analytical Exposition

Definition Of Analytical Exposition

(Definisi Eksposisi Analitis)

Analytical Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer’s idea about the phenomenon


(Eksposisi analitis adalah teks yang menguraikan gagasan penulis tentang fenomena di


The Generic Structure Of Analytical Exposition

(Struktur Generik Dari Eksposisi Analitis)

1. Thesis: Introducing the topic and indicating the writer’s point of view

(Tesis: Memperkenalkan topik dan menunjukkan sudut pandang penulis)

2. Argument : Explaining the argument to support the writer’s position. The number of

arguments may vary, but each argument must be supported by evidence and explanation.

(Argumen: menjelaskan argumen untuk mendukung posisi penulis. Jumlah argumen

dapat bervariasi, tetapi setiap argumen harus di dukung oleh bukti dan penjelasan).

3. Reiteration: Restating the writer’s point of view/to strengthen the thesis. We can use the

following phrase to make a conclusion in reiteration:

 From the fact above…

 I personally believe…

 Therefore, my conclusion is…

 In conclusion…

(Pengulangan: Menyatakan kembali sudut pandang penulis/ untuk memperkuat tesis. Kita

dapat menggunakan frasa berikut untuk membuat kesimpulan dalam pengulangan:

 Dari fakta di atas…

 Saya pribadi percaya…

 Karena itu, kesimpulan saya adalah…

 Kesimpulan….)

Language Features

(Fitur Bahasa)

o Using relational process (Menggunakan proses relasi)

o Using internal conjunction (Menggunakan konjungsi internal)

o Using causal conjunction (Menggunakan konjungsi kausal)

o Using Simple Present Tense (Menggunakan simple present tense)

o Using compound and complex sentene (Menggunakan kalimat majemuk dan kompleks)

o Use the word that link argument, such as firstly, secondly, and reasoning through causal

conjunction, such as in addition, furthermore, however, therefore. (Menggunakan kata

yang menghubungkan argumen, seperti pertama, kedua, dan penalaran melalui konjugasi

kausal, seperti di samping itu, lebih jauh, bagaimanapun, oleh karena itu)
Purpose Of Analytical Exposition

(Tujuan Eksposisi Analitis)

The pupose of analytical exposition is to influence, persuade the reader that the topic discussed

in the text is in accordance with the writer’s direction.

(Tujuan dari eksposisi analitis adalah untuk mempengaruhi, membujuk si pembaca bahwa topik

yang dibahas di dalam teks tersebut sesuai dengan arahan si penulis).

The Social Function Of Analytical Exposition

(Fungsi Sosial Dari Eksposisi Analitis)

Its social function is to persuade the reader that idea is an important matter, and to analyze the

topic that the thesis/opinion is correct by developing an argument to support it.

(Fungsi sosialnya adalah untuk meyakinkan pembaca bahwa ide itu penting, dan untuk

menganalisis topik bahwa tesis/pendapat itu benar dengan mengembangkan argumen untuk


Characteristic Of Analytical Exposition

(Ciri ciri Eksposisi Analitis)

1. Use common nouns (Menggunakan kata benda umum)

2. Using abstract nouns (Menggunakan kata benda abstrak)

3. Using technical terms (Menggunakan istilah teknis)

4. Use relating verbs (Menggunakan kata kerja hubung)

5. Use action verbs (Menggunakan kata kerja tindakan)

6. Using thinking verb (Menggunakan Thinking verb)

7. Using verb modal (Menggunakan modal verb)

8. Use conjunction (Menggunakan kata hubung)

9. Use evaluative language (Menggunakan bahasa evaluatif)

10. Use passive sentences (Menggunakan kalimat pasif)

Example Of Analytical Exposition With The Generic Structure

(Contoh Eksposisi Analitis Dengan Struktur Generiknya)

Cars Should Be Banned in the City

Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know, cars create pollution, and cause a lot of

road deaths and other accidents.

Firstly, cars, as we all know, contribute to most of the pollution in the world.Cars emit a

deadly gas that causes illnesses such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and ‘triggers’ off asthma. Some

of these illnesses are so bad that people can die from them.

Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit A in

the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our roads biggest killers.

Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard to sleep at night, or

concentrate on your homework, and especially talk to someone.

In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed.

Thesis Arguments Reiteration

How To Make Analytical Exposition

(Cara Membuat Eksposisi Analitis)

1. Determine the theme ( Menentukan tema)

2. Determine the topic to be discussed (Menentukan topik yang akan di bahas)

3. Set goals (Menentukan tujuan)

4. Choose data that matches the theme (Memilih data yang sesuai dengan tema)

5. Make the framework of the composition according to the structure (Membuat kerangka

karangan sesuai struktur)

6. Discussion based on the outline (Pembahasan berdasarkan kerangka karangan)

7. Write analytical exposition texts (Menulis teks eksposisi)

The results of the analytical exposition construction by group 2

(Hasil konstruksi eksposisi analitis karya kelompok 2)

1. Theme (Tema) : Environment (Lingkungan)

2. Topic (Topik) : Dangers of plastic waste to the environment

(Bahaya sampah plastik untuk lingkungan)

3. Purpose (Tujuan) : Convince readers to help protect the environment

from plastic waste (Meyakinkan pembaca untuk membantu melindungi lingkungan dari

sampah plastik)

4. Appropriate data (Data yang sesuai) : Environment related to Land and sea

(Lingkungan berkaitan tentang daratan dan lautan)

5. Thesis: Definition of the environment and its relationship to plastic waste (Definisi

lingkungan dan hubungannya dengan sampah plastik)

Arguments: Opinions about the dangers of plastic waste on land and sea (Pendapat

tentang bahaya sampah plastik di darat dan laut

Reiteration: The conclusion is to protect the environment from plastic waste

(kesimpulan untuk menjaga lingkungan dari sampah plastk)

6. Thesis:

The environment is everything that is around us, from land to sea. However, did you

know? Plastic waste is an enemy of the environment. Plastic waste can attack land or sea


Plastic waste is very dangerous for land, as we know, land is identical to plants, and the

soil is polluted with chemicals from plastic waste, chemicals in plastics will affect the

soil which makes soil fertility decrease. As a result, plants can’t grow and oxygen intake

is reduced.
Plastic waste is just as dangerous to the sea. Many marine biota think plastic is their food,

like turtles that eat plastic because they think jellyfish they can eat.


Therefore, the conclusion is that plastic makes land and oceans not beautiful. Besides

being not beautiful, plastic is also very dangerous for the environment. The ways we can

take to reduce plastic waste include:

1. Bring a lunch box from home

2. Bring water from home

3. Using a shopping bag

4. Learn 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

In a simple way, we can protect the environment from the dangers of plastic waste. From

all the dangers that we know, do you still want to throw away the plastic carelessly?

7. Final Analytical Exposition

Dangers of Plastic Waste to the Environment

The environment is everything that is around us, from land to sea. However, did

you know? Plastic waste is an enemy of the environment. Plastic waste can attack land or


Plastic waste is very dangerous for land, as we know, land is identical to plants,

and the soil is polluted with chemicals from plastic waste, chemicals in plastics will

affect the soil which makes soil fertility decrease. As a result, plants can’t grow and

oxygen intake is reduced.

Plastic waste is just as dangerous to the sea. Many marine biota think plastic is their food,

like turtles that eat plastic because they think jellyfish they can eat.

Therefore, the conclusion is that plastic makes land and oceans not beautiful.

Besides being not beautiful, plastic is also very dangerous for the environment. The ways

we can take to reduce plastic waste include:

1. Bring a lunch box from home

2. Bring water from home

3. Using a shopping bag

4. Learn 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

In a simple way, we can protect the environment from the dangers of plastic waste. From

all the dangers that we know, do you still want to throw away the plastic carelessly?


Bahaya Sampah Plastik untuk Lingkungan

Lingkungan adalah segala sesuatu yang ada di sekitar kita, dari darat ke laut.

Namun, tahukah kalian? Sampah plastik adalah musuh lingkungan. Sampah plastik bisa

menyerang darat atau laut

Sampah plastik sangat berbahaya bagi tanah, seperti yang kita tahu, tanah identik

dengan tanaman, dan tanah tercemar dengan bahan kimia dari sampah plastik, bahan

kimia dalam plastik akan mempengaruhi tanah yang membuat kesuburan tanah

berkurang. Akibatnya, tanaman tidak bisa tumbuh dan asupan oksigen berkurang.

Sampah plastik sama berbahayanya dengan laut. Banyak biota laut berpikir plastik adalah

makanan mereka, seperti kura-kura yang memakan plastik karena mereka pikir plastik

merupakan ubur-ubur yang dapat dimakan.

Karena itu, kesimpulannya adalah, plastik membuat daratan dan lautan tidak asri.

Selain tidak asri, plastik juga sangat berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Cara yang dapat kita

ambil untuk mengurangi sampah plastik meliputi:

1. Bawalah kotak makan siang dari rumah

2. Bawalah air dari rumah

3. Menggunakan tas belanja

4. Pelajari 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

Cara sederhana, kita dapat melindungi lingkungan dari bahaya sampah plastik. Dari

semua bahaya yang kita tahu, apakah kalian masih ingin membuang plastik


C. Differences In Analytical Exposition And Hortatory Exposition

Analytical Exposition Hortatory Exposition

Is a text that elaborates the writer’s idea Is a type of spoken or written text that
Meaning about the phenomenon. is intended to explain the listeners or
readers that something should or
should not happen or be done.

Thesis : Introduces the topic and shows Thesis : Statement or announcement

speaker or writer’s position; Outlines of of issue concern
the arguments to be presented. Arguments : Reasons for concern that
Arguments : It consists about Point and will lead to recommendation
Elaboration Point, states the main Recommendation : Statement of what
argument. Elaboration: develops and should or should not happen or be
supports each point of argument done based on the given arguments
Conclusion : Reiteration (restatement),
restates speaker or writer’s position
v  To persuade the reader or listener that To persuade the readers that
there is something that, certainly, needs something should or should not be the
to get attention case or be done.
Social Function
v  To analyze a topic and to persuade the
reader that this opinion is correct and
supported by arguments
 Focus on generic human and non 1. Using Simple Present Tense
human participants. 2. Using modals
 Use mental processes. It is used 3. Using action verbs
to state what the writer or 4. Using thinking verbs
speaker thinks or feels about 5. Using adverbs
something, for example: realize, 6. Using adjective
feel, etc. 7. Using technical terms
 Need material processes. It is 8. Using general and abstract noun
Language 9. Using connectives/transition
used to state what happens, for
example: has polluted, etc.
 Use of simple present tense.
 Use of relational processes.
 Use of internal conjunction to
state argument.
 Reasoning through casual
conjunction or nominalization.

D. Example Of Analytical Exposition and Hortatory Exposition

Analytical Exposition:

Laptop as Students’ Friend

Conventionally, students need book, pen, eraser, drawing book, ruler and such

other stuff. Additionally, in this multimedia era, students need more to reach their

progressive development. Students need mobile keyboards to record every presented

subject easily. Of course it will need more cost but it will deserve for its

function. [Thesis]

First, modern schools tend to apply fast transferring knowledge because the

school needs to catch the target of curriculum. Every subject will tend to be given in

demonstrative method. Consequently students need extra media cover the subject. Since

there is a laptop on every student’s desk, this method will help student to get better

understanding. [Arguments]
Secondly, finding an appropriate laptop is not difficult as it was. Recently there is

an online shop which provides comprehensive information. The best is that the shop has

service of online shopping. The students just need to brows that online shop, decide

which computer or laptop they need, and then complete the transaction. After that the

laptop will be delivered to the students’ houses. That is really easy and save time and

money. [Arguments]

From all of that, having mobile computer is absolutely useful for students who

want to catch the best result for their study. Buying laptop online is advisable because it

will cut the price. This online way is recommended since online shop also provides

several laptop types. Students just need to decide which type they really need.

[Conclusion / Reiteration]

Hortatory Exposition:

Mobile Phones Should Not be Banned in School [Tittle]

Mobile phones is not used just for calling, but sending text, taking pictures, accessing

internet, and much more. Many students bring their phones to school. For them, mobile phone

has many uses. So, mobile phones should not be banned in school. Why do I said that? [Thesis]

Firstly, students call their parents for other needs. By mobile phone, student can call or

their close relative if they need something to be brought to school. In addition, mobile phone can

be used to call their children when one of their family were hit by disasters suddenly. And then,

student can called their parent to pick her up when want to go home. [Arguments]

Secondly, increased of knowledge among students. When trying to find answer of

difficult task at school, mobile phone can be used as a connecting to search the answer through

GPRS or WiFi networks. [Arguments]

Finally, expand the network of friendship among students. School is the right place to

find friend. Average, student been at school about 7 hours or more. So that, a lot of students

found their friend in the school environment . Therefore, communication between friends should

be kept on of which using a mobile phone. [Arguments]

            So, I think mobile phone should not be banned in school. But, use your phone in the time

and right place so that no one was disturbed. [Recommendation].





Gadis Ellyta (01 Dapodik/ 13)

Gede Eka Darma Putra (02 Dapodik/ 12)

I Gusti Agung Narayani (04 Dapodik/ 17)

I Putu Agus Eka Prasetya (10 Dapodik/ 01)

Ni Kadek Yuliantari (19 Dapodik/ 32)

Ni Luh Putu Arisya Mirani Putri (23 Dapodik/ 03)

Ni Putu Sri Paramitha Maharyani (31 Dapodik/ 25)



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