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365-10 JM Process

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Land transportation

safety recommended
Guidance note 10

Journey management process

Examples of escalating factors: Routine trip:

• Fog or smoke Travel within a pre-determined locale, as determined by
• Poor drainage / frequent mud
• Snow and Ice
a risk assessment. Hazards are believed to be effectively
–– Shadowed areas (slow to thaw) essentially and readily addressed by established and
–– Known drifting locations implemented controls. This locale would be expected to
–– Over-graded shoulders be no greater than that of an urban area, plant facility,
–– Frost heaving (muskeg)
or production field. Interurban trips, inter-facilty and
–– Runoff, thaw/freeze cycle
• Crosswinds / blowing snow inter-field trips would be considered to be nonroutine
• Weight restrictions (road / bridges) based on increased exposure due to anticipated
• Sun (eg low angle in winter) escalating risk factors.
• Road surface liable to deteriorate rapidly when wet
• Low illumination Non-routine trip:
• Driver experience Travel outside of a pre-determined locale, as determined
• Fatigue / low alertness
by a risk assessment. Hazards are considered to require
• Conflicting priorities (e.g. crew change)
• 3rd party conflict (traffic conditions) / animals assessement prior to each trip to address immediate
• Rain exposures as well as factors of change and escalation.
–– Visibility, pooling on roads Each trip requires formal approval based on the current
• Winds and anticipated exposures and established controls.
–– Strong / gusting crosswinds
Routine, non-escalating exposure journey
Non-routine and/or escalating exposure journey
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