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Zeolite Synthesis, Characterisation and Application Areas: A Review

Article  in  International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences · October 2017

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Ikenna Ekpe
University of Lagos


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________________________________ ISSN 2319–1414
International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences___________________________
Vol. 6(10), 45-59, October (2017) Int.
I Res. J. Environmental Sci.

Review Paper
Zeolite Synthesis, Characterization and Application Areas: A Review
Henry E. Mgbemere, Ikenna C. Ekpe* and Ganiyu I. Lawal
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, University of Lagos, Lagos Nigeria
Available online at:,
Received 13th June 2017, revised 5th October 2017, accepted 18th October 2017
This report reviews the researches that have been carried out on the synthesis, characterization and application of zeolite.
The material zeolite is introduced by first defining what it is, how it is obtained, the classifications and the different
nomenclatures used. The many different methods through which zeolite are obtained has been explained. The different ways
through which zeolite materials have been characterized have also been looked at in details. The different starting raw
materials and the processing steps which have been used to synthesize zeolites have been given explained. The application
areas have been presented with special emphasi
emphasiss on the current trends in the application of zeolites apart from its use in
catalysis, detergents and ion exchange.

Keywords: Zeolite, Kaolin, Metakaolin, Catalyst, Pore Size, Absorption Agent.

Zeolites can be described as materials made up of micro
aluminosilicate crystals which are used as ion exchangers in the
detergent industry, in radioactive waste storage, in the treatment
of liquid waste, as separators in purification, drying,
environmental treatment, in the catalytic cracking of petroleum
and in refining petrochemical, coal and fine chemical
industries1-3. The properties which enables them to perform all
these functions in several industrial applications are their
uniform pore size and shape, the mobility
lity of their cations to act Figure-2: Schematic of the Building Unit of Zeolite Structur6.
as catalysts and their hydrophilic and/or hydrophobic nature to
some solutes4. Primarily, zeolites are built from [SiO4]4- and Zeolites are represented based on their crystallographic unit cell
[AlO4]5- tetrahedral which are infinitely extended in a three by the general formula in equation 1:
dimensional network that is linked together by a shared oxygen
atom5,6. This [SiO4]4- and [AlO4]5- tetrahedral can be represented
by TO4 which is often referred to as the primary building block
[ ]
M a / b ( AlO2 )a (SiO2 ) y .cH 2 O (1)
(PBU), where T represents either the silicon (Si4+) or
Aluminium (Al3+) ions while the O4 represents each of the where M represents either an alkali metal or an alkaline earth
oxygen atom that is shared by the two T atoms. This is shown in metal cation, b represent the valency of the alkali or the alkaline
Figures-1 and 2. earth metal cation, c is the amount of water of crystallization per
unit cell of the zeolite while a and y represent the total number
of the [SiO4]4- and [AlO4]5- tetrahedral in a unit cell of the
zeolite. The ratio y/a normally
lly has a value that ranges from 1 to
5, but in the case of a silica based zeolites, the values of y/a can
range from 10 to 100.

Currently there are more than 200 types of zeolites and they can
be identified by their Silicon-Aluminium
Aluminium (Si/Al) ratio present
prese in
the atomic structure of the zeolite. The ratio can vary from 1 in
type A zeolites to infinity in silicalite, which is an aluminum
free crystalline silica modified zeolite8. When the Si/Al ratio of
Figure-1: Description of the Chemical Structure of Zeolite7.

International Science Community Association 45

International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences ____________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414
Vol. 6(10), 45-59, October (2017) Int. Res. J. Environmental Sci.

zeolites increase, both their thermal stability and acid resistance mineral when the synthesized zeolite has the same topology as
also increase. the parent mineral. Examples include synthetic Mordenite,
Chabasite and Erionite9. The structural committee of
The secondary building unit (SBU) of a zeolite can be defined International Zeolite Association (IZA) finally produced an atlas
as an infinite lattice that has identical building blocks of of zeolite structure in which each zeolite framework type is
repeating units and the relationship between the Tetrahedral, the given a three letter code used in describing and defining the
PBU and SBU can be seen in Figure-3. The secondary building network of corner sharing tetrahedral of the atoms irrespective
unit is the main unit that is used to describe the zeolite structure of its composition3,10 . The three letter codes are usually derived
except for the water and cations present in the zeolite from the name of the source material. There are about 194
framework. There are nine known SBUs that describe all the different zeolite frameworks as at July 2010 and each with its
known zeolite frameworks. Cations can be seen within zeolite individual code11. Example of some of the most important
pores and this is to make up for the residual negative charge zeolite framework with their codes include zeolite A with a code
resulting from the isomorphous substitution of a Si4+ ion by an of LTA meaning Linde type A, while zeolite X and Y are
Al3+ ion during the formation of a zeolite framework. assigned the code FAU meaning zeolite with faujasite topology
and finally ZSM-5 and silicalite with illustrative code as MFI.
Today the name of zeolites follows the three major conventions
The frameworks of zeolite are generated from the SBUs and in and they are all accepted. For example, the polyhedron present
some cases, combinations of SBUs are used to form zeolites. An in the zeolite LTA, which is normally referred to as a cage, is
example is Faujasite which is obtained from the frameworks of actually a cavity. Cages present in some zeolite frameworks are
sodalite zeolite which are made up of either a single six member shown in Figure-412.
ring or a four member ring which is gotten from a double six
ring building unit. The location of cations and water within the Structure of zeolites
cavities and holes in the framework however cannot be
explained by the SBU9. The molecular water and cations in the Zeolites have many different structures and its basic unit is the
zeolite framework are highly mobile and the water molecules SO4- and AlO4- tetrahedral, linked together by the sharing of an
are capable of being removed in a reversible reaction at oxygen atom. Zeolites A, zeolites X and zeolite Y consist of a
temperatures ranging from 100 to 500oC. Zeolite structures are cubo-octahedral (i.e. p-cages) having the SO4- and AlO4-
often stable at temperatures between 700 to 800 oC. tetrahedral at each corners of the framework. The structures of
zeolites A are often as a result of the linkage between the P-
The nomenclature of zeolite framework has also evolved over cages through the quadratic surfaces which has a cubic shape.
the years with the zeolites synthesized by D. W. Breck and his The linkage between the over six cornered surfaces and the
fellow researchers named using Arabic letters, like zeolite A, hexagonal prisms leads to the formation of zeolite X and zeolite
zeolite B, zeolite X, zeolite Y etc,. This Arabic letters has Y which correspond to faujasite zeolite. The ZSM 5 zeolite
evolved into the use of Greek letters like α-zeolite, β-zeolite, Ω- systems have a complicated structure and this is due to the
zeolite, etc. to represent the zeolites produced by Mobil Oil presence of a system having two crossing channels, one linear
Company researchers9. The naming of synthetic zeolites was one zigzag.
later taken further by assigning the name of the parent zeolite


Figure-3: Diagram showing the relationship between the Tetrahedral, the PBU and the SBU3.

International Science Community Association 46

International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences ____________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414
Vol. 6(10), 45-59, October (2017) Int. Res. J. Environmental Sci.

Pore Structure: In other to have a better knowledge of the Table-1, shows values of zeolites made up of sodium cations,
Zeolite structure, first we need to understand the pore structure. these cations are mobile and can be exchanged in the zeolite
Zeolites have pore structures that are characterized by cavities lattice. When these sodium cations present in the zeolite lattices
or channels present in the lattice of each zeolite and the pore has are exchanged by a potassium cations, the pore diameter is
volume and diameter that are typical for each zeolite. The reduced to 0.3 nm. Properties like the adsorption and catalytic
cavities are interconnected with one another by pores that also capacity of zeolite are affected by the right cation exchange8.
have specific diameter for each zeolite. Among these zeolites
that have channels, there are those zeolites that have channels The pore size and shape present in a zeolite framework affect
which run parallel to one another exhibiting a multidimensional the adsorption properties of a zeolite and its ability to act as a
and/or non-multidimensional crossing channel system. molecular sieve. Zeolites classification can be done base on the
pore size present in the zeolite framework and this can be
Table-1 shows the diameters (in m) of the pores for zeolite A, X defined by the number of T atoms present in the framework
and Y as well as the pore volumes (in %). where T = Silicon or Aluminium ion. The type of pore opening
system present in the zeolite framework is known to affect their
Table-1: The Diameter of the Pore in 10-10 m and pore volumes catalytic and adsorptive processes and presently we have: i. 8
(in %) of low silica zeolite8 member rings (often referred to as small pore size zeolite). An
example is the zeolite A. ii. 10 member rings (often referred to
Zeolites A X Y
as medium pore size zeolite). Example is ZSM-5 zeolite. iii. 12
Pore Diameter (10-10 m) 4.1 7.4 7.4 member ring (often referred to as the large pore size zeolite)
with zeolites X and Y as examples.
Pore Volume (%) 47 50 48
Figure-5 below shows examples of the three main pore systems
found in zeolite:

34 48(D4R) 4552 314553 4662

4454 4356 4863 4882(op) 424464

Figure-4: Some of the cage building units in zeolites12.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure-5: Structure of the pores in some zeolites showing (a) an 8-ring, zeolite A (b) a 10-ring, ZSM-5 (c) a 12-ring, zeolite Y11.

International Science Community Association 47

International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences ____________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414
Vol. 6(10), 45-59, October (2017) Int. Res. J. Environmental Sci.

To determine the nature of pore size in zeolites, a selection of 2 NaZ + MgCl2 ⇔ MgZ2 + 2 NaCl (2)
molecular probes is used for adsorption process through the
zeolite. For example cyclohexane with size 6.5 to 7.4Å cannot
Where: the zeolite is represented by Z.
be absorbed into an 8-member ring pore system but can be
readily absorbed into 12 member ring hence cyclohexane can be
A similar reaction occurs when protons from mineral acid or
used as a probe for only large pore zeolite and not small pore
ammonium hydroxide exchanges the cation present in the
zeolite. The classification of the pore structure in any zeolite is
zeolite framework resulting in a protonated zeolite which is
based on the dimensions and shape of the pore system11.
used as an acid catalyst. The ion exchange properties of zeolites
There are two major types of zeolites namely; natural and are widely used in detergents, treatment of waste or hard water
synthetic zeolite. There are over 200 types of zeolites available as well as in radionuclide separation10.
and of these, 50 are naturally occurring while the remaining 150
are synthetic zeolite. Natural zeolites are as a result of indirect As Catalysis: The use of zeolite as catalyst is another important
volcanic activities with the most common type of natural zeolite aspect for which zeolites have been applied industrially. About
being Clinoptilolite, while synthetic zeolites are manufactured 99% of the world’s petroleum that are sourced from crude oil is
either from natural raw materials such as kaolin or from dependent on the use of zeolite as catalyst, these catalytic
synthetic raw materials such as sodium aluminates and property of zeolites is as a result of the combination of the
silica13,14. Natural zeolites were first discovered in cavities and intrinsic properties found in zeolite and these properties are
vugs found in basalt rock and later they were seen in responsible for its overall behavior. However the production of
sedimentary rocks that are much closer to the earth crust. active sites also known as Bronsted sites as shown in Figure-4,
Natural zeolites were initially used in agriculture and as which result from the exchange of cations with ammonium
adsorbents14. The production of natural zeolite can be forecasted hydroxide and then calcination is regarded as one of the most
to exceed 50,000 metric tons per year while its sales is expected important step in zeolite catalyst production. These sites are
to reach 40,000 metric tons per year in a couple of years15 but referred to as the bridging hydroxyl which is formed at each
these natural zeolite has a problem of inconsistencies in their oxygen bridge site near the clustering of the Si-O-Al where the
properties as those obtained from the different areas of the same cation that neutralizes the negative charge is represented by
mine can exhibit a variation in chemical composition, also a protons. The Bronsted sites are the main reason zeolites are used
poor mineral deposit which may have as low as 15–20% zeolite as catalyst in industries and this is as a result of the formation
content making mining from such site expensive16-19, and finally the hydroxyl group inside the pore structure of the zeolite that
there is a potential human health risk from the inhalation of has high electrostatic field attracting organic reactant molecules
fibrous Erionite and Mordenite present in these natural zeolite resulting in a rearrangement of bonds especially during
sites which discourage their use as adsorbents20, 21. reactions that involves cracking.

It has been observed that natural zeolites have better resistance

to acid environments and greater thermal stability compared to
many common commercial synthetic adsorbents22-24 while their
thermal stability tends to increase with increasing Si/Al ratio
and the presence of alkaline cations in the zeolite
Figure-6: A schematic of the Bronsted acid Sites in Zeolite
Properties of Zeolite: As Ion Exchangers: Most zeolites have materials27.
a natural ion exchange ability making it to be commercially one
of the most important properties of zeolite. The ability of zeolite Some of the reactions that take place in the formation of
to exchange ions allow for cation replacement in the zeolite Bronsted acid sites are represented using equations 3 and 4
structure by an outside ion from the solution9. This property of respectively:
zeolite is as a result of the isomorphous substitution of the silica
ion (Si4+) by an aluminium ion (Al3+) in the zeolite framework
resulting in a negative charge. Different types of cations can be NaZ( s ) + NH + 4 ( aq ) ⇔ NH 4 Z ( s ) + Na + (3)
used to neutralize this negative charge given rise to a balanced NH 4 Z ( s ) → NH 3 + HZ ( s ) (4)
or neutral ionic zeolite framework. Generally, zeolites are
synthesized using the sodium (Na+) ion as the balancing or
neutralizing cation in the zeolite framework and in an ion The above reactions are mostly associated with zeolite having
exchanging reaction, other cations can easily replace the sodium low silica like zeolite X and zeolite Y, however for zeolites with
(Na+) ion. high silica content such as ZSM-5, mineral acids such as
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) or Tetraoxosulphate VI acid (H2SO4),
In the example below, Mg2+ exchanges with Na+ in zeolite can be used in the production of protonated zeolite by direct ion
framework as shown in equation 2 exchange resulting in the creation of the Bronsted site. Some

International Science Community Association 48

International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences ____________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414
Vol. 6(10), 45-59, October (2017) Int. Res. J. Environmental Sci.

important industrial applications of zeolites as catalyst are in the put inside a Teflon-lined Autoclave with hydrothermal synthesis
areas of catalytic cracking, hydro-isomerization, reduction of pressure (up to 15 bars) for optimum zeolite production. Since
NOX and xylene isomerisation. the temperatures required for the hydrothermal synthesis of
zeolite is much lower, this method is much easier and cheaper
As Adsorption Agent: Adsorption is a process whereby gas or than other methods28. Nucleation and crystallization of the
liquid molecules of a material adhere to a solid surface. This crystals do not necessarily occur in solution but can take place
process can be used in the separation of a mixture of species and at the gels present in the mixtures.
is dependent on the affinity of the mixture toward the solid
surface, while the solid surface is called the adsorbent, the Solvothermal method: Solvothermal method of zeolite
adhering molecule is referred to as adsorbate and the removal of synthesis involves the use of a solvent to produce the zeolite.
the molecules that adhered to the solid surface is known as Based on this broad description, the hydrothermal method can
desorption, this can be achieved by altering the pressure and also be said to be a member under this classification, since water
temperature of the system, allowing for the adsorbent to be is by far the most common solvent. There are however other
reused. The mechanism for adsorption in zeolite system depends solvents such as alcohols, hydrocarbons, pyridine etc. that had
on factors such as, pore size of the zeolite as well as the physical been used successfully for zeolite synthesis. The solvents used
and chemical makeup of the zeolite, other mechanisms are: i. in the solvothermal method of zeolite synthesis varies from
The adsorption selective equilibrium. ii. The rate of adsorption nonpolar and hydrophobic to polar and hydrophilic28.
selectivity, iii. The adsorption selective shape, iv. The ion
exchange of the adsorption. v. The reactivity of the adsorption. Ionothermal method: Ionothermal is another special category
of solvothermal synthesis method in which the solvent used are
The ability of zeolite to act as an adsorption agent irrespective mainly ionic compounds and are not molecular in nature as in
of the controlling mechanism is broadly influenced by some the case of the solvothermal solvents. The solvents used in the
specific properties of the zeolites. This property is a very ionothermal method of zeolite synthesis are called ionic liquids
important characteristic of zeolites because it directly influences and their ionic nature has an effect on some particular properties
the application of the zeolite as catalyst as well as a separator. such as low vapor pressures28.
The use of zeolite as adsorption agent also has both economic
and environmental benefit because of their application in oil Materials for Zeolite Synthesis: The synthesis of zeolites are
refining and petrochemical industries. usually carried out using the hydrothermal synthesis method
using commercial chemicals as the primary source of SiO2 and
Some important applications of the adsorption and molecular Al2O329. The production process of these chemicals is expensive
sieve properties of zeolite include their use as drying agent as leading to complications and high cost of zeolite synthesis,
seen in the gas drying column of the Gieger Mueller Counter, resulting in a limitation in commercialization and uses of these
gas separation and separation of mixture, other applications are: zeolites in many industrial applications13, from the above
i. Aromatic bonds removal from linear paraffin. ii. Removal of mention disadvantages, the use of cheap and relatively abundant
nitrogen, iii. Removal of oxygen, iv. Removal of sulphur. raw materials which serve as combined sources of silica and
alumina for the synthesis of zeolite is highly desirable30-32.
Methods Used in Zeolites Synthesis
As an example, the cost comparison of obtaining a silica and
Crystalline solid state materials production can be classified into alumina source from a chemical feedstock and kaolin/
two groups. There are those whose reaction occurs in solid state metakaolin has been carried out33, and the result shows that clay
and those where it occurs in liquid state. This solid state as a precursor to zeolite A synthesis has a comparative cost
reactions often occurs at temperatures above 300°C to overcome advantage of 15% over a commercial chemical such as sodium
the difficulties that arises from the transportation of the silicate.
reactants to the sites where this reaction takes place, while in the
other group the reactions occurs in the liquid phase, in the Synthetic zeolites made from natural or synthetic raw materials
presence of a solvent28 and since the transportation of molecules having wide range of chemical properties, pore size and better
is much easier in the liquid phase than in the solid phase, these thermal stability are commercially widely used compared to
syntheses are carried out at a relatively lower temperature, much natural zeolites because they are of higher purity and have a
lower than 300°C. Hence, the syntheses of zeolites are carried more uniform particle size5,6,8.
out in the liquid phase and there are three methods used in the
synthesis of zeolites and they include: The preparation of synthetic zeolite from silica and alumina
chemical sources are expensive, yet cheaper raw materials such
Hydrothermal method: Hydrothermal method is the earliest as clay minerals, natural zeolite, municipal solid waste, coal
method of synthesis of zeolite in which synthesis is carried out ashes, industrial slag, incineration ashes etc. are being used as
in the presence of water as solvent, base solution as mineralizer starting materials for zeolite synthesis6. Presently a lot of
and at temperature range of 90–180°C. The reactants are usually researches are ongoing with respect to the use of clay and other

International Science Community Association 49

International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences ____________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414
Vol. 6(10), 45-59, October (2017) Int. Res. J. Environmental Sci.

raw materials in zeolite synthesis, which has the advantage of Mezni et al.63 used Tunisian illite clay to produce a mixed
being relatively cheaper, readily available and more phases of zeolite X and RHA. This was made possible by the
abundant34,35. fusion of the Tunisian illite clay with sodium hydroxide
solutions and heating the mixture hydrothermally at 110˚C for
Table-2: A tabular representation of cheap, abundant and 96 hours.
readily available raw materials that has been used to synthesize
zeolite and the type of zeolite synthesized: Atta et al.50 used Kankara kaolin and rice husk ash mixture to
Name of Raw Type of Zeolite produce zeolite P and Analcime with the conventional
Material Synthesized hydrothermal method of zeolite synthesis in the presence of
NaX, NaA, Y, ZSM-5, 36-49 sodium hydroxide solution. The aging process lasted 72 hours
Kaolin and the subsequent crystallization of the mixture was done at a
RHA, Hydroxysodalite, β
50-53 temperature of 80˚C and a time of 24 hours.
Rich Husk ash Analcime, Y
54 Saceda et al.53 synthesized Zeolite Y by partially substituting
Fly Ash X-type Zeolite
rice husk ash with chemicals of high purity and crystallization
Waste Perlite Na-P1 55 of the zeolite was done at 100˚C.

SiO2 Sinter and

Zeolite Y, P and gmelinite 56 Ma et al.38 synthesized zeolite type X using kaolin as the
Perlite glass. precusor material and the conventional method of zeolite
Template-free synthesis by the fusion of the kaolin with sodium hydroxide at a
batches of macro- 57 temperature of 90˚C for 8 hours.
porous α-alumina
disks D. Georgiev et al.39 studied the most important stage during the
Halloysite 58 synthesis of zeolite NaX from Bulgarian clay as the basic raw
mineral material. The use of additives such as sodium hydroxide and
59 lithium hydroxide helps the crystallization optimization and to
Lithium Slag NaX-1
achieve a high pure phase of the synthesized zeolite which took
Brazilian place after 36 hours at a temperature of 95oC.
chrysotile and NaA
rice husk. S. Chandrasekhar30, investigated the effect of calcination
61 temperature on the synthesis of zeolite 4A from kaolin. The clay
Coal Fly Ash Hydroxysodalite or Na-P1
used was gotten from Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala,
Silicic acid and India with a fairly good crystallinity, having a Hinckley Index =
Sodium ZSM-5 0.79. It was concluded that, the optimum temperature of
aluminate dehydroxylation was 900oC for a period of 1 hour, also zeolite
4A with 80% crystallinity and good brightness was formed at a
From Kaolin: Faujasite zeolites has been synthesized using metakaolin temperature of 900oC and a holding time of 4 to 5
kaolin samples from Kankara Nigeria by Atta et al.36. Sodium hours. Zeolite with similar crystallinity has been successfully
hydroxide was fused into the kaolin and the resulting mixture synthesized using other metakaolinzation temperature when the
was allowed to age for 3 days and subsequently crystallized at reaction is carried out for a longer period of 8 hours.
100˚C for 24 hours. The resulting product was a zeolite having
mixed phase of zeolite X and zeolite Y. Ugal et al.64 prepared zeolite 4A from Iraqi clay. This was
carried out by first exposing the clay to a high temperature of
Christidis et al.56 synthesized faujasite type zeolite from silica
about 550oC for 1.5 h where it was converted to metakaolin.
and pearlite. Both the silica and the pearlite were mixed in
They came to the conclusion that it is possible to use Iraqi
sodium hydroxide solution and commercial form of aluminium
kaolinite clay to prepare type 4A zeolite by converting it to
hydroxide was dissolved in the sodium hydroxide to produce the
metakaolinite via the calcination of the kaolin at a temperature
synthesized gel. Crystallization of the gel to produce zeolite was
of 550oC and then using sodium hydroxide for ion exchange to
done at a temperature of 90˚C for 120 hours and mixed phases
insert the sodium ion into its structure. The structure was
of zeolite Y, zeolite P and gmelinite were produced.
characterized by XRD spectroscopy and water adsorption
Htay and Oo37 produced zeolite Y from kaolin by fusing kaolin capacity of 92% efficiency was obtained.
with sodium hydroxide at a temperature of 850˚C for 3 hour.
The fused mixture was hydrothermally crystallized at 100˚C for Omoleye et al.43 compared the zeolite obtained from Nigerian
16 hours and the product was mixed phases of zeolite Y and clay (Elefun in Ogun State) and that obtained from a
zeolite P. commercial zeolite Y. The process involves the bounding of
sodium hydroxide with dealurninated kaolinite clay in a ratio of

International Science Community Association 50

International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences ____________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414
Vol. 6(10), 45-59, October (2017) Int. Res. J. Environmental Sci.

2.5: 1 by weight and molar composition of 6SiO2 : Al2O3 : was aged for 24 h and then crystallized at a temperature of 90˚C
9Na2O: 24H2O 44. They concluded that the comparison of the X- for 22 hours.
ray diffraction, Lattice spacing and SEM results for prepared
zeolite Y catalyst with that of Standard zeolite Y shows that the Petkowicz et al.60 studied the synthesis of zeolite NaA from
developed catalyst is approximately the same with the standard. Brazilian chrysotile and rice husk. Chrysotile was used in its
natural form and after leaching in a typical acid leaching
Atta et al.36 studied the synthesis of Faujasite Zeolites from treatment, 30 g of chrysotile were refluxed with a HCl solution
Kankara kaolin Clay. The clay being unreactive was (5 mol L-1) for 2 days at 80oC, according to procedure described
transformed to a more reactive (amorphous) form by subjecting in the literature68. The resulting chrysotile was thoroughly
it to heating at 600oC before using it as a reactant. washed with distilled water and then dried in an oven at a
Dealumination of metakaolin was effected by leaching out the temperature of100oC. The resulting leached material was
structural alumina with sulphuric acid, to meet the silica– labeled an LChr. It was concluded that Zeolite NaA can be
alumina mole ratio65, 66 required for the targeted zeolite. synthesized by a direct hydrothermal route, using silica from
Chrysotile and rice husk as a silica source. Brazilian Chrysotile
Kovo et al.45 investigated the synthesis and characterization of and rice husk seems to be good alternative silica sources for
zeolite Y and ZSM-5 from Nigerian Ahoko Kaolin using a zeolite NaA synthesis. In the case of Chrysotile, in its natural
novel, lower temperature, metakaolinization technique. In their form, no zeolitic material could be obtained, demanding a
study, 30 kg of raw representative sample of kaolin clay was leaching procedure before its use. Even then, traces of non-
used along with sodium hydroxide which was obtained from reacted Chrysotile could be detected in the resulting zeolites.
Sigma-Aldrich (99% analytical grade). From the study it was Except in the use of natural Chrysotile, all the other investigated
concluded that reactive metakaolin can be produced at very possibilities afford highly crystalline zeolite NaA.
short exposure times, of the order of 10 minutes, to a
temperature of 600oC. This is a significant reduction in both Dalai et al.41 synthesized and characterization NaX and Cu-
time and temperature on previous studies and represents both a exchanged NaX zeolite from silica obtained using rice husk ash.
reduced energy requirement and the potential for a continuous Rice husk ash, sodium hydroxide, Aluminium hydroxide and
production process. silica gel were used as the starting materials. The silica solution
was first prepared by treating the rice husk ash with 2.5 molar
Farag and Zhang46, simulated the synthesis of zeolite 4A and 5A aqueous sodium hydroxide solution at a temperature of 800C for
by calcining kaolin at temperatures between 500 and 600oC to a period of 5 h with continues shaking. They concluded that a
form metakaolin. The metakaolin is then mixed with caustic number of zeolite types such as NaX, PC, analcime and
soda and water in a gel make-up tank to produce zeolite 4A gel. hydroxysodalite were synthesized using silica obtained from
To obtain zeolite 5A, zeolite 4A gel is fed to an ion exchanger, rice husk ash. A series of NaCuX zeolite were also prepared by
where it is mixed with calcium chloride and water. In this exchanging Na of the synthesized NaX with copper.
process some of Na+ ions in zeolite 4A gel are replaced by
calcium ions, Ca2+. The wet zeolite 5A was then allowed to pass From Fly Ash: Ojha et al.54 studied the synthesis and
through a dryer to remove part of the water and form the dry characterization of zeolite from fly ash. They concluded that X
zeolite at 1000 F. It was observed that, in the kaolin conversion type zeolite can be synthesized from fly ash by alkali fusion
process to produce Zeolites 5A, hydrogen and oxygen followed by hydrothermal treatment and that the fly ash, could
utilization efficiency can be improved via water and steam be converted to pure X-type zeolite using suitable treatment
recycling while Oxygen and Sodium utilization efficiency can conditions, the properties of the zeolite formed strongly depend
be improved through Na2O recycling. Also, in the hydrogel upon these treatment conditions and concentrations of the raw
process that produces Zeolite 4A water recycling can improve materials. Zeolites having varying surface area, silica/alumina
Hydrogen and Oxygen utilization efficiency. ratio, and crystallinity were obtained when the reaction
parameters are altered, the crystallinity of the synthesized
From Rice Husk: Khabuanchalad et al.67 synthesized zeolite Y zeolite was also found to change with fusion temperature and
using rice husk ash as the source of alumina and silica. The rice have a maximum value of 823 K, for best quality, in terms of
husk ash was then fused in sodium hydroxide solution. The surface area and crystallinity, X type zeolite can be obtained at
synthetic gel was gotten by mixing the fused ash with a the following conditions, NaOH/fly ash ratio of 1:3, fusion
commercial sodium aluminate. Hydrothermally crystallization temperature, 823 K, aging time of 24 hours and 6 hours for the
of the synthetic gel was carried out at a temperature of 100˚C hydrothermal treatment.
for 24 h and zeolite Y and zeolite P were obtained.
Other Sources: D. Mravec et al.62 investigated the synthesis of
Rahman et al. synthesize Faujasite zeolite with rice husk ash zeolite ZSM-5 in the presence of ethylamine in aqueous
as the precusor material. The synthetic gel was produce by medium by adding drops of hydrosol of silicic acid into an
mixing the rice husk ash and sodium hydroxide solution with aqueous solution of amine and sodium aluminate. The prepared
commercial sodium aluminate and the synthetic gel produced mixture was homogenized for 20 minutes at laboratory

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International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences ____________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414
Vol. 6(10), 45-59, October (2017) Int. Res. J. Environmental Sci.

temperature and poured into an ampoule where it was kept at a aluminum source was used to synthesis the NaA zeolite this was
given temperature for a certain time. After cooling, the done by using alkaline fusion followed by hydrothermal
crystalline portion was filtered off, thoroughly washed with treatment method. The results show that, pure form, single
distilled water, and dried for 4 h in a vacuum drier at a phase and highly crystalline NaA zeolite can be successfully
temperature of 110°C. They observed that well crystallized synthesized from halloysite mineral by hydro-thermal method.
zeolite of the ZSM-5 type originated from the sol of silicic acid
and sodium aluminate in the presence of aqueous solution of Chen et al.72 investigated the synthesis and characterization of
ethylamine at a temperature of 150°C in the course of seven zeolite NaX-1 from lithium slag. Sodium hydroxide and lithium
days. If the ratio n(ethylamine): n(SiO2) was equal to 1.7, the slag was mixed in a 1.5 weight ratio then the mixture was milled
proposed procedure yields zeolites with high degree of and fusion of the mixture was carried out in a platinum crucible
crystallinity. at a temperature of 600oC for 4 hours. The fused mixture was
then cooled at room temperature, crushed and water was added
Barth-Wirshing et al.55 used waste pearlite to synthesize zeolites to form slurry, the slurry was stirred mechanically for 30
at temperatures between 100 and140˚C in sodium hydroxide minutes and aged in a Teflon beaker at room temperature for 12
solutions, aluminium was added to the solution and hydroxyl- hours, and kept at 95oC for 8 hours without stirring. The
sodalite was obtained as the end product. resulting precipitate was then repeatedly washed with distilled
water to remove excess sodium hydroxide, filtered and dried.
Wajima et al.69 synthesized zeolite Na-P1 from paper sludge ash The synthesized zeolite was called “NaX-1”.
and diatomite. Sodium hydroxide solution was used as the
reacting medium and hydrothermal crystallization was carried Applications of Zeolites
out for 12 hours at a temperature of 90˚C.
Since the introduction of zeolite into the market in the 1950's,
Douglas et al.70 investigated the use of the by-product of zeolite consumption and its application in industrial processes
aluminum etching process for the production of zeolite by has steadily increased. This increase has accelerated in recent
hydrogel process. They observed that the analysis of the years due to their utilization in detergents as shown in Table-3.
chemical composition of the raw materials and the products,
demonstrates that the by-product can be used to produce high Table-3: Manufacturing Capacity and Consumption of Zeolite
quality zeolite because, it carries a large amount of Al2O3 which A in Detergent Industry in 1995 (in 103 tons per annum)8.
is usable as raw materials for zeolites synthesis. The synthetic Western Northern
Far East
zeolites were prepared using hydrogel process at 60-90°C for 1 Europe Europe
h and mole ratio of reactants is about two. Consumption 600 317 248
Halil Kalipcilar and Ali Culfaz57, synthesized ZSM-5 crystals Capacity 1077 453 522
from template-free batches on macro-porous α-alumina disks
and reported that: The SiO2/Al2O3 ratio of the synthesis gel
influenced the crystal morphology, surface coverage and Natural and synthetic zeolite has played an important and
intergrowth among the crystals. Prismatic ZSM-5 crystals integral part of many industrial processes. The world demand
covered the disk surface when the SiO2/Al2O3 ratio of the batch for zeolite has continued to increase with the world demand for
was higher than 100, whereas spherical polycrystalline particles synthetic zeolite estimated to be approximately 1.8 million
of ZSM-5 were obtained from batches with a SiO2/Al2O3 ratio metric tons while the demand for natural zeolite was projected
of 80. to hit 5.5 metric tons by 201073. Both types of zeolite are
important in modern day industry. 90% of natural zeolites are
Mordenite type zeolite was formed on the disk surface due to mainly used in the construction with the remaining used in
the incorporation of alumina dissolved from the disk when the animal feeding, horticulture, treatment of hard water, in odor
time of crystallization was extended. The effects of silica source control and etc.
and seeding of the support surface with 0.3 and 2 µm ZSM-5
crystals on the morphology of zeolite layer were also Synthesized zeolites are applied chiefly in process industries. A
investigated. The purity, surface coverage and SiO2/Al2O3 ratio data obtained in 2001 shows that about 81% of synthetic zeolite
of ZSM-5 crystals increased in the order of silica sol containing is used in the detergent industry while others find application as
methanol, silica sol and silicic acid. Seeding decreased the catalysis, adsorption. Zeolites utilize the ion exchanging
length of prismatic ZSM-5 crystals from 45 µm to 10 µm and characteristic to function as an additive in detergents. In
increased the surface coverage. detergency zeolites, typically zeolite A (LTA), act as a water
softener preventing carbonate precipitation through the
Zhao et al.71 studied the preparation of highly ordered cubic exchange of calcium and magnesium ions with the highly
NaA zeolite from halloysite mineral for adsorption of mobile sodium ion present in the zeolite framework74. The
ammonium ions. Halloysite mineral which serve as silicon and increased application of zeolites in the detergent industry can be

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International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences ____________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414
Vol. 6(10), 45-59, October (2017) Int. Res. J. Environmental Sci.

attributed to environmental concern. The use of phosphate Using waste materials for the purpose of zeolite synthesis helps
builder has been banned in most countries because it causes to mitigate environmental pollution.
eutrophication and is difficult to degrade when placed in water
bodies, hence zeolites i.e. zeolite A and zeolite X offer a good Kaolin is also a good precusor material for zeolite synthesis
replacement because of their high ion exchanging capacities. because its structure is represented by a silica tetrahedral sheet
linked to octahedral sheets of Al(O,OH)6 by the sharing of an
The application of zeolites has its largest economic impact in oxygen atom. Zeolites produced from natural kaolin have
the fuel catalytic cracking (FCC) processes. Zeolites give an always been discovered to contain trace amount impurity
increased yield over amorphous catalyst to the tune of around 1 elements, which were originally present in the kaolin. These
billion US dollars a year75. Zeolite Y and ZSM-5 are two of the elements affect their characteristic properties such as their
most important zeolites used in FCC catalysis. In fact ZSM-5 catalytic activity, brightness, adsorption capability, electrical
zeolite is regarded as a good octane booster. Other octane properties, etc. of the zeolite. Currently, lots of research work
booster zeolites in FCC operation include mordenite, silicalites, are ongoing in different areas of zeolite synthesis using
MCM-20 and zeolite beta. kaolin1,78,79, illite, smectite, interstratified illite-smectite80,
montmorillonite81 and bentonite78,82 as precusor materials,
Another example of the use of zeolites in catalysis is in though the benefits of zeolite synthesis using kaolin as the
hydrocracking which involves the conversion of higher primary source of aluminosilicate are widely known34,35. Many
paraffins over noble metal containing zeolite catalysts to yield researchers have researched on the preparation of different types
distillate products. The description of the hydrocracking of zeolite using kaolin and other raw materials as the primary
processes including all the mechanism are well documented 77 source of aluminosilicate and great progress has been made in
but the main point is the crucial role played by zeolite catalyst in synthesis of zeolite A, Mordenite type of, zeolite X, zeolite Y
the process in the replacement of old catalysts such as alumina. etc.

Current Trends in Zeolite Application Calcination of the kaolin at temperatures ranging from 550°C
and 950°C is usually done in order to convert the unreactive
Presently, some of the problems encountered in the synthesis of kaolin into a more reactive metakaolin. Only a little of the
zeolites include the availability and high cost of obtaining the hydrated alumina octahedral is maintained and the rest is
primary source of silica and alumina used in zeolite synthesis. converted to a more reactive tetra- or penta- coordinated units 83.
Also both the reactivity and selectivity of commercial silica The temperature and time at which the kaolin is calcined
found in gels, sols, and in amorphous solids vary. Zeolites strongly influences the reactivity of the synthesized zeolite and
synthesized using chemicals as the primary source of to obtain a very reactive metakaolin, several researchers have
aluminosilicate are expensive but alternatively cheap and suggested calcination temperatures between 600°C and 800°C
readily available raw materials, like silica fume, kaolin, natural and a calcination time of 30 min to 2 h 31, 82, 84.
zeolites, fly ash, ashes from the incineration of municipal solid
waste and industrial slags can be used to replace these expensive
chemicals as the precusor materials for the synthesis of zeolites.

Figure-7: Chart showing the percentage utilization of synthetic zeolites in 200876.

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International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences ____________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414
Vol. 6(10), 45-59, October (2017) Int. Res. J. Environmental Sci.

Currently the use of zeolite has advanced in the following areas: natural zeolite and bentonite can be added to chick diets to
prevent food poisoning resulting from the presence of
In Agriculture: Presently, zeolites are used in the food mycotoxins in their diet.
industry. Breweries use zeolites (NaA or/and LiX) to stabilize
beer through the absorption of enzymes/proteins whose Zeolites have been shown to affects the characteristics of eggs.
responsibility it is to further degrade the beer. Dealuminated In Greece it has been observed that clinoptilolite helps improves
zeolite Y helps in the removal of alcohol from beer while fatty the weights of the albumen and yolk in egg. The benefits of
acids present in edible oil can be eliminated using zeolite X. Clinoptilolite in egg and albumen weight is not affected by how
Zeolite are also used in the preparation of the formula for old the hen is and its diet the hen was subjected to89,90.
toothpaste production.
Radionuclide Removal: Research has shown that several
Zeolites have been used successfully as soil additives to natural zeolites have the ability to accept some radionuclide
improve the yield of agricultural products. The mercury such as 90Sr, 137Cs, 51Cr, 45Ca, and 60Co. Zeolites such as
adsorption by plants and its subsequent entry into the food chain Mordenite, has effectively removed 137Cs and 90Sr found in
can be restricted using natural zeolites85. For instance, contaminated soils91. Clinoptilolite also shows a significant
considerable amounts of NH4+ can selectively be removed from protective effect in the reduction of 137Cs accumulation in male
wastewater using Italian chabazite-rich tuff zeolite. The zeolite broiler that has come in contact with alimentary contamination.
also be reused in the correction of soil for the cultivation of
common vegetables and flowers 85 while the wastewater can be Clinoptilolite supplement mixed with chicken feeds removed
treated with zeolite to strongly reduce the ammonia. After it has 137Cs deposited in some body parts of animals that has been
been used, the ammonia enriched zeolite acts like a fertilizer to exposed and contaminated after dietary administration of 2.5, 5
give high efficiency in agriculture86. It has been reported that the and 10% of clinoptilolite, zeolite results in radionuclide 137Cs
reason for the successes that have been recorded regarding a elimination increases and the radioisotope deposit found inside
well-known Hungarian wine called “Bull Blood” is related to some sensitive organs like the liver, muscles of the femur and
the type of cellars the winemakers use in the Eger’s mountains kidneys decreased. The removal of radionuclide was
which are made from zeolite-rich soils. The zeolite helps the experimented with preventive as well as corrective
soil to maintain a constant level of atmospheric humidity during administration of clinoptilolite from 24 hours after the first
the wine maturation stages87. contamination of brown rats92,93. Akyuz, et al. reported that
clinoptilolite found in the deposit of these radioisotopes act as
In Animal Production: The addition of clinoptilolite (a natural excellent absorber for ions of elements like Cs and Sr and can
zeolite) to animal diet has been found to be of great benefits in also be used in the treatment of wastewater from radioactive
the rearing of animals like pigs where pigs fed with diets sites among its other uses in the de-contamination of other
containing clinoptilolite have shown significant gain in weight hazardous materials94.
and high resistance to sickness than those fed with normal diets
they also exhibited normal digestion, increased appetite for Heavy metals and organic poison removal: Waters
food, and increased meat content while the fat content reduces contaminated with heavy metals are one of the pollution
significantly. Zeolites such as clinoptilolite, chabazite, problems faced in the world because of its effect on the food
mordenite, erionite, and phillipsite have shown great ability to chain. Natural zeolite is particularly applied in the removing of
absorb hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide and ammonia as well ammonia and heavy metals such as Cadmium ions, Lead ions,
as having deodorizing effect. Zinc ions, Copper ions and partially Chromium ions. Generally,
Clinoptilolite has high stability in acidic environment showing
There is the possibility that zeolite has the ability to remove high ability to absorb many heavy metals.
toxin and bring about changes in enzymes and immune system
responses and all of these events have resulted from the addition Malion et al.95 has proven that zeolite pore size have no effect
of zeolites in animal feeds. In the production of eggs by hens on the actual absorption of metallic ion at the equilibrium point.
also, 16-week-old pullets were divided into three strains, the However when the contact between the solid/liquid phase is
first stain were given feeds with 135g protein/kg only the little, the ability of the zeolite to remove heavy metallic ions
second were fed with 135g protein/kg mixed with 50g from the liquid is adversely affected. This is an important
clinoptilolite/kg and the third were fed with 135g protein/kg and parameter in the area of waste water treatment. A kinetic curves
sterile river sand which act as control to maintain iso-energetic has been developed to show the selectivity of zeolite for Pb
in the diets87. ions, and significant amounts of Cd ions that can be removed by
The diet of chicks containing Clinoptilolite greatly reduced the
dangerous effects of aflatoxin because the presence of Mercury which is known to be poisonous to humans on
clinoptilotile strongly adsorbs aflatoxins and zearalenone which injection and have a negative impact on animal health is being
are responsible for this effect88. Mineral adsorbents such as used in a lot of industries as catalysts, pigments, batteries and in

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International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences ____________________________________________ISSN 2319–1414
Vol. 6(10), 45-59, October (2017) Int. Res. J. Environmental Sci.

agriculture such as in the manufacturing of antifungal in hen, these zeolites also have significant effects on the
insecticides, which has resulted in the pollution of the aquatic formation and structure of bones. Synthetic zeolite such as
environment, which can lead to the presence of mercury in the zeolite A has therapeutic ability in helping people suffering
biological and hydrological cycles, but the remarkable rate of from abnormal loss of bony tissue resulting in fragile porous
mercury removal from aqueous solutions with the use of NaCl bones attributed to a lack of calcium, common in women who
pretreated pure heulandite crystals and NaCl pretreated are postmenopausal and this is as a result of their ability to
clinoptilolite found in rock samples have been observed and stimulate bone formation103. Zeolite A has also been reported to
reported 96, hence, the chemically pretreated zeolite has a role to enhance the rapid multiplication and growth that occurs in older
plays in heavy metal removal and it can be proposed that men or women104.
materials made of natural zeolite can be applied in the removal
of heavy metals from solutions. The bonding of the metal to the Enzymes Encapsulation: Various techniques has been used to
zeolite can be attributed to ion exchange and surface absorption insert active sites like metallic cations into zeolite framwork and
processes97. this has been used to develop a ship in a bottle system that
allows for enzymes encapsulation105-107. This has also given
Hemodialysis, Anesthesiology and Hemoperfusion birth to an exciting pharmacological application of zeolites and
Application: Zeolite with the ability to remove impurities, have mesoporous silicate encapsulation of different ions and
been used in hemodialysis processes98. The removal of NH3 molecules having delayed release properties, giving rise to
from a re-circulating dialysis stream is a major challenge among many enzymes being encapsulated and released with almost full
others in the development of a regenerable hemodialysis system activity. Also Clinoptilolite impregnated with Zn and Ag in its
that is very portable. Zeolites such as zeolite F, zeolite W and pore and salicylic acid on the zeolite surface has been applied
Clinoptilolite have been found to have high ammonia ion for the treatment of skin diseases and as support materials for
exchange capacity and thus can be used in hemodialysis enzymes and antibodies105,108.
Zeolites with high ion exchange capability have been used to
show high level of selective adsorption. This was achieved by Zeolite is an aluminosilicate mineral having tetrahedral building
the use of a high silica zeolite absorber that was placed in the units made up of [SiO4]4- and [AlO4]5-. Since its introduction in
outlet of an anesthesia machine99. Zeolites shows almost the 1960’s, it has been applied in a wide range of areas starting
complete desorption which takes place at controlled temperature from its use as catalysts in catalytic cracking, water softeners
and condensation of the desflurane to a liquid state unlike and molecular sieves. The current trend in its application is in
charcoal filters and results prove that high percentage of the agriculture, medicine etc. and the application areas keep
desflurane can be recovered having high purity through increasing. Its versatility is based on the fact that many different
desorption process100. Some zeolites have also been used as raw materials can and have been successfully used in its
cartridge in hemoperfusion. Clinoptilolite has serve as a light synthesis. The use of readily available, cheap and abundant raw
tight supply chamber used for hemoperfusion101. materials in the synthesis of zeolite has been proven to produce
good quality zeolites compared to the use of rather expensive
Cosmetic and Dermatological Application: Zeolites are chemicals that are also in use to produce them.
currently being used in the protection of polymers from
degradation resulting from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, Acknowledgement
other outward applications are in the areas of cosmetic and
dermatology has been considered. Zeolites in powdery form The authors greatly acknowledge the financial support from the
have found application in the treatment of athletic foot and it Central Research Committee of the University of Lagos under
has proven to be effective, it also shorten the time required for the grant: CRC 2016:14
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